Types of mesotherapy of the abdomen and the procedure. Effective anti-fat procedure - abdominal mesotherapy Injections for tightening the skin of the abdomen

The problem of sagging skin in the abdomen can sometimes be quite difficult to solve. In such situations, many cosmetologists recommend mesotherapy. The effect is achieved through injections, in which special drugs are injected under the skin at different depths (from 1.6 to 6 mm.).

The technique helps in a short time:

  • burn subcutaneous fat
  • remove stretch marks
  • get rid of cellulite
  • improve skin tone

Mesotherapy of the abdomen perceived by many as a means of losing weight that does not require much physical effort. In fact, this procedure to some extent contributes to weight loss, in some cases, women manage to lose up to 7 kg. thanks to mesotherapy. But first of all, this is a way to reduce volumes and remove excess fat. strictly in certain areas. It is realistic to remove the stomach with mesotherapy if the patient has lost weight, but cannot get rid of fat in this area of ​​the body. Then, with local exposure, there is a chance to achieve the desired result.

Used drugs

Mesococktails are selected depending on what problem the patient wants to solve:

For weight loss

With this type of mesotherapy, special substances are used - lipopolitics. The principle of their work is based on the breakdown of fats and their gradual removal from the body. Due to this, the effect of losing weight is achieved.

From cellulite

Compounds are used that have the effect of lymphatic drainage. By improving microcirculation and metabolic processes, excess fluid is removed from the affected tissues and cellulite disappears.

For skin tightening

Elastin, hyaluronic acid and collagen will help increase skin turgor, its elasticity and overall appearance.

From stretch marks

Enzyme-based agents are used, which are responsible for the destruction of fibrous constrictions.

Methods of administration of drugs

It is possible to introduce a meso-cocktail into the skin in several ways:

1. Injectable

The most popular type of procedure, in addition, it is considered the most effective, because it allows you to introduce cocktails to the desired depth and quickly achieve the effect. The main disadvantage of this method is pain.

A fairly effective method, but it takes more time than the injection method. Substances from preparations are delivered under the skin using various hardware techniques: electroporation, laser, etc.

3. Fractional

A device with the finest needles is used. The technique allows you to deliver substances to strictly defined areas, but at the same time minimally injuring the skin.

Course duration

It is better to carry out injections in the salon with an experienced cosmetologist who will correctly select the cocktail and dosage necessary in your case. standard course Abdominal mesotherapy consists of 8-10 sessions with an interval of 1-2 weeks.


  • late pregnancy;
  • any neoplasms;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • allergy to substances in the composition of funds;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • viral diseases;
  • kidney failure.


The cost of abdominal mesotherapy depends on the region, the pricing policy of the chosen clinic, the number of sessions and the selected drugs.

Town Price in rub. *
Moscow from 1,000 to 80,000
St. Petersburg from 1,500 to 15,500

*Prices are valid at the time of publication of the article





Photos before and after

"Beauty injections" are widely used in facial care. But their effectiveness is undeniable for maintaining the beauty of the body. Abdominal mesotherapy can relieve this area of ​​many defects: stretch marks, excess fat, sagging skin.

Read in this article

Description of the procedure

The return of an aesthetic appearance to the abdominal area with the help occurs by introducing various compositions under the skin or into the epidermis. This is done by injections into the problem area according to a certain scheme. The course is from 5 to 12 sessions, which are carried out with 5 - 10-day pauses.

The procedure allows you to solve different problems, since the meso-cocktails used in it have differences. The choice of compositions is carried out in accordance with the problem:

  • If this is an excess of subcutaneous fat, therapy with lipolytics is necessary, that is, substances that break it down. Components accumulate in tissues, burning excess adipocytes. As a result, after several sessions, the stomach becomes flatter, waist volumes decrease. With mesotherapeutic lipolysis, injections are made to a depth of 12 mm.

  • If the harmony of appearance is disturbed by sagging skin, scars, injections of collagen and elastin, hyaluronic acid are indicated. Substances have a positive effect on the turgor of the epidermis, increase the moisture content.
  • Stretch marks need enzymes, capable of destroying fibrous tissue, components that increase skin elasticity. For this problem, there are also substances that improve lymphatic drainage.

Mesotherapy is also carried out in a non-injection way. But this type of procedure is more likely to correct changes in the appearance of the skin than deeper layers.

Who should go

The abdominal mesotherapy procedure will be useful for those who have the following disadvantages:

  • excess subcutaneous fat in this area;
  • aging, skin laxity;
  • the appearance of stretch marks for various reasons;
  • hyperpigmentation of the epidermis in this area;
  • wrinkles and folds, the formation of which is caused by weight loss;
  • scars left over from previous surgeries.

You need to understand that getting rid of excess fat on the abdomen with the help of the procedure is possible only when it is located directly under the skin. If the problem lies in the condition of the deeper layers of the body, mesotherapy will not help.

The procedure is also used for the prevention of skin aging, if it tends to dryness or increased stretching.

The listed side reactions of mesotherapy of the abdomen occur in almost everyone. There are also more rare manifestations: deterioration of health in the form of weakness, jumps in blood pressure. Such problems are less likely in those who were carefully examined before the procedure, found out their "weak points". It is better to approach the procedure with good health, to worry about increasing immunity in advance.

Adverse reactions are also with a plus sign. Some women note the disappearance of headaches and backaches after mesotherapy of the abdomen.

What procedures can be combined with

Mesotherapy of the abdominal area can be combined with other cosmetic procedures. From this, the desired effect is enhanced, and an additional result appears. Which one depends on the procedure used. The following combinations are possible:

What cosmetic procedures can be combined with abdominal mesotherapy? What makes the effect stronger?
and cupping massage Manipulations are aimed at burning subcutaneous fat, improving microcirculation, stimulating metabolic processes, skin respiration, and activating muscle contractions.
Mesotherapy for stretch marks on the abdomen and isothermal wraps The first procedure will push the production of collagen and elastin, tissue renewal from the inside. Wraps will help to make the skin supple by acting from the outside. They use professional tools. In the fight against stretch marks, it is good to combine mesotherapy with massage. It activates the process of skin renewal, strengthens turgor, prolongs the effect of the cocktail
Mesotherapy for excess fat and wraps for weight loss (hot) The second procedure will also help to activate the destruction and excretion of lipids. But it should be done a few days after the mesotherapy session.
Mesotherapy and LPG-massage The hardware procedure will help make the refractory fat on the abdomen more susceptible to the effects of the cocktail. It also provides elasticity to the collagen and elastin fibers of the skin. In addition, LPG massage polishes its surface, exfoliating dead particles from the top layer. Combining it with mesotherapy will give the effect of not only reducing the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer, but also tightening the area that has lost its attractiveness

Do not carry out additional procedures on the same day as the injection. Because of this, complications may occur or the duration of the effect of abdominal mesotherapy may be reduced. In any case, the intention to supplement it with another procedure must be informed by the doctor.

Course fee

The price for improving the appearance of the abdomen can vary. It is influenced by many factors:

  • the number of sessions needed for the effect;
  • the nature of the problem;
  • level and location of the clinic.

An important circumstance for the cost of the procedure is the preparations for abdominal mesotherapy, indicated in a particular case. These can be lipolytics, enzymes, products with vitamins, elastin, hyaluronic acid and vascular strengthening components. Mesococktails exist not only in finished form, sometimes they are compiled by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the patient. Then the cost of the course of procedures can be more expensive. On average, it will be 21000 - 70000 r.

Mesotherapy for belly fat has already become a popular procedure. But do not take it as a means to lose weight. It only corrects the volume of the problem area, reducing a few centimeters at the waist, restoring skin elasticity.

Who said that beauty, youth and harmony are temporary phenomena?

Today, doctors and cosmetologists offer a lot of ways to slow down the aging process and maintain the attractiveness of the body for a long time.

Injection mesotherapy is considered one of the most common and effective methods of body shaping.

Injection mesotherapy is an effective way to combat cellulite and other figure flaws.

During the session, the cosmetologist injects the patient under the skin (to a depth of 1.5-6 mm) special pharmacological preparations - cocktails for mesotherapy.

The procedure works in two directions:

  • the medicine penetrates deep into the tissues, improving blood and lymph microcirculation, and promotes cell regeneration;
  • the needle stimulates receptors and biologically active points, improving metabolic processes in all layers of the skin.

The procedure is carried out locally: with the help of many almost painless injections, the drug is injected only into problem areas. After several sessions, the skin in this area will tighten, fat deposits will decrease, age-related changes will smooth out and become less noticeable.

What problems does it solve

Body mesotherapy solves many problems that only plastic surgery could deal with until recently. Indications for mesotherapy are:

  • cellulite;
  • sagging skin ( RF lifting will also cope well with this problem);
  • wrinkles and other age-related changes;
  • excess weight;
  • puffiness;
  • dehydration of the skin;
  • increased pigmentation (read separately);
  • cosmetic imperfections (scars, stretch marks, stitches,).

What are the advantages of this procedure over other methods of rejuvenation and body shaping? It:

  • High efficiency and long lasting results. The first changes are visible after 2-3 sessions.
  • Security. The amount of medication that is injected under the skin is small. It does not significantly affect the natural processes occurring in the body.
  • The minimum number of contraindications and low risk of complications.
  • There is no need for rehabilitation and hospital stay. The procedure is so safe and minimally invasive that it can be attended without interruption from daily activities.

Here are the problems that are successfully solved using this technique:


There are three types of mesotherapy:

  • Injection. This technique involves the introduction of drugs under the skin with the help of thin needles; usually done by hand. Its main disadvantage is pain and trauma. If the patient has thin and sensitive skin, inflammation and bruising may form on it after the session; sometimes there is itching, burning and irritation.
  • Fractional. This variant of mesotherapy is carried out using a special apparatus equipped with thin acupuncture needles. It is believed that such a procedure, for example, is less traumatic than injection.
  • Hardware. This technique does not involve the use of needles and is called mesotherapy. The drug is injected under the skin using hardware methods (, electroporation, oxymesotherapy,).

Here is the method of administering drugs by the fractional method:


There are few contraindications to injection mesotherapy:

  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • low blood clotting;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • skin diseases (viral, bacterial, fungal) in the acute stage;
  • heat;
  • taking certain groups of medications ("Tetracycline", antibiotics);
  • mental disorders (tendency to convulsions, epilepsy, fear of a needle).

From cellulite

Mesotherapy perfectly copes with the main enemy of a slim figure - cellulite. Its effectiveness is associated with some features of the drugs:

  • selected individually for each case;
  • injected directly into the problem area;
  • retain their activity up to 5-7 days after the session;
  • improve metabolic processes in tissues.

The most important effect of the drug is due to the fact that it improves the metabolism in skin tissues. After all, cellulite is formed precisely because of a violation of metabolic processes between skin cells and adipose tissue, resulting in water retention. Eliminating cellulite is not an easy process. It takes place in several stages, each of which involves the use of a specific drug.

  • stimulation of lymph outflow;
  • breakdown of fat cells;
  • improvement of microcirculation of liquids;
  • increase in skin elasticity;
  • return of muscle tone.

Photos before and after the procedure for cellulite:

For weight loss

To reduce the total body weight, this technique is used relatively rarely, since its effectiveness in this case is low.

It is used to remove fat deposits from the most "difficult" places - knees, waist, inner thighs.

Drugs injected under the skin act in three stages:

  • dissolve the membranes of fat cells;
  • convert solid fats into emulsified ones;
  • break down and remove emulsified fats from the body.

The drugs have other beneficial effects:

  • accumulate in tissues, providing a long-term result;
  • improve microcirculation of fluids in skin tissues;
  • stimulate the production of elastin and collagen.

To achieve more tangible results, the patient should combine mesotherapy sessions with other weight loss methods: diets, fitness, massage, acupuncture.

Look at the results after weight loss sessions:

For tightening the skin of the abdomen and stretch marks

The most problematic part of the body is the stomach. It is on it that the skin quickly flakes, ugly folds and fat deposits appear. Mesotherapy will help restore firmness and elasticity to the skin of the abdomen.

To eliminate sagging, the patient is given drugs based on elastin, hyaluronic acid and collagen.

The combined action of these substances allows you to achieve the most noticeable results. The fight against stretch marks, scars and scars occurs with the help of other substances. Here it is important to destroy fibrous constrictions, which enzyme-based medications successfully cope with.

We offer you to see what results can be achieved with the help of mesotherapy:

Procedure, video

Before visiting mesotherapy, the patient should consult with a beautician. The doctor will ask about his problem, find out if there are any contraindications to the procedure, and select the appropriate drugs.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. The injection area is treated with an antiseptic and covered with an anesthetic cream.
  2. The cosmetologist, using a syringe with a thin needle, injects the selected drug under the skin. The depth of injections depends on the problem with which the patient applied. For example, to eliminate the signs of aging, punctures with a depth of 1-2 mm are enough, but for weight loss, the drug will have to be injected much deeper.
  3. The session lasts from 20 to 40 minutes.
  4. After the procedure is completed, the damaged skin is again treated with an antiseptic and a softening cream is applied.

After mesotherapy, the patient will have to follow a few easy rules:

  • refuse to visit the sauna, bath, solarium, beach;
  • limit the intake of medications;
  • apply a healing cream to the procedure site.

After each session, the skin may turn red and even covered with a rash. This is normal and will go away in a couple of days.

Watch a video about how mesotherapy of the body from cellulite takes place:


Mesotherapy is carried out using special medication cocktails. There is no single composition for all cases: each problem is solved individually using a specific medicine.

Cosmetologists use the following substances, which are used individually or in various combinations:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamins;
  • homeopathic substances (biotin, coenzyme);
  • collagen, elastin and extracts of embryonic tissues;
  • trace elements (zinc, magnesium and others);
  • organic acids (pyruvic, glycolic);
  • drugs (carnitine, fibroblasts, enzymes, antioxidants).

These substances are used in various combinations, so that for each case the doctor will be able to choose the perfect cocktail.

How many procedures are needed

To eliminate cellulite, the patient will have to undergo 10-15 procedures. Sessions are held weekly (1-2 times a week).

In order to lose weight or tighten the skin, the patient needs to undergo 4-10 procedures, which are carried out once a week. The number of sessions will be determined by the beautician, but the first results will be noticeable after 2-3 procedures.

Average prices

The cost of a course of procedures depends on many factors:

  • the drug used;
  • problem area and its size;
  • repairable defect.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, prices for the procedure range from 2,500 to 15,000 rubles.

Patient opinion

Here are some reviews:

    “I went for mesotherapy to remove cellulite and fat around the knees and in the buttocks. It was quite painful, especially when the doctor hit the nerve with a needle.

    After the procedure, there were many wounds and bruises. I endured 6 treatments.

    Now I can say that the result was worth my suffering. The skin smoothed out, cellulite became barely noticeable, the volume of fat decreased. To maintain the result, I sit on a diet and go in for sports. ”

    “My weight is small, only 59 kg, but due to cellulite, the hip circumference was as much as 95 cm! I decided on mesotherapy. I went through 11 sessions with three different drugs. At first it hurt, then I got used to it.

    Only the doctor said that in parallel with the injections I should go on a diet, gave all the recommendations. I noticed the result after 1.5 months: the hips tightened up, the skin became not so flabby. And - about a miracle! - I lost 4 kg!"

    “A couple of years ago I decided to take a course of mesotherapy. I didn’t have any particular cellulite, but I wanted to achieve an absolutely ideal. The procedure is extremely painful! And after it I had bruises, swollen legs. In general, a simple anti-cellulite massage gives the same results, but it does not hurt as much.

Mesotherapy is an effective remedy for combating skin imperfections and age-related changes. Despite the high prices and rather unpleasant procedure, an increasing number of patients prefer it.

In conclusion, watch a video about body mesotherapy:

Hundreds of millions of men and women around the world dream of becoming owners of a beautiful belly. What do most people mean by this term? The absence of fat deposits, tightened and smooth skin - these are, perhaps, the main requirements for this area of ​​the body.

It is quite difficult to achieve such a state on your own, without good heredity. As a rule, it takes years of long training and diets. By visiting such a cosmetic procedure as abdominal mesotherapy, you can significantly improve the most problematic area in a very short time.

Indications for carrying out

The main reason for visiting the cosmetologist's office, most patients call being overweight. Unfortunately, mesotherapy in the abdomen will not help the kilograms melt instantly. The purpose of this procedure is to reduce the layer of fat evenly distributed under the skin. All kinds of "rollers" and "ears" can only be corrected with the help of plastic surgery.

Of course, in addition to local correction of excess volumes of individual zones, abdominal mesotherapy can also pursue a number of other goals. So, the injection effect can quite successfully cope with:

  • sagging soft tissues (formed due to sudden weight loss);
  • stretch marks;
  • scars;
  • skin laxity.

The principle of mesotherapy

What result can be expected from this procedure? Introduced at a certain depth of the dermis, the drugs immediately begin their active effect on various areas of the body. The first changes become noticeable already 24 hours after the beauty session, later, with a series of additional manipulations, the positive effect only continues to increase.

In most cases, the meso-cocktails used have a local healing effect. The main tasks of the applied components include the following functions:

  • elimination of stagnation of lymph;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • breakdown of fat cells;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

These processes help to reduce the volume in the injection area, strengthen the skin, and accelerate the process of cell renewal.

The main stages of the procedure

Let's talk a little more about how mesotherapy is carried out in the abdomen. The whole process is quite simple and understandable, it is not much different from the introduction of injections into any other areas of the face or body. So, the whole procedure can be divided into the following stages:

  • Treatment of the skin with an antiseptic composition to prevent the risk of inflammatory processes and infection.
  • Local anesthesia (most often, special creams are used for its implementation, less often - anesthetic injections).
  • The introduction of a special selected composition to a depth of 5 to 50 millimeters through a thin and durable needle.

The main difference is that mesotherapy of the abdominal area is carried out with preparations specially selected for this purpose - compounds that do not rejuvenate the skin, but improve its elasticity and dissolve fat.

To achieve the desired result, it may be necessary to attend from 5 to 15 procedures, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the complexity of the problem that exists initially. Sessions are carried out with short breaks equal to 7-10 days.

What components are used for mesotherapy of the abdominal area?

What components of mesococktails have a destructive effect on the fat layer, and which ones help to make the skin more elastic? On the basis of what compositions is mesotherapy for stretch marks performed? Of course, the cosmetologist will tell you the main reviews and information about the drugs used during injections, however, it is not out of place for the patients themselves to know something about such drugs.

So, to increase skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of stretch marks, compositions containing elastin and collagen of animal origin, as well as hyaluronic acid, are used. Such components compensate for the natural deficiency and lead to the formation of new skin cells, more dense, elastic and strong. Thanks to these properties, the skin is significantly tightened, the scars begin to brighten and disappear.

The presence of vitamins in the composition of the drug helps to increase the overall level of the immune system of the whole organism. Such injections make a person more resilient to physical exertion and make it less likely to get sick. Of course, vitamins will not help the patient lose weight, but they will help improve the condition of the skin and give it the necessary elasticity.

To combat body fat, special formulations containing lipolytics are used. They contribute to the breakdown of harmful cells and their subsequent removal from the body. The impact has a local effect and is carried out directly at the injection site.

To eliminate stretch marks, it is customary to use cocktails with various enzymes. So, such substances contribute to cell renewal and overall healing of the problem area.

How is the recovery period going?

Since the therapy is carried out in a course consisting of several sessions, the period of complete rehabilitation turns out to be slightly extended in time. Improvement in the condition of your abdomen will be carried out at best within one month, at worst, in the order of 70-90 days. In this regard, the skin is experiencing a significant load, only having time to recover, they are again subjected to rather painful injections.

Therefore, the risk of side effects is quite high. Most often, the negative consequences of the procedure include: skin soreness, swelling, bruising and reddish traces of papules. It is not necessary to treat such manifestations, however, if they cause significant concern, then it would be good to follow the following recommendations:

  • use cool compresses of chamomile decoction (reduces swelling, relieves inflammation);
  • treat bruises with pharmaceutical ointments (Lyoton, Arnica-based products).

Slightly less often, inflammatory processes can be observed at the injection site. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor for additional advice. Before communicating with a specialist, such areas of the skin should be treated with available antiseptics and special attention should be paid to hygiene procedures.

As for the classic rehabilitation period after one procedure, its duration is approximately 7-10 days. For a specified period of time, it is recommended to abandon active physical activity, not to visit solariums and steam rooms, and not to carry out hygiene procedures with hot water. In addition, you should not take sunbathing in nature.

A slim figure is what every woman dreams of. However, a sedentary lifestyle, snacking, and hormonal changes during pregnancy and lactation make their own adjustments, and as a result, we start in a hurry to look for an effective diet, torment ourselves in the gym, buy a huge amount of different creams, but still do not achieve the ideal result. Especially problematic is the waist area, since after childbirth the skin loses its elasticity. That is why modern cosmetology offers a fundamentally new solution, these are Reviews, before and after photos are presented in our today's article. Most salons are already actively using this procedure, because it gives good results with a minimum of effort.

Who is the procedure for?

Despite the existing contraindications, today it is widely advertised and offered to the vast majority of clients of beauty salons. However, you should not resort to this procedure if you are under 20-25 years old. Yes, this age, the skin is still very elastic, and with proper physical activity, as well as with the right diet, it will easily take on its former forms. Therefore, the majority of patients are women over 25 years old, since with the appearance of the first signs of aging, the metabolism slows down and the skin loses its elasticity. But it is this category of young women who wants to look not just good, but perfect as long as possible. Therefore, every year it becomes more and more popular, they fully confirm that this is exactly the way that will give you the opportunity to find ideal forms.

This special injection technique helps thousands of women who are overweight, who want to get rid of cellulite forever, who want to regain their former shape after pregnancy and childbirth. It will especially save those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system and cannot endure physical activity, and are also preparing or have just undergone a liposuction procedure.

Get rid of cosmetic defects

Indeed, this procedure perfectly helps not only to burn subcutaneous fat, but also to solve many other problems. Probably, this is also why abdominal mesotherapy is so popular. Reviews, before and after photos indicate that age spots and scars, scars and stretch marks, spider veins and varicose veins disappear after the procedure, if we are talking about the area below the waist. That is, if you are satisfied with your weight, but there are a number of other related problems, then welcome to the cosmetologist's office.

Types of mesotherapy

Indeed, in most cases, this procedure should be performed only by a specialist in this field. Of course, there is always a temptation to save money, but this is not quite the case. First of all, a needle-free and injection procedure is distinguished, and both abdominal mesotherapy can be effective. Reviews, before and after photos are evidence that it is the injection procedure that gives the fastest effect, so if the problem is serious, then you should choose it. However, it is more expensive, and it will not work on your own.

In addition, procedures are divided based on the drug that the cosmetologist chooses. It can be homeopathy, that is, extracts of medicinal plants that stimulate or allotropic mesotherapy. In this case, specific areas are affected with the help of drugs and vitamins. And of course, specific courses differ in their effects on individual parts of the body. If we are talking about the abdomen and buttocks, getting rid of skin folds and strengthening atrophied muscles, then the duration of the course will be up to three months. It is possible to restore the elasticity of the skin on the neck and in the décolleté area in two weeks.

Does this procedure help you lose weight?

If you dream of an attractive figure, but still have not reached your ideal, then it's time to think about a modern procedure called abdominal mesotherapy. Reviews reliably state that literally after the first sessions, your body changes right before your eyes. The contours become more even and clear, subcutaneous fat cells are destroyed. However, do not expect that there will be a noticeable weight loss, this procedure is aimed at reducing the volume. Therefore, if you are overweight, then you first need to consult with a nutritionist so that he develops an individual program for you. Moreover, it is better to undergo a mesotherapy procedure after the weight approaches the norm.

How does the process of mesotherapy take place?

Surely it will be important for you to find out about this before you have to lie down on the couch of a mesotherapist. The procedure consists in the fact that with the help of a very thin and long needle, microdoses of a special preparation are injected intradermally. It would seem that everything is easy and simple, but in fact this is a very crucial moment. The depth of injection depends on the treatment area, skin problems and the desired effect. In addition, from dozens of drugs, you need to choose exactly the one that is ideal in this case, and, of course, correctly calculate the dosage. That is why injection mesotherapy of the abdomen is not done at home. Reviews emphasize that only an experienced cosmetologist will perform this procedure completely painlessly and with maximum effect. Usually, the treatment of a specific area is called fractional therapy.

Specific tasks to be solved by mesotherapy

First of all, this is a decrease in fat cells due to the destruction of their contents. This happens due to the introduction of special active substances. The first four sessions of the course are entirely dedicated to this task. Then comes the turn of vitamins and minerals. With their help, the metabolism in the body is activated. There are five more sessions for this. At the last stage, mesotherapy of the body and abdomen aims to tighten the problem area, make the skin smooth and elastic. In this case, the cosmetologist can choose various preparations, but hyaluronic acid is most often used. The final lifting process lasts about five sessions. The duration and intervals between sessions are set individually.

Specialized preparations

There are a huge number of them, besides, each has its own indications and contraindications. But still, with the help of what medicines is abdominal mesotherapy performed? Preparations, as we have already said, can be used in different ways. However, lipolytics are used as means for burning fat. It can be "Phosphatidylcholine", "Triac", "Yohimbine", and they are administered not in their pure form, but as part of complex cocktails. Carnitine and amino acids also enhance this effect. The course also includes drugs that act on blood vessels and eutrophic. Very often, ozone is used as an active substance. With the help of "Dermostabilon" the homeopathic effect of the course is achieved. To give elasticity to the skin, various acids are used with great success. The composition of cocktails most often contains hyaluronic acid, although any other can be included. A prerequisite is the presence of a vitamin complex and minerals in the cocktail.

Belly mesotherapy at home

If you do not have the time or desire to visit a beauty salon, or if you want to save money on this procedure, you have only two options. The first is to call a cosmetologist at home. He will carry out the necessary manipulations and set the time for the next visit. If you, without a specialized education, want to carry out these procedures at home, then there is another option - to purchase a special mesoscooter. This is an applicator equipped with needles that penetrate the skin no more than one millimeter. In this case, injection solutions are applied to the skin, after which they are rolled on top with a roller. They are purchased in specialized stores or in a pharmacy. Remember that, even using the roller, you must carefully study the instructions. It cannot be driven in the same place for a long time, and the needles should not be deeply pressed into the skin, otherwise wounds may appear through which the infection will enter the body.

However, it should be noted that it is possible to remove the stomach with mesotherapy only to a certain extent, especially using a mesoscooter. Injections give a stronger effect, however, it should be remembered that the maximum result in weight loss, which is announced in the reviews, is minus seven kilograms for the full course. That is, if you are faced with the task of losing weight more globally, then you will have to look for another solution.

Contraindications and possible harm from the procedure

Like any cosmetic procedure, it has its advantages and disadvantages. In particular, mesotherapy of the abdominal area is not at all painless. Of course, everyone is different. For some, this is a mosquito bite, and for another, it is a rather difficult test. Therefore, it is better to mentally prepare in advance. However, in some cases, employees of beauty salons must not only warn you of the possible consequences, but also refuse to carry out such procedures. Most often, advertising sources report that you are offered a completely safe procedure called abdominal mesotherapy. At the same time, contraindications are not voiced, so today we will fill this gap. First of all, it is an allergic reaction to drugs. inflammatory processes in the treatment area should also stop the beautician. The list of contraindications includes long-term pregnancy, kidney and liver failure, serious vascular pathology and oncology, as well as various viral diseases.

The cost of mesotherapy

Salon procedures are not a cheap pleasure, however, judging by the reviews, the result is worth it. Women enthusiastically describe the effect that they have been striving for for years with the help of classic diets and sports, and were only able to achieve after the course. Indeed, judging by the photo, the skin becomes perfectly even and smooth. Surely all women are familiar with the disappointment when, after a heavy diet, you go to the mirror and see a sunken belly and flabby skin with many small folds. Mesotherapy helps to avoid this and ensure the perfect silhouette. The cost will depend on the equipment and the injected cocktails, as well as on the application area. Approximately this is 3,000 rubles per session, if we are talking only about If you want to work on your stomach and buttocks at the same time, then one session will cost 4,300 rubles. The interval between visits can be from 7 to 15 days, while the standard course includes from 6 to 10 procedures.

The technique of mesotherapy of the abdomen and body is one of the most revolutionary trends in cosmetology, however, it should be remembered that in order to achieve a result, a full course of procedures is required. But after 45 years, it is not recommended for women, because it is becoming increasingly difficult to slow down the aging process of the skin. If your skin is very sensitive, and the pain threshold is high, warn the cosmetologist about this, there are special techniques to reduce pain. You must be prepared for the fact that after the session, redness and bruising will remain on the skin, they will pass in about 7-10 days. A few days after the procedure, you can not apply cosmetic preparations to the skin, as well as go to the pool and sauna.
