School projects for patriotic education of schoolchildren. Autonomous non-profit organization "military-patriotic center "pennant"

about the comprehensive patriotic program “Dela more important than words»
All-Russian public organization of veterans

The comprehensive patriotic program “Deeds are more important than words” (hereinafter referred to as the Program) is aimed at popularizing the heroic and labor feats of our contemporaries, educating the younger generation using their example.
The program includes patriotic projects of various directions and involves holding mass actions, events, meetings, competitions in the regions of Russia with the involvement of famous people, veterans and youth.
The main task of the program, determined by the Chairman of the Central Council of the Organization D.V. Sablin: to ensure that veterans and youth give all their souls, the heat of their hearts to serving the Fatherland, so that someday they can pass this baton to their children and grandchildren, for the Fatherland is not only the native land, motherland, but also the actions of everyone living on it.


1. Preserving historical memory and countering the falsification of Russian history, perpetuating the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland.

3. Passing on the baton of serving the Fatherland from generation to generation.

1. Youth social and patriotic project “Memory is stronger than time”
Project goal: Dissemination and affirmation in the minds of young people of military-historical knowledge, patriotic views and readiness to defend the Fatherland, its national interests, formation and strengthening of young people’s historical memory of the feat of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and local wars.
Project objectives:
organizing and conducting military-patriotic events, local history expeditions, reconstructions of military-historical events;
holding meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and local wars;
involving schoolchildren and their parents in the process of creating a memorial Book of Memory;
creating a social video about the importance of preserving the memory of the feat of the Russian soldier;
perpetuating the names of heroes - school graduates on memorial plaques.
Forms of work on the project:
1. A lesson in courage, citizenship and patriotism.
In the minds of modern youth, the word “veteran” is associated with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as a result of which only a few know about the heroism of Soviet and Russian soldiers manifested in the mountains of Afghanistan, the North Caucasus and other hot spots. In order to broaden the horizons of schoolchildren, it is planned to hold meetings with veterans of various wars - Lessons of Courage.
At the Lessons of Courage, the glory, valor and high patriotism of older generations are resurrected, and the heroic pages of the country's history come to life.
The purpose of the Lessons of Courage: to help children and adolescents better understand the unprecedented feat of our people during the formidable years of the Great Patriotic War, the connection of our heroic past with the present.
Objectives of the Lesson of Courage:
- popularization of the history of Russia, the Russian Army, native land;
- development of personal motivation to learn the most important spiritual and moral values;
- formation in children and adolescents of love for the Motherland and its Armed Forces;
- development general culture in children and adolescents, their civilian and moral qualities;
- propaganda of information about national shrines and symbols, their veneration.
2. Involving schoolchildren and their parents in participating in an essay competition about veterans - members of their families.
The best essays will be included in the Memory Book, which will be kept in the school.
3. Perpetuating the memory of war participants who studied or worked in specific schools.
The names of the heroes - “classmates”, the years of their lives will be engraved on memorial plaques that will be placed on the school building or in the school museum.

2. Patriotic project “Salute to the Heroes of Our Day”
Project goals:
1. Patriotic education of youth using examples of labor achievements and heroic service to the Fatherland of our contemporaries.
2. Formation of a constructive civic position among young people, nurturing a respectful and caring attitude towards the older generation.
3. Achieving public recognition of the merits of contemporaries who have accomplished feats in the labor, civil and military fields.
4. Development of Russian society in the spirit of preserving and enhancing military and historical traditions.
Project content

In the project’s events, its participants talk about their achievements and exploits, using videos, photos and other archival materials, stories from the lives of these people, for whom in real life actions are more important than words.
Participants in the program are students of secondary schools and universities, students of Suvorov and cadet schools, cadets of military educational institutions, military personnel, representatives of socio-political, youth, veteran organizations, members of military history, sports and search clubs, representatives of the media.
The main characters in the program's activities are veterans, Heroes of the USSR and Heroes of Russia, famous statesmen, military personnel, teachers, doctors, athletes, cultural and artistic figures, representatives of the clergy and other citizens who have committed heroic deeds (feats) in civil, labor and military service. field.

3. Project for the development of domestic tourism
Project goals:
1. Dissemination of historical knowledge about Russia among youth and veterans, preventing attempts to distort its history.
2. Assistance in improving the moral and psychological state of veterans, as well as spiritual development personalities;
The main content of the project is pilgrimage trips and historical excursions. At the beginning of the trip, the participants are people who are internally divided, burdened with worries and problems, and who know mainly the sights of the historical center of Moscow. And at the end of the trip, these are friends, like-minded people, people who have learned a lot of important things about themselves, their country and its history.
As part of the project, pilgrims visit the Butovo training ground, the Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia on the territory of the Butovo training ground, the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the village of Voskresenskoye, the Church of the Archangel Michael in the village of Letovo, the Kommunarka training ground (previously a secret facility of the NKVD and the Ministry of Internal Affairs), St. Catherine's Monastery, Zossimov's hermitage. New routes are in development.
However, we cannot limit ourselves to the names of objects when talking about what historical knowledge and spiritual experience pilgrims receive...
...Love for Russia of the von Meck family and gratitude in the form of execution for the head of the family in 1929, the habit of comfort of the All-Union elder Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin and the story of why he immediately fell in love with the von Meck estate, the wonderful revival of the Letovsky Church, terrible pages of torture and the executions of the 30s and the search for the roots of these events in the oath of the Russian people to Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, the appearance of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine to Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov and the story of the ring of the abbot of the St. Catherine's Monastery... But this is not even the main thing. On each trip, pilgrims, most of whom are pensioners, disabled people, parents of disabled children, blockade survivors and descendants of those repressed, can receive spiritual help during conversations with the priests of the Russian Orthodox Church. Orthodox Church- abbots of temples and monks of the monastery. This is a carefully set aside and blessed time for important issues and important answers.


The overall management of the program is carried out by the Central Organizing Committee of the program, created on the basis of the All-Russian organization “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”.
The Central Organizing Committee is responsible for organizing the main events of the program and their coverage in the federal media.
The organization of regional events and their coverage in regional and local media is carried out by working groups created on the basis of regional branches of the All-Russian organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD"


    Direction of the program (project): Organization of historical and local history work for youth

    Title of the program (project): “Echoes of the past war”

    Relevance of the project.

Long gonethe battles of the Great Patriotic War... Time is taking these harsh events further and further away from us. And every year the ranks of veterans are thinning. In our village of Sidorovskoye, where more than a thousand residents live, there is not a single war participant left. In October of this year, the last of them, A. Z. Khaleev, passed away. This is one of the heroes of the video film “We Cannot Forget These Roads” shot by our detachment.

A little more, and the thread connecting us with that heroic generation will be cut forever... This cannot be allowed. On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, Russian society faces the most important tasks - preserving the continuity of generations, intensifying the patriotic education of children and youth, and paying due attention to the fate of war veterans and home front workers. Realizing this, we decided to continue recording the “living voices of history” so that many years later our children and grandchildren could see and hear their fellow countrymen and read about the heroic pages of their biography.

We believe that, working in this direction, it is necessary to strengthen intergenerational ties, to involve pensioners, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, famous fellow countrymen of the past and present in joint activities. It’s no secret that we often remember our pensioners only on Elderly Person’s Day and Victory Day. To eliminate this serious gap, we practice joint activities of representatives of different generations, which, on the one hand, gives the greatest effect in spiritual and moral work with young people, on the other hand, creates in older people and veterans a feeling of being in demand, of belonging to the big and important matter education of the younger generation. Working on the implementation of the project, we interest and involve teenagers in difficult situations in their work. life situation, With disabilities health, adolescents from low-income families, teenagers registered with juvenile affairs commissions, as well as parents of students, which contributes to the formation of warm relationships between children and parents, and they become closer during common activities.

This year we have completed the implementation of the author’s program “I am proud of you, land of fathers and grandfathers!”, based on local history work.

But, taking into account the above problems, we decided to create another project, which will be a continuation of the program on patriotic education.

    Main goals and objectives of the project.

Goals: 1. Development of a system of patriotic education for schoolchildren based on joint activities with war veterans and home front workers, our fellow countrymen.

2. Formation of an active civic position, a sense of pride in one’s small homeland through extensive patriotic work, creating conditions for the personal growth of youth.

3. Studying the history of the region, collecting information about fellow countrymen.

4. Providing attention and support to war and labor veterans, perpetuating their memory.

Tasks : 1.Create conditions for strengthening intergenerational ties, attract older generation, including parents of students, to spiritual and moral working with youth.

2. Create a mechanism to ensure the formation and effective functioning of the system of patriotic education based on joint activities educational institution, the public and the rural House of Culture.

3. Reveal unknown facts of the military biography of fellow countrymen, preserve and develop in children and youth a sense of pride for their country and small homeland, for their fellow countrymen.

4. To develop the creative abilities of schoolchildren, to provide the opportunity to realize themselves in accordance with their inclinations and interests, to identify and support originality and individuality

    Description of the project.

Since 2010, the “STORM” squad has been working according to the author’s program “I’m proud of you, land of fathers and grandfathers!” based on local history. We have developed and implemented the following projects:“My home, my village, my family”, “We cannot forget these roads”, “Youth scorched by war”, “A man with a winged heart”.The project submitted to the competition is a continuation of this program.

The project is a role-playing game in which teenagers and young people, their parents, the public, and military home front workers participate. Each participant in the project-game will be able to find a business for himself according to his interests; during the game, not only the development of students’ patriotic feelings and the formation of love for their small homeland will occur, but also the development of everyone’s creative abilities, the ability to work in a team, and realize responsibility for the assigned work. We did not choose the form of role-playing game by chance: it helps to attract a wide mass of students to work, including disadvantaged children who find it difficult to get involved in such activities. The form of the game will interest them, and the achieved result will increase their self-esteem.

To implement the project, we have organized a headquarters that will coordinate the work. The headquarters consists of 10 people:

    from a veteran organization - 3 people,

    from the STORM squad - 2 people (captain and assistant),

    from parents – 2 people,

    from the administration of Sidorovsky rural settlement - 1 person,

    from the school administration - 1 person,

    from the Sidorovsky House of Culture - 1 person.

Project participants - students are divided into groups to solve specific problems.

1. Scouts. They are engaged in search work: they work with the media, find the information necessary for the implementation of the project, and the addresses of people with whom meetings will be held.

2. War correspondents. Organize meetings with residents and record their memories.

3. Editors. Parents take on the role of editors. They process the collected material and make adjustments.

4. Military printing house. Issues advertising sheets. Composes notes and articles for the media about the progress of the project. (Under the guidance of the project manager).

Issues "Combat Leaflets". The “Young Local Historian” stand regularly updates.

    Film crew . Conducts video shooting. Edits recorded material.

    Restorers . Organize the improvement of monuments on the territory of a rural settlement.

Work to implement the project will take place inseveral stages.

Stage 1: “In the footsteps of Timur” (December).

With the help of the administration of the Sidorovsky rural settlement, lists of participants in the Great Patriotic War, our fellow countrymen, and home front workers are being compiled. Students make special signs during labor lessons.

Red stars with a black border (there are no living war veterans left today) are hung on houses where the families of war veterans live. Yellow stars are hung on houses where home front workers live. These signs indicate that these houses are under the protection of the STORM detachment. The guys explain to the residents that they can always ask for help. (At the same time, assistance is also expected to be provided to other pensioners).

At this stage, the military printing house organizes the production and distribution of advertising sheets, and sends articles to the newspapers "Red Volga Region"

(Krasnoe-on-Vloge settlement) and “Vek” (Volgorechensk) in order to involve the general public in the work on the project.

Stage 2. "High title of Hero" (January)

Our Krasnoselskaya land gave the Motherland 4 Heroes of the Soviet Union: B. P. Syromyatnikov, N. A. Zelenov, P. I. Kuleikin and S. A. Bogomolov. Two of them, B.P. Syromyatnikov and N.A. Zelenov, studied at the Sidorov school.

The “scouts” organize a meeting with B.P. Syromyatnikov’s nephew, L.A. Chechulin, who lives in the village. Sidorovsky. At this meeting, joint work on writing memoirs about the hero’s feat is discussed. With the help of L.A. Chechulin, students establish contact with the daughters of B.P. Syromyatnikov, living in the Moscow region and Siberia. Correspondence with them is organized, their involvement in joint work, and the collection of memories.

Then the “scouts” find the addresses of relatives of other Heroes of the Soviet Union and establish contact with them. “Military correspondents” begin work, collecting memories of relatives and then transferring all the materials to the “editors.”

In order to get a more detailed acquaintance with the military biography of the Heroes, excursions of the entire detachment to the museums of the villages of Krasnye Pozhny and Volgorechensk are organized. After getting acquainted with the exhibits, a plan for further cooperation with museum employees is discussed, and material is selected that can be included in a future collection.

Memories of the Heroes of the Soviet Union will form the first pages of the almanac.

Stage 3. “We brought this day closer as best we could” (February – March)

« Scouts" visit all the houses where the families of war veterans and home front workers live (according to the posted signs), explain the essence of the project and agree on what form of recording memories is convenient for everyone who is ready to take part in the project: self-recording, recording by students under dictation at school, at veterans' homes, video recording. It also turns out who has photographs of the war years, letters from the front, documentary materials, newspaper clippings, etc., which, with the permission of their owners, can be placed in the almanac.

All information is transmitted to headquarters, where it is processed and further work is planned. For each person who has expressed a desire to take part in the project, a convenient form of cooperation is selected, and “military correspondents” are assigned. The recording of the stories of the residents of the Sidorovsky rural settlement about the events of the Great Patriotic War begins: about their relatives, war participants who died at the front or died in peacetime, about the difficult military everyday life in the rear.

Collected material is also transferred to the “editors” for processing.

“Military Printing House” regularly supplies new material, published in the form of a “Combat Leaflet”. It is spreading in a rural community. According to the preliminary plan, the “printing house” publishes these sheets in the amount of 50 pieces

(this quantity may be changed depending on demand).

In this way, residents are informed about the progress of the project.

In addition, a stand “Young Local Historian” is set up in the Sidorovsky House of Culture, where the most interesting finds and the most unexpected discoveries of the children are periodically placed.

The collected material is systematized and used to participate in the regional campaign “Looking for a Hero.”

As part of the work on the project, a creative meeting is organized dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day, inviting guests: home front workers, Afghan soldiers, participants local conflicts, officers of the Russian army - graduates of our school.

The purpose of this meeting is to show school students (a school-wide event) that defending the Fatherland is not only an honorable duty, it is the civic duty of each of us.

During the meeting, a video recording of speeches by defenders of the Fatherland, representatives of different generations, will be made. A literary and musical composition will be shown for the guests of honor. It is expected that military songs will be performed “by the whole audience” (the text will be prepared on slides), with recording on a video camera.

Throughout the entire stage, the film crew (cameramen, directors, sound engineers) film performers of war songs, both individual participants and groups of performers.

Stage 4. “This Victory Day...” (April-May).

The processed information is transferred to the publishing house, with which an agreement has been concluded in advance, for the publication of the almanac"Echoes of a past war."

There are supposed to be 3 parts to this collection:

1) "Oh, roads..." Memories of residents of a rural settlement who passed through front-line roads.

2) “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” Stories about how they worked in the rear to contribute to the great cause of Victory.

3) “Believe the songs of those years...” Folk songs and wartime ditties.

We also plan to include a disc with video recordings of memories and songs performed by residents of the rural settlement to the almanac.

At this time, preparations are underway for the final, very important event - the celebration of the 69th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Participation in the “Duty and Memory” campaign.

“Restorers” are inspecting the monuments to fallen soldiers located on the territory of the village. Sidorovsky, p. Svetocheva Gora, Davydkovo village, compile a list of materials, purchase them, and carry out the necessary work to improve the monuments and the surrounding area.

We are planning a charity concert to coincide with this date.

    Registration and distribution of invitations for labor veterans, home front workers, representatives of local and district administration, sponsors.

    Distribution in a rural settlement, in the village of Kpasnoe-on-Volga and

    Drawing up a concert script with the participation of school students, parents, the choir of the Sidorovsky Palace of Culture, and the Volgorechensk music school. The concert script will also include the performance by students and pensioners of songs and ditties collected during the project.

    Stage design, composition on a military theme.

    Holding a concert. Presentation of the almanac. Distribution of collections among those present. Making voluntary contributions for charitable purposes by the public and sponsors.

    All funds raised at the charity concert will be used to create a memorial plaque, which will be unveiled in

With. We plan to coincide with the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory in Sidorovsky.

    Project implementation schedule.


stages, events

Start and end dates

Expected results(indicating quantitative and qualitative indicators)

Stage 1 – preparatory.

Project development.

Drawing up a work plan.

Organization of the project headquarters.

November 2013

Intensifying the activities of students, involving the public, home front workers, and labor veterans in working on the project.

Stage 2 – practical.

Collection and processing of local history material. Conducting events involving the public.

Release of the almanac.

Holding a charity concert.

December – May 2013

Involving at least 95% of students and 100% of home front workers in patriotic work.

Creation of an almanac compiled from the memories of residents of a rural settlement.

Raising funds to create a memorial plaque in the village. Sidorovsky.

Strengthening the connection between family and school.

Helping children who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Stage 3 – analytical.

Summarizing. Rewarding activists.

June 2013

See paragraph 8

    Description of the positive changes that will occur as a result of the project.

As a result of the Project implementation it is expectedin an institution, as in an educational system:

    intensification of work on patriotic education based on local history;

    enriching the content of patriotic education;

    replenishment of the museum room with local history material;

    involving representatives of all subjects of the educational institution and the public in activities for patriotic education.

As a graduate:

    development of students' creative abilities;

    awareness of responsibility for fate small homeland, countries, the formation of pride in involvement in the actions of previous generations;

    the ability for self-realization in the space of the Russian state, the formation of an active life position;

awareness by students of higher values, ideals, guidelines, the ability to be guided by them in practical activities

9. Sources of project financing.

Funds received for winning the competitionto receive grants to support the activities of patriotic clubs and associations Kostroma region in 2014

Patriotic education project “I am part of Russia” ( preparatory group)

Belyaeva Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher of MKDOU d/s No. 24
Description of material: This material is intended for children of older preschool age. The project will be useful for educators and parents.
Relevance of the project
Patriotic education is actual problem education of the younger generation.
A child is not born a patriot, he becomes one. Patriotism is love for one’s family, one’s native land, one’s country, a sense of pride and responsibility for one’s native country, the desire to be part of a great country.
A.N. Tolstoy said: “Patriotism does not mean only love for one’s homeland. This is much more... This is the consciousness of one’s inalienability from one’s homeland and an integral experience with it of its happy and unhappy days.”
Raising patriotism is not a simple and continuous process; much depends on the child’s environment, on what is ingrained in the child’s consciousness from childhood. Not every parent considers it necessary to tell their child about their native country, their ancestors, naively thinking that Small child doesn't understand anything about it. Therefore the role is very important preschool education in the education of patriotism in children, since it is in preschool age that a person’s moral qualities are formed.
Stage I of the project (main steps for project implementation)
Setting goals and objectives, project planning, selection of methodological tools.
Objective of the project
Education of moral and patriotic qualities of children of senior preschool age, development of interest in the history and culture of Russia
Project objectives
Consolidate knowledge about the state symbols of the Russian Federation
Develop a sense of pride in your country
Cultivate interest in the history of your homeland
Expand your understanding of national culture Russian people, introduce children to Russian folk tales, folk applied arts
Consolidate knowledge about Russian holidays, about Russians folk holidays
Expand knowledge about your small homeland
Cultivate respect for kindergarten staff
Instill interest in family traditions and respect for elders
Expand the subject-development environment
Cultivate an interest in reading fiction
Foster an active life position
Expand words knowledge
Project participants
- children of the preparatory group
- teacher
- parents
Project type
- group
- informational - practice - oriented
- long-term
Implementation period
- 6 months
Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “Artistic creativity”, “Labor”, “Socialization”
Scenario of joint actions to solve problems: (main steps for project implementation)
Setting goals and objectives, project planning, selection of methodological tools (card files of poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, consultations for parents, memos, holding joint events with parents, presentation of the project.)
Product Description
Creating a card index:“Poems about Russia”, “Poems about the Urals”, “Poems about folk applied art”, “Russian folk games", "Proverbs and sayings"; Photo albums: “My village”, “The Kremlin”, “Military equipment of Russia”, “Oh, how good life is in the kindergarten”, “Migratory birds of Russia”, “Butterflies of Russia”, “Russian” folk costume", "Costumes of the peoples of Russia".
Collections: coins, minerals, Kasli casting, marble products, Russian nesting dolls.
Layouts:“Russian Hut”, “Mountain of Gems”.
Exhibitions of children's works: “Red Square”, “Russian Flag”, “Matryoshka”, “Khokhloma”, “Gzhel”, “Dymkovo Toy”.
Creation of a subject-development environment:“My Russia”, “My village”, “My family”, “The Urals - the stronghold of the state”, “People’s applied arts", "Folk musical instruments", "Visiting a fairy tale."
Albums of drawings“The meaning of my name”, “According to Bazhov’s fairy tales”.
Project presentation"I am part of Russia"
Expected Result
For children:
Children feel proud of their country and are interested in the history of their homeland.
They know the traditions of their native people, the symbols of Russia, the history of their small homeland.
Children have deeper knowledge about Russia and the Urals.
For parents:
Parents began to understand the importance of instilling patriotic qualities in preschool age
For teachers:
Increasing the level of teaching skills
Forms of work
Work with children
Direct educational activities
Reading fiction
Games (moving, didactic, role-playing, finger games)
Artistic creativity
Observation, walks
Multimedia presentations
Working with parents
Working together with children
Participation in competitions
Help in preparing holidays and entertainment
Stage II of the project (main) Long-term work plan for the implementation of the project

Block I – Family. Kindergarten.

"My family traditions"
“The child’s rights to a name”
"My mommy"
"My favorite kindergarten»
Viewing photo albums and illustrations: Photo albums with family photographs, “Oh, how good life is in kindergarten,” “The meaning of my name.”
Y. Akim “My Relatives”, V. Dragunsky “My Sister Ksenia”, Z. Alexandrova “Let’s Sit in Silence”, Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo”, “Ayoga”, memorization of poems, proverbs, sayings about family.
Artistic creativity:
Drawing “The house where I live”, “My family”
Application “Vegetables for the winter”
Entertainment:“Day of Knowledge”, “Meeting the poetess of the village. Krasnogorsky"
D/games“Who is older?”, “Whose birthday is it today?”, exercises “Who are you to your parents?”, “Who are you to your grandmother?”
Role-playing games“Family”, “Mothers and Daughters”.
Finger gymnastics: “Friendly family”, “Our apartment”, “Many mothers in this world”
Tabletop theater:"The wolf and the seven Young goats"
Descriptive story:"My mom"
Outdoor games:
RNI "Pie"
RNI "Burners"
RNI "Carousel"
Walk through the streets of the village, to the playground
Working with parents:
Video demonstration for parents: “We are against child abuse”
“Family traditions in raising preschool children”
Parent meeting: “Getting ready for school”
Creation of an album of drawings “The right to a name, the meaning of my name”
Participation in the regional competition “We are creating the history of the Chelyabinsk region”
Questioning: “Patriotic education of a child”

II Block Small Motherland

"Older People's Day"
"My village"
"Chelyabinsk region"
"Ural Craftsmen"
Books by P.P. Bazhov, examination of the symbols of the cities of the Chelyabinsk region, books by authors from the village of Krasnogorsk, photo album “Migratory Birds of Russia”, “My Village”, Kasli casting, marble products, collection of minerals.
Artistic creativity:
Application “Postcard for Grandma”
Drawing based on Bazhov's fairy tales
Modeling “Harvest in my garden”
Reading fiction: P.P.Bazhov " Malachite Box", "Ognevushka - Jumping"
Reading works of poets from Krasnogorsky
Learning the poem “My Krasnogorsk”
To the children's village library "On a visit to the mistress of the copper mountain"
MBOU secondary school No. 14
Finger gymnastics:“Our apartment”, “Building a house”
D/games:“House, street, city”, “Fence”, “House”
Outdoor games:
RNI "Sovushka"
RNI "Golden Gate"
RNI “I walk with the vine”
Descriptive story:"The house I live in"
Competition between kindergartens in Krasnogorsky:"Call of the Jungle"
Working with parents:
“The role of the family in instilling patriotic feelings in preschoolers.”
Exhibition of crafts from vegetables and fruits

III Block Russia

"The history of the emergence of Russia"
"State symbols of Russia"
"President of Russia"
"Wealth of Russia"
GCD:"We are preparing a vinaigrette"
Viewing illustrations and photo albums: Photo album “Russia is my country”, Map of Russia, illustrations “Animals of Russia”, “ Air Force Russia", "Symbols of the Russian Federation", "Rulers of Russia".
Artistic creativity:
Applique peas + drawing “Flag of the Russian Federation”
Drawing "Kremlin"
Drawing based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin
Reading fiction: Russian folk tales “Little Little One”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”. A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, reading and learning poems about Russia
Finger gymnastics:“Hello, my Motherland”, “We are building a house”
D/games: “What are we doing?”, “Russian flag”, “Pick a sign”
Outdoor games:
RNI “Burners with a handkerchief”
RNI "Grandfather - Horn"
Round dance game “Flight of Birds”
Working with parents:
“The role of parents in instilling patriotic feelings in preschool children”

"Moscow is capital of Russia"
"Kremlin Towers"
"The History of the New Year"
"Holidays are fun"
Viewing illustrations and photo albums: Red Book of Russia, postcards on the theme “New Year”, “Russian folk costume”, “Wintering birds of Russia”, work with a globe.
Artistic creativity:
Drawing "New Year"
Felting “Herringbone”
Scratch - “Winter in the Village”
GCD:"Russia is my Motherland"
Reading fiction: Reading Russian folk tales, reading and learning poems about the New Year holiday, winter.
Finger gymnastics:“Dressing up the Christmas tree”, “Winter has finally come”
D/games: “What are we doing”, “Pick up a sign”
Outdoor games:
RNI "Pie"
RNI "Geese - Swans"
RNI "Two Frosts"
Holiday:"New Year at the Gate"
Working with parents:
“The role of parents in the formation of patriotic feelings”
New Year's exhibition "Valenok"

III Block Folk Art
"Folk Crafts"
"Russian doll"
"Round dance games in Rus'"
Viewing illustrations and photo albums: Illustrations “Folk crafts” (Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymkovo toy, Gorodets painting), “Russian nesting doll”, “Russian folk costume”, “Costumes of the peoples of Russia”.
Artistic creativity:
Drawing “Teapot painted with Gzhel”, “Khokhloma board”,
Application “Dymkovo young lady”,
making a three-dimensional matryoshka doll using the papier-mâché technique.
GCD:“Let’s decorate the nesting doll’s sundress”
Reading fiction: RNS “Sivka Burka”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, N. Teleshova “Krupenichka”
Excursions: In MBOU Secondary School No. 14 (in the “Russian Izba” Museum)
Finger gymnastics: “Matryoshka”
D/games:“What is what?”, “Find the extra one,” “What kind of curl is this?”
Outdoor games:
RNI “Burn, Burn Clear”
RNI "Golden Gate"
RNI "Rucheyok"
Working with parents:
“What Russian folk tales should children read?”
IV Block Defenders of the Fatherland. Maslenitsa.

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"
"Our native army"
"Oil Week"
Viewing illustrations and photo albums:“Military equipment”, “Armed forces of the Russian Federation”, “Russian Air Force”, “Orders and medals of Russia”, “Maslenitsa holiday”
GCD:"Travel to Russia"
Artistic creativity:
Drawing: “Border Guard with a Dog”, “Portrait of a Defender of the Fatherland”.
Application “Postcard for Dad”
Broken applique: “Sun”
Reading fiction: Learning poems and songs about the army and military. Reading chapters from Alekseev’s book “One Hundred Stories about War”, Y. Koval’s story “On the Border”, Y. Dlugolesky “What Soldiers Can Do”, reading and learning poems, proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa.
MBOU Secondary School No. 9
Finger gymnastics:"Stand by", "Captain"
D/games:“Who needs what”, “Name the troops.”
S/r games:“Border Guards”, “Tankmen”, “Pilots”, “Military Parade”, “We are Sailors”.
Outdoor games:“Who will deliver the report to headquarters faster”, “The most accurate”, “The bravest”, “Scouts”
RNI "Golden Gate"
RNI "Boyare"
Competitions between kindergartens in Krasnogorsky: Military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa 2015"
Holidays:"Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Maslenitsa"
Working with parents:
"The Child and His Homeland"
Project presentation:"I am part of Russia"
Project results:
During the course of the project, the guys became interested in the history of their country and are proud of Russia. We studied the history of our native village more deeply, expanded our understanding of the work of miners, with the help targeted walks and excursions, we learned the names of the streets and got acquainted with cultural and educational institutions. We expanded the children's knowledge about the Urals, talked about Kasli casting, South Ural porcelain, looked at products made of marble and marble chips, read the Ural tales of P.P. Bazhov, talked about the legends of the Urals. The children got acquainted with the history of Russia, the formation of the state, they know the first tsar and presidents, the children’s knowledge about the peoples living on the territory of Russia expanded, and they consolidated their knowledge of symbolism Russian Federation, its meaning. The children's knowledge about the capital of Russia, cultural monuments expanded, they studied the Kremlin and its towers in more detail - from which they got their name. The children enjoyed studying the map of Russia, looking for various cities, studying animals living on the territory of the Russian Federation; with the help of the Red Book of Russia, the children became acquainted with endangered species of animals. We enjoyed studying Gzhel painting, Khokhloma, Dymkovo painting, expanding our knowledge about the matryoshka doll, and getting acquainted with felting. We continued our acquaintance with oral folk art, Russian folk instruments, visited the ensemble “Cossacks” where they got acquainted with the traditions of the Ural Cossacks. Consolidated knowledge about Russian folk holidays and public holidays Russia. Together with parents, I expanded the subject-development environment. Parents took an active part in the implementation of the project.

Meeting the poetess of Krasnogorsky E.G. Stolle

Right to a name

Studying the history of the village

Visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain

Making a mountain of gems

Looking for Russia

Drawing the Kremlin Towers

Golden Khokhloma


Russian beauty - matryoshka

“Patriotism is one of the most significant, enduring values ​​inherent in all spheres of life of society and the state, is the most important spiritual property of an individual, characterizes highest level its development and is manifested in its active self-realization for the benefit of the Fatherland.”



Municipal educational institution for additional education of children

Center for additional education for children "Yunost" in Belgorod

In service



Socially – pedagogical project on the topic: “Organization of patriotic education in the system of additional education.”

At the place of residence “im. Vitya Zakharchenko"



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“Just like a small tree that has barely risen above the ground, a caring gardener strengthens the root, on the power of which the life of the plant depends for several decades, so a teacher should take care of instilling in his children a feeling of boundless love for the Motherland.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

I. Relevance of the project…………………………………………………………….2page
II. Goal, objectives and expected results of the project…………………….3page

III. Contents of the project……………………………………………………………4 page
IV. Main participants of the project……………………………………………………….6page

V. Project implementation mechanisms:

1. Implementation stages……………………………………………………………..6page

2. Project implementation program………………………………… 7 page

3. Possible forms of active educational activities…..8page

VIDuration of the project……………………………..9page

VII Forms for summing up the results of the program………………..9 page

VIII.Prospects for further development………………………………………………………………………………….10page IX.Appendices

  1. State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015”
  2. Action plan for patriotic education for the 2013-2014 academic year
  3. Photo materials
  4. Publications in the media

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  1. Relevance of the project.

The transformation of Russian society in the 90s led to fundamental changes in the directions of social development, which caused a certain stratification of society, a decline in living standards, and a reorientation of values ​​among young people. Against the backdrop of aggravation of interethnic conflicts, as a result of the collapse of the single multinational state of the USSR, when there is tacit propaganda of violence through the media, and the priority of material values ​​over spiritual ones is implanted in society, there are no conditions for the formation of a highly moral, socially active personality with a clearly defined civic position. Behind Lately Nationalist sentiments have increased significantly in Russian society. Among children and youth, negativism, demonstrative attitudes towards adults, and extreme cruelty have increased. Crime has increased sharply and become “younger”. Many children today find themselves outside the educational environment, on the street, where they learn the difficult science of education in harsh conditions. Over the past decade, we have practically lost an entire generation, whose representatives could potentially become true patriots and worthy citizens of our country.

Due to post-crisis phenomena present in the socio-economic, political, cultural and other spheres of public life, it is necessary to increase the level of upbringing and education of the younger generation.

“Patriotism is one of the most significant, enduring values ​​inherent in all spheres of life of society and the state, is the most important spiritual asset of an individual, characterizes the highest level of its development and is manifested in its active self-realization for the benefit of the Fatherland.” Patriotism is what, first of all, distinguishes a true citizen. Each era fills the concepts of “patriot” and “citizen” with specific historical content. The concept of a citizen of the Russian Federation also contains universal features of citizenship. N. A. Nekrasov said it best about them:

There will be no worthy citizen

I have a cold heart for the Fatherland.

There is no worse reproach for him.

Go into the fire for the honor of the Fatherland,

For conviction, for love.

Historically, school is the foundation for the formation of civic consciousness and involvement in one’s native origins. But work on patriotic education must be carried out comprehensively. An integrated approach reflects the most important feature

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education - focus on the development of personality of high social activity and civic responsibility. This should be a proven system, not random events.

Therefore, in our teenage club at the place of residence, additional educational activities are carried out, where military-patriotic education is a priority, in order to assist educational institutions in the development of active citizenship in children and adolescents.

It is important that patriotic views and beliefs become the norm, the basic principle of student behavior in the everyday life of adolescents.

II. Goals and objectives, expected results of the project.

Target: Patriotic, spiritual and moral education of adolescents and the creation of an information fund, the work of which is aimed at deep awareness of the great feat of the Soviet people and comprehension of this feat and achievements through studying the facts of life of veterans who survived the war.Raising the younger generation in the spirit of love and respect for their Motherland, propaganda healthy image life. The project participants realized that the Motherland is not only a living sense of kinship between a person and those close to him, but also the state of Russia, which must be loved, protected, protected and proud of.Perpetuating the memory of fallen fellow countrymen.

Project objectives:

  1. Raising a generation that is physically and morally healthy.
  2. Preparing young men for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Career guidance.
  3. Promotion of healthy lifestyles.
  4. Organization of active educational and entertaining leisure for children and adolescents.
  5. Organization of work on the rehabilitation of antisocial teenagers.
  6. Cooperation with parents, teachers of MBOU “Gymnasium No. 12”, reserve military personnel, activists of district No. 19.
  7. Creating a health-preserving environment by relieving psychological stress and negative emotions.
  8. Development of self-management skills, leadership qualities, volunteer movement.

Expected Result:

  • increasing the responsibility of club students for their actions in relation to the nature of the Motherland and respect for their nation and representatives of other nationalities.

III. Contents of the project.

The state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011–2015” (Appendix No. 1) defines the content, main directions and ways of development and formation of patriotic consciousness “as the most important value.”

The essence is to cover the entire pedagogical process, permeate all structures, integrating various types of activities into the classroom and extracurricular life of students.

But the implementation of patriotic education only with the help of knowledge is impossible. New times require from the institution of additional education for children the content, forms and methods of patriotic education that are adequate to modern social and pedagogical realities. There is a need for an activity component of patriotic education. Only through active involvement in social activities and conscious participation in it.

The project is dedicated to the employment of “at-risk” teenagers together with well-off children during the holidays and after school hours., includes the following priority areas for working with youth:

  • patriotic education of youth;
  • development of voluntary (volunteer) activities;
  • promoting the integration of young people in difficult life situations into the life of society;
  • development of leadership potential of youth and youth self-government.

An important part for teenagers at risk is moral and psychological preparation. The club's students get acquainted with the names and exploits of our fellow countrymen, with the participation of Belgorod residents in the Second World War and in "hot spots".

The ideology of consumption, the cult of money, the decline in the prestige of military service and the level of education, the reorientation of children and adolescents to the values ​​of Western and American culture - all this is a consequence of the lack of patriotic and moral education in school and in the family. Parents sometimes do not have enough time and knowledge to raise their children, so the joint activities of teachers and the public through the work of the club contribute to the establishment of open, trusting, respectful

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relations between adults and children, the formation of a civic personality that combines a developed moral, legal and political culture

The institution of additional education for children, being a complex organism, reflects the character, problems and contradictions of society and, to a large extent, thanks to its educational potential, determines the orientation of a particular individual and is responsible for the socialization of the individual. Childhood is the most optimal for the system of civic-patriotic education, since this is a period of self-affirmation, active development social interests and life ideals.

Patriotism - this is love for the Motherland, devotion to one’s Fatherland, one’s people, inseparability with its history, culture, achievements, problems - this is what constitutes the spiritual and moral basis of the individual, forming his civic position and the need for worthy, selfless, even self-sacrifice, service to the Motherland . True patriotism includes respect for other peoples and countries, their national customs and traditions and is inextricably linked with the culture of interethnic relations.

Patriot - this is a person who honors the history of his country, respects the existing political system, sacredly treats the duty of protecting state borders and increasing the authority and wealth of the Motherland, feels inextricable roots with his family, fatherland and national culture.

It is quite difficult to consider the process of patriotic education from the point of view of the manifestation of the active position of children. The implementation of patriotic beliefs is, first of all, a demonstration of one’s attitude towards the fate of the Motherland, its people, and one’s loved ones.

It is noted that mass manifestations of patriotism occur during war. It is more difficult to be a patriot in peacetime; cultivating patriotism in new socio-economic conditions is an even more difficult problem. And yet it is possible. Favorable conditions for working on the formation of one of the most deep feelings– patriotism – in modern system education exists in institutions of additional education for children.

The educational process in additional education of children has a practical orientation and implements the principle of unity of teaching, upbringing and development. The following directions can be distinguished educational work on the development of patriotism of the club's pupils: heroic-historical, military-patriotic and spiritual-moral.

Heroic-historicalthe direction of patriotic education is focused on the promotion of military professions, significant

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Historical dates, development of a sense of pride in victory in the Great Patriotic War and for the deeds of heroic ancestors. The historical memory of the people is the basis of this direction.

The most accessible forms of work in this direction are considered to be conversations and meetings with combat veterans and worthy citizens.

Military-patrioticThe direction implements military-patriotic education, which is designed to contribute to the formation in the citizens of the country, especially young people, of patriotic, moral and psychological qualities necessary to carry out tasks to ensure the security of the Fatherland.

Spiritual and moralThe direction is based on the idea of ​​updating the spiritual powers of adolescents. Spirituality today is considered as a property of the soul, consisting in the predominance of moral and intellectual interests over material ones.

VI. Main participants of the project

  • teenagers of free attendance and students in children's associations of the club aged 7-17 years

It is expected that there will be categories of children:

  • adolescents from the “risk group” -10 - 15%
  • teenagers in difficult life situations – 20-25%
  • students who are passionate about military sports activities – 25-30%

The project is also aimed at residents of the region: WWII veterans and home front workers, children of war and siege, veterans of combat operations in Afghanistan and Chechnya, elderly activists of district No. 19, parents of students, reserve military personnel and all interested parties.

V. Project implementation mechanisms.

1. Stages of implementation.

Project implementation stages"Organization of patriotic education in the system of additional education."

Stage I: design

Target : preparation of conditions for creating a system of patriotic education.

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1. Develop, discuss and approve a work plan for patriotic education.

2. Analyze the material, technical, and pedagogical conditions of implementation.

Stage II: practical

Target: implementation of the work plan for patriotic education.


1. Work out the content of the activity, the most effective forms and methods of educational influence.

3. Strengthen the relationship of the teenage club with the social partners of the microdistrict, draw up a joint action plan (MBU "Gymnasium No. 12", Department of Services for Elderly Users of the N. Ostrovsky Central City Hospital, MBU " Social services population", activists of district No. 19)

4. Monitor implementation.

Stage III: analytical

Goal: analysis of implementation results.


1. Summarize the results of the work.

2. Correct implementation difficulties.

3. Plan work for the next period.

2. Project implementation program.

To solve the assigned problems, the existing social and pedagogical space is used - a teenage club at the place of residence cooperates with museums, libraries, and public organizations.

Educational work is based on age criteria. When planning work, traditional, institutional, municipal, regional, and all-Russian events related to anniversaries and state dates are taken into account.

Assessment of the effectiveness of project implementation is carried out based on the use of a system of objective criteria represented by moral and spiritual parameters:

1. Formation of civic skills:

  • ability to work and act individually and in a team;
  • knowledge of your rights and responsibilities and the ability to use them;
  • the ability to make and defend your decisions;
  • willingness to participate in public affairs;
  • readiness for education.

2. Formation conscious attitude to core values:

  • patriotism and love for the Motherland;
  • rights and freedom of man and citizen;
  • symbols of the Russian Federation;
  • national identity;
  • respect for the honor and dignity of other citizens; - citizenship.

The project reflects the social order necessary for society and the state to educate a citizen of his homeland, a patriot with an active life position. The end result of the implementation of the Project should be an active civic position and patriotic consciousness of adolescents, as the basis of the personality of a Russian citizen.

3. Possible forms of active educational activities:

  • Events dedicated to important historical dates
  • Business games;
  • Debates, quizzes;
  • Research activities,
  • Collective creative activities;
  • Reviews, competitions, exhibitions;
  • Competitions;
  • Excursions, trips, hikes;
  • Labor affairs: stocks, transactions
  • Communication trainings
  • Oral journal
  • Contest creative projects(albums, presentations, essays, drawings, posters)”;
  • Virtual excursion “Journey to the past and present” (to the childhood of our parents, grandparents, distant and close relatives, our city, region, country)
  • Family living rooms.
  • "Spiritual and moral foundations of the Russian people."
  • “Transferring the heroic and labor traditions of the family to new generations.”
  • Creation of family albums: “The pride of our relatives”, “Our dynasties”, etc.

A sense of patriotism cannot be instilled by force.

It is impossible, according to plan, to form love for mother, for father, especially for the Motherland. Therefore, along with planned activities to develop patriotism among young people in joint plan Working with social partners involves a variety of activities:

  • Holidays “Super Grandma” and “The Main Word in Every Fate”,
  • Exhibition of crafts “Autumn – Name Day at the Rowan Tree” and master classes, checkers and chess competitions,
  • Educational and entertainment programs “In the country of vitamins A, B, C.” and “Petrine Decree”,
  • Risk version of “If you want to be healthy, be healthy.”
  • Disputes
  • Joint concerts and even tea parties, when generations communicate in an informal and non-official setting, and thematic conversations are unobtrusively conducted.

VI. Duration of the project.

September 2013 – May 2014

VII. Forms for summing up the results of the program implementation

When summing up the results of the Project implementation, a final celebration is held“The heirs of Victory are in the ranks”, which includes awarding the best and most active students in the academic year with certificates of honor, letters of gratitude and prizes; organization of the final exhibition with arts and crafts works; formation of a leadership group of proactive and active program participants.

Of course, educational methods such as persuasion and conversation are widely described in pedagogical science and used in practice. The teacher’s word is the most main tool impact on the child. But taking the position of the activity approach, I would like to especially emphasize the subjective essence of education: a teenager develops only in independent active activity. It is necessary to guide children and adolescents through a system of specific actions, “investments” mental strength“,” “creating joy for others,” in the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

I would especially like to emphasize that the basis of education, and especially patriotic education, lies primarily in the education of feelings. I would like to especially focus on this, because... Practical teachers rarely think about the fact that the source of feeling is an experienced emotion. Therefore, a factor in the development of patriotic feelings should be

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a purposefully created situation when a child experiences pride in his mother, loved ones, and his family; for the team, which should become a second family for the child; for the joint success and achievements of other team members, citizens, and Russians.

VIII. Prospects for further development.

  1. Monitoring individual development cognitive interest Andinformation literacy of club students;
  2. Drawing up a work plan for the 2014-2015 academic year.


on patriotic education
"The greatness of a people is not measured by its
in numbers like the greatness of man
not measured by his height;
the only measure is its
mental development and him
moral level."
Victor Hugo.

Project Information Card
Project name
Objective of the project
Project objectives
Author of the project
Full name
Legal and
actual address
Project time frame
Project personnel
formation of citizenship among students,
patriotism, an active life position for their successful
socialization through the involvement of students,
teachers, parents in active work By
patriotic education.
 develop patriotic feelings and consciousness of students;
 to educate students in the values ​​of citizenship,
patriotism, tolerance, defining the model of their
life behavior;
 maintain and develop feelings of pride in one’s country and
 study the heroic past of our country;
 cultivate a sense of duty to the Motherland, a sense
attachments to the places where a person was born and raised;
 prepare for a worthy meeting of the Victory in the Second World War;
 improvement of value-oriented qualities
personality, providing conditions for self-expression
students, their creative activity;
 formation effective system patriotic
education that provides optimal conditions development in
each student's loyalty to the Fatherland, readiness to give
benefit to society and the state;
 affirmations in the minds and feelings of students
patriotic values, views and beliefs.
local history
spiritual moral

Kostin A.V., teacher of history and social studies.
Voronova A.V., teacher of history and social studies.
142900, Kashira municipal district, st.
20152020 academic year year
Participants in the educational process of the college

Relevance of the project……………………………………………………………....5
Basis for the development of the project………………………………………………………......7
Goal and objectives of the project………………………………………………………...…...….7
Timing and stages of project implementation………………………………………………………...…..……8
Expected results of the project……………………………………………………………...…...8
Project implementation mechanism……………………………………………………………........9
Main directions of the project………………………………………….……….10
Information and technical resources of the project…………………………….…...10
Methodological support for the project………………………………………………………...10
Implementation measures……………………………….……………………...…11
Scientific novelty of the project………………………………………………………….….12
Theoretical significance of the project……………………………………..…...…12
Practical significance of the project……………………………………………………...…...12
Assessing the effectiveness of the project……………………..……………………………12
Cost-effectiveness of the project………………………………………….………………………..13
Risks in project implementation and ways to overcome them……………………………13

1. Relevance of the project.
“...even the word “patriotism” itself is sometimes used ironically or even
in a abusive sense. However, for the majority of Russians it has retained its
original meaning. This feeling of pride in front of his Fatherland, his
history, achievements. This is the desire to make your country more beautiful, richer, stronger.
Having lost patriotism and the national pride and dignity associated with it, we
We will lose ourselves as a people capable of great achievements.”
Development of the Russian state and society, modernization of the general
education and the introduction of federal state standards of the second generation
set new tasks in the field of educating the younger generation.
In light of these tasks, the importance of patriotic education of students increases
college. This direction of education should make a significant, and in some
cases and a decisive contribution to the formation of worthy citizens, training
skillful and strong defenders of the Fatherland. Importance and at the same time complexity
the President emphasizes solving the problems of patriotic education of youth
Russian Federation, noting that “...competent and thoughtful actions require
issues related to the patriotic education of youth. This topic is eternal, but
very difficult".
Patriotic education is multifaceted,
purposeful and coordinated activities of the college, public
associations and organizations for the formation of high patriotism in students
consciousness, a sense of loyalty to one’s Fatherland, readiness to fulfill
civic duty, the most important constitutional duties to protect the interests of
Currently, very little attention is paid to the education of students
precisely as patriots of their fatherland, the main emphasis in the learning process and
education is aimed at professional implementation and adaptation to life in
modern society. The problem of patriotism has become especially acute in recent times.
time, due to the tense political, economic, social atmosphere.
The problems of moral and patriotic education faded into the background, which

unacceptable in the process of development and education of a person and citizen
IN last years there is a rethinking of the essence of patriotic
education: the idea of ​​cultivating patriotism and citizenship by acquiring everything
more public importance, becomes a task of national importance.
Only on the basis of towering feelings of patriotism and national shrines
love for the homeland is strengthened, a sense of responsibility for its power appears,
honor and independence, preservation of material and spiritual values ​​of society,
personal dignity develops. Today, when at the state level
civic-patriotic education is highlighted as a priority
directions, our project, which is aimed at maintaining continuity
generations and the formation of patriotism, we consider especially relevant.
Motherland, Fatherland... In the roots of these words there are images close to everyone: mother and father,
parents, those who give life to a new creature. Cultivating a sense of patriotism in
students – the process is complex and lengthy. Love for one's native country, native land
play a huge role in the development of a student’s personality. Without love for the Motherland
It is impossible to build a strong Russia. Without respect for one's own history, for deeds
and the traditions of the older generation cannot raise worthy citizens. Without
revival of national pride, national dignity cannot be inspired
people for high things. These qualities must be cultivated from early childhood.
The relevance of the project is undeniable: Victory Day. Veterans who once walked
whole columns at parades and processions, ringing with orders and medals, now
disappeared into the human mass: sometimes on holidays you can see
a small number of elderly people with order bars and medals on
breasts There are very few of them left. Time inexorably erases the connecting threads from
past. And the country is reaping the fruits of callousness, cynicism and absolute ignorance
historical truth by representatives of the “lost” generation, which
Patriotic education was instilled. There was such a time.
Therefore, for the sake of our past, present and future, we must do everything
it is possible that we will not have more generations - “Ivans who do not remember kinship.”
On the eve of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory, we need to do it again, many more times
touch history - the history of our heroic people. The main means
education of a citizen and patriot in modern conditions becomes a commonwealth
teenagers and teachers connected by common tasks, activities, humane
relationships. It is here that the thread of generations of teachers, graduates,
parents, all those involved in the process of education and upbringing. Appeal to
spiritual experience of previous generations - most important factor formation
morality and patriotism.
I, as the author of the “MY FATHERLAND” project, am confident that when it is implemented in
students will have the beginning of an understanding of high civic patriotic
feelings: love for the Fatherland, a sense of pride in one’s people, their history, traditions,
cultural achievements, a sense of national pride and love for one’s family
The project “MY FATHERLAND” was developed in accordance with the program
“Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2015 – 2020.”
It contains serious and systematic work on the formation of moral qualities

the personality of students, the work of the student’s mind, soul and heart. Need to create
conditions for the education of patriotic feelings and qualities that will become
subsequently the basis of the child’s moral behavior.
patriotic education should be carried out on the basis of people’s lifestyle,
who are a shining example of serving their family and region.
and culture
of his homeland.
Loving her
Homeland and your
legal and
universal to humanity
what values.
and speeches.
and physically
2. Basis for developing the project:
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".
State Program “Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation”
Federation for 2011-2015" (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 5, 2010 No.
3. Project goal: to develop citizenship, patriotism in students,
active life position for their successful socialization through
involving students, teachers, parents in active activities to
patriotic education.
Project objectives:
develop patriotic feelings and consciousness of students;
 to instill in students the values ​​of citizenship, patriotism,
tolerance that determines the model of their life behavior;
preserve and develop feelings of pride for one’s country and people;
study the heroic past of our country;
 to cultivate a sense of duty to the Motherland, a sense of attachment to those places where
a person was born and raised;
prepare for a worthy celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory;
improving value-oriented personality traits, ensuring
conditions for self-expression of students, their creative activity;
formation of an effective system of patriotic education,
providing optimal conditions for the development of fidelity in each student
Fatherland, readiness to benefit society and the state;

 affirmation of patriotic values ​​in the minds and feelings of students,
views and beliefs.
4. Timing and stages of the project
The project is being implemented from September 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020
Stage I
Goals and objectives
Goal: preparing the conditions for creating a patriotic program
1. Explore regulatory framework, regulations.
2. Develop and discuss a civil society project
patriotic education.
3. Analyze material, technical, pedagogical
conditions for project implementation.
4. Pick up diagnostic techniques by main
directions of the project.
Goal: implementation of a project on patriotic education.
1. Work out the content of the activity, the most
effective forms and methods of educational influence.
2. Enrich the content of patriotic education.
3. Develop methodological recommendations for
patriotic education.
4. Expand and strengthen the college’s connections and relationships with
institutions of additional education, culture and
5. Involve in the system of patriotic education
representatives of all subjects of educational activities.
6. Monitor the implementation of the program.
Goal: analysis of the results of the project.
1. Summarize the results of the work.
2. Correct difficulties in the implementation of the project.
3. Plan work for the next period.
Stage II
Stage III
e and analysis

5. Expected results of the project.
The implementation of the project will contribute to:

increasing the value attitude of college students to problems
patriotic development;

improvement current system college work on patriotic
education of the younger generation;
use effective forms patriotic education of students in
educational and extracurricular activities of the college.
Expected results of the project, their social and educational significance
As a result of the project implementation it is expected:
enriching the content of civic-patriotic education;
involvement in the system of civic-patriotic education of representatives of all
subjects of educational activities;
increasing interest in studying materials about the Great Patriotic War;
introducing students to the military and labor traditions of the people;
involving students in active search, research,
creative activity;
in the cognitive sphere: development of students’ creative abilities;
in local history: awareness of responsibility for the fate of the country, the formation
pride in participation in the deeds of previous generations;
in social: the ability for self-realization in the space of the Russian state,
formation of an active life position; knowledge and compliance with legal norms
in the spiritual and moral sphere: students’ awareness of the highest values, ideals,
guidelines, the ability to be guided by them in practical activities.
Specific expected results of the project:

Creation of an information stand on patriotic education.
Developing in students a sense of love for the Motherland, native land, and college.
Formation of readiness among students to defend the Motherland.
Raising students' respect for the feat of war veterans.
Activation creative potential students.
Developing interest in studying the history of one’s native land and Fatherland.
Preservation and strengthening of physical and spiritual health students,
increasing the effectiveness of activities to protect the health of students.

Involving the public in patriotic work
education of students.
Commandments on which the work of patriotic education is based
6. Project implementation mechanism.
Basic principles of organizing patriotic education:
The principle of holistic equality

The teacher and student have a common goal, interesting joint activities, the same
views on universal human values, positions of equality. Leading in relation to
for adults and students is the principle: “even though you are still a child, you are the same person as
and I; I respect you. We are doing a common cause together.”
The principle of continuity and consistency of educational influence at all levels
continuing education. The relationship between the processes of education and training. Accounting
patterns of psychophysiological development in each age period,
ensuring a person-oriented approach to the upbringing of children and adolescents.
The principle of development is the path educational system in the following steps:
emergence, formation, maturity and transformation.
7. Main directions of the project.
civil-patriotic – formation of constant readiness to serve
to his people and fulfilling his constitutional duty;
historical - local history - formation of pride in the historical past
your homeland, respect for the traditions of your ancestors;
heroic - patriotic - acquaintance with historical and significant
dates in the history of the state, instilling a sense of pride in the heroic
ancestral past;
spiritual - moral - understanding and awareness by students of high
moral values, to be guided by them in Everyday life.
Forms of work used in the implementation of the project:

extracurricular activities: shows, competitions; Exhibitions.

events dedicated to important historical dates; business games And

round tables; class hours, conversations, debates, quizzes.

collective creative activities.
laying wreaths at the monument to those killed during the war.
sports competitions.
meetings with veterans, reserve soldiers and military personnel.
relationship with institutions of additional education.
studying the history and culture of the native land.
8. Information resources.
College information base, special literature, educational website
institutions, will always allow you to find the necessary information, broadcast the progress
project implementation.
Technical Resources.
College technical support. Specifically, the college has:
 History cabinet, where it is possible to preserve the necessary historical
materials, hold meetings, work on a project.
9. Methodological support for the project.
Pedagogical and methodological support the project involves:
 Using a set of techniques for organizing and conducting patriotic
education, the use of the whole variety of pedagogical forms and methods
 Use of regular publications of relevant literature covering this
scope of activity taking into account advanced domestic and foreign
pedagogical experience.
 Active use of the method of collective creative work.
method of socially significant activities, method of support and success, co-creation and
cooperation, partnership, developmental training, various techniques studying
personality, civic motivation, study of the environment and its influence on education
10. Implementation activities


Unknown Soldier
Celebrating a week of history and law
7 Computer presentation competition
"War Chronicle"
8 Research activities
“War in the history of my family” January March
9 Conversation with students
"How it started.."
(about the beginning of the Second World War
10 Creative works competition
"Letter to a Veteran"
11 Release of information calendar
"This day in the history of war"
12 Promotion, dedicated to the day victory
"Everlasting memory"
Working with parents
Parent meetings on
patriotic education
During a year
Helping children prepare
presentations, projects, crafts Throughout the year
11. Scientific novelty of the project.
The scientific novelty of the project is that:
based on an analysis of the regulatory framework of the organization of patriotic
education of college students in extracurricular activities and generalizations of experience
This work will develop a modern organizational and methodological model
this direction of education;
criteria for assessing results and effectiveness will be developed and tested
patriotic education in the system of extracurricular activities of the college, allowing

purposefully modernize the content, forms and methods of patriotic
education depending on its goals.
12. Theoretical significance of the project.
The theoretical significance of the project results is that
the main trends in the development of patriotic education substantiated in it
students in extracurricular activities can become an important guideline for creating
projects by other educational institutions in this area;
developed and tested in practice model of patriotic
education of students expands theoretical ideas about the possibilities
network educational and educational institutions, approaches to training
selection of personnel for them;
the basic principles for selecting content, forms and
methods of military-patriotic work, scientific characteristics of conditions
effective implementation of this area of ​​education can be carried out by
function of the necessary theoretical basis for applied and methodological
regulatory framework developed during the formation of the system
patriotic education - can be used in the development of such
models in other educational institutions.
13. Practical significance of the project.

author's approach to the formation of the information component
patriotic education will be able to demonstrate new possibilities with
formation of a patriotic worldview among students.

proposed criteria for assessing effectiveness and results
patriotic education, can be used by educational
institutions in order to improve the quality of education and in the formation
requirements for personnel implementing the tasks of patriotic education.
14. Project effectiveness assessment
Assessment of the effectiveness of project implementation is carried out based on the use
systems of objective criteria represented by moral, spiritual and
quantitative parameters.
Moral and spiritual parameters:
1. development of civil skills:
ability to work and act individually and in a team;
knowledge of your rights and responsibilities and the ability to use them;
the ability to make and defend your decisions;
willingness to participate in public affairs;
readiness for education;
2. formation of a conscious attitude towards basic values:
patriotism and love for the Motherland;
human and civil rights and freedoms;

knowledge of the symbols of the Russian Federation;
national identity;
respect for the honor and dignity of other citizens;
Quantitative parameters:
1. involvement of each student in educational situations;
2. participation in the search research work;
3. participation in college and municipal competitions in civic-patriotic
4. Number of events held on civil-patriotic
5. Participation in regional and federal civil-patriotic competitions
6. 100% participation of students participating in events and sports games.
15.Project efficiency.
The cost-effectiveness of the project lies in the fact that this model operates on
college base. For this purpose, a history room has been provided, in which there are
certain conditions for work. Project participants can use
16. Risks and limitations of project implementation
There is a risk that if the work is carried out formally, students will perceive this
the project as an ordinary series of activities, and this work will not affect their mind and heart.
To prevent this from happening, you need to make every effort, experience and knowledge, implement
new diverse and effective technologies for correct and complete
implementation of this project on patriotic education.

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