The worst mistakes girls make in bed that need to be corrected (1 photo). The most terrible mistakes girls make in bed that need to be corrected (1 photo) 10 mistakes in bed with a man

Sometimes endorphins or alcohol hit your head so hard that the desire to merge with your partner goes from the category of “waiting” to “right now, and it doesn’t matter that we’re at grandma’s dacha.” The shirt is hanging on the chandelier, the jeans are on the service, and for some reason you are still wearing your socks.

Are you cold? Just remember that, unlike her fragile legs, which go with an elegant white sock, your courageous flipper in a black potato sack does not look so graceful. Excuse me, but please take off your sock.

2. Don't bring porn to bed

The modern porn industry is an expensive conveyor belt of takes, where a make-up artist, make-up artist, and director are invited in the end. There are only two people in the frame, and there are another twenty people behind them. Therefore, everything that you see on the tablet screen is done to please the viewer’s fantasies. Therefore, before you use rudeness or insult your partner in bed, discuss everything in advance.

The same applies to home video. Your expectations and reality may differ seriously (very seriously). It is worth admitting that from the outside, real sex is not so attractive. Girls can still look graceful in a picture, but as for men... It’s just not worth it.

3. Experiments need to be discussed

The next point follows from the previous one. Why do you need to talk? Well, imagine a romantic atmosphere: dinner prepared by you, candles, some flowers on the table, drinks. Communication moves to a horizontal position. You blindfold her to make the process more intimate, feed her strawberries and nutella, and it turns out that she has an allergy. Congratulations! I was so pleased that I almost killed him.

Yes, unexpected attempts at writing really need to be discussed. Maybe not in a serious situation with a lawyer and documents, but definitely over a bottle of wine. This will help defuse the situation, and who knows, maybe you’ll move on from talking to practice.

4. Find balance in foreplay

You don’t need time to prepare, but she almost always needs it. However, this point is intended for both partners. It’s not uncommon for a woman to need too much time to get in the mood. Sorry, but you are not a Hubble telescope that takes two hours to set up. Find a balance with affection and get down to business.

5. Take your time

A little cliched, but yes. Asking something like “Are you coming soon?” or “So will you finish?” - the idea is stupid. For women, the path to orgasm is thorny and long, so, my friend, you need to try. Of course, ideally you want to reach the peak synchronously, but what can you do, you have to take physiology into account, and questions of this kind only disrupt your mood. Don't spoil the raspberries, as they say.

6. Scout the situation

If you decide to try sex in an unexpected place, then carefully assess the situation. If grandma's chair is already dying, but you still took a risk, then unexpected sex may end in the emergency room. We know what we’re writing about, just trust us.

7. Drunk sex should be mutual

Applies to both lovers. Drunk sex for a man is a pleasant thing, for girls it’s a little less so (sensitivity is lower), but it’s still cool. You become more liberated, the passion is so boiling that you want to rip each other's clothes off... but only if you are both drunk. Otherwise, a sober man watches the overacting of the “graceful” doe, and a woman watches the clumsy bear. Overall, it's awkward.

8. Watch your volume

Moaning like a porn actress is still not worth it. I just want to say in Kharlamov’s voice: “You are overacting!” Well, heart-rending squeals and wild screams do not excite men. Better be honest with your partner.

As for the guys, let's move on to the next point.

9. Don't be silent

Even if you have been together for a long time and know each other’s body features, you need to speak directly about your desires. Let's say that at the right moment you need to bite your ear or stroke your back. Neither men nor women are telepaths, so what you want can be said gently in the process.

10. Do only pleasant things

If you decide to please your partner, make sure of two points:

  • he likes it;
  • You can do this.

If at least one of the two points is missing, then this idea should be left for old Freud.

Laurie Watson

Male mistakes

According to Watson, most men come to therapy to improve their sexual skills. But the problem, as a rule, is not related to their skill. The error lies in one or more of the following points.

1. Lack of female desire is misinterpreted

The attractiveness of a woman is immediately communicated to men by their body. Just the sight of an unfamiliar beauty or their own partner can cause them to have a partial erection. Among women . Their arousal is associated with imagination and fantasy, so it takes them longer to get in the mood for sex.

So you shouldn’t take your partner’s lack of instant desire to heart. It's better to stretch out the seduction process a little.

2. Feeling frustrated by her slow arousal

This error is closely related to the previous one. Women are slow to warm up to sex and slowly get aroused. This is a question of physiology, nothing more. But if the partner feels that the man is disappointed with her speed abilities, her desire intensifies even more slowly. Or it disappears completely.

Solution: relax and enjoy every moment.

3. Moving to the genitals too quickly

Many men prefer genital caresses to all others and think that women share their sympathy. Error. The physical appearance of a woman is not yet a signal of a rapid transition to the main thing. On the contrary, premature genital stimulation can kill desire.

Solution: It’s better to wait a little longer, continuing to caress your partner’s entire body.

4. Concentrate on your erection

Men who care too much about their erections can ruin the feeling of intimacy during sex.

If they are focused on delaying ejaculation, the woman may feel isolated and forgotten. To calm her down, Watson advises men to stay in touch and tell her what they want.

If the erection, on the contrary, weakens, it is a good idea to use this time for an additional round of caresses.

In the case of rapid ejaculation, you can tell your partner that the reason is her incredible sexuality. And resort to oral sex. It is no worse than ordinary sexual intercourse.

5. Stimulate only the vagina

The head of the clitoris is roughly the same as the head of the penis. Needless to say, exclusively vaginal stimulation is not very effective? Yes, of course, there are exceptions. But still, more often than not, it is the clitoris that is the center of a woman’s sexual pleasure.

Women's mistakes

Women who have problems with sex often attribute them to the lack of an ideal body or fantastic skills, like those of a woman. According to Laurie Watson, all this has little relation to reality. Most likely, the reason is related to the following errors.

1. They hint too subtly

Many women believe that men can read minds. Therefore, instead of directly saying their desire or demonstrating it through action, they resort to a system of subtle hints that only they themselves understand.

Solution: forget about telepathy. Words and unambiguous touches are more effective.

2. They don’t talk enough about their desires.

Saying your preferences once is not enough. An excited man may simply forget about all the nuances that you like (especially if they were voiced casually six months ago). Don't be afraid to remind him of them. In any case, this is better than waiting, enduring and being offended, thinking that he simply does not want to please you.

3. Focus on your body's flaws

Men get pleasure simply from the presence of a real, naked woman who attracts them. Those at this very moment are thinking about the flaws of their own body. A stream of self-criticism alienates women from the process, reduces desire and makes sex dull and insipid.

If you have a similar problem, try to distract yourself from criticism by focusing on your bodily sensations. Try to listen to your breathing, feel the pleasure of touch. And think less.

4. Worried about doing everything right.

To really please your partner, you need to enjoy yourself. Watson notes that in sex therapy, women often care about how well they behave in bed. As a result, anxiety prevents them from relaxing and exploring their own feelings.

Solution: just ask the man what exactly and how he likes it. This is much better than spending extra energy on mastering an ideal technique that is divorced from practice.

5. Touch easily or hesitantly

Most men are aroused by female confidence, including in touch. Women, on the contrary, often do it overly tenderly - the way they themselves like it. In addition, Watson notes, men often complain that their partners avoid touching their genitals or wait for a special invitation.

Her advice is to stop pretending to be a prude. Kiss passionately, wrap yourself tightly and touch without hesitation. In general, prove your interest in action.

Do you have any other complaints about the opposite sex? Feel free to share them in the comments.

  1. Act like a mother and a housewife. For the good of the family, a woman needs to temporarily forget that most of the day she is a sexual mother. It is necessary to fuel your sex life with the same energy with which a woman does household chores and raising children.
  2. Don't react and lie there like a corpse. Most of us don't like having sex with a corpse. Therefore, move, scream, do something, but just don’t lie motionless. If you want to get the maximum response from your partner, go beyond the missionary position. It is necessary to talk about your desires and give detailed instructions. Then sex will begin to please you much more.
  3. Forgetting to be feminine. Weight gain, daily routine, and unsightly housework make most women unsexy in the eyes of their men. You should not perform personal hygiene procedures in front of a man. Don't talk to him about shaving or menstruation. Although most men like their own women, at the same time they want to see their partners as sex goddesses.
  4. Condemn his love for porn. Until porn films have completely replaced women from a man’s circle of interests, there is no point in scolding him for his excessive love of watching films with explicit content. Many men enjoy various forms of erotic products, using them to arouse and increase sexual interest in their current partner.
  5. Be afraid of “dirty” conversations. Lewd talk can increase passion. So don't be shy. You shouldn’t turn into a loader, but you can still spice up the sexual conversation a little.
  6. Don't own your own body. Big or small, tall or short, it doesn’t matter. What men value most in a woman is not beauty, but unshakable self-confidence. So you should start walking around the house naked and having sex in the light.
  7. Scold other women. You sit and think that that mymra looks like a complete prostitute. And guess what? He thinks so too, but most likely he really likes her appearance. To humiliate other women in front of a man is to show him your insecurity and make yourself unattractive.
  8. Swear eternal love and fidelity. It just so happens that sex guarantees absolutely nothing - neither mutual love, nor a future marriage, nor a happy life together until death do us part. So often talking about eternal love in bed can only ruin everything.
  9. Ignore his nipples. This is not only the female erogenous zone. Many men have sensitive nipples, even more so than their partners.
  10. Bite. You should not use your teeth during oral sex.

According to materials -

Women's mistakes in bed: how is this possible?

There are mistakes in all areas of human relationships - such is life. The bed is also no exception.

Without hesitation, any woman will name a bunch of men’s mistakes in sex: “was too rough” or “too soft”, “too drunk”, “started early”, “finished quickly”, “took it out late”, “smokes in bed”, “turns away” against the wall”, “snoring”, “how about we talk?”...

Representatives of the fairer sex either do not notice their own mistakes in bed or deny the very fact of their existence. I asked frankly. The reaction is often: bewilderment, a shrug and, after a few seconds, the phrase: “Why are these women’s mistakes in bed? But the men..."

Or maybe, in fact, women are better than sappers in sex and never make mistakes at all? I declare with all responsibility: “A woman is also a person!”

What mistakes do women make in bed?

Bed Mistake #1: Shyness

You turn off the light, quickly undress and jump under the blanket. There is no need to be ashamed of your own body. Yes, perhaps your breasts are not ideal, perhaps cellulite is in the very place where it should be, but this is not a reason to curtain the windows, turn off the lights and hide under the blanket.

Dear ones, “A man loves with his eyes” - no one has yet canceled this old folk wisdom. A man wants to see the woman he cares about, not only in war paint and in evening dress, but also in bed, at that very moment! The visual image of a woman deposited in a man’s brain during sex is more vivid, which means he will remember this woman more often and with greater pleasure.

Moreover, in bed you and your partner are very close to each other. A man simply won’t be able to look at the whole thing, and each part separately can have a very erotic character.

And one more thing: a man’s attention should not be focused on his shortcomings! “I’ve gained two and a half kilograms!” Guys, how? We don’t notice until you poke your nose at it. A woman in a man's bed is always a holiday! And her typical female mistake is that she doesn’t understand this!

Bed Mistake #2: Sexual Passivity

Another typical mistake women make in sex: “I’m in bed with him, which means let him keep trying, please me, he should be active, because he’s a man!”

Sex is a game for two! In most cases, a man will try, but if his attempts do not find a lively response, then it is not strange that it will quickly get boring. Young men often have complexes and think that they are doing something wrong, but with age they become, perhaps, more pragmatic. And they already think like this: “Most likely, she didn’t really want it, but oh well, well... at least let me feel good.”

And sometimes you just want your woman to “take hold of you.” You lie there and wait... like a fool... and she lies next to you. And then he declares: “Why don’t you pester me? You do not want me! You stopped loving me!” And what happens in the end? - again boring sex, killing any relationship.

Men sometimes want to feel desired too. Men need this to maintain self-esteem.

Bed Mistake #3: Silence

Of course, “silence is golden!”, but not in bed. Speak, beloved ones, where you want, how you want, what you want! Especially if you have shared a bed for a short time. Even if it’s been a long time! We change, and sex changes with us. What was considered unacceptable 10 years ago will probably become your favorite pose now. Or maybe it's the other way around.

After all, it happens like this: you, poor thing, try your best to please him, but at the same time you yourself receive satisfaction only in splendid isolation with a shower in the bathroom. And you think that everything is as it should be. No! Say what you want, it's not that difficult!

Men are easy to “train.” Especially in sex. Already in the first lesson, men learn such commands as: “sit” and “lie down”, the command “fu!” in relation to other women it is most difficult to consolidate. Otherwise, don’t worry, it’s worth talking to him as a person, and in all plans of bed life your determination will be rewarded.

And finally: don’t make another mistake in bed, don’t say that you were pretending (about orgasm) the whole time you were together. A man may become depressed, refuse to eat, or become depressed. If he makes progress, don't forget to encourage him.

Female mistake in bed No. 4: excuses

This may sound selfish as a man, but the eternal excuse: “Head hurts” and the like cause the most negativity in men in bed with a woman.

Please, do not abuse men's patience! You need to sleep in bed with a man! Precisely in the very figurative sense of the word. The more often the better. Don’t let a man even think about the fact that there are women in the world with a “healthy head.” And if you really have a headache, then sex is the best medicine! Proven and tested. And also you should not have sex with a man in exchange for some of his services, it can lead to a quick separation.

Bed mistake #5

After sex, you can ask the stupidest question of all: “What are you thinking about now?” he doesn’t think about anything, and if you don’t like it, then it’s better for you not to know his thoughts.

Women's Bed Mistake #6: Lack of Understanding and Criticism

It happens that a man finishes quickly or even has problems with arousal, but this is not his fault, and this does not happen because he does not love you or does not want you, rather, it’s quite the opposite.

In such situations, NEVER criticize a man! Criticism will make everything worse and can even lead to separation! This is especially true for married couples aged 39 - 50 years, when every man has a moment when his wife does not excite him, but do not be afraid - this passes, the main thing is to contribute to this. And again I repeat: “NEVER criticize a man because of this!”, Otherwise I say with full confidence: “A mistress will appear with whom everything will be fine!”

Be understanding!
Cums quickly?
- Well, there’s nothing wrong with that, use condoms or lubricants that prolong sex.
Does he “not get up”?
- Add variety to your relationship in bed. If you were modest enough, then it’s worth spending a little time as a frivolous, slightly “concerned” girl with your beloved man. You can realize your fantasies with the help of role-playing games ( It is advisable to discuss it with your other half, not everyone likes this), as a last resort, and perhaps even better, watch pornographic films - it’s simple and effective.

Bed mistake #7

When asked to perform oral sex, you may be offended, thinking that it is humiliating. Girls, remember: the goal is one: both yours and your partner’s - to have fun, and forget about everything else in bed! It’s another matter if this is unpleasant for you, but this is also not a problem, because a person quickly adapts to everything!

Ask your partner to take a shower, and also smear his “farm”, if he doesn’t mind, with something tasty, preferably less sticky. Keep in mind that it will be a little difficult at first, but try, and everything will work out, and don’t use your teeth, because men in this place are very gentle.

Bed Mistake #8: Comparison

Never compare your man with anyone until he asks, and if he asks, then say that he is the best. This also applies to everyday life.

Female Bed Mistake #9: Getting Dressed

After sex, you immediately put on panties... Why? Not worth it. Some men may feel like the whole process was unpleasant for you.

And finally, the biggest mistake a woman makes in bed is being with the WRONG man!
