Decorating a sieve for a wedding with hands. This master class will teach you how to make a wedding sieve with your own hands, decorate it

This master class will teach you how to make a wedding sieve with your own hands, decorate it

This master class will teach you how to make a wedding sieve with your own hands, decorate it

Today I want to offer MK how to create a "wedding sieve" yourself from improvised means that can be found in any home.
Rice. 1 Candies, money, grains and nuts are usually poured into such a sieve. When the young people leave the bride's house, the girl's mother showers them from the wedding sieve with symbols of family wealth from head to toe. A wedding is a wonderful and brightest day, so you want everything to be great! And even simple little things, for example, a sieve, should not be ordinary, but beautifully decorated elements for the wedding. To make a “wedding sieve” that gives abundance to newlyweds with your own hands, you will need:

  • ordinary sieve;
  • satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • glue gun and any good quick-drying glue;
  • nylon lace in the color of the ribbon;
  • satin roses 1-1.5 cm in size in the color of the ribbon and lace;
  • blue buttonholes.

Take a simple wooden sieve. Glue a satin ribbon to the very top edge. I took pink. After gluing the main tape, take the lace of your choice. Glue the lace very carefully on the bottom of the ribbon. Every 1.5-2 cm, make small tucks (folds) to make small waves.
Rice. 2 When the work around the entire circle with lace is finished, cut it 1.5 cm longer than the first joint and make the last tuck out of 1.5 cm of lace. Do not glue the cut edge of the lace, only the upper part - as throughout the sieve.

Rice. 3 and Fig. 4 Under the lace there will be a small place not decorated with anything. You can leave it just like that - this place will not be visible under the lace.
Rice. 5 Then take a sieve and prepare blue boutonnieres - I removed the artificial blue flowers from mine beforehand, with which they were sold.
Rice. 6 Glue boutonnieres around the circle, leaving a distance of 3 cm between them (you can pre-mark the location of each flower on the tape).
Rice. 7 Our sieve is almost ready! The only thing left is to glue small satin flowers on blue boutonnieres. I also got pink flowers.
Rice. 8 First, apply a small drop of glue to the back of the rose.
Rice. 9 With the other hand, at this time, you need to push the mesh on the boutonniere ...
Rice. 10 ... and in the center where it is connected, glue our rosette.
Rice. 11 I did not decorate the inside of the sieve with anything, because it will be filled to the brim with all sorts of gifts and it will not be seen. That's all! Our magical "wedding sieve" that brings prosperity to young people is ready!
Rice. 12 Many thanks to everyone for their attention to my MK.


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Sieve - a symbol of abundance. Surely in every house there is at least a small strainer for straining tea or herbal decoction. And the hostesses who love to pamper their relatives with fresh pastries have a large sieve for sifting flour.
It looks like an ordinary object, but it is fraught with so much symbolism, meaning and secrets. In ancient times, the sieve was used not only for its intended purpose - to sift loose material, but also as a talisman, in divination and even in treatment.

Sieve - a symbol of heaven and fertility

Among the Slavic peoples, the words "sieve" and "sow" have always been closely related to each other.
When healthy grain was sieved from the husk through a sieve, even then a rich harvest was born. Sifting in this case was considered as an act of purification not only of the seed grain, but also of the peasant himself.

People of Christian culture believe that the sieve is very similar to the vault of heaven, and a fine rain was called rush and was considered healing.

A very similar meaning of the sieve is described in Hinduism: the sky is like a sieve for the juice squeezed out of Soma (the lord of the nectar of delight), the drops of which turn into a rain of fertility. In addition, the Hindus symbolize with the sieve the discerning goodness of God.

The picture shows an unusual use of a sieve in the interior.

How was the sieve used in treatment?

It is believed that sieve can cure headache, migraine if you hold it over your head.
Any water, spilling through a sieve, became healing. Such water could heal not only humans, but also animals and plants.

Let's remember how the heroes of some fairy tales were forced to carry water in a sieve (sieve). Although this was considered an empty exercise, however, such a test was a real test of ingenuity, ingenuity.
In this case, the sieve symbolizes the conscience and spirit of a person, his ability to accept or reject. So they cured the excessive pride of the red fellow. And only he passed the test, who listened to the wise advice of the smaller brothers - birds and mice. Covering the bottom of the sieve (sieve) with clay, a young man could bring water.

Hence, another symbolic meaning of the sieve is the separation of the faithful from the unfaithful. Whoever passed the test became a baptized spirit (wind).

Sieve - a symbol of prudence

Give an old sieve new life. Interior decoration in the country

In this case, we mean an allegory that has taken the form and form of Prudence (precisely with a capital letter, like a great personality).
Don't lose your mind over anything...

Remember how Ostap Bender traded a tea strainer for a chair at Ellochka the Ogre? How her eyes widened and sparkled when she saw the overseas contraption, which had an extraordinary success in the best houses of London and Paris ...

Wedding sieve - a symbol of the receptacle of gifts

A sieve at the wedding of modern newlyweds is less and less common.
Slavic peoples have at least two wedding ceremonies with a sieve.

  1. As soon as the groom leaves the house for the bride, aunts, mothers and nannies with a sieve approach him. Water is poured into a sieve and the groom is asked to drink some water. Water flows past and does not get into the groom's mouth. And the aunts sing: “So that you drink as much grief in life as you drank from a sieve of water.”
  2. When the young people leave the house, the mother of the bride showers them with symbols of wealth and family prosperity - sweets, grains, nuts, coins. All this stuff is put into a sieve, which is beautifully decorated in advance for the wedding.

I pour rye on you so that your family is good,
I shower with furious wheat so that you are a glorious couple
And now sweets, so that babies are born
And copper, so that you are not poor.

What else can the word "sieve" mean?

  • Egyptians with a sieve symbolize legibility, i.e. sifting, selective use of the help of higher spiritual forces. On sieves, according to the legends of the Egyptians, some witches moved.
  • The words "sieve", "sieve" and the like are also derived from the word "sieve". If you suddenly hear “sieve tree” or “sieve” (tree, plant, stump, radish), this means that the tree is rotten, empty, flabby. If we apply this meaning to a person, it will mean that this person is also empty, spiritually.
  • Proverb "Hit the sieve if it didn't go into the sieve" means - to act according to the situation, to do what is possible at the moment.

This is how a simple kitchen item can become both a talisman in the house and a healer. It can have a beneficial effect on spiritual development, personify the ability to separate eternal values ​​from the perishable.

Check if your sieve is leaking?

Among the many items that are traditionally used in almost all Russian weddings, the sieve stands out in particular. It is from it that the parents of newly-married spouses sprinkle their children with coins, hops, sweets, nuts and grains. Making an original sieve with your own hands is not difficult at all, just a little perseverance and imagination is enough to decorate ordinary kitchen utensils!

Necessary materials:

Step #1. The first thing to do is to prepare the fabric for decorating the sieve and creating flowers. Crepe satin is best. The peach-colored fabric for the roses must be cut into four equal strips of 5 cm * 25 cm. The champagne-colored fabric must also be cut into three strips of the same size (5 cm * 40 cm)

Step #2. The edges of all the strips and the cut for the sieve must be slightly singed over the candle to avoid spilling the fabric during operation.

Step #3. To wrap the sieve, a piece of peach-colored fabric (110 cm * 25 cm) must be folded in half (lengthwise) and sewn with a sewing machine.

Step number 4. Strips of fabric for flowers also need to be folded in half (lengthwise) and stitched.

Step number 5. Let's start forming flowers. To do this, you need to take a sewn strip of fabric and twist it, while squeezing it a little, and also fixing each turn with glue from a thermal gun.

Step number 6. In total, we need to make seven roses.

Step number 7. Then sew the sewing tape over the seam of the screen cloth.

Step number 8. Tie the ends of the ropes together on the sewing tape.

Step number 9. After that, you need to tighten these ropes a little. Don't tie them up just yet.

Step number 10. Here is what you should get.

Step 11. A piece of champagne-colored fabric (10 cm * 70 cm) must be glued inside the sieve, use a glue gun.

Step number 12. Outside, distribute the peach-colored fabric already prepared and pulled into an accordion in a circle. The seam on the fabric should be glued very carefully.

Step number 13. Then, in the same circle, on top of the peach-colored fabric, glue the satin ribbon to match the fabric.

Step number 14. We glue the flowers on the opposite side of the seam. In the center we fix a rose of peach color, and the rest, alternating in colors, are distributed in a circle.

Step number 15. We glue small white beads on roses and on the sieve itself in random order.

That's it, the wedding sieve is ready! Made in delicate creamy-peach tones, it will become a worthy decoration of the wedding ceremony.

Create with inspiration, use them with pleasure!

My sister and I went to buy wedding accessories and were very upset. The prices bite, the materials are of disgusting quality, the beauty is dubious, and it is quite difficult to combine everything in one style. One word - consumer goods.

But a wedding is a unique event. I would like to believe that in my sister's life it will take place for the first and last time, therefore, everything must be at the highest level. So we dared to decorate the wedding sieve with our own hands.

For the wedding sieve, we needed to buy:

  • the actual sieve - 12 UAH.
  • cut of white satin 1.5 m wide and 30 cm long for 15 UAH. per metre. - 4.50 UAH
  • wide satin ribbon - 1.5 m. for 3 UAH. - 4.5 UAH.
  • narrower satin ribbon - 1.5 m. 1.5 - 2.25 each.
  • polymer clay flower for decoration
  • threads, I think everyone has
  • ABOUT! I almost forgot about double sided tape! A very handy thing when there is no way to sew neatly.

How to make a wedding sieve with your own hands:

The usual, cheapest sieve should be wrapped with white paper - so that the irregularities are smoothed out and the color of the wood does not shine through.

Using a strip of paper, we measure the required width of the fabric cut, mark the fold line, the inner and outer edges.

We add 0.5 cm along the edges for a free fit. After picking up the fabric, you will need it. We mark the stitching lines with a very thin pencil on the wrong side. The main thing is that it is not visible from the front side of the fabric.

Singe the edges of the fabric over the candle so that they do not fray.

We sew all three lines with a regular seam on a typewriter, but change the tension of the upper thread. I set it to the maximum - at 9. For an even seam, I have 6.5. In this case, the fabric itself evenly gathers. At the end, do not put bartacks and release the threads more authentically. If the length of the collected fabric is not enough to wrap the sieve, it will be possible to manually slightly straighten the gathering to the desired length. The main thing is to do it evenly. When the length of the collected fabric is equal to the diameter of the sieve, add 1 cm for a free fit and 0.5 cm on both sides for a seam (total +2 cm). We tie knots with the ends of the threads so that the adjusted width of the fabric does not change.

We fold the fabric with the right part inside, combine the stitches and stitch together with the usual smooth seam - do not forget to correctly adjust the tension of the upper thread.

We dress the fabric on the sieve, combine the middle assembly seam with the upper edge of the wedding sieve.

Glue double-sided tape along the bottom edge of the sieve along the inner side of the sieve, fold the edges of the fabric and press the fabric against the tape. It is necessary to monitor the perpendicularity of the folds so that the fabric does not go beveled.

Similarly, we glue the adhesive tape on the outer base of the sieve and, having also folded the fabric, press it to the adhesive tape.

We put satin ribbons on top of each other and, having measured the circumference of the sieve, we sew them together. We burn the cuts. We put the resulting hoop on a sieve - it will tightly press the glued fabric from the outer edge.

It remains to decorate the sieve with a bow.

Lay the ribbons one on top of the other, fold face outward and stitch along a narrow ribbon, setting aside the planned width of the upper bow from the fold. The bottom bow should be slightly wider.

We fold the free ends of the ribbon to the middle inside out, forming a second (lower or larger) bow. We sew, fixing the position of the lower bow at the very middle with a line.

Here's what should happen:

We carefully center and straighten the blank of a bow from satin ribbons, sew it with a couple of stitches. Glue a flower with a bead onto the stitches. Glue very carefully. The drop of glue should be very small. And it’s better to drop a small drop of glue, let it completely dry, then drop another small drop of glue on the same place and only then press the flower. Then the glue will not spread on the fabric.

Double satin ribbon bow

With hidden stitches, sew a bow on the seam of the satin hoop.

Here is the wedding sieve and it's ready!

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Rida Khasanova May 29, 2018, 09:20

In many countries, the tradition is still preserved to sprinkle newlyweds with rice or millet groats, coins, nuts, sweets and flower petals. The rules of the ceremony from different nations have long been mixed up, and now everyone conducts it as they wish. But in any case, the important question remains what to get rubbish from for sprinkling? It can be a specially sewn bag or an openwork bag, but according to the old Russian tradition, a sieve is intended for this.

Photo of a sieve for a wedding

Why do you need a sieve at a wedding?

Despite the fact that the wedding sieve is inherent in the Russian people, it is less and less common at weddings, as its importance and meaning have been forgotten. Why do you need a sieve at a wedding? In the old days this household item attached great importance.

It was believed that water spilled through a sieve was healing, and grain sifted from the husk promised a rich harvest. That is, the sieve is a symbol of health, abundance and fertility.

Among the Slavic peoples there are at least two rituals with a wedding sieve:

  1. When the groom leaves his house to go for the bride, aunts and mothers ask him drink water pouring through a sieve. She runs in different directions and does not fall into her mouth, and at this time the women say: “So that you have so much grief in your life, you drank so much water from the calico”;
  2. When the bride and groom leave the house together, the girl's mother sprinkles their coins, grain and nuts, as symbols of family wealth and prosperity. They are pre-folded into a festively decorated sieve.

Put in a sieve:

  • grain - so that the young have children;
  • flower petals or confetti - so that love and romance do not leave their lives;
  • coins - so that there is prosperity;
  • sweets - for the sweet life.

Photo of a handmade wedding sieve

Simple decoration of a wedding sieve in 10 minutes

When no time for decoration wedding attributes, from a simple sieve you can make elegant and beautiful in just 10 minutes. A detailed master class will tell you how to do it. For decoration you will need:

  • sieve (not very large diameter);
  • lace fabric;
  • organza ribbon;
  • rhinestones;
  • sequins;
  • Super glue.

How to make a sieve for a wedding with your own hands:

  1. Cut a strip of lace fabric equal to the inner diameter of the sieve. The height of the lace should be less than about a centimeter.
  2. Glue the lace on the inside of the sieve. If the lace is used light, then instead of the "Moment" it is better to use hot melt adhesive: it will not leave ugly yellow spots after drying.
  3. Cut off another strip of lace so that it covers the sieve from the outside. Now the height of the material should be about 1.5 cm above the sides.
  4. Glue the lace along the outer circle, and bend the free edge inward. The junction of the two strips should be almost imperceptible.
  5. Outside, tie the sieve in a circle with organza ribbon and tie a bow. The width of the tape should be approximately 3-4 cm.
  6. Glue a beautiful button or brooch in the center of the bow.
  7. Place sequins and rhinestones on small drops of glue, distributing them evenly over the lace.

The wedding sieve is ready - it remains only to fill it with coins, rose petals or sweets.

Wedding strainer with lace trim

Wedding sieve decorated with tulle and ribbons

The wedding day should be special, perfect and tasteful. Even such an insignificant detail as a sieve must be decorated in the same style, which is the whole holiday. How to decorate a wedding sieve with your own hands, you can learn from the detailed instructions below.

For registration you will need:

  • satin fabric;
  • tulle;
  • satin ribbons of different colors and widths;
  • half beads of different sizes;
  • scotch;
  • White paper;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive thermal gun;
  • pins and thread.

Step by step workflow:

  1. Cut out a strip of paper equal in width and length to the dimensions of the wooden rim of the sieve. Using a heat gun, paste over the inner and outer surface of the rim. If you plan to continue using the sieve for kitchen purposes, then at this stage it is better to use adhesive tape. Immediately you need to determine the junction of all materials - it should be the same, so that at the end of the work it can be easily hidden under the beads.
  2. Cut out a strip of white satin fabric. The width should be 2 times the width of the sieve, and the length with an allowance of a couple of centimeters.
  3. Glue one edge of the fabric to the rim of the sieve at the junction. Wrap the entire rim and secure with an overlap of about a centimeter, while bending the allowance inward.
  4. Glue the fabric remaining at the top onto the inner circle of the sieve - the glue must be applied along the very edge with a thin strip.
  5. From tulle cut the same strip as from satin fabric, but without leaving centimeters for the allowance. Glue over fabric.
  6. Glue the upper part of the inner wall along the edge with a wide tape of a contrasting color. Start work from the junction.
  7. With half beads, close the joint from the outside and a little from the inside, where the tape passes.
  8. Roll roses from a narrower ribbon - a large one and several small ones.
  9. On the tulle from the central side of the sieve, glue strips of contrasting tape crosswise, and on top of them - a white tape of a smaller width.
  10. Glue a large rose in the center of the composition, and randomly place small ones next to it.
  11. Lay half beads in one row along the upper edge of the sieve.

Wedding sieve made of satin fabric and tulle

Sprinkling newlyweds from a sieve is a cheerful and beautiful ceremony, which also has symbolic meaning. This is usually done by the mother of the bride, but all guests can join her. And for the process to be truly festive, you need to decorate the sieve beautifully, and you can do it yourself.

You will learn how to decorate a sieve for a wedding elegantly and gently with your own hands by watching the video:
