Statuses about my husband are new with meaning. About husband and wife: statuses, beautiful expressions

Any relationship is a joint development. If one goes forward and the other stands still, people disperse.

There is nothing more useful in the household than a guilty husband!

Some women are like violins, some are like cellos. My husband made a mistake in life - he married an electric drill!

My husband has the best wife!

A jealous wife read her husband's Facebook message and liked the frying pan.

Beats means he loves... the husband thought, wiping away tears and examining the bruises in the mirror.

It's good to be married. It's so great that there is a person next to you to whom you can give the first pancake and not throw it away.

If the wife has gained weight, then this is called “she has become fat,” and if the husband has gained weight, then this is called “he has matured.”

I found a profile of my husband from kindergarten. “The child is sociable, eats, sleeps and plays well.” 25 years have passed, nothing has changed.

In the morning I woke up, went to the mirror, looked and thought, looking at my sleeping husband: “Serves you right!”

If you hold a cutlet between your teeth, your husband’s kiss will be more passionate!

A note to my husband: “Sasha, pick up the child from kindergarten. P.S. He will recognize you himself.”

I'm old-fashioned. I like to belong to only one man. My man.

I thought I got married... But it turned out that I took in my mother-in-law's son...

What happens to a woman once a month and ends in 4-5 days? - Husband's salary!

If a husband gives his wife flowers for no reason, it means he has just met that reason.

The aroma of socks is so enticing, intoxicating and intoxicating... I haven’t cried like that for a long time!... My husband returned from the gym...

Katya ate whiskey and tore up the wallpaper in the hallway, but her husband still called her a hippopotamus, not a cat.

By choosing a husband, you choose a father to your children and the quality of your life.

Zinaida caught a huge bream today when she forgot to wake up her husband to go fishing.

If a woman grows wings, then her man will never grow horns...

Women have three periods in life: in the first they get on their nerves with their father, in the second with their husband, in the third with their son-in-law

I am a woman. I don’t want a jaguar, I want to love my husband and cook delicious borscht.

I had everything... a house in Cannes, a tidy bank account, a lackey and a husband who didn’t cause any trouble... Well, why did the alarm clock ring?!

Explanatory: “I was late for work because I climbed over my husband in the morning and was a little late...”

My husband said that I eat like a bird... Half my weight a day...

What should I give my husband if he has everything I need?

A friend is known in trouble... A hero in battle... A wife in poverty... A husband on maternity leave.

I came to the conclusion that my husband is the happiest person... Damn, it was necessary to MARRY SO LUCKY!

A woman will always fly!!! Whether on wings or on a broom depends on the husband!

She advertised: “I’m looking for a husband.” I've already received a whole bag of letters! Basically with the same sentence: “Take mine!”

A full frying pan feeds the husband, an empty one raises him!

I called my husband. I ask: “Do you love me very much?” Answers: “Buy!” This is what real marital understanding is!


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From the moment the groom takes the bride from her family, she becomes his family. It always starts with two people - family, children, love. No matter how many opinions exist about the family, I think everyone knows that both husband and wife take part in equal measures in building a family nest and relationships in general. Someone cannot give themselves more to their family, and someone less. The only thing worth agreeing with is that everyone in the family should have their own clear responsibilities, so at least it’s easier to keep everything under control and in order. Still, no matter what equality there is in the family, the husband’s responsibilities are traditionally greater than those of the wife, because, as is customary, the husband is the breadwinner and breadwinner. Although no matter how well the head of the family fulfills all his duties, all his actions must come from the heart and for the good of the family and some common goals. Since everyone knows that only in the skillful and loving hands of a husband, a wife will only bloom and become prettier day by day. Only for the sake of such a man is the desire to wake up every morning, be a queen in the kitchen and in bed, create comfort in the house and, no less important, always look fresh and desirable. This is exactly the kind of attitude a truly beloved husband and father deserves. Our statuses about our beloved husband will always be relevant, since real men have not yet been exhausted.

Truthful, witty, wise, vital and always with humor. All these are quotes about my husband. After all, if you look at it, the spouse is a mystery from the mysteries of nature, which only his loving (and this is the main condition) spouse can understand and accept. It is for them that this selection of cool phrases and expressions was created. So read, think and smile.

Briefly about my husband in quotes

A good husband, when he finds his wife's stash, should add money to it!

I am incredibly happy for my husband - he married so well!!!

What should I give my husband if he has everything I need?

My husband is a unique person! For him, all your dresses are the same, and all screwdrivers are different.

It was the second year of our married life. My husband still thinks he doesn’t eat zucchini and onions.

Who in our time refuses a living husband!

A woman’s strongest defense is her husband’s love.

Husbands don't grow up, they just gain weight.

There is no husband who would not dream of becoming a bachelor at least for an hour...

My husband has the best wife!

The wisdom of authors and people in quotes and statuses about a husband will help in family relationships. You will get closer to the answer to the riddle of what kind of husbands they are.

Cool statuses about your husband

My husband and I have differences on religious grounds: I refuse to believe that he is God.

A woman needs only two things to be happy: a husband and everything else.

Sometimes you really want to kill your husband! But you can't! I am responsible for him. The registry office gave it to me against signature.

My husband said there was no spark between us. I bought a stun gun. When he wakes up, I’ll ask again.

How could I ruin my wife's birthday if I don't even remember when it was?

I took a pregnancy test, which turned out to be positive, showed it to my husband, and he kissed him with joy. I wonder if he knows how to do a pregnancy test!?

A friend is known in need... A hero in battle... A wife in poverty... A husband on maternity leave.

A timid husband, having returned from a business trip a day early, waits out the day at the station.

Beats means he loves... the husband thought, wiping away tears and examining the bruises in the mirror.

I love everything about my future husband! Only one thing is a little annoying - we are still strangers.

Quotes about your husband are one thing, but real life is another. And how much phrases and reality intersect is difficult to say. Everything is individual. Therefore, only the individual wife of the individual husband knows whether an ideal spouse exists or is this a fairy tale. Read wise and funny quotes about husbands and perhaps you, too, will be able to look behind the veil of this greatest secret.

Funny statuses about your husband

I thought I got married... But it turned out that I took in my mother-in-law’s son...

A bachelor does all the housework himself. But a married man is forced by his wife.

Of course, beloved, you must have a personal opinion, and now I will tell you it!

If your husband offended you, don’t start a scandal. It’s just that he doesn’t see it yet, spit in his tea three times!

Don’t bring your husband to a boil, otherwise he might evaporate!

If the husband begins to come home well-fed, then soon he will stop coming at all.

Finding a husband is an art, but living with him is creativity!

A husband is a creature who, after washing a plate, will look at his wife as if he had cleaned the entire apartment.

There are no bad husbands... There is a first, a second, a third...

A smart husband does not ask his wife what she wants. He knows!

Quotes about my husband, short sayings for social networks, will never lose their relevance. After all, problems in family life hardly change over time. But the way of expressing them takes on new forms. That’s why fresh statuses about husbands with meaning appear.

Quotes about my husband with meaning

An ideal husband is a man who believes that he has an ideal wife.
George Bernard Shaw

One good husband is worth two good wives: the rarer the product, the more expensive it is.
Benjamin Franklin

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.
Alfred Hitchcock

Everyone can become a noble husband. You just need to decide to become one.

A husband is a person who always forgets your birthday and never misses a chance to tell you your age.
Marilyn Monroe

As you get older, you realize that you need to change yourself, not your wife...
Dina Rubina

In dreams we are heroes, but in life we ​​are the husbands of heroines.
Gennady Malkin

A wise woman creates her ideal husband herself.
Ekaterina Makarova

Women's erotic fantasies are a faithful husband.
Tigran Babayan

Every nation deserves its leader, and every wife deserves her husband.
Darya Dontsova

It is worth noting that society maintains strong expectations regarding models of marital relationships, according to which men are assigned the role of breadwinner of the family, and women are the keeper of the home and educators of children. Let's try to figure out if this is true. And to achieve our goal, we use meaningful quotes about my husband.

It is easier to be a lover than a husband, for it is more difficult to be witty every day than to joke from time to time.
Honore de Balzac

It's not enough to have a millionaire husband. And it is not the second word that is important here, but the first. Let him be a billionaire - or let him be a beggar. This is nothing! Something else is important. So that you love - and they love you. And if this is not at home, sooner or later you will go looking for your love on the side. To everyone's grief.
Galina Goncharova

You don't know how difficult it is to love a person just because he is your husband.
Rinat Valiullin

If a husband constantly looks for flaws in his wife, then another will find her merits.
Charles Duclos

When a wife supports her husband and spreads his wings with her love, he becomes invulnerable.
Bahram Bagirzadeh

A husband is such a thing that can easily be improved.
Terry Pratchett

Most marital friction arises from the wife talking too much and the husband listening too little.
Kurt Goetz

If you can't accept your husband's lifestyle, don't take the job - in other words, don't marry him.
Agatha Christie

Be your husband's lawyer, not his investigator.
Magdalena the Impostor

They say that finding a husband is an art; keeping it is a profession.
Simone de Beauvoir

There are stereotypes about husbands. And there is no escape from them. And, naturally, the physical appearance or intellectual merits of husbands could not help but be reflected in quotes.

Sayings and phrases about husbands

If your husband starts following fashion, start following your husband.
Konstantin Melikhan

The husband is what remains of the lover after the nerve is removed.
Helen Rowland

A wife is her husband's calling card.
Rosa Syabitova

Husbands are not gods; there is no point in demanding attention from them as from grooms.
William Shakespeare

A stupid husband scolds his wife, but a smart husband scolds himself for marrying her.
Konstantin Melikhan

Women, as a rule, choose a nightgown for themselves much more carefully than a husband.
Coco Chanel

A husband is almost always just a substitute for a beloved man, and not this man himself.
Sigmund Freud

The husband tells his wife, you would have moaned during sex... when it came to sex, the wife moaned... there is no money, the ceiling is not whitewashed...

My husband gave me the book How to Save Money as a result he quit smoking. And I lost 10 kg.

Pregnant wife to her husband: -I want poop! -Honey, let’s have something tasty! -I want some poop!!! My husband brings me poop. -Take it, eat it. -Salt! Salted it. - Pepper. I peppered it. -Try! I tried it. -Well, how? -It's not tasty. -I DON'T WANT-U-U-U!!!

The wife comes home drunk in the morning. Her husband runs around her, shouting: “If I had a knife, I would kill you! If I had a gun, I would shoot you!” She raises her head: “And you gore

The husband rowed, fought, took company home, shouted obscene songs. Enough. Divorced. Boring.

A husband and wife are lying in bed. He put his hand on her chest and said: “You are as warm as the earth!” She: - If you don’t cultivate this land, I’ll rent it out!

A woman has two goals in life: to get married and to appear unmarried.

I look at myself and think: how beneficially drinking a small glass has a beneficial effect on me. husband's blood!

The husband comes and sees bare feet behind the curtain. To my wife - What is this? - Do you think my jewelry and fur coats are for your salary? - What is this? - And the apartment? Why do you think you received a high position? - I ask again Why is the breadwinner standing barefoot?

The husband comes out of the shower in his underpants, the 3-year-old daughter sits on the floor and says to the dad passing by: “Dad, why did you hide the poop in your underpants?”))))

And my husband already weighs 120 kg. And we have already mastered the sexual position - it's called flounder. This is when he’s on top, and I’m flattened and I’m only thinking about keeping my eyes from falling out.

A husband wakes up his wife at night - “Honey! Take a pill for your headache.” But I don't have a headache. Well, okay.))

When a husband condescendingly declares to his wife: “Okay, I’m the president of the family, and you are the prime minister,” naively thinking that he is now in charge, he apparently forgets that this has already happened in our country for the last four years.

Darling, take me! - Go to sleep, I'm not going anywhere.

Honey, the tip of my tongue hurts, please look. Husband, without looking up from the monitor: Everything is fine, he’s splitting into two.

My husband is a genius! He knows how to do absolutely everything except money.

You need to live and look in such a way that your husband would envy himself, and others would look at him and think: What a damn thing!!!

My husband quit drinking, then smoking, with such sudden changes I have a feeling that I will be next

If you behave badly, I will marry you and stay with you.)

To overcome family conflicts, spouses need to do everything in turn: the wife does everything she wants for two days, then the husband does everything the wife wants for two days. Wives call it a compromise...

I'm going now. Two pigeons are sitting on the border. One of them got ruffed up and sat down, and the other was the first one on the head - a bale! -bale! The first one sits and endures it - probably the husband: D

In the eyes of a woman, the ideal husband is the one who earns a lot of money by spending all his time with her.

Wife to the seller: Give me a kilo of liverwurst for the dog Husband in surprise: Honey, but we don’t have a dog Wife: “I beg you, stop and don’t bark

Six do not remember those who helped them before: a student - a teacher, a married son - a mother, a husband who has fallen out of love - a wife, someone who has achieved a goal - an assistant, someone who got out of the thicket - a guide, a patient - a doctor

At first it’s like this: “When you turn 18, do what you want.” Then: “You will live separately and do what you want.” Then: “Get married and do what you want.” And then: “Here I die, do what you want”))

The wife comes into the room where the husband is and says: “Darling, take out the trash!” Husband (with a heavy sigh): - I just sat down! Wife (with understanding and sympathy): - what did you do? Husband: - lying!

My friend's husband is a godsend! Well, one of those gifts that you unpack, and your head is spinning: “It would be better with money.

A husband is a creature who, having washed a plate, looks at his wife as if he had cleaned the whole apartment

The husband wanted to have a mistress. I dissuaded him - “They say it’s expensive, we won’t handle it.” I'd rather take a lover. an extra penny in the house won't hurt."

In the old days, the husband called his wife “my soul,” and the wife of her husband “the light of my eyes.” And no zoo.

What should I give my husband if he has everything I need?

My wife asked for a mink for her birthday. I've been digging in the garden for the second day now. Worried. What if you don’t like it?

A tired husband comes home: “Darling, what have you prepared for me?” Adjusting her apron, the wife climbed onto the stool: “A song!

I like everything about my future husband! Only one thing is a little annoying - we are still strangers.

My husband was jealous of the computer. It’s strange, but never to a gas stove.

A man distinguishes a huge number of shades of black socks: “black”, “not so black”, “different black”, “blacker”...

We've been dating for 3 years! I am 14 years old! -omg! We'll be getting married soon at 15.

A guy is not a husband, you can change it! A husband is not a mother, you can change it.

I decided: I won’t get married... If you marry one, the rest will be offended!

To ensure that the husband would never take off his wedding ring, his wife gave him a “LOCH” tattoo in this place.

Thank you for these lips, Thank you for these hands. Thank you, my beloved, for being in the world.

You have to get married as many times as you marry.

Soon they will start putting hashtags on tombstones. #son #husband #friend #I love extreme sports #riding without a helmet

Why don't you get married? What is no one taking? - Why, they take it. they don't want to get married!

Night. A husband and wife are lying in bed. The husband asks his wife: “Darling, would you like to become a man?” Wife: “No, what about you?

My most amazing husband is like a sip of life-giving dew. Like a spring that gives moisture, it fills life with meaning...

I have loved you ever since we got married... My husband, you are gentle, brave and proud, and our souls have merged together...

I so want now to be in the safe hands of my beloved husband, to feel their warmth, affection and strength... To kiss him and tell him how lucky I am to have him...

Lucky is not the wife who has a good husband, but the husband whom she made so.

Best status:
When a married couple has maintained mutual love for many years, it will gradually be replaced by a good habit, and passion will be replaced by friendly support.

I feel calm behind your back, you are the best and most worthy. You save me from problems, wonderful husband - the envy of everyone!

I didn’t dare to dream about such a husband... I really need you... there are no limits to happiness. And our children will be very lucky - fate gives them the best dad!

My husband was given to me by God... the most tender and desirable... I don’t need another fate... just to be with you....

It may sound immodest, but I can say that my husband is truly the best man in the world

I miss you so much, without the warmth of my dear eyes, I will give everything so that you and I do not separate for more than an hour!!!

Don’t forget that everything should be shared equally in the family: a new fur coat for the wife, socks for the husband

My family is my castle.

A real family begins with the birth of the first child...

The man from my dreams One day became my faithful husband. My best, it’s you I need more than anyone in the world!

I can’t imagine a better husband than you.

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Every day I understand that my husband is the best and irreplaceable, that I made the right choice!

For a happy family life, the character of the spouses is important, and for entertainment, just a pretty appearance is enough.

A guy is not a husband, you can change it! A husband is not a mother, you can change it.

Sometimes my husband shudders from me - after all, I am an amazing woman!!!

The dependence of family life makes a person more moral.

In a happy family, the wife thinks that the money comes from the nightstand, the husband thinks that the food comes from the refrigerator, and the children think that it was found in the cabbage.

The family is not a unit of the state. The family is the state and eats

You are more than love: You are life, you are passion, you are tenderness, You are a breath of air, You are inevitability... and childhood dreams are all YOU!!!

It is easier to win peace in a family by concluding a truce in it on time.

Family is mutual bearing of hardships and a school of sacrifice.

In family scenes, one is the director, the other is the director.

Why does he think he has the right to fulfill his marital duty with my brain?

Evil wives give their husbands blows, and good wives give their husbands cuckolds

I go into the kitchen and see my husband, twitching in convulsions, holding on to the electric kettle. She grabbed the mop and hit him hard on the arm to tear it away from the electric. device, breaking his arm in the process. Later it turned out that the husband was listening to music on headphones and dancing!

In the family circle, everyone had their own corner.

Looking for a husband. I’ll find you, I’ll kill you...!

Head of the family: one for all and all for one!

To prevent a wife from turning into a saw, a husband should not become a log...

The wife approaches her husband sitting at the computer: “Let me play.” – Have a conscience, dear, take an example from me. Have I ever taken a rag from you? I asked when do you wash the floors?

A home, warmed by the warmth of a faithful friend, makes a person invulnerable.

I want it to be like this: SP: married to... Status: I am happy with the BEST man in the world! (updated 50 years ago), and on the wall there is an inscription: “Granny, happy golden wedding to you!” And most importantly, I will still be online!

It's good to have such a wonderful person next to me. Sometimes, closing my eyes, I think about what would have happened if we had not met, and with horror I understand that then I would not be happy. I love you!

A happy wife means a happy family. An unhappy wife is a murderous torment for the rest of your days.

Family quarrels are reminiscent of the program “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.”

I will shout to the whole world that I want to be alone with you. And then I’ll whisper: I need you, Thank you for becoming the best husband!

In family life, the most important screw is love...

I love you, my dear, I wouldn’t trade you for anyone. And I know that You value my destiny, and do not play with it.

Statuses about wife and husband - A woman cheats on her husband in three cases: if he is bad, if he is good and if he is neither this nor that.

The only thing you should worry about is your family, and let him worry about the rest!

In normal families, apartments, cars, jewelry are passed down by inheritance, but in ours, passwords are passed on...

I received a text message: “I’m spending the night with a woman, don’t worry.” I sit and think: son or husband?

The family hearth, like the weather, is changeable: sometimes it warms souls, sometimes it boils them.

I love being a married man. It's so great to find that special woman that you want to piss off and annoy for the rest of your life.

Always remember the most important rule of a happy marriage: “Good things happen to those husbands who listen carefully to their wives!”

You cannot find happiness in marriage unless you bring it with you.

You are my dear, so beloved, You are a husband, not a boyfriend or a friend. In the hands of your reliable, strong ones, I simply melt as if in heaven.

In the world I need one man - the one who once became my beloved husband. My dear, I thank you for your affection, tenderness and love!

I want to always be with you, smile and cry, laugh and be sad, raise children, cook food for you, love and be loved.

Many wives would not cheat on their husbands if they knew a more subtle way to take revenge.

You are so kind and beautiful, I want to be with you always, I am happy with you, my dear, It was not for nothing that I said to you: “Yes.”

Family is such a good thing that many people have two of them at once.

The husband's kiss will be more passionate if the wife holds a cutlet in her teeth.

At the buffet table. Wife: “Darling, don’t you think it’s awkward that this is the fifth time you’ve been running around with a plate for food?!” Husband: “Nope, I told you it was for you!”

A family is a group of people who are united by ties of blood and quarrel over money issues...

I love you very much, and this is not a secret at all. After all, for me you are the sweetest, there is no relative in the world like you!

Kiss, caress, scold, forgive for nonsense. I love you, you know, my dear, beloved husband!

Dear husbands! If you have stopped seeing your wife as a woman, this does not mean that all other men have also gone blind!

Smart men choose such ugly girls as their wives that no one else will covet them, and they choose such a beauty as their mistress that all other men will envy.

If your husband has grown horns, it means that not all men watched football yesterday.

A husband like you, Just the man of your dreams, Always ready to love And give your affection! Live and breathe in unison. You are my mysterious dream!

Sweet, beloved, desired, gentle, affectionate, caring, courageous... All this is one person... Thank you for having me!

The main causes of most stress and depression in a person’s life are: family, money and a family without money.

I love your lips, I love your hands, I love everything that you have. I love the way you kiss, I love the way you dance, I love the way you love me!

The two gold rings on our fingers are a symbol of the fact that we are inseparable from each other. This is a symbol of our love. I wear my wedding ring with pride, and I am incredibly glad that you are my husband.

Statuses about my husband - Not only do I wait for my husband from work every evening as if from the war, but he also demands to set up a field kitchen for him near his computer!

My darling, I love you! You are my life and happiness! I so want to be with you, both in grief and in bad weather. I can say it a hundred times, dear, And it’s so wonderful!!!

The blood is boiling, the heart is beating: I am saturated with love! Dear husband, you are my sun, I am so happy with you!

A family is a small country in which DAD is the president, MOTHER is the minister of finance, the minister of health, the minister of culture and emergency situations in the family. And the CHILD is a people who constantly demands something, is indignant and goes on strikes.

Thank you for these lips, Thank you for these hands. Thank you, my beloved, for being in the world.

My husband is the best!

I'm in my third marriage. The husband is in the latter.

Family is not the blood that flows in you, it is those whom you love and who love you!

The husband comes home drunk. I realized that my wife would swear. He grabbed the biggest book and pretended to read. Wife: - Well, did you get drunk again? - What are you doing? Don't you see, I'm lying down reading! - Fool! Close your suitcase and go to sleep.

The soul is full of you alone, my husband, my friend and my hero. I am behind you, like behind a wall, You will always be with me.

The thoughts of a noble man are like the blue of the sky and the shine of the sun: it is impossible not to notice them.

A good husband is never the first to go to bed in the evening or the last to wake up in the morning.

Statuses about love for your husband - I love you, my husband, I admire you. I want to be with you, you are the best in the world, I know.

What does a fly stuck in a jar of honey have in common with a married man? They are both delicious and sad, and their wings are clipped.

It is a great happiness for me to just be next to you. I miss you very much and give you my love!

In a family conflict, the culprit is no longer the one who explodes, but the one who presses the button.

A husband rarely changes just because a woman wants him to. For all changes in a man are in the hands of a woman.

Marital love, which passes through a thousand accidents, is the most beautiful miracle, although the most ordinary.

My dearest person, You are both my lover and friend. We are connected with you forever, You are my beloved husband!

Family is a shelter in a heartless world.

Selling my husband, in good condition - 24 rubles. (two eggs for 7 rubles and a pipette for 10).

My dear husband, you are my happiness!

The strongest family is the one where the cross is on the letter “I”. Where only the word “WE” rules, where there are joint dreams. Where there is prosperity and comfort, where children run around happily, where such PASSIONATE LOVE always flares up again! A FAMILY is the one that is strong where life is CALM and EASY!!!

The divine, sacred basis of everything is a strong family.

Good husbands are not chosen, they are raised

In family life, the main thing is patience... Love cannot last long.

I love you with all my soul, the light of your eyes is always with me. I keep your hands warm in spite of all troubles. We live without lies and falsehood. I pray that it continues like this.

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, and responsiveness.

Living in a family means sharing with each other all the imperfections, all the troubles and all the feelings and yet continuing to love each other.

My dearest man, Desired, close and dear, Your love is invaluable, I am happy that you are only mine!

Statuses about family - Family is the eradication of your bad habits and the acquisition of new common ones.

My husband, you are the best - without a doubt! I am convinced of this every hour.

I love you more and more, I don’t need another husband. You are becoming dearer to me, And I need you more than life!

Statuses about husband and wife, short expressions on social networks, do not lose their popularity over the years. Feelings, situations and problems do not change much over time. But the way of expressing them is acquiring more and more new forms.

Romantically about husband and wife: statuses and phrases

You don't have to be serious to convey your feelings. Statuses about husband and wife are often a way to show your partner your attitude, and to remind yourself what is most valuable in life.

  • “When someone else likes your beloved, there is no need to be jealous and excited. You need to be proud that you got someone’s dream.”
  • "A happy marriage is a terrible thing. It is forever!"
  • "What do you want most, my love?" - “So that in 50 years you ask the same thing.”
  • “Never stop doing those sweet things that made you fall in love.”
  • “In fact, romance is not 101 roses and songs under the balcony. Romance is when they listen with interest to your endless stories about gasoline.”
  • "A woman doesn't need much. It's enough to be loved."
  • “You need to live with someone with whom you want to share three things: bread, thoughts and bed.”
  • “To truly love is to wish another to be happy. Even if this means not allowing him to live with an unloved self.”
  • “In a happy marriage, all conversations seem too short.”

Beautiful phrases about family

A status about a husband and wife, beautiful phrases about true love can not only decorate a page on social networks, but also inspire others to find their happiness.

  • "The most important thing in life is family. Work will not soothe your pain, your career will not wait at home."
  • "I'm old-fashioned. I love my wife more than ever. And tomorrow I will love more than today."
  • "Start your day beautifully! With hot coffee, the aroma of perfume and thoughts of your loved ones."
  • “Everything in life is simple: relatives are not offended, but understand; loved ones do not promise to be there, but come.”
  • “In a happy family, spouses wake up when they stop hugging them.”
  • "The sign of a happy family life is to want to come home."
  • “The best thing parents can do for their children is to love each other.”
  • “Unwavering faith in each other brings people together for life.”
  • “The virtue of a wife is the honor and merit of her husband.”

Funny statuses about husband and wife

People with a sense of humor are able to remind everyone that even the most difficult situations can be seen as comical. That is why statuses about husband and wife are increasingly becoming funny.

  • “Message to my husband: “Pick up your son from kindergarten today. Don't worry, he will recognize you himself."
  • “I managed to dissuade my husband from having a mistress - the budget is not flexible, we won’t be able to handle it. I’d rather take a lover - an extra penny at home will come in handy.”
  • “A good man must build a house, raise a son... What else is on his wife’s list?”
  • “Never! Do you hear? Never ask if your husband liked the soup if he is delighted with this porridge.”
  • “A cheerful wife is never upset when she approaches the mirror in the morning. She just smiles ominously and whispers to her husband: “Serves you right!”
  • “In our family, everything is divided fairly. I buy a fur coat, my husband buys swimming trunks.”
  • "Life hack for men: persuade the seller of the alcohol stall not to sell your wife anything without a passport. This way she will be happy to run to you for beer."
  • “Does your husband not notice your housework? Stop doing it! He will notice soon.”

Original statuses about husband and wife

Statuses about husband and wife with meaning can be non-standard:

  • “The day of reconciliation with consent in our family takes place in the store. I try it on, he agrees.”
  • "My husband is ideal. If he finds my stash, he puts a little more money in there."
  • “Recommend a gift for my husband if he already has everything I need?”
  • “My grandmother also advised me not to bring my husband to a boil. Otherwise, he might evaporate. But also not to be cold. It will cool down!”
  • “OK Google, how can I explain to my husband that we got married and I didn’t adopt him?”
  • “Girls, do you know how to change your husband’s plans for the evening? Write him an SMS: “I know where you go!”
  • “Tip of the day for girls: to get your husband to buy everything you want, take him shopping until he begs you to buy something, just so it’s all over.”
  • “Never threaten a woman that if she doesn’t lose weight, you will leave for someone else. There is a risk that she will lose weight and leave for someone else.”

Statuses about husband

  • “I would have killed my husband a long time ago. But I can’t - he was given to me against my signature at the registry office.”
  • “I brought home a kitten. It turned out that my husband is allergic to it. I’m wondering who to give it to? He’s cute, not picky. He’s 190 cm tall, blond, works as a driver.”
  • “You can’t understand a man with his mind. How, tell me, can he say that all my dresses are the same, but his screwdrivers are different?”
  • “My husband is a lucky man. It was necessary to marry so successfully!”
  • "My husband has I remind him of it regularly."
  • “Darling, your name is included in the Red Book! In my passport.”
  • "Ladies! If yours is yours, put bars on the windows and change the locks. So they don't get it back."
  • "I love reading my husband's wives at night. It's like counting sheep before bed."

Statuses about wife

  • “It’s not as scary for a husband to return from a business trip as for a wife to return from a corporate party.”
  • "I will never ruin my wife's birthday. I don't remember when it is."
  • “A woman needs little to be happy - a husband and everything else.”
  • "A wife can forgive a lot. Except for one thing: if the husband does not understand how lucky he is with her."
  • “You need to choose as your wife the one with whom you would be friends all your life if she were a man.”
  • “Instead of a photo of your wife in your wallet, it’s high time to put a note: “Your money could be here.”
  • "My wife is very jealous. For her, I am always either suspiciously sleepy or suspiciously alert."
  • “Stupid women look after their husbands, smart women look after themselves.”
