Beetroot masks for home facial care. Beetroot masks Beetroot face mask reviews

Beetroot contains an extremely high content of various beneficial substances, which actually provide the beneficial effect of beetroot potions on the skin. A lot of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other elements, which don’t make much sense to list, there are too many of them. But here are the main components of the chemical composition of this plant:

  • Vitamin C. Thanks to it, skin cells are reborn, as the active release of collagen is stimulated.
  • Potassium competently manages the processes of moisturizing your skin.
  • Curcumin provides cleansing at the microscopic level and removes all kinds of impurities from the pores.
  • Betaine gives elasticity and is an excellent moisturizer.
  • Fiber helps build a strong protective wall against various infections.
  • Pectin adds elasticity to the skin and gives a smoothing effect.

In addition to the above substances, beets contain vitamins A, PP, E, B. The mineral composition is represented by calcium, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. The organic acids present in the root vegetable can also have a wonderful effect on the quality and health of our skin.

Beetroot mask for aging and problematic skin

The chemical composition of beets is such that every element that forms the basis of this vegetable works to maintain the tone and health of your skin:

  • vitamin C gives cells a rebirth, causing them to produce collagen and elastin again and again;
  • potassium actively moisturizes the driest skin;
  • curcumin gives the beetroot mask a peeling effect, cleansing the pores of the deepest impurities;
  • fiber protects the skin from infections;
  • pectins make the skin elastic and incredibly smooth;
  • Betaine is a natural skin moisturizer.

Such a complex blow makes beet face masks an almost magical remedy that transforms the skin.

Beetroot face masks: indications and contraindications

Beauties who decide to prepare a homemade beet mask should know what effect it has on a particular skin type:

  • cleanses problematic skin from inflammation;
  • dry - actively moisturizes;
  • oily - treats, normalizing the functioning of the glands;
  • normal and combined - nourishes;
  • tired - invigorates, tones;
  • yellowed gives a wonderful, healthy, beautiful color.

Since beet face masks contain a lot of vitamin C, you should not apply them to severe inflammation or open wounds. Knowing about the strong coloring property of beets, you should not overexpose the mask, otherwise the skin will acquire an overly red tint.

Choose the beetroot face mask that matches your skin type to ensure the maximum and expected effect. Beforehand, it would be a good idea to test the prepared product on the crook of your elbow or wrist. In recipes you can use both beet juice and the vegetable itself, fresh or boiled.

  • Classic mask for oily skin

Grate fresh beets and apply a thick layer on your face.

  • Potato mask for problem skin

Mix beet juice (3 tablespoons) with grated raw potatoes (tablespoon) and wheat flour (tablespoon).

  • Egg-sour cream mask for normal skin

Mix grated fresh beets (a tablespoon) with egg yolk and sour cream (a teaspoon).

  • Herbal mask for dry skin

Grate the beets boiled for two hours, mix them (a tablespoon) with milk (a tablespoon), St. John's wort infusion and aloe juice (a teaspoon each).

Don’t deprive your skin of little joys: be sure to prepare a holiday for it in the form of a beetroot face mask so that it looks wonderful and gains a second youth.

To clean the pores, as well as to get rid of pustular rashes, you should use beet juice squeezed from a fresh plant. Using such a mask at home, you can remove inflammation, irritation, redness, remove traces of pigmentation and make your skin fresh and healthy.

Main ingredients for beetroot mask for acne:

  • Beets – 10 grams.
  • Bodyaga – 5 grams.
  • Lemon oil – 2 drops.

Combine all ingredients in one glass bowl. It is better to use fresh beets, which should be pureed. Apply only to problem areas and rinse after 8 minutes. Use a couple of times a week.

The beautiful beetroot can be found in every garden, and every housewife keeps this wonderful vegetable in her kitchen. It's time to take advantage of the cosmetic properties of beets and use them to prepare wonderful masks. Universal beet face masks have virtually no contraindications and take care of any skin type.

The chemical composition of beets is such that every element that forms the basis of this vegetable works to maintain the tone and health of your skin:

  • vitamin C gives cells a second birth, forcing them to produce collagen and elastin again and again;
  • potassium actively moisturizes the driest skin;
  • curcumin gives the beetroot mask a peeling effect, cleansing the pores of the deepest impurities;
  • fiber protects the skin from infections;
  • pectins make the skin elastic and incredibly smooth;
  • betaine is a natural skin moisturizer.

Such a complex blow makes beet face masks an almost magical remedy that transforms the skin.

Beetroot face masks: indications and contraindications

Beauties who decide to prepare a homemade beet mask should know what effect it has on a particular skin type:

  • cleanses problematic skin from inflammation;
  • dry - actively moisturizes;
  • oily - treats, normalizing the functioning of the glands;
  • normal and combined - nourishes;
  • tired - invigorates, tones;
  • yellowed gives a wonderful, healthy, beautiful color.

Since beet face masks contain a lot of vitamin C, you should not apply them to severe inflammation or open wounds. Knowing about the strong coloring property of beets, you should not overexpose the mask, otherwise the skin will acquire an overly red tint.

The best recipes for beetroot face masks

Choose the beetroot face mask that matches your skin type to ensure the maximum and expected effect. Beforehand, it would be a good idea to test the prepared product on the crook of your elbow or wrist. In recipes you can use both beet juice and the vegetable itself, fresh or boiled.

  • Classic mask for oily skin

Grate fresh beets and apply a thick layer to your face.

  • Potato mask for problem skin

Mix beet juice (3 tablespoons) with grated raw potatoes (tablespoon) and wheat flour (tablespoon).

  • Egg-sour cream mask for normal skin

Mix grated fresh beets (a tablespoon) with egg yolk and sour cream (a teaspoon).

  • Herbal mask for dry skin

Grate the beets boiled for two hours, mix them (a tablespoon) with milk (a tablespoon), St. John's wort infusion and aloe juice (a teaspoon each).

Don’t deprive your skin of little joys: be sure to prepare a holiday for it in the form of a beetroot face mask so that it looks wonderful and gains a second youth.

A beet mask is not a modern invention. Beetroot has long been known as a unique and effective, but at the same time very easy to use facial skin care product. It contains many useful microelements and substances, as well as vitamins that improve skin condition. Currently, beet juice is often found in professional cosmetics.

Beetroot masks rejuvenate, refresh, tone, nourish, cleanse the skin and are suitable for owners of any skin type. To achieve a good and quick effective result, before applying one or another beet mask to the skin, it is recommended to make a steam bath for the face from any decoction of medicinal herbs (for example, chamomile or St. John's wort). After it, the skin becomes smooth and clean, the pores open, and the effect of the masks becomes more effective.

Grate a little beets on a fine grater to make 2 tablespoons of the mixture. Soak a piece of rye bread in boiled warm water. Mix the ingredients, adding a teaspoon of sour cream. Apply to facial skin for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off first with warm, then cool water. The mask can be used once a week.

Toning beet mask for tired and dull skin

Add 2 tablespoons of beets, grated on a fine grater, to half a glass of any still mineral water. Apply to cleansed facial skin for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. The mask can be used twice a week.

Rejuvenating beetroot and cucumber mask

Grate fresh cucumber and beets on a fine grater, mix until two tablespoons of a homogeneous mass are obtained. Add one teaspoon of honey. Apply to clean skin for 20 minutes. Use the mask once a week.

Refreshing beetroot and egg yolk mask

Beat one egg yolk, add one tablespoon of grated beets and one teaspoon of kefir. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply to facial skin for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off first with warm, then cold water. Use the mask once or twice a week

Beetroot mask for oily skin

Add 1 teaspoon of alcohol to one tablespoon of beetroot mass, grated, and mix. Apply to cleansed face for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water and apply nourishing cream to the skin. It is recommended to make a mask twice a week.

Beetroot-potato mask for inflamed skin

Grate the boiled potatoes and beets on a fine grater and mix everything thoroughly to obtain two or three tablespoons of the mixture. Add one teaspoon of flour and a quarter glass of boiled warm water. Mix again and apply to skin for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. You need to use the mask once or twice a week.

Beetroot and apple juice mask for combination skin

Grate a ripe apple and beets, mix and add a tablespoon of milk. Apply the resulting paste to your face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off first with warm, then cool water. Use the mask once a week.

Beetroot mask for dry skin

Into beet pulp, grated with a fine grater. Add one teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply to cleansed facial skin for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. You can use the mask two to three times a week.

Using one of several masks below for two to three months will show excellent skin improvement results. It will become soft and velvety, smooth and clean. Minor imperfections will disappear. Folk cosmetics, made with your own hands from the gifts of nature and used at home, are in many ways superior to ready-made cosmetics purchased in a store. Homemade beet masks have a much more active effect on the skin than ready-made creams, since the vitamins of the fresh vegetables used are completely preserved.

Fresh, vitamin-rich beets are available at any time of the year. All nutritionists and healthy eating enthusiasts recommend including beets in your diet. This product improves digestive processes and saturates the body with vitamins. All this is best reflected on the skin of the face. Take the risk of including this vegetable in your skin care routine. For example, try rubbing a fresh slice of beet pulp onto your face. This simple procedure instantly invigorates the skin and evens out its color. If necessary, you can wipe your face with a piece of this vegetable every morning. Or grate fresh raw beets on the finest grater and apply to the skin. Withstand mask for about half an hour. Then remove the vegetable mass and rinse your face generously with cool water. This mask tones, refreshes, eliminates excess fat and improves complexion. Suitable for all skin types, especially recommended for oily skin types.

For inflammation and flaking of the skin, try the following softening mask:

Extract the juice from a small beetroot. Next, grind the raw potatoes into a pulp. Then mix potatoes, beet juice and a little wheat flour to get a thick consistency (the mixture may resemble thick sour cream in thickness). Then soak a gauze cloth generously in beet juice. Next, apply the mask composition to the skin, apply gauze soaked in juice on top. It is better to lie down and keep the mask on for at least a quarter of an hour. After which the composition can be removed and rinsed with cool water or milk (dilute the milk with water 50 to 50).

For dry, aging and normal skin, try a nourishing beetroot mask:

Grind the beet pulp (without skin) as finely as possible (in a blender or on a grater). Next, combine a tablespoon of beetroot mass, an egg yolk and a teaspoon of sour cream. Mix this mixture thoroughly and apply to cleansed skin. Leave the mask on for less than a quarter of an hour, then remove the remaining mixture and wash with slightly warmed water.

Recipe for a tonic composition with beets against acne:

Peel the beets, cover with cold water and boil. Pour the resulting beet broth into a liter glass container and let it cool completely. Then add a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar and stir. These compositions can be rinsed on the face or wiped with a cotton pad daily. It is better to store it in the refrigerator.

Recipe for a moisturizing beet mask:

Pre-boil the beets and prepare an infusion of St. John's wort. Next, grate the cooled and peeled beets on a fine grater. Then take a tablespoon of the resulting vegetable mass, milk, St. John's wort infusion and grind. It is recommended to add a teaspoon of aloe juice. Apply the mask to clean skin, rinse off after 10-15 minutes with cold water

Mask recipe for additional nutrition for dry skin types:

Mix a tablespoon of freshly squeezed beet juice and a teaspoon of heavy dairy cream. Lubricate your face with this mixture and leave for a quarter of an hour. At the end, wash with soft water.

Recipe for a nourishing beet mask with a refreshing effect:

Grate a piece of beet without skin on the finest grater. Next, grind a tablespoon of vegetable mixture with the egg yolk. Apply the mask for a quarter of an hour, rinse with lukewarm water. At the end of the procedure, rinse the skin of your face and neck generously with cool water. It is also useful to read about
