Funny questions for children for the new year. Riddles and quizzes for the new year

It is no secret that every country celebrates the New Year according to its own special rules. Why not test your guests for knowledge of world traditions and, at the same time, not have fun? To run this competition you will need:

  • geographical map of the world or globe;
  • flags on needles with numbers;
  • kegs with numbers, you can use kegs from the game "Lotto";
  • cap.

On a map or globe, mark the countries with which New Year's questions will be connected with flags. On the flags write the numbers that would correspond to the numbers on the kegs. Each player in turn takes a keg with a country number from the hat and answers a question related to the chosen state.

Advice. If there are no kegs at hand, you can use simple pieces of paper.

Sample questions:

  1. Residents go on New Year's Eve to 2 different churches: in one - to pray, and in the other? (in Buddhist - they pray, in Shinto - they drink sake).
  2. Residents of what major Russian cities sit down at the New Year's table first and last? (Vladivostok and Kaliningrad).
  3. Which country gave the world the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve? (Germany).
  4. What can not be put on the table in Hungary so as not to let happiness out of the house? (poultry dishes: chicken, morning, goose).
  5. We have Santa Claus, in who in a country called Cambodia? (Baba Heat).

I believe - I do not believe

In this quiz, not only the knowledge of the players is important, but also the acting talent of the presenter. After all, he will have to convince the participants that fiction is reality and vice versa.

For the competition, you need to prepare a number of statements. Some of them will be true. The rest are absolute fiction. But it must be very difficult to tell them apart.

Examples of tasks for the quiz "I believe - I do not believe":

  1. In Denmark, on New Year's Eve, is it customary to jump into rivers and portray the Little Mermaid from Andersen's fairy tale? (No).
  2. Do you believe that if the Swedes break a lot of pottery on their doorstep, they will open the door and feed you goodies? (Yes).
  3. Do you believe that the people of Sudan most of all want to meet a crocodile on New Year's Eve? (Yes).
  4. Do Spaniards come to Italy on New Year's Eve and collect furniture that the Italians threw away? (No).
  5. Do you believe that in Ireland the hosts put glasses with live fish on the New Year's table? (Yes).

Literary quiz

New Year and Christmas are magical holidays that leave no one indifferent. Including writers. This competition is dedicated to literature and workers of the pen. Especially the quiz will appeal to the company of philologists and lovers of reading.

To make the quiz more interesting, each question should be accompanied by illustrations. Depending on the question, you can take a portrait of the writer, a book, or something related to them. Sample questions:

  1. Why did little Sasha Pushkin, who became a famous poet, never put up a Christmas tree either on New Year's or Christmas? (At that time there was no such tradition in Russia).
  2. The famous fairy tale by Vladimir Odoevsky is called: a) Kholod Sergeevich; b) Metel Petrovna; c) Moroz Ivanovich or d) Kolotun Nikolaevich? (Moroz Ivanovich).
  3. The famous storyteller Gianni Rodari came up with: a) the World of Santa Clauses; b) Country of Snow Maidens; c) Planet of Christmas Trees; d) City of Christmas balls? (Planet of Christmas trees).

Advice. For the one who gets the most correct answers or just the most active, you can prepare the best gift - a book.


This is a simple quiz, for which it is enough to prepare a paper daisy, funny questions will be written on the back of it. The player draws a petal and answers the question. Sample questions:

  1. Male weapons against Christmas trees? (Axe)
  2. Christmas tree singer? (Blizzard)
  3. Small blizzard? (driving snow)
  4. Winter sculpture with a carrot? (Snowman)
  5. Outfit for fish on the festive table? (Fur coat)

But the most interesting begins if the player does not give the correct answer. Then the presenter has the right to give the participant a task: crow under the table, drink a glass of champagne in one gulp, sing a song, etc.

Adults Only

For this quiz you will need:

  • a bottle of alcohol, it is better to take something exotic: rum, tequila, in extreme cases - liquor;
  • a bottle of mineral water;
  • 2 small glasses.

You don't need to ask questions ahead of time. They are already in stock with the participants themselves. The rules of the game are very simple. 2 players, chosen by lot, sit opposite each other. Between them are placed 2 piles: alcohol is poured into one, water into the other. One of the players, by choice, tells the second an incident that happened to him in the past year. But, it could also be a fictional case. If the second player guesses whether it was or not, he drinks water, and the one who guessed will have to drink alcohol. If the guesser is mistaken, then he will have to drink alcohol. The narrator will be saved and drink mineral water.

Attention! This competition can only be held in the company of adults in good health.

The more various quizzes and contests prepared by the hosts, the more fun the holiday will be. You can also ask each guest to come up with their own competition, then there will definitely be enough entertainment for the whole night.

New Year's game for the whole family: video

What should be prepared for the New Year's Eve, except for gifts, treats and attire? Of course, entertainment. Outdoor games are not always appropriate in ordinary city apartments, so many people prefer table games, for example, quizzes for the New Year. How to conduct them?

home holiday

As a rule, people of different ages gather at a home celebration, so the game should be interesting to everyone. The holiday itself and everything connected with it are chosen as the theme:

New Year in different countries;

  • and his foreign "colleagues";
  • Eastern horoscope;
  • history of the holiday;
  • New Year's symbols, etc.

When compiling questions for a quiz for the New Year for adults and children, you should pay attention to the fact that the answers to them must be unambiguous, and the riddle itself must contain some information that will help solve it, as well as interesting facts. Sample questions:

  1. This country is a neighbor of Russia, where people give each other a New Year's bouquet consisting of pine, bamboo, plum, fern and tangerine. (Japan)
  2. This country, which many people associate with a table, a wall and a safe match, was the first to produce glass Christmas decorations. (Sweden)
  3. Mexican children find their gifts in this item. (boot)
  4. When did they begin to celebrate the New Year on January 1? (since 1700)
  5. In Russia, Santa Claus comes to children, and in this country - Yulebukk. (Norway)

All tasks can be reduced only to the topic “Countries” or to some other one, but it will be more interesting if they touch on the holiday as a whole. In the event that the tasks seem too complicated, the players are offered 3-5 answers.

Entertainment for children

A New Year's quiz for children is best compiled based on their age and interests. For example, kids should be asked questions related to New Year's cartoons, poems, songs, etc. And for schoolchildren, you can come up with something more complicated. Here's what they ask little kids:

  1. First month of the year. (January)
  2. Who were the Hare and the Wolf, respectively, in the New Year's edition of "Well, you wait!"? (Santa Claus and Snow Maiden)
  3. Who sang the Christmas tree song? (Blizzard)
  4. Who is molded in the winter on the street? (Snowman or Snowman)
  5. What kind of "carrots" hang from the roofs in winter? (Icicles)
  6. What can be found under the tree? (Present)
  7. Who is pulling Santa's sleigh? (Deers)
  8. What rattles, explodes and showers everyone with confetti? (Clapperboard)
  9. What are the lights on the Christmas tree? (Garland)
  10. What is the name of the country's main clock on the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower in Moscow? (Chimes)

Kids should also like it if the tasks for them are compiled in the form of riddles. They should be invented independently, although it is not easy:

  1. "You mold in the winter, my friend, a round little one ... (snowball)."
  2. “What whistles, circles and spreads? It's white... (blizzard)."
  3. "Brilliant roses are painted on the glass ... (frosts)."

Those who are older can be invited to answer literary questions. For example, "Who wrote the poem "It was in January, there was a Christmas tree in the yard ..."?" (A. Barto); “These brother and sister bit off the sweets hanging on the Christmas tree, and for this they lost their toys” (Lelya and Minka from the story of M. Zoshchenko); "This fabulous girl jumped over the fire and melted (Snow Maiden)."

Corporate party

For a corporate party, you should find comic questions or those that will be tied to a particular team, and make a quiz for the New Year with jokes. For example, “who takes a vacation every year at the end of December”, “who wore an Afro-wig to a corporate party last year”, “which employee was lucky enough to be born on January 1”, etc. There are other questions as well. The answers to them are quite simple, but here they are originally asked:

  1. What strikes in winter? (Freezing)
  2. What kind of fish is "warmed" for the holiday? (herring)
  3. If you shout for a long time at the holiday, then it will definitely appear. (Police)
  4. He will be the first to hit in the head at the New Year's table. (Drink "Champagne")
  5. Winter sculpture made of natural material. (Snowman)
  6. The shortest day of the year. (January 1, because everyone just woke up, and it's already evening)

It is not necessary to write only oral questions. Tasks can be offered to employees and others, for example, showing pictures so that they can guess what or who is depicted on them. It is known that in different countries Santa Claus looks and is called differently. Let the participants guess from the picture who exactly and from which country is depicted in it. Shift questions are also very popular, where players are invited to guess a phrase or some name related to the New Year by antonyms and by analogy:

  • "Pink Lantern" = "Blue Light";
  • "Boy Summer - hair made of bricks" = "Santa Claus - beard made of cotton wool";
  • “The big palm tree is warm in summer...” = “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”;
  • "Morning after March 8" = "Night before Christmas";
  • "Rainy Commoner" = "Snow Queen".

Well, if the quiz for the New Year at the corporate party is somehow connected with the activities of the company whose employees gathered for the holiday. Although many believe that this is not necessary, because in the New Year you want to relax and forget about business for a while, including work.

For many people, the New Year is the most long-awaited and favorite holiday. In order to meet and celebrate it well, it is necessary to think through all the details of the celebration in advance - the venue, snacks, entertainment and competitions. Those who wish to spend a fun and unforgettable New Year's Eve will be helped by a quiz with answers, which will become the main number for the New Year 2019 and a source of good mood.

Quizzes for the New Year 2019

When planning a scenario for holding a New Year's holiday, it is necessary to take into account the category of the audience, that is, guests and invitees, so that each participant is comfortable and fun.

What is known about the symbol of the year

According to the Chinese calendar, the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar) will replace the Dog next year. Therefore, do not forget this important fact, and when compiling a quiz for the New Year 2019, you should apply a variety of facts and interesting information about pigs.

In advance, you need to take care of choosing and buying prizes in the form of a symbol of this year. So each of the winners will have a souvenir gift, a reminder of a good time.

Below is an example of a quiz with questions and answers about this animal, however, if desired, they can be expanded and supplemented, because both children and adults can participate:

  1. Make a nuisance - put what? (Pig).
  2. Who is not a fellow pig? (Goose).
  3. A female name given to a pig in folk tales in Russia (Khavronya).
  4. What will a pig find everywhere? (Dirt).
  5. The name of the infectious inflammation of the parotid glands in children (Mumps).
  6. The name of a wild pig (Boar).
  7. Derogatory name for a fat and clumsy person (Borov).
  8. Pig's baby (Piglet).
  9. Krylov's fable I.A. ("Pig under the oak").
  10. The name of a rare and expensive gourmet mushroom in which an animal is involved in the search (Truffle).
  11. The name of the pig, a friend of Winnie the Pooh, from the famous animated film (Piglet).
  12. The name of the pig from the TV show "Good night, kids" (Piggy).
  13. Which of the pigs from the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" was the smartest and built a house of stone? (Naf-Naf).
  14. What kind of meat is taken for cooking boiled pork? (Pork).
  15. Which famous Russian poet wrote the following lines:

Remember this every son, know every child.

A pig will grow out of a son if the son is a pig.(Vladimir Mayakovsky).

For a corporate party

If this is a celebration among work colleagues, then the New Year's quiz will allow you to celebrate 2019 in a fun and active way, to unite the team and raise team spirit. Questions for the competition can be from a wide variety of areas of science, natural science and other areas, as well as directly relate to the history of the creation and operation of the enterprise. To make the competition fun and noisy, you can write questions in advance on small pieces of paper and mix them all in a hat or hat. All participants take turns taking out their phantom and reading the task aloud.

To maintain the corporate image as gifts, you can prepare small souvenirs with the symbols or logo of the organization.

The main requirement for the format of assignments is a comic form, variety and New Year's theme:

  1. The main alcoholic attribute of the New Year's table. (Champagne).
  2. Beautiful wishes during the feast. (Toast).
  3. What is forbidden to do during the working day? (Sleep).
  4. What is hard to lift on the morning of January 1st? (Eyelids).
  5. A song performed by actor Andrey Myagkov in the film "The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!". ("If you don't have an aunt").
  6. The name of a concert that is televised annually. ("Blue Light").
  7. What comes after the New Year? (Hangover on the morning of January 1).
  8. The snowman's colleague. (Snowman).
  9. How did the Snow Maiden melt? (Jumping over the fire).
  10. What color is the winter olympiad or fever? (White).

In the family

Celebrating the New Year with the whole family is a great opportunity to get closer to each other, show attention and care for your loved ones, and spend unforgettable moments together. Questions for the quiz must be selected taking into account all age categories of family members, so that even the smallest can give answers with pleasure:

  1. The name of the city in Russia, which is considered the geographical place of residence of Santa Claus. (Great Ustyug).
  2. Where does the New Year's grandfather with the name Baba Zhara live? (Cambodia).
  3. The most common New Year's menu salad in Russia. ("Olivier salad").
  4. In which country is it customary to throw old things, furniture out of the house on New Year's Eve? (Italy).
  5. Areas where the first to celebrate the New Year in the Russian Federation. (Kamchatka, Magadan).
  6. The city, to the inhabitants of which the holiday comes last. (Kaliningrad).
  7. Which artist painted the picture "Snow Maiden"? (Vasnetsov V.M.).
  8. The most popular New Year's movie in the territory of the former USSR. ("Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!").
  9. Popular holiday children's song. ("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree").
  10. The name of small folded rolls of colored paper. (serpentine).

For kids

Children are always looking forward to the New Year, because at this time they are waiting for incredible emotions, many interesting gifts and impressions. To prepare tasks for a children's quiz, it is necessary to carefully select questions in order to enable all participants to prove themselves in an intellectual battle:

  1. The main attribute of the holiday. (Christmas tree).
  2. Funny name of Santa Claus in Finland. (Youlupukki).
  3. Where is the New Year's Eve held next to the palm trees? (Cuba).
  4. The name of the queen of snow and cold. (The Snow Queen).
  5. Spruce deposit. (Forest).
  6. Dancing around the Christmas tree. (Round dance).
  7. The forerunner of the modern Santa Claus. (St Nicholas).
  8. An analogue of the domestic Santa Claus in the United States. (Santa Claus).
  9. Name the winter months in turn. (December January February).
  10. Where does Santa Claus keep gifts for kids? (In a bag).

Be sure to think about rewarding for all children, encouragement can be in the form of sweets, sweets, toys.


New Year's quiz for schoolchildren with answers

Purpose: This material will be of interest to primary school teachers in preparation for the New Year holidays.
Target: introducing students to the history of the New Year, New Year's characters.
Tasks:- develop interest in New Year's traditions, customs,

To form cognitive, communicative UUD,

Cultivate a love of tradition.
New Year's Eve
V. Shumilin
On New Year's Eve, like in a fairy tale,
Full of wonders.
The tree hurries to the train,
Leaving the winter forest.
And the stars shine bright
And they dance.
Under New, New Year!
Laughs like snowflakes
They fly all night, they fly.
And songs everywhere
They sound funny.
The wind whistles
Snowstorm sings
New Year's Eve New Year's Eve
Under New, New Year!

Questions of the New Year's quiz.

1 .In Russia, the New Year will be the first to celebrate:
A) Residents of Chukotka, Kamchatka and Magadan region +
B) Residents of Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions
C) residents of the Moscow, Tula, Novgorod regions
2 . In Russia, the New Year will be the last to be celebrated by residents:
A) Kaliningrad +
B) Astrakhan
C) Petersburg
3. The needles of the needles of this tree are not prickly, wider and longer than spruce, and the cones grow up, not down, like spruce:
A) Cedar
B) Fir +
C) Pine
4. The prototype of the modern Santa Claus:
A) Saint Nicholas +
B) Saint Peter
B) Saint Ivan
5. This is how the people called January:
A) Prosimets
B) Prosinets +
B) promorozets
6. Russian artist, author of the painting "Snow Maiden":
A) I. Levitan
B) V. Vasnetsov +
B) I. Shishkin
7. Composer Rimsky Korsakov created the opera:
A) Snow Maiden +
B) granddaughter
C) Beauty
8. So the people called December:
A) Morozailo
B) It's cold +
B) Gonyailo
9. The type of horse movement found in the famous children's song about the Christmas tree:
A) Trot +
B) Allure
B) gallop
10. The most famous New Year's fruit:
A) apple
B) Mandarin +
C) Banana
11. Santa Claus needs this not only to lean, but also to work miracles:
A) boots
B) Belt
C) Staff +
12. Santa Claus has a long one, to the waist:
A) fur coat
B) Beard +
C) hat
13. In Rus', when the whole family gathered at the New Year's table, the children tied the legs of the table with a bast rope. What did this New Year's custom symbolize?
A) The family in the coming year will be strong and should not be separated +
B) The family in the coming year will be cheerful and should not be sad
C) The family in the coming year will be rich and should not be poor
14. What gymnastic trick does the Earth perform by the time of the next New Year?
A) Rondat
B) screw
C) Turnover +
15. Which country is the historical homeland of the Christmas tree, and then the New Year tree?
A) England
B) Germany +
B) Denmark
16. What is the name of the Russian old, but ageless dance at the New Year tree?
A) Polka
B) Round dance +
B) Waltz
17. Christmas tree lullaby singer:
A) Storm
B) Blizzard
C) Blizzard +
18. What is customary to wash for the New Year in Hungary in order to be provided with all year round?
A) water
B) Money +
C) snow
19. In which country, during the New Year holiday, thousands of lanterns are lit to light the way to the New Year?
A) Poland
B) China +
B) Japan
20. When was the New Year celebrated in pre-Petrine Rus' of the 18th century?
A) January 1
B) September 1 +
C) March 1

New Year's quiz that requires a full answer. (3-4 cells).

2. American Santa Claus.(Santa Claus.)

3. Three necessary things without which Santa Claus cannot appear "in public"?(Without beard, staff and gifts.)

4. Snowflake's cousin?(Icicle.)

5. How many times, according to ancient tradition, Santa Claus must hit the ground with his staff for a miracle to happen?(Three times.)

6. Transportation of Santa Claus?(A trio of horses harnessed to a painted sleigh.)

7. How many times do Russians celebrate the New Year?(Twice: the first of January according to the new style and the fourteenth - according to the old.)

8. Which Russian writer, playwright is considered the "father" of the Snow Maiden?(A. N. Ostrovsky, author of the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden".)

9. Famous Russian composer, author of the opera "The Snow Maiden"?(Rimsky-Korsakov.)

10. Which movie screening on New Year's Eve has become a good tradition?("Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath".)

11. A close relative of Santa Claus?(His granddaughter Snegurochka.)

12. Who invented the calendar?(Ancient Romans.)

13. Favorite delicacy of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden?(Ice cream.)

14. The birthplace of ice cream?(French town called Plombières.)

15. Children's fairy tales, in the title of which Santa Claus himself or his immediate and distant relatives appears?(“Frost”, “Snow Queen”, “Snow Maiden”, “Moroz Ivanovich”, “Mrs. Metelitsa”, etc.)

16. New Year's "confetti guns"?(Clapperboard.)

17. The name of the famous New Year's song?("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".)


"New Year's mosaic" - The game involves two teams of three people each.

The task. Each team is given an envelope in which a proverb or a saying on a winter theme is enclosed, and each word is written out on a separate piece of paper. It is necessary in a minute to compose scattered words into a proverb or saying: “Take care of your nose in a big frost”; "Winter and summer don't get along."

"Snowball Catcher" - a comic competition in throwing "snowballs" is arranged. Two players stand facing each other at a distance of about three meters. The player in front of whom lies a “pile of snowballs” (pre-made paper) throws at the second player, who has a small waste basket in his hands. With this basket, he must catch the snowball. The task of the second player is to catch as many snowballs as possible with his basket.

One snowflake, two snowflakes... - two or more people participate in the game. Task. Blindfolded for a certain time, collect as many "snowflakes" scattered by Santa Claus as possible.

"Christmas tree elegant ..." - Both girls and boys take part in the game. Girls are Christmas trees, which young men must dress up and embellish for the holiday in a certain time. In front of each of them is a box with various ladies' cosmetics, jewelry and accessories: beads, bows, clip-on earrings, lipstick, blush, eye shadow, hairpins, Christmas decorations and tinsel. The winner is the pair of players that aroused the greatest sympathy among the audience. Voting is "regulated" by friendly applause.

"Blind Game" - Two players are involved. In front of each of them is a large sheet of paper and a pencil. Condition of the game: blindfolded, draw, for example, a snowman. The winner is the one whose drawing will come out more successful and reliable. The winner receives a "sweet prize", in the form of a large candy with a surprise "filling". Rewarding the winner, Santa Claus imperceptibly pulls the string and the “candy” popper suddenly explodes in the hands of an unsuspecting player, showering him with colorful confetti.

"My balloon fly ..." - The game is played by two or three pairs of players. They are given the task of preventing the balloon from touching the floor during a fast, rhythmic dance. The winner is a couple who successfully completed the task, which receives an amazing gift from Santa Claus as an encouragement: by tapping on the floor with his magic staff, he prophesies an amazing and brilliant future for young people.

“Two silver horses will rush me in an instant ...” - two rival players, using roller skates as ordinary skates, must simultaneously leave the "same destination", overcome a certain distance and return safely. The winner is the one who is more confident and quickly cope with the task.

Traditions of the New Year in different countries.

Let's start with Germany, from where the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree at the New Year's Eve spread throughout the world. By the way, this tradition appeared there in the distant times of the Middle Ages. The Germans believe that Santa Claus rides on a donkey, so children put hay in their shoes to treat him. And in Berlin, at the Brandenburg Gate, the most interesting thing happens: hundreds of thousands of people pronounce toasts to the reunification of East and West Germany - the holiday is celebrated there very emotionally.

And in Vietnam, the beliefs are even more interesting - the ancestors of modern Vietnamese believed that the New Year sails on the back of a carp, so today there is a tradition there to buy a live carp for the New Year and release it into a pond or river. And the main symbol of the holiday there are the branches of a blossoming peach, which are placed in the house and give each other.

Another common tradition today was given to the world by another European country - England. This is giving greeting cards to each other. And among the unusual things associated with the New Year there, one can single out the same tradition of treating a donkey with hay that the Germans have, as well as the ritual of kissing lovers under a sprig of mistletoe for the strength of relationships. And you need to do this to the sound of bells ringing at 12 o'clock in honor of the New Year. It is unusual that these bells begin to ring even before 12 at night, but until the New Year comes they are wrapped in blankets so that they sound quiet, and when it comes, the blankets are removed and they begin to ring with all their might. And in the British Isles, people literally let out the Old and let in the New Year: to do this, they first open the back door of the house when the clock starts to strike 12, and then open the front door - so that the New Year enters the house.

But Sweden gave the world the first glass Christmas decorations (in the 19th century). There, on New Year's Eve, it is customary not to turn off the lights in the houses and brightly illuminate the streets - this is a real celebration of light.

Another Europeans, the French, celebrate the New Year very extravagantly. They bake a pie in which they put one bean, whoever gets this bean is declared the bean king and on a festive night everyone obeys his orders. Yes, many of us would like such a tradition, it is strange that so far it has not reached and taken root in Russia. And good French winemakers are simply obliged to drink for the future harvest with a barrel of wine: you need to clink glasses with it and congratulate it on the New Year!

In the United States, where in 1895. the world's first luminous electric garland was hung at the White House, and from where the tradition spread around the world to write "New Year's tasks" with promises and plans for the coming year, it is not customary to arrange solemn feasts, as well as give gifts, all this is arranged there only for Christmas , and they necessarily transplant Christmas trees into the ground, and do not throw them away, as we do.

But the Finns arrange solemn meals on Christmas and New Year. It was from Finland that the tradition came to melt wax and lower it into cold water, and then guess from the resulting figures what awaits a person in the coming year.

Japan gave the world the tradition of celebrating the New Year in new clothes, building ice sculptures and castles. The most unusual tradition there is to buy a rake before the New Year, which "will help to bring more happiness."

An unusual and quite common New Year's tradition in many countries is making noise - the louder the better! Panamanians loudly shouting and knocking, ringing bells, including sirens and car horns so appease the New Year. Hungarians in the first second of the arrival of the New Year whistle loudly - drive away the bad and attract well-being. Iranians - shoot from guns.

Whatever the New Year's traditions, the most extravagant among them, nevertheless, can rightfully be considered those in which something is thrown out of the windows. So, in Cuba, at 12 o'clock, water is poured out of the windows, which is collected in advance in all the utensils in the house - in this way, Cubans wish the New Year a clean and bright path like water. Italians throw old things out of the windows so that new things take their place, and they do it with all their inherent passion, loudly and cheerfully. In some areas of Johannesburg (the capital of South Africa), refrigerators fly out of the windows, which makes the New Year in this country very dangerous, but in general it is customary to throw something old out of the windows, too, like in Italians. But in Nepal, old things are burned in large fires at sunrise.

The Bulgarians behave very unusually in the first 3 minutes of the New Year: they turn off the lights everywhere - these are the minutes of New Year's kisses, the secret of which is kept by darkness. Well, Ecuadorians left everyone far behind in terms of extravagance of New Year's traditions. The men there change into women's clothes, put on wigs and make-up to arrange a "widow's lament" for bad husbands and set dolls on fire.

But in general, all Ecuadorians believe: if you have time to put on yellow underwear during the strike of the clock, then money will fall like snow on your head, if red, then there will be happiness in your personal life, if you run around the house at the same time with a big bag or suitcase, you will be traveling all year round.

There are many more interesting New Year's traditions.

If you like to gather on New Year's Eve with a big family and at the same time want to bring something fun to the New Year that will be interesting to all family members: you, your parents, and even your grandparents, then Quiz on your favorite Russian New Year's films and fairy tales This is something absolutely everyone will love!

The questions from the New Year's quiz are quite simple, so that all guests will have the opportunity to show their knowledge of films loved by everyone since childhood.

Read also:

How to conduct a New Year's quiz?

Option 1: everyone sitting at the table takes turns pulling out a piece of paper and must correctly answer the question. For an incorrect answer, the participant is penalized, for example, with a spoonful of Olivier salad or a New Year's song, which he must perform to the applause of those present.
Option 2: the presenter reads the questions from the quiz one by one, and those present must shout out the correct answer as quickly as possible. The first person to give the correct answer wins a small New Year's prize.

New Year's Quiz Questions

1. What was the name of the street in the movie "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath"?

2. Choose the correct answer to the phrase from the movie “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath” “What ... is your aspic fish!”

a) dirty trick; b) an abomination; c) joy; d) crap

3. What word did Kai use in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen?”

4. What and how many “honestly earned” things did Miloslavsky Shpak deprive (according to Shpak) in the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession?

5. What did Marfushenka-Darling answer Morozko’s question from the fairy tale “Morozko”: “Are you warm, girl, are you warm red?

6. Continue the phrase from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune": "You don't go there, you go here ...

7) What gift did Oksana ask for from Vakula Kuznets from the movie “On a Farm near Dikanka”

8) Continue the phrase from part 1 of the film "Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik" "Who does not work, that ..."

9) Continue the phrase from the 2nd part of the film "Operation" Y "and Shurik's other adventures" "Professor, of course, a mug, but ..."

10) Continue the phrase from the 3rd part of the movie "Operation" Y "and Shurik's other adventures" "Train better on ..."

a) spoons b) bowls; c) cats; d) nesting dolls

And if you want to make a wish for the New Year or Christmas, then our article will come in handy for you!

Correct answers to the quiz

  1. Builders Street
  2. muck
  3. Eternity
  4. “Three tape recorders, three foreign film cameras, three domestic cigarette cases, three suede jackets”
  5. “What are you, old, crazy or something? You see, my hands and feet are frozen!
  6. “You don’t go there, you go here, otherwise the snow will fall on your head ... You will be completely dead!”
  7. Cherevichki
  8. "Who does not work, he eats"
  9. “The professor, of course, is a mug, but the equipment is with him”
  10. "Train better on cats.

Thus, the New Year's quiz will help you celebrate the New Year more interestingly and make you and your parents smile.

I wish you a Happy New Year,
Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, author of the idea.

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