Technology of interaction with parents. Methods of organizing interaction with parents of school students Pedagogical technologies interaction with parents

relationship family school

Collective methods and forms of work of teachers with families of schoolchildren

Forms of interaction between teachers and parents are ways of organizing their joint activities and communication. It is advisable to combine collective, group and individual forms of interaction. So, it is useful to continue the discussion of any problem of education at a parent meeting at individual meetings with parents, at group consultations.

Let us briefly characterize the most common collective forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

Parent meeting- the main form of work with parents, where the problems of the life of the class and parent teams are discussed. The class teacher directs the activities of the parents in the process of its preparation and is an ordinary participant in the meeting. The first meetings, giving an example of a democratic discussion of issues, he can conduct himself, and in the future it is legitimate to fulfill this role by the parents themselves. The parent committee or the next group of parents (case council) discuss the course of the meeting, choose a leader, determine options for resolving issues submitted to the meeting.

Parent meetings can be divided into: schoolwide And meeting of parents of students of individual classes. At school-wide parent meetings or conferences, the most pressing problems of improving the educational work of the family and the school, as well as current issues of teaching and educating students, are discussed. So, parent meetings are devoted to discussing the tasks and activities to improve the quality of students' knowledge, improve labor education and professional orientation of schoolchildren, etc. Often, scientific and pedagogical issues of educational work in the family are raised at school-wide parent meetings, for example: the role of parental authority in education, the acceleration of student development and its impact on education, etc. School-wide parent meetings are usually held two or three times a year.

A more operational form of organizational pedagogical work with the family is a meeting of parents of students in individual classes. At them, class teachers make reports on the state of progress and discipline of students, discuss information from parents about the experience of educational work with children, and also resolve issues related to improving the academic work and behavior of individual students. Such meetings are especially important for establishing a single line in the educational work of the family and the school. We are talking about the fact that when the class teacher puts forward this or that educational task for the class, he needs to involve parents in its solution as well. The class teacher, of course, sets the appropriate task for the students and develops a system of educational measures to solve it. For this purpose, a special parent meeting of the class is convened, at which the class teacher introduces the parents to the task assigned to the students and agrees with them on the specific help that he expects from them. If parents know what educational problems are being solved in the classroom or school, and have a good idea of ​​what specific help is required from them, they will work in the same direction with teachers.

Parent lecture hall promotes familiarization of parents with the issues of education, improvement of their pedagogical culture, development of common approaches to the upbringing of children. The name "lecture" is conditional. It does not mean that only lectures are given to parents. The forms of work are varied, and often they determine the position of parents not as passive listeners, but stimulate their activity, creativity, participation in the discussion of issues, in organizing and conducting classes.

Parents are involved in determining the topics of the lecture hall. If they find it difficult to form the topics of classes, identify problems for study, the teacher will be able to offer a set of possible topics, taking into account the available methodological recommendations, as well as the problems of raising children in this team.

It is advisable to prepare classes in turn by a group of parents (case council). Depending on the complexity of the topic, the preparedness of the parents for it, the teacher, the business council attracts specialists or select the material and conduct the lesson on their own. If a specialist is invited, then the organizers first discuss with them the range of problems that concern parents, think over ways to attract and activate class participants.

Dispute - reflection on the problems of upbringing is one of the forms of increasing pedagogical culture that are interesting for parents. It takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, allows everyone to be included in the discussion of problems, contributes to the formation of the ability to comprehensively analyze facts and phenomena, based on accumulated experience, and awakens active pedagogical thinking. The participants of the dispute themselves, breaking up into groups, can formulate the most interesting questions, and then select and preliminarily discuss those of them that can be submitted for collective discussion. This method allows everyone to be included in the search, the most correct solution to the issue, helps parents to take a certain position, provides an opportunity for everyone to speak out. To sum up the results, the case council, the teacher or one of the parents needs to prepare a final message. The subject of such discussions, discussions can be specific situations from the life of a class, family, performances or movies watched together.

Meetings with the administration, teachers of the class should be held annually. Teachers acquaint parents with their requirements, individual consultations, conversations or work in groups, taking into account the problems and difficulties that have arisen in the upbringing and education of certain groups of children.

Group forms of interaction teachers and parents are due to different degrees of parental preparedness for raising children in the family, the specifics of their professional activities, the nature of the participation of parents in the organization of the educational work of the class, the unequal role they play in the family, the individual characteristics of students, and the difficulties of family communication.

According to Rozhkov M.I. a particularly important form is the interaction of teachers with the parent committee, which can be selected by the parent meeting for the entire academic year. In some classes, where parents are active and interested, the function of members of the parent committee in turn is performed by everyone, divided into groups at will. The parental asset is the support of teachers, and with skillful interaction, it becomes a conductor of their ideas. At meetings of the parent committee, which are held as needed, the teacher and parents develop ways to implement those ideas and decisions that have been made by the meeting. Members of the committee can distribute duties, roles, functions both in organizing work with parents and with children, and determine ways of interacting with individual parents and families. The Parents' Committee seeks to involve parents and children in the organization of class affairs, solving the problems of the life of the team.

Teachers and the parents' committee are trying to form councils of affairs to organize work, taking into account the possibilities and interests of parents. In this case, teachers interact with various groups of temporary organizers of specific activities, providing assistance, advising, and, if necessary, engaging in active joint activities.

Teachers, class teachers conduct group consultations, practical exercises for parents, for example, failure to help children in mastering the skills of mental activity, fast reading. Group sessions may be exploratory in nature. So, teachers and the class teacher invite parents of those children who experience typical difficulties in educational activities to the lesson. Educators strive to build their lessons around the concerns of these students. After visiting a number of lessons, teachers and parents together try to identify the reasons for the failure of children, to find ways to help them. A number of group classes for teachers and parents can be associated with arming parents with knowledge and skills in organizing the activities of circles for children, club forms of work on weekends at home.

Teachers are especially concerned about interaction with fathers (mothers) of children: how to involve fathers (mothers) in educational work in the classroom, to increase their role in raising a child. To this end, class teachers organize special meetings with the fathers (mothers) of children, hold conferences, consultations and reflections.

With the skillful interaction of parents and schools, the best result in raising children is achieved.

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State budgetary educational institution

secondary school №471

Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg

Description of teaching experience

“Interaction with parents is the basis

effectiveness of the educational process"


teacher of technology and extracurricular activities

Svirid Nila Vasilievna

Saint Petersburg

Today it is very important what our society will be like in the 21st century. Nobody has

There is no doubt that it is possible to raise a new generation only

bringing together teachers, parents and children. One of the priority

The task of today's education is upbringing. The main role in the decision

this task belongs to the family. It is the parents who create the conditions for

teachers, students and parents in the process of their joint activities

and communication. As a result, all sides develop. Main

manifestations, characteristics of interaction are: mutual knowledge,

mutual understanding, relationship, mutual influence. making contact,

teachers, parents and children consciously or unconsciously get to know each other.

It is the mothers and fathers of students who should be most of all

interested in children being in comfortable conditions,

received a full-fledged education and upbringing, creatively developed.

Achieve positive results in the development of children parents and teachers

can only be based on close cooperation. Family and team

complement each other, create the best conditions for education and

creative development of children of different ages. Between parents and

educators can be business and personal relationships that arise on

based on the need for communication, positive, indifferent,

negative. The nature of the relationship depends on the participation of parents in

affairs of the children's association. With a positive relationship, parents

strive to assist the teacher in his plans and deeds, to participate in

collaboration, problem solving. This, in turn, is positive.

affects the development of all interacting parties. Two levels are defined

teacher-parent interactions

1. personal - direct communication between teachers and parents. This

consultations for parents on the problems of raising a child in the family and on

overcoming the difficulties of learning in this association.

2. Functional - the interaction of the teacher with parents through

parent asset. Solving financial problems

technical base of the team or the provision of effective assistance. Assets

teachers are cooperative parents who respond positively to

teacher's way of working. Help the teacher as much as possible, participate in

proposed joint activities.

trust the teacher more than themselves. Consult with him, on time and

follow orders carefully. Expect support and help from teachers.

Such parents need to be given about the child mainly

positive information, more often emphasize the role of the parent in his

achievements. Invite to outdoor events, contact more often

help and be sure to thank and praise for what you have done.

Aggressive - parents who are interested in their child's activities,

carefully monitor the regime, the content of classes, are especially attentive to

how much attention is given to their child, react painfully to

cases where it is not enough. The child is treated too

demanding. With such parents it is necessary to prevent conflict

situations, to build exclusively formal relations, moreover, clearly

regulated. Don't complain about the child. celebrate success and

child's achievements.

Not included - parents who see their function of cooperation

only to bring the child to the center. Rarely go out

direct contact with the teacher. For such parents it is better not

hope. These are the parents who should send invitations to

open events, inform them about the achievements

In the process of working with students, a number of points arise that cause

well-justified caution on the part of parents, namely:

On trips, the child breaks away from relatives for a long time, which means that

from -under their control and guardianship;

During the providence of the event, extreme events may occur.

situations of varying degrees of complexity due to adverse weather

conditions, worsening health indicators, etc.;

The child will have to cope with most of the tasks

alone or with minimal support from elders.

All problems will be minimized if students are fully

least learned all the training material and understand that the safety of any

activities depends primarily on their own knowledge, skills and

skills. The acquisition of these depends, in turn, on the attitude towards

faces almost traditional difficulties.

Parents for poor performance or bad behavior deprive

child the opportunity to attend classes in an institution of additional


Parents, due to their maximum employment, do not always find time

find out what exactly their child is doing in the children's association, about

planned events, which often leads to a scandal the day before

speeches. As a result, the teacher does not have time to replace

child, especially a teenager, such a situation can be psychologically simple

break and discourage any desire to continue classes.

parent in the children's association TsDOD.

1.Principles of working with parents

In our opinion, there are three of them: voluntariness, informativeness and reverse


There is a wise saying: “You can lead a horse to a watering place, but you cannot

make her drink." The teacher can and should provide parents

qualified assistance in raising children. But insist on tight

cooperation without the reciprocal aspiration of parents would be wrong.

Only parent-teacher meetings at the beginning of each

academic year and before long trips. They are also necessary

legally, since the safety briefing is not carried out

only with students, but also with parents. In addition, communication with parents

necessarily in case of a serious emergency, but in normally working children's

associations, they are a rarity. All other forms

communication and joint activities are strictly voluntary.


Understanding by parents of students of the essence of the activities of the children's association

The first step on the path to cooperation, so we must convey to

they are the goals, objectives, content and results of our work. Besides,

it is useful for parents to follow the dynamics of development together with teachers

the personality of the child by years of study and by the results of specific cases. At

a particular family, and the principle of informativeness in no case can

be, wittingly or unwittingly, opposed to the principle of "do no harm."


Any teacher in the learning process repeatedly encounters

the need to adjust their actions, taking into account the state

the health of the child, the situation in the family, at school, etc. You have to ask your parents

immediately report any major changes in the child's life. At

information, which is the key to mutual trust and goodwill

communicating with students and parents.

2.Areas of work with parents

During the school year, our work with parents is based on the following

on the- boards:


Consultative and methodological,

joint activities,

Preparing and conducting trips.

1.Organizational work


before the event;

As a result of the event;


The very first meeting (introductory)

further the level of responsibility of students and parents when working in

association. The teacher needs to prepare his speech in such a way

in such a way that it is concise with the maximum amount of information,

bright and captivating. It is important that parents believe in competence

teacher and were not afraid to entrust the child to him. In addition, considering

constant employment of parents, the first meeting allows at least a little

slightly "turn" them to the affairs of the child in general.

First of all, at the meeting it is given in a form accessible to parents

psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the association's activities. Parents

only then will they become your allies when they know how and why

that's how you're going to work with kids. Instability with

each individual child creates serious difficulties for

activities of the group as a whole, and keeps the student in a state of constant

nervous tension.

After the meeting, parents are given a few days to think, and

then they sign an application for admission of the child to the association, without

which their child is not allowed to attend. The shape can be

arbitrary, but in any case, mandatory

participation of the child in all the affairs of the group and the complete independence of this participation

performance and behavior at home and at school.

Particular attention is paid to feedback. At the same time, it is immediately stated

complete confidentiality of the information received. For the same purposes, you can

conduct a survey or ask parents to write a short

essay about a child. In conclusion, parents will learn about plans for the current

academic year, about the necessary documents and requirements. You can immediately

to discuss the share of participation of parents in the work of the association and possible

help from them. Experience shows that this proportion is decreasing

as the children grow up, and after a few years, communication remains with those of

parents who, by virtue of their interests and human qualities, have become

actually members of the group. Due to the special importance of the first meeting

You need to take care of the attendance of all parents. Not relying on memory

guys, the teacher should call everyone himself, as well as do control

calls 1-2 days before the meeting.

Pre-event meeting.

It is mandatory to conduct it, since it gives a brief, not

important information: about the dates of the trip, about the necessary kit, about

the collected amount of money, about the place and time of collection before the trip and meeting

after her.

Meeting after the event.

It is carried out on a strictly voluntary basis. The teacher summarizes

is interested in the feedback of the children, gives psychological and pedagogical recommendations

at the end of the event.

Meeting in case of emergency.

It would be nice to never have him, but if you still have to spend, very

think it over carefully, prepare an emergency analysis and discuss with parents

ways to eliminate the possibility of its recurrence.

2. advisory - methodical work.

The teacher is on trips next to the children 24 hours a day. This gives

unlimited opportunities to observe personal growth and

children's development. It is good to support such observations with diagnostics.

development of the group as a whole and of each student

through testing and questionnaires. Choose methods and tests

The teacher can at his discretion. Based on the results of the work,

individual conversation with each interested parent. Her

carrying out also requires skill. First of all, you need to inform your parents about

the positive aspects of joint activities with the child and about his

successes, while problems and failures are discussed only in conjunction with the development th

ways to overcome. It is perfectly reasonable in this situation

invitation of specialists: psychologists, sociologists, etc.

3. Joint events.

For successful cooperation of children, parents and teachers, it is desirable

hold joint activities in which parents have the opportunity



1 The essence and types of socio-pedagogical interaction of parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions

2 Cooperation between parents and teachers of a preschool educational institution: essence, signs, levels and methods of assessment


1 Description of research methods and techniques. Sample characteristic

3 Empirical study of the types of socio-pedagogical interaction of teachers

4 Experience of cooperation between teachers and parents in the preschool educational institution of the district.






Relevance.At the present stage of development of the educational system in Russia, preschool education is becoming part of the continuous development and education of the younger generation and is the first step in the primary education of children at school. In this regard, changes are inevitable in solving problems related to the upbringing and socialization of our children, which dictate the need to change the nature of the activities of a preschool institution, and, accordingly, to revise the views and methods in the work of educational institutions. State policy in this area is reflected in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", which focuses on building a new system of preschool education, in the center of which is the personal development of the child.

In connection with the entry into force of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, preschool education becomes the level of general education along with primary, basic and secondary general education (Article 10, part 4) . That is why now the most important thing is continuity in the upbringing and education of children, not only in kindergarten and school, but also in the family. The main result of education today is development, not knowledge, skills and abilities. This is stated in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), which was adopted in 2013. At present, the state makes high demands on the quality of the educational services provided, the basis of which is the versatile development of the personality of children: the disclosure of the potential of each child, the formation of key competencies, among which it is important to “teach to learn”, to acquire knowledge on their own. The standard is based on a system-activity approach, the difference of which is that knowledge is not given to children in a ready-made form, as it was before, but such situations are created, conditions for joint (independent) activities of a teacher with children, in which the child himself can learn something new for yourself, draw conclusions, generalize existing knowledge and experience. Knowledge is not imposed by the teacher, but is obtained in the joint activities of an adult with children. An important role is also played by work with parents, the search for new forms and methods, focusing on the needs of a new generation of parents, because. The standard is a social contract, which presents the requirements for education by the family, society, state, expressing equal responsibility for the result of education.

The Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ and which entered into force on January 1, 2014, the Federal State Educational Standard of Education dated November 14, 2013, refers to "... interaction with parents (legal representatives) on the education of the child, their direct involvement in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family on the basis of identifying the needs and supporting the educational initiatives of the family.”

The comprehensive development of a child's personality requires unity and coherence of the entire system of upbringing and educational influences of adults on a child. The role of the family in creating such coherence cannot be overestimated. The family as the first institution of socialization has a decisive influence on the development of the main personality traits of the child, on the formation of his moral and positive potential.

Involving parents in the life of a preschool institution has always been the primary task of the preschool educational institution, and today many kindergartens have gained valuable experience in interacting with parents in order to increase the effectiveness of the upbringing and development of children. In connection with the new requirements, with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, all preschool specialists (head, educators, methodologists, practical psychologists, social educators, defectologists, teachers of additional education) are looking for new forms of interaction with parents and improve the content of the work, trying to achieve an organic combination of educational influences per child in preschool and in the family, making parents full partners.

It is partners, since only communication on an equal footing, only the joint efforts of the kindergarten and the family, contributes to the success and quality of family education, and hence the harmonious development of the younger generation. Without a family, it is impossible to achieve such coherence, because it is the family that is the first institution of socialization and has a decisive influence on the formation of a morally positive potential and on the development of the main personality traits of a child.

When building new relationships between an educational institution and parents, when looking for effective forms of interaction with the family, it is necessary to take into account current trends, where the family is the main consumer, and the kindergarten is the provider of educational services. This should become one of the main directions of the work of the DOW. Parents should be included in the process and understand the measures of family responsibility for the result of education.

Therefore, one of the main areas of work of the preschool educational institution is the search for effective forms of interaction with the family, building new relationships between parents and an educational institution, where the family is the main consumer, and the kindergarten is the provider of educational services. Parents are required to be involved in the process, understanding the degree of responsibility of the family for the result of education.

At present, a number of modern studies, in connection with modernizations in the education system, with the advent of variability and the inclusion of innovative programs, have identified and formulated a number of contradictions that arise in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard:

between the rights and obligations of parents and the inability to use them;

between the need of parents for educational services and the lack of conditions for their provision;

between the desire of parents to be active in a preschool institution and the strictly regulatory nature of the institution's activities;

between the low level of pedagogical culture and insufficient knowledge of the basics of psychology by parents and the lack of systems for teaching them in preschool institutions.

In connection with the transition to a personality-oriented model of interaction with a child, the priority of family education over public education is recognized. And today, parents are increasingly thinking about the transition to home education and education, and not only at preschool age, but also prefer such education to school. There are also many private educational institutions and tutoring. As defined in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ, parents have the right to choose an educational institution and forms of education for their child. Often, parents believe that the child will be more comfortable and he will receive a better education in a family with more qualified teachers than in an educational institution, where the parents themselves can see and know what their child is doing and participate in the educational process in one way or another. And in educational institutions, parents are not always well informed about what the child is doing, what successes he has, and they often believe that in kindergarten they only look after the child and do not teach anything. After all, as Confucius said: "I hear, and I forget, I see, and I remember, I do and I understand ...", therefore, educational work in an educational institution should be based on the openness of the educational institution and the active involvement of parents in the educational process so that they "did and understood ...". And the education system now faces the most important task - to organize successful interaction between the teacher and parents, because we are talking not only about the upbringing and education of the younger generation (although this is also important), but the most important thing is to raise a healthy, thinking, independent and successful person, with his unique personality, and this can only be achieved through the joint efforts of the family and the teaching staff, building individual development path for each child.

The result of such cooperation between the kindergarten and the family can be the following results: strengthening the authority of the preschool educational institution in the eyes of the parent community, the formation of active, creative partners in the implementation of child development lines, the strengthening of parent-child relations (family unity), familiarization with folk culture and universal values, acceptance , recognition, interaction, as a condition for the development of tolerance.

The changes taking place today in the field of preschool education are aimed primarily at improving its quality. It, in turn, largely depends on the coherence of the actions of the family and the kindergarten.

Currently, many parents are looking for ways to competently and harmoniously raise a child and are ready for active cooperation with teachers. Combining the efforts of a teacher and parents in the process of raising children is not an easy task in organizational and psychological and pedagogical terms, because:

¾ educators do not always take into account the interests and wishes of parents when organizing various events,

¾ in the process of communicating with educators, parents receive insufficient knowledge about how to raise a child and this knowledge is not always applicable in life,

¾ there is no clear idea about the system of joint work of parents and teachers.

As a result, the techniques and methods of interaction between teachers and parents are not always effective enough, which affects the satisfaction of the parents of preschool educational institutions.

For the development of full-fledged partnerships, it is necessary to determine mutual requirements and expectations, which will increase the satisfaction with the result on the part of all participants in the educational process and avoid many conflict situations. The satisfaction of parents with a kindergarten also depends on the style of interaction between teachers and parents, which means that its competitiveness also increases.

Therefore, it is necessary to build effective partnerships with parents to increase the competitiveness of preschool educational institutions.

Hence the relevance of the research topic: "Technology for the formation of cooperation between parents and teachers as a way to increase the satisfaction of parents of preschool educational institutions."

Therefore, the study of the features and types of socio-pedagogical interaction between preschool specialists and parents in modern conditions and the creation of a technology for cooperation between preschool educational institutions and parents is one of the factors of parental satisfaction with an educational institution and the educational services provided to them, which contributes to improving the quality of educational standards and meets state policy in the field of education of children, providing the intensification of the process of educating children of preschool age, which determines the relevance of this study.

Target:development of technology for cooperation between parents and teachers, as a factor in increasing the satisfaction of parents of preschool educational institutions

Research objectives:

1.Explore the theoretical aspects of cooperation: determine the essence, features, levels and methods of evaluation.

.Conduct an empirical study of the types of socio-pedagogical interaction between teachers and parents and the degree of satisfaction of parents of preschool educational institutions in the area, analyze the results.

.To study the experience of cooperation between teachers and parents in the preschool educational institution of the district.

.To develop a technology for the formation of cooperation between parents and teachers.

.Develop guidelines for using parent-teacher collaboration technology to improve parent satisfaction

Subject of study:Cooperation

Object of study:Parents and teachers of the preschool educational institution


Changing the style of pedagogical interaction between teachers and parents helps to increase the level of satisfaction of parents of preschool educational institutions if the following conditions are implemented:

¾ centralized administrative management of the interaction process;

¾ strengthening the role of teachers, their theoretical and practical training to improve the quality of interaction with the family, the development of new technologies and forms of cooperation by teachers;

¾ creation in the educational institution of a clear technology of cooperation.

Research methods:

¾ theoretical analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem;

¾ study and generalization of pedagogical experience;

¾ methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics (survey, questioning, observation, testing, analysis of pedagogical documentation);

¾ analysis of pedagogical and managerial experience of cooperation with parents

¾ analysis and generalization of the research results.

Methods used:

¾ Questionnaire "Satisfaction of parents with the work of educational institutions"

¾ K. Thomas test questionnaire for behavior in a conflict situation. (Thomas method)

Scientific novelty of the researchlies in the fact that in the thesis for the first time scientifically substantiated, developed and experimentally tested the technology of forming cooperation between parents and teachers as a way to increase the satisfaction of parents of preschool educational institutions.


1.1. The essence and types of socio-pedagogical interaction of parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions

The concept and essence of interaction between different groups of people involved in the education process has been of interest to many scientists and has been considered from the point of view of various sciences throughout the history of the development of education and still does not lose its relevance. In modern Russian society, the problem of organizing the joint life of adults and children is becoming more and more noticeable. teachers and parents have a correct understanding of the goals and objectives of raising a preschool child. The need for interaction between teachers and parents was first discussed at the end of the 19th century by such outstanding domestic teachers as: P.F. Kapterev, N.K. Krupskaya, P.F. Lesgaft, K.D. Ushinsky and others.

There are many concepts of interaction, from the point of view of different sciences, such as philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, from the point of view of different approaches and authors. This section presents the most interesting and close to our research positions of the author.

If we consider the interaction from the point of view of philosophy, then it appears as a relative concept, which is carried out at a certain speed and in a certain space - time, i.e. as a material process accompanied by the transfer of matter, motion and information

The most interesting for our study is the concept of interaction, from the point of view of psychology, where it is referred to as a process in which social objects (subjects) directly or indirectly affect each other and give rise to mutual conditioning and connection, i.e. interaction requires at least two objects or subjects. In education, such objects will be participants in the educational process: teachers, parents, children who mutually influence each other or directly organize joint actions that allow the group to implement common activities for its members.

There are two main components of interaction - content and style. The first component determines the reason for the interaction, i.e. something around which or about which people, and in our case, teachers and parents, begin to communicate. And the style of interaction is what forms and methods a person uses when interacting with others.

Our research will mainly be built around the style or, as they say, the type of interaction between such subjects as a teacher and a parent. There are such interactions as productive (constructive and most effective) and unproductive. A productive style of interaction helps to establish a trusting relationship between teachers and parents of preschool educational institutions, which helps to reveal the personal potential of each participant in the interaction and achieve positive results in joint activities. An unproductive style of interaction, on the contrary, reduces the level of trust and blocks the realization of personal potentials, which results in a decrease in the optimal results of joint activities.

In psychology, there are five criteria by which you can determine the style of interaction:

¾ firstly, according to the position of the partners that they occupy during the interaction, i.e. communicate on equal terms or one puts himself above the other;

¾ secondly, according to the goals put forward, they can be: when the goals of all participants are taken into account, common ones are developed; or when the dominant partner puts forward only his own goals and does not take into account the opinion of the other side;

¾ thirdly, by responsibility: responsibility is shared by all participants in the interaction or it is borne only by the dominant partner;

¾ fourthly, according to the relations that arise between partners (goodwill and trust; aggression, resentment, irritation);

¾ fifthly, on the functioning of the mechanism of identification/isolation between partners.

The theoretical and methodological basis for the study of interaction is presented in Figure No. 1.

Figure #1. Theoretical and methodological basis for the study of interaction.

For our study, the most interesting concept and essence of pedagogical interaction, which are considered by different scientists and teachers, putting various characteristics into this concept.

Some researchers said that interaction is a process that occurs between subjects (at least two subjects of relations) at a certain time (V.I. Vernadsky, B.C. Solovyov, N.A. Umov, P.A. Florensky, B.M. Kedrov, Ya.A. Ponomarev); others studied interaction as communication, where there is a certain relationship between subjects, in the course of the cortex they exchange thoughts, feelings, spiritual values ​​(L.P. Bueva, M.S. Kagan, etc.). Psychologists such as N.N. Obozov, B.D. Parygin, V.V. Boyko and others argued that interaction is mutual information, mutual understanding, relationships, mutual knowledge, mutual influence, mutual actions, i.e. the influence of the parties on each other with their personal qualities, in which there is an exchange of attitudes, habits, experiences, character traits, values.

Teacher-researcher L.B. Baiborodova singled out the main parameters of interaction: communication, exchange of information, signs, organization of joint actions. She emphasized that the ultimate goal of interaction is the result, i.e. change in people's behavior and activities.

E.V. Korotaeva understood interaction as a system of interdependent contacts in the unity of social, psychological and pedagogical ties. The problem of pedagogical interaction was also dealt with by V.I. Zagvyazinsky, who considers it as the most complex process, and outlined the many components of which it consists: didactic, educational and socio-pedagogical interactions, conditioned and mediated by educational and educational activities, the goals of training and education.

The interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution is based on the process of educating a comprehensively developed personality of the child, therefore, the success of one of the subjects of interaction depends on the efforts and actions of the other.

In psychology, as we have already noted, interaction is a process in which at least two people participate and in the process of communication influence each other, i.e. mutually influence, during which there is a change by one subject of the behavior and psyche of another subject

There are several theories describing and explaining interpersonal interaction, in which authors define the reasons why people interact in different ways (Figure #2)

Figure #2. Theories of interpersonal interaction.

The problem of pedagogical communication is devoted to the works of A.A. Bodaleva, L.P. Bueva, V.A. Kan-Kalika, V.N. Kunitsyna, V.A. Labunskaya, A.A. Leontiev, A.V. Mudrik, I.I. Rydanova, A.V. Petrovsky, I.V. Strakhova and others.

It can be noted that most researchers (G.M. Andreeva, V.I. Ginetsinsky, N.V. Kuzmina, etc.) speak of pedagogical communication as the interaction of subjects of the educational process, basically understanding this as communication between a teacher and students and parents are often left behind. Also, specific forms of effective interaction are not studied enough, more attention is paid to conflict communication (A.A. Bodalev, E.D. Breus, V.A. Labunskaya, Yu.A. Mendzherinskaya, E.V. Tsukanova, etc.), while which it is problematic to organize a positive and emotionally rich interaction, which forms the basis of joint activities. The emotional side of the interaction was widely represented in the direction founded by A.F. Lazursky and further developed by V.N. Myasishchev, which was called "the psychology of relations".

The idea of ​​pedagogy of cooperation was widely disseminated in the studies of Sh.A. Amonashvili, S.N. Lysenkova, V.F. Shatalova and others in the 80-90s. They considered cooperation as one of the interaction strategies that has an effective impact on the educational process, but again, focusing on the relationship between the teacher and the student, leaving parents aside, which is explained the policy of the state of that time, when public education was paramount, and the role of the family was secondary.

For the first time as a term of pedagogical science, "interaction" was introduced in 1988 by Yu.K. Babansky and was interpreted as "mutual activity, cooperation of teachers and students in the process of their communication at school, is most fully reflected in the term" pedagogical interaction ". Speaking about the pedagogical interaction of I.B. Kotova and E.N. Shiyanov consider it as "a direct or indirect influence of the subjects of this process on each other, giving rise to their mutual connection" .

Based on the work of researchers on the problem of interaction, we see that it is cooperation that underlies pedagogical interaction, because it is the beginning of the social life of mankind.

There are several types of interaction (Figure No. 3.). But interaction becomes pedagogical only when adults - teachers or parents - act as mentors, tutors, take into account the opinions of children and each other, develop joint goals and decisions, where none of the parties is dominant, each has its own voice, and equal relationship. Such relations between the participants in the educational process imply such a connection, where there is mutual influence in the intellectual and emotional activity of all participants, as well as their coordination.

Figure #3. Types of interaction.

In the 21st century the interest of scientists in the phenomenon of interaction is constantly growing, because at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. there have been major changes in the education system associated with social reforms. In the materials "Forecasting the development of preschool education in Russia until 2010", which were prepared by the staff of the Institute for the Development of Preschool Education of the Russian Academy of Education: Doctor of Psychology V.I. Slobodchikov, V.A. Petrovsky, S.G. Yakobson et al. talk about how different types of innovative changes took shape and developed at different levels of the organization of the preschool educational system.

Preschool education is currently faced with a task that is formulated in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "Law on Education" and the Project of the Main Directions for the Development of Russian Education, based on the fact that preschool education is a full-fledged stage of an integral education system.

In connection with the reforms in education and innovations taking place in the development of the country, a new task is set before preschool education, to implement the order of the state, which consists in realizing the right of every child to a quality and affordable education, creating equal starting conditions for the full-fledged versatile development of children, including number of children with disabilities as the basis for their successful schooling. Therefore, one of the main tasks is to improve the quality of preschool education and involve parents in the mandatory participation in the life of an educational institution and their attitude to preschool education.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" proclaims in Article 18 (clause 1) that parents are the first teachers, and a network of preschool institutions assists the family in raising children of preschool age. And it is the interaction of parents and teachers of a preschool educational institution, the type of relationship that will develop between them, that occupies one of the leading roles in this system.

Practicing teachers: E.P. Arnautova, V.G. Alyamovskaya, N.L. Babkina, M.G. Dreznina, T.A. Danilina, O.L. Zvereva, O.A. Kurevina, O.V. Ogorodnova, L.V. Svirsky et al. identified the most characteristic causes of difficulties in the work of preschool educational institutions with families today, which are presented in Figure No. 4

Figure #4. Reasons for the difficulty of working with the family.

Scientists have noted that the mutual alienation of educators and parents is associated with the formalization of the process of interaction between teachers and parents.

Recent research has focused on topics such as:

¾ interaction between teachers and parents as a condition for the prevention of social maladaptation of preschoolers (O.V. Ogorodnova, 2002);

¾ pedagogical conditions for the inclusion of parents in the planning of the educational process in preschool educational institutions (O.V. Solodyankina, 2002);

¾ professional competence of a teacher of a preschool educational institution in the field of communication with the parents of pupils (T.V. Krotova, 2005);

¾ the formation of parental reflection in the process of interaction between the family and the preschool institution (L.R. Mironova, 2004), etc.

New methods and technologies of cooperation with parents have been developed, presented in table No. 1.

Table number 1. Methods and technologies of cooperation.

Author, year TitleV.I. Smetanina, 2002Methodology for updating the content of the socialization of preschoolers, ensuring continuity in the use of educational methods of the family and kindergartenO.V. Solodyankina, 2002 Methods of including parents in the planning of the educational processG.V. Glushkova, 2003; M.V. Melicheva, 2006Methodology of joint rehabilitation with the familyN.V. Dodokina, 2006Technology for the development of the educational potential of the family - "family theater in kindergarten"

The works of particular importance and interest for our study were:

¾ revealing the features of the interaction of a preschool institution with a family (T.N. Doronova, G.V. Glushkova, T.I. Grizik, A.V. Kozlova, R.P. Desheulina, M.G. Sorokova, E.S. Evdokimova, N.V. Dodokina);

¾ works devoted to the content of methodological activities in the development of the direction of interaction with parents (O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotova, V.A. Novitskaya, P.I. Tretyakov, etc.);

¾ works that determined the importance of holidays in kindergarten and the role of teachers and parents in these events (N.A. Vetlugina, M.B. Zatsepina, O.P. Radynova, etc.).

Of particular interest is the work of O.L. Zvereva and T.V. Krotova, which reveals new approaches to relationships with parents, defines the main stages of methodological work in helping teachers, proposes the content of the work, defines its forms and methods. The book also presents a brief history of the development of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the child's family. Particular attention deserves the classification of non-traditional forms, which is proposed by T. V. Krotova, which can be used by teachers when interacting with parents (Figure No. 5). One of the most important tasks in building relationships with parents and identifying their needs and requests, the authors believe, is the information and analytical form of organizing relations with parents, which allows you to collect information about the family of each pupil, their social and cultural level, attitude towards the child and the level of satisfaction DOW, find out their interests and requests. In the future, this information can be used to predict an individual and student-centered approach not only to the child, but when building a plan for interaction with the families of pupils, which will help improve the quality of education and the effectiveness of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family, and the formation of partnerships "kindergarten-family" .

Drawing No. 5.

Non-traditional forms of organization of communication between teachers and parents Leisure plays an important role in interaction with the family, because contributes to the establishment of warm informal relations and increases the level of trust between the participants in educational relations (children, parents, teachers). The use of interactive forms of interaction contributes to the fact that, thanks to the establishment of a positive, friendly atmosphere, parents and teachers learn more about each other, become more open to communication, and the style of interaction changes. Therefore, in the future, it is easier for parents and teachers to establish relationships, they become equal partners, which contributes to the comprehensive and harmonious development of the child's personality. However, as the authors say, the organization of leisure forms of cooperation with the family can be effective only if this event is of a cognitive nature and pedagogical expediency.

The most popular forms of interaction, as the authors say, continue to be occupied by collective forms of organization, such as parent-teacher meetings, consultations, etc. But today they are also undergoing changes. They become more open and take the form of dialogue, discussion, round table. Increasingly, non-traditional forms such as the parent club and the master class are becoming more and more popular. But such forms of communication require educators to use a variety of methods of activating parents and high professionalism. Therefore, in order to meet the new requirements, educators also have to rebuild, find new forms and master new technologies, and some even completely change their style of communication with parents.

The reaction of teachers to such innovations is ambiguous. Many teachers are accustomed to traditional forms of interaction and continue to use them in their work. Some teachers say that visual forms are ineffective, that parents do not read them, others, on the contrary, try to inform parents as much as possible by posting various articles from magazines on stands, on group websites, acting as a qualified adviser who can suggest the necessary material . Visual information is certainly needed, but not in such quantity. Substituting live, direct communication with parents for printed information is unacceptable. It is necessary to use different forms to form the pedagogical competence of parents and build partnerships between the preschool educational institution and the family. It is this contradiction that we will try to investigate in the practical part of our work.

The manual presents the structure of interaction between teachers and parents, the main areas of work, which can be seen in Figure 6.

Figure #6. Basic blocks for working with parents

Unfortunately, according to the authors, teachers are not always able to choose the right forms of work with parents. Here it is important to take into account the education of parents and teachers, age characteristics, the level of living conditions, the needs and interests of parents and teachers. And you also need to take all this into account when choosing methods and technologies, and, if necessary, change the style of interaction that the teacher has already developed, which the authors talk about in their manual, indicating the main reasons, such as:

¾ insufficient knowledge of the specifics of family education;

¾ inability to analyze the level of pedagogical culture of parents and the peculiarities of raising children;

¾ inability to plan joint work with children and parents. Some, especially young, educators have insufficiently developed communication skills.

These assumptions are quite controversial and have a place for further study in the framework of our study.

In general, the book is quite interesting and contains a lot of practical materials, with different forms of work with parents, of which a lot has been developed by scientists and practitioners in recent years. The authors summarized and systematized all possible forms and methods of interaction with parents, but in most cases these forms exist on their own, because work with families today is often assessed by the number of activities and their quality, demand from parents, and the extent to which the efforts of the teaching staff helped parents and children. And this is also another reason for reflection in the course work.

Another work that is of interest and is directly related to the research topic is the abstract of Ismagilova A.G. Individual style of pedagogical communication of a kindergarten teacher. Communication acquires a functionally and professionally significant character in pedagogical activity, contributing to an increase in the effectiveness of interaction, and this is facilitated, according to the author, by the individual style of communication that every teacher has. .

The author's abstract is interesting in that the teachers of preschool educational institutions of Perm acted as the object of the study. The style of their pedagogical communication with children during classes was studied. By observation, 44 indicators were identified. In addition, the individual characteristics of educators were also studied. A total of 25 indicators were identified.

Despite the fact that the style of communication with children, and not with parents, was studied, it would be interesting to conduct a comparative analysis between the style of communication of the educator with children and with parents. After all, the individual professional style of communication of the teacher was studied. Therefore, these data may be useful for our study.

As Ismagilova A.G. notes, not every style can be successful in pedagogical activity and be optimal for a particular person, because. styles have different social significance. The "organizational" style, in which authoritarian tendencies predominate, is not entirely suitable for organizing pedagogical communication, and especially with children, because it interferes with the harmonious development of the personality of the child. And the same can be said about interaction with parents. Not every parent will like it when they control him and tell him what to do without listening to his opinion. This style of interaction is reminiscent of the rivalry style on the Thomas test. But the developing style can be correlated with the style of cooperation.

The following observations of the author are of interest for our study:

¾ an individual style is formed in the process of pedagogical communication in the process of professional development of an educator, in which his individual properties play an important role.

¾ the individual style of pedagogical communication can be adjusted and changed, both positively and negatively, which is important, because. in the practical part, we are talking about changing the style of interaction.

¾ a change in the style of pedagogical communication should be of a conscious nature, since in the course of the spontaneous formation of the style of activity, both positive and negative styles can be formed;

¾ the earlier the teacher realizes the need to form his own style, the more opportunities will be for the formation of a positive style, the more effective the process of becoming a professional will be. And this is useful not only in communication with children, but also with parents.

In the manual of Ivanov O.A., Doronina N.A. "Organization of socio-pedagogical interaction in modern society", the main characteristics of socio-pedagogical interaction are presented: directions, types, styles, forms, levels and functions. The participants in the socio-pedagogical interaction are indicated in great detail, where the direct participants are the teacher, all persons and social institutions that are directly related to the upbringing and education of the child. The main directions of socio-pedagogical interaction are shown in Figure No. 7.

Figure #8. Types of socio-pedagogical interaction.

Voluntary forms include:

¾ Parent meeting,

¾ Team work,

¾ Saturdays, etc.

For long term:

¾ cooperation with social partners,

¾ parent club, etc.

For short term:

¾ counseling, etc.

The most effective and acceptable in social and pedagogical interaction, as the authors say in their manual, is constructive, i.e. productive, friendly style of interaction - cooperation.

In addition to the types of interaction, they distinguish the following forms, which are presented in Figure 9.

Figure #9. Forms of interaction.

The manual examines in detail the different approaches and theories of socio-pedagogical interaction, which have already been mentioned above, gives a definition of joint activity, which is considered as the presence of a single goal, the achievement of which requires a certain interconnectedness of the participants in educational activities.

They also provide the following features:

¾ cooperation,

¾ mediation,

¾ partnership

¾ consistency.

Any interaction is based on social roles and interaction strategies.

Summarizing various approaches to the study of the essence of socio-pedagogical interaction, the authors identify three aspects of it:

¾ the objective side, which does not depend on the individual;

¾ the subjective side, which includes conscious relationships

¾ the content side, which is characterized by the refraction of social norms and values ​​through the consciousness of the individual.

The content of the teacher's professional activity is the organization of socio-pedagogical interaction with children, parents, specialists, social partners and, the authors identify several positions that a teacher can take when organizing such interaction with different participants in the educational process: mediator, moderator, supervisor, tutor, partner .

The authors present to our attention the structure, as well as the form of organization and teaching of socio-pedagogical interaction in an educational organization, which is based on the values ​​and norms that are accepted and developed by partners, determine their behavior and the nature of the interaction process (cooperative or competitive), which is presented as some interaction product.

The main difference between the cooperative and competitive nature of interaction is the goals set by the participants in the educational process. In our study, this is also of great importance, because. cooperation is also cooperation (according to Thomas), which assumes that each partner achieves its goal only if the others also achieve it. In the case of competitive (Thomas rivalry) interaction, the achievement of a goal by one of the partners precludes its achievement by all others, which often leads to conflict.

The manual reveals the concept of conflict, which is very important in working with parents and especially in our study, because. In kindergarten, the satisfaction of parents also depends on the style of the teacher. And if the parents are satisfied, then the conflict decreases. According to one of the most prominent theorists of conflict, M. Deutsch, conflicts can be destructive, which lead to a mismatch of interaction and its destruction, and constructive, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the problem.

As mentioned above, interaction is inseparable from relationships, from communication, and, of course, conflicts occur at the same time. And the ability to find the right way out is very important here, and this is also a kind of individual style of relationships. That is why our study was based on the Thomas-Kilman technique, which determines strategies or styles of interaction in a conflict situation.

Thomas and Kilman identify 5 main styles:

.Adaptation (compliance)


.Competition (confrontation)



The classification was based on two independent parameters: 1. The degree of realization of one's own interests, the achievement of one's goals. 2. A measure that takes into account and implements the interests of the other side.

The Thomas-Kilman grid is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Thomas-Kilman grid

Consider these styles in relation to pedagogical interaction:

.Evasion (avoidance, withdrawal) speaks for itself. With this style of interaction, the teacher tries to avoid disputes and conflicts, does not express his opinion, does not want to cooperate to develop a solution, and evades responsibility. This form of behavior takes place if the process of interaction is not particularly important for the teacher, he does his job and avoids conflict situations. However, there may be no trust in such a teacher on the part of parents.

.Rivalry (competition, confrontation). This style of interaction is most typical for teachers with an authoritarian style of communication, where the teacher does not take into account the opinion of parents, and acts to achieve their goals, using methods of coercion and pressure on parents, taking advantage of their dependence and proving their case. This is the most conflicting style of interaction, which does not contribute to building trusting relationships between teachers and parents.

.Adaptation (compliance). In this case, the teacher tries to smooth the relationship, while maintaining goodwill, but sacrifices his own interests, i.e. goes on about the parents, stepping over their principles. This is not the best solution, because there remains dissatisfaction and understatement, which also does not contribute to the establishment of trusting relationships.

.Compromise. With this style of interaction, the teacher and parents are looking for a solution that would suit both parties, making mutual concessions. This behavior is good, for a certain period of time, when there is no time to make a better decision.

.Cooperation. The teacher is active in the search for a solution that satisfies all participants in the interaction, taking into account both the interests of the parents and their own. It assumes the interest of all participants in the development of a solution. This form involves positive work and participation of all parties, and requires a significant amount of time for open discussion and decision-making, taking into account the interests of all participants.

With avoidance and adaptation, the resolution of the conflict is postponed and goes into a latent form. And with a compromise, questions are only partially resolved, because. Many concessions have been made on both sides, but the causes have not been completely eliminated.

The most ideal and acceptable style of interaction is cooperation, where the parties voluntarily cooperate with each other. This behavior is beneficial to everyone, because:

¾ The parties turn from opponents into partners;

¾ Openness appears, trusting relationships are formed between the teacher and parents;

¾ The benefits acquired by the parties exceed those that could be obtained with any other strategy.

So, from the foregoing, we can conclude that cooperation is the most effective and acceptable style of interaction between teachers and parents, which helps to establish a trusting relationship "kindergarten-family".

1.2 Cooperation between parents and teachers of a preschool educational institution: essence, signs, levels and methods of assessment

Currently, the priority of family education is recognized and, as stated in the Law “On Education”, parents are the first teachers, educators who must lay the foundations for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality from an early age. This requires the preschool institution to build a completely different relationship between the kindergarten and the family. And, as mentioned above, these relations should be built on such concepts as "interaction" and "cooperation".

We have written a lot about interaction and cooperation, but how do these concepts differ?

We considered the concept of “interaction” in detail in the previous subsection and determined for ourselves that interaction is a process in which at least two objects or subjects participate, directly or indirectly influencing each other and connected in a certain way in a particular situation. In education, such objects will be participants in the educational process: teachers, parents, children who mutually influence each other or directly organize joint actions that make it possible to realize jointly developed goals and objectives.

The concept of "cooperation" is also broadly defined in different sources and is interpreted in different ways. The explanatory dictionary says that cooperation is “participation in some common cause; joint actions, activities; work in any institution; participation as an author in the work of any printed organ”; "working together to achieve a specific goal". In conflictology, cooperation is seen as "a cooperative strategy for the behavior of an opponent in a conflict, which consists in focusing on a joint search for a solution that satisfies the interests of all parties" . This also includes the concept of Thomas-Kilman cooperation, which we discussed in the previous section, which is the most optimal and acceptable style of behavior in a conflict situation, where the causes of the conflict are eliminated and all the interests of the parties are taken into account to make a decision that satisfies all participants in the relationship. The strategy of cooperation is opposed to the strategy of rivalry in a conflict situation. Psychologists consider cooperation as “a joint activity, as a result of which all parties receive one or another benefit”, “positive interaction in which the goals and interests of the participants coincide, or the achievement of the goals of some participants is possible only through ensuring the interests and aspirations of its other participants” .

The problem of cooperation in joint activities is the subject of many experimental studies. So, foreign scientists (M. Deutsch, P. Kinani, P. Carnevale, etc.) noted the fact that in groups where people get together for some kind of joint activity, there is more friendliness and mutual understanding if there is an atmosphere of cooperation in it. rather than competition, and as a result, the result of activity in such a group is higher. They also found that those relationships of cooperation that have been established in one group can be transferred to other groups outside when they have to interact with another group of people, i.e. interaction style can be projected.

Many psychologists and psychotherapists have used the concept of cooperation in counseling and psychotherapy. So, A. Beck believed that one of the main principles of cognitive psychotherapy is to create a feeling of cooperation and trust in the client. He said that the patient's unwillingness to communicate any information, to make contact, is something other than "refusal to cooperate."

The founders of the pedagogy of cooperation in the conditions of pedagogical interaction are rightfully considered such innovative teachers as Sh.A. Amonashvili, V.F. Shatalov, S.N. Lysenkov, which is based not on the classical principle “do as I said”, and not “do as I do”. Domestic psychologists also dealt with the problem of educational cooperation: A.V. Petrovsky, T.A. Mathis, L.I. Aidarova, V.P. Panyushkin, V.Ya. Laudis, G.A. Zuckerman, V.V. Rubtsov, A.I. Dontsov, D.I. Feldstein, A.K. Markova and others. The concept of educational cooperation was considered by them as a multilateral interaction within the educational group and the interaction of the teacher with the group (I.A. Zimnyaya) / Psychologist T.A. Runova speaks about a special form of educational interaction of children with each other and with the teacher, where children themselves show personal activity, enter into a dialogue and exchange information. I.V. Malikov, in her work highlights cooperation as a personal education and speaks about the ability of a first-grader for educational cooperation.

So, as we can see, the problem of cooperation has been widely covered in various studies and considered from different angles, but almost all definitions say that cooperation is a form of behavior, interaction, joint activity. But in our study, of particular importance is the consideration of cooperation as a special property of the individual, which is a condition for successful interaction between teachers and parents in the process of joint activity, because the success of the pedagogical process largely depends on the relationship between the participants in the educational process.

A student and follower of Z. Freud, A Adler, spoke about the need to form the ability to cooperate, because. considered interest in other people and the ability to cooperate as the main conditions for a person’s mental health, noting that “a person will never be neurotic if he seeks cooperation” .

The conditions for the formation of a person's readiness for cooperation were studied by such researchers as L. Gratton, American psychologists J. Kendzhemi, K. Kowalski, K. Fopel and many others, who came to the conclusion that:

¾ The ability to cooperate is a complex property of a person, which consists in mutual understanding and agreement of people with each other in joint activities, that is, the ability to interact with other people to achieve a mutually beneficial result.

¾ Under the psychological readiness for cooperation, they understood the psychological personal properties of the subject, helping to come to a mutually beneficial solution with the participants in joint activities, as well as the awareness of the need and desire to cooperate.

There are several components of psychological readiness for cooperation, which are presented in Figure 11.

Figure #11. Components of psychological readiness for cooperation.

All these components, which are presented above, can be formed and developed using exercises and tasks, the main condition is the conscious attitude of the subject and his acceptance of cooperation as a value for successful socialization and self-realization.

Having studied the issues of cooperation in the psychological and pedagogical literature, one can single out the main signs of cooperation (Figure No. 12).

Figure No. 12. Signs of cooperation.

Based on the foregoing, we see that the issue of cooperation has been dealt with over a long period of time by both domestic and foreign researchers and considered it from different angles. But if we talk about cooperation from the point of view of psychological and pedagogical interaction, then all the studies mainly concerned the “teacher-student” relationship, and only indirectly about the cooperation of teachers with parents, understanding this concept mainly as forms and methods of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family.

Until now, the possibilities of the family itself have not been sufficiently studied to create conditions for the comprehensive development of the child, as well as conditions that take into account the needs of parents in the services of a preschool educational institution, in the forms and methods of interaction between teachers and parents, taking into account the requirements of modern society, with new reforms in education and generation change parents.

Today, as we said above, the family is becoming the main social institution in raising your own child, and a preschool institution is only an addition to family education, therefore it is the family that acts as the main customer and consumer of the services that a preschool educational institution can provide (educational, health, etc.). ). Only in the joint activities of the kindergarten and the family can one achieve unity of goals and objectives in the upbringing of children.

Therefore, this puts us in front of the need to look for new forms of interaction between teachers and parents, which will be based on cooperation and partnerships. In modern conditions, the child acquires a new status, he becomes the subject of educational relations and the center in the system of relationships "parent-child-teacher".

The formation of cooperation depends primarily on the relationship of adults in the pedagogical process. In our study, these are parents and teachers who are educators of the same children, and the result will be successful only if parents and teachers act in unity, become allies, i.e. they will create such a single space in which the child will feel comfortable and will develop comprehensively. The basis of this cooperation, the union should be the unity of views on the educational process, the unity of aspirations and interests, which will be aimed at achieving common results and goals. The cooperation of parents and teachers will allow them to get to know the child better and look at him from different angles, which in turn will help adults take into account his individual characteristics when planning the pedagogical process and developing an individual educational route.

The decisive role in the formation of cooperation between teachers and parents belongs, of course, to the kindergarten and, first of all, to the teachers themselves. The degree of mutual trust and the formation of partnerships "kindergarten-family" depend on their style of communication with parents, on their professionalism, tact, tolerance, tolerance.

Family and kindergarten - give the child a certain social experience, but only in interaction with each other they create optimal conditions for the entry of a small person into the big world. Therefore, the teaching staff must be sensitive to the needs of the family and competent in solving modern problems of upbringing and education.

The goal should be set for the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution: to make parents active participants in the pedagogical process, helping them to realize responsibility for the upbringing and education of children, tk. the effectiveness of family and social education depends on this, which is determined by the degree to which the preschool educational institution satisfies the needs of parents in kindergarten services. Therefore, one of the important tasks facing the teaching staff is to study the needs, interests, goals, value orientations of modern parents in matters of teaching and raising a child, which will help build a system of relationships based on cooperation between teachers and parents, aimed at solving the main task preschool education - the versatile development of the personality of each child, taking into account his individual and age characteristics and preparing him for the next stage of education.

Cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family is a mutual process, which implies that parents have responsibility, and educators have a family orientation of the pedagogical process, which considers the child in unity with the family. The most effective way for such cooperation is the use of new forms of interaction, the result of which will be the implementation of the goals and principles of student-centered education for preschoolers.

Today, in connection with globalization and reforms in education, there are a number of difficulties in building and shaping cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families. Practicing teachers, such as: E.P. Arnautova, V.G. Alyamovskaya, N.L. Babkina, G.V. Glushkova, IV. Golenkova, V.P. Dubrovoy, Dank Lan Phuong, M.G. Dreznina, T.A. Danilina, O.L. Zvereva, O.A. Kurevina, O.V. Ogorodnova, L.V. Svirskaya et al. identify a number of the most common reasons that complicate the formation of cooperation with the families of pupils, which were presented in Section 1.1, Fig.4.

Scientists have noted that the mutual alienation of educators and parents is associated with the formalization of the process of interaction between teachers and parents, because their relationship is formal.

Over a fairly long period, educators have become accustomed to treating parents not as subjects of educational activity, but as objects, because. For a long time, public education dominated family education. Often, teachers try to equip parents with scientific psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the child, not realizing that they are thereby repelling parents who would like to hear more accessible information and real help.

Therefore, teachers need new knowledge and competencies in organizing new forms of interaction and changing the style of communication to cooperation. The organizer and coordinator of cooperation between parents and teachers is primarily the head and senior educator. The head establishes a unified educational system in the preschool educational institution and the family, thereby helping to unite the teaching staff and parents to solve this problem. Together with the senior educator, an annual plan and a plan for interaction with parents are drawn up, which reflects the main tasks and approximate content of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family.

Effective results in the upbringing of children in the family and preschool educational institutions can be achieved only with the skillful use of various forms, methods, methods of cooperation and with mutual trust of teachers and parents, with the active involvement in the pedagogical process of all participants in educational relations: the staff of the preschool educational institution, children and family members of pupils.

The interaction of preschool educational institutions with families should be based on the pedagogy of cooperation between educators and parents, on raising the professional level of the educators themselves in search of new forms, taking into account modern requirements and family orientation.

Practitioners believe that the technology of forming cooperation between teachers and parents should take place in stages and have as its task the formation of an active pedagogical position of parents.

stage - the formation of trusting relationships between educators, preschool specialists and parents. They need to be built in such a way as to involve parents in the process of education, to interest them, the emergence of a need to succeed and increase self-confidence.

stage - psychological and pedagogical education of parents and the assimilation of their knowledge and skills directly in theoretical and practical, organized activities in a certain way.

The consequence of such an organization, according to the authors, will be the active participation of parents not only in the upbringing of their child, but also participation in the pedagogical activities of the institution itself. Teachers and parents should become partners and complement each other, no one should dominate, there should be mutual goodwill and respect in relations, partners communicate on an equal footing.

Based on the foregoing, we see that the definition of cooperation in the pedagogical process is a very broad concept. It includes not only the forms of interaction between teachers and parents, but also the personal readiness of teachers for relationships, i.e. the use of a certain style: the ability to find contact, “feel” the interlocutors, understand the reasons and the ability to find a common solution that would satisfy all participants in the educational process and not infringe on their interests and opportunities.

Conclusions on the first chapter:

1.At present, in connection with the modernization of modern society and the reforms that are taking place in education, in connection with the entry into force of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, which recognizes the priority of family education - parents are recognized the first teachers who are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality at an early age. This requires the preschool institution to build a completely different relationship between the kindergarten and the family, and these relationships should be built on such concepts as "interaction" and "cooperation".

.When building new relationships between an educational institution and parents, when looking for effective forms of interaction with the family, it is necessary to take into account current trends, where the family is the main consumer, and the kindergarten is the provider of educational services. This should become one of the main directions of the work of the DOW. Parents should be included in the process and understand the measures of family responsibility for the result of education.

.In the first section, different approaches to the essence of socio-pedagogical interaction were considered, styles of communication between teachers and parents, forms and methods of interaction were presented, the most interesting studies in the field of pedagogical interactions not only with parents, but also with children were analyzed.

.The most significant for our study were the works of Krotova T.V. and Zvereva O.L., who believe that in order to build effective interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family, it is necessary to use various forms and methods of activating parents, taking into account their needs and requests. They represent the classification of forms and methods that we use to build our collaborative technology.

.Our study is based on Thomas and Kilman's methodology for determining the type of response in a conflict situation, where he describes five styles of interaction: avoidance, compromise, rivalry, cooperation and adaptation.

.Different approaches to the definition of the concept of “interaction” were considered, and the most interesting for our study is the concept of interaction, from the point of view of psychology, where it is referred to as a process in which social objects (subjects) directly or indirectly influence each other and give rise to mutual conditioning and communication, i.e. interaction requires at least two objects or subjects. In education, such objects will be participants in the educational process: teachers, parents, children who mutually influence each other or directly organize joint actions that allow the group to implement common activities for its members. Those. interaction - a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception and through communication.

.Despite the different classification of types of relationships, all authors say that the most effective style of interaction between teachers and parents is a constructive type, or as it is also called, cooperation, partnerships, productive communication style.

.The second section discusses different definitions and approaches to the problem of cooperation, including in the field of education, not only by Russian but also by foreign authors. A. Adler, a student and follower of Z. Freud, began to speak about the need to form the ability to cooperate.

.Cooperation is communication “on an equal footing”, where no one has the privilege to indicate, control, evaluate.

This is a good way to meet the interests of both parties, which requires understanding the causes of the conflict and jointly searching for new alternatives to resolve it. Among other styles, cooperation is the most difficult but most effective style in complex and important conflict situations (according to Thomas Kilman)

.Cooperation can be considered as a style of interaction between teachers and parents, implying the use of various forms and methods of activating parents, taking into account the interests of all participants in the educational process.

.Cooperation is considered as a personal quality, as a person's willingness to cooperate, i.e. the ability of the teacher to negotiate, listen, act together, take into account the opinion of parents, but not forget about their own interests, find and eliminate the causes in the event of conflict situations, together with parents, look for alternative solutions. Those. use this style to build partnerships and build mutual trust between educators and parents.


2.1 Description of research methods and techniques. Sample characteristic

Description of research methods and techniques

The study was conducted on the basis of 10 state budgetary preschool educational institutions of the Petrodvorets district of St. Petersburg, located at a short distance from each other and within walking distance for the population (Table No. 1)

In order to identify the levels of proficiency of teachers in the style of interaction with parents, the following methods were used:

Questionnaires for teachers and parents.


Analysis of pedagogical documentation.

Methods used:

Questionnaire "Satisfaction of parents with the work of the educational institution".

K. Thomas test questionnaire for behavior in a conflict situation (Thomas Method).

Sample characteristic:

Number of study participants:

Teachers - 175 people.

Parents - 1099 people.

Table number 2. Characteristics of the preschool educational institution of the district.

Order No. 12345678910Total Number of groups566121253431286Design2501416Occupancy1031251282612571106088702471451Staffing100100100101010010101001010100100100100

Table number 3. Characteristics of respondents by level of education.

№ п/п1234567891ИтогоРодители809875202200954050641951099Высшее55715516114545253438122751н/высшее12451015155-2876средне-специальное10211430403410162063258Среднее3211-1---210Педагоги131515303114711930175Высшее646161372631376н/высшее-----------средне-специальное798141575451488без спец.обр.-21-3--11311

Diagram #1. Age of parents

Diagram #2. Age of teachers

Diagram #3. The level of education of parents.

Diagram #4. The level of education of teachers.

.Kindergartens in the district have different design capacity, the staffing of children in groups is on average 20-25 people, staffing is 100%.

.All pedagogical workers in the preschool educational institution have higher and secondary specialized education, the average age is 40-50 years.

.More than half of the parents have a higher education and one-fourth a specialized secondary education, the majority of parents are 20 to 30 years old. That is, a significant part of parents is of a different generation than teachers, so this factor must also be taken into account when interacting.

The preschool rating was compiled taking into account the number of applications submitted by parents to the preschool institutions of the district in the RANO, their preferences. It is shown in diagram 5. Kindergartens No. 4,5, 6 have the highest rating.

To study the satisfaction of the parents of the preschool educational institution, a questionnaire was developed, which was conditionally divided into 4 blocks of questions (Appendix No. 2. Questionnaire of satisfaction of the parents of the preschool educational institution): parental awareness, consulting assistance, involvement in the activities of the kindergarten and attitude (personal component). From diagram #6. Parents' satisfaction with the educational service, we see that in kindergartens No. 4,5,6 the level is the highest, parents are completely satisfied with the preschool institution that their children attend. In kindergartens No. 3 and 10, the percentage of parents who are completely satisfied is slightly lower, and in other institutions, less than half of the parents are satisfied with the work of preschool educational institutions.

If we compare the satisfaction of the parents of the preschool educational institution and the rating of the institution in the district, we can see the relationship between these components. The number of applications submitted to kindergartens with a high level of satisfaction is much higher than to kindergartens with a low level of satisfaction, which we can see in diagram No. 16.

Diagram #6. Satisfaction of the parents of the preschool educational institution.

In order to identify the preferences of parents and identify the problem field in the interaction of teachers with parents, an analysis of the questionnaire was carried out in 5 sections, which were mentioned earlier: awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions, groups; consulting assistance; the involvement of parents in the activities of the kindergarten; personal and professional qualities of teachers; other (proximity to home, material and technical base, etc.). All these satisfaction criteria can be seen in diagrams No. 7, 8.

Diagram No. 7. Satisfaction criteria

Diagram No. 8. Satisfaction criteria

From them it is clear in which preschool institution what should be paid attention to when planning work on cooperation between teachers and parents. Subsequently, we use this data in the development of cooperation technology, using them as guidelines not only to identify problem areas, but also to identify the most interesting forms and methods of interaction with parents in a particular preschool educational institution.

If we talk about the general trend, then the level of satisfaction according to 5 criteria was distributed almost evenly. Slightly less (13%) parents are satisfied with the awareness of the preschool educational institution and the activities of children in the group during their stay in kindergarten, 18% say that the advisory service is at a high level, and only 21% are actively involved in the activities of the educational institution (Diagram No. 9 )

Diagram No. 9. Satisfaction criteria (summary)

Analyzing the questionnaires, we can say that:

¾ The level of education of parents and the age criterion influence the assessment of the satisfaction of the parents of the preschool educational institution and the requests for interaction with teachers. The greatest dissatisfaction is shown by younger parents (under 30) and more educated (higher education). There is also some slight trend in older people (after 40 years) - diagrams No. 10.11.

Diagram #10. Satisfaction with educational service and age

Diagram #11. Satisfaction with the educational service and the level of education of parents

Conclusion:Based on the data obtained, it can be said that the level of education of parents and the age criterion have an impact on the assessment of satisfaction of the parents of preschool educational institutions. Modern young parents prefer active forms of cooperation, they want to receive more information and openness from teachers about the child's activities in kindergarten, and they expect more diverse and new methods and methods of interaction from the kindergarten. Most educators are in the 40 to 50 age group and often find it difficult to adjust and keep up with the times. That is why it is necessary to rebuild the system of relationships between teachers and parents in order to increase the level of satisfaction of the preschool educational institution and its competitiveness.

Based on the questionnaire "Satisfaction of the parents of the preschool educational institution", it can be concluded about the needs of parents in cooperation with the kindergarten, including with teachers, because a separate section in the questionnaire contains questions that relate to the preferences of parents, their wishes for further interaction. The questions concerned the same blocks as satisfaction: awareness, consulting support and involvement in educational activities (see Appendix No. 1. Questionnaire for parents "Satisfaction of parents of preschool educational institutions"). We see the results in diagram No. 12

Diagram #12. Needs of parents in cooperation with teachers.

As can be seen, most parents feel the need for active cooperation with teachers and are ready to take part in the life of preschool educational institutions. They prefer active forms of interaction, such as master classes, interactive games with children, quests, they want to know what the child is doing, so that Internet resources and modern technologies are used for awareness. This is explained by the fact that younger parents, who are computer savvy and communicate mainly via the Internet, prefer more active forms and methods, and are ready to join activities with their children.

2.3 Empirical study of the types of socio-pedagogical interaction of teachers

The study of the needs of teachers in interaction with parents took place in the form of a conversation with educators and the study of documentation (plans for working with parents, daily planning, viewing group sites, designing a parent corner, etc.).

During the conversation, the educators were asked questions: what forms of work with parents do you prefer? Which ones do you think are the most effective? Is it necessary to involve parents in the educational activities of the educational institution? What are the difficulties in interacting with parents? How do you think they can be overcome (solved)?

According to the answers of the educators and the results of reviewing the documentation, three groups were identified (Diagram No. 13 The need for teachers to interact with parents):

These are teachers who prefer to involve parents in participating in group activities: participation in holidays as characters, city tours, walks in the park, assistance in making costumes and teaching aids, gatherings, a weekend club has been created, non-traditional forms of holding parent meetings in the form of a master class, workshop, round table, etc. They have a good relationship with their parents, who do not have difficulties in communicating with their parents, and if they do, they quickly solve them themselves. They treat parents as partners and equal participants in the educational process. (25%).

The second group of teachers (45%) is less active and attracts parents to cooperate only when necessary: ​​parent meetings, which take place in the traditional form, consultations on the website in the group, and in the information corner, informing about competitions within the preschool educational institution, less often involve parents in participation in the holidays and the production of benefits. There are much fewer active forms of interaction, motivated by the fact that parents are already busy people, that it is faster to do or organize everything themselves, and suddenly they do something wrong. They do not experience any special problems with their parents, as they try to avoid them and not provoke their parents.

And finally, the third group of teachers (30%), who prefer not to interact with parents at all, believing that they themselves are doing an excellent job with everything, and more difficulties arise with parents. They do not know how to do it, and they also begin to point out. Therefore, they use only traditional forms of work, such as a parent meeting, which is mainly ascertaining, didactic in nature. They often have conflict situations with their parents, which they argue by the fact that the parents are incompetent in matters of pedagogy and psychology, they themselves do not take care of the children, but make demands.

Diagram #13. The need for teachers to interact with parents

To describe the types of people's behavior in conflict situations, we used the K. Thomas test (Appendix No. 2. Test of behavior in conflict situations), which considers the applicable two-dimensional model of conflict regulation, the fundamental dimensions of which are cooperation associated with a person's attention to the interests of other people, involved in the conflict, and assertiveness, which is characterized by an emphasis on protecting their own interests. According to these two main dimensions, K. Thomas identifies the following ways of conflict management:

Rivalry (competition, competition) as the desire to achieve one's interests to the detriment of another.

Adaptation, which means, as opposed to rivalry, sacrificing one's own interests for the sake of another.


Avoidance, which is characterized by both the lack of desire for cooperation and the lack of a tendency to achieve one's own goals.

Cooperation, when the participants in the situation come to an alternative that fully satisfies the interests of both parties.

Description of behavior styles (according to Thomas)

Competition (rivalry), a person is active and prefers to resolve the conflict in his own way. He is not interested in cooperation with others and achieves the goal using his strong-willed qualities. He tries first of all to satisfy his own interests to the detriment of the interests of others, forcing them to accept the solution he needs.

Avoidance means that the individual does not stand up for his rights, does not cooperate with anyone to develop a solution, or avoids resolving the conflict. For this, avoiding the problem (leaving the room, changing the topic, etc.), ignoring it, shifting responsibility for the solution to another, postponing the solution, etc. are used.

Accommodating is acting in concert with another person without trying to defend one's own interests. Unlike avoidance, this style involves participation in the situation and agreeing to do what the other wants. This is a style of concessions, consent and sacrificing one's own interests.

Cooperation - a person actively participates in resolving the conflict and defends his interests, but at the same time tries to cooperate with another person. This style requires a longer investment of time than others, as the needs, concerns, and interests of both parties are put forward first, and then discussed. This is a good way to meet the interests of both parties, which requires understanding the causes of the conflict and jointly searching for new alternatives to resolve it. Among other styles, cooperation is the most difficult but most effective style in complex and important conflict situations.

Compromise - both sides give in a little in their interests in order to satisfy them in the rest, often the main thing. This is done through bargaining and exchange, concessions. Unlike cooperation, compromise is reached at a more superficial level - one is inferior in something, the other too, as a result, it becomes possible to come to a common solution. In compromise, there is no search for hidden interests, only what everyone says about their desires is considered. In this case, the causes of the conflict are not affected. There is no search for their elimination, but finding a solution that satisfies the momentary interests of both parties.

Diagram #14. Type of interaction between teachers and parents in the district preschool educational institution (Thomas Test)

The highest level of cooperation as the most effective style of interaction is observed among teachers in kindergartens 4, 5 and 6. Teachers with a pronounced need for interaction with parents are dominated by the style of cooperation in a conflict situation, which proves a direct relationship between them, as can be seen from diagram No. 15.

Diagram #15. The type of behavior of teachers and the need for communication with parents.

Conclusion:Based on the data obtained, we can say that there is a direct relationship between the need for educators to communicate with parents and the type of their interaction in a conflict situation (according to Thomas). There are 3 groups of teachers:

the group is a collaboration where educators strive to make parents equal partners.

group - this includes three types of interaction: compromise, avoidance and adaptation. When teachers are ready to cooperate with parents, but only when necessary.

group - rivalry. Teachers believe that they can handle it themselves and parents should not be involved.

As can be seen from the diagram, with cooperation, the highest level of need for educators is to communicate with parents and involve them as equal partners in the upbringing and education of children. And with rivalry, conflict situations arise, where teachers prefer to act independently, not to involve parents.

Diagram #16. Interrelation of Parents' Satisfaction Parameters on Types of Teachers' Behavior.

Conclusion:As can be seen from diagram No. 16, there is a dependence of the satisfaction of parents of preschool educational institutions on the type of interaction between teachers.

Collaboration is by far the most effective. With this style of interaction, parents feel comfortable, they are well aware of the activities of teachers and children in the preschool educational institution, they can receive qualified consulting assistance on the upbringing and education of children, actively participate in all activities of the kindergarten, educators are trusted and parents provide them with support and mutual understanding. .

The most interesting was the fact that among teachers with the type of interaction of rivalry, parents are most satisfied with the provision of consulting assistance, which also indicates that teachers are passionate about the function of mentoring, placing various kinds of consultations in information corners and on websites.

Based on the data obtained, we can talk about a direct relationship between the level of development of cooperation between teachers and parents and satisfaction with preschool educational institutions, which also affects the competitiveness (rating) of an educational institution, which can be seen in diagram No. 17

2.4 Experience of cooperation between teachers and parents in the preschool educational institution of the district

To determine the most effective forms and methods for the formation of cooperation between teachers and parents in preschool educational institutions, which are most in demand by parents and are of interest to teachers, an analysis of pedagogical documentation was carried out in those kindergartens where the level of satisfaction was high and the interaction style of cooperation prevailed (No. 4, 5, 6). The following documents were analyzed:

¾ parenting plan,

¾ scheduling,

¾ annual plan of the preschool educational institution (work with parents),

¾ information stands,

¾ work plans for specialists of preschool educational institutions,

¾ registration log,

¾ website of DOW and groups.

Based on the satisfaction indicators described above and presented in the questionnaire "Satisfaction of the parents of preschool educational institutions" (Appendix 1), the forms and methods of interaction were divided into three blocks, which are presented in table No. 5.

Table number 4. Forms and methods of interaction.

Awareness Consulting support Inclusion in the activities of the preschool educational institution 1. Visual information in the preschool educational institution (stands, announcements, brochures) 2. Visual information in the group (stands, newspapers, photo reports, announcements, brochures) 3. Preschool website 4. Group website 5. Individual conversations 1. Parent meetings : - meeting-discussion, - round table - meeting consultation - conference - meeting-talk 2. Consultations of specialists (group and individual): - psychologist, - speech therapist, - defectologist, - doctor, - music. leader, physical instructor education, hands. IZO studios - etc. 3. Lectures 4. Workshops 5. Internet consultations 6. Parents' club 7. Visual consultations (stand, folders, folders, brochures, recommendations) 1. Participation in children's holidays 2. Project activities 3. Master class 4. Days open doors 5.Joint activities with children 6.Participation in competitions 7.Joint excursions 8.Weekend club 9.Hiking 10.Interactive games

The criteria for these indicators were:

¾ periodicity (frequency);

¾ activity of parents (attendance, participation);

¾ availability of reviews;

¾ diversity

Diagram No.18. Awareness.

Diagram No.19 Consulting support

Diagram #20. Inclusion in the activities of the preschool educational institution

Conclusions:diagrams No. 18, 19, 20 show the most visited and popular forms and methods of interaction with parents. In terms of awareness of what children do in kindergarten, we see that the information that parents receive in a group that directly concerns their child is very popular, and the Internet plays an important role here.

As for consulting support, the parent meeting still remains in the first place, but this does not indicate its qualitative component. The parent club is gaining popularity, where parents can freely communicate and share experiences in an informal setting. Again, online consultations are more popular than face-to-face, perhaps due to the busyness of parents and step-by-step access to the Internet.

As for the involvement of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions, as can be seen from diagram No. 20, parents prefer active forms, such as direct participation in holidays, interactive games, joint excursions and trips. They are interested in joint activities with children, the possibility of being in a group. They do not refuse all possible assistance in organizing the pedagogical process.

To form cooperation between teachers and parents, it is necessary to use a variety of forms and methods, taking into account their preferences and demand. For our study, such interesting forms of interaction are especially important, which we presented in Table No. 6 and included them in our technology.

Table number 5. The most interesting and popular forms and methods of cooperation

Conclusions on the second chapter.

1.The diagnostics and analysis of the results obtained at the ascertaining stage of the study showed that 75% of teachers experience difficulties in relationships with parents (of which 30% showed the type of behavior "rivalry" and 45% - such types of interaction as compromise, avoidance and adaptation). And only 25% of teachers are ready for partnerships with parents.

.The following socio-pedagogical problems were found:

¾ the conflict nature of teachers, the inability to build a dialogue with parents on the issues of raising children (rivalry);

¾ the establishment by teachers of the boundaries of interaction that constrain the development of subject-subject relations with parents (rivalry, avoidance, adaptation, compromise).

.The conducted experimental work indicates that the type of relationship between teachers and parents is one of the main components that affect the satisfaction of parents of preschool educational institutions. In those kindergartens where the style of interaction between teachers and parents prevails - cooperation - the indicators of satisfaction of the parents of the preschool educational institution are higher and the rating of the kindergarten in the district is also higher, and vice versa. The cooperation of teachers with parents is a qualitatively new level of interaction, the achievement of which is one of the strategic tasks of a modern kindergarten.

.The style of interaction between the teacher and parents is interconnected with the satisfaction of the parents of the preschool educational institution and the rating of the kindergarten in the district. Collaboration is the most effective style of interaction.

.The generation of parents is changing, the majority of parents aged 20-30, who place higher demands on preschool educational institutions, are ready to actively engage in interactive forms of interaction that require qualitatively new competencies from teachers. These are competencies such as: knowledge and possession of Internet technologies, the use of such forms as interactive games (quests, etc.), a parent club, a master class, which are informal in nature and allow you to bring communication with parents to a qualitatively new level and establish trusting relationships.

.Interaction styles - compromise, rivalry, avoidance, adaptation, cooperation are determined on the basis of the following criteria: value orientations, the need for interaction with parents, the awareness of the parties about the features of the development of education systems, involvement in joint activities, emotional manifestations, assessment and analysis of the quality of interaction, awareness necessary changes.

.According to the trends manifested in education, the tasks that kindergarten managers (senior educator, head) set for themselves are updated and changed. One of these tasks is to find ways to develop cooperation between teachers and parents.


Relevance.Based on the study, which involved 10 preschool institutions in one of the districts of St. Petersburg and presented in the second chapter, we see that the picture is ambiguous. There are kindergartens that are popular among parents, have a good rating in the area and a high level of satisfaction of parents of preschool educational institutions (No. 4,5,6). In these kindergartens, most teachers use a collaborative style of communication with parents and a variety of non-traditional forms and methods of interaction. But there are kindergartens that are not in demand among the population, even though they have places for children, parents often try to wait to get into more successful, in their opinion, preschool institutions. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the Federal State Educational Standard for Education speak of providing equal opportunities for each child, therefore, conditions must be created in all kindergartens for the full development of children, their emotional well-being and to meet the needs of parents, because it is the parents who are the main customers of the educational services provided by the preschool educational institution.

In the previous chapter, we found out that the most effective and acceptable style of interaction between teachers and parents is cooperation, which is based on mutual trust and respect, where all participants in the educational process are equal, act in concert and achieve good results in the upbringing and development of children. This style helps to involve parents in the pedagogical process, makes them partners and assistants in raising children, creating a single educational space, takes into account the needs of all parties and helps to increase the satisfaction of parents of preschool educational institutions, which also affects the rating of a preschool institution in the district.

The study revealed several inconsistencies:

¾ between the need to improve the style of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family and the search for new forms of cooperation;

¾ between the need for the formation of pedagogical competence in parents and the insufficient number of technological solutions for the implementation of this problem.

¾ low level of socio-psychological culture of the participants in the interaction (parents and educators).

Hence, a problem arises that needs to be addressed: an insufficiently effective style of interaction between teachers and families, a low level of satisfaction of parents of preschool educational institutions.

In order to increase the efficiency of the work of the preschool educational institution with the family, to involve parents in raising their child and participating in the pedagogical process of the preschool institution, a technology was developed to form cooperation between parents and teachers, as a way to increase the satisfaction of the parents of the preschool educational institution.

The technology can be used in any educational institution that works with the families of pupils, taking into account their socio-cultural, demographic characteristics and regional component.

Purpose of technology:

Organization of work to create conditions for changing the style of interaction between teachers and parents of pupils and changing the forms of cooperation with the family.


1.To increase the level of professional competence of teachers in organizing work with families.

.Create conditions for the implementation of the process of involving parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution.

.Encourage parents to actively participate in the educational process.

Expected results:

If you change the style of interaction between parents and teachers in a preschool educational institution using cooperation technology, then:

¾ A unified educational space will be created for the full and comprehensive development of the personality of each child:

¾ The psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers and parents will increase;

¾ The activity of all participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions will increase;

¾ The quality and effectiveness of interaction between teachers and parents, a conscious attitude to pedagogical interaction will increase;

¾ The satisfaction of the parents of the preschool educational institution will increase, and consequently the rating of the preschool institution in the district;

¾ Parents and educators partner in the upbringing and education of children.

The main areas of work on the formation of cooperation between parents and teachers are shown in Figure 13. An annual plan of work with teachers and parents has been developed for these areas of work.

Figure 13. The main areas of work of the preschool educational institution.

All work is carried out purposefully and step by step.

stage. Information and analytical, which includes:

¾ collection of information;

¾ acquaintance with the achievements of the parties (families and preschool educational institutions) in the field of raising a child;

Aleksandrovsky district, village Aleksandrovskoe, st. Engels, 26



State budgetary professional educational institution "Alexander Agricultural College"

Interaction between the educational organization and parents of students

Regular interaction between the college and parents is an important aspect of a child's educational success. Numerous studies show that parental involvement in college leads to increased student attendance and academic achievement, as well as a positive attitude towards college, the acquisition of social skills and improved behavior.

Why are there difficulties in the interaction between the college and the family? Let's highlight the most significant barriers, obstacles in their communication. The most obvious barrier, of course, are organizational factors: the workload of both teachers and parents. It is really difficult for working moms and dads to find time to meet with a teacher, and it also does not always have the opportunity to fully devote time to each parent. The presence of certain algorithms for individual work helps to partially cope with this obstacle.

The second barrier is the attitudes with which parents and teachers interact with each other, their psychological state. Finally, the third is the stably established schemes and methods of interaction with parents, which are not constructive. The second and third barriers are closely related: what techniques the teacher uses is closely related to his attitudes. It is these two barriers that we will consider in more detail, as well as analyze ways to overcome them.

So, let's analyze the second barrier and start with parental attitudes: let's see what emotional state the parent is in, who himself or at the invitation of the teacher came to school to talk about his child.

The parental attitude towards the child includes two closely related aspects: on the one hand, the parent loves and accepts his child as he is, and on the other hand, he needs to be proud of the child, so the success of his child is important for the parent. Any parent treats the failures and difficulties of the child personally, biased, because he perceives them to some extent as an indicator of his own success: if my son or daughter is well, then I am a good parent.

A parent will never be able to treat his child as objectively and impartially as a teacher does.

For mom and dad, discussing the child's difficulties is a very difficult situation, which is accompanied by strong emotional experiences: a parent may worry that something is wrong with the child, be ashamed that he does not do enough for the child, be afraid of condemnation from the teacher. Recognition of some difficulties in a child, a disorder of varying severity (both mental and physical) is an extremely traumatic experience for a parent, since, in his opinion, it speaks of his failure as a parent. These emotions need to be dealt with in some way, and the ways can be different. So, some parents do not pay attention to the problems of the child, others place the responsibility on the school, and still others begin to attack the teacher.

In practice, there are cases when a parent does not seem to notice quite obvious difficulties in a son or daughter.

The child does not cope with the school curriculum, demonstrates inadequate behavioral manifestations, cannot build relationships with peers, and the parent says to all this: I myself was like that, He is the same as other children. All this may indicate that the parent avoids unpleasant experiences associated with the recognition of the child's problems.

It is important to emphasize that the negative emotional state of the parent may not be related at all to the teacher with whom mom or dad is talking at the moment. Parental anxiety can be caused by past experiences (perhaps some teacher or educator spoke rather incorrectly or even harshly about the child or the parent's parenting strategy), childhood memories (perhaps his own first teacher was unnecessarily strict, and the memory of him is still evokes feelings).

The interaction of a parent with his own child, the perception of his son or daughter by him is an emotional process loaded with the parent's childhood experience, his expectations from the child, feelings for the child. This makes the parent less sensitive to logical arguments and arguments. For example, the teacher says: Your child gets tired quickly, it is difficult for him to study with us, and the parent hears in this: Your child is not as capable as other children.

Thus, the parents with whom we communicate about the difficulties of the child experience various negative experiences, and for some they will be barely noticeable, while for others they will be extremely strong. And the success of our interaction with parents largely depends on whether we manage to build our interaction taking into account the state of the parent.

In addition to parental experiences, the attitudes of the teacher himself are important for the interaction between the family and the school. If the teacher perceives parents as a hindrance in their work, treats them with condescension or, on the contrary, is afraid of parents, a constructive dialogue will not work. A position from above has a negative impact on interaction with parents, if the teacher emphasizes his high status and communicates with parents down.

Can we say that the use of these techniques will help to find an approach to any parent? Of course, this is not entirely true. Features of the parent's character, his past experience, including childhood, psychological problems - all this can become a serious obstacle to building cooperation with the teacher. No psychological techniques guarantee a successful result. However, in most cases, if we make some effort, we will be able to build a contact that will become the basis of a productive interaction. After all, we do have a common goal.

Thus, the basis of successful interaction between the teacher and parents is the contact that develops as a result of targeted efforts on the part of the teacher. Understanding possible barriers, taking into account the emotional difficulties of parents, using effective communication techniques - all this will help to put into practice the idea of ​​cooperation between the family and the school.

The pedagogical potential of the parent meeting and the forms of interaction between the educational organization and the parents of students

Parent meeting traditionally remains the most common form of interaction with parents. Both teachers and parents have stable, often stereotyped expectations regarding meetings: moms and dads expect the teacher to talk to them about academic performance, and they are convinced that the parents of the most difficult students, of course, will not come to the meeting.

Despite the general conservatism, the format of the parent meeting provides great opportunities for pedagogical work.

In order to characterize this potential, let's first define a parent meeting: it is a short, structured, formalized meeting between the parents of children attending a children's institution and the staff of this institution. Conventionally, parent meetings can be divided into organizational and thematic. Organizational meetings are aimed at solving the issues of organizing classes, extracurricular activities and current problems of school life. Usually such meetings are held at the beginning and at the end of the school year. Thematic meetings are devoted to the consideration of relevant psychological and pedagogical issues for parents. Thematic meetings can be held both systematically, in accordance with a pre-planned plan, and as needed, in case of any urgent problem.

This understanding of the congregation helps to allocate its resources.

The meeting gives the teacher the opportunity to address the widest possible audience of parents, since all other forms of group work with parents are much smaller. Therefore, it is within the framework of the meeting that education or information on a particular topic will be most productive.

Since it is in the format of the parent meeting that the interaction between parents and the college mainly takes place, it allows you to take steps towards establishing constructive cooperation with parents. Contact with parents develops gradually, and the use of such meetings will contribute to the development of friendly and open relationships.

However, the use of these resources is complicated by the specific position that, as a rule, parents take at the meeting. Often the meeting is perceived by parents as a formal, boring event, they passively listen to information from the teacher or actively confront him. To overcome this position, increase the activity of parents at the meeting, motivate them to interact with the teacher, maximize the pedagogical potential of the meeting, various interactive methods can be used during the meeting.

Interactive techniques that are used in a meeting must meet two criteria: compactness and safety. In general, the parent meeting is a rather rigid event, strictly limited in time, and does not provide significant resources for active socio-psychological forms of work. Excessive duration of this or that method can lead to a formal task completion (let's do it faster, just to get rid of it) or to an obvious negative (let's not waste time). Therefore, the duration of these techniques should not exceed 15-20 minutes, and in most cases can be limited to 5-10 minutes.

In the first section, we already talked about the fact that the interaction with the college can be psychologically uncomfortable for parents as well. writes: At the parents' meeting, quite self-confident adults turn before their eyes into lurking teenagers, waiting with fear when their last name will sound. Parents noted that at the meeting they were ashamed, anxious and generally "bad". It is also necessary

The most important problem of our time is the spiritual and moral education of children. Of particular concern today is the mental and spiritual health of the younger generation. Blurred and distorted ethical guidelines in society, propaganda of violence, cruelty in the media, difficult social conditions, the destruction of the family way of life, a heavy burden fell on the fragile children's consciousness.

Obviously, the process of education and upbringing at school should be based on the organization of interaction with parents. The family, the school, the children's team are intermediaries that pass on to new generations the moral values ​​accumulated by previous generations. Unfortunately, in our time there are quite a few problems in organizing effective interaction between the family and the school. The most common problems are:

  • the employment of parents, leading to a reduction in the time for raising children;
  • the presence of their own beliefs and views on the formulation of education, which differ from those accepted in society;
  • unsatisfactory assessment of school education;
  • low level of education and culture of parents.

Due to the identified problems, the work of a teacher with parents is very important and necessary for a modern school.

Whatever side of the child's development we take, it will always be found that the family plays a decisive role in his socialization at one or another age stage. So, the main components of family education are:

  1. way of family education (traditions, comfort, relationships);
  2. family life;
  3. the content of the activity (father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, children).

“We all come from childhood”, “Everything - both good and bad - a person receives in the family.” These pedagogical wisdoms are known to all. It was the family that was, is, and probably always will be the most important environment for the formation of personality and the main institution of education, responsible not only for reproductive functions, but also for recreating a certain way of life. The organization of interaction with the parents of students is an integral part of the system of educational work.

The “From Heart to Heart” education system for the comprehensive development of children, the formation of their creative abilities and the creation of conditions for the self-realization of the personality of each child was developed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”, “On State Support youth and children's public associations", the target program "Children of the Kuban" for 2006-2010, the regional target program for the development of education in the Bryukhovetsky district. The subprogram of work with parents of students “Me and the family” was developed in accordance with the methodological recommendations on the interaction of an educational institution with the family (letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 31, 2001 No. 90 / 30-16).

The family, together with the school, creates that most important set of factors and conditions of the educational environment, which determines the effectiveness of the entire educational process.

The main goals of organizing interaction with parents of primary school students at different stages within the framework of the subprogram “Me and the family” are to increase the role of the family in the upbringing and development of children, the socialization of the younger generation, the creation of a close-knit and friendly team, as well as the organization of cooperation between parents and the school in the upbringing on the basis of a single pedagogical position.

The tasks of the class teacher are to convince each parent of the value of the child's personality, his unique personality, to help in determining the personal orientation of raising children. The tasks are revealed and implemented by appropriate programs and action plans that take into account the characteristics of a particular group of children and parents.

The subprogramme of work with parents of students “Me and the Family” differs from other programs implemented in the school environment by flexibility and targeting, in that it is based on the results of diagnosing the relationship between parents and children, joint planning of the educational process, taking into account common interests and needs.

Tasks of organizing interaction:

  • formation of an active pedagogical position of parents;
  • equipping parents with pedagogical knowledge and skills;
  • active participation of parents in the upbringing of children.

The organization of interaction between the class teacher and the family involves:

  • study of the family in order to identify its opportunities for raising their children and children of the class;
  • grouping families according to the principle of the possibility of their moral potential for raising their child, children of the class;
  • analysis of intermediate and final results of their joint educational activities.

The interaction of the school and the family begins with the study of the conditions and microclimate of family education, the individual characteristics of children and parents. The study of the student's family allows you to get to know him better, to understand the family's lifestyle, its spiritual values, educational opportunities, and the student's relationship with his parents. At the same time, a complex of traditional methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics is used: observation, conversation, testing, questioning, business games, materials of children's creativity, etc.

The study of the family is a delicate matter, requiring the teacher to show respect for all family members, sincerity, and a desire to help in the upbringing of children. It is important to observe the following rules:

  1. Parents and children should not feel like objects of study.
  2. The study should be purposeful, planned and systematic.
  3. Methods of study should be interconnected with the methods of education.
  4. Psychological and pedagogical methods should be varied, applied in a complex.

When studying a family, the following data are primarily of interest: General information about parents and other family members. Housing conditions, material security. Interests in school affairs. General information about children. Age, interests, level of upbringing. family educational opportunities. microclimate in the family. Family traditions. A differentiated approach in working with parents is based on the identification of 5 main types of families, grouped according to the principle of the possibility of using their moral potential to raise their child, children of the class. Families are divided into 5 types:

1st type: families with a high level of moral relations. They have a healthy moral atmosphere, children get the opportunity to develop their abilities. Frequent intervention of the teacher is not necessary here, although individual tips and warnings related to the peculiarities of education at a certain age are not excluded.

2nd type: families characterized by normal relations between parents, but at the same time not providing a positive orientation in the upbringing of children. Children may be at the center of "special" concerns of parents, in connection with which the child develops selfish tendencies, which certainly requires the attention of the teacher.

3rd type: conflict families. In such circumstances, parents are not up to the children, they themselves can not figure out their relationship. There is no question of any reasonable upbringing, everything is left to chance. An active pedagogical influence is needed in order to change the microclimate in the family, not to lose the person growing in it.

4th type: outwardly prosperous families in which lack of spirituality flourishes, there are no true moral values, the emotional connection of generations is often broken. But some children learn the family psychology of external well-being well, so educational work with such families is especially difficult.

5th type: dysfunctional families, which are characterized by rudeness, scandals, immoral behavior. Such families require the constant attention of the teacher, the public, and sometimes active intervention in order to protect the interests of children. It is advisable to know these types of families and take their features into account when working with parents.

The creation of a system of mass events with parents is carried out through the introduction of various forms and methods and the organization of interaction with interested institutions and departments.

  • familiarization of parents with the methodology of education, with the stages of the physiological and mental development of children;
  • familiarization of parents with regulations and documents in the field of education;
  • joint activities of parents with children (circles, sections, clubs, trainings, trips, excursions, KTD);
  • joint assessment of the level of upbringing of children;
  • joint health-improving work of the family and school (health days, sports events);
  • caring for large and low-income families;
  • participation in school self-government (through the organization of the work of the Constellation of Elders in the classroom, participation in the work of the Parent Council of the school);
  • material and financial assistance to the school, class (repair, charity, sponsorship);
  • joint planning and analysis of work.

Used forms of interaction between the class teacher and the parents of students.

Forms of work are ways of organizing joint activities and communication between teachers and parents. It is advisable to combine collective, group and individual forms of interaction. In the practice of organizing interaction with parents, mass, group and individual forms and methods of working with parents are used. All of them are aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of parents, at strengthening the interaction between the school and the family, at strengthening its educational potential, as well as at involving parents in the upbringing of children in the class.

The most common collective forms are: parent meetings (class and schoolwide); open days; “round tables”; conferences on the exchange of experience in education; parent lecture; parent weeks; evening of questions and answers; dispute; meetings with administration, class teachers.

Group forms: interaction with the parent committee; group consultations; practical exercises with parents; trainings; meetings with fathers.

Individual forms: conversation; talk; consultation; execution of individual orders; joint search for a solution to the problem; correspondence.

Organization of interaction with parents is carried out through:

  • forms of cognitive activity (reviews of knowledge, creative reports on subjects, days of open lessons, a tournament of connoisseurs, weeks of sciences, etc.);
  • forms of labor activity (designing an office, labor landing, creating a classroom library and legotheque);
  • forms of leisure (holidays, concerts, performances, watching films and performances, competitions, competitions, KVN-s, family competitions, trips and hikes).

Open lessons are usually organized to familiarize parents with the lessons, new programs in the subject, teaching methods, teacher requirements. In elementary school, it is necessary at least once or twice every six months to give parents the opportunity to attend an open lesson. This avoids many conflicts caused by ignorance and misunderstanding by parents of all the complexity and specifics of educational activities in today's school. In the classroom, parents are frequent guests at extracurricular activities. These are sports competitions “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, and “Children's concerts”, dedicated to various holidays, and Days of collective rest for children and parents. All this allows parents to get to know their children better, and the teacher - parents and their relationship with their children.

Methods and forms of joint work with parents most commonly used in the classroom: methods of studying the family (observation; conversation; visiting families, testing; questioning; business game; analysis of children's stories, drawings about the family, other creative objects); methods of educating parents (university, lecture, conference, workshop, parent-themed hours and weeks, etc.); collective holidays and hobby classes, etc.; information, exchange of experience, individual activities of parents, research, mutual attendance of classes of parents with students, stimulation of parents for individual education and joint work with the school.

The mechanism for the implementation of activities within the framework of the subprogram of educational work “Me and my family”.

The implementation of the tasks set is carried out in stages during the academic year. Work is carried out with both parents and students. The leading role in the implementation of the chosen goal and the tasks specified on its basis belongs to the class teacher. It is he who works with parents and students using various methods, introduces elements of creativity, makes independent decisions in specific situations, monitors the results, and analyzes them.

Predicted results.

The implementation of measures aimed at organizing interaction with parents in the upbringing of the younger generation will allow:

  • to form an active position of parents in organizing effective interaction between the family and the school;
  • create a comfortable environment for the development of creative abilities, cognitive activity, positive school motivation of children;
  • to strengthen and expand the scope of interaction between the family, schools, institutions of additional education and culture in the matter of education;
  • to achieve stable dynamics of positive change in the psychological climate in the parent and children's teams.

The implementation of activities within the framework of the special subprogram "Me and my family" will ensure the availability of an educational microenvironment that contributes to the formation of experience in parents, children and teachers of effective planning of their activities and successful self-realization in studies, in creativity and in life.

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of activities within the framework of the subprogram of education “Me and my family”:

Quantitative and qualitative indicators:

The number of children and parents who expressed a desire to participate in activities;

Motives for parents to participate in activities within the framework of the educational work program:

a) coercion (force of power),
b) persuasion (the power of example),
c) desire (strength of desire);

The degree of satisfaction of parents with participation in various programs;

Who and to what extent provided assistance in the implementation of various programs; Did the parents notice any positive changes in the child?

What changes have occurred in the children's team during the reporting period;

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the joint work of the school with parents:

  • the presence of an organizational structure in working with parents;
  • specific cases of parents, assistance to the school and class;
  • the presence of traditions of cooperation between the school and parents;
  • providing with the help of parents of social protection of children;
  • a positive level of children's health;
  • high speed of parents' response to school requests and vice versa.
