What to play with the kids. Educational and intellectual games

Indoor games can be fun and educational too, especially when the weather isn't favourable. Your attention is offered joint games with the child, thanks to which the child will develop, learn about the world around him, and which will help mothers to take the child when the supply of their own games has already been exhausted.

Photo © Active Garden

Color your hand

Help your child get to know their body by making a coloring book with their own body parts. Start with the hand. Place your hand on a piece of paper and trace with a pencil. Invite your child to color the drawing with felt-tip pens or wax crayons. Also suggest adding any details to the drawing: rings, nails, varnish, bracelets, etc.

Follow the stickers

This game is a treasure hunt variant that will teach your child to follow the tracks. And where they will lead is up to you!.. For this we need stickers. A large number of inexpensive stickers can be bought at the store.

Think of a path that the child will follow at home or in the yard. Place stickers in plain sight every 30 cm along the route. Place a reward at the end of the path. Explain to your child to look for sticker signs that will lead him to the reward. Don't forget to congratulate him when he finds the treasure.

To complicate conditions, place the stickers further apart each time. Let the child himself make a path for you from stickers.

When determining the route, avoid too high places that the child would have to climb, and objects.

Suitable - not suitable

Teach your child to pick up the appropriate items, and then see if he can arrange the same game for you.

Pick up several pairs of items that fit together but are not the same: shoe and sock, pencil and paper, fork and plate, soap and washcloth, toothpaste and brush, etc. (all items must be safe for the child). Divide items and arrange in 2 piles. Take an object from one heap and show the child, let him choose the object corresponding to him from another heap. Put the matched pair aside and choose the next item. Continue until the child has collected all the pairs.

Discuss with your child why these items fit together and how they differ. Invite your child to pick up pairs of objects and play with you.

miraculous hand

Using imagination, your child can create amazing things from the outline of their own hand.

Circle the child's hand on several sheets of paper. invite the child to color the outlines of the hand, turning them into anything: a cockerel, a sunrise, a porcupine, a funny monster, etc. See how many different designs a child can come up with.

You can outline the foot and see what the child can do with this outline.

Make a book

Invite your child to come up with a story and make a book himself, just like real ones.

Cut out 8-10 drawings from children's magazines or picture books (whichever you like). Glue the pictures onto paper (one per page), leaving space at the bottom for the text of the story. Have the child choose the first picture, then the second, and so on until all the pictures are stacked. Lay a clean sheet of paper on top and staple all pages together.

Have your toddler look at the first page of the picture and start telling a story that is connected in some way to the picture. Write it down below the picture. Turn the page and let the child continue the story. Continue to the last picture. Have your child come up with a name and write it on the cover. Read the story together.

As an option: you can invite the child to first compose a story (fairy tale) and write it down. Then offer to draw pictures for it.

Doll - I

The child will definitely like a paper doll that will look like him. Or maybe he wants to play with dolls representing other family members.

Buy a set of paper dolls that match your child's age and gender. Cut out the head from your child's photo and glue it to the paper doll's head. If the child wants, make dolls with the faces of other family members.

So the child during the game can arrange a performance with paper dolls and tell a story about the life of the family.

small part

Will the baby be able to guess the hidden object when a small part of it looks out?

Pick up a few items and put them in a paper bag or box. Put your hand with a piece of cloth into the bag (box) and take out one of the items, keeping it covered all the time. Place a covered item between you and your child. Carefully open a small part of the item. Have the child guess. Keep opening more and more until the child guesses. Repeat the same with other items from the package (box).

To make it easier for the child to guess, you can show the child all the items before putting them in the bag (box). To make the game more difficult, use only an image instead of objects.

Dance with scarves

It's amazing how a pair of scarves can bring out a child's creativity and improve overall motor skills.

Tie one end of each scarf to sticks. Turn on some music. Have the child take a stick in each hand and start waving the scarves.

When your child can move their arms to the music, invite them to dance to make the scarves move even better. Let the child come up with his own dance with scarves. Take yourself one stick with a scarf and dance with your child together. You can try weaving scarves while dancing and see what happens.

Jumping gallop

Your child should listen carefully to simple instructions so that they do not mix up the actions when you give him commands.

Stand in a spacious place so that nothing prevents the child from following your commands. Give one of the commands - to jump in place, to the side or on one leg, make sure that he correctly performs it. Give another command and see that he changes his actions. Keep giving commands to ve faster and faster until ve ends in laughter. Play again, adding more difficult commands, for example: dance, spin, etc.

Play a game while walking: give commands to walk in different ways, such as slow, fast, backwards, sideways, small steps, giant steps, jumps, etc.

Define by touch

Teach your child to use touch to explore the environment. Let him create mental images of things that he touches.

Pick up a few items that are different to the touch and shape (soft toy, washcloth, cup, cookie, ball, etc.) and put them in a box. Tie up the child with gas or ask him to close them. Take one of the items out of the box and place it in the child's hand. Ask him to carefully feel the object and guess what it is. If it's hard for him to guess, give a hint.

To make it easier for the child, show him the objects before blindfolding, and then follow the instructions above.

What happened?

Teach your child to anticipate events and solve problems before they encounter them in real life. Let the search for a solution be a fun activity.

choose a story in which the child can predict the events and start reading it. After reading a little, ask the child what he thinks will happen next. Turn the page, read the story further and find out if the child guessed correctly. Keep going until you reach the end.

Instead of a picture book, take illustrations from magazines and make up stories from them. Start by asking, "What's going on here?"

What is missing?

The child will be happy to guess what is missing, especially if you pick up items that are interesting to him.

Arrange items in front of the child. After he has studied them, name them all out loud one by one. Cover the objects and remember their names. Remove one item where the child cannot see and open the remaining items. Ask: What is missing? Play like this with the rest of the items.

To make the game more difficult, you can use more items, match items that are similar to each other, or skip the item with a review of names. To make it easier for the child, reduce the number of items or name them several times.

Whose clothes?

A child aged 2-3 years is still learning to distinguish boys from girls, women from men, and this game will help him in this.

Cut out pictures of men, women, boys and girls from magazines. Then cut out images of objects for men, women, boys and girls. Lay out images of people, put images of clothes next to them. Take the first image of the garments and give it to the child. Ask who these clothes fit and have them attach them to the corresponding paper man. Continue until you have laid out all the cut clothes.

These games are suitable for children 3-3.5 years old. Consider also the individual characteristics of your child.

What to do with a 3 year old at home? Many parents quickly find the answer: Turn on cartoons. The kid, of course, will be absorbed in an exciting activity for a couple of hours, but watching TV shows for a long time is harmful: psychologists and pediatricians have long established this fact. A child watching TV is convenient for parents, but of little benefit to the baby.

Offer your son or daughter an interesting activity. There are plenty of games and entertainment for a three-year-old child. Nothing comes to your mind, except for drawing, applications and modeling? Choose any of the exciting games, work with your child, enjoy success. So, no teachings and long explanations, only suggestions on how to keep a three-year-old kid busy.

home theater

A win-win option, regardless of the gender of the child. Prepare a mini-performance, choose your favorite fairy tales, come up with new ones. Fantasize yourself, support the ideas of the little director.


  • make heroes of fairy tales from cardboard, shreds, improvised materials;
  • sew small figurines of animals, people that are easy to put on your finger;
  • make a big screen for fairy tales. The fixture will replace a row of cloth-covered chairs;
  • Many children love to turn into fairy-tale characters. Choose a play in which two or three characters participate (change clothes in the next room), make costumes for yourself and the baby. Show a simple fairy tale to dad, grandparents: loved ones will be delighted.

Treasure Island

What to do:

  • get a few caskets, handbags, bright boxes;
  • inside each "chest" put a small surprise: a candy, an apple, a sweetie, a postcard;
  • tell the kid that you do not have an apartment, but a treasure island. Offer to find all the bags and boxes in which the treasure is hidden;
  • put the "chests" not too far away so that the child can easily find them;
  • the exercise develops fine motor skills of the hands, takes at least half an hour.

little helper

At three years old, most children willingly imitate their parents. Take advantage of this, offer an "adult" lesson.

Plenty of options:

  • To water flowers;
  • wash vegetables for the original salad;
  • roll out the dough;
  • put on dolls new dresses before the arrival of guests;
  • decorate the cake;
  • wipe off the dust;
  • sort shirts or socks;
  • put things in order on the shelf and so on.

Important! Be sure to praise the baby, tell everyone at home about his successes. Give feasible tasks so that the young assistant is not disappointed in his abilities.

Accurate shooter

Play along with your baby. You will need two plastic buckets, paper balls. Together with your child, make "cores" out of soft paper, a piece of old wallpaper (take cheap ones so that they wrinkle easily).


  • from two or three steps to get a paper ball into the basket;
  • think about what distance is suitable for the child to hit the target, otherwise disappointments cannot be avoided;
  • after the competition, give the "sharp shooter" a prize.

Young artist


  • put paper on the table, offer to draw a picture to decorate the house;
  • give finger paints, show how to make a flower;
  • children are happy to create;
  • hang the picture in a conspicuous place;
  • many kids like drawing so much that often a whole “gallery” appears in the room.

Home orchestra

You will need:

  • jars, buckets of different sizes made of plastic;
  • cardboard tubes from food foil or film.

Show how to play the drums, explain that you can not just knock, but also play melodies:

  • draw the attention of the young drummer to the different pitches of the sounds;
  • so that drumming does not annoy, after 15-20 minutes, offer another interesting activity, for example, watching cartoons.

Modeling from plasticine

A time-tested activity for 3 year olds. Buy a set of 10-12 colors and shades. Choose good quality plasticine: avoid cheap, toxic materials.

Offer to mold the heroes of fairy tales, a pet, fruits, vegetables. Start with simple shapes to avoid disappointment. At first, sculpt together, then leave for a while, learn to practice on your own. After a while, be sure to arrange an exhibition of works.

Advice! Select a place, put up plasticine figures for everyone to see. Many children like to put on scenes with the participation of newly fashioned characters.

Garland for the New Year

Offer to decorate the apartment with the baby. Cut strips of colored paper 1-2 cm wide. If the child knows how to handle children's scissors, let him do some of the work himself.

Task: glue rings from the strips. Pass a new strip through the finished ring, connect. After 10-15 minutes of work, you will get a small garland.

Model show

The game is suitable for children who are good at putting on and taking off clothes. Offer the baby more things, let them put on a show. Choose details easier: capes, hats, wigs, skirts to make it easy to change clothes. Girls especially like this game.

The most dexterous

A simple task will entertain the baby. Offer to carry a convenient object around the apartment in a tablespoon: a small ball, a nut, a tennis ball. Show how to act. After going around all the rooms, the “most dexterous” will receive a prize.

wind force

The game develops deep breathing, gives fun, good mood. Arrange a competition, try to make the baby win too.


  • bubble;
  • cotton balls;
  • paper balls.


  • take more air into the lungs, blow objects off the table or blow out a large soap bubble;
  • on different days, alternate balls with bubbles: so the game will not get bored. Involve dad, grandmother, praise for success.

coloring pages

A win-win option for the development of perseverance, imagination, fine motor skills. At first, buy coloring books with large objects that are of interest to your son or daughter. Choose stories from cartoons, favorite fairy tales.

Does a young artist cope well with a large area? Move on to pictures with medium and small details.

Thick coloring pages are not needed, the baby will not turn pages for a long time. Find a suitable picture on the Internet (“Print out coloring pages for children”), then print it out on a printer. Let the little artist color the hero.

Find a couple

First option:

  • put clean shoes on the floor, mix boots, shoes, slippers;
  • get 3-4 baskets or boxes, invite the young housewife / owner to sort the shoes: boots - in one basket, slippers - in another, and so on;
  • be sure to find a pair before putting the shoes in the right place.

Second option:

  • you can just take the shoes out of the boxes, make a mess;
  • ask the baby to carefully lay everything back out so as not to confuse anything;
  • help a little right away, do not leave the child alone in front of a pile of shoes;
  • tell your family what helper is growing.

Rocking chairs or swings

Good fun for little kids. Buy a comfortable rocking horse model with a stable base. Attach the swing securely in the doorway. During such entertainment, never leave your son or daughter alone, always watch your behavior to avoid injury.

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The page is written about the rules for taking antibiotics for laryngitis in a child.


Colorful magazines, panoramic books, encyclopedias with bright pictures (taking into account age) are of great interest to children. Choose interesting material, read with expression so that the baby is carried away.

Situational games

Children love to play different roles. Games that develop the imagination - what you need for a three-year-old kid.

You do not know what to do with a child at home at 3 years old? Suggest one of the popular games:

  • daughters-mothers;
  • hospital;
  • school;
  • salon;
  • shop;
  • cafe.

Buy sets of toy tools, make props yourself. Both boys and girls enjoy playing with pots, plastic pans and glasses at an early age. Situational games develop speech, teach communication, attention to strangers.

Children's disco

Turn on your favorite songs, let the baby dance. Get involved too. A great option if friends or relatives with a child of a similar age came to visit.

circle your hand

A simple game is especially liked by girls. Show the baby how to trace the palm and fingers with a pencil. Help cut along the contour, draw rings on the fingers together, paint the “nails”, put on beautiful bracelets.


Prepare cardboard, glue, scissors, multi-colored paper, old magazines. At first, make simple pictures so that the baby can cope with the task. The child can tear pieces of colored paper with his hands if he is poorly controlled with scissors.

Treats for animals

Offer to feed pets and cute little animals. Put a bear, a bunny, an elephant, everyone you find in the children's corner at the table. Draw in advance, then cut out apples, carrots, cabbage, other vegetables, fruits from cardboard. Make cereals and grass from colored paper. Tell your son or daughter what each animal eats.

If there is suitable pet food in the refrigerator, use it after washing it out, checking if it is cold. As you go, explain why it is important to wash your hands, vegetables, and fruits.

Now you know a lot of exciting games and entertainment for kids. Be sincerely interested in the affairs of the child, do not spare time for the development of skills and abilities. Fantasize, imagine yourself in the place of your son or daughter. Joint games bring together, improve relations in the family, give a good mood.

Video. Even more games and activities for a child of 3 years at home:

If the child is familiar with letters, write on paper the letters that make up his name or a word. Then cut the paper into different pieces so that each has one letter. Let the child collect the word. He may need your help.

You can also ask to find 10 items that begin with a certain letter, or that have two vowels "E" and "O" (grain, metro, root, knee, etc.).

In you can make a list of different items and ask the child to find all these things.


This yard game is known to all. But with the help of adhesive tape, it can be adapted for the home.

With a not too wide tape, “draw” a rectangle on the floor with 10 squares inside.

The principle of the game is still the same: without stepping on the line, move the bat from one “class” to another, jumping on one foot. There are many varieties of this game. Rules and additional details can be invented together with the child.

For example, when you need to consolidate knowledge of numbers, you can draw numbers on a card and show these cards to your child in turn. Let him jump on one leg to the “class”, the serial number of which corresponds to the number indicated on the card.

In the same way, you can solve simple mathematical problems for addition and subtraction. In this case, the decision is the "class" in which the child should be.

Mysterious sounds

When there is a lot of free time that there is nothing to use, write it down on mobile phone or an old tape recorder, various home sounds and noises (washing machine, murmur of water, dad's cough, door creak, keyboard clatter, voices of all family members, etc.).

Similarly, it will be possible for the whole family to have fun by listening to the recorded sounds and guessing their sources.

Train to the station

This game uses the principle of a chain word: two words are guessed - the first and second. The player's task is to connect these words logically, using only nouns in the singular, nominative case.

It is better to start with the words that are closest logically, and one word for a bunch. If the child likes this game, it can easily be complicated.


This game requires paper and two pens.

Put on the sheet a certain number (at first 4-6, but as you master the game, the task becomes more complicated) dots and number them out of order.

Players need to take turns “pulling the reins”, that is, drawing lines from one number to another (in order), but in such a way that the lines do not intersect or touch.

If this fails, the player receives a penalty point. The one with the fewest points wins.


Again, take paper and pencils or felt-tip pens. Now we need to draw some kind of animal. The whole interest of the game is that each player thinks of different animals and draws in turn from top to bottom, bending the edge of the sheet so as to hide his part of the drawing.

You can play with one piece of paper or two, exchanging them.


A simple game of antonyms (when you need to name a word that is opposite in meaning to that said by another player) for children after 5 years old can be complicated by offering to name an antonym for a word to which there is no opposite meaning as such. For example, to the name of a profession or a piece of clothing.

This game is good for developing non-standard thinking.

Guess the fairy tale

When you need to sit quietly, entertain your child with a fairy tale. But unusual.

Tell a well-known fairy tale without using proper names and replacing old concepts with similar modern ones: a ball for a disco, a carriage for a car, a princess for a supermodel.

It is interesting when the child will understand what kind of fairy tale you are telling him. But when the tale is guessed, continue your fascinating remake.

Let's cross the swamp

If the child crosses the swamp and does not get stuck in the quagmire, he will receive a reward (coins, candy, a new toy).

The swamp can only be crossed by stepping on green bumps made of paper, cardboard or old wallpaper. You can not step on red bumps or on the space between bumps of different colors. The bumps may need to be reinforced with double-sided adhesive tape to prevent the child from slipping on it.

The reward can lie under the last bump, under the pillow, behind the books on the shelf, in the box...

If you play like this every day, then you can use letters as a reward, from which you will later need to make a word.

River game

A carpet is not a carpet at all, but a fast mountain river, stepping into which is life-threatening. But what if you need to cross to the other side?

Let the child use any means at hand - chairs, stools, small tables, a sofa. You can build a real bridge, or you can move around by rearranging just two stools.

Just make sure that the child is not injured when carrying furniture and climbing on it.

A child at 2 years old is a small independent man who studies the world around him with curiosity. Adults should help the baby to adapt as much as possible through the game. What to play with a 2 year old child, parents decide on their own, according to the level of physical and intellectual development of the baby.

A child at 2 years old is a small independent man who studies the world around him with curiosity. Adults should help the baby to adapt as much as possible through the game. What to play with a 2 year old child, parents decide on their own, according to the level of physical and intellectual development of the baby.

What should a child be able to do by the age of two?

  1. Physical development:
    • correctly coordinate movements;
    • manage your body in a coordinated manner;
    • develop gross and fine motor skills.
  2. Self-service - satisfaction of your needs:
    • hygienic;
    • nutrition;
    • undressing-dressing;
  3. Intellectual development:
    • vocabulary replenishment;
    • communication with adults and peers;
    • knowledge of the world around;
    • drawing, music, dancing.

Games that promote better physical development

ball games

Outdoor ball games are equally liked by 2-year-old boys and girls. It should be borne in mind that a child at this age gets tired quite quickly, so it is advisable to alternate active entertainment with rest. It is not recommended to play for longer than 15 minutes, otherwise the next time the baby will refuse this entertainment.
Even in a small apartment, you can play ball with your child, throwing it at close range into the hands of the baby. Grasping movements develop, improving body control. Sitting opposite each other and legs wide apart, like a kind of gate, you should teach a two-year-old child to roll the ball in a given direction.
Playing at home in "edible - inedible" improves the reaction of the crumbs to external influences, increases knowledge in the field of what can and cannot be eaten. The advantage is the development of grasping movements when catching the ball.

    On the playground, you should diversify the games:
  • football - try to hit the ball with your foot in motion, alternating either the right or the left leg;
  • throw the ball in a given direction;
  • toss the ball up so that a 2-year-old child tries to catch it;
  • throw a sports accessory to each other, standing in a circle with several children of about the same age.

In active entertainment, adults should not leave children to play alone without supervision:

  • a baby 2-3 years old may fall, getting injured;
  • hitting the ball, even thrown by a peer, is quite painful;
  • parents should lead the game.

Overcoming obstacles

Children 2-3 years old are very fond of sports games:

  • climb the Swedish wall;
  • hang with the support of an adult on the horizontal bar;
  • walk on a log above ground level;
  • run, jump.

At this age, the baby does not have a sense of fear and danger, therefore, adults are advised to constantly monitor the child in order to exclude the occurrence of accidents. It is recommended to tell the baby about the behavior on gymnastic equipment, the need to hold on tight.

Irina Knyazeva - kindergarten teacher No. 57

What experts advise to play with a child at 2 years old on the street:

  • chasing with parents or other children playing nearby;
  • blind man's buff;
  • walking through the labyrinth, along the line drawn on the asphalt;
  • jump ropes in place with alternating legs, from step to step, over the curb.

When jumping, you should hold the baby 2 years old by the hand until he learns to jump without injury.
Active physical games are replaced at home by walking barefoot on croup, small pebbles. You can offer and show a personal example of how to walk on tiptoe, holding a ball or soft toy between your knees. Children at 2-3 years old are happy to repeat the actions of adults.
Kids love massage very much with the story “A train was driving” - back muscles are strengthened in a playful way, posture improves. Physical exercises with a child strengthen the body, increase immunity, and prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

Games that improve fine motor skills

The harmonious development of a small person is unthinkable without games that train fine motor skills of the hands. Hand and finger movements in children at the age of 2 are directly related to the work of the brain - they contribute to a better development of speech, logic, and visual coordination of movement.


Of course, not everything can work out right away, but the patience of parents is required so that a 2-year-old baby learns to do everything himself:

  • draw with paints and pencils, paint large drawings of coloring pages;
  • cut out simple shapes with scissors;
  • sculpt sticks and balls from plasticine, clay or dough;
  • make applications and crafts from cardboard, colored paper, and other improvised material.

Playing with a child at the age of 2 years in such games should only be with adults who will explain and tell in detail, show in what sequence this or that craft should be made. A kid at 2 years old, under the guidance of his parents, at first does only simple actions: paints a large image, glues a figure cut out by an adult.
All children love to draw. According to which hand the child takes a pencil or brush, the future left-hander or right-hander is determined. It is not recommended to forcibly shift objects from the left hand to the right, since such methods generally discourage creativity. Even if it is not clear what the child depicted, it is advisable to praise the baby in order to encourage his efforts.

sand games

The activities of the baby in the sandbox are very useful:

  • building castles develops imagination;
  • the production of "patties" from sand teaches you to distinguish the shape of the product;
  • sand massages the fingertips and palms, improving blood circulation and brain activity of the baby;
  • playing with other children expands the horizons, develops sociability.

Drawing on glass sprinkled with sand contributes to the development of fantasy and independence.

Speech development

You can play with a 2-year-old baby by telling him fairy tales, learning nursery rhymes together, especially such as “Clumsy Bear”, which combines story and action. Effectively use musical accompaniment in games with a 2-year-old child: invite the baby to make body movements to the beat of the music - jump, squat. Or play an instrument yourself.

In a playful way, children should be taught to clearly pronounce words, correct if they are incorrectly pronounced. It is recommended to talk with the baby as with an adult, increasing the vocabulary of a small person.

With pleasure, children of 2 years old watch puppet shows that can be organized at home. It is not necessary to use professional dolls, you should use your child's favorite toy. You can play a performance with a child by teaching the child the rules of behavior in everyday life - at the table, in the bathroom while washing, helping the mother clean the room, and the like.
At this age, children like to play role-playing games with peers or parents. Dressing, combing a doll, curing a beloved bear, buying goods in a store are more suitable for girls who inherit their mother's behavior. And the boys are busy with cars, buildings from garage cubes, assembling the simplest figures from the designer.

Determining the quality of items

How to play with a child at 2 years old so that the baby learns to determine the shape of objects, knows how to correctly apply the knowledge gained in practice? It is recommended to take different figures in shape: cubes, balls, pyramids, dolls. Find the differences - such games help the child develop attention and ingenuity. It is required to roll them into a toy gate. Parents should clearly explain in a game with a child why the ball rolls the fastest, and not the cube. The kid on the example of different toys will be able to distinguish the shape of objects.
Games for comparing the quality of objects develop intelligence and attention: it is recommended to take 2 toys, for example, dolls dressed in different clothes, with different hairstyles, of different heights. A 2-year-old child should tell what they have in common and what is the difference. Playing such games often with a child is a good training for mental development.

Sound environment

A good suggestion is to play with the baby to recognize the sounds of the surrounding space. You should carefully listen to the ticking of the clock, the buzzing of a fly, the noise of cars outside the window. Explaining to the child the origin of sounds, it is advisable to repeat them together. You can become a source of sound yourself: scratch your nails on the wall, glass, slam the door, cough, portray what sounds pets make. Repeating after an adult, the child perceives extraneous noise less when going to bed and falling asleep.

fine motor skills

What and how to play with children of 2 years old, parents choose, guided by the recommendations for the harmonious development of the baby at 2-3 years old. Fine motor skills are developed by games with small objects Perfectly develops finger motor skills by sorting through small objects - multi-colored buttons, beans, rings, sparkling jewelry. It is interesting for kids to string rings on a pyramid. Alternating colors, a child of 2 years old remembers the sequence of the correct addition of a figure.
Putting beans or buttons into a bottle with a narrow neck is an exciting activity for kids, developing fine finger movements, massaging their pads, which favorably affects the mental development of the child.

Help mom

Children are happy to help adults do household chores

How to play with a child of 2 years at home, the ingenuity of parents will tell. From a young age, you can teach your son or daughter to help your mother with the simplest tricks: lay out napkins on the table, put forks and spoons for each, at the same time teaching the kids to count. How many people are in the family and how many appliances should be put on the table. How many spoons, forks, plates should be put.
Cleaning around the house teaches the child to be neat. Sweep the floor, vacuum the carpet, put away the toys - children are happy to do simple housework, led by mom or dad. Adult guidance is essential when working with electrical appliances. By arranging daily worries in the form of an exciting game, you can ensure that the child will continue to help the elders without constant reminders.
Many children like to cook with their mother, performing simple actions like a real chef: mix the dough, make a pie, peel boiled vegetables.

Development of attention

Develop intelligence, attention, logic puzzle game. First, you need to add the simplest options from a small number of parts, gradually increasing the complexity of the task.
A simple game helps to determine the shape and color of objects: toys of different colors should be placed in 2 containers. Explain to the child where which one and ask for a toy of a certain color. For every correct action, it is desirable to encourage the child with a word.
Constant delight causes blowing of soap bubbles. Self-blowing bubbles develops the respiratory system of the crumbs, and an attempt to catch a miracle shimmering in different colors improves coordination of movement.

Adults should be involved in all games with a two-year-old child to prevent injury to the baby. Be sure to praise the baby, regardless of whether the task turned out well or badly. The child should feel the love and protection of the parents. The variety of games depends on the desire and imagination of mom and dad.

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Children love when adults take part in their games, so if the child spends the whole day at home, play more with him. Great pastime - board games: dominoes, puzzles, constructors. You can arrange competitions - who will quickly collect a picture from a puzzle. You can also draw, make a beautiful application from colored paper and hang your joint creations on the wall.

Do not forget that the child needs daily physical activity. And despite the fact that he is sitting at home, he must be allowed to throw out his energy. Of course, you can silently watch how he jumps on sofas and rolls on the floor. But you will give your child great pleasure by sharing his games with him. Turn on the music, arrange a small one or a dance competition - who will dance whom?

You can keep your child busy watching a cartoon for a while, for example, if you need to cook dinner. But this activity should not be delayed. Take an hour and a half a day to watch cartoons and educational programs.

If you are busy with something, and the child asks to play with him, you can ask him to bring his favorite toy from another room. As soon as he does this, immediately send him to the next task - to bring a red cube, then a small doll, and so on. Perhaps, in search of a doll, the baby will be distracted by a toy that he has not seen for a long time, and play with it himself a little while you finish things.

If your child wants to be in the kitchen while you prepare dinner, you can keep him entertained here as well. Cover a glass jar with plasticine, pour a little different cereals in front of the child and ask him to decorate the jar with this cereal so that it looks like a vase. Such an exciting game will appeal to both the baby and the older child, and it is also useful for those with fine motor skills.

Play with your child in a jewelry store - pour confectionery into a plate, namely, horns and pasta of various sizes, take a thin string and make beads for the store together. They will especially appreciate such a game, since then you can dress up in such unusual home-made jewelry. To make the beads even more original, you can first paint the pasta with paints and dry it, and then string it on a string.

You can arrange a puppet theater - play with your child some fairy tale that is well known to him. This will please both you and him. In a word, there are a lot of games that you can take a child at home with, the main thing is not to be lazy, use your imagination, infect the child with your positive mood and not sit back.
