Establishment of a private kindergarten. How to open your own home kindergarten - briefly about the main

The problem of lack of places in preschool educational institutions - kindergartens - at the moment, not only is not decreasing, but is also gaining momentum in many respects. Young parents find its solution in various ways - by queuing for the garden immediately after the birth of the baby (in order to get the desired place just when the baby reaches kindergarten age), by hiring nannies or by entrusting grandmothers with child care.

However, there is another alternative - private kindergartens at home. Since this business area is not sufficiently developed in our country, it has good prospects for obtaining a stable income in an environment of low competition.

Licensing of activities and collection of documentation

The opening of a private kindergarten is associated with the collection and execution of certain documentation. The minimum list of which includes:

  • Licensing of activities for the implementation of preschool preparatory education.
  • Permission from the relevant state authorities for the location of the kindergarten in a specific room, checked for compliance with established sanitary and epidemiological standards, as well as fire safety requirements.
  • Conclusion of permanent contracts for carrying out planned activities to maintain indoor conditions that comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards (measures for deratization, disinfestation, cleaning of ventilation and air conditioning systems, removal and disposal of garbage, waste, etc.).

Unlike ordinary kindergartens, Russian legislation does not mention such a service as a home kindergarten, therefore obtaining a license for its organization is not required. And many of these institutions operate on a semi-official basis without any licenses.

However, in order to carry out pedagogical and educational activities in a legal manner and be able to hire staff, registration is still necessary. It can be carried out in the form of an individual entrepreneur indicating the type of activity "preschool education".

This form of registration of a kindergarten at home will allow not to be controlled by the educational authorities and not to license activities, which frees from red tape with the collection and signing of the required documents.

The registration process must be accompanied by registration with the tax authorities. Also, the entrepreneur himself needs to register the cash register, obtain statistical codes and order a seal.

Requirements for the premises

Opening a kindergarten at home involves finding a suitable room. It can be rented, bought or built, and must also be included in the housing stock (an apartment in a residential building or a private house) and meet certain requirements. In this case a private house is a better option in terms of the presence of an area adjacent to the house, which can be used for safe games and outdoor activities. Such circumstances are very useful for growing children's organisms, and also affect the prestige of the kindergarten itself.

A two- or three-room apartment in a residential building is also quite a decent option for organizing a garden. This option involves the allocation of one room for beds and quiet hours, and the second - for meals, games and educational activities. A separate room can be reserved for physical education and music.

Difficulties in choosing this particular option may be associated with the dissatisfaction of the neighbors, and so that such dissatisfaction does not develop into conflicts with the law, it is recommended not to spoil relations with the residents of neighboring apartments. In addition, if it is decided to subject the apartment to redevelopment, then these actions must also be carried out with the written permission of the relevant authorities.

One of the most important requirements for such premises is compliance with fire safety standards. It is also necessary to take care of closing children's access to networks of any kind - electricity, water supply, ventilation and other things. There are also requirements for the total area of ​​​​the premises, which are that one child should have approximately 4-7 sq.m of area.

There are certain requirements for the room itself:

  • floors must be insulated;
  • walls - covered with moisture resistant non-toxic materials;
  • special attention must be paid to the indicators of the height of ceilings (from 3 m) and window sills (at least 0.6 m);
  • the location of the windows also plays a big role, so their direction should only be to the south and east.

A private garden should have a parking lot, which should be located at a distance of approximately 50 m. At the same time, garages, car parks and other buildings that pollute the air should not be located directly under the windows.

An alternative to these options is to rent part of the premises of the state kindergarten. Such a room meets all the requirements listed above, since it was originally built to keep children.

However, the lease of such premises requires the coordination of all activities with local authorities, significant costs for organizing activities and the collection of an impressive package of permits.

In general, before looking for a specific place to place a kindergarten, it is necessary to conduct a marketing research on the presence of competitors and the level of demand for services in the selected area. If similar institutions already exist, or in a given area, public kindergartens can cope with the number of preschool children, then it is better to choose a different area for a private kindergarten.

Kindergarten environment

The organization of a private kindergarten involves not only compliance with the requirements for the premises, but also the availability of an appropriate environment. First of all, this concerns furniture. It (like the rest of the environment) must be absolutely safe. Therefore, all pieces of furniture with sharp and protruding corners are categorically not suitable. In addition, children should not have access to piercing and cutting objects.

To ensure games and activities, you must purchase toys, teaching aids and books, stationery and appropriate furniture (tables, chairs, etc.). Conducting physical activities will require the purchase of equipment and toys for outdoor games.

Since the stay of children in a private kindergarten will be associated not only with classes and games, but also with sleep, this requires a purchase baby beds, bed linen(at least 2 sets per child), as well as individual lockers to accommodate change and outerwear.

In addition, you need to purchase:

  • towels;
  • pots;
  • children's plumbing (toilets, washbasins, etc.);
  • cutlery and crockery;
  • dining furniture.

To service the stay of children, it is necessary to purchase equipment for washing and ironing linen, as well as for cooking. Music lessons will require the purchase of musical instruments.


Since the kindergarten involves the full stay of children, it is necessary to consider the issues of their nutrition. Based on the fact that the children will be in the garden from morning until about 18-20 hours, meals will include several dishes for breakfast, lunch (with first and second courses) and afternoon tea after a quiet hour.

Accordingly, catering should be carried out in one of three ways.

  1. The first is the self-cooking of food by an individual entrepreneur. The implementation of this method is quite difficult from the point of view of the lack of time to purchase products, check their freshness and quality, as well as to cook food itself.
  2. Another way is to organize the delivery of ready-made food prepared by organizations that specialize in the delivery of food to offices, schools and kindergartens. When choosing this method, the main thing to do is to constantly monitor the freshness and quality of the delivered food.
  3. There is a third way, which is to use the services of a cook who prepares meals at home. In this case, food can be cooked directly in the kindergarten or in another room with subsequent delivery and heating.

In addition, when compiling or approving the menu, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child (the presence of allergic reactions to certain products), which must first be clarified with the parents.


As already mentioned, if a private kindergarten is planned to be opened in the form of an individual entrepreneur, then the presence of personnel is not expected, and the entrepreneur must independently carry out pedagogical, educational and educational activities. To do this, you must have the appropriate education, experience and a developed training program for preschoolers.

However, Russian laws do not prohibit an individual entrepreneur from using the services of other organizations and individuals on a contractual basis. Accordingly, such services may include not only the organization of the educational process and nutrition, but also music and physical education classes.

The choice of staff must be approached with all responsibility, as it affects the formation of the authority, popularity and image of the kindergarten itself.

If it is planned to open an “advanced” kindergarten with the organization of training according to exclusive methods, then highly qualified teachers will be needed to develop such programs.

How to find clients?

The success of a private kindergarten largely depends on the number of people who want to send their children to this institution. In order for the recruitment of children to be successful, first an extensive advertising campaign should be carried out. To do this, you can place ads in local media, post them around the area in which the garden was opened, and distribute leaflets at public transport stops and places with high traffic (shopping centers and multifunctional complexes).

Since most often the owners of kindergartens are young mothers who are not ready to give their child to state kindergartens, it will not be difficult to find clients among friends (who really need to give the child for upbringing and maintenance while they themselves work or rest) will not be difficult. Moreover, as a rule, the children of the owner of the kindergarten are with other children.

General expenses and payback periods of the business

The cost of opening a private kindergarten in the first place includes finding and creating optimal conditions in the room. If the owner plans to open a garden in his apartment, then there are no rental costs, otherwise they will be about 30-32 thousand rubles monthly. Also, every month you need to pay for utilities, the fee for which will be about 5 thousand rubles.

Additionally, the apartment must be repaired in the amount of at least 40 thousand rubles. The purchase of furniture and equipment will require more 120 thousand rubles. The total start-up costs will be not less than 190 thousand rubles.

If it is planned to hire staff consisting of at least 2 people - an educator and a nanny-cook, then the monthly cost of paying for their labor will increase by 30 thousand rubles. This amount must be added to the cost of purchasing food. The total cost of the garden will be approximately 275-280 thousand rubles.

Income flows are calculated much more simply: the approximate monthly fee for staying in the garden for one child is 18 thousand rubles. If the garden contains 8-10 children, then monthly revenue will be 144-180 thousand rubles. In addition, for entry into the kindergarten, an entrance fee can be set, which is a monthly fee (similar to state kindergartens).

The payback period can vary greatly depending on the specific conditions of the garden, but on average it is about 14 months.

Summing up, it can be noted that opening your own kindergarten is a very promising line of business development that can bring a decent income. However, since this activity is related to the upbringing and maintenance of children, the level of responsibility in this area is much higher than in all other areas of business.

Video about the opening of a private garden

On the video - a detailed story about the beginning of this business:

Here we will consider an article on how to open a kindergarten, what is needed for this, a business plan for opening it.

Are there queues for kindergartens in your city, district, village, or perhaps there are none at all? If yes, then this means that you have the opportunity to open your own private business to provide you with these types of always needed services, even at home. What nuances exist here, what requirements will you have to comply with, how much money will you need to open a private kindergarten, what income can you count on? We will tell you about all this in this article.

Business Plan Example

We present you a ready-made example of a business plan for a private kindergarten with calculations and an area of ​​500 sq. m with figures for Moscow:

Starting costs

  • Repair (first year) - from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Fire-fighting equipment and alarm systems - installation of 30-50 thousand rubles, maintenance - about 100 thousand rubles. in year.
  • Kindergarten security (contract with a private security company) - 1 million rubles. in year.
  • Furniture, equipment, inventory, toys, dishes, etc. - from 5 million rubles.

Current expenses

  • Room rental - approximately 500 thousand rubles. per month.
  • Utilities - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Meals (40 pupils + lunches for 20 employees) - 200 thousand rubles,
  • food for 1 child - 4250 rubles.
  • Consumables for kindergarten (per month): depends on the intensity of work (about 60 thousand rubles).
  • Salaries of employees, bonus fund, social package - 1.1 million rubles, including taxes and deductions to the state.
  • Advertising - from 100 thousand rubles.


  • Entrance fee - 68 thousand rubles each.
  • The monthly fee (9 months/year) for 40 children in kindergarten is about 25 million rubles.
  • Additional kindergarten income:
    • short-term group (occupancy 8 children) - 500 thousand rubles. in year;
    • individual lessons - from 100 thousand rubles. in year.

Minimum staff

  • 2 teachers and a nanny (for each group);
  • music director;
  • speech therapist;
  • psychologist;
  • 3 kitchen staff;
  • 2 nurses;
  • street cleaner;
  • building worker.

Instructions how to open

Your kindergarten can be both a Non-State Educational Institution (NOE) and a home kindergarten. If you have chosen the option with LEU, then you must take into account the cost of renting the premises, because because of it, your business may become unprofitable. In particular, this case concerns Moscow.

Procedure for NOU:

  1. Register a kindergarten with the justice authorities as a NOU (“non-state educational institution”). This procedure takes a month.
  2. Perform tax registration.
  3. Search for premises and conclude a long-term lease (or purchase and sale) agreement.
  4. Repair it and re-equip it in accordance with the norms of the SES and the State Fire Supervision.
  5. You get the conclusion of the SES and firefighters on the compliance of the premises with all necessary standards.
  6. Create a kindergarten charter, staffing table, select staff.
  7. Obtain a license for educational activities from the Department of Education.

To obtain a kindergarten license, you will need:

Registration certificate;

  • Copy of the charter;
  • A copy of the lease agreement for the premises (certificate of ownership);
  • Conclusion of the SES;
  • Conclusion of the State Fire Supervision;
  • Kindergarten educational program;
  • Certificate of availability of material and technical base for the implementation of educational activities;
  • Staffing and information about teachers;
  • Information about the number of pupils, etc.

If you decide to make a kindergarten at home, then you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. Such a kindergarten does not require a license, and the requirements are much lower. For example, a possible fine from the SES in the case of an individual entrepreneur will cost 1,000-3,000 rubles, and for an NOU - 20-40 thousand rubles.

As a rule, kindergartens opened in apartments are balancing on the border of legality: it is almost impossible to bring an apartment in full compliance with fire safety requirements. In addition, such an apartment may violate Article 17 of the Housing Code. If we talk about profit, then in this case it will again not be on your side, because. more than 6-10 children in the apartment you will not be able to bring up.

The best option for a home kindergarten would be to use a cottage. In it, you will be able to educate 40-50 people, and at the same time bring everything to the required safety standards. The best option would be to register you as an individual entrepreneur, and name the kindergarten as the Child Development Center (CRC) or the Child Care Center (CCC).

Algorithm of actions for kindergarten at home:

  • Find a premise and conclude a long-term lease (or purchase and sale) agreement.
  • Register as an IP.
  • Carry out tax registration.
  • Do repairs and re-equipment in accordance with the norms of SES and Gospozhnadzor (without registration with these bodies).
  • Equip the kindergarten with everything you need (furniture, inventory, educational aids, supplies, toys).
  • Select staff.
  • Conduct a preliminary search for customers, advertising.


Any kindergarten staff, even the most professional, initially needs close attention. A probationary period must be mandatory.

You will need the following staff:

  • caregiver. He must inspire confidence and respect in his parents, speak the same “social language” with them and must have a specialized education.
  • Methodist. Must have experience working with children in a public kindergarten, be well versed in existing methods, know their strengths and weaknesses, cooperate with parents, be able to assess the child's abilities.
  • Psychologist. Od should not be too young and have experience in kindergarten, master the methods of psychology.
  • Director. Must be directly related to pedagogy and be a specialist.
  • Household worker. Any household worker (for example, a cleaner) should treat your kindergarten as if it were their own household, be economical, and be able to work with an irregular schedule.

Employee retention and development

Any modern woman who is endowed with an entrepreneurial gift increasingly has a desire to open a kindergarten, especially if she becomes a mother herself. Such an idea of ​​implementing this project may become even more desirable and obvious for her after 2 years from the date of birth of the child. Here are some tips to help you create this responsible and risky business:

  1. If you have never worked in this field of education in your life, then you will definitely need to take a person who has experience in administrative and pedagogical activities. He will help you choose a room for a kindergarten, equip it, form a team and decide on the choice of educational methods.
  2. You will need to justify your choice of location. What this means is that if this kindergarten is your property, then you are very lucky, because. you do not have to think about payments for it and other points associated with it. But if the premises do not belong to you, then you will have to bear additional risks. Therefore, immediately build good relations with the landlord, try to make him your like-minded person, especially since raising children is a social responsibility.
  3. From the very beginning of your business, a representative of the sanitary and epidemiological service will have to become your friend and main consultant in compliance with all the required SanPin standards that relate to the arrangement of buildings and premises, canteens. Thanks to this, you will avoid trouble, the risks of closing your kindergarten.
  4. Remember that knowing the intricacies, legal issues and tax issues in the field of educational services will allow you to more effectively develop and strengthen your business.
  5. Do not forget about the ratio of income and expenses. It may be a good practice to introduce an "entry fee" along with the monthly fee for your educational services.
  6. In order to reduce the risks, open a small kindergarten first, perhaps even with groups of short-stay children.

This modern phenomenon has several names: “home kindergarten”, “home-type mini-kindergarten” or simply “mini-garden at home”. Given the shortage of places in municipal kindergartens and the high cost of private kindergartens, this option has become an option for working parents.

And for those who have been looking for a long time - a good income for their daily bread.

First, let's define home mini garden. As a rule, he is located in an apartment - either residential or rented specifically for this type of activity. Now about the activity itself: it can be legal, or it can be carried out at your own peril and risk.

The first option, in principle, is suitable for those to whom their friends will take their children. They don’t need to “shine” you either before the tax office, or before the education department, sanitary services, etc. If you were serious about everything, then we will tell you

How to open a home mini-garden ik


Any production requires Certificate. But you didn’t think about it, but to take up the upbringing of children. Therefore, you can register with the tax office by selecting the activity code "Providing educational services to preschoolers at home."

In order to partially legalize a home kindergarten, you can obtain a permit for individual labor activity and call yourself not a kindergarten, but a children's leisure organization or a developing circle, since officially permission to be called a kindergarten is issued only to institutions located in non-residential premises that meet all the requirements of supervisory authorities.

Today the state has given some concessions to such organizations and organizers, apparently feeling guilty for the fact that it is not able to provide a sufficient number of kindergartens on its own. Therefore, special authorities (department of education, SES, firefighters) are already easier to relate to the conditions in which children will be. However, the room must still be equipped with a second exit (some make it out of the window by welding a ladder on the outside), the room must be clean, workers must have medical books.

You will conclude agreements with your parents, report to the tax authorities at the place of residence.


A few more words about the premises in our article, How to organize a home kindergarten. In the "serious" version, the apartment should be spacious enough to accommodate a sufficient number of children. Usually there are up to 10 of them in a mini-kindergarten, they are all together (the distinguishing feature of a mini-kindergarten is a group of different ages). Most often, the creators of mini-gardens choose an apartment on the ground floor - there is less trouble for neighbors and a fire escape - again.

A good playground should be equipped in the yard, because children spend most of their time outdoors, especially in summer.


Each child needs a crib, a set of bed linen (if they are babies), a set of dishes, towels, a locker for undressing.

But that is not all. In your home kindergarten, you still need to purchase toys, games, manuals, not to mention furniture - tables, chairs, musical instruments and children's play furniture (hairdressers and workshops, etc.)


It's up to you to decide who will work for you- you yourself or assistants from outside. Of course, several adults are needed for several children, usually a teacher, a cook, a nanny, perhaps a music worker, an English teacher, a babysitter (for example, only during walks).

The more qualified the staff in your mini-garden, the happier parents will be, because their children will be under reliable supervision!

That's all the conditions that you should be aware of before you open a mini-garden at home. Let's say right away: in Russian cities there are many examples of such a home business that has developed successfully with its owners. These days, it's a win-win, just like the Detective Agency. Alexander Kuleshov wrote about this in detail. After all, people will always have children and problems

Being on parental leave, a young mother often comes to the conclusion that her former profession and motherhood will be difficult to combine and, perhaps, an excellent way out of the situation, guaranteeing her some freedom of action, is to open her own business. One of the common ideas is to organize a private kindergarten at home.

We choose a room for a private kindergarten.

Kindergarten can be organized in a large spacious apartment or private house. Your own house will be preferable, because you can equip a children's playground in the yard, and this is a huge plus for walking with children.

The apartment will have to be re-equipped for children's needs: buy several pots of different colors, put a stool in front of the washbasin, hang hangers at the entrance, arrange for each child a place where he will store his personal belongings, etc. The room must be heated, have sewerage and water. It is good if the premises are equipped with corners for physical education with a Swedish wall, a rope, rings, a horizontal bar and gymnastic balls.

You should also take care of the safety of children: windows should have reliable locking devices, furniture should not have sharp corners, and it is better to keep piercing and cutting objects out of reach. There should be a first aid kit in the kindergarten. Remember that it is the owner of a private kindergarten who is responsible for the children while they are there.

Organization of baby food.

Products should be bought in large stores or grocery stores. Be sure to check their expiration date and "naturalness", compliance with standards and GOSTs. The owner of a home kindergarten must keep receipts confirming that the products were purchased in a verified place and are safe for children's health. It is better to refuse semi-finished products, many parents choose home kindergartens precisely because they feed their children with homemade food, which many modern state kindergartens cannot boast of.

Kindergarten at home as a family business.

Mom will not be able to fully engage with children, cook breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea for them alone. As a rule, a home kindergarten becomes a business in which several or all family members participate. For example, the wife takes on the role of educator, the husband handles administrative matters, and the eldest daughter prepares food for the children. Alternatively, you can cooperate with another mother who will take her child to this garden and take on the functions of a cook.

In addition to the banal supervision, parents want the child to be developed in the garden, prepared for school. In this context, the home kindergarten is inferior to the state one, where experienced specialists work with children according to a developed program approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. In a private kindergarten at home, developing classes are conducted by the mother herself. However, 2-3 times a week she can organize a visit to the nearest municipal garden, where psychologists, speech therapists, music teachers, etc. will work with the kids. Also, nothing prevents mom, by analogy with a cook, from finding a good teacher in her garden.

To open a private kindergarten mother can register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, the owner of a home kindergarten has the right to hire employees: educators, music workers, foreign language teachers and other specialists. You will also need to register with the tax authorities.

The relationship of parents who will bring children to the kindergarten must be sealed with an agreement. Its content needs to be carefully considered. It is better if it is individual, and not typical. In case of cash payment, parents are issued a cash receipt order, and in case of non-cash payment, a personal account is handed over to which money must be transferred. Payment is made a month in advance, which makes it possible to purchase food, toys, teaching aids for children.

Among the shortcomings of a private kindergarten is the lack of a license to conduct educational activities, which entails big problems in the event of disputes and conflicts on the part of parents. Another disadvantage is the doubtfulness of the level of preparation of the child for school. In addition, in a private kindergarten at home there is no way to provide emergency medical care to a child. In public kindergartens, a nurse is on the staff. The downside is the absence in most cases of a separate playground for children to walk.

And yet, private kindergartens have become increasingly popular in recent years. Only in Moscow, according to the Department of Education, there are more than 600 kindergartens at home. This significantly reduces the problem of lack of places in public preschools.

A developing center as an alternative to a private kindergarten.

If you are not confident in your abilities and are afraid that you will not be able to organize a kindergarten at home, but you have a great desire to work with children and have your own business, then your option is to buy a ready-made franchise of a large well-known network of development centers.

A franchise requires a financial investment, but in return you get the full support of the owners of a network of development centers and the opportunity to speak on behalf of their brand.

Experienced mentors will provide advisory services on registration of individual entrepreneurship, help with finding premises and concluding a lease agreement, develop a development strategy, a marketing plan, and even provide a children's education program.

Many will agree with me that raising smart, healthy and happy children, preparing them well for school is an important task for all parents. At first, I thought that no one could do this task better than me, my mother. No nannies, no kindergartens! I bought a bunch of expensive books on the upbringing and development of children, bought a lot of different educational toys, climbed various Internet forums ... But in reality everything turned out to be much more difficult than I expected. My son Ilyusha is a very active child, and I simply did not have the strength and experience to cope with everything that was recommended in these abstruse books. Either cleaning, then washing, then cooking for two menus (for children and adults), I still have to be in time for the clinic, vaccinations, medical examinations ... But I planned to independently engage in high-quality education and development of my son ... The difficulty is that I am alone at home - my husband constantly at work, and grandparents do not live in Moscow. How insulting I was when Ilyusha refused to eat what I cooked, and useful and educational toys (by the way, very expensive!), He was not interested at all, and he did not want to play with them. There was not enough time for anything! I began to notice that my friends, who also have small children, but they sent them to kindergarten, have already […]

All children are different and that's a fact. Most do not stand out for special abilities, they do well in school, they like to walk, play sports and do everything that brings pleasure to ordinary children. And there is another category - children with special abilities. Gifted children can have abilities in completely different areas of human activity. It has long been recognized that giftedness is formed in a child by two qualities: heredity and the environment, which in one way or another contributes to the development of the child. Also, scientists have determined that giftedness in music manifests itself first of all, later a child gifted in art strives to prove himself, and the geniuses of science manifest themselves later. Geeks in Regular School Geeks are often no different than normal kids, but they are very inquisitive and like to ask a lot of questions. Often, adults or teachers simply cannot handle the flow of information that gifted children want from them, and as a result, little geniuses begin to suffer from a lack of information that they can and want to learn. It often happens that child prodigies in ordinary schools become targets of harassment by classmates, since it is no secret to anyone that in average schools the staff is quite diverse and not everyone wants to study. Moreover, classmates always treat a child who wants to know everything with contempt. The big downside […]

More and more parents are choosing to send their children to Montessori Kindergarten. Maria Montessori is an Italian Ph.D. This legendary woman devoted her whole life to observing children, creating early development methods and creating conditions for their implementation. The success of her technique is a long-proven fact. Many prominent personalities of the 21st century (the founders of Google, Wikipedia, Nobel Prize winners, British princes) were trained from an early age according to the Montessori system. In this review, we will talk about the features of early development using this technique, consider the best gardens in Moscow. What are the key features of Montessori kindergartens Maria Montessori was sure that the process of a child's development can be significantly accelerated by creating the right atmosphere for him. Classes are held in a playful way, children get the joy of learning, try to see and correct their mistakes themselves. Various kinds of pressure, pushing, criticism and coercion, punishment and encouragement are strictly prohibited. The children themselves decide what they want to do, they themselves determine the pace of study. The role of the teacher is to understand what is interesting for the child, arouse interest, provide the right environment for classes and easily teach how to use this environment. In addition, Maria focuses on group exercises. They help to gain communication skills, to adapt. Montessori groups in which children interact with each other are more effective than individual lessons with a teacher. Environment and materials are essential elements […]

In Waldorf schools, things are different. There are no those who do not like to study, do not give grades, there are no repeaters. Children from the first grade create crafts and drawings with their own hands of incredible beauty. The main goal of Waldorf pedagogy is to preserve childhood for children. Waldorf schools - characteristic features Each student is an individual. Teachers are attentive to children, in the process of teaching they take into account individual developmental characteristics. The classroom teacher plays an important role. Ideally, he does not change for 8 years, teaches and takes care of children. The class teacher leads the main lesson, which lasts 2 hours. In grades 1–2, children are introduced to letters, 2 foreign languages ​​are taught in a colloquial and playful form, but reading is taught only from the 2nd grade. Items are introduced gradually from the artistic environment. Both boys and girls learn to knit and crochet, play the flute, embroider, get acquainted with crafts. Curriculum In the curriculum of the Waldorf schools there are all subjects from the compulsory general education program. At the same time, the natural sciences are taught in a special way, through observations and experiments. Each lesson contains elements focused on strengthening the will and development. So, at the beginning of the school day, the rhythmic part is held at the main lesson - knowledge is acquired through movements: letters are written not on paper, but with upper or lower limbs in the air, counting, the guys slap and stomp, the multiplication table [...]

If you want your child to grow up as a strong and comprehensively developed personality, with a good upbringing and tempered character, without bad habits, take a closer look at cadet schools. The goal of cadet education is to educate a patriotic, disciplined person. Education in the cadet corps differs significantly from the usual general education. In addition to compulsory subjects, children study military history, the basics of military affairs, and undergo enhanced physical training. The school day here lasts longer, and the teachers do not make any concessions to the children. Another significant difference is the strictest discipline. Pupils wear a special uniform, often walk in formation, salute their seniors in rank. During the holidays, the guys participate in competitions, cultural and sightseeing events. Varieties of cadet schools Cadet corps can supervise the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Security Service and organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In such institutions, military discipline: permanent residence, dismissals strictly on weekends and holidays. The daily routine is carefully planned, the pupils practically do not have free time. It's hard to get here, and it's not easy to study! Therefore, most often here you can meet children who plan to enter the internal affairs bodies or military service in the future. There are also cadet schools established by the Moscow Department of Education. Only children with a Moscow residence permit can enter them. Many of these schools also operate as a boarding school, but it is much easier to get a dismissal here. Terms of admission In […]

Summer holidays are the time for a fun, carefree vacation, interesting trips. Traditionally, during this period, children go with their parents to improve their health at sea, travel. But if for objective reasons it is not possible to organize a family vacation, this is not a reason for grief. Many private schools in Moscow work in the summer, some even move out of town for the summer, to cozy, quiet places with clean air and picturesque nature. The work of the summer school is significantly different. There are no compulsory subjects, boring lectures, no grades and no homework assignments. Children play together with their peers, find new friends, have fun. As a rule, the management develops useful educational and interesting cultural and entertainment programs. The children are under the constant supervision of educators, security guards and medical workers, they are fed. This is a great opportunity to have a great rest and spend time with benefit, get unforgettable impressions and recharge with positive. What do summer schools offer in 2017? Russian International School Address: Podmoskovye, pos. Barvikha, d. 42, age - 7–14 years old, Moscow region, pos. Zhukovka d. 43 A, for children aged 2–6 Working hours: from 01.06 to 31.08 Meals: 5 times a day At the summer school, the children will receive not only a good rest full of interesting events, competitions and outdoor games, but also an English language course. Children are taught by an effective communicative method by experienced teachers from England. […]
