A modern preschooler through the eyes of a teacher. Modern preschooler

Kovalchuk Lyudmila Nikolaevna
Job title: Educator
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 74 "Filippok"
Locality: Surgut, Khanty–Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug
Name of material: Article
Publication date: 18.07.2018
Chapter: preschool education

“Modern preschooler, who is he?”

Prepared by Lyudmila Nikolaevna Kovalchuk.

Today a preschooler is not at all the same as his peer was yesterday. Are changing

morals, society is changing.

Modern preschooler is faster , than an adult, he is free

navigate modern technology, go to cafes with family and friends and

restaurants, goes abroad on vacation, travels, knows brands

cars, names of clothing manufacturers, etc. Children are well informed.

They talk about adult topics, watch TV series and are well versed in

intricacies of storylines. Sometimes you wonder what children do

extraordinary and unexpected conclusions in non-childish situations. We are adults

We are seriously thinking about the premature maturation of the current generation. Where to

Has childishness and play gone? Perhaps these are echoes of upbringing and life

lifestyle of busy modern parents. Children are mirrors; in play they experience what

what the adults around them live. Unfortunately, or fortunately, they do not have

other experience. It seemed like an ordinary situation: someone came to visit the group

a fairy-tale character and the formulation of the problem begins with him. Yes, that's the problem -

Modern children for the most part do not know the liveliness of Pinocchio’s character

or the inquisitive mind of Dunno. These are not heroes of modern times. That's why,

Before taking such a formulation of the problem, you need to acquaint children with these

works. Let many say that these heroes are outdated, there is nothing

similar. The children's mind is very inquisitive; children are doubly interested in learning what

they are not seen on the pages of the modern Internet and are rarely seen on the screen

TV. And parents are so busy, it’s easier for them to take their child to

So, everything is in our hands, we introduced the characters, read the works,

watched fairy tales, and even on the big screen (thanks to the Federal State Educational Standard), because you can’t take away from

children craving for modern technologies. And that’s it, give me knowledge, teach me to think, to pose

goals, achieve them, calculate steps to achieve the goal, reflect,

talk, communicate, cultivate kindness and responsiveness. Inquisitive Mind

absorbs everything, the main thing is to present it correctly.

Modern preschooler makes happy with their activity, mobility,

initiative and determination, developed imagination, inclination

to imagination and creativity. Children today are capable of independently

think and act, live with a sense of inner freedom, are cheerful

and optimistic, characterized by positivism, intellectual development

processes aimed at understanding the surrounding world. These are real

engines of our time, they force us to change our worldview, along with

thus they accept love, patriotism, and respect into their hearts. Very often this is

already self-sufficient individuals.

Popular wisdom says true:

If you think about tomorrow - this is the grain,

if 10 years in advance, plant a forest,

if for 100 years, raise children.

What do we know about our children?

The modern child is endowed with different traits: he is both smart and stubborn, kind and aggressive, carefree and active, superficial and deep-thinking, sociable and shy - in general, he is contradictory. Hence our article consists of contradictions, affirmations and denials at the same time.

Modern children are the object of complaints, disputes, pride and research by psychologists and sociologists. Someone praises them, someone scolds them, but everyone is unanimous in one thing: modern children are different, neither worse nor better, but simply DIFFERENT. Today there is no longer any doubt that a modern child is not the same as his peers were several decades ago. And not because the nature of the child himself or the patterns of his development have changed. No. Life, the subject and social world have fundamentally changed, the priorities of state policy in the field of education and the expectations of adults, educational models in the family, pedagogical requirements in kindergarten and school have changed. Social changes have led to psychological changes. According to psychologists, there have currently been shifts in the onset of crises at 7 years of age and adolescence. Thus, the crisis that children of the last century went through before entering school (in the preparatory group of kindergarten) is now being experienced by younger schoolchildren (at 7-8 years old), and this entails a revision of teaching methods in primary school. Attending open lessons in elementary schools, we see these changes: the style of communication between teacher and student has become personality-oriented, mutual assistance and mutual assistance between children reign in the lessons, children are free and sociable, and this cannot but rejoice.

It is also encouraging that for the first time in the history of preschool education, a federal state standard has appeared, which is designed to change a lot in the preschool education system, in terms of educational methods and teaching techniques, pedagogical technologies, conditions, and results of preschool education, as well as in terms of the continuity of educational programs preschools and primary schools.

Today they write and talk a lot about new children, about their unique intellectual abilities, about the fact that they “came into this world to change it, to make it better and kinder.” I would like to sincerely believe in this. At the same time, the number of children with poor health, slow mental development, speech and emotional-volitional disorders, and many hyperactive children is rapidly increasing. In each age group there are several hyperactive children. Consequently, the task of raising modern children should be to create conditions for reducing hyperactivity, developing focus and concentration, motor experience and physical health. Kalugina T.A., a teacher-psychologist who worked at a preschool educational institution until recently, successfully helped in solving this problem. But the reality is that today there are no specialists, since they are not on the staff list. Therefore, the problem of psychological support and correction of preschool children remains open today. Although some parents who want to help their children find a way out by attending correctional classes for a fee.

Modern children are active and sociable, but at the same time there is a tendency towards a decrease in self-care skills. And this is noted by primary school teachers. At a joint meeting, teachers brought up this problem. Although, starting from early childhood, educators persistently and successfully solve the problem of developing self-care skills in children. They have time for this. But parents don’t always have enough of it. You can often see the following picture: parents pick up their child from kindergarten and rush him to get dressed quickly. Some parents dress the child even in the preparatory group, although everyone can do it on their own. And then we are surprised that at school the child is not independent and not organized.

Currently, children grow and develop in a huge information space. From birth they are exposed to modern high-tech achievements. All technical innovations are becoming part of the life of the younger generation: computer games, tablets, interactive toys, gadgets, cell phones, commercials and the latest in the cinematic industry. Thus, the younger generation acquires a “clip consciousness”, fed by advertising; music videos, etc. The developmental features of children with a new type of consciousness require a modern approach to upbringing and education. In our opinion, the use of multimedia technologies in the professional activities of teachers is more than justified; this is a step towards modern children. Last week, with regional money allocated for the first time, a second set of multimedia equipment (projector, laptop) was purchased, especially for children.

We consider it important that a modern teacher uses all technical capabilities to achieve the best result. But great awareness also has a downside. Modern children are by no means ahead of their age in the development of thinking and mental abilities. Moreover, due to health problems, some children have delayed mental and speech development. Many five-year-old children need the help of a speech therapist. The modern preschooler speaks a lot (if he speaks), but poorly. We, educators, are sounding the alarm. The lowest rates of implementation of training and education programs most often relate to the “Speech development” section. Not only the “Coherent Speech” section suffers, but also the “Dictionary” section. Children's awareness does not lead to an increase in vocabulary. According to UNESCO, 93% of modern children from 3 to 5 years old watch TV 28 hours a week, that is, 4 hours a day. Psychologists make disappointing conclusions about the influence of watching television programs and computer games on the mental development of children. But you can’t run or hide from technological progress. You need to choose a middle ground:

Limit your time on the computer or watching TV to no more than 30 minutes. in a day;

Selection and censorship of educational games and cartoons is mandatory.

In the emotional sphere, romanticism gave way to pragmatism. Modern children are ready to do anything for a prize, a surprise, or according to the formula “you give me - I give you”, that is, not unselfishly. They will not hesitate to ask the question: “What will happen to me for this? What will you give me in return? Little owners - “mine, I won’t give it to anyone.”

Today's children are quite developed communicatively, they are less likely to feel constrained in front of adults. And if the educator himself, the parent, the teacher does not take an authoritarian position, but is with the child as an experienced comrade, partner, then the child opens up in a completely different way. Actions dictated by an adult, as well as the correct answers to his questions, have nothing to do with the development of the child. After all, development implies the emergence of a new attitude towards the world and other people, the emergence of new abilities and new desires, interests and motivations for action, for activity. All this is always reflected and expressed in children’s initiative and independence, when the child himself comes up with something, creates something, and strives for something.

Considering the fact that modern children do not tolerate violence and protest if adults force them to do something, the development of the sphere of the spirit should proceed consistently within the framework of a certain system of relationships (family, relationships between a teacher and a child, a teacher and a student), when a child acts not junior in relation to elders, but equal partners in communication and joint activities. Under such conditions, the child develops a sense of success and self-confidence. The pedagogical task of raising modern children is to create conditions for the development of the child’s volitional qualities: determination, perseverance, responsibility and self-confidence.

In the conditions of a modern crisis society, the alienation of children from their parents is growing, and the lack of affection, warmth and mutual attention is becoming more and more clear. Parents are communicating less and less with their children. Obviously this is the result of influence from modern society. Under the weight of economic and social instability, when parents feel the fear of “not coping” with life (being poor, losing their jobs, getting sick), adults become vulnerable, insecure and emotionally unstable. All this is indirectly projected onto children.

A new social fear for parents is the failure of their children. Many parents are obsessed with the idea of ​​teaching their children to count and read as early as possible. Adults fill the child with new knowledge and skills, forcing the child’s natural development, and oversaturate them with information. However, they don’t think about the most important thing: with what eyes does the baby look at the world around him? Indifferent, wary, offended, angry or calm, kind, confident and happy? The formation of a positive worldview is the basis for the future success of the little man. When solving this problem, it is important to observe three fundamental principles: recognize the child, understand the child and accept the child as he is. Adults should not teach life, but help the child learn to live independently.

As a result, we have the following picture: most parents blame the educational system for all the difficulties that arise, but those who are involved in the educational field, that is, you and I, blame the parents. Psychologists believe that neither one nor the other can be blamed, since the entire modern world, our entire high-tech accelerated civilization, is to blame for what happened.

And yet, the New Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” clearly establishes that parents are the first and main teachers of their children, kindergarten and school help them.

Full text

Since the times of the classics, thoughts on the topic of the conflict between fathers and children have been known. Discussions on this topic continue, and, in all likelihood, will never stop. Little attention was paid to children in these disputes, since it was generally accepted that they were innocent angelic creatures who needed to be cherished and cherished. But relatively recently, adults began to notice that these kids are not at all the same as they were before. Perhaps scientific and technological progress played a role here. Nowadays, preschoolers confidently drag their PSP into kindergarten and play “shooters”, “quests”, “walking games”, and the teacher rarely and cautiously, lest she press something unnecessary, plays solitaire on the computer.

Previously, for all preschool children, the good heroes were Ilya Muromets and Ivan Tsarevich, the villains were Koschey the Immortal and Baba Yaga. For many modern children, the good ones are Spider-Man, Batman, Captain America, and the villains are Galactus, the Outlander and other monsters, and for many adults, all modern heroes, both good and evil, are just some kind of monstrous monsters. And these, of course, are not all the differences between children of yesteryear and modern preschoolers. Such children are incomprehensible to many adults and cause anxiety. Scientists are trying to help adults (and not only scientists, sometimes just people who think they have understood the issues of education), writing various programs and works on the upbringing and development of modern children. But the behavior of adults who strive for innovations in education does not always bring joy to children. Looking around, we notice less and less the joyful angelic glances of the younger generation. Maybe they need help?

We invited to discuss this problem:

  • BEREZINA Nadezhda Olegovna -
  • VASILIEVA Elena Yurievna - child analytical psychologist, art therapist;
  • EGOROVA Marina Sergeevna - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Head. Department of Psychogenetics, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov;
  • LASHNEVA Irina Pavlovna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher at NIIGD;
  • MIKLYAEVA Natalya Viktorovna– Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, Head. Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute.

– In the opinion of professionals who have been working with children for many years, are there any fundamental differences between modern preschool children and preschoolers of yesteryear?

M.S. Egorova: Social institutions associated with raising children are very conservative and do not change exactly the opposite over 5-10 years due to changes in the political situation, parental income or the content of television programs. The first poems and fairy tales that children hear are the same ones that their grandparents (if great-grandmothers) listened to. What to play with a child, what to praise for and how to punish is determined by the childhood experience of the parents. The new things that appear today (toys, computers, books) are filtered by the family and included in old, familiar structures.

A study was conducted in our laboratory at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education: we talked with 6-year-old children on various topics: what they love and what they are afraid of, what they play, what is read to them, how they spend their weekends, etc. (in 2001, based on the results of this research, the book “From the Life of Preschool People” was published). Now, 10 years later, we are conducting a similar study. So, it cannot be said that the social development of preschoolers raises concerns: as before, they love classic fairy tales and find their “heroes” among their characters. They know very well what is good and what is bad, and they want to be “good” - to help elders, not to offend little ones, not to be greedy, not to fight, to take care of nature, to do well in school. I don’t know what would have to happen in society for parents to be unable to convey these basic ideas to their children.

N.V. Miklyaeva: I don’t think there are any fundamental differences. These are children who derive joy from physical activity and knowledge of the world, strive for communication and want to “do like adults” and “be adults,” according to D.B. Elkonina. They, like preschoolers of previous years, need the approving attention of an adult and acceptance of their feelings, love. For this, they are ready to explore unknown territories and perform unimaginable feats: for example, many parents want their children to learn to read and count early - and now, at the age of 1.5–2 years, they are ready to spend all the potential of mental development on recognizing and identifying letters , putting them into syllables and words, counting jars and molds - if only the adult would pay attention to them and show how happy he is with their success. As a result, the development of visual perception and visual-effective thinking is carried out on a different material than before - on a higher abstraction and degree of schematicity than before. The constructive capabilities of preschool children have been increased thanks to an enriched subject-development environment at home and in kindergarten. As a result, visual-figurative and figurative-logical thinking develop better.

Many modern children can do things that their peers couldn’t do 10–20 years ago. But not because mental development has become different (it, as before, develops according to the laws of systemogenesis) or the children themselves have changed: but because the demands of adults on what an ideal child should be have been transformed. If earlier this was considered a sympathetic, kind and honest person, now this is considered an intelligent and independent person. Therefore, modern children begin to lag behind in the development of social emotions - empathy and sympathy, aesthetic experiences and feelings, but intellectual emotions are very developed - surprise, joy from learning about the world and self-knowledge, etc. Conceit grows. This is on an emotional level, but on a volitional level - what? Weakness, and brought up by their own parents. Basically, they show their will where they need to achieve something from adults, but not where they need to subordinate their motives of behavior to the social “should” or “shouldn’t.” Adults often do not want and are afraid that their children grow up and... cease to be children. Children feel this - they are afraid and do not want to grow up. In addition, despite the sense of independence and self-sufficiency brought up in them (by the way, it often concerns only the expression of their desires and opinions, and not practical orientation in the world around them and the corresponding competence), they often have an inferiority complex (paradoxically: and this is increased level of self-esteem) and are afraid... that they are not loved.

E.Yu. Vasilyeva: The most common problem that I encounter in practice lately is disharmonious development. This is a lag in the development of the emotional-volitional sphere (children are infantile, dependent, motivation is reduced) against the background of age-developed intelligence. Such children often develop neurotic symptoms, difficult contact with peers, and impaired adaptation. In my opinion, nowadays parents pay a lot of attention to the intellectual development of the child, starting from an early age, and at the same time little attention is paid to the child’s feelings and experiences, and emotional contact is lost. And perhaps this is a requirement of the time - a huge flow of information that children encounter every day, they are not able to comprehend and process...

BUT. Berezina: There are negative trends in health; we have fewer and fewer absolutely healthy children. Over the past 20 years, the first health group has almost halved. Now in preschool institutions there are only about 5% of absolutely healthy children, the number of children with chronic pathology has almost doubled - about 25%. The negative trend in the health of modern children can be seen very clearly. This applies to deviations in the physical and neuropsychic development of preschool children.

– Speaking about the characteristics of modern children, you did not mention indigo children, about whom they now talk and write so much in various media. Have you ever encountered a similar phenomenon in practice?

BUT. Berezina: So far only in the media, in literature. We visit many gardens, but have not met indigo children.

N.V. Miklyaeva: Ideas about unusual children are not new. Thus, Waldorf pedagogy already laid claim to the discovery of “secret spiritual powers” ​​in man and the education of the “sixth race”. There are other examples.

Modern society is not far from the idea of ​​raising and educating children of a special race - representatives of the future of humanity. These ideas are being implemented today within the framework of working with “indigo” children. It is believed that they show us the prototype of that superman to whom all humanity is moving: with enormous intellectual and spiritual capabilities, endowed with superintuition and extrasensory abilities. True, for some reason he combines all this with hyperdynamic syndrome, impaired attention and behavior, and lack of communication skills. This is another “social dislocation” in the way of educating and training the younger generation, a “pedagogical hole” into which parents and educators find themselves, associated with an unwillingness to look at things realistically, to analyze their own and others’ mistakes and due to the need to achieve instant, “one hundred percent” results. raising and teaching children. This doesn’t happen, especially at someone else’s expense. Especially if this “account” is presented by religious organizations and communities that pose a danger to the spiritual and moral development and upbringing of children, to the formation of their worldview.

This is exactly what happens with indigo children. Otherwise, so many “emissaries of light” and people – “catalysts of humanity”, engaged in “spiritual philosophy” and mental-physical medicine, Reiki, chiropractic and parapsychology, would not have appeared among their propagandists.

E.Yu. Vasilyeva: In my opinion, behind this term there are often real difficulties of both the child and the adult. These include impaired contact with the baby and difficulties in adaptation... It doesn’t matter what we name the child, it is important to provide him with adequate help, which he most likely needs.

M.S. Egorova: There are a lot of popular publications about indigo children and very few serious works. There have always been children who began to walk at 8 months, spoke complex phrases at one and a half years, and could read at two years. Children develop at different rates, and only by tracking a child's development over many years can we tell whether he was truly a "special" child or whether he simply developed differently.

– What trends in the development of modern children alarm you?

I.P. Lashneva: Modern children are more sociable and informed. They are more aware of life in the adult world than children of yesteryear. But children of previous years were more imaginative, their imagination was much more developed. Modern toys and games do not allow the imagination of modern children to develop brightly. Everything has already been done for their imagination.

N.V. Miklyaeva: Their inability to play. They have violated the prerequisites for the transition from objective activity to gaming, which are necessary for mastering introductory, display, plot-display and plot-role, role-playing games. Mostly children get stuck at the stage of plot-based play. Because the game develops spontaneously, mainly through playing with toys that are at home and in kindergarten, but is not aimed at reproducing different vectors of human relationships, in which toys are not an end in themselves, but only a means to outline their contours and attributes. Meanwhile, play activity is the leading activity of a preschool child, as it fulfills his need for social competence and determines the specifics of the social situation of the child’s development: mastering the social position “I and society.”

Modern children would like to learn to play on their own, but they cannot: today the children's subculture, which would pass on gaming experience to younger and older preschoolers from one generation to the next, has actually been destroyed. There are practically no mixed-age groups in kindergarten. They don’t fit in the yard (and parents are afraid of this like fire, preferring to keep their child busy with all sorts of sections and circles). In a family, most often there is one child, with whom adults have no time to play, or they prefer to engage in activities that are more important for his development - reading, writing and counting (you can also draw and make crafts together, but this is already the “ceiling” of the creative activity of parents). Meanwhile, who can teach children that the constitutive moments of play activity are an imaginary situation, a play role and play rules?

M.S. Egorova: Modern preschoolers become familiar with competition very early. In order to get into a good school, you need to be “prepared”, and the poor child begins to be trained. And the point here is often not the parents’ ambitions, but the fact that a “bad” school means a lot of problems in the long run (not only a low level of education, but also friends from dysfunctional families). And it’s unclear what to do about it. Schools are really very different. Entering school cannot be postponed until next year, like college - you didn’t get into where you wanted this year, prepare better and try again in a year. So parents try, and often not very competently - they do not take into account the age characteristics of the child, cause aversion to learning, overwork the child, which affects the health.

There is also competition in child care institutions. No matter what methodological manuals were written explaining that preschoolers should not be given negative feedback, children were and are being compared with each other, they give hidden grades, they say who is better and who is worse, and thereby reduce both self-esteem and cognitive skills in children. need.

I.P. Lashneva: We are alarmed that the number of children with health problems is increasing. To confirm my concerns for the children, I will cite the results of our research. Deviations in physical development reach, according to our research, 19–24%. 12% of children are underweight, and 8–12% are overweight. Over the past 5 years, the number of overweight children has increased. Every third person is diagnosed with stage 1–2 obesity. This is no longer a functional deviation, but a diagnosis. 60–70% of children have functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. 35–40% have deviations in the formation of the arch of the foot. Moreover, 70–80% of them have a combination of flat feet with valgus deformity of the foot. Every third child has weakness in the abdominal muscles, which increases the risk of hernias. Asymmetrical forms of poor posture are associated with long-term static loads in preschool children.

A lag in physical fitness was found in 25% of five-year-old children and 15% of 6–7-year-olds. Every fourth child has below average performance in the standing long jump. The most common deviations occur in children who often get sick, in the absence of a balanced diet, hardening, and a daily routine with sufficient physical activity. Physiometric data: 25–35% of children had a below average level of muscle strength development. The vital capacity of the lungs is reduced in 10–15% of preschool children.

– The deteriorating health of modern children is a very alarming fact. What is this connected with? What factors influence the mental and physiological health of children?

M.S. Egorova: Maternal health, competent pregnancy support, patronage in the first months, breastfeeding if possible. Reducing the number of kindergarten groups. Support for various forms of preschool education. The preschool period cannot be shortened - many children cannot begin education at the age of 6; they are not yet physiologically ready for the school method of acquiring knowledge. And this is a problem not only of school reform - for example, parents of boys are afraid to send their children to school at age 7 because of the army (there will be no “spare” year).

BUT. Berezina: Adverse factors are an unfavorable environmental situation. Especially in a big city, for example, in Moscow. This is hypokinesia, characteristic of modern children. And again, these are diseases that are associated with both the pathology of pregnancy and the difficult course of childbirth, as a result of which children experience deviations in physical development and neuropsychic development. Increased workload also affects health and the impact of the educational process. For children, especially preschool age, this is very bad. An irrational daily routine, long periods of watching TV, sleep disturbances, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition have a detrimental effect on children. Violation of hygienic conditions for children in preschool institutions. An unhealthy lifestyle in the family is also significant.

– According to the World Health Organization, up to 20% of children worldwide have mental health problems. As for our country, the statistics are also disappointing. According to the Research Institute of Pediatrics, 20% of children aged 6–7 years are not ready for school, and 30–35% of preschoolers have chronic diseases. If we rely on statistics, then children urgently need to be saved. First of all, from whom and from what?

E.Yu. Vasilyeva: From us, adults, or rather, from those who forgot that they were once children and tightly slammed the door to their own childhood, from those who know the answers to all questions and therefore always know what is best... Every child is unique, a unique world, and the task of adults is to learn to understand this world, to help it grow up, preserving and protecting this uniqueness.

I.P. Lashneva: I am concerned about the negative information that our children receive from television and radio screens. Negative characters are found even in cartoons. This naturally affects children. You also need to pay attention to the qualifications of teachers and the hygiene culture of parents. At all meetings we talk about the fact that the load should not lead to deterioration of health and should be adequate to the functional capabilities of the body.

N.V. Miklyaeva: Each generation must be responsible for what it does. The generation of modern adults are people who are afraid of the future, who are afraid to live, afraid of everyday unsettled conditions and everyday problems. Their fear is passed on to children who are not even... born yet. And I think the point is not even that children are born weak and sick. Unfortunately, these are the kind of children that modern adults need to feel strong, to understand the responsibility of parenthood and to try to lift it - and bear it as much as you can. To suffer along this path and... learn to understand that nothing can be more expensive than this baby, that for his sake she is able (or is able) to move mountains and fight with any future that awaits him. So fear gives way to love. This is how our generation learns to take responsibility for what awaits it and the next generation. Previously, this was taught by war, now – by children’s illnesses.

Another thing is that we do not understand how to act in such a situation, we despair and become despondent, we run away from these problems, we try to isolate ourselves from them, labeling them and conveniently forgetting them. Do you think it is so important that a child at 6–7 years old will not be able to complete a number of diagnostic tasks and will be unprepared for school? Is the whole point of the previous period to be labeled “pass” or “fail” at the next stage of its development? Children are not a commodity that we, adults, put into categories - unfit, with developmental problems, or normal, or maybe talented or gifted, even an indigo child? In this regard, many parent and pedagogical communities have now been created on the Internet dedicated to the problems and prospects of raising such children; even clubs for indigo families are appearing. As if they are the chosen ones. As if they are not concerned with the problems of modern society. They have their own label and... their own price.

We analyze and sort everything into pieces, determining the price of this “everything” - the health of children, their interests and views, abilities, intelligence and problems, trying to protect ourselves from the feeling of our own helplessness. As if this would make it easier. As if it would be possible to piece together some Kolya or Dasha “piece by piece” and determine the price of his development, upbringing and training... Also, piece by piece, we collect methods and techniques, modern technologies of education and training, forgetting that before us is just a child who wants attention, warmth and affection, who is ready to do a lot for this. As a result, we stuff him with all sorts of developmental techniques, spending a lot of time so that he loses interest in movement and play, in research and creative activities. He loses them... along with the remnants of his health. Yes, overloads play a big role here, but, I repeat, that’s not the point. More precisely, not so much in them. Rather, the point is the inability to look at the world holistically and the unwillingness of an adult to take the child’s place and understand what he expects from you now and now, why he communicates with you - so that the child understands why he came into this world. This gives rise to a feeling of trust in an adult and a feeling of trust in the world, security from communicating with him. This is the psychological basis on which the child’s health rests. This is the concept of NORM.

By the way, it is now almost lost. We are either looking for deviations - for the worse or for the better, or correcting them. The same fate applies to physical, mental or psychological health. In this regard, we should not forget that the development of a child is carried out according to the laws of systemogenesis: there are always periods when some functions develop worse, others better, being in the stage of maturation, transition to the next level of development. However, diagnostics of children during this period will show functional deviations in the development of this particular system.

During critical periods of development - at 1, 3 and 7 years - the entire system is in a state of unstable equilibrium. This especially applies to the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. So what, after screening, should children be included in the category of having health problems? Isn’t it possible to simply choose the optimal daily routine, physical and mental activity, and hardening methods? This turns out to be more difficult than starting to treat a child for something that, fortunately, he does not yet have. Bye…

M.S. Egorova: Unfortunately, few people can be saved “urgently”. The health of children is laid down long before they are born. What was their parents’ childhood like, what did they eat, what were they sick with - all this is not indifferent to the health of someone who is born today. And this cannot be corrected in one day. Systematic work is needed to improve maternal and child health care. Often, women’s stories about their stay in the maternity hospital can’t be compared with anything in terms of drama. It is necessary to develop correctional pedagogy for children who are unable to study in a normal primary school. Schools are needed for children who, in terms of their level of mental development, are ready for learning, but for health reasons cannot withstand the usual load.

– Children’s health is deteriorating, parents’ ambitions are growing, and the requirements of regulatory organizations are becoming more stringent. What should educators do in such a situation?

I.P. Lashneva: It is very important for educators that they use in their work those methodological recommendations that are approved by both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education. Now it is very difficult for a teacher to figure it out and find what he needs for work. All materials must be tested so as not to harm children.
N.V. Miklyaeva: I do not agree that it is more difficult for educators to work because children’s health is deteriorating. Yes, they have certain health problems. These problems may be associated with reduced activity of children and receptivity to pedagogical influence from adults, with a violation of their learning ability. It is more difficult for educators to implement an individual approach to children in the pedagogical process. This requires not just experience, but the ability to analyze educational and training situations of interaction with a child. There are plenty of opportunities for this: there are many teaching aids and recommendations that allow you to increase the level of self-education, and advanced training courses are constantly being organized. The most important thing for modern educators, in my opinion, is to love children, to be able to want to do something for them and for them,
and learn to think before you act. This is especially true for the use of new-fangled methods and technologies, which are backed by nothing but speculation (this is again a jab at benefits for the development of indigo children).

– What should a teacher be like to work with modern children?

BUT. Berezina: As a rule, teachers in kindergartens in Moscow are qualified. Almost all of the teachers have higher education. But we must pay attention that they work in such a turbulent information period, when there is a lot of information from all sides, sometimes contradictory. They are faced with this and even get confused about what is really needed and what is contraindicated. It is very difficult to understand the flow of such information. Yes, and all sorts of proprietary methods that have not passed the hygienic examination. That's why advanced training courses are needed. There are excellent institutes that provide what educators need in all areas. And methodological centers that should cooperate with scientific institutes and work in unison on childhood problems.

– How well do teachers know health-saving technologies?

N.V. Miklyaeva: To own something, you need to know and understand it, research it in practice and draw conclusions about the possibilities of application. In this regard, health-promoting, health-preserving and health-forming technologies belong to the category of unstable terms - scientists themselves have not decided exactly how they are similar and how they differ. At the moment, this is rather a generalizing concept, which implies an emphasis on the preventive and propaedeutic functions of physical education and health work in kindergarten.

The use of health-saving technologies involves the creation of such conditions for the interaction of an adult and a child, a child and other children, in which external factors have an optimal impact on the implementation of the processes of protecting and strengthening the health of preschool children, the prevention of possible diseases through the means of physical education and through the formation of habits in children healthy lifestyle.

What can be said about their use in kindergarten? Often, educators pay little or no attention to educational technologies, but spend a lot of time on educational ones. Meanwhile, knowledge of “how the lungs breathe” or “blood moves through the vessels” does not instill in children a desire for self-improvement; on the contrary, there is a fear of what is dangerous to health, of illness and ubiquitous microbes. The joy of movement and physical activity, characteristic of children, is lost. In addition, it is also impossible to run up the steps or run around the veranda of the kindergarten. Because you can only run in the gym, but here you can “break your foreheads.” In this regard, it sometimes seems to me that the “methods of ensuring life safety” developed today can, over time, replace the entire complex of preventive measures. After all, for example, you can drink an oxygen cocktail, do acupressure self-massage and walk on wet towels with your bare feet so as not to catch the flu, etc. At the same time, for some reason, it is “possible” to dress 25 children in warm clothes before going out for a walk, while dressing the remaining five or seven. For some reason, “you can” not pay attention to the fact that they are wet, but they are taken out for a walk outside, where it is frosty, etc. This is the reluctance of educators to break away from solving some situational, not even pedagogical, but everyday, organizational tasks of interaction with children, with the children's team. It also allows you not to notice how tired the children are of just sitting in class, listening to how the teacher has been “broadcasting” for 30 minutes, how they simply lack the opportunity to... run around the group. And how is this possible? After all, the group is not for running. A sort of pedestrian crossing for trained bunnies. What else can they do? Sit. So they sit, and we run around, introducing health-saving technologies into all routine processes so that our children do not turn into plaster statues. This is the main problem with the implementation of these technologies. I hope we can solve it.

I.P. Lashneva: The problem of introducing health-saving technologies is the need for doctors and educators to work together. But now, as you know, rates in kindergartens for personnel involved in health improvement have been greatly reduced. On the one hand, we are talking about health-saving technologies everywhere, on the other hand, we are eliminating the salaries of health-improving nurses. We do not have a wellness specialist to coordinate work in preschools. Sometimes there are not enough premises for physical therapy or massage. There are no prerequisites and no bids. And although there is a crisis now, a children's institution cannot exist without it. For us, practitioners, these are the most pressing issues. And if they are not resolved, the health of children will worsen.

The round table was moderated by Ella Emelyanova

Terms of use The copyright holder of this article permits its use only for personal non-commercial use for educational purposes. The publisher is not responsible for the content of the article materials. 11/20/2013

Issues of child psychology, upbringing, and education are important at any time, in any society. Increasingly, we are faced with information about crimes against children, about the suicidal tendencies of teenagers, about the “decline of their morals” and interest only in the Internet. What are the reasons for all this? What are they like, modern children?

Issues of child psychology, upbringing, and education are important at any time, in any society. Increasingly, we are faced with information about crimes against children, about the suicidal tendencies of teenagers, about the “decline of their morals” and interest only in the Internet. What are the reasons for all this? What are modern children like?

The child has become no worse or better than his peer twenty years ago, he just became different.

This summer with a report on the topic "The nature and degree of changes in modern childhood and the problems of organizing education at a historically new level of development of society" spoke David Feldstein(Soviet, Russian teacher and psychologist, specialist in the field of developmental and educational psychology, developmental psychology, personality psychology; professor, academician and vice-president of the Russian Academy of Education). In the report, we did not find specific measures to change the situation in upbringing and education, however, it clearly outlines the “differences” between modern children and us, parents. Scientists are sounding the alarm about our indifference: “An unfavorable prognosis for further changes in the field of general mental development and personality formation of a growing person. Firstly, low level of development of parental motivation. Secondly, today adults have become indifferent to other people's children. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is obvious loss of adult responsibility for children".

So, 14 distinctive features of modern Childhood:

1. In a minimally short five-year period, starting from 2008, sharply decreased cognitive(cognitio - “cognition”) development of preschool children.

2. Children's energy levels have decreased, their desire to actively act.

3. Noted narrowing the level of development of role-playing games of preschoolers, which leads to underdevelopment of the child’s motivational-need sphere, as well as his will and arbitrariness.

4. A survey of the cognitive sphere of older preschoolers revealed extremely low indicators in those children’s actions that require internal retention of rules and operating in terms of images.

5. Underdevelopment of fine motor skills of the hand older preschoolers, lack of graphic skills.

6. Lack of social competence 25% of children of primary school age, their helplessness in relationships with peers, inability to resolve simple conflicts.

7. As data obtained over 15 years (from 1997 to 2012) show, significantly (almost 2 times) the number of children has increased 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years with speech development disorders(from 40 to 60% varying in different regions).

8. Causes serious concern reluctance of a significant part of today's schoolchildren to study.

9. Activation at the teenage stage of ontogenesis (the process of development of the organism) of the communication process and the increased need to present oneself to the world are blocked by the lack of appropriate structures adequate to the needs and capabilities of a growing person.

10. Impoverishment and limitation of live, tactile communication of children, including teenage children, with peers, increase in the phenomena of loneliness, rejection, low level of communicative competence. (If in the early 90s many teenagers were distinguished by a feeling of loneliness, but at the same time their anxiety was in 4-5 places in terms of severity of manifestation, then in 2012 anxiety among 12-15 year olds came to 2nd place).

11. It's getting bigger children with emotional problems who are in a state of affective tension due to constant feelings of insecurity, lack of support in close surroundings and therefore helplessness.

12.In children

adolescence regressive changes occur in the brain support of cognitive activity, and the increased activity of subcortical structures caused by the hormonal process leads to deterioration of arbitrary regulation mechanisms.

13. Observations of the dynamics of the physical development of children revealed a tendency towards a progressive decrease in the rate of their longitudinal growth, an increase in asthenia of the physique, a lag in the growth of muscle strength.

14. In the population of modern growing people, a large group consists of children, for whom characterized by an unfavorable, problematic course of mental development in ontogenesis.

Perhaps this information will help you raise caring, kind, successful, happy, harmonious... the very best children. It’s interesting that scientists are sure: “Today boys are able to sympathize with other children only up to the age of 8, girls up to 9-10 years old. And boys up to about 7 years old can rejoice, but girls practically do not know how to do this.” It's time to change something!

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Lyudmila Nedik
Essay “Modern preschooler”

Nedik Lyudmila Evgenievna - physical education instructor.

MADOU Kindergarten "Ship"


« Modern preschooler"

Today there is no longer any doubt that the modern child is not like that, what his peer was like several decades ago. Children are well informed.

Preschoolers sometimes they make such unexpected conclusions and conclusions in non-childish situations that adults begin to seriously think about growing up prematurely modern children.

Modern preschooler makes happy, on the one hand, by their activity, mobility, initiative and determination, on the other hand, by their developed imagination, penchant for fantasy and creativity.

Children are able to think and act independently, live with a sense of inner freedom, are cheerful and optimistic, are distinguished by positivism, developed intellectual processes, and a focus on understanding the world around them.

Today's preschooler faster than an adult, manages to master a mobile phone and a computer, a TV and a tape recorder, and is fluent in modern technology, goes with family and friends to cafes and restaurants, goes abroad on vacation, travels, knows car brands, names of clothing manufacturers, etc.

Starting from the age of 4-5, children begin to intensively prepare for school. Therefore, most six-year-old children know letters and numbers, can read syllables, can write in block letters and perform simple calculations.

But along with strengths in development modern preschoolers Weaknesses are also noted.

Poor physical health and development (since they spend almost all their time at the computer and TV; in their mode, walks in the fresh air, failure to follow a daily routine, and poor nutrition are practically excluded).

Inability to restrain one’s impulses, to be patient, to wait, to give in; children are reluctant to obey external demands and have difficulty following general rules for everyone

Inability to listen and hear another person, not only a peer, but also an adult (interrupting, concentrating only on one’s own interests, desires, inability to sympathize, empathize, turning to "You" to an adult)

Low level of speech development (violations of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing)

Increased egocentrism (selfishness)– priority for children of personal interests over the interests, feelings, desires of other children (of people)

Weak hand readiness for writing.

Despite changes in the world, society, family, modern preschoolers continue to be children. They love to play, but the content of the games and gaming interests have changed somewhat. Along with role-playing games, children choose games with modern designers, various puzzles, know and are interested in computer games;

Thus, a teacher, when organizing educational work with children, needs to take all this into account and live with the times!

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