Happy new year quality service. Official congratulations on the new year in prose

Fortunately or unfortunately, for most of us, work has long become something more than a banal means of earning money. It is in the workplace that we spend most of our time, and for many, it even captures weekends. And this means that colleagues play an important role in the life of a modern person, and often we share the most valuable moments with them. And this means that original ideas for congratulating colleagues on the New Year are especially valuable. In this article, we have selected for you the best congratulations in verse for the team on the new year 2018. Choose!

Happy New Year greetings to employees in verse

May the New Year bring you
prosperity and income.
May success accompany
To know no interference in anything.

May health be strong
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
In the world - peace, and in families - harmony.
All wage increases.

Lots of strength and optimism
Travel and Tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.
All colleagues, Happy New Year!

Our dear colleagues!
A magical New Year is coming
And with him - about a miracle! - weekend,
Which are so lacking!

Let it be foldable for everyone,
Successful, profitable, encouraging,
And let the past year
Take your problems with you!

Let your worries leave you
And sickness, and adversity,
Hopelessness will go away.
And the desired hope will lead you through life.

We wish each other
Happiness, money, long years,
Stretching out their hands to each other
Let's sing to the whole world:

"With new happiness, Happy New Year!"
Clink of glasses, as always,
And burns above the sky
Star of Bethlehem!

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
New Year's time!
We decorate the Christmas tree together,
Decorate your office in style!
To a friendly team
It's great to celebrate the New Year!
For happiness to be with us
Let's get things done!
So that the boss loves us,
Allowances, premiums paid.
So that the trade union representative does not offend,
If anything, then defended.
And an accountant so as not to be greedy,
Sweet, kind and pleasant.

I congratulate you, colleagues.
I wish you creative victories
So that the boss does not get
He gave money without stint.
There will be a holiday, there will be a Christmas tree
There will be dancing, there will be vodka.
The wives will go crazy
And the husbands will thump.
This is how you celebrate the New Year
All the people are at work.
Well, if not,
The year just goes by.

Work constantly in such a team,
Where friendship and help will always be in force,
Where the joy of communication will replace the scandal,
How lucky I was with the work, I did not even know.
I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year.
Let us be friends without regret.
I wish you the sun under the sky!
Let me read a little congratulations.

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year,
I sincerely wish you happiness, health,
God bless you for a whole year
Without sadness, sadness and worries.
Always work with success
Don't get sick and don't be lazy
Good luck in all your affairs,
And joyful smiles on the lips.

We won't work today
Expecting a magical miracle.
Happy New Year to each other:
Let the year be monetary, joyful.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues,
I wish you luck in entering.
May fate give you amulets.
I congratulate you on the winter fairy tale!

My favorite colleagues!
We are all running in the same race.
And in this New Year's hour
I want to congratulate all of you:

May our team be strong!
Let salaries grow steadily!
And let the peaks of labor
We will be conquered without effort!

Let the boss not be strict
Don't judge us for mistakes
And more often he gives an award,
And so let the whole year pass!

Congratulations to colleagues on the upcoming New Year in prose

My dear colleagues, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday! All the gifts that the Monkey gave us can be left last year if they are not particularly valuable to you. We are now entering a completely new stage in our lives. The only qualities that still should not be left are dedication and hard work. Without which the successful work of our company would not be possible. I want to wish you to find your exciting, memorable project. And let all the surprises be only pleasant!

Dear colleagues! The outgoing old year is always a little sorry. However, should we be sad? Remembering this year, I want to immediately say about the leap that our company has made. This is some kind of incredible cycle of events - new clients, amazing partners, financial success, entering new markets ... You can talk endlessly. And all this is solely our merit. However, in the coming year, I would very much like this bonfire of events to ignite with renewed vigor. Let what we are still afraid to even think about become a reality. Happy New Year!

On this festive day, we traditionally congratulate the very best - beloved husbands and wives, friends, parents. And, of course, colleagues! Colleagues who have become like a second family to us. Let's be honest, this year has not been easy. But its value lies in the fact that together we managed to overcome hundreds of difficulties. This happened due to the fact that they were able to find a common language, hear each other, not be offended in difficult situations. And most importantly, to maintain our warm, friendly relations. In this composition, our team can only continue to develop and flourish. We remain the very team that can conquer any peak. For us! Happy New Year!

Dear friends and colleagues! We have all been looking forward to this year with great impatience, because it will mark a completely new stage in our professional activities. My New Year's greetings to colleagues are filled with maximum warmth and sincerity, because we must enter this new stage, holding each other's hands and opportunities. Do not hesitate: the Dog will definitely bring with it new achievements, creative victories, success and prosperity. Congratulations!

Sometimes from the outside it may seem to ordinary people that people work in our company solely because of high salaries. But you and I know that every specialist of our company gets great pleasure and satisfaction from what he does. We have big goals that we are moving towards without seeing any obstacles. Agree that it makes sense to work furiously all year to now see our director in the Shrek costume, and the chief accountant in the image of the Snow Maiden? And how amazingly the secretary dances on the table, and how beautiful the programmers who fell asleep at the bar are! Let's continue this evening in the same spirit, so that there is something to remember! Happy holiday!

New Year's greetings to the boss

Dear our boss,
Sweet chef and nice boss!
In the New Year we wish you
May your business grow and grow.

So that sponsored colleagues
In our faces, so to speak
Everything could and everything was able,
For you to make a profit.

So that the year was without checks,
So that without crises and troubles.
We will help you, because, honestly,
There is no better boss in the world.

Happy New Year I want to congratulate
Wish inspiration and peace,
So that you get a star from the sky
And the apartment was filled with goodness.

Let everything be - honor and success,
Raise, pay raise
New Year's joy and laughter
The smell of the Christmas tree and the news by the way.

Prosper always, every day
Climb higher and higher,
To be remembered fondly
Everyone who is lower in rank and rank!

We hasten to congratulate you with the whole team,
We wish you a prosperous New Year,
And all of us are just as wise to rule
And solve all pressing problems in an instant,

We wish you great success in your career,
Luck, success for a hundred years,
We wish you to always be the first in everything,
We wish you valiant victories in your work!

And in the personal life of joy and happiness,
Welfare, family warmth,
To bypass your hearth of bad weather,
May your life be beautiful!

How to congratulate the leader on the New Year in prose

Dear leader! It is believed that there are three types of directors: those who ask to do something in a good way. Those that require something to be done in a rude manner. And there are those who know how to work and support their employees for real! That is who you are, and we will continue to look up to you. Happy New Year!

Our dear boss! We have already voiced New Year's greetings to our partners, and now we want to say words of gratitude to you. Indeed, without you, we would not have been able to reach such heights in our professional activities. Your leadership can be safely called fair, and this is very important for every employee. And although you are often very demanding of us, at the same time you are distinguished by an amazing consistency in your affairs. You supported us in any difficult situation, and we appreciate it. We expect only the best from this year. Happy holiday!

Photo: according to Google requests

Congratulations and wishes for a Happy New Year

May the coming year bring many pleasant events and happy moments. Let new perspectives appear and the tasks set come true! We wish good health, good luck and love to you and your loved ones! Good mood and fulfillment of the most cherished desires on New Year's Eve!

New Year's greetings to the boss

Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the New Year! I wish you good health, great personal happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible energy, the realization of all professional plans! May the New Year bring you success in the important work that you are doing! May your best endeavors always be accompanied by creative inspiration and creative initiative, and your energy and ingenuity serve as the key to the successful implementation of your plans. I would like to wish you to always be surrounded by the warmth and love of your loved ones, the respect of colleagues and friends, and a good mood and elation will always accompany your life! Love, kindness and prosperity!

Happy New Year greetings to employees

Dear Colleagues. Happy New Year to all of you. New Year is a fabulous holiday, always expected and always loved. He always carries the hope for the best, the expectation of good changes. A lot of events happened in the past year, joyful and not so much. But whatever happens, it is gone and new, fresh, joyful will come. I wish all of us health, success, prosperity, good partners, successful transactions and high efficiency. Happy New Year!

New Year's greetings to employees

The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the outgoing year will certainly find their continuation in the coming year. May the New Year bring you well-being, the fulfillment of your cherished dream, strengthen your faith in the future, and may success accompany all your undertakings always and in everything. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

Reliability, stability and prosperity are the key to the success of our cooperation! Please accept our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let the coming year be full of new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success! And the first lines of all information programs will not be occupied by show business news
, and the news of your sensational successes! Good luck and Happy Holidays!

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year official

Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the New Year bring you prosperity, the fulfillment of your cherished dream and strengthen your faith in the future. May success accompany all your undertakings always and in everything. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

New Year's greetings not in verse

Inhaling the winter air, mixed with the aroma of spruce, tangerines and something else wonderful and fabulous, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year!
May all your hopes, all your wildest desires and expectations come true, because this holiday is magical! Good health to you and only happy days in the new year!

Congratulations on the New Year of the head

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! The New Year is a special holiday: it gives hope for happiness and good luck, brings the joy of new beginnings. The outgoing year was full of important events and accomplishments.
In the coming year, we wish you good health, happiness, mental stamina, self-confidence and optimism. May your relatives and friends always be with you, and prosperity, love and prosperity reign in your homes.

Happy New Year greetings to friends

Dear friends! The past year has been eventful and fruitful. He filled us with vital wisdom and strength.
May the coming New Year be accompanied by further successes and achievements, bring joy, mutual understanding, harmony and love.
May the most difficult problems be solved and the best hopes and wildest dreams come true.
May the upcoming New Year 2010 be a year of new accomplishments and achievements for all of you!
Happiness, health, joy, success and all the best!

Comic congratulations on the New Year to the team in verse

I wish my native team
Don't worry too much about fat!
Live modestly, on income,
Go outdoors more often!
Less likely to hit shopping
More business to do!
Take a vacation every year
Multiply to income!
Without resentment to live and gossip,
Everyone is so noticeable!
Always be healthy
Even if it's cold!
And let the new year
Let happiness bring you!
Cheerful laughter and smiles,
And not to know in what losses!

Happy New Year to partners

Working with professionals is a valuable experience, which is the key to success in any business. Our cooperation has made it possible to overcome many difficulties and maintain the stability and reliability of relations. The outgoing year will go down in the history of the development of our company as a successful one, and your professional team also deserves a lot of credit for this. In the coming year, we wish you prosperity and prosperity, new successful joint projects and an inexhaustible source of creative ideas! Happiness and health to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year in verse short

May the New Year bring harmony
In business, in the family, in career growth!
I wish you great happiness
And do not know any adversity!

Beautiful Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!!!
With all my heart I wish you to live this year happily and carefree, and may the Lord fill your hearts with love and help you appreciate every moment of life! May the New Year bring new hopes, and Christmas warm the soul!

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year official for partners

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the outgoing year find their continuation in the coming year! I wish you good health, realization of your ideas and plans, respect and mutual understanding in the team. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year at work in verse

Do not burn us at work,
Always be in high esteem!
Good luck so that things
And the pay has gone up!
To be respected by clients
And the partners loved it!
So that in a wonderful team,
There was a burst of energy!
And let the New Year
Only the best carries:
Relationships will be strengthened
Decisions will be right!
And even the ice will melt
If our boss sings!
Let the employees be lucky
And good luck comes to us!
Let everyone get a vacation
And he won't get bored!
Pour, honest people,
Let's drink to the New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

I want to wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Let the coming year 2010 become for you the year of fulfillment of all your bold plans and achievement of your goals. May the New Year bring prosperity, the fulfillment of a cherished dream, strengthen faith in the future, and success accompanies everywhere and in everything!

Happy New Year SMS

May the coming New Year
With gifts to boot,
You, smiling, wink
And bring good luck!

New Year's greetings in verse for colleagues

Let the problems go away
With them - pain and hopelessness!
Together with happiness at the gate,
We are knocking - New Year!
New plans, ideas,
Reaching a new goal!
Many different achievements
Only smart decisions!
And you have big income
Good working days!
Home - joy, warmth,
Lots of good stuff!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in prose

There would have been no question of any success if our team had not taken up the matter! The time has come for annual reports, reconciliations, approval of a business plan... but behind all the figures and calculations is the painstaking work of professionals, without whose skill no process is conceivable and no idea is embodied. The outgoing year was successful thanks to your knowledge and experience, patience and mutual assistance, ability to work in a team, respect for each other and dedication to a common cause! May the coming year be reliable and stable for you and your loved ones, and may your dreams and goals come true! We wish peace and comfort to your families! Your well-being is the key to our common success! Happy New Year, friends!

Happy New Year greetings to friends fabulous

They say that time cannot be turned back, but we forget this truth when the aroma of spruce and tangerines spreads around the house, and the soul tremblingly freezes in anticipation of gifts. Again, as in childhood, we convulsively recall our dreams and believe that it is in the new year that they are destined to come true. Keep this sweet faith in a miracle! Any problem and adversity will not be so burdensome when you believe in the best and as if you know for sure that this is the best is inevitable. Protect your loved ones from offensive words and ugly deeds! Protect yourself from envy and heavy thoughts! The year will definitely be successful, and dreams will definitely come true if you really want it!

Download Happy New Year greetings

I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ!
The only time in the year a unique event takes place, which the calendar gives us. This is an amazing and unusual day when, seeing off one year, we immediately meet another. And this is very symbolic, because on this day we strive to leave all the problems and worries in the old year, and take with us a good mood, victories and achievements in the new year!
May all your most secret dreams come true, and your house will be illuminated with bright smiles of relatives and friends.
I wish you health, kindness, prosperity, fortitude and faith in the future!
Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year greetings comic poems

Let the new year come
Brings happiness to everyone
Who is poor - let him get rich,
Who is rich - let him not grow old!
If there are no children, then there will be,
And don't forget about you!
Who is unmarried, let the bride,
God will send you not from the test!
Marry all the girls
Live with your husband like queens!
If a person is sick
He is healthy forever!
Who dreams of a career
Reach soon!
If someone is suddenly offended,
Let happiness see its own!
And let, so that by Christmas,
Make everyone's dream come true!
Have fun to meet him
Happy to celebrate the holiday!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues, partners beautiful

I wish new strength, good luck,
New Years and Christmas!
May you always be expected in life
Only joy, happiness and kindness!
May there be many friends, acquaintances,
In your life path!
And may the road always be successful,
And success is just waiting ahead!

Happy New Year 2010 to partners

Happy New Year 2010 to you and your wonderful team!
To the clink of New Year's glasses,
By noisy and cheerful laughter,
Let's celebrate the New Year today
With great hope for success!
We believe in miracles and happiness
And we know they will come!
After all, the New Year will open the doors
And a wonderful fairy tale will come!

Comic congratulations to the team on the New Year in verse

Congratulations to the team
Have an aperitif for you!
Warm up nicely
Take your seats!
Earn a lot of money
Eliminate your problems
And achieve a career for everyone
So as not to fight for positions!
Let the bosses not channel
And sorry, helps!
May our dear union
Bring me a watermelon now!
Let the accountant without effort,
Will give salaries for merit!
Let everyone give kisses
Even all your enemies!
In general, happiness in the New Year,
Let everyone give what everyone is waiting for!

Happy New Year greetings to the team in verse

Here a year has passed. What to add to this?
Another step is behind.
I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming
And wish you success ahead!
Let our team be friendly, courageous
Always in everything, luck is just waiting.
So that any business is on the shoulder,
And may fortune find us everywhere!

Happy New Year - toast

There is an ancient Japanese belief. Once, animals gathered around the fire on New Year's Eve: a Horse, a Tiger, a Mouse and a Cat, a Bull, a Dragon, a Goat, a Pig, a Monkey and a Snake, a Dog, and a Rooster. And they began to argue who would reign over all. It came to a fight, until the Japanese god descended from heaven and reconciled them. He divided the power equally and ordered that the animals lined up in a row and reigned in turn. Each - once every 12 years. Let's drink to order in the leading strata and to the wisdom of the "commander in chief"!

Happy New Year greetings for business partners

Dear Sirs! In the New Year, I want to wish only the best. May the coming year bring you new discoveries, pleasant acquaintances, even more self-confidence, strength of mind and body, honest victories and universal love!

Original congratulations on the New Year of colleagues poems

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
With new labor income!
With new mood and fashion,
With new joy and snowy weather!
With new happiness, with new freedom,
Enjoy nature during the holidays!
May each of you achieve everything
Whatever your heart desires!

New Year is coming
Here is what it will bring you:
Well, first of all, for example,
May it boost your career!

Update your apartment!

It will lift your spirits!
Let him give further,
And a solid bank account!
Well, still, love, of course,
Here we are not all sinless!
Joy, good health,
New Year's feast!

The past is great!
Relax among guests

Original congratulations on the upcoming New Year in verse

New Year is coming
Here is what it will bring you:
Well, first of all, for example,
May it boost your career!
Secondly, let everyone wonder
Update your apartment!
Thirdly, albeit without regret,
It will lift your spirits!
Let him give further,
And a solid bank account!
Well, still, love, of course,
Here we are not all sinless!
Joy, good health,
New Year's feast!
To meet the year decently,
The past is great!
Relax among guests
All of them to be a little drunker!

Happy New Year to a colleague in verse

May the year be happy
And bring good luck!
Joy, good health,
Let him give you love!
Let your career grow
And not only in the New Year!
May you always be lucky in money
And live hassle free!

Happy New Year greetings to business partners in verse

In the outgoing year, summing up,
I would like to wish today
In matters of luck, so that all the time on time
All obligations are successfully fulfilled.
And don't let this crisis scare you,
And the capital is steadily growing,
And the team does not lose enthusiasm,
He who seeks, of course, will find!

Happy New Year greetings in Ukrainian

Velmishanov panstvo!

With a wide heart, we welcome you with the upcoming New Rock!

I wish you good health, creative inspiration, creation of your professional plans, special bazhan and good dreams.

Let the New River bring you only kindness, well-being, homeland warmth and goodness, wide friends and partners, blessings and love for your relatives and people close to you, happy and succulent and the most beautiful of all!

Happy New Year greetings to a friend, warm friend

I wish you
Let him rush on a broom
Laughter, luck and fun,
New Year's hangover
Life without any worries
Joy, happiness all year round!

Wish you to write!
On this little postcard
I can tell you a lot!
I wish you a sea of ​​​​smiles,
Heavenly in the life of kindness!
I wish you to live without mistakes,
Among friends and beauty!
I wish you children and grandchildren,

I also wish you a better life
In prosperity and great love!
And in the middle of the cold
Let the flowers bloom!
Let them give close gifts,

I wish you many bright days
And welcome the new year to you!

The most original congratulations on the New Year

In the New Year, I wish you to get rich,
Succeed more in business
In love - great bliss,
In clothes - only perfection!
Live in understanding and glory
Don't be in sorrow!
With friends only understanding
Do not know insults and parting!
Achieve success and career
Solve all problems successfully!
Sleep well
Get up early!
Do not know any lies, lies and falsehood,
Well, in general, live in great happiness!

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Dear colleagues!
I have been lucky in my life to work with you!
Happy New Year! I wish you this holiday and every day:
work - creative, successful finds, decisions - as often as possible, recognition of your merits, but do not forget about a sense of humor in case of failure!
Do not be afraid in your work - intuition, surprise, experiments, it's worth it!
But do not break away from reality, you will be unclaimed.
Happiness to you, success!

Happy New Year greetings for partners

Dear Sirs! In the new year, I want to wish you continued good luck and a fair wind in all your endeavors! May the spirit of victory always fill the sails of your ship!

Original postcards Happy New Year poems

It’s not difficult for me in the New Year,
Wish you to write!
On this little postcard
I can tell you a lot!
I wish you a sea of ​​​​smiles,
Heavenly in the life of kindness!
I wish you to live without mistakes,
Among friends and beauty!
I wish you children and grandchildren,
To bring joy to your house!
I also wish you a better life
In prosperity and great love!
And in the middle of the cold
Let the flowers bloom!
Let them give close gifts,
I wish to live only in abundance!
I wish you many bright days

Happy New Year

I sincerely wish that the joyful mood of the festive New Year's days will be preserved for you for the whole year! Happiness and health to you and all your loved ones, love, kindness, harmony and peace! May all the dreams that you did not have time to make on New Year's Eve will surely come true on the night of the Old New Year.

Happy New Year text

In our difficult time, let's make 2010 a year of good changes, love and harmony. May there always be comfort and warmth in your home, and peaceful sky and bright sun outside the window. We sincerely wish you good health, optimism, fulfillment of hopes and desires! Happy New Year and Happy New Year!

Business greetings Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dear ladies, gentlemen,
Happy New Year to you and Merry Christmas!
Let trouble not come to you,
You deserve great happiness.
Your souls radiated light,
Warmed many last year,
May love come to you in return,
Happy New Year to you and Merry Christmas!

New Year's greetings in prose

My dears! So the most kind and fabulous holiday has come - the New Year. This is a holiday of childhood, and yet we all come from there. This night is always full of hope and expectation of a miracle. So let each of you happen at least a small, but a real miracle. And I wish you to be able to see it in the turmoil of events. After all, miracles happen every day, but we do not always see them. Happy New Year dears! Love to you, prosperity, joy and miracles!

Happy New Year greetings to the boss in verse

You are a great boss,
May the year not be empty!
Brings great success
Let all the hindrances go away!
Partners strongly respect
And shake hands together!
Colleagues always listen
And the star shines brighter for you!
And be everywhere in solid honor,
At meetings, at home, at work!
And one praise awaits in everything,
A lot of income and good!

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Dear Colleagues!
Happy New Year to all. I wish you success in your work, well-being in your family, and in raising children in the New Year. So that all desires come true, only kind and sympathetic people meet on the way, so that tears in the eyes are only from happiness, and every new day brings a smile, and she never left her face!

Well, colleagues, Happy New Year!
Let it be for you
So that everyone would say: “Thank God!
We don't want another year.

I wish you happiness and gifts
And from the fate of worldly blessings.
Good luck to you, colleagues, bright,
And let it be like this for a whole year.

We are waiting for a short winter vacation,
I want to enjoy it
Friends, colleagues, Happy New Year!
Let everything be as we want!

Colleagues, the New Year is coming,
Accept congratulations.
And may you have the whole year
Excellent mood!

May you be lucky
Let fate smile
Good luck floats in your hands,
And all dreams come true!

Dear colleagues! Happy New Year! May this new year be fruitful and successful for you. I wish everyone new steps up the career ladder. I wish you easy working days and hot pleasant holidays! Let all failures and hardships remain beyond the threshold of the old year, and in the new one there will be only ups and downs!

Everyone knows New Year's Eve
Everyone is waiting for a miracle.
Let colleagues, this time
Santa Claus will remember you
Reward for effort
And bestow in full
Both health and money.
May good luck be with you!

Happy New Year to you, colleagues,
He will burst into us here,
A lot of happiness, like snow,
May it bring us all.

The most friendly working days,
In a team of kindness
Also, I wish you
So that everyone's dreams come true!

Today is our working day
But the heart asks for celebration
After all, the hour of the magical night is near!
From happiness - around the head!

Best gifts to you, colleagues,
And money - a full wallet.
And be lucky forever
Get excited about life.

Work with eternal inspiration -
Run home at full speed.
Miracles are bright for you,
Good luck on all fronts!

I congratulate all colleagues
Happy New Year and wish
So that work does not torment,
Gave pleasure.
optimism and positivity
Let him join the team.
To increase salaries
And more often issued -
Three or four times a month.
Well, all the pockets are wider!
So that the authorities do not bustle,
How loved you all loved,
Vacation was given on time ...
Well, about five times a year.
Well, Santa Claus is kind
Happiness will give, love and blessings.
May you be promoted
And throw gifts!

The team is friendly and
You need to be congratulated now
Happy New Year! And wish...
Where would I start?

Without embellishment I will say, friends,
I love our team.
Joke, don't joke,
Here our paths converged.

Wishes you do not count.
Congratulating you is an honor.
May the new year bring
Lots of happy worries.

Happiness will come to every home
And it will bring good luck.
May love and health be.
And success will not forget you.

Let Santa Claus give everyone
Lots of fun things to do
Let the whole year be not sad,
Quite the contrary!

May the New Year enter your home
Alluring bright light.
May your dreams come true
Let there be no fuss.
And, seeing off the old year,
Get rid of all the hassle.
Leave behind all sorrows
All the troubles, everything that was silent about ...
Don't be afraid of new beginnings!
Don't be afraid to get creative!
After all, the New Year is like a musical sheet,
And you are the only soloist
Those songs that you have to sing.
After all, the New Year is about to burst!
And there will be dancing, dancing ...
And you will find yourself in that fairy tale
Which will change everything.
For the New Year! Let it come!

The year went by so fast
There were so many things in it
May you all in the new year
Successes and victories await!

In my heart I wish you comfort
And happiness every minute
In the family - mutual understanding,
In a career - only prosperity.

There is a lot of health, steel is stronger,
So that all dreams suddenly come true.
I wish you true friends
And fruitful, bright days!

May this year bring friendship
Love and happiness will be in it,
May everything you need be
Health is getting stronger every day!

You succeed at work
Dream big, laugh more
And never get tired
Always hope for the best!

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Dear Colleagues!
Happy New Year to all. I wish you success in your work, well-being in your family, and in raising children in the New Year. So that all desires come true, only kind and sympathetic people meet on the way, so that tears in the eyes are only from happiness, and every new day brings a smile, and she never left her face!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in prose

There would have been no question of any success if our team had not taken up the matter! The time has come for annual reports, reconciliations, approval of a business plan... but behind all the figures and calculations is the painstaking work of professionals, without whose skill no process is conceivable and no idea is embodied. The outgoing year was successful thanks to your knowledge and experience, patience and mutual assistance, ability to work in a team, respect for each other and dedication to a common cause! May the coming year be reliable and stable for you and your loved ones, and may your dreams and goals come true! We wish peace and comfort to your families! Your well-being is the key to our common success! Happy New Year, friends!

Congratulations on the New Year of colleagues at work in verse

Accept New Year's greetings
And wishes of happiness and love.
In the next year, more patience for you,
May good luck fill your days.
Honest, smart and reliable partners,
Do not deviate from the right path.
Profitable contracts, and more is better,
And to the goal to come!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues from superiors

Dear Colleagues!
I think that many of you will meet the coming year at the festive table in the circle of your closest people, because the New Year is a family holiday. I want to raise a celebratory glass for the warmth and comfort in your home, for peace and prosperity in every family!
May the New Year 2011 be successful and fruitful for you! Happiness, festive mood, health, love to you and your loved ones!

New Year's greetings in verse for colleagues

Let the problems go away
With them - pain and hopelessness!
Together with happiness at the gate,
We are knocking - New Year!
New plans, ideas,
Reaching a new goal!
Many different achievements
Only smart decisions!
And you have big income
Good working days!
Home - joy, warmth,
Lots of good stuff!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in French

Chers amis! Chers collegues!
Nous vous pr? sentons nos meilleurs v? ux pour ce No? l qui s "annonce! Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup d" optimisme et de bonne humeur, du bonheur, des succ? s dans tous vos projets et nouvelles grandes r? alisations! Nous esp?rons que l"ann?e qui s"annonce vous apportera assurance, s?r?nit?, chance et succ?s dans toutes vos entreprises.
In Russian, congratulations sound like this:
Dear friends! Dear colleagues!
Please accept our congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let me wish you optimism, good mood, happiness, creative success and new achievements! We hope that the coming year will bring confidence, peace, good luck and success in all endeavors.

Colleagues, we sincerely congratulate you
Happy New Year's Eve!
We wish you success, joy,
May your home be filled with happiness!
May peace, prosperity, good luck
Accompany on the journey of life.
Let it be happy - and never otherwise,
Your mornings, nights, days pass.

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues in verse

Our team is small
But with a big heart
Meet the New Year together
What is knocking at the gate
Santa Claus do not be stingy
For gifts. And strives
Give a bonus to everyone for a year,
For the people to be happy.
For the team to work
Summer and winter
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!

Funny New Year greetings to colleagues

We have worked hard with you
All year, as if they were at war.
And some results have been achieved,
We have deserved Sabantuy already.
So I wish you, my colleagues,
I am happy in the coming year,
Let there be planned successes
In work, relationships and love.

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Dear colleagues!
I have been lucky in my life to work with you!
Happy New Year! I wish you this holiday and every day:
work - creative, successful finds, decisions - as often as possible, recognition of your merits, but do not forget about a sense of humor in case of failure!
Do not be afraid in your work - intuition, surprise, experiments, it's worth it!
But do not break away from reality, you will be unclaimed.
Happiness to you, success!

Official congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Dear Sirs!
Our team sincerely congratulates you on the coming New Year and wishes success and prosperity to you and your company.
Your colleagues, (company name)

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse

Beautiful and fluffy bedspread,
Winter has enveloped the trees and fields!
But my heart got warmer
Looking forward to New Year's Eve!
May the New Year come soon
And he will bring us a lot of happiness!
And let everything that we dream about come true
Let only the best in the houses happen!

Dear respected colleagues!
I congratulate you on the New Year!
And I wish you much success
Interesting, sincere work!
Promising and new projects,
And in a career - great achievements,
Joyful mood to all of you
And great, great achievements!

Happy New Year greetings in verse to colleagues

Happy New Year to colleagues

How quickly time flies.
Suddenly - once! - and again the New Year!
And I wish you today
Less worries.
And if it's a hassle, then small ones.
So that the disease does not touch you.
And to slow down the arrows
Habitual completed the circle!

Original Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Dear Colleagues! Another year has come to an end! It's a bit of a pity, because those wonderful events that rallied our team are becoming a thing of the past. But do not be discouraged, because there is still a lot of new things ahead that we have to go through together! May everything that comes in the New Year bring only changes for the better, prosperity and income growth to our team! Happy new year dear friends!

Let Santa Claus be cool
There will be a crisis kaput!
Everyone will be in business,
Everything we wanted will be!
Waiting for career growth
It's all easy and simple!
Respect is so pret
And honor for a couple with him!
Smiling bosses
The instructions are clear!
The cashier carries the statement,
And opposite all the surnames,
Worth the premium!
However, we are lucky
Hello best new year!

Cool New Year greetings to friends, colleagues

Good Santa Claus comes to the house,
He knows we are waiting for him
Wearing a festive coat
And he has a magic staff with him!
He barely drags a bag of gifts,
Oh, he must be getting hot!
Well, we do not care about all this,
We are waiting for surprises day and night!
Who craves money, wealth,
Someone wants it to be very sweet
Someone dreams of traveling
And he dreams of traveling the whole world!
Someone is waiting for the love of a crazy night
And my friend really wants to get drunk,
My neighbor and friends are going to the bathhouse,
To steam up there for glory!
Well, I only want one
To have a lot and everything!
Let everyone celebrate the New Year brightly,
And they will receive all the desired gifts!

Happy New Year greetings to employees of colleagues

Colleagues! We worked together, I will not hide
I'm happy to go to work
And I really want to tell you sometimes:
I won't find another one like it anywhere!

May the New Year fulfill wishes
Good luck - no one will bypass!
Champagne we will fill the glasses with everything,
Drain them now for the New Year!

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year in verse

Happy New Year, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
May the days and nights be good!
Let the authorities worry less
Let the bad go away!
In a career - growth and great inspiration,
Find successful solutions in everything!

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Even though the snowdrifts prevent us from going,
Although the blizzard frightens outside the window,
Anyway, colleagues, congratulations
Happy New Year to you and Merry Christmas!
I wish you great success
Both in work and in affairs of love,
Let it fill with life, happiness, laughter
The coming year all hours and days.

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues original

I wish you a 150% increase in salaries in the new year, and more days off. I wish your work schedule this year to be as follows: 12.00 - the beginning of the working day, 12.05-13.55 - lunch break, 14.00 - the end of the working day. Happy New Year!

Comic congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Colleagues! It just so happened that we have to congratulate each other on the New Year! Thinking, I thought about my wish and that's what I decided: let the New Year give each of you what you most want! I am sure that then you will want even more, so think right away so that everything is there, more and at once. May everything come true, but for now, let's drink to the New Year and to all our dreams!

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
With new labor income!
With new mood and fashion,

Whatever your heart desires!

Let's go on a new trip.

To have a successful new year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

As streams and rivers run into the seas,
So the past year has sunk into eternity ...
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas, colleagues,
Let's go on a new trip.
Let you on different new paths
Awaiting discoveries of joyful delight,
Let rich experience help you,
To have a successful new year

Original congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Let Santa Claus be cool
There will be a crisis kaput!
Everyone will be in business,
Everything we wanted will be!
Waiting for career growth
It's all easy and simple!
Respect is so pret
And honor for a couple with him!
Smiling bosses
The instructions are clear!
The cashier carries the statement,
And opposite all the surnames,
Worth the premium!
However, we are lucky
Hello best new year!

Original congratulations on the New Year of colleagues poems

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
With new labor income!
With new mood and fashion,
With new joy and snowy weather!
With new happiness, with new freedom,
Enjoy nature during the holidays!
May each of you achieve everything
Whatever your heart desires!

Comic congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Colleagues! Well, another year has passed when we all worked hard together!
I wish that in the New Year we not only work nicely, but also get nice money! Let them be exactly as many as each of us wants! Then we'll see which of us is the most greedy! Happy New Year!

Funny New Year greetings to colleagues

Happy New Year! Happy New Celebration!
May the coming year
We have enough everywhere and everything -
If so, I'll bring more.
Let the smile of a woman bloom
Let men believe in their success
May the bosses next year
Praises for the work of all-all-all!

Happy New Year greetings in verse to colleagues

In the New Year I wish you, colleagues,
Let the blizzards carry them away:
All problems are complex, tasks,
Let everyone have a cottage!
Plans, figures and reports,
Let worries go away soon!
New Year is at the door
Open them soon!
Have fun from the heart
Happiness hurries to the house for everyone!

Original congratulations to business colleagues on the New Year

This is what I think, my dear business colleagues! Let 364 days a year be profitable and only one day - unprofitable - this is when we all together celebrate the best and richest New Year! Let our business bring us continuous income, and let the expenses be so small that we won't even talk about them! Happy New Year and Happy New Year to you, gentlemen!

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues

Dear colleagues, I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish each of you that you finally turn from formidable tigers into affectionate cats and kittens! And then there will be continuous purring in the team, which, as you know, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system! And, therefore, peace will finally reign, which does not have a very good effect on work, but the atmosphere in the team will be excellent! Happy New Year!

Funny Happy New Year greetings to your colleagues

Colleagues, a moment of attention!
I will tell you my wishes.
May the New Year coming to us
It will bring good luck to all of us.
May we have agreement
In work, as in a feast now.
May our business flourish
And it will bring profit to all of us!

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Day after day we worked successfully,
Achieve fruit in business.
We deserve a rest, of course,
There is a reason - the New Year has come!
So put aside the reports
Let's remember them next year.
There will be only pleasant worries
This night. Colleagues, everyone to the table!

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Happy New Year, colleagues!
I wish that in it
We've been quite successful
In our big business!
May only the joy of victory
We are forever united!
We will leave all troubles
Forever behind!

Happy New Year quatrains to colleagues

I'll tear off the last sheet of the calendar,
I will tell my colleagues from the bottom of my heart!
Great happiness to you in the New Year,
Fulfill any dream faster!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse

new year business,
Dances, songs until the morning!
They brought a Christmas tree to the office
And the table is already set!
Soon Santa Claus will come
Wink with your right eye!
Wish all colleagues
He knows exactly what to want!
Kindness, warmth, love,
Money - in the year of the cat. Look...
There is a round ball on the Christmas tree -
Fire of love from him!
Burning in the heart with fire
The cat looks confused!
purrs you good,
Gentle passion until the morning
Every day or week…..
Of course I believe him!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse

I wish my colleagues
Coolness and novelty!
Happy New Year
And I write poems for them!
Let everything become real
Our sweet dreams!
Let all plans come true
Our bright minds!
May we be respected everywhere Happy New Year sms to friends and colleagues

May joy not leave the house
Not only on holidays!
After all, the New Year portends us,
Fun, dancing until dawn!

Cool congratulations to colleagues Happy New Year

My congratulations: happy new year
I bring you with respect -
Dear colleagues, my people,
I will give for you, if necessary ...
I'll give if you need a paycheck
Celebrate New Year, Christmas,
But I guess it's better
If the boss creates a triumph!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse

Colleagues, dear friends!
How glad I am to congratulate you all!
Wonderful days have come
Nothing to do with weekdays now.
I wish you a Happy New Year
At a festive noisy table.
We're ready for the celebration
Leave things for later...

For these congratulations, we have selected for you the following gifts from our catalog:

Collective congratulations are always the most popular. A special role is always given to New Year's collective congratulations. Our wish portal offers Happy New Year greetings to colleagues, which will strengthen the morale in the team. This congratulation carries warmth, lightness, sincere notes of friendly mood and hope for stability in the future. Happy New Year greetings to colleagues will be received with joy if it is not only printed on a postcard and presented to each employee, but also pronounced at the festive table for all colleagues.

Here is a collection of texts for official congratulations to colleagues on the New Year (from the company's management, boss, administration of the institution, etc.). All texts are written in prose.

A special page with wishes will help you to briefly congratulate (personally) an individual. The site also has a collection of texts addressed to .

All names and names of organizations are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change these data to the ones you need. Recommendations for the use of texts are waiting for you at the end of the page.

Option number 1

Dear friends!

We congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas!

The outgoing year left us many pleasant memories, invaluable experience, new discoveries, knowledge and vivid impressions! This will forever remain with us, we will be able to use these gifts for the benefit of ourselves and others.

May the new year be peaceful and happy for you, bring the fulfillment of your cherished desires, help you make wise decisions, and bring brilliant ideas to life.

Good health, activity, optimism, prosperity, love and family happiness to you and your loved ones! And we wish educational institutions, thanks to your inspired work and talent, to remain attractive centers of culture and knowledge, goodness and prosperity!

Administration of St. Petersburg State University

Option number 2

Dear friends, associates, colleagues!

The most magical time of the year is coming - New Year and Christmas. We sincerely congratulate you on the opportunity to write a new page in your life!

Let the results of the outgoing year leave you with a sense of satisfaction with the fruits of your work, your choice, your activity and decisions made, plans implemented.

We wish that in the new year your hopes disappear only due to the fact that they have come true. Let the dreams of awards leave you due to the fact that all of them are received in full and rightfully. Let the ability to successfully overcome difficulties cease to be in demand due to the absence of obstacles in your life and professional path. Let the lack of warmth, love, spiritual generosity and tolerance (if any exist in your life) from the people around you cease to bother you due to the fact that you will be satisfied in sufficient volume for you. Let financial claims sink into history in connection with the onset of material “satiety”, complete financial freedom and independence.

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you to fully realize your talents and abilities in your chosen professional field, and may the next year (and the rest of your life) be filled with a sense of gratitude for a successful fate.

Administration and management of ZAO


Option number 3

Dear colleagues, friends!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year 2019!

May the coming year justify your hopes for the miracle and magic that everyone believes in on this most magical holiday of the year.

Let the whole coming year be filled with new meetings, joyful events, wonderful discoveries, unforgettable impressions, cheerfulness and good mood.

Let the news be good, acquaintances pleasant, meetings joyful, business successful, and troubles petty.

The team of GBOU secondary school No. 12, Tver

Option number 4

Dear friends!

We sincerely congratulate you on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas!

We wish your life to be filled with the joy of new discoveries, significant events and long-term plans!

Let every morning be kind, the working day productive, and every evening dedicated to relatives and friends, the happiness of communicating with whom will always give you support and strength to make all your plans come true!

Good health to you, active longevity, optimism and prosperity!

Administration of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 64", Orel

Option number 5

Dear colleagues, friends!

Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

You did a great job in the past year, implemented a lot of plans and great ideas, replenished your knowledge base, professional skills and abilities and got a lot of vivid impressions and, we hope, have become a little closer to fulfilling your cherished desires.

You rightfully deserve all these valuable components of a prosperous life and you will definitely use them in the future. May the new year be generous for you with joyful events and news, professional and personal success, give you the fulfillment of your cherished dream and immediately ensure the emergence of new desires. May it fill your home with peace and comfort!

With all our hearts we wish you indestructible health, steadily strengthening well-being, successful creative search, joyful meetings and new discoveries!

General Director of LLC "Marketing-Info"

Option number 6

Dear Colleagues!

On behalf of the management of Revizor LLC and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas!

New Year holidays are a starting point for new deeds and undertakings, a time of good hopes and joyful expectations. This is a time of summing up and comprehending the past, a time of great hopes and new ideas. And dreams and goals are what makes us move forward, do not lose heart, overcome difficulties. On this path, the cohesion and unity of the team, which help to achieve new victories, is not the least important!

What our next professional year will be depends on each of us. Therefore, first of all, I want to wish all of you faith in yourself and your strengths, your professionalism and invaluable experience. Let the year become for you the year of self-realization, your talents and abilities, bold decisions, opening new horizons and reaching new heights.

May the coming year multiply the number of happy moments, and let the people you love, appreciate, respect and cherish share them with you!

Director of LLC "Revizor"

Kh. E. Kharitonov

Option number 7

Dear friends!

I sincerely and with joy congratulate us all on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas!

With all my heart I wish that when summing up the results of each year, we will be visited by a sense of pride in ourselves, our successes, achievements, decisions made, brilliant ideas and results of fruitful activities. I believe that the feeling of regret for wasted time does not visit any of us and I want it to be always like that!

May the coming year, like all subsequent ones, bring you as many pleasant surprises as there are days in a year. May good news haunt you daily, and may your dreams come true with unfailing constancy.

Happiness, health, prosperity, justified hopes, creative energy and optimism to you and your loved ones!

With best regards,

Director of Piramida LLC

G. L. Ivankovsky

Option number 8

Dear friends!

Every big journey begins with a small first step... So the year begins with wishes. With all my heart I wish you stability, which is so necessary for successful further development.

May your health be steadily strengthened and multiplied. May your professionalism grow steadily. May the results of your activities, successes, achievements, decisions made and goals achieved consistently bring you a sense of triumph. May your material well-being and efficiency increase steadily. Let your relatives and friends, colleagues and friends, be consistently patient, generous in soul, do not spare warmth and love for you.

And may your life consistently bring you a sense of satisfaction, joy, happiness!

Happy 2019!


group of companies "Stimulus"

Option number 9

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

Each year sets new tasks for us, gives us new discoveries, makes new mysteries and expects new professional feats from us... The coming year will not be an exception and will give us a chance not only to take advantage of our accumulated experience and knowledge, but also to start from scratch, if something didn't work before. Therefore, I sincerely wish you to do the same as our students do:

  • effortlessly overcome obstacles;
  • jokingly solve non-trivial creative tasks;
  • it is easy and bright to fantasize, communicate and make discoveries;
  • live with pleasure and enjoy every day, regardless of the weather, health, political situation and other vagaries of a changing environment;
  • have fun with taste;
  • enthusiastically work on the proposed tasks;
  • quickly forget the unpleasant, draw conclusions, and shake it off, move on, to new successes.

Let work bring you only pleasure and satisfaction, relatives and friends - love and attention, friends and colleagues - support and understanding, parents of pupils - respect and gratitude, and fate - pleasant surprises, generous gifts, wonderful meetings and grandiose opportunities for fulfilling a dream!

Head of the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Magic Lamp"

N. A. Mamonova

Option number 10

Dear friends!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year and the bright holiday of Christmas!

The past year has clearly demonstrated that the desire is the main component of any magical changes in the life of the organization and each of its individual members. If you strive to get to the moon without even reaching it, you will find yourself among the stars.

Therefore, I sincerely wish that in the new year your health, talent, professionalism, joy, happiness, love, prosperity, new discoveries, optimism and success - tend to infinity, and anxiety, sadness, despondency, bad mood and ailments - tend to to zero!

With best regards,

General Director of Stroyka-Trest LLC

Zh. P. Sidorkovsky

Option number 11

Dear colleagues!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming holidays of the New Year and the bright Christmas of Christ!

The brightest, most fabulous holiday in the world is approaching, which resonates with special melodies in the hearts of children and adults. He gives people all over the Earth goodness and joy, fun and laughter, and most importantly - faith in a miracle!

I wish you a special magical mood in the New Year, so that you begin the implementation of your plans with inspiration and energy.

Let 2019 take over the baton of creativity and creation, increase new traditions, and please us with new achievements.

Good health, peace and prosperity to you!

Administration of Children's Music School "Nota"

Option number 12

Dear friends!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

Let the coming year be full of new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success. Let it be different: bright and cheerful, sincere and dreamy, successful and purposeful.

May the new year bring opportunities for the realization of all your ideas and people ready to support you on your path to new successes.

Conquer new heights, go unknown roads, discover new things and don't be afraid to dream! We wish you peace, strength and self-confidence, strength of mind and body, honest victories and well-deserved love!

Happiness and health to you and your loved ones!

With best regards,


LLC "Recruiting agency "Kadry for nothing"

All texts on this page can be used both orally and in writing. If you decide to use the written version, try to adhere to the following formatting rules:

  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page. However, if the design (drawing) of the sheet or the length of the text does not allow for a layout in the center, layout in width, or on the left edge, is allowed.
  • After the main text, on the left margin, indicate the position of the author (or several). If the author is the team of the organization, the positions are not listed (see as in the samples).
  • The author's surname is indicated opposite the position (layout on the right edge of the sheet). If there are several authors, list all. If the author is a team of employees, the names are not listed.
  • In such texts, the seal of the organization and personal signatures are not put.
