Phone interview questions. telephone interview

For a client who called the organization, the voice of the secretary on the phone is the organization with all its policies, attitudes towards the consumer and quality of service. As the secretary says, whether she will support the client, whether she will help solve his problem - all this adds up to nothing less than the image of the company. The etiquette of a telephone conversation is simple, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules. Let's talk about them in this article.

My experience of communicating with a variety of organizations shows that other young ladies should not be allowed to talk to clients for a cannon shot. Especially it concerns small companies, whose leaders in the selection of personnel follow the principle of "cheap and cheerful". As a result, calls are answered by illiterate ladies who say “call” and “go to bed”, treat absolutely everyone with incomprehensible malice, are rude to everyone indiscriminately, for which they receive a salary slightly higher than the minimum wage. I hope this is not about my readers.

On the other hand, the callers themselves sometimes behave in such a way that they want not just to hang up, but to throw it at their head (just kidding :)). But you can't. At least because the role can easily be played by a "mystery shopper" - a marketer with a voice recorder. Today you will say everything you think about this person, and tomorrow you will listen to a recording of this conversation with the CEO.

Many companies record the conversations of their employees in order to improve customer service. A very correct decision!

So, three whales that keep business communication on the phone:

- Politeness

– Friendliness

- Helpfulness


Remember: no matter what your mood and condition are, whether you want to communicate or not, you need to speak on the phone correctly and friendly.

Making your intonations pleasant is very simple: before you start talking, smile. It's all. No one forces you to enjoy life violently, you just need to stretch your lips in a smile. Checked - the voice from this becomes more joyful.


If a person calls, then he needs something from you. Your task is to help, satisfying his needs as much as possible. This attitude is the starting point of communication both with the visitors of your office and with those who called into it.


When you pick up the phone, first say the full name of your company, then a greeting (“Hello” or “Good afternoon”), and finally identify yourself. This is an unshakable rule: a person must make sure that the number is dialed correctly.

Some companies ask their employees to say a corporate slogan or some text when answering a call. I recommend adopting this clever move, which allows you to "mark" in the memory of the caller.

Examples of such texts:

Zarya Company, reliable windows for every home! My name is Maria, I'm listening to you!

"Firm" White light", the energy of success! You called the reception, my name is Olga, how can I help?”

If you yourself call somewhere, you also need to introduce yourself, but briefly. First name the company, then your position and name. For example:

“Good afternoon, White Light Company. I'm a secretary CEO, my name is Olga".

Once and for all, remove from your vocabulary the expression "It bothers you." Disturbing is making the wrong number at two in the morning. AT working time such words are inappropriate. Once I replaced this phrase, and instead of "Company N bothers you" I trained myself to say "Company N welcomes you." The tone of the conversation immediately changed.

Never say the following phrases:

- I dont know

- I was not warned

— The director has gone somewhere

— I don't know when the director will arrive.

— I do not have this document (price list, list, protocol, contract)

- Read our website, everything is written there


The list can be continued indefinitely. All these phrases have one thing in common: the incompetence of the secretary and his unwillingness to help the caller. These two qualities should never be demonstrated.

All of the above phrases can be replaced:

I don't know, I wasn't warned = I'll check it out and let you know. You can call back later or leave your phone number.(Gaining time to find the answer.)

The director has left somewhere, I don't know when the director will arrive = The director is at a meeting in the ministry. He'll be back as soon as the meeting is over. More precisely, unfortunately, I can not. Please try calling in an hour(after lunch, at the end of the day, tomorrow - depending on when the director actually arrives).*

* I hope you understand that you cannot report to everyone and everyone where in this moment the boss resides. You can get away with such neutral answers.

I do not have this document = I will now connect you with the specialist who is responsible for this work. His name is Maxim Sergeevich, he will answer all your questions.

Read our website, everything is written there- I would immediately fired for such an answer without any talk. No matter what and where it is written, the secretary's duty is to provide the consumer with all possible information within his competence.

And the last. In the word "rings" the stress falls on the second syllable: it rings, and not vice versa.

Call message

Every day you may receive dozens of calls asking you to speak with the director. But for this, you work at the reception or at the reception, in order to filter all incoming information, filter out the unnecessary, and direct everything else in the right direction.

And then the phone rings. You pick up the phone and introduce yourself. Then you hear the standard “Is it possible for Ivan Petrovich?”.

Option number one - Ivan Petrovich is in his office and is ready to talk.

  1. Find out who is calling. Speech formulas for this are enough:

- Who is asking him?

- How to introduce you?

- Please introduce yourself.

- Identify yourself.

Speaking of "introduce yourself". One day, a pompous gentleman, in response to my “please introduce yourself,” replied that there was no need to call him to die. Say, to introduce yourself is to die. Clinical case of literary illiteracy. Indeed, in the Russian language there is an outdated word “prestavtsya”, which means “to die, to pass away”. BUT modern word"Introduce yourself" means nothing more than "name yourself, introduce yourself."

One way or another, from the caller you need to get his name and patronymic, necessarily the last name, position and name of the company he represents.

  1. Find out what this person is calling about.

At this stage, many calls can be screened out. Often, callers end up at the front desk and ask for the CEO only because the company hasn't listed any other contact persons. Someone who wants to order your products, it is advisable to send to the sales department, and not to the head.

Thus, you transfer the call to your superiors by telling them, for example:

“The deputy director for development of the Prostor company, Sergey Sergeevich Mikhailov, is calling. He would like to discuss with you the protocol of disagreements on the treaty.

Option number two - the director is busy or left for a meeting, and the secretary is receiving calls at this time. By the time the boss returns, it is necessary to provide him with a full report: who called, when and why.

The following fields can be added to the form:

- Surname, name, patronymic of the caller (enter, of course, in full)

— Organization

- Question

— Feedback (phone, email address, any other contacts of the caller)

— Date and time of the call

These forms can be filled out electronically, like, and then printed. You can print it out and then fill it out by hand - whichever is more convenient.

Phone book

This is very useful thing, which has both an informational and image function. You will create your own phone book. It is best to do it electronically.

You need to create a table file in which every day, with each call (if possible), you will enter:

- surname, name, patronymic of the caller,

- his position, company,

- his contact numbers,

- questions that he usually discusses with the head.

As you understand, you need to fill in the phone book according to the principle of reasonableness. Not everyone will be enrolled there. Only representatives of higher organizations, contractors and similar characters. Knowing the contacts, you can connect the director with any of them at any time.

Well, about the image function of your phone book. When receiving a call, you just have to ask the name of the caller. Everything else is already written down, and you will immediately call this person by his first name and patronymic. The person who calls has a favorable impression of your company and of you personally in advance.

Phone conversations - required element general procedure recruitment, but they require taking into account many subtleties. Knowing the basic principles of interviewing, you can easily find the right employee with minimal cost strength and time.

Why do many HR professionals choose the phone as a recruiting tool?

Phone interview- one of the stages of the recruiting program, which has long and firmly entered into personnel practice as a mandatory process in the selection of employees. usually precedes a live conversation, allowing for a minimum of time to discuss the details of interest to both parties without interrupting the main business. Not having to reschedule is one of the main reasons for conducting phone interviews. But the main advantage of the method lies in the ability to "weed out" unsuitable candidates even before listening to the office.

Undoubtedly, assessment by phone is inferior to a “live” interview by orders of magnitude. An HR specialist, no matter how perceptive, cannot fully appreciate a person just by hearing a voice. But the call makes it possible to form a primary opinion about a person, his manners, etc., as well as to obtain information of interest in advance. If from the first words it is clear that a person is not suitable for the company, it is more convenient to refuse him immediately than to delay until the interview in the hope that the interlocutor was simply in a bad mood. Also phone call will allow you to clarify potentially missed facts - compliance with the age / educational threshold, the availability of the required documents, the level of the desired salary.

How to work with templates?

What could be easier than a phone interview; questions are easy to compose, and any more or less literate person can interview according to a planned scenario. But in practice, there are many more difficulties and subtleties. Thus, when compiling the list, remember that main task becomes a clarification of how a particular candidate better than competitors whether he is suitable for the position in principle. This simple rule is often not respected by recruiters, many of whom prefer to work for ready-made templates or scripts.

"Scripts" - good idea for calling tens and hundreds of people; in the case of a wide flow, it is absolutely necessary to “pipeline” the process to save time. But this method relevant only for the recruitment of lower-level personnel - waiters, loaders, couriers and representatives of other professions, where the personal qualities of the employee have little effect on the result. In the event that you are considering candidates for a key position, "Fordism" has no place at work.

You should not try them on your model, relying only on the authority of the script writer - this approach is tantamount to trying to hammer nails with a microscope, since it only applies to the situation in which the compiler worked. Cadres decide everything, and you should not spare time for their careful selection. But, of course, there are also mandatory survey templates, without which a telephone interview is indispensable. Among them:

  • age;
  • education;
  • place of residence;
  • work experience.

It should be understood that unsuccessful scripts will only spoil the situation. A specialist who knows his own worth will be repelled by “conveyorism” - after all, this is a sign of the turnover characteristic of “sharashkas”. However, this is far from the only "pitfall" that should be avoided.

Common mistakes to avoid in an interview

Some points of the survey can be confusing; a classic example of such an unfortunate "script": "Why are you the best fit for us?" Of course, the topic is relevant for positions where the employee needs to convince the client, for example, the vacancy of a sales agent. But the same question, found in the questionnaire of an architect, accountant or waiter, does not speak in favor of a recruiter who uses standard “left” surveys instead of performing official duties. The same applies to expressions like “Are you a team player?”, which have become widespread since light hand unlucky MLM-schikov. The HR specialist invites the applicant not to play a couple of poker hands, but to a job where such phrases sound too familiar.

There is also a general rule for everyone: do not discuss the details of the vacancy until you are sure that the candidate is fully suitable for the role of employee. For the time being, there is no need to discuss the details - a person is usually briefly acquainted with them from the source of the vacancy - announcements, recommendations, etc. It is not necessary to voice the rate in advance - many indicate in the corresponding column "negotiable payment" or "salary based on the results of the interview", and the method fully justifies itself.

Who knows, the applicant may turn out to be the ideal employee to whom you want to pay more than his potential competitors, just to get such a valuable employee. But it is enough to voice the standard rate - and you will no longer know about this person, because he simply will not pay attention to the offer. The main thing here is to remember that you are picking up a person, not swiping friendly conversation. You must comprehensively evaluate the candidate, and the entire structure of the conversation must be based on this requirement.

Summary: Standard Job Seeker Survey Patterns

Thus, a remote interview becomes a measure that allows you to save time and consider the candidate in a professional way. Accordingly, any subsequent actions should be divided into several stages.

  1. Find out what a potential employee is like by learning about their skills, experience, education, etc. Most calls end at this point - more than half of unsuitable applicants are eliminated at this stage.
  2. Clarify mandatory requirements and set a throughput threshold. So, from the courier to the employer, you may definitely need a driver's license and even your own car. If something in the recruit does not suit the employer, it should be found out as soon as possible.
  3. Specify working conditions - place, schedule, indicative list duties, and only after - the level of salary. The fact is that a person should always find out the value of his labor only after he finds out what exactly he must do in order to receive the specified amount. Other people agree to a lower pay if they find out that their duties are actually easier than they expected before the interview.

You should not violate the described order - for example, describing a vacancy at the beginning of a conversation. It is enough to clarify for pro forma the correspondence of the vacancy in case of a dialing error, but no more. And, finally, we should not forget that these tips are the base, and how exactly to follow the recommendations, what type of interview should be addressed to is up to the recruiter himself. Using this "cheat sheet", everyone can easily find a suitable employee for any position, using other skills of a professional HR specialist.


Employers take recruitment seriously. Therefore, you should not think that a telephone interview can be done easily and simply. It is often the first step to obtaining the coveted position for the applicant.

A telephone interview helps to get to know the applicant better before the meeting.

While waiting for a call, you should prepare as best as possible for the conversation: write a short oral summary of your professional qualities and prepare answers to expected questions. Usually the applicant is warned about the call, but you need to be prepared for the fact that you may be called without warning.

This type of interview is not much different from the standard. Except perhaps for time - here it is given much less so that you have time to present yourself to the future employer as an excellent specialist.

First impression

In general, such an interview lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. During this time, you should convince the employer of your indispensability:

  • express your thoughts correctly, without haste and with arrangement)
  • do not interrupt the interlocutor when he talks about his company)
  • do not be afraid to clarify and ask again if you missed something or misheard)
  • experts recommend standing during such interviews, not sitting - this way you will feel much more confident.

Be sure to learn how to address the interlocutor, and watch your speech and tone. Even if they don't see you, smile when talking - it always reflects in your voice. The advantages of a remote conversation also lie in the fact that you do not have to take care of your appearance. But you should not engage in extraneous activities at this time, for example, smoking or drinking coffee.

Screening Interview

Usually for each good position several candidates apply at the same time. In such a situation, employees of the personnel department resort to a remote interview. It can be done over the phone or through email. How to pass a telephone interview and what is usually asked?

Basically, the employer in such a situation is trying to find out from the applicant some additional information about which is not written in the submitted resume. These can be questions about expected salary, communication skills, specific skills that relate to this position, and much more.

Even during the conversation, the representative of the employer can form an opinion about you. Therefore, at the end of the conversation, it is better not to be shy and ask if you should hope for a positive answer. Then you will know exactly what to expect, and will not spend several days in empty expectation. But if you still didn’t ask such a question, you shouldn’t call the employer back and bother with questions - he may not like it. And even if the decision was in favor of the applicant, he can change his mind about your candidacy.

Assistant manager position

How to successfully pass an interview for the position of an office manager and get a coveted job?

Candidates for the position of assistant manager are selected especially carefully. Before the interview, you need to find out as much information about the company as possible. This is easy to do through the Internet or from other sources.

Candidates for the position of assistant manager are selected especially carefully

You must try to leave yourself good impression, after all, an office manager must be able to conduct a conversation correctly, have good diction, clearly and clearly understand the tasks assigned to him. welcome knowledge foreign language. You may be asked to work through any situation that may arise in the course of work. There is nothing difficult in this. The main thing is not to be shy and indulge in lengthy discussions, jumping from one to another.

If you are asked questions about the old leadership, do not talk about former location work in negative vein. Disrespectful and rude employees are not wanted.

Your call to the employer

Most often, it happens that the applicant himself is the first to call the employer by contact phone, having read about an open vacancy on the Internet or in a newspaper. This has its advantages: there is time to prepare for the conversation and set yourself up for a productive conversation. Prepare or better write down on a sheet of questions that you want to ask your interlocutor.

Keep a pen and notepad handy so you can write down the information you need. It is also advisable to have your resume in front of your eyes, after highlighting the most important details in order to answer the question in time.

It is better to start the conversation by presenting your candidacy for this position, tell about your marital status, professional skills and business qualities. Do it confidently and with restraint. Try to convince your interlocutor that you are exactly the employee that this company needs.

Common Mistakes

Sometimes a number of mistakes made during the conversation can greatly affect the opinion of the personnel officer about your candidacy. So how to pass a manager interview over the phone without overlays? Be aware of the following errors:

Of course, these are not all the mistakes that applicants make. Often such interviews become a real stress for a person, and he inadvertently makes mistakes. Search new work- this is difficult process, and it is impossible to predict all the nuances. But an employee who really wants to get a position will be able to adequately get out of any situation.

Telephone conversations have long been important tool business and just a part of our life. And it's understandable that if you want to impress smart girl or women, telephone conversations should be polite. And not only with relatives, friends and acquaintances, but also with strangers- talks about it modern etiquette. If you follow elementary rules communication on the phone, courtesy will always be your calling card. It will help you form or reinforce a positive image.

Of course, courtesy is also needed at work. Compliance with the rules of a business conversation can affect the image of your company in general and your image of a business lady in particular. Therefore, it is worth learning how to answer phone calls correctly if you want to make successful career office or personal business. It is not so difficult to master the etiquette of a business conversation on the phone: the main thing is to remember the basic rules, which this article is devoted to.

A small caveat: of course, our main focus will be on the art of properly communicating with business partners, customers, suppliers, superiors, and subordinates. But we will not miss the nuances, so to speak, of the informal technique of communicating on the phone. Indeed, during conversations with girlfriends, relatives, young people, “pitfalls” can also come across, which a well-bred girl should avoid. So etiquette business communication will be complemented by the secrets of an informal telephone conversation.

Don't call for a long time

After dialing the number you are interested in, while waiting for an answer, do not hold the phone for too long. The optimal waiting time is no more than five or six rings. If you have not been answered during this time, then the called interlocutor has either left, or is too busy and cannot speak now. In any case, do not forget about politeness, announcing the office with endless calls. If they call you, then you need to answer the call after the second or third ring. Such efficiency will help the caller save time and show your good business qualities.

Modern etiquette implies that the rules apply not only during a business conversation, but also during informal communication. Even the number of your best friend should not be dialed ten times in five minutes (unless, of course, something vital has happened). Since they don’t pick up the phone right away, it means that for some reason they can’t do it - you need to be patient. It is better to dial the number after a while or wait until they call you back. And picking up the phone (or receiving a call on a mobile phone) is also better without unnecessary delays. Even if you know that now your number was dialed just to chat. Etiquette prescribes all the same two or three calls. And really, why make a person wait longer?

Introduce yourself with your full name

The called subscriber, that is, the one who answers the call, calls his name first. When you pick up the phone, always start with a hello and then state your position in the company (or the name of the department you work in) and your full name. Typically, company management decides in advance exactly how employees should call the company when answering a phone call - corporate etiquette suggests that this should be a short but complete representation of the organization that would be suitable for answering the full range of possible incoming calls. But when calling within the company, it is enough to give only your full name.

It is also advisable to add one or two phrases at the very beginning of the conversation that would help create a pleasant atmosphere and show your interlocutor your goodwill and desire to help. Inexpressive "Hello" or "Listen!" are inappropriate, since they will not give the caller any information - he will be forced to ask about where he got to and who is talking to him. In addition, the greeting gives the caller enough time to prepare for the perception of important information for him.

Of course, in this regard, informal communication is much simpler: at the beginning of a regular, not a business conversation, there is no need to give your last name or position, there is no need to choose the first phrase. Etiquette will not be violated if you just say: “Hello, this is ...” - the main thing is that the interlocutor understands who is communicating with him. If you call up with an old friend (girlfriend), close relatives (for example, with your mother or sister) or a young man - with someone who knows you by voice - you can not introduce yourself at all, but simply exchange greetings.

Yes, etiquette can also prescribe a more respectful beginning, for example: “Hello” or “Good afternoon” and by name and patronymic, but only when and in real life you communicate in exactly the same way. And remember that a well-mannered girl or woman retains the sequence of greetings that is typical for business communication even in an informal conversation. If you call, let the person say hello, do not interrupt (even if it is your best friend), and then greet him yourself and tell him what you want. If they call you, say hello, and then let the person greet you and listen carefully to him - etiquette will be impeccably observed.

Always ask if you call on time

If you call, always ask if the other person has time to listen to you. It's not just a matter of politeness, although this is also very important. If your interlocutor is too busy at the moment with something, he will not listen to you very carefully and will not be able to fully understand the information you have presented. As a result, your call will be ineffective. Etiquette and banal logic suggest that it is better not to forget about decency and use such phrases at the beginning of a conversation:

  • Can you give me five (ten, a few) minutes? I need to talk to you about… (briefly state the issue).
  • When should I call you to discuss... ? I need five minutes of your time to talk.
  • If you don't mind, call me back as soon as you're free.

It is especially important to ask the interlocutor whether it is convenient for him to talk to you if you call mobile phone. Indeed, at this moment a person can be anywhere, and not everywhere he is ready to listen to business proposals.

If on the contrary - someone calls you at a time when you cannot talk - now you can ask the interlocutor to call you back. Let me know the time that is most convenient for you to call back. You can promise to call back yourself. Be sure to apologize for the fact that you cannot listen to a colleague who called and are forced to interrupt the conversation.

Etiquette prescribes that these rules be taken into account not only during business communication, but also during informal conversation. When you dial the number, of course, you can do without dry officialdom, but even your mother, girlfriend or husband (boyfriend) should ask if it is convenient for her (him) to talk now. Especially if you're calling a person at work. The only exceptions are those situations when you know for sure that your interlocutor is not currently busy with anything important or is specifically waiting for your call.

If they dialed you, but there is no time to keep up the conversation, do not hesitate to say that you are busy, even if on the other end of the line is the person to whom you are very close and dear. But remember that correct modern telephone communication is also an art, skill and ability not to offend or disappoint. Therefore, even in an informal conversation, apologize for not being able to talk and say that you will call back. But just remember to keep that promise. Or tell them when to call you if for some reason you cannot call back yourself. By doing this, you will not only observe etiquette, but also show that you respect the attention of the person who turned to you.

A small addition: if you call up someone quite often, especially not just with girlfriends, but at work, for business communication, it is advisable to agree on a certain time. If the business partner knows that, for example, you will dial him at 15:00, he will be able to prepare for the conversation. And vice versa: if you know that a business call is worth waiting for, for example, at 11:15, this will give you the opportunity to plan your work day up to this moment and after it - this is exactly the case when etiquette works for you.

And no one bothers you to agree with your girlfriends and set a time for ten minutes of daily chatter. It is also convenient to know when informal communication on the phone will take place, because every girl and woman still has a bunch of everyday worries and it is necessary that their decision does not coincide in time with a friendly conversation.

Don't forget the tone of your voice. Smile!

If you have never met the person you are talking to on the phone, then the only way to create a favorable impression of yourself will be the intonation of your voice. Therefore, the tone of voice must be given Special attention because this is how you can create a favorable atmosphere for important conversation. If you smile during a conversation, your invisible interlocutor will feel sympathy for you. This will help win him over and your conversation will be more productive.

And during an informal conversation, a friendly tone is also very important. Why? Just imagine the situation: everything is fine with you, but you talk to your mother or girlfriend somehow dryly, coldly, lifelessly. In such a situation, the person on the other side of the wire will either get worried, and then questions will begin from scratch, or they will be offended by you. But you yourself perfectly understand that it is even more important to communicate kindly with people close to your heart than with business partners during a business conversation.

Naturally, in an informal conversation, not only smiles are quite acceptable, but also laughter, jokes, and jokes. But, while having fun, do not forget that you still need to observe etiquette and not interrupt the interlocutor, even if this is your best friend and you have just born a very funny pun in response to some of her expressions. Otherwise, jokes can end in insults and reproaches.

Speak clearly and measuredly, accurately expressing thought

The purpose of a business call should be to achieve mutual understanding, and not the desire to bring counterarguments to each argument of the interlocutor. Give the caller enough time to absorb your thoughts, but don't drag out the conversation so you don't lose their attention. Think ahead about the upcoming conversation in order to convey the essence of the problem as accurately as possible, avoiding lengthy and wordy arguments.

While you are having a business conversation on the phone, the rate of speech should be almost half that of a normal conversation. This is necessary mainly because the person listening to you is limited in their ability to use senses other than hearing for perception. With visual contact, gestures, facial expressions and other means contribute to better understanding. non-verbal communication, while when talking on the phone, your interlocutor only hears your voice. Therefore, try to speak a little slower than usual, pronouncing words clearly and using short sentences. Be short and clear.

You can easily determine the optimal pace of the conversation if at the very beginning of the conversation you listen to how your interlocutor speaks. If you want to achieve mutual understanding, it will be better if you adjust exactly to his pace of speech. If a person speaks slowly, then he will not have time to follow your thought, listening to "one hundred words per minute." And if the interlocutor speaks quickly, perhaps he is in a hurry, and slow speech, interspersed with frequent pauses, will annoy him. It is unlikely that he will ever want to talk to you again.

All these rules are important not only for business communication - they also find their application in informal conversation. Even if you tell last news best friend, you should not mumble or chatter - etiquette encourages you to respect your interlocutors, give them time to think, imagine, say. Remember that the art of telephone communication is to tell and hear, as well as to receive and give moral pleasure from a conversation with a polite person.

Ending a call

Hang up only when you are sure that the interlocutor who called you said everything that he needed. Interrupting the interlocutor in mid-sentence and hanging up would be too impolite of you. At the very end, it is worth briefly summing up the conversation to make sure that your interlocutor heard everything you said and that you yourself correctly understood everything that he told you. This will help avoid possible misunderstandings.

If the conversation turned out to be longer than you expected, at the end of it, do not apologize, but thank the interlocutor for giving you his time. By doing so, you show that you respect his working hours, and you do not have to end the conversation with an apologetic tone. Both parties will be pleased if you say goodbye, wishing each other good luck or have a good day. Such a wish will help to politely end an important telephone conversation.

These rules of business communication are reflected in informal cases. Finishing a conversation with a person dear to your heart, you can’t say: “Bye” - and just hang up. You should definitely wait for his answer, even if you are in a hurry. Basically, etiquette well-bred girl implies that you will observe the same rule in the case of just acquaintances or relatives. And, of course, if the person on the other side of the tube is the first to say to you: “Goodbye,” be sure to politely say goodbye to him. It is clear that if you do not do this, you may simply be offended. Moreover, the closer a person perceives you, the deeper the resentment will be. Remember that correct and modern telephone communication is an art that obliges you to be attentive to the feelings of the interlocutors.

Talk 1

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Many people talk on the phone. Business people are talking. The percentage of telephone conversations per day is sometimes much more than face to face. Observe telephone etiquette! This is very important rule. You are a well-mannered person, aren't you? Exactly.

Pick up the phone. They are calling you!

When the phone rings, we automatically pick up the phone and answer the usual “Hello!”.

Is that enough to start a conversation?

Let's see what telephone etiquette says.

First of all, let's draw a dividing line between business and personal contacts.

The moment that unites all conversations is politeness, restraint, command of the voice.

Your interlocutor cannot see what you are doing on the other side of the handset. But the slightest intonation betrays irritation, hostility, chagrin and other emotions.

business hello

They call you on your work phone. Do not grab the phone after the first beep. This can give the caller the impression that you have nothing else to do but answer the phone. It's not just your reputation. The conversation will leave an impression of the authority of the entire organization. Answer by waiting for two or three rings. But by no means more. The rules of telephone etiquette do not allow you to be disrespectful to a person in this way.

It is not recommended to immediately start a conversation with the name of the company. It is best to greet the caller with the neutral phrase “Good day!” This time of day is considered the main working time. In other cases, you can use the appeal "Hello!"

A prerequisite for a business conversation is the addition of a greeting to the so-called voice " business card". This may be the name of the organization or your personal data - position, first and last name.

Ideally, the greeting scheme would look like this: “Good afternoon! Sun Company! or “Good day! Sun Company. Manager Olga Sergeeva.

A well-structured answer to the call will start a successful pleasant conversation. It will create a good impression of the organization, emphasize its status and give solidity. FROM educated people always a pleasure to deal with. Therefore, the impression made can play a significant role in further cooperation.

Personal "Hello!"

If it seems to you that a conversation with a friend or friend can be started in any way, then you are mistaken. Any incoming call to your personal phone is also better to start with a wish for a dear day and your own introduction.

This way you protect yourself from unnecessary waste of time explaining if the caller dialed your number by mistake. When you get a private call during work hours, a slightly formal introduction will set the tone for the general conversation, meaning you will let the person know that it is not possible to have empty conversations at the moment. Yes, and this is just a manifestation of good breeding and politeness, which is interpreted by the rules of a telephone conversation.

When you call

It would seem, what is easier, dialed the number and laid out the essence of the conversation. But many have already seen through experience that the way you start a conversation is the way it will develop. Whether a business call becomes the beginning of a successful collaboration depends on the first moments of the conversation. The same can be said about personal contacts. Spend half an hour explaining who is calling and for what reason, or state the essence in a couple of minutes, it will be clear from the initial appeal.

business call

You dialed the company number and received a standard greeting response. You also need to introduce yourself. If you represent an organization, indicate its name and position. Next, briefly describe the essence of the appeal. You should respect the working time of others and do not waste your own on inconsistent explanations. Assuming a long conversation, do not forget to ask if it is convenient for the person who answered the phone to talk now. Perhaps the conversation should be rescheduled for a more convenient time.

The rules of conducting a telephone conversation say "no" to such greeting phrases as "You are worried about ...", "You understand what's the matter ...", "It's okay if I disturb you ...". Your "hello" in this case should be obeyed with dignity, without fawning. Then you can count on a productive conversation and self-respect. After a personal introduction, you can say “Help me solve this question…”, “Tell me please…”, “I am interested in…”, etc.

Personal call to a friend or relative

"Hello my friend. How are you?" - Of course, you can start a conversation with loved ones like this. But it would be better to introduce yourself. Especially if you are calling on a specific matter, and not just to chat. Firstly, you can dial the number of a friend at the wrong time. The person is busy, at work or business meeting dealing with personal issues. Secondly, imagine that your number was simply not determined, and your voice seemed unfamiliar due to poor quality communication. In order not to put yourself and a friend in an awkward position, name yourself.

Let's continue the conversation

In any conversation, you must be attentive to the interlocutor. How to start a telephone conversation is a great skill, but its continuation is of great importance.

business continuation

You are the caller. So you have a specific task that you want to solve during the conversation. Prepare a list of questions that interest you in advance so as not to stray into third-party and not waste someone else's work time. Listen carefully to the interlocutor. Try to take notes of the answers, this will help to avoid asking again.

Lost connection during a call? Call back if you started a conversation. You must also end the conversation. Be sure to thank the interviewee. A pleasant ending will, of course, be a wish for a good day.

If they call you, listen carefully to the request. Do not forget to keep your attention to the conversation with the phrases “Yes, of course ...”, “I understand you ...”, “We will try to help ...”, etc. The interlocutor will feel confident and will be able to describe the problem. When a conversation threatens to drag on, take the initiative to help steer the conversation in the right direction.

Before closing, check with the interlocutor whether he received all the answers. If you cannot help him due to other official duties, tell him the contact of an employee who is competent in a given topic.

Personal conversation on the phone

In personal conversations, the situation is easier. But here, too, telephone etiquette provides some guidance. For example, a friend called you at an inconvenient time with a great desire to chat. For such cases, there is a standard telephone conversation: “Sorry, now in a meeting ...” or “I have a very important meeting, I'll call you later…". You can add “I understand that this is very important. I'll call you as soon as I'm free..." For the interlocutor, this will be an indicator that you are not ignoring his problems. So, there will be no more resentment. By the way, try to call back if promised.

General rules for telephone conversations

Phone etiquette rules are not made up out of thin air. These are the observations of psychologists, practical experience, analysis based on the results of many conversations. There are certain actions that etiquette welcomes or denies. We will collect some of them in a small memo.

  1. Avoid loud personal conversations in public places and at work. You put others in an awkward position, forcing you to listen to the intimate details of your life, which has nothing to do with them.
  2. Do not turn on the speaker phone unless you have warned the interlocutor about it. This situation can create adverse consequences. But first of all, this is a manifestation of respect for the person on the other end of the line.
  3. Be careful when choosing a ringtone. Less loud aggression, because people with a weak nervous system may be nearby.
  4. Turn off the sound on the phone while at meetings, meetings, in cultural institutions, as well as in those places where such a requirement is prescribed by the rules of conduct.
  5. Do not combine phone conversation and eating. This makes it difficult to understand, expresses disrespect for the interlocutor.
  6. Be careful about the time when you plan to make a call. Early morning, late night- these are, as you understand, not the most successful periods for talking even with the closest person. You can call at such a time only for the most urgent matters. Don't forget about it.

A small conclusion

Now you know telephone etiquette. Call on time. Be polite. Pleasant telephone conversations and good mood!
