What should you wear to celebrate the New Year? Which style to choose

How to celebrate the New Year 2017, what to wear and what to cook - these questions arise before every housewife. Although the Fire Rooster, according to the eastern calendar, comes into its own on January 28th. But according to tradition, we will celebrate this holiday from December 31 to January 1.

And our mood that night can seriously affect how we spend the entire upcoming 2017. After all, it is in our subconscious that “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it!” Therefore, we cajole the new owner of 2017 as much as possible and thereby attract good luck! For this we will use the good old Feng Shui.

  • ? The fiery rooster loves home comfort and respects family traditions, so it is advisable to celebrate this holiday with your family. If you are in a quarrel with someone from your family, then it would be nice to make peace with them or just call and congratulate them.
  • ? You need to cleanse your nest and your thoughts in order to make room for new, positive energy and attract happiness and good luck. Set yourself the attitude that everything is fine with you, and that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, do not attract misfortune along with dark thoughts.

How to decorate a house

Use a triangle and bows, garlands, cockerels and bells. And remember, there shouldn’t be too much tinsel and glitter. Petya doesn't like bad taste!

  • If you decide to please Petya the Cockerel, then in your appearance, the decoration of the room and on the table there should not be a hint of felines. Since these are the eternal enemies of Petit-Cockerel. For example, we remove household items with leopard and tiger prints and do not wear clothes with these motifs.
  • It is necessary to do a general cleaning a week before the holiday, that is, go through all the closets and mezzanines, remove everything unnecessary. And the day before, freshen up your home - do a mini cleaning. But you can no longer bear anything; according to Feng Shui, it is believed that you bear the wealth that the Rooster will bring.
  • To attract financial flows, the house needs to be decorated with gold coins. And also make triangular envelopes in gold and red colors, put coins in them and place them in the eastern part of the premises.
  • Place a coin in the glass of champagne that you raise for the New Year 2017, especially if your desire is aimed at material well-being.

Festive table for the year of the rooster 2017

  • According to Feng Shui, the table should be round or oval - this will help attract prosperity to your home. If you don't have a table like this, drape a tablecloth over the corners or pin some decorations to round off the corners.
  • Use natural fabrics: linen, cotton and silk. The tablecloth should be a single color. The plates contrast with the tablecloth. For example: a red tablecloth and white plates or vice versa. Dishes: expensive and elegant.
  • Do you need to put a figurine (not edible!) on the table? Petit-cockerel and a dish with any grains, we put the same dish under the tree.

  • Prepare some meat and fish appetizers.
  • More desserts, Fiery Petya loves sweets very much.
  • Fruits of red and yellow colors, tangerines are a must - they will bring good luck!
  • The presentation of dishes is of great importance, so use vegetable carvings and beautiful cuts of fish and meat.
  • There should be no chicken on the holiday menu. Eggs - only in golden shells - they will attract money, or crumbled into salad, it is believed that this way Petya will not notice them.
  • And remember, there is no need to create culinary masterpieces in the form of a rooster, hen or chickens. Otherwise, you risk incurring the wrath of the owner of 2017!

How to install a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui

Unfortunately, most people in Russia live in not very large apartments, and the Christmas tree is usually installed in a visible place and so that it is less disturbed.

But it is not at all necessary to put a huge tree in the ceiling - it can be a small artificial tree or simply decorated branches from a coniferous tree.

And if you have a goal to attract certain benefits into your life, then read below where it is better to put up a Christmas tree or its replacement.

  • Attracting wealth - southeast
  • The reign of peace and goodwill in the family - east
  • Fame and recognition - south
  • If you want to improve your health, the center of the room
  • Do you want to get pregnant and give birth safely - West
  • Your goal for a successful career is north
  • Increased mental abilities - Northeast
  • Love to travel – northwest

What clothes to wear to celebrate the New Year of the Fire Rooster 2017

  • The Fire Cockerel is elegant, bright, exquisitely sophisticated, and strict in style. Loves expensive and fashionable outfits and luxurious minimalism.
  • Your appearance should be bright, but stylish. And quite modest, that is, it is better not to choose too transparent fabrics, a deep neckline and too exposed parts of the body for this night.
  • It is better for men not to wear any T-shirts or T-shirts. Everything should be carefully ironed and look 100%.
  • You need to change your outfit, see off 2016 in one outfit, and greet 2017 in another. You can simply remove some accessory or jewelry and replace it with another option before the chimes strike.

The most important color, of course, is red. Golden, mother-of-pearl and pearl tones are held in high esteem. And also all shades of flame, such as burgundy, orange and all shades of pink. Yellow, green, purple, and earth tones to balance out the bright colors.

Recommendations for each zodiac sign on what to wear to celebrate the new year 2017.

Red or yellow in clothes (or underwear) is a must! If not in clothes, then in accessories.

In clothes, use colors such as crimson, hot pink, turquoise or blue. For jewelry, choose large gold earrings or bracelets.


You need to wear something paired, for example: earrings or 2 bracelets.

You need to put a hair clip, ribbon or decoration on your hair. You can choose any color from those suggested above.

Pant suit, headdress such as a tiara or hat, feathers and rhinestones or diamonds.

It's definitely something gold, not necessarily decoration, it could be part of the toilet. A diadem will bring good luck to cancers, just like it does to crayfish.

You need to wear very bright clothes or toiletries.

Something very shiny, it could be diamonds, a shiny brooch, patent leather shoes, a shiny hairpin, and so on... Color of clothes (or underwear): pink or red.


You need to bare your shoulders or wear something asymmetrical.

Clothes should look sexy and elegant.

Style your hair very beautifully and (or) decorate your hands with some stunning manicure, mehendi or rings.

Bare shoulders, asymmetrical clothing, unusual shoes.

You definitely need to wear something new, or even better, everything.



Bright and eye-catching. If possible, gold. Try to balance the colors so there is not too much red.

Remember - the symbol of the coming 2017 loves elegance. Therefore, you need to choose a more modest outfit for bright jewelry.

What hairstyles will the fiery Rooster like?

The most current hairstyles are high and bouffant.

Ponytail, with curled or straight hair.

Romantic bun with loose strands. If you have feathers in your hair, it will be absolutely chic.

What gifts to give...

Since the symbol of the new 2017 is a connoisseur of the family hearth and home comfort, give something useful for the household. It could be beautiful dishes, a vase, and so on, there are a lot of options.

You can also give something made with your own hands. A win-win option for Christmas tree decorations - inexpensive and with soul.

According to Feng Shui, it is believed that in the year of the Fire Rooster, each guest should be given 2 tangerines - this will bring monetary luck to both the owners of the house and the guests.

If you do not have the opportunity to fulfill all the requirements of Feng Shui, then do not be upset. Everything more than compensates for your good mood. Love, happiness and peaceful skies above your head always! May the new year 2017 bring you good luck and a lot of joy. With coming!

The element of 2017 is Fire; the element that brings good luck is metal; Favorite colors are the entire red and yellow range.

The Golden Cockerel loves everything bright and shiny. Astrologers recommend choosing suits in orange, coral, light brown shades - representatives of warm color types of appearance - autumn and spring - can safely pay attention to them.

Pink, silver, burgundy, lilac, lemon yellow and scarlet are suitable for girls and women of cold color types of appearance - summer and winter.

But let's go down from the stars to Earth and see how to adapt cosmic advice to real life. The final decision is up to you - buy a brand new fiery red dress or put together a stylish budget set from your own collection of masterpieces.

Many of the flowers listed above were popular during the spring and summer season. Therefore, if you are planning a party in a warm room, you can adapt the summer set to the requirements of the betta. What you can use: shoes of fiery colors, a bright blouse, jacket and stylish jewelry. Let's look at the examples below.

New Year's Eve at home, at a party or in a restaurant

Dark dress with colored vest and gilded accessories


A vest of any bright color can be purchased for the holiday or borrowed from your spring-summer wardrobe. Pair with a silk dress for a feminine look.

When creating evening sets, pay attention to flowing fabrics: satin, silk, satin or brocade. Golden-silver shoes and a handbag decorated with multi-colored stones will add shine to the look. The Fire Rooster will appreciate such chic.

Long skirt, jacket and statement earrings


A long skirt, complemented by a lingerie-style top, will be an excellent basis for cascading earrings reminiscent of the catchy plumage of a rooster. And don’t be afraid of combining dark with bright yellow and red splashes in accessories.

Laconic red dress


It's a great choice! But remember: the simpler the dress, the more complex the accessories should be. In this case, I propose to complement the dress with a necklace with crystals and feathers and a lace metal bracelet. In this case, the shoes should look luxurious. It is advisable that stones and rhinestones be used in their decor.

These three looks are perfect for celebrating the New Year at a party, at home or in a restaurant. They are moderately warm. On the way to visit or a restaurant, the vest can be replaced with a wool cardigan. The rule of good manners is to come to visit with a change of shoes. Moreover, in our case it is a stylish element in the set.

New Year at the club

Comfortable shoes and a small handbag


When going to a club to celebrate, you should think about comfortable shoes in which you will spend more than one hour and a handbag with a belt or chain. It will allow you to keep your hands free and at the same time, reliably keep women's secrets, bank cards, house keys and lipstick. A velor dress with a golden shimmer looks very impressive and luxurious. Earrings in the shape of wings will help complete the look.

New Year outside the city


When heading out of town, think about a warm and beautiful sweater, a cozy down jacket, a warm hat and gloves. You can choose a beautiful combination of things. When the image as a whole contains color accents, this will certainly please the owner of the coming year - the Rooster.


As practice shows, a wool skirt with leggings containing wool thread, a stylish sweater and high boots can be even warmer than a set with jeans. Wool warms – proven over centuries. Therefore, when going to a holiday out of town, think about this version of the kit. A pattern or print on a skirt or sweater will help add a festive touch to your look.

New Year at work


A separate situation is the creation of a kit for a corporate party, which begins at the end of a shortened working day on the company’s premises or in a club. Therefore, you need to think about how to transform a business outfit into an evening one. The best option: a jacket that hides the luxury of a dress during the daytime, and replacing accessories with evening ones. We change the handbag for a clutch, add exquisite earrings and shoes with a bold design and voila: in 10 minutes you will turn from Cinderella to a Princess!

New Year in the city


When planning to celebrate the New Year in a joyful crowd of people walking in the city square, put warmth and comfort first. Woolen trousers and a long down jacket/fur coat should be given more preference than a ski set. It is unlikely that you will spend the whole night on the street. A nice sweater and shoes with moderate heels will support your confidence in your own irresistibility in a cafe, where you can stop by to drink a glass of mulled wine and cheesecake while freezing on the city streets.

The Rooster will definitely appreciate the time you invested in preparing for the holiday, and New Year 2017 will certainly bring you good luck and be prosperous in all respects. Happy New Year to you! Be stylish and successful every day of the new year!

Every day the new 2017 year of the Red Fire Rooster is approaching us. Each of us will try to spend the festive New Year's Eve as fun and joyful as possible, because how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. But how to meet the Fire Rooster correctly so that the coming year brings only happiness, good luck and harmony? We will try to answer this question.

What will 2017 bring for the Red Fire Rooster?

The Red Fire Rooster will come into its own on January 28, 2017, with the onset of the Chinese New Year. According to astrologers, the Rooster in the eastern calendar is a symbol of renewal, the beginning of something new and unknown. Therefore, the coming year promises changes in the life of every person. The situation will change on a larger scale - in the country, as well as on the world stage. Well, whether these changes will be pleasant or not is in your hands.

In 2017, purposeful and persistent people will be very lucky. This is not a case where you hit a big jackpot out of nowhere. The Red Fire Rooster will only help those who do something to achieve their desires and show willpower.

For the whole world and each country individually, the new year 2017 will be a turning point. If there are elections, the new head of state will show a new side of himself and will do everything possible to change something in the country. Another question is what impact these changes will have on the well-being of the country. Astrologers are silent about this. But one thing is for sure - it is the year of the Red Fire Rooster that will become the starting point from crisis to prosperity. Of course, everything will not get better in one year, but there is still hope for a bright future.

It will not be easy to find mutual understanding and compromise in interpersonal relationships. This is due to the character traits of the owner of 2017. Well, try not to take everything to heart in the coming year and maintain a cool head in any conflict. And most importantly, this year is an opportunity for each of us to learn to find compromises in conflict situations. There will also be strife on the world stage. According to astrologers, heads of state will now and then find out among themselves who is in charge.

Character of the Red Fire Rooster

This is definitely an ambiguous personality. Such people are usually family-oriented, because they love and, most importantly, know how to take care of their loved ones. But, unfortunately, representatives of this sign are not distinguished by exceptional loyalty. Their love of love and desire to flirt sometimes interfere with their family happiness.

Fire Roosters love to show off in front of the mirror, regardless of gender. Moreover, they know how to do it and put a lot of effort into it. One of the best qualities of such people is the understanding that beauty cannot be achieved only on the outside. Therefore, they try to grow spiritually and intellectually, but not for their own satisfaction, but in order to show themselves.

Representatives of this sign usually carefully select their circle, as they understand that the habitat has a close connection with human development. Therefore, the Red Fire Rooster will be friends only with those people who are suitable for him in mental and spiritual development.

Another quality of such people is their love for everything beautiful. Their apartment will always have a special interior, their companions will always be an adornment to any company, and their workplace will always be distinguished by its beauty and originality.

As we already mentioned, being close to the Red Fire Rooster is quite difficult, in part because it is difficult to earn his trust. But if this works out, then in the end you will get the most caring and gentle companion or friend.

Where and how to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the year of the Red Fire Rooster

If you decide to travel in 2017, it is better to postpone the trip for at least a few days. This is because this sign of the eastern horoscope is an avid family man and homebody. This is what, according to astrologers, can bring harmony and mutual understanding to the family. If you can’t cancel your trip, then at least go with your family.

The most important rule this year is that you should never spend New Year's Eve separately from your family. This can have a negative impact on relationships between family members. At the same time, if there are any disagreements and grievances, then it is better to sort them out before midnight. Otherwise, if you meet 2017 in a quarrel or with a secret grudge in your heart, then the owner of this year will be extremely dissatisfied and may teach you a lesson. Therefore, it is better to find a compromise, ask for forgiveness and make peace. During the celebration itself, you should not quarrel, it is better to restrain your ardor and in some situations it is better to simply remain silent, and later, after the holidays, when emotions have completely gone away, you can calmly talk and come to a common denominator. If it was a trifle, then it will be forgotten, and the relationship will not deteriorate.

The ideal option for celebrating the New Year 2017 is a large and cheerful company of friends. Invite exactly those people with whom you would like to rally in the coming year.

What to wear to celebrate New Year 2017

As you may have guessed, the main color of 2017, basically like the past, is red. At the same time, you don’t have to stop at classic red; you can buy an outfit in burgundy, scarlet and even all shades of pink. In general, astrologers say that the owner of 2017 will like all fiery shades, which means orange and yellow can be included in this list. If fiery shades are not your thing, then purple and blue would also be good colors. This will definitely attract the Rooster's attention.

If we talk about style, then this year the best option for girls will be asymmetrical outfits, and it doesn’t matter what it is - a skirt with a blouse, a dress or even a jumpsuit. But this year it is better for men to completely move away from the casual style and abandon funny T-shirts and torn jeans. Make sure you stand out and look original but elegant at the same time. Let it be a pullover or jumper with trousers, the main thing is that they only emphasize your masculinity. The same applies to women's attire - in it you should be feminine and gentle, and not flashy and daring. Save this image for later.

There should be neither too many nor too few accessories. It is very important in this regard to find a middle ground and it is better if there are fewer of them than necessary. Jewelry should only highlight your image and complement it. Therefore, it is not advisable to wear something flashy this year; stick to minimalism.

What to cook for New Year 2017

This year, housewives do not have to limit their imagination and invention. Meat dishes, various salads, snacks, seafood and fish - all this will definitely please the symbol of the coming year. But in order to consolidate success and achieve your goal, astrologers advise placing meat dishes next to seafood. This will allow you to catch the bird of happiness in the coming year and increase your income.

The owner of the coming year has an extremely negative attitude towards everything unnatural. Therefore, there should be no semi-finished products on the table. The same applies to ready-made food from restaurants. If you want pizza or rolls, it’s better to make them yourself, it’s not that difficult.

Still, the representative of this sign has his own preferences - it’s sweet. Therefore, it’s time to get out your signature dessert recipes and please your loved ones. In addition, to ensure that there is always money and prosperity in the house, be sure to place a bowl of fruit on the table.

How to decorate a table for New Year 2017

If you still have candles and elegant candlesticks from last year, then you can safely take them out this year, since the Fire theme is still relevant. You can also use last year's red decorations. It can be anything - napkins, figurines, compositions, tablecloths, and so on.

But unlike the outgoing year of the Monkey, when meeting the 2017 Rooster, you should not overuse excessive glitter - there should not be too much tinsel, it should simply emphasize and create a festive mood.

Be sure to decorate your dishes; the Rooster loves beauty and elegance. In this case, it is advisable to add a treat decorated with something red - tomatoes, pomegranate or red caviar.

No holiday in our country is prepared like the New Year - people decorate their houses, and housewives stock up on good salad recipes and, of course, don’t forget to go to the beauty salon. Each of us does not forget about our loved ones and relatives and always buys a gift. This unites us and the whole country is passionate about one thing - celebrating the New Year.

Another obligatory attribute of any New Year is a festive greeting from the president. Every holiday he congratulates all residents of the Russian Federation. In his address, he always remembers the past year, what we had to endure, sums up the results and wishes the best for the coming year.

There are still a few weeks until the New Year 2017, and already everyone is living the holiday. After all, stores and special departments of supermarkets began selling bright Christmas tree balls, golden, silver and multi-colored tinsel, rain and, most importantly, fluffy green beauties. Even if they do not delight customers with the wonderful smell of pine needles, like real spruce and pine trees, they still create an uplifting mood. Everyone is slowly preparing for the New Year's celebration: buying gifts, Christmas tree decorations, sparklers and sparkles.

The exhausting pre-New Year bustle always takes a lot of effort and time, while many unresolved tasks remain on the agenda until the last moment, or rather, selecting the right variations of solutions suitable for the New Year's menu, decorating the house and Christmas tree, as well as purchasing large New Year's gifts and holiday souvenirs for loved ones and relatives.

If you believe the Chinese astrological calendar, then during the entire twelve-year cycle a certain animal is the patron of each year and exerts its influence on it. The signs of these animals are arranged strictly in a certain order and always follow each other.

In the new year 2017, Chinese New Year will begin on January 28 and will last until February 15, 2018. This entire period will pass under the sign of the Red Fire Rooster - one of the most controversial animals of the eastern zodiac. Although the Eastern New Year is a traditional holiday for the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, every year more and more countries and peoples celebrate it. And if almost everyone knows which animal’s year is coming, then the traditions and customs of celebrating the Chinese New Year remain a sealed secret for many.

No matter how beautiful a dress or suit is, it will be incomplete without accessories and hairstyle. The new 2017 year of the red fiery Rooster should be celebrated under the sign of naturalness and naturalness - outfit, decor, dishes - nothing artificial or synthetic. This also applies to accessories. But there is such a variety among natural materials that it is difficult to settle on just one option. Well, we hope that our article will help you figure it out.

New Year is my favorite holiday. This is a day of real magic, when all your cherished wishes can come true. We are all preparing for this holiday in advance and now is the time to start. It's no secret that on this day the food on the table, the company, and even what you wear are of great importance, because the right clothes for celebrating the New Year will enhance the magic of this magical time and bring good luck.

Even those who don’t particularly believe in horoscopes are interested in what to celebrate and what to wear for the New Year of the Rooster in 2017. In New Year’s outfits and decorations, it is recommended to use the colors and symbols of the patron saint of the coming year - the Red Fire Rooster. It is believed that the ruler of the year will like the right colors, and in return he will send success in his personal life, financial well-being and health.

So, let's see what designers and astrologers advise on how to celebrate the New Year 2017 for each zodiac sign.

How to celebrate the Year of the Rooster for fire signs

Active and energetic Leo, Sagittarius and Aries belong to fire signs. They are united by swiftness, cheerfulness, luck, enterprise, and tirelessness. And for their kind attitude towards people they are valued and sought after. Negative qualities include incontinence, hot temper, and belligerence.

Outwardly, Fire people are beautiful and expressive. The clothes of the Red Fire Rooster are perfect for Leos, Sagittarius and Aries.

Fire Aries- hot, burning, unfading. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, Aries girls will wear red or all its shades. And it doesn’t matter what it will be - a chic evening dress or a spacious jumpsuit with trousers and a skirt. For some reason, astrologers warn Aries against deep necklines, which, in their opinion, cause personal problems. But Aries, even without a neckline, are open and beautiful with their enthusiasm, sociability and love of life.

Leo Fire- calm, not swaying, constant. On the night of the meeting of the Rooster, Lionesses do not need to impress others; remain yourself. Lioness girls have a natural flair and tact when it comes to clothing. On New Year's Eve, dress the way you want, as your spiritual tact dictates. The only note: take care of balance in creating the image so that there is no overkill or distortion in your toilet. And you will be regal at the New Year's Eve.

Sagittarius Fire- unstable flame, inconsistent flashes. On New Year's Eve, astrology recommends that the Sagittarius girl try on the image of a vamp. Unlike Aries, Sagittarius is shown a neckline, a mini length, and bright makeup. They say that the Fire Rooster guarantees such a woman good luck and financial well-being. But if you don’t have time to prepare your figure and make it slimmer for the holiday, consider the option of a narrow straight floor-length skirt, and an erotic neckline will decorate you as always.

How to celebrate 2017 with Earth signs

Practical, thrifty, homely Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn belong to the signs of the Earth.

Taurus. It is unlikely that they will choose scarlet mini-dresses with sexy necklines. They have different views and different priorities. But for the 2017 New Year's party, they can afford something unusual, extraordinary, even reckless. Astrology advises Taurus girls to simply shock others with their toilet. But it’s better to make the 2017 New Year’s manicure and accessories a little brighter than usual. The restive Rooster will like this bow.

Virgo On New Year's Eve, let them remain sweet, feminine, soft and gentle. To do this, it is better for Virgos to abandon bright, flashy, neon colors of clothing and choose something from halftones without a pattern. Makeup, manicure, and accessories will also be dim, matching the color of the New Year's dress. Hide the deep neckline and high mini in the closet - the Rooster likes your modesty and cleanliness.

Capricorns often have artistic taste, so they can freely experiment and invent. On New Year's Eve, Capricorn girls can show their individuality. Pay special attention to your hands. Decorate your hands with rings, bracelets, makeup. Let your toilet shine with stones this night, and your eyes with charm. Only in this case will the Rooster pay attention to them.

How to dress for New Year's Eve for air signs

Air signs are signs of intelligence. The group of air signs includes Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They are observant and receptive, capable of interaction.

Twins On New Year's Eve you should be fully prepared, because on the night from December 31, 2016 to January 1, 2017, the Moon will enter the sign of Gemini. Although the Year of the Rooster will come much later in China, we will be celebrating the New Year in the constellation Gemini. This circumstance gives Gemini girls a head start compared to others. Therefore, you must make every effort to be noticeable, bright, and cheerful. The rooster will pay favorable attention to the red accessory in his hair and make you his favorite bird.

Scales At their core, they usually balance opposites, so contrasts in the image are familiar to them. Considering the Rooster's favorite color is red, take it as one of the colors and create a contrasting look. For example, an image of mysterious sexuality in red and black, or a royal look in red and gold, or natural red with greenery, etc. This approach to deciding on a festive outfit will help the Rooster fulfill your wishes all year long.

Aquarius They know how to discard the bad and find the positive sides in everything. Astrologers advise them to take care of their knees and energy, and wear a long dress or even trousers. Let the dress, skirt, blouse with trousers or suit be bright, elegant, shiny. And feel free to add details that highlight your beauty and sophistication. Do everything to please the bright Rooster.

Outfits for water signs on New Year's Eve 2017

Sensual and emotional Cancers, Scorpios, Pisces. They do not know how to hide their feelings, but they carefully notice every little thing, every detail. This always affects their appearance.

Cancers They miss the costume balls of past centuries. Domino, cowgirl, and royal costume suit them perfectly. And the bright-feathered Rooster pushes the Cancer girls to the New Year's masquerade. And not in vain: in a carnival costume, Cancers feel like they are in a house. And you can choose shoes for your carnival costume that are comfortable and stable, so you can have fun and dance all night long without getting tired.

Scorpios They will put on such an interesting outfit that the Rooster will immediately pay attention to them. Some details that make you stand out from the crowd of guests should simply catch your eye. This could be a feather in a hairstyle, or feathers in accessories, or skirt tails in the shape of feathers, or some other interesting moments in the image. Turn on your imagination and prepare in advance for a bright holiday.

To the fish It’s worth dressing up for a meeting with the fashionable Rooster in something new, something they haven’t worn before. In order not to compete with the owner of the year in brilliance and beauty, let your outfit be dim, in pastel colors. New clothes should be convenient, comfortable, and evoke pleasant, positive emotions. Sometimes Pisces girls are overly shy and indecisive, and new things will give you confidence and relaxedness. Such girls will attract the attention of the bully Rooster.

When we think about what to wear to celebrate the New Year 2017 according to our zodiac sign, first of all, we do everything to look elegant and festive. In addition, we dream of pleasing the symbol of the New Year and celebrating it in such a way that it becomes our patron for the whole year. For many years now, we have been celebrating each year in accordance with its zodiac symbol, learning its character and preferences. We follow the requirements of the sign, so we turn to the advice of astrologers.

But the most important thing when celebrating the New Year is not so much our appearance as our mood. Joyful anticipation of the holiday, happy laughter, friendly toasts, wishes, delight and jubilation make a girl attractive and pleasant to talk to. Any zodiac sign will love this attitude, and the Rooster will reward you for meeting you in the right outfit all year long.

What to wear to celebrate the New Year 2017: photos, color and style of outfits. The most magical holiday of the year is approaching - New Year. The coming year - 2017 - according to the eastern calendar is the year of the Fiery Red Rooster. Already now, the beautiful half of humanity is thinking about the eternal question - what to wear to celebrate the New Year 2017?

What to wear to celebrate the New Year 2017: photos, color and style of outfits. The Fiery Red Rooster will replace the bright Fire Monkey in his post. The coming New Year 2017 promises to be more memorable and extraordinary, and astrologers recommend making friends with the Fiery Red Rooster on New Year's Eve. In order for the coming year to pass under the full protection of the Fire Rooster, you need to know some nuances, and in particular the wardrobe - you need to choose an outfit with chic, so that the dress and jewelry are perfectly matched.

For example, a dress made of satin, velvet, leather, brocade, silk and organza will attract wealth and good luck in the New Year, since these are expensive and natural fabrics. The Fire Rooster will also be happy with expensive jewelry - earrings, gold necklaces, various accessories - openwork collars, brooches, belts, embroidery. As for the style of the dress, all outfits should embody grace and beauty, since the Fire Rooster is very fond of chic and extravagance.

New Year 2017 - the year of the Fiery Red Rooster does not leave ladies a choice - a dress or outfit must be red or at least have a shade of it. The dress, accessories, and makeup should radiate brightness, fire, passion and luxury at the same time. In addition, the Fire Rooster will be delighted with scarlet, burgundy, orange, gold, bright yellow, coral, brown and black colors.

What to wear to celebrate the New Year 2017: photos, color and style of outfits. When preparing for New Year's Eve, beautiful ladies should not forget about their other halves. Men are recommended to celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 in a classic suit of dark colors or golden color. The Fire Rooster will not mind wearing a dark burgundy outfit. A shirt, shirt or T-shirt should be carefully ironed, since the Rooster loves neatness and neatness and will not tolerate sloppy treatment.
