Find out where your ancestors lived. How I searched in the archives of my ancestors

Most do not remember the names of their ancestors in the third generation - great-grandparents, not to mention distant and more complex connections. Although such knowledge would help to know yourself better, expand the world and the circle of your loved ones.

Our article will help correct the omission. In it, we will tell you how and where you can find out your family tree for free by last name and other data, find distant relatives online and make your own family tree.

Why you need to know about your ancestors

This information will strengthen the bond with the family and give food for thought. Genealogy is important for the following reasons:

  • Health. No wonder doctors ask about the presence of certain diseases. Having before our eyes the example of grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, it is easy to track the main diseases that manifest with age and prevent their development. And also to assume the difficulties that your children may have.
  • Fate. Every person is a product of education. The main models that determine our lives are those that we adopted from our parents. Therefore, the stories of dads and moms about your and their childhood, values ​​and relationships within the family will shed light on the reasons for the formation of many of your beliefs, help you find a direction to change yourself and your life for the better.
  • Generality. The process of searching for information about their roots brings them together. People who are aware of community with someone are not alone. They always have brothers, sisters, nephews who are like them and who are able to understand.
  • Understanding yourself and those around you. If the majority of relatives on the paternal or maternal side have a technical mindset, worked and work as engineers, programmers, technologists, you can also discover similar abilities in yourself, start looking for priority areas for self-development, prefer the unloved profession to the business that you have always been drawn to.
  • Building self-esteem. This aspect is especially important for young children. They have a much stronger sense of community and feel more confident when they have something to be proud of, when they can admire their relatives and cite them as an example. Stories about worthy deeds of family members are very useful for shaping the personality of a child.

Stories about ancestors, their strengths and life features help to better understand the world. The actions of these people are evaluated differently, through the prism of unity. Everything good and bad concerning close people causes more bright emotions: pride, admiration or surprise, confusion, disappointment. The experience of someone who is related to you by blood ties has a much stronger effect on the worldview.

Knowing your blood ties is useful from a practical point of view. Maintaining relationships with people from other cities, different professions can become a good reason and help for travel, a source of new experiences and acquaintances.

Therefore, even if you are not looking for eminent ancestors and prefer to be proud of your own achievements, information about your family in its entirety will be useful to you.

What does a surname mean in terms of pedigree

This information will help you determine the estate, profession, distinguishing feature or the place of residence of your ancestors. People named themselves after certain signs. For example:

  • By the names of birds or animals: Sorokin, Orlov, Zaitsev, Kozlov, Lebedev.
  • By occupation: Melnikov, Ponomarev, Rybakov, Plotnikov.
  • By the name of the father: Vasiliev, Fedorov, Egorov, Ivanov, Nikitin.
  • On territorial grounds: Siberian, Donskoy, Karelians, Ufimtsev.
  • Highlighting one or another feature of appearance: Belousov, Shcherbakov, Nosov, Ryzhkov.
  • By nationality: Polyakov, Tatarinov, Grekov.
  • Some surnames appeared in the process of Russification: Sarkisovs, Kalnins.
  • By the name of Orthodox holidays: Trinity, Assumption, Transfiguration.

The latter often referred to the clergy and were usually associated with a parish headed by a priest. There were also "seminar" designations of the genus. They were assigned to those who graduated from an educational institution, they were invented on the basis of the names of birds, animals, plants, the names of saints and philosophers, transliterations of words from Latin. Such formations often ended in "sky / -sky".

For peasants engaged in seasonal work, surnames could change when changing activities. An excellent example is the history of the Ryabushinsky merchant family. The ancestor was Yakovlev - named after his father. But in the course of his activity, he received the right to be called first Rebushinsky, and then Ryabushinsky. At the same time, his paternal brothers were called the Stekolshchikovs.

The boyar and princely dynasties were named on a territorial basis, indicating the lands that belonged to them: Tver, Tyumen, Meshchersky, Yelets. Jews also often used as the basis for designating the place of residence.

How to find out the pedigree of your family by last name

The surname gives a lot of clues, but it is impossible to find out about your roots, guided only by this information. It is easier to start searching when the information is not limited to just this data. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to organize the further process.

To get started, study the family archive (photos, documents, award certificates) and talk with your mother, father, grandparents. For further research, the following data is most important to you:

  • Name of the person. For women, the maiden name is important.
  • Date and place of birth. If we are talking about a deceased person, we need data on the place and date of death.
  • Name of parents.
  • If a person was born before the revolution - estate.
  • Religious affiliation.
  • Moves for permanent residence to other cities by years.
  • Education. Where is it received.
  • Place of work. For military personnel - a place of service.
  • Prizes and awards received as a result of professional, scientific or educational activities.
  • Name and date of birth of spouse and children.

For clarity, attach several photos or images at different ages to the personality card.

Another important aspect- systematization of information. The number of people on your lists will increase exponentially with each generation. Even if you study only your direct ancestors, by the seventh generation there will be 126 or more of them.
Keep records in writing By this point, it will be difficult. It is more convenient to use electronic databases: Access or Excel. Or download and install special programs, whose functionality allows you to compose materials on the history of the family as simply and visually as possible. Examples of such software: Genbox Family History, Genopro, Ages, Tree of Life.

How to find your family's pedigree by last name: an overview of useful online services

Most sites that offer to tell about your ancestors based on the last name are scams. But there are specialized resources that will be useful in the search process.

Many programs for creating a family tree, with Internet access, compare the information of other users of this software and give a signal if there are matches. These programs include Family Tree Builder, which is an offline version of MyHeritage.

  • myheritage. Israeli site with 60 million users. It allows different ways structure information, distinguish faces in photographs and understand mobile device codes. The version for use in the Russian-speaking space has some shortcomings due to poor-quality Russification: there is no “patronymic” field, files are not always loaded correctly, there are sections of texts in English.
  • family space. This resource, designed to design a family tree, competes with social networks in terms of functionality. Here you will find city directories, address books, lists of students and honorary residents of various settlements, census results and other useful information.

There are also quite a few companies online that offer paid help in researching your roots. They conduct research in archives, on Internet resources based on the information collected about your ancestors. The received materials are drawn up in a genealogical tree or a book.

How to find out the pedigree of your family on the Internet for free

  • - contains data on captured, missing or dead soldiers of the Second World War. For most of those listed, the year and place of birth are given. Here you can find by the name of your grandfather or great-grandfather information about where he lived. It also often contains the names of those who received a notice of the death of a serviceman. Thanks to this, you will clarify the fate of the ancestor and find out the name of his father, mother or wife.
  • - individual pages of this site do not differ beautiful design and convenient structure, but here you will find a lot interesting information by genealogy, practical advice on working with archives and building relationships with new relatives. The resource has a well-developed knowledge base, allows you to search for people by region and last name, contains data from the federal, departmental and regional archives of Russia and neighboring countries.
  • Those who are looking for victims of repression will find the resources "Last Address" and "Personal File of Everyone" useful. And also and
  • - State Public Historical Library. Contains many guides useful topics who are interested in the pre-revolutionary era. Here you will find memorable books for each province, in which people who have held more or less important posts, starting from the land surveyor, are recorded. Thanks to the reference books "All Petersburg" and "All Moscow" this resource will help people whose relatives lived in any of these two capitals.
  • Google Books will search for your ancestor by last name in scans of reference books and other publications digitized and posted by various Russian archives.
  • Search the Yad Vashem database and for information on Holocaust victims.

How to find out the pedigree of your family and find it in the archive for free

Before starting the search, it is worth studying various guide to conduct such surveys, as this is a long process that requires patience and the right approach.

  • Remember: you will be dealing with a government organization that exists to provide information services to the authorities and ordinary citizens. The primary responsibility of such institutions is to ensure the preservation of records. Responding to requests from individuals is not a priority. Therefore, a reaction to your letter may follow in a few months or six months.
  • To simplify the process, you need to clearly understand what exactly you are looking for and what documents usually contain such information: in metric, housekeeping, house books, revision tales, confession sheets.
  • Working with real papers is also technically difficult. Paper wears out over the years, so you will have to be especially careful when using documents.
  • You may have trouble understanding what is written. Typewritten texts appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century, before that papers were filled out by clerks. When diving deep into history, you will have to deal with handwritten materials.

If you do not do all the research yourself, it is difficult to find information about your family tree in the archive for free, since its employees do not charge only for social and legal inquiries. These include certificates and documents relating to:

  • Salary.
  • military service.
  • Participation in the elimination of the consequences of emergencies.
  • peacekeeping activities.
  • Work experience.
  • Received education.
  • Elections to elected office.
  • Healing and rehabilitation.
  • Obtaining honorary titles and state awards.
  • Persons who suffered as a result of the actions of German troops during the Second World War, or victims of repression.

Subject to subject matter, fees may be charged if required:

  • Urgent execution of the request (1-5 days after the request).
  • Copying or reissuing a certificate to replace the lost or damaged one due to the fault of the applicant.
  • Production of several duplicate documents.

Search for thematic, bibliographic, genealogical information refers to paid services. Therefore, before contacting the archive, find its website, make sure that required documents and check out the price list.

Archive staff will help you find information if your request contains the following information:

  • Name of the citizen or institution requesting the data.
  • Return address.
  • A clearly defined topic: what exactly you want to know, what data you already have.
  • Region and search period. It is pointless to search for a specific person in all materials, but a request to find information when limited by area and time frame is feasible.

If your request does not contain this information, then they will not be able to answer it. Also, do not rush and demand data about the whole family at once. Progress in your research gradually, from person to person.

If your letter long time there is no response, it is worth calling the archive and clarifying whether your request has arrived. And then a few more times to call the employees and find out how the search for information is going. In some cases, this reduces the response time.

Studying a family tree is a fascinating process, reminiscent of a detective investigation. After going through all its stages, you will learn a lot about yourself, your ancestors and the history of the country.

Every year, Russians are becoming more and more interested in their roots. The science of one's own roots attracts more and more people who are not indifferent to their pedigree. Someone is looking for ancestors with selfish purpose to go abroad or because of the prestige that their grandfathers were somebody famous. And someone out of simple curiosity to know their family.

Where should I go to find out the history of the family? What do you need to know and how much will it cost?
You can use the following two methods. The first, less costly option is independent search. The second option - attracting professionals, will cost money, but at the same time much faster and more precisely the first way. For initial stage the first two steps are sufficient. For a deeper study, you will need the help of professionals.

Ask relatives to find your ancestors

Before you go to uncles and aunts with questions, you should start a notebook where you can write down all the information. Surnames, names, year, place of birth and other information. It is worth asking the question of what religion the relatives were. All information is important.

Collect documents to find your ancestors

Learning about your family's past important point is the collection of documents. Documents such as marriage, birth, death certificates, and photographs will be a great help in studying your roots.

Go to the archives to find your ancestors

Having collected various information, the next step is to contact the archive. Previously, data on birth, death, and others were recorded by the church. That is why it is important to find out what religion the relatives who lived before belonged to. If they were Orthodox, it is worth looking for information in Orthodox consistories, a Jew - in rabbinates belonging to catholic church- in Catholic deaneries and the like.
Place of birth also matters.

In the archive, you should pay attention to the following documents:

  • Metric books. They contain information about birth, baptism, marriage and death.
  • Service lists. To search for civil ranks - employees of ministries and departments, you should contact the Russian State Historical Archive in the city of St. Petersburg. In the search for military ranks, the Military Historical Archive in Moscow will help. Information about naval ranks can be found in the Naval Archives in St. Petersburg.

Order a genealogist to find your ancestors

Eat good firms offering their genealogical research services. You need to beware of scammers who promise quick result. Compiling genealogical roots is time consuming and expensive.

Search for ancestors using Internet resources

There are websites with the help of which you can find out information about great-grandfathers and their places of birth. The following sources will be of help - All-Russian Genealogical Tree or Litera Ru, where you can also find out about the prices for genealogical services. It is also possible to order family coat of arms in a frame, compilation of a family tree, books at the highest level. The International Genealogy Center also offers to make a film about the genealogy of the family. Prices for services start from 130 thousand rubles.

Compiling a family tree and finding your roots is a noble cause. It will be not only interesting, but also useful for the next generations to know where they came from and who their ancestors were. And it's worth it to spend your time, effort and money looking for.

Thanks to the personal qualities and genetic characteristics of our ancestors, a new personality is born.

Plunging into the family's origin story seems like a crazy adventure. Read how to find out the pedigree by last name.

Each country has an archival fund that collects and stores documents, collects the history of mankind.

per century information technologies they try to create and store such materials in electronic form.

Important! They say that not only DNA, but also fate is inherited, so it is important for a person to know about family history.

The Center for Genealogical Research is engaged in the search for relatives, ancestors, helps to compile a genealogical tree of the family.

The All-Russian archive stores information about more than 3 million people. The base is constantly updated.

Important! The Internet version of the archive helps to find roots from the times of pre-revolutionary Russia.

To find the roots, you need to go to the site and register. The first click will be the beginning of the path to collect necessary information. A simple click will help you find relatives who lived more than a century ago.

To search, you need to enter a minimum of data:

  • Surname.
  • Place of residence, residence.

A big plus is the information that you heard from family stories. Any documented incident such as arrest, medical records, etc. help you quickly find information about a person.

Is it possible to find out the pedigree of a family on the Internet?

On websites or just on the Internet, advertisements often pop up, in which a promise is made to help build a family tree.

Is it possible to learn everything about the history of a family for 100 years in 5 minutes? Even the writer Garcia Marquez could not describe the history of one family in less than 600 pages.

But what do they promise for sending a message to a short number? In return, you will receive information about the origin of your personal surname.

Such information is not enough, because there are a lot of namesakes even in one city not to mention the country and the world.

Even the All-Russian Foundation will not provide all the information that is in the archive in one click.

The globalization and structuring of electronic media still cannot help to quickly and completely put the entire print archive on the net. For more detailed and accurate information, it is better to contact professionals.

Advice! Only a geneticist will help to compile a family tree. But the history of the family takes time, an infinite number of examinations and financial costs.

Genealogical tree of the family: the history of a kind

The first step towards disclosure family secrets easy to do - just turn on the computer and go to the Internet. If a search on the World Wide Web did not give anything, then proceed to the next step.

Follow step by step instructions described in the table:

Worth recording everything the smallest details and details. For reliability, you can keep a voice recorder.

Do not be discouraged if elderly relatives live far away. In the 21st century, you can easily contact your ancestors via Skype

Important! Never throw away things of grandparents, keep old photos, take the memory of your roots.

In order not to forget or miss important information during an archive request or a home interview, you should always have a memo with important questions at hand.

Be sure to ask your parents:

  1. Maiden name of mother, grandmother.
  2. Change of residence over the years.
  3. Write down all the names and surnames, even distant relatives.
  4. Consider education, place of work, religion.
  5. Write down any important achievements of the ancestors.
  6. Do not neglect information about young relatives and their young children.

It is better to classify all the received data in a table, draw graphs and drawings. It's easy to get confused by the amount of information.

To avoid mistakes, descriptions of each person and family ties it is better to do it on a separate sheet.

Where can I find out the pedigree of a cat, a puppy?

Even animals have parents. Pedigree is especially important for cats and dogs. Many cynologists even hunt purebreds. Aristocratic cats are considered the most successful prey for an animal breeder.

Important! The pedigree of a dog or cat helps to calculate the color, height, weight and abilities of future offspring.

The pedigree of an animal is a document that contains information about the breed, the parents of the puppy or kitten, and all the details about health. Such paper can be obtained from the Russian Cynological Federation.

Be careful! When buying an animal, ask the seller to document the purity of the blood of the breed. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to prove that an animal of noble blood will be very difficult.

If the documents have been lost and the dog shows that it is a pure representative of the breed, you can find out the information in the kennel where the animal was purchased.

You can send a request to the cynological association, providing at least a minimum of information:

  • Animal breed.
  • Age.
  • Parents' names.

Useful video

The World Wide Web helps not only to communicate with contemporaries, but also to find relatives who lived long before the existence of the Internet. Genealogical research is not an easy task, but who knows what unexpected results will bring you perseverance and the right approach?

Every adventure starts differently. Time travel for everyone also begins in their own way. Personally, a normal national animal came to me - a toad. The toad was not very big, but grew by leaps and bounds. And it fed on a simple fact - not only do terrorist attacks take place in a field with a barn and a cornfield, but also the ancestors, as in many other countries, are lost almost forever. The country of victorious socialism has grown a gray community that did not want to know the stories of grandparents. It was already dangerous to know the history of the family, great-grandparents and great-grandfathers. And it is no coincidence that the Soviet regime shuffled families and nations. Uprooting and transplanting many people into foreign soil adds dullness to the surviving masses. And already the third post-revolutionary generation was much easier and easier to manage. Because fear and the absence of their own roots deprives peoples of self-identification.
The comparison came, of course, from the West, where one simple family from Germany attended to the question of their ancestors. It is clear that the great- and great-great- they already knew. You see, they were concerned about the condition of their more distant ancestors. In just a few recent years they managed to get to the ancestor of the clan, whose children had already received a surname, and he, the ancestor, is known as a person who lived near the place that gave the surname to the whole family. And this man lived in the XI (eleventh) century!!! To date, the family tree of this family consists of 17,312 people and 6,034 families.
Digging Basics
From the basics: decide who, what names and in what time interval you want to find. Understand what data you have. Just in case, it is very useful to rummage through the home archive, chat with relatives. Detailed instructions for beginners can be found on the All-Russian Genealogical Tree website.
In the history of our country, the most important events that broke the fate of many people and families - the October Revolution of 1917 and the Second World War. From them, perhaps, you need to build your research. Personally, at the beginning, having taken care of the fate of the missing grandfather, I found documents on (including a request from my grandmother to the USSR Ministry of Defense in 1953) and his entire lost family on

Tribute to contemporaries: looking for in social networks?
It can be assumed that the online search for the lost relatives are easiest to conduct in popular social networks: "Odnoklassniki", "Vkontakte", or Facebook and MySpace, if relatives migrated abroad beyond Russia and Belarus.
The search technique for such networks is rather primitive.- the same clubs of namesakes, search by first name and last name (in additional parameters, you should specify the place of residence or year of birth - this will significantly narrow the circle of searches). The more widespread the surname, the more accurate data you need to have. In fact, it is believed that these social media are some of the most complete databases, and if you remember the six handshake theory (according to which any two people on Earth are separated by only six levels of common acquaintances), the odds look especially optimistic. Another argument in favor of social networks is that this area of ​​the Internet, as a rule, is not indexed by search engines, so it will not be superfluous to check popular social networks for contemporaries.
On the other hand, do not forget that often relatives have completely different surnames. Yes, and social networks cover people with a maximum gap of a generation, therefore, these communities of contemporaries cannot have anything to do with genealogical research.

The Mystery of Metrics
The most interesting begins in the study of another period- until 1917. It turns out that there is a lot of electronic data on Russian Empire- starting with maps different years and scale, and ending with the surviving archives of parish registers, revision tales (documents reflecting the results of audits of the taxable population of the Russian Empire), memorial books and population censuses. The breadth of possibilities can be assessed on the website "Genealog Library". The study of grandmothers' metrics raised the question: why all sisters and brothers were baptized in different cities Bakhmut district? Why didn’t you sit still? There are a lot of regional sites and articles on Wikipedia on the Web. Surviving Metrics and Lists of the Churches of Donbass that Existed at the Time. But there are also metrics of the progenitors.

Quick Reference of Useful Links
Genealogy catalogs,,,
search engines
Search help for Waneta.
Search through genealogical sites.
Global people search system.
Forum dedicated to the search for relatives.
Genus research
A site for those who want to learn about the origin of their surname, understand the compilation of a family tree of their kind, or find lost relatives.
The resource is devoted to various aspects of genealogy, the compilation of a family tree, the search for relatives - close and distant, who had the misfortune to get lost.
Pedigree: Pedigree Studies. Drawing up a genealogical tree and family archive.
"All Russia Family Tree". Russian genealogy. All-Russian genealogical tree. Information and materials on genealogy, genealogical database. Poems about genealogy.
Genealogy of Moldova, Bessarabia, Transnistria. Search for ancestors, relatives. Drawing up a pedigree. Search for documents in archives. Publication of family photos.
Surname studies and heraldry
Genealogies of nobles and kings of Europe: genealogies, history of surnames, biographies, orders, coats of arms, heraldry, portraits.
Surname research and the search for namesakes.
A project to systematize records and documents about fallen soldiers in World War II and subsequent conflicts.
Search organization, which collects information about soldiers who died in wars.
Books of Memory of several regions of Russia, numerous electronic reference books on the composition and formations of the Soviet Army.
Stalinist execution lists.
Archival business: genealogy, search and analysis of information in archives, compilation of genealogies, study of family history.
Portal Archives of Russia, official website of the Federal Archival Agency (Rosarchive).
Looking for relatives abroad
Lists of emigrants to America since the middle of the 20th century.
Search in Israel
About relatives in Latvia, - how to find relatives in Poland
Resources for Finding Roots in Sweden
Russians in Paris,, - Bases of Russian speakers in the USA.

Google knows everything!
With the right Google questions answers with the Google Books section, where you can find unique books, for example, the census lists of Little Russia for 1666 reprinted at the beginning of the 20th century.
What do they have?
A separate story is emigration. A lot of people who went missing during the hostilities actually ended up in exile. Base USA. In general, it is much easier to search for ancestors up to the 53rd year in the USA and Canada than in our space. Almost all existing databases are available in open electronic form. In this regard, the development of genealogical resources is several orders of magnitude higher than the Russian-speaking ones. True, modern data are closed for 70 years ago.
Those who have discovered another opportunity online and in real life, we must remember that genealogical research is a long-term hobby, there is nowhere to rush and the heirs will have something to do!

How to "plant" a tree
Genealogical research- It's a rather tedious and laborious task. But there are programs that can simplify the compilation family tree and establishing ties between relatives. The simplest and most primitive way of compiling your family tree is online services such as GenoLink, Genway, myKin, MyHeritage, FamilySpace, semyaonline or, for example, My Tree.
Naturally, the main function of such resources- build a family tree (fill in the data columns, add a photo, etc.), ideally with the participation of your relatives, because they function by and large as social networks too. Because the standard search functions, adding friends, mail often work on such portals. At the same time, the possibilities of building the trees themselves can lose (and most often they are) to similar programs. All the charm - in interactivity and the possibility of joint work on the tree, well, or to make it easier to show to friends and brag.
B more laborious way, aimed at a deep study of family history - the use of genealogy programs. They even have their own standard for storing genealogical information GEDCOM - it is supported by all such specialized programs. And if, for example, one of the programs seems inconvenient or not suitable for you, it is easy to “move” the already found information to another program.
GEDCOM uses a lineage-linked data model. At the heart of this model, the core is the family or the individual. A GEDCOM format file is a text file (usually in ANSI and/or ANSEL encoding (UTF8 is supported in the latest draft version of the 6.0 specification) and consists of a set of records corresponding to individuals or families, or containing metadata intended to indicate the relationship between individual records. Sami records have a tree structure, the level of nodes is given by a number in the starting position of the line, the node type is specified by a tag following the level indicator.

Comes from online
The MyHeritage project also has an offline free program – Family Tree Builder, which is rightfully considered one of the best in the world due to its constant improvement. Family Tree Builder supports 35 languages, has easy navigation and the ability to select the number of generations to show, and the visual interface allows you to draw a family tree just like on paper.
Face recognition technology allows you to add captions to selected portraits and insert them into an already built tree. In the same menu, pictures can be supplemented with historical documents and text. Family Tree Builder has original, easy-to-use pages that allow you to visually build and expand your family tree in a visualized way.
The program has several fine-tuning modes for each user, from beginner to more experienced users.
Tree in Slavic
Development of Russian genealogists "Genealogy"- a fairly full-featured program for building, storing, editing and replenishing a genealogical data bank. It is easy to use and has an intuitive graphical interface. Its characteristic difference is one of the first such programs, which takes into account Slavic genealogical features, namely, the presence of a patronymic.
The base view in the application is tabular representation of one generation (family) with the possibility of transition to older generations (parents) and younger generations(children). In the base window, you can enter, change and delete any information about people, events in their lives, etc. To build diagrams (family trees), you must use the functions in the main menu.
In general, the program is a functional minimum for those who are just starting to conduct their genealogical research. In the future, when moving to more advanced genealogy applications, you can use the function of exporting the database to the unified GedCom genealogy format, which is understood by all major programs in the genealogy market.
Relatives card
Another program- GenealogMap is also a creation of Russian programmers who used a rather non-standard approach in presenting information on genealogy - the so-called genealogical map.
The element map is displayed as a pseudo-relief. Area sizes and feature levels on a map can emphasize important information and obscure details. By changing the display scale of map areas, you can control the visibility of objects at different levels. The relief of the map helps to divide the information by importance: the key information is placed on the upper levels, and the detailed information is placed on the lower ones. Information corresponding to higher levels is displayed in a larger font, so more important information catches the eye faster.
Shown on the map as direct links between relatives, and connections that currently do not have direct evidence. For example, when searching distant relative there is no exact information about the connections with the main person in the database - in this case, you can put this relative on the map and complete the chains to him as information is received, but the indirect connection will be visible, since both persons will be on the same map.
Family constructor
Kith and Kin Pro is a software product for saving, visualizing and documenting family trees. It uses a user-friendly graphical interface and powerful data management tools that are suitable for both large and small trees.
Information that is entered into the program, organized by families. The main screen is a window called a genealogical chart, where each family is displayed as a rectangle. The links between families look like connecting lines. Using the mouse, you can drag and position the family boxes within the genealogy chart to form the tree however you like.
The program supports all the usual genealogical information: date and place of birth, baptism, death, etc., as well as pseudonyms for each individual. You can add custom fields to personal or family information to tailor the database to your needs.
Multiple notes can be associated with each person or family. In this case, each note will be associated with a certain access level, which will allow you to later choose which of the notes should be printed in the reports. For a historically important family name, Kith and Kin Pro allows you to save information about archival documents. A record of such documents and the archives themselves will allow us to return to interrupted research in the future.
There are not many trees
The GenoPro program is simple, but a very powerful system for entering genealogical information. Like GenealogMap, it renders the genealogy database as trees, but the visualization style is more intuitive.
Already in early versions of GenoPro allowed to build trees of almost any complexity. At the same time, in latest versions program, it became possible to show both the entire tree at once, and in parts. This innovation greatly simplifies the use of a tool such as AutoArrange, since in the presence of multiple or circular relationships, display difficulties can arise, so the tree can be drawn “ugly”. The tree is displayed in parts on different sheets, just as it is done, for example, in MS Excel or MS Visio. Navigation between parts of the tree is carried out using hyperlinks.
world tree

Legacy Family Tree- one of the most powerful software tools for maintaining genealogical databases today. Family trees can contain the names of millions of people, information about which can be recorded, stored and displayed in a report. The program stores a sequence of names, surnames, dates, places, events, notes, archival records, images, and then presents them in an intuitive way, displaying the whole family in large. Legacy Family Tree includes all standard genealogical reports, timelines, questionnaires, search logs, census forms, and other forms. You can even print out an entire family book containing photos. The program is so wide in its functions which requires careful study. However, for those who have spent some time learning and understanding all the functionality, there will be a lot of opportunities for maintaining a genealogical database. Only in order to correctly configure this software package, it is worth spending several hours.
