Learning to compliment: how to describe a girl. Full description of the girl - appearance, behavior, character and interesting facts

Everyone has long known that girls love with their ears. They are like flowers, they need to be looked after, bestowed with your love and generously showered with compliments. With the gift of eloquence, you can win the heart of any girl. But what to do if nature deprived a man of such a gift? With the help of our list of compliments, you can pick up beautiful words for any girl.

Most beautiful

Every girl is unique and has her own personality. Sometimes in a fit of emotions it is so difficult to correctly and beautifully express your feelings. Examples of the most beautiful compliments will help melt the ice in the heart of even the Snow Queen:

  1. Your whole image is simply impossible to forget, because your eyes attract much more than any magnet, and your hair smells better than the garden of the most exquisite flowers.
  2. Your figure is like a young birch and every man who has ever seen you is trying to pick up the key to your heart.
  3. They say that ideal women do not exist, but how can they be so wrong, because my ideal is now standing in front of me.
  4. Every minute after our meeting, I enjoy your perfection. You are not only incredibly beautiful, but also with a beautiful and amazing soul.
  5. After I first saw you, I lost my appetite, sleep and peace. All this time I only think about your gentle smile and thoughtful eyes.

In verse

Each of us experienced a joyful moment of love. But what to do when simple words are not enough to describe all the beauty of the chosen one? Any girl has always dreamed of hearing compliments in verse:

In your speeches I want to forget
Listen to your heartbeat every time.
And every minute I'm ready to fall in love
And plunge into the sea of ​​cute eyes.
The linen of your hair
I can touch endlessly.
Your soul is pure and flawless
She intoxicates my heart like wine.

You are harmonious, flawless,
Good, reliable, cheerful,
In all disputes you are diplomatic,
You are up to any business.
You are the perfect wife
Both daughter and mother are impeccable,
Where necessary - strong as a rock,
Where not - your soul is full of warmth.


In order for feelings to become brighter and stronger every day, you need to arrange surprises not only for the holidays, but to say pleasant words to your beloved not only when she is offended. Surprise your girlfriend with a surprise, for example, you can stick postcards with 100 compliments around the apartment. For example:

  • Darling;
  • Thoughtful;
  • irreplaceable;
  • mind-blowing;
  • sexual;
  • unusual;
  • sincere;
  • dizzying;
  • unpredictable;
  • stunning;
  • stylish;
  • Thoughtful;
  • good;
  • sensitive;
  • witty.

in sms

Most of all in a man, girls appreciate care and attention. You can pleasantly surprise your beloved by sending compliments via SMS. Eg:

Perfect like a rose
You are the ideal of all men
And in your diamond eyes
Lost all of myself.

Sweet, beautiful, my love.
Nice girl, for a long time you are all mine.
You smell wonderful, and you have a delicate taste,
And your laughter is always so sonorous.


It is very important to be able to say the right words at the right time. Not everyone can subtly emphasize the beauty of a girl. Examples of the best compliments will make a girl's heart beat faster.

  1. Your beautiful eyes drive guys crazy.
  2. You are perfect, one look is enough to fall in love with you for life.
  3. You are the source of my inspiration.
  4. Only when I'm with you my life is filled with meaning.
  5. You stand out from the crowd like a precious diamond.
  6. Your gaze is like the ocean.
  7. Even Goddesses are inferior to your beauty.
  8. Your angelic smile forever won my heart.
  9. Every minute of my life you are with me, in my heart.


Girls are unlikely to appreciate compliments in verse, moreover, they are more likely to scare her away. But cool compliments will distinguish any man from the gray crowd. For example:

  1. Girl, you are 85% beautiful, because I have not seen the rest.
  2. May I hold your hand, because your divine beauty made my legs buckle.
  3. I would like to be your fitness trainer.
  4. There are so many decent women on this planet, but you are obscenely beautiful.
  5. Your beauty drove me crazy. Where can I join your fan group?


You can emphasize the uniqueness of the girl and win her favor with the help of unusual compliments. For example:

  1. There are two holidays today. First, I met such a beautiful, wonderful girl. And the second is that I was able to talk to you.
  2. My dear, because of your impeccable beauty, I lost my sight, but despite this, I will always be devoted to you.
  3. Yummy, you are the most desirable of all women in this universe.
  4. You are like a hypnotist's pendulum, I can't take my eyes off you.
  5. You are a sorceress! How can you get better every minute?

Want to say something nice to your loved one, but don't know how? Actually it's not that difficult.

What to say?

It is not for nothing that people say that the right adjectives that characterize a girl can truly work wonders. They will help not only those who are afraid of the cooling of relations, but also people who are just thinking about starting a romantic relationship. But what to do if you are not one of the talkative ones, or if the creative mood quickly took to its heels, taking with it the remnants of fantasy? Don't worry, everything you need to succeed is already here. So just take this knowledge and use it wisely.

You should immediately make a reservation: do not use too complex adjectives. The composition and bulkiness of the word can not only surprise, but also shock a person. Although the use of such epithets as "angelic beautiful" or "graceful-sexy" is not forbidden. The main thing is to avoid falsehood and use compliments appropriately. Not all the words that you said to a past lover are suitable for a new acquaintance. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

What to say when making a new acquaintance?

All adjectives that characterize a girl on the positive side must be inserted wisely. Too many epithets will most likely make your new acquaintance wary, thinking about whether you really want to just find a girlfriend for one night. Therefore, moderate your ardor. Compliments should be soft, neatly screwed into the fabric of the conversation. For example, instead of “I admire your forms, and your walk is just oh, legs like a doe,” you can say: “You rarely meet a girl who knows how to take care of herself so well.” Feel the contrast?

With whom you recently made acquaintance, should not be too intimate. But the formalities should be avoided. Do not forget about such trouble-free words in their action as kind, sweet, sympathetic, well-read, calm, unpredictable, extravagant. Phrases with them will not seem banal if you say them sincerely, as if by chance. You can think at home about what you say, but it will most likely fly out of your head, so just follow your heart.

What to say to your beloved?

The lady of your heart has been with you for quite some time and it seems that something new needs to be introduced into the relationship? So why not start with a compliment? The simplest word can heal and delight. Adjectives that characterize a girl can be very diverse. Here are some examples:

This is just a small list in alphabetical order. You can choose from here adjectives that characterize the girl, you can think of something yourself. The most important thing is that any pleasant word will surely resonate in your own heart with gratitude, and you will be rewarded.

100 Compliments for Her - World of Love and Romance

2006-01-08 12:17:06

Ochen horosho, molodec, tak derzhat!!! Devushkam ponravitsya!

2006-01-09 08:32:23

This is all for you!

2006-01-09 09:28:15

you can just change the endings of the words and all this will be for him 🙂

2006-01-09 10:46:24

Well done, great!!!

The girls are thrilled!!!

2006-01-09 18:38:34

after such a shame to be different. Very nice!!!

2006-01-09 21:22:49

100 compliments for him:

1. beautiful

3. caring

4. attractive

5. sexy

9. charming

10. charming

11. unique

12. indescribable

13. unforgettable

14. irresistible

15. chic

16. dazzling

17. passionate

18. unavailable

19. divine

20. bewitching

21. angelic

22. radiant

23. sexy

25. fluffy

26. awesome

27. stunning

28. slim

29. seductive

30. flirtatious

31. refined

32. graceful

33. cheerful

34. energetic

35. creative

36. stylish

37. outgoing

38. tactful

39. loveful

40. romantic

41. Versatile

42. fabulous

43. cute

44. ardent

45. single

46. ​​affectionate

47. sweet

48. mind-blowing

49. wishful

50. unpredictable

51. mysterious

52. blooming

53. Flawless

54. harmonious

55. Responsive

56. perfect

57. best

58. humble

59. exquisite

60. playful

According to Stanislavsky

Forget all the advice and recommendations that are teeming with men's glossy magazines and the Internet about exactly how and what kind of compliments a girl likes. These tips have nothing to do with real life. Seriously! - a phrase like: “Your exquisite profile can compete with the grace of the ancient Greek goddesses” and “You are like a sonorous spring stream on a quiet steppe night, when everything shimmers from the radiance of the stars,” plunged me into a fit of Homeric laughter. What high-flown bad taste!

Separately, of course, it is worth noting the Milano-Goreme tandem. Together they create such an incredible "chemistry" that you feel it, even through the monitor. And smile, laugh and cry with them all the time. In a word, you believe them. Do you believe that this is exactly how the first dates, the first kisses, and even the first declarations of love should be. Ridiculous, crumpled, out of place ... You believe that this is how - THIS is how true love is born.

All adjectives describing a girl can be divided into several groups. In addition to the standard classification (compliments about the body, hair, eyes, mind, etc.), all compliments are divided into "slippery" and neutral. Depending on the nature of the girl, she may react to the "slippery" compliment in different ways.

Warm up your Soul and Mother Earth with Beautiful words, create the Space of Love around you and you will see Miracles created by your own hands.

With a closer acquaintance, when your relationship has moved to an intimate level, when the girl completely trusts you and understands you, you can use compliments are more frank, which will speak about her sexuality.

Sexy, breathtaking, erotic, feminine, sultry, ardent, passionate, very dangerous, captivating, uninhibited, intoxicating, fiery, intoxicating, burning, alluring, hot, sexy, exciting, seductive.

2. Complete surprise

This method of giving compliments is to focus on that feature of the girl's appearance, which would come as a complete surprise to her. The girl simply does not expect you to admire this particular detail and, perhaps, she even has some complexes about the trait that you noticed. Here you have to be very careful not to offend the girl. Your words should not contain falsehood and flattery. For example, if a girl naturally has a long nose and she has a complex about it, but still he didn’t embarrass you, but on the contrary, you noticed that he emphasizes her originality, you can say: “ Girl you have such a sexy nose

I think this compliment will be absolutely unexpected for a girl. Although the outcome may not be in your favor, depending on how complex the girl is about this, she may think that you are mocking her. But on the other hand, if she is not indifferent to you, on the contrary, she will want to start a conversation with you. After all, in fact, girls are very interested in what others think of them. Thus, a girl can learn something new about herself, it is possible to get rid of her complexes.

satisfied with her fate
peace disturber
devastatingly erotic
consonant and proud
famous heartbreaker
secular and noble
selflessly hardworking and ambitious
most-most-most loved!
most most

To the list


creatively passionate

To the list


radiant smile

To the list


My wishes and duels

An indecisive man can please a girl via SMS:

  1. Luck smiled on me and I met you, the most beautiful girl in the universe.
  2. The refined aroma of your hair is crazy.
  3. You are so attractive and charming that I forgot where I was going.
  4. When nature created ideal forms, she gave them to you first.
  5. It's impossible not to fall in love with you.
  6. Your beauty clouds my mind.
  7. I fell in love with you at first sight.
  8. I regret that I did not meet you earlier, the previous life was empty, only you filled it with meaning.
  9. Your smile makes me faint.
  10. When you're not around - the light fades for me.
  11. When I look at you, my heart jumps out of my chest towards you.
  12. I want to melt into your eyes.
  13. Your smile is able to warm the whole world, and I am happy - I got its warmth.
  14. Every moment spent with you is a holiday.
  15. You are an incredible combination of beauty and wisdom, charm and elegance, tenderness and fortitude.
  16. You are with me, and I do not have to choose between beauty and intelligence, which are gracefully intertwined in you.
  17. Your smile is charming and radiant - only happy people smile like that.
  18. Do not believe if they say that miracles do not happen, this miracle is you!
  19. Your light and graceful gait is like the gentle embrace of a breeze on a hot day.
  20. Girl You are just perfect - be my wife.

Paz Vega- a film actress who gained fame for the film "Spanish English", was born in 1976 in Andalusia.

And, of course, it is impossible not to mention Penelope Cruz. Spanish actress, Oscar winner, was born in Madrid on April 28, 1974.

Beautiful, smart, tender, beloved ... How many more epithets can a selflessly loving guy pick up? Countless. In three words, everyone can describe a girl, but if you do it with feeling, really, with arrangement, one sheet is definitely not enough.

In order not to be at a dead end, think not only about her appearance, but also about her inner world, character, spiritual qualities, mind, and so on. So, how to describe a girl so that she melts from the words she hears or sees if you are texting?

I know three words...

The girl asked to describe her in three words? Choose one epithet from each area of ​​her life so that she does not think that you love her only for her beauty or intelligence. For example, a set of words could be: charming, kind, devoted. Or beautiful, demanding, fair. By the way, this request may be a hint that you finally confess your love to her. And here, as you know, only the following three words are in priority: I love you. Yes, the girl needs romance, she is waiting for you to prove your love. And not only in words, but also in deeds.

Beauty is a terrible force

When compiling a long list of compliments for your girlfriend, be sure to point to her external data. Whatever adjectives men come up with to please their beloved: charming, stunning, pretty, sexy, beautiful, and so on. In search of the right epithet, resort to comparisons: slender as a cypress; tender, like a rose petal, ruddy, like a bulk apple, etc.

Inner beauty

Do not bypass the attention and internal properties. Be sure to note that she is kind, compassionate, sweet, caring, sincere, pleasant in communication, executive, and so on. Think about what you can say about your relationship, what contribution she makes to them. This will help to find new epithets.

A spoon of tar

When complimenting a girl, it is not necessary to talk exclusively about how correct and good she is. Say that she is a bit bitchy, passionate, call her a tigress, an imp. So your words will not seem fake - after all, every woman knows very well that she is far from an angel, and therefore wants to see that you like some of the features that seem negative to her. This will definitely count in your favor.

Business qualities

Look at the girl from this side. She can be enterprising, thrifty, punctual, competent, educated, sociable, serious, successful, purposeful, able to solve several problems at once, and the like.

When describing a girl, be sincere, do not attribute to her what she never had, but also do not forget about virtues that you cannot see at first glance. The more often you give your beloved compliments, the more chances for the development of relationships, which you need.

This article contains the main male judgments about what an ideal girl should be like: a description of appearance, character, habits. Here women can see what men value and want to see in a life partner, and what annoys them.

Who is the perfect girl? Its description is a combination of the incompatible. Every man wants to see at the same time a saint and a sinner, beautiful and faithful, kind and with character, busy and attentive. In real life, these are usually different people, but is it not forbidden to strive for the ideal?

For centuries, the weak half of humanity has been arguing about who is more attractive: brunettes or blondes, full or thin? But men do not have a single opinion on this matter. Someone is attracted to strict and aggressive brunettes, someone is attracted to cute blondes, and some are passionate redheads. Some men prefer a relief figure, while others prefer a slender body. Some people are turned on by piercings and tattoos, while others are turned on by the romance of the 19th century. The list of the ideal woman includes long legs, short haircuts, large breasts or bottomless eyes.

However, all men note that they are important:


Monitor the condition of nails, hair, do depilation in time, do not forget about self-care products. Clothing should always be clean, ironed and sit on the figure, emphasizing advantageous places and hiding flaws.

Ruslan, 32 years old.

“I hate girls with regrown hair roots and sloppy manicures. Let her be better combed or just cut, but the slovenliness in the image is definitely repulsive.

Knowing of limits

Fishnet stockings peeking out from under a miniskirt are good at a nightclub, at a theme party and for home striptease. But in ordinary life it is better to dress elegantly and without excessive pretentiousness. Ideally, if you have your own style of dressing and stick to it.

Igor, 27 years old.
“The ideal woman cannot dress vulgarly. Looking at the ideal, I should get aesthetic pleasure, and not feel like a hero of cheap porn "

Ability to present yourself

That is, do not mutter under your breath, but proudly carry yourself, wear clothes for the season and the occasion, wear stilettos if you know how to walk on them.

Sergey, 35 years old.
“The ideal girl should walk next to me with a light gait, with a half-smile on her face, leaving behind a trail of pleasant perfume. I will turn around in her wake and understand: this is the One.

Ideal girl: character description

All men want to see in a woman both a seductress and a fighting girlfriend. They don't need to be understood, but they need to be supported. You can always rely on the ideal girl, she will be there in difficult times and in a losing streak.

Absolutely all men distinguish two important qualities in women: fidelity and a sense of humor, or at least a cheerful disposition. They should always be. Especially the first one.

The ideal girl will never arrange a concert in the style of “Where is my 10-carat diamond ring?”, a scene of jealousy due to a protracted corporate party, she will understand and support the male passion for football or fishing.

Andrey, 39 years old.
“When on a date I confessed to a girl that my favorite football team was playing at the same time, she took me to the nearest sports bar, and together we cheered for my champions. It was then that I realized: this is my ideal!

Ideal Girl Lifestyle Description

The ideal girl in the view of all men should be a good housewife, be able to cook deliciously, be happy to wash, clean and iron. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, but the stronger sex is ready to forgive the lack of housekeeping, if a woman is attentive to her partner and passionate. The fire in the blood always attracts and excites, and looseness in bed is valued no less than delicious borscht.

Guys don't like smoking and drinking girls. The maximum that can be expected is patience with women's weaknesses. But none of the men will ever include bad habits in the list of qualities of their ideal.

Who is the perfect girl? Each man has his own description, so in search of exemplary, do not lose yourself.

Perfect Girl - Description: Video
