The Toy Terrier is the size of an adult dog. Standard dimensions for a puppy and an adult dog

The first mini toy terrier dogs appeared at the end of the 20th century. Their appearance aroused great interest among fans of miniature dogs.

Demand for toy terriers vertically challenged and the weight is much more than the large size of the terriers.

Consider the features of the description of the mini toy terrier indicated in the standard, how long do toy terriers live with such a small weight and height.

Such parameters as the height and weight of that terrier are not only an advantage pet, but also has a number of disadvantages. With proper care, they can please the owner for many years.

There is no separate standard for this breed.

This feature is described in the standard of toy terriers, which states that if the height at the withers is less than 20 cm, and the weight of an adult dog is less than 1.5 kg, they should be classified as mini toy terriers.

Small breeds of dogs grow up to two years. There are long-haired and smooth-haired toys. The length of the coat is a maximum of 5 cm on the ears and resembles a specific fringe.

Caring for a longhair is complicated by the fact that the combing procedure must be carried out daily.

While smooth-haired, this procedure once a month is enough.

The color can be chocolate, red (in combination with blue, lilac, chocolate), lilac and tan, black, fawn, blue or cream.

In the documents for purebred dogs, the following interpretations of the color of toy terriers are accepted:

  • black and tan and chocolate and tan (with a chocolate nose);
  • blue-tan color (gray-blue with tan). Toy terriers with this coat color have an asphalt-colored nose;
  • red toy terriers with black noses;
  • in red-chocolate - brown lobe;
  • sable toy terriers (presence of black hairs among red ones) have a black nose and eyelids.
  • toys with blue and lilac coat colors look exotic and non-trivial. This color depends on the influence of other genes and may have tan.

Colors that do not meet the requirements are also specified in the standard: marble, brindle, piebald, white and spotted.

Mini toy terriers usually have a bad temper, despite the number of years they have lived. These are big egoists, they quickly get used to one owner for the rest of their lives.

Other family members may be treated with disdain or aggression. This point should be taken into account in families with small children, where a pet, in case of a threat from a child, can bite him.

With proper upbringing, the pet will grow up more calm and friendly. Also this breed can hardly bear long separation with the owner.

You should not start a mini toy as a pet if the owner spends most of the time at work.

The reaction to loneliness can be not only loud barking that the neighbors will hear. But also diseases nervous system, which can lead to death.

First of all, these are emotional dogs; they can react to any rustles and distant sounds by barking.

Despite their small stature and weight, they have a good innate watchdog instinct.. It is necessary to wean from constant barking with caution, in stages. Excessive and inappropriate prohibitions can lead to neuroses in dogs.

Girls mini toy terriers not only look graceful and touching, but also have more.

The peculiarity of girls is that they are gentle and smart not only at an early age, but also when they grow older, throughout their lives.

They are also wise and prudent, easily amenable to training. It should be noted that mini toy girls are more able to work and fortitude, they are better trained in the rules of behavior and the established regime.

What life expectancy will depend directly on the owner of the dog. According to statistical indicators, the life expectancy of the Mini Toy Terrier breed is 15-20 years.

It is better to prevent hereditary diseases in advance with the help of preventive measures than to treat and receive possible complications as a result.

The main advantages of the breed are its charming appearance, small height and weight.

It is impossible to take your eyes off this breed of dog not only on the street, but also at a noisy secular party.

In addition, due to their small height and weight, they do not occupy a large area in the apartment and daily rate feed is less than that of cats (even at an adult age of two years).

The description of the shortcomings of the breed depends on the health characteristics of mini toys, hereditary diseases and external environmental conditions (height and weight in this case can also have a negative impact).

The main problems are over-sensitivity to low temperatures and features of the digestive process.

Despite the external attractive characteristics of the pet, they have rather poor health.

It is also worth noting the increased fragility of these pets. Even a fall from a small height (for example, from a sofa) can lead to fractures.

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Let's take a look at the pictures of these tiny dogs that need special care. After all, they become attached to only one owner and will not tolerate if he decides to leave him.

The toy terrier breed has been at the peak of popularity for many years. These miniature dogs able to fall in love with people, even quite indifferent to animals.

Today there are different kinds toy terriers, but most of the characteristics are common to all dogs of this breed.

    Toy Terrier is an elegant dog Harmonious and dry constitution is inherent in all representatives of the breed, this is their important distinguishing feature.

    A well-defined head and large round eyes give the dog special charm. According to the breed standards, the ears of the toy terrier must be erect. Creases are allowed, but are considered a defect. However, for domestic terriers, perfect compliance with the standard is not necessary because it will not make her less loved. All dogs have a weakly pronounced transitional line from the forehead to the muzzle.

    The hind legs of the toy terrier are parallel and set wider than the front. Front paws with steep pasterns, small and neat.

    Dog movements are graceful. A short stride creates a slight silhouette difference both when moving and in a static position.

    The tail is thin and usually set rather low. Frequent lifting of the tail is undesirable for this breed.

    The classic toy terrier is a short-haired dog, but there are exceptions. In the long-haired toy terrier, the body is covered with a small wavy hair (3-5 cm). A distinctive feature of this type of toy is fringe on the ears and feathering on the paws.

General Characteristics of the Toy Terrier Breed

- one of the smallest breeds. Weight Limit does not exceed 3 kg, according to established breed standards. Mini toy terrier, in turn, rarely reaches even two kilograms. If we talk about females, they usually weigh more than males, and the difference can reach up to 500 grams. This is not surprising, since especially small girls are not allowed to breed.

It is worth clarifying that English Toy Terriers are usually larger than other lines and may well reach a weight of 5-6 kg.

As for life expectancy, this breed can really be called a long-liver. With proper care and good nutrition life expectancy is 10 to 15 years. Some even live up to 20 years, but this is rare. Remember, it is your care, proper upbringing and the necessary knowledge will become the determining factors in the quality and longevity of your pet.

The character of a small toy terrier has nothing to do with its size. This is a really restless dog, which will give odds to many "giants", despite its miniature size. It is rare to find a more devoted and cheerful breed than that one.

Russian long-haired toy terrier and other types of breed

Today there are a lot of different colors of toy terriers. Although chocolate, tan, and red and black combinations are considered standard and acceptable colors, this does not really matter if you are not going to attend shows. There are a lot of piebald, spotted and marble colors that are considered non-standard and are not recognized by cynologists, and yet continue to be popular with owners. This once again confirms that no standards are indicators for choosing a pet.

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Toy diseases are typical for small dogs.

Toy training, although mandatory, has completely different goals and approach.

If you want your new pet to have all the virtues and decide to get yourself a four-legged friend, then you need to know the breed standards.

Terrier. Among relatives, he was the smallest and gradually stood out as a separate breed. Since the 17th century, it has been cultivated for the extermination of rats. Their small holes were only successfully penetrated by equally small dogs. During the time of Catherine the 2nd, they were brought to Russia.

Toevs were taken with them by the owners, who were hired to work as tutors for Siberian aristocrats. By the time of the reign of Nicholas the 2nd, miniature terriers from England accounted for a third of the decorative breeds presented at domestic exhibitions. However, after the revolution, foreign dogs became a symbol of the decaying West.

By the middle of the 20th century, toys appeared only at the capital's exhibitions in the amount of 1, 2 dogs. This was the reason for the removal of the Russian version.

Features and character of the Russian toy terrier

By its appearance Russian toy terrier breed owes Maria Landau and Evgenia Zharova. They took it upon themselves to restore the English standard. Only a few of its representatives remained in the USSR. I had to look for and involve in breeding bitches and males that are remotely reminiscent of English. As a result, the breed has changed, becoming special and original.

In 1958, in a litter led by Zharova, a black and tan puppy was born with tassels of long hair on the ears. The breeder saw in the pet the ideal of the Russian Toy. Through the efforts of Zharova, its long-haired variety, called Moscow, appeared. In parallel, the smooth-haired terrier, similar to the English, developed.

Longhair toy terriers differ only in the presence of thick wool, remaining the same in size and skeletal structure

Differing in the nature of the woolen cover, the varieties of the Russian toy are the same in size and structure. The height of the dogs at the withers does not exceed 25 centimeters. Pets weigh from 1.5 to 2.7 kilograms. That is why the breed is classified as decorative, that is, used for games and walks, and not for service.

Toyi have not hunted rats for a long time. In the fight against them, modern methods have appeared, and the number of rodents per capita in cities is incomparable with that of the 17th-18th centuries.

Deprived of service requests, dog Russian toy terrier lost her hunting habits. Representatives of the breed have acute hearing, scent, sonorous barking. This data allows some owners to pair decorative quadrupeds with big dogs. They can protect, and the dwarfs can warn, being the first to sense something was wrong and drive away uninvited guests with a ringing yelp.

With small sizes, the Russian toy is proportional. The sizes of the paws, head, body are harmoniously combined and give the pets freedom of movement. Animals run well, jump high. frisky Russian toy terrier puppies grow into equally lively dogs.

They are so playful that they shake from an excess of energy and emotions, like people choleric temperament. Toys rarely manage to throw out their reserves of energy and feelings at 100%, so they shake in excitement. With the cold, as many people think, the phenomenon is not connected.

You can often see a trembling toy terrier, the dog's trembling appears from an excess of emotions and feelings, and not at all from the cold, as it might seem

To freeze prevents just liveliness. Almost complete absence on the body of fat compensates for mobility. The dog is warm all the time, as during a run. Such ardor is combined with peacefulness. The hero of the article is alien to aggression. Its absence, activity, intelligence and diminutiveness make crumb terriers excellent family pets.

breed standard

The standard provides for a thin skeleton and dry muscles in the breed. The skin is tight to it. The opposite is sometimes found in long-haired toys and is condemned by experts. However, both fluffy and smooth-coated varieties of dogs are subject, according to the requirements of the FCI, to the same standard.

The International Cynological Federation did not recognize Russian Toy Terriers until the 21st century. Because of this, the breed remained within Russia for almost 70 years. The West made a compromise due to the decline in the number of English Toy. They are on the verge of extinction.

The Russian version proved its viability and gained popularity. This, by the way, is one of the reasons for the decrease in the number of English terriers. The niche should not be empty, the FCI decided and “surrendered”.

By show standards, long-haired terriers should have a close-fitting coat.

Domestic toys should not be too dry and refined either. The beauty of the breed is precisely in the balance between grace, miniature and health. In overly refined individuals, alopecia occurs, that is, partial baldness. This is a disqualifying vice.

The general contour of the body of the hero of the article is square. If you lengthen the body or shorten the legs, the dog loses its stability, which leads to bone fractures when jumping.

The chest of the dogs is deep, ending at the level of the elbows. The height of the paws to them, by the way, is slightly more than the distance from the elbow to the withers. The forelimbs are set parallel, almost without inclination. Look the same hind legs when viewed from the back of the animal.

Preferably, if the limbs are slightly set back from the hock. 100% straight paws - evidence of an excessively sloping croup or fearfulness of the dog.

There are more than 1 various shades toy terrier colors

Some toys have a prancing gait with an active projection of the front paws up. Such a tread, with others ideal parameters worthy of an “excellent” rating, but does not allow the candidate to compete for titles.

The standard is also indulgent to the colors of the toy. There are 11 colors on the wish list from black and tan to cream. Another 6 colors are undesirable, but acceptable, for example, black and black-and-black. The last coloration suggests a red background with a saddle-shaped charcoal patch on the back.

Care and maintenance of the Russian toy terrier

In the house long haired russian toy terrier- manipulator. Frisky dogs notice and skillfully use the weaknesses of the owners. If the owner feels guilty by raising his voice to a four-legged friend, the pet provokes a person in order to "run into" goodies, games, affection. If the owner has not once driven the toy out of bed, the animal will “register” there forever.

The hunting past of the terrier left behind him the habits of a leader. An active dog tries to enter the door before the breeder, considers it normal to ride in his arms and sleep in his bed. This happens when the rules of upbringing are violated. Toyama from puppyhood are given basic commands. They contribute to the obedience of the animal. When traveling, a pet is taught to carry instead of hands.

In the house, the animal is given a couch on the floor, not allowed on chairs and beds. The owners enter the door first, stopping the dog's attempts to slip forward. At the same time, force in relation to toy terriers is not acceptable. Frames are indicated by solid notes in voice notes.

In terms of physics, caring for the hero of the article consists in cleaning the ears, teeth, eyes and cutting the claws. The latter trim as they grow. Ears are cleaned once a month, processing the visible part of the shell. Allocations in the corners of the large and round eyes of the pet are removed moistened with warm water. cotton pad.

To the standard program for most dogs in Toyyas, periodic cleansing of the anal glands is added. They overflow, causing discomfort to the animal and being a source of bad smell. To help the terrier to empty himself, you can press from below and from the sides of the anus. Press simultaneously with large and index fingers.

Nutrition of the Russian Toy Terrier

Digestive system Russian toy terrier smooth-haired, as well as long-haired, strong. Dogs easily digest food, homemade food and even endure mixing them. Dog sizes suggest small portions. But, it is difficult to overfeed the toy.

Due to mobility and emotionality, four-legged friends spend all the energy they receive, gaining fat mass with difficulty. This applies even to homebodies accustomed to. For dwarfs, the open spaces of an apartment or cottage are enough for running, jumping, and active games.

Diseases of the Russian Toy Terrier

Due to emotionality and choleric temperament, the hero of the article is prone to neuralgia. It includes hydrocephalus. This is the accumulation of fluid in the brain. The dog begins to stumble upon objects, spin aimlessly, and experience pain. The skull with hydrocephalus increases.

Neuralgia also includes portosystemic anostomosis. Stops bleeding. An abnormal vessel in the liver can not cope with the load. The dog becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, may suffer from seizures. IN severe cases toys fall into a coma.

Smooth-haired toy terriers can be distinguished from long-haired ones even at puppyhood.

The thin-boned, fragile structure of the representatives of the Russian breed, coupled with their mobility, is the cause of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Dislocations and fractures are common. Of the genetic ailments in the dwarf terrier, aseptic necrosis is possible.

It occurs on the head femur, leading to bending of the paws, lameness. The disease begins to develop at six months, but it can manifest itself already in adulthood.

Eye problems are also common in toy terriers. They are genetically determined, "resulting" in conjunctivitis, cataracts and keratitis. The latter is an inflammation of the membrane of the eye, making the pupils sensitive to light. Conjunctivitis leads to increased tearfulness. Cataract is the age-related death of the tissues of the eye, leading to blindness.

IN digestive system Toyev vulnerable pancreas. With active overfeeding, it can become inflamed. The diagnosis is pancreatitis. being treated strict diet and medically. If the dog is sick, he refuses to eat and walks in a liquid, you need to contact the veterinarian. Another symptom of pancreatitis is pain when pressing on the abdomen.

Russian toy terrier price

How much will it cost Russian toy terrier Price puppies starts from 7000 rubles. So much asking for a pet class. Individuals belonging to it are not allowed for breeding, that is, they belong to a tribal marriage, or do not have documents. Show class puppies with a pedigree are sold for at least 10,000 rubles. However, dogs are partly a seasonal commodity.

In summer, demand drops. So that the puppies do not stay at home, becoming adults, breeders reduce the price. If you're lucky, a pedigree friend can be purchased for 5000-7000 rubles.

Baby toy terrier divides people into two camps. The first ones are delighted with miniature creatures and their deer eyes. They are happy to give birth to puppies and are interested in how old toy terriers grow in order to supply the dog's body with all the substances necessary for development at this time. In the second camp, they wonder how this little animal can even be considered a dog. After all, it is not for nothing that an adult individual of this particular breed was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest representative of barking quadrupeds.

The Toy Terrier is a decorative dog that prefers life in comfortable conditions, sometimes even without regular walks: they cannot be kept on the street. Although toy terriers themselves imagine themselves to be large guard dogs, in fact they are fragile and defenseless. No wonder the name of the breed is translated from English as "toy".

The name of the breed is translated from English as "toy"

Body shape, appearance

This is a relatively young breed that was bred in Russia. She for a long time was not known, but in the 21st century there was some kind of explosion in popularity. Everyone began to buy Toy Terriers - from breeders to housewives.

The breed standard describes the toy terrier as follows:

  • the body is square, with a fragile skeletal system, angular muscles;
  • not pronounced rounded knees;
  • head in the form of an inverted triangle, the skull is rounded, a large protruding forehead;
  • dark eyes slightly protruding;
  • muzzle pointed, sharp large ears, stand high;
  • the tail is long, docked from the second vertebra.

The kid is very smart, is popular in families with children, as it converges with them in the desire to play. Average height dogs at the withers - 20-25 cm. Great for breeding in an apartment or a private house. Toy terriers live for about 12-15 years, but life expectancy still depends on the care, care and attitude of the owner.

Important! Don't fit these standards. pet if he will not participate in dog shows or shows.


According to the type of coat, toy terriers are divided into two groups:

  1. Smooth-haired. They resemble a small deer because of their smooth, shiny fur and bulging, almost deer-like eyes. The short coat lies close to the body.
  2. Longhaired. The body is covered with hair up to 5 cm long, which can be smooth or slightly wavy. On the ears there is an elegant fringe, and the hair on the paws completely covers the claws. Published on our portal

These varieties do not differ in height and weight. Mobile babies do not have pungent odor and their fur does not cause allergies.

Smooth-haired toy terriers


Some breeders are confused by the coloring of the toy terrier. Dark coat colors are common, but in fact, the toychik can be absolutely any color. There are the following shades:

  • black and tan;
  • brown;
  • red of various tones;
  • gray-blue (the most fashionable shade);
  • lilac, isabella color (experimental shades).

Sometimes puppies unusual colors are born from interbreeding. For example, a case is known when a female fawn toy terrier gave birth to a lilac baby from a long-haired red male. Dogs rare and fashionable color breeders are increasingly trying to breed. Although the result is excellent, veterinarians do not recommend doing such experiments. Such puppies may not live up to 5 years.

Character and intelligence

Toy Terriers are active, agile and hardy. They are very loyal, attached to only one person, whom they consider the owner. The rest of the family is treated calmly. The puppy is sociable and playful, loves to spend time with children.

Character Features:

  • friendly. He is friendly with all family members, guests, other dogs. Feels great in the circle of pets of other breeds, but sometimes it can even throw itself at a large dog if it feels a danger to the owner;
  • trainable. Terriers are very high level intelligence, they easily remember commands. Even in stressful situations able to soberly assess the situation and make the right decisions;

  • kids have an amazing memory: they can remember the owner, even if they have not seen him for 5 years;
  • cunning. As they grow older, the cunning of the pet manifests itself more and more. The main goal for the toy terrier is to search weaknesses the owner, so that later he can be easily manipulated;
  • likes to travel. He is ready to go with the owner anywhere - to the store, on a hike, for a walk in the park. Good, small size dogs will not burden the owner on the way;

  • can't stand being alone. The toy terrier should not be left unattended: he becomes nervous, angry, rushes at people. Those who cannot spend enough time with a toy due to work should not get this breed or should consider buying two dogs at once so that they do not get bored.

Despite the diminutiveness and sociability, in general, the character of the toy terrier is very serious. Inside the family, the dog will behave peacefully towards all family members, but outside it will protect the owner from any encroachment.

Important! Some owners are confused by the fact that from time to time the pet begins to shake while sitting in their arms. This is due to an overabundance of emotions and energy due to a pronounced temperament. To channel this energy into right direction, toy terriers need to be trained.

Video - Teaching the toy terrier commands

Standard dimensions for a puppy and an adult dog

Compared to other dog breeds, toy terriers are quite small. They are almost the same size as pocket dogs. The average parameters of adults and puppies are presented below.

Table. Parameters of adult dogs and puppies

Height, cmup to 2820 – 25 10 – 12
Weight, kg1,3 – 2,5 2,0 – 3,0 0,2 – 0,4

An adult dog weighs about 3 kg on average, which is even less weight ordinary cat. Individuals below 18 cm are rare and most often cannot have offspring.

Important! For breeding, it is worth buying dogs with a minimum weight. When buying a pet, it is worth remembering that the character of the toy terrier deteriorates over time. Therefore, it is worth choosing puppies and raising them yourself.

Video - Russian toy

Puppy Development Stages

It is important for any owner to understand the pace and stages of development of the baby from birth. This will help to correctly compose a diet taking into account all the nutrients required by a growing body.

The main stages of the development of the toy terrier:

  • embryonic: the "child" is in the mother's womb;
  • suckling - from birth to 1-1.5 months;
  • puppy - from 1.5 months. up to 6 months;
  • young growth - from 6 months. up to a year;
  • young dog - from a year to 2.5 years.

The foundations for future development are laid even in the embryonic state of the baby. It is during this period that the most accelerated growth is observed: a puppy can grow hundreds of times in a couple of months. So, on the 40th day of pregnancy, the embryo can weigh several grams, and be born already with a mass of 100-150 grams.

Toy Terrier puppy weight

So, the baby was born from a pet or bought from a breeder. Now a huge responsibility for the life and proper development of a small toy falls on the shoulders of the owner, because he must grow up healthy, strong and cheerful.

Toy terrier puppy playing with his favorite toy

The first rule of the owner of a toy terrier: you need to measure a new family member every month to monitor his weight. Specialists have developed a table specifically for toy terriers that shows what weight should be at a certain stage of life.

Important! At the birth of a puppy, veterinarians can roughly calculate the weight that the baby can reach from the parents. However, this is only approximate information, which should not be blindly relied upon.

Why do we need a weight table?

The weight table allows you to control the change in the weight of a growing dog. For example, if during the next measurements serious deviations from the norm were found, it is necessary to contact the veterinarian and revise the diet. The table contains data that indicate:

  • puppy dwarfism;
  • small but acceptable weight;
  • averages;
  • large mass of a puppy.

The table will be useful for determining the average weight of a pet. It is not necessary to take it as an axiom, forcing the growing organism of the toy to starve or force-feed if its weight differs from the standard by 100-200 g.

Important! The table reflects only approximate values, which may be slightly distorted. Due to the individual characteristics of each pet, a deviation of 400-500 g is permissible. However, if at the age of two months the puppy already weighs 2.5-3 kg, some measures should be taken. With such jumps in weight, you need to immediately contact your veterinarian, as they can signal the development of diseases.

Toy Terrier weight table (by months)

Interpretation of tabular data

According to the table, by the 30th day of life, a newborn should weigh from 200 to 650 grams. But it can be a little larger, as some individuals gain weight well in the first month after birth.

Further development of the puppy should look like this:

  • 2 month. By this age, babies can grow up to a maximum of 1050 g, but they should not weigh less than 320 g;
  • 3 months. If past measurements showed the upper limit of weight, the pet gains another 500 g by the 3rd month, and if the lower one - 140 g. On average, the weight should not be heavier than 1550 and lighter than 460 g;
  • 4 months. Terriers weighing 600 g are considered to be sufficiently fattened and healthy, and large individuals can reach a weight of 1.9 kg;
  • 5 months. By this age, the weight of the toy terrier is approaching its maximum value. Babies weigh from 700 g to 2.2 kg. Despite this, development will continue for about a year;
  • 6 months. Most toy terriers already look like adult dogs by six months. They weigh similarly - from 800 g to 2.5 kg.

Do not start to panic if your pet's weight differs slightly from the data in the table. So, some individuals do not grow up to 1.5 years, like the bulk of dogs, but complete their growth at 5-6 months. Accordingly, the weight of the pet will not noticeably change.

Adult "girls" will be slightly larger than "boys": on average, the weight differs by 400-500 g. This is necessary so that the female can bear offspring in the future. At the same time, the birth of toy terriers is full of surprises: a large female weighing 3 kg can give birth to very small puppies, and a miniature dog can bring real giants among toy terriers.

Important! It is necessary to evaluate not only the weight, but also the behavior of the dog. A plump but alert and energetic puppy will be healthier than a lethargic dog whose weight matches the chart.

How old can toy terriers be?

Generally dogs small breeds are developing rapidly. Some individuals in the first few months of life are able to fully form, and then only support and polish the grown body. Such a rapid development can end in 5 months, or it can take up to 9 months. Six months is the age when all the main development should already be over.

At six months in a puppy:

  • tubular bones are finally formed, which are responsible for the proportions of the body;
  • milk teeth fall out and molars appear;
  • growth slows down, but weight gain continues.

If the toy is large, his body will continue to form after a year, but much more slowly.

Important! Mental capacity puppy develop throughout the entire period of growth of the pet. Therefore, if it seems to you that a dog at 3 months is not very smart, wait. The dog will show what his brain is capable of.

Puppy growth by months

Height, as well as weight, depends on the individual characteristics of the pet. According to the standard, the growth of a toy terrier should be:

  • 6-10 cm at the age of one month;
  • 10-14 cm upon reaching two months;
  • 14-20 cm at the age of three months;
  • 18-24 cm at 4 months.

Reference. Pets are usually put up for sale at three months. Unreliable sellers often put these babies up for sale under the guise of mini toy terriers, since the mini version is more expensive than the standard. Remember: mini toy terriers have different standards, but it will be difficult to make sure that the breeder is honest.

How long do mini toy terriers grow?

Mini toy terriers are a variation of the standard breed. These are real "pocket" dogs, fragile and miniature. Due to the special structure of the body, their development is slightly different from the development regular toys. But for mini-toy terriers there is no separate standard for appearance and weight, it is judged according to the standard of a regular terrier. Therefore, it is necessary to study their features, based on the experience of breeders.

Mini toy terrier even fits in a tea cup

Miniature toy terriers grow up to 4-5 months, while the level of development is the same as that of the standard breed. These little ones can grow up to a maximum of 23 cm and weigh up to 1.8 kg. If, after reaching this indicator, the puppy continues to grow, it means that the breeder decided to earn extra money during the sale and passed off the standard terrier as a mini-breed. In appearance, these two varieties differ only in growth, but the final result can be determined only in six months.

Important! Mini toy terriers are even more fragile than standard ones. They are so small that they can fit in a cup. If a normal terrier can break a paw by jumping off a sofa, then a mini's fragile limb can be damaged even with very active running on the floor.

When does a toy terrier stop being a puppy?

Dogs of this breed, like any other, grow up when their period stops. physical development. At decorative dogs this period occurs at 6-9 months. Growing up can be tracked by some of the changes that occur with the dog's body. This:

  • replacement of all milk teeth with permanent ones;
  • shiny smooth coat instead of puppy fluff;
  • clean bright eyes no selections;
  • muscles are toned, formed and grow through physical activity.

By the growth of a pet, it will not be possible to accurately determine the stage of growing up, since a large run-up in indicators is already indicated in the standard. So, an adult pet can reach from 20 to 28 cm. If a dog at 5 months already has a height of 22 cm, it may grow even more.

Rules and exceptions to the rules

The standards state that an adult representative of the Russian Toy Terrier breed should weigh no more than 3 kg. Females tend to be slightly more massive than males due to the fact that they have to bear offspring. The difference in weight is about 500 g. Mini-toys have a standard weight of 1.8 kg.

However, even within the same variety there may be differences in weight. After all, the weight is adjusted due to the following factors:

  • activity level and lifestyle of the puppy;
  • the food that the owner has chosen to feed the pet;
  • individual structure of the body;
  • parent sizes.

So, a stocky toy terrier with massive paws will weigh much more than its lean relative. If the dog does not like to walk and constantly lies at home on the couch, it will soon begin to suffer from obesity.

Important! Even if the dog does not want to go outside at all, it is necessary to accustom him to walks and games on fresh air. Such outings will keep the pet's muscles in good shape, teach him to be energetic and active.

Excess weight

If, during the next measurement of the mass, the owner noticed a significant deviation from the tabular indicators in big side, this may indicate obesity in the quadruped. Except heavy weight, obesity signals:

  • rapid fatigue of the dog and unwillingness to walk for a long time;
  • severe sweating and shortness of breath;
  • heat intolerance;
  • constipation.

The fat toy terrier looks no longer like the usual miniature puppy. Appear:

  • sagging belly;
  • fat folds on the buttocks, back, hips;
  • fat layer on chest, because of which the ribs and spine are not palpable.

What causes excess weight?

There are several factors that need to be neutralized so that obesity does not occur. This:

  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • malfunction of the nervous system;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • very rare forays into fresh air;

What to do about an obese pet?

If extra pounds still appear, first of all you need to pay attention to the pet's diet:

  1. You can not give food from the table every time the puppy asks. Every day you need to include meat, cereals, vegetables, fruits and kefir / cottage cheese in the diet.
  2. A recovered pet should be put on a diet low in fat and carbohydrates.
  3. Level Up physical activity: take the puppy outside more often, make him run. You can buy or build your own yard obstacle course for your dog to play with.

In addition, you should visit a veterinarian for prevention. In some cases, obesity can be a harbinger of a more serious illness.

Visit to veterinary clinic

Mass deficiency: causes and how to deal with it?

How to feed a puppy so that it develops correctly?

One of the main components proper developmentbalanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. It is better to make a menu with a veterinarian who takes into account everything individual characteristics pet, its size and level of physical activity.

From the early age The toy terrier should be accustomed to the feeding schedule and constantly adhere to it. Food is given at fixed hours. The number of feedings depends on the age of the pet:

  • 1.5 - 3 months: 6 times a day;
  • 2 - 4 months: 4 times a day;
  • 4 - 6 months: 2 times a day.

An adult pet is fed twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Important! It is important for a toy terrier, like any other dog, to give a clean daily drinking water. A dog weighing 1 kg per day drinks 40-50 ml of water. IN clean water contains minerals that affect the development of the skeleton.

The diet of the toy terrier during the period of weight gain

At 4-6 months, puppies begin to actively gain muscle mass, so during this period it is necessary to provide a diet with the necessary amount of calcium, protein and vitamins. A growing toy terrier needs daily:

  • 6 g protein;
  • 2 g fat;
  • 1.5 g fiber;
  • 250 mg calcium;
  • vitamins A, D, E.

All these useful material can be found in industrial feed. The toy terrier is suitable for food for small breeds. You can not choose economy-class food, as they will only harm the pet. Optimal solution- premium or super premium food. They contain all the trace elements necessary for proper development.

Possible feeding and natural feed. When choosing such food for your pet, you must adhere to general recommendations and consult your veterinarian.

Important Details

  • if you plan to breed toy terriers, you should buy a female weighing at least 1.8 kg. A dog with a lower weight will not have a chance to bear healthy offspring;
  • it is important to remember that toy terriers, especially dwarf ones, are very fragile animals. They must be treated with the utmost care;
  • toy terriers need training, but you should not overexert your pets. Due to heavy loads, the bone tissue that has not yet formed can begin to collapse;

  • to completely eliminate the risk of disease in the future, when buying a pet, make sure that they do not have genetic predisposition to any dangerous disease.


The Toy Terrier may not meet the established standards, but at the same time look absolutely happy, cheerful and cheerful. If the veterinarian says that the pet is completely healthy and well developed, you should not adjust the growing organism to the limits. Standards exist for those animals that will participate in exhibitions and win prizes.

Cute rat-catcher dogs have an unusual, endearing appearance and attract all dog lovers. A kind, cheerful and obedient dog becomes a wonderful comrade, a true friend and a wonderful companion who will not let anyone get bored in the house. Russian Toy Terrier has its own specific nuances in education, maintenance and feeding. Therefore, if there is a desire to have such a pet, first of all, it is necessary to study all the subtleties of the breed in order to raise a healthy pet.

The history of the Russian toy terrier began on the shores of medieval England. The cities, polluted with sewage, swarmed with hordes of rats carrying dangerous diseases. Little brave rat-catchers fought against the invasion, arousing the love and gratitude of the inhabitants. Gradually, the streets of the cities became cleaner, and the need for rat-catchers disappeared. And small cute toy terriers migrated to the ladies' boudoirs, as companions and live fleas.

The English toy terrier came to Russia in the middle of the 19th century and were kept by wealthy ladies, and after the revolution, many favorites of the “white bone” wandered and interbred with mongrels. Only in the middle of the twentieth century did domestic dog breeders start breeding decorative breeds, including tiny toys.

Purebred producers were not imported into our country from abroad, and breeders had to work with the available material. The toy terrier was “created” anew and turned out to be very far from the progenitor in appearance. In 1957, from a pair of smooth-haired mini-terriers with a pedigree, a descendant appeared - Chikki. The puppy had a longer than the standard coat and was recorded as culled.

By chance, he gets to Zharova E.F. and here, in the Moscow nursery, selection work began to breed a long-haired breed of toy terriers. Moscow dog breeders consolidated the advantageous external difference, and gradually the Russian Toy Terrier acquired a nice fringe on the ears and paws.

These differences were so significant that the new breed got its own name, and it also required the creation and approval of a new standard for small Russian toys. Thanks to E.F. Zharova managed to achieve in 1966 the recognition of the breed and the approval of standards.

By 1969, 300 pedigrees had been issued, which, given the infertility of dogs, is impressive. But Evgenia Fominichna was removed from the leadership of the Moscow City Society of Decorative Dog Breeding, and work on the breed stopped, the popularity of dogs began to fall, especially since with the fall of the “curtain” a stream of representatives of various decorative breeds poured into the country.

Only at the end of the twentieth century. the breed of the Moscow toy terrier was literally bit by bit restored. Already in the 90s, the cost of puppies increased sharply, and the queue for the purchase stretched for several years.

Description of the breed Russian toy terrier

Russian toy is a miniature dog, height at the withers which does not exceed 20-28 cm, and weight body - no more than 3 kg. These parameters are much smaller than those of the English counterpart. The Russian Toy has long hair - about 5 cm, and along the edge of the ears and on the limbs there are feathers - long decorating hair.

In addition to long-haired, there are also short-haired representatives. Their coat is short, dense, without undercoat. The body of this tiny dog ​​is oval, dry with a tense back, falling to the tail and pronounced withers. The tail, as a rule, is docked, but a natural one is also allowed. The purity of the breed, according to the generally accepted standard, is characterized by the following data:

The dog moves freely, the direction holds confidently. The general impression of the appearance of the Moscow mini-terrier is a miniature, mobile, harmoniously built dog.


Initially, toy terriers were black and tan or brown and tan. Today, thoroughbred standards allow, in addition to those listed, to have a pet with blue and tan fur, as well as a solid red color with or without black, brown bloom. It is preferable that the color of the coat be saturated. The disqualifying colors are:

Also disqualifying signs are:

  • the presence of large areas of sparse hair in smooth-haired individuals;
  • excessively elongated or curly hair in long-haired.

Despite the fact that the pet looks very slender, he has the brave heart of a true terrier.


The breed was specially bred as a decorative one, therefore, such character traits as the absence of aggression, friendliness, and complaisance were welcomed. It is precisely this character that the Russian toychik has. But, despite the toy appearance, the dog is very brave, active and always ready to protect its owner.

Subtle hearing allows you to notice the danger, and a loud, booming bark - to notify its owner about it, to whom the dog is completely devoted. The terrier's size does not allow him to fully realize the qualities of a security guard. But the fearlessness and desire to protect in this tiny heart is enough for a huge dog.

The baby is very friendly and gets along well with all the inhabitants of the house. Cheerful disposition, mobility, sense of humor make it an excellent companion for children's games. He is considered an excellent companion. socialites and old ladies. Representatives of this breed do not create problems in public transport or in a hotel where they are allowed freely.

The Toy Terrier is very affectionate and loves to be given attention. The dog has a natural ingenuity and is easy to train even for a teenager of 12-15 years old. But, despite the complaisance and lack of leadership qualities, the dog needs control and attention, otherwise the temperamental animal will look for a way out of seething energy, which will lead not only to damage to property, but can also cause the development of aggressiveness.


Thanks to the ingenuity of the toy terrier, it does not cause great difficulties. With perseverance, consistency and goodwill, the pet quickly masters the basic commands and fulfills the requirements with special zeal and desire. It is recommended to learn to execute commands not only at home, but also on walks, so that the animal does not have an association that you need to obey commands only in the space of the apartment.

To little toy carefully listened to the requirements and adequately responded to training, it is necessary to realize the activity and seething energy of the animal on walks, then it will be easier to control it. From puppyhood, it is necessary to accustom the toy not only to a sleeping place, a bowl, a tray, but also to the norms of behavior in the apartment and on the street.

It is necessary to immediately make it clear to the puppy who is the boss in the house, to wean him from the habit of biting during games, throwing himself into his arms and other “puppy” pranks in a fit of joy, otherwise it will become much more difficult to raise a dog later. Ease of care and training makes representatives of this breed suitable for keeping and raising even inexperienced owners.

Health and care

Moscow Toy Terriers are distinguished by excellent health and a fairly long life expectancy - 12-15 years. But toy terriers have diseases that are genetically determined by the characteristics of the mini-breed. These include:

Do not be afraid at the sight of such an impressive list of diseases. They are characteristic of all mini-breeds. Naturally, when breeding babies, some systems suffer, but the Russian toy terrier wins against the background of others. dwarf breeds and more resistant to genetic pathologies. Obviously, the influx of “outbred” blood and the recent start of selection are having an effect.

In addition to hereditary, these babies may have pathologies, primarily due to the anatomical structure and features immune system, For example:

Proper care and regular visits to the veterinary clinic will help prevent the appearance of many pathologies. Babies need vaccinations, ear and eye care, and prevention of dental pathologies.

The dog does not require special care. It is enough to bathe smooth-haired toy terriers once a month, and long-haired ones once every 2-3 weeks. Long-haired dogs have to be combed daily if the owner wants the dog to look well-groomed. It is enough to “smooth” the short-haired ones once a week with a special brush or mitten. Since dogs practically do not shed, there are no problems with fallen hair in the apartment.

Regular, once every 1.5-2 months, care for the claws of the dog is required. light weight and the slenderness of the toy terrier does not allow the claws to grind naturally so they need to be sheared. If the owner does not know how to do this or is afraid of injuring his pet, you can contact a veterinary clinic or special salons that serve pets.

Miniature size, lack of down cause thermal sensitivity of mini terriers. Therefore, when walking in cool weather, the dog needs warm clothes. In hot weather, it should also be protected from overheating - moistened with water, given more to drink, less direct sunlight.

How to feed and maintain a mini-dog

Those owners of toy terriers who feed them dry food have no difficulty in compiling a diet. Because ready feed contains all the necessary substances for the dog. It is more difficult for those who use natural products. The diet of an adult Russian Toy should include the following products:

Adult dogs are fed twice a day. The smaller the puppy, the more frequent feeding. Toychikov should not be overfed, as they, like many mini-breeds, tend to be obese, cardiovascular diseases And diabetes. At in kind feeding into feed, into without fail, add bioadditives. Recommendations on the complexes can give a veterinarian.

Photo of Russian Toy Terrier

Video about Russian toy terrier

Buying a puppy and the best kennels

Regardless of the purpose of the acquisition, it is best to buy a puppy in a kennel. If the breeder is known and values ​​his reputation, then he guarantees health, mental balance, necessary vaccinations and proper maintenance of the puppy. Moreover, an idea of ​​the character and behavior of a pet can be formed by observing the character of the parents and the socialization of puppies in the litter.

Buying a puppy “from hand”, you can’t get any guarantees, and instead of a cute, funny baby, you can get a sick, neurasthenic or aggressive, uncontrollable mini-monster. The most famous breeders of Russian Toy Terriers in Moscow are:

  • Kennel Club,;
  • "Sun Alexi";
  • "Bravo Heat";
  • Tiyanna;
  • "Lilliputians of the dog world" and others.

In Kyiv, Russian Toy Terrier puppies can be purchased in kennels:

  • "Pocket Happiness";
  • "From the House of Tchaikovsky"
  • "Kiev Courage" (Fci-Ksu), and others.

The Russian Toy Terrier is a great choice for lovers of small dog breeds. In addition to its miniature size, the pet got an excellent character that will allow him to earn the love and respect of all family members.
