Women's business in organizing weddings - what do you need to know? How to open a wedding agency, business plan.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult for young entrepreneurs to squeeze into any serious niche. You need to act quickly and decisively so as not to miss your chance. Especially when it comes to organizing weddings as a business. Where to start and how to succeed in this wonderful and feminine way of earning money? You will learn all the useful information after reading our article.


So, if you decide to open a wedding business, then first of all you should decide on the basic services that the so-called wedding agency will provide. The choice here is quite wide:

  • rental and sale of dresses;
  • selection of restaurant and wedding menu;
  • wedding decoration;
  • ordering and decorating a car;
  • registration or ordering a bouquet;
  • organization of an outdoor ceremony;
  • selection of toastmaster, DJ, artists;
  • printing and sending invitations;
  • ordering a photographer and video shooting;
  • fireworks, chocolate fountains and other services.

All these events together, as a rule, are called “turnkey wedding organization”, i.e. a kind of all inclusive for clients who do not have the time or desire to prepare on their own. However, most often the organization of a celebration as a business is identified with the decoration of the hall. Perhaps you need to start with this, and only then take on all the other tasks little by little.

Premises and staff

Organizing weddings is considered a business without large investments, since in essence you are an intermediary between customers and performers. In any case, you cannot do without a stylish small office of 10-20 sq.m. Clients must understand that they are dealing with a serious company. It is advisable to rent or purchase premises in the city center, in areas with high traffic. A good option would be to rent on the first floors of a large business center.

As for personnel, you will need one or two assistants in the role of account managers and a visiting accountant. You will have to collaborate with photographers, makeup artists, fashion designers, artists, florists and designers, and this is one of the most difficult moments in this business. It is necessary to develop a base of the best specialists who will set their prices for services. Your task is to agree on the amount with the wedding customer, taking into account the markup for organizing your celebration.

Of course, to open a business organizing weddings, you cannot do without registration. You can register your activities as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Each option has its pros and cons. An individual entrepreneur is easier and cheaper to get, while an LLC enjoys greater trust among customers and performers. In addition, such registration is preferable if you cooperate with legal entities.

We count profits

How much can you earn from organizing a wedding business? First, let's calculate one-time and monthly expenses. So, you will have to spend about 150,000 rubles on the purchase of furniture and office renovation, registration and advertising (website creation, signage, business cards, etc.). These are one-time startup costs. Every month you will need to allocate funds for renting premises, staff salaries and advertising of the agency. You will allocate approximately 100,000 rubles for all this.

As for income, it should be noted that the payback of the wedding business is about 3-12 months, profitability is 50%. In this case, everything will depend on what time of year you open the business. Remember that the peak of weddings occurs in the summer - early autumn, the most unfavorable time is winter. For organizing wedding events you can claim 10% of the total amount. Let’s assume that you organize 5 weddings a month for 300,000 rubles, from these celebrations you can get 150,000 rubles. We subtract monthly expenses and get 50,000 rubles of net profit.

Wedding agency business plan you can download from our partners!

Now you know the basic information about where to start and how to succeed in organizing weddings as a business. Remember that this is an interesting, but very responsible job. Customers trust one of the most important events in their lives in your hands. Seeing gratitude in the eyes of the newlyweds is the most valuable thing, so don’t let them down!

Finally, we suggest you watch the video about the success story of a wedding planner:


A wedding is one of the main events in the lives of two people, preparation for which takes a lot of time. Every couple dreams of their wedding being unlike any other. Therefore, very often today, future newlyweds turn to wedding agencies to organize their main celebration. Let's look at the business plan of a wedding agency and determine what needs to be done to organize your own wedding business.

Resume - basic business concept

Wedding as a business is very promising and at the same time new for our country. Organizing a wedding is the work of specialists, that is, highly qualified people who understand what each client wants and take into account all their wishes, turning the wedding into a celebration that will be remembered for a lifetime not only by the newlyweds themselves, but also by all the guests present.

Organizing a wedding yourself is very difficult - you need to spend a lot of time and effort, running around a bunch of wedding salons, shops and restaurants. A lot of time will be spent on decorating the hall, cars and other necessary wedding accessories. As a result, by the wedding day, both the future newlyweds and their close friends and relatives who are somehow involved in organizing the event are so tired that they are no longer interested in anything - they just want it all to end quickly.

A wedding agency will turn your wedding into a holiday where you will truly relax.

The agency itself will select everything necessary for your wedding, taking into account both your immediate wishes and preparing some surprises for you. So, by contacting a wedding planning agency, the newlyweds will not only not regret it, but will also be pleasantly surprised.

Wedding agency employees are highly qualified people who know not only all the specialized stores and restaurants, but also understand the client, taking into account all his desires and whims.

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Description of services provided

After describing the business concept, it is necessary to determine the list of services provided. The wedding agency will provide a full range of wedding services, including selecting fabrics for the newlyweds’ clothes, organizing bachelor and bachelorette parties, organizing the wedding celebration itself, as well as travel.

First of all, the agency provides organizational services. First, the general style of the event is developed. The location of the celebration itself, the scenario and the main routes of movement of the newlyweds and guests are selected. Wedding agency employees coordinate the main stages of the wedding and control the delivery of ordered goods.

The agency resolves issues regarding interior design and image of newlyweds. The color of the wedding is chosen (increasingly today, the wedding “acquires color”). Agency employees oversee the decoration of the hall with garlands of balloons, artificial flowers, candles, fabric draperies and other accessories. Great importance is attached to the design of wedding cars.

The next stage of preparing the celebration is the selection of the host or toastmaster, DJs, artists and dance groups. In accordance with the wishes of the customer, the wedding agency independently negotiates and fully coordinates their work. All you need from the newlyweds is a guest list.

Taking into account the wishes of the newlyweds, agency workers select fabrics for individual tailoring of a dress for the bride and a suit for the groom. Shoes, accessories, makeup, hairstyle and manicure are selected. In addition, the appropriate style can be selected for the bridesmaids and groomsmen, witnesses and parents. This should also include the choice of a wedding bouquet and boutonniere, bouquets for bridesmaids and other floral accessories. Company employees negotiate with an advertising agency that produces invitations and business cards.

The wedding agency provides transportation services. At the request of the customer and in accordance with the style of the event, the appropriate cars are selected: limousines, cars, minibuses. The company assumes responsibility for organizing video and photography of the celebration. Subsequently, it is the agency that coordinates the timely and high-quality performance of services by the photographer and operator for the creation and design of a photo album and wedding film.

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Marketing plan for a wedding agency

Today there are companies on the market that provide services for wedding celebrations. However, as a rule, these companies provide these services as additional ones. They organize various special events: corporate events, graduation parties, and anniversaries. These organizations are the main competitors for the wedding agency.

In Moscow, there are about 100 specialized agencies involved only in organizing wedding celebrations. At the same time, the weddings themselves are becoming more and more numerous from year to year, and of course, the main weddings take place in the summer and autumn periods. Moreover, the most active month in this sense is September.

No business will survive for long without advertising, especially when it comes to the wedding planning business. To attract potential clients you need to:

  • place advertisements in publications that specialize in advertising organizations of weddings and holidays;
  • develop a corporate website;
  • develop a portfolio that needs to be presented to potential clients.

In addition, it is necessary to agree on cooperation with wedding salons, restaurants and cafes, transport companies, to produce appropriate business cards and advertising booklets, which will be distributed to clients of these companies in order to advertise the agency’s services. Perhaps, for the first time, this is the maximum advertising cost that a wedding agency can afford. Subsequently, you can try to organize the filming of a small commercial and radio advertising.

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Target audience and project risks

The main target audience for the project in question are those young couples who do not want their wedding to be like any other.
They do not want to spend their energy preparing the celebration or need help in this difficult task. Note that the income level of clients does not matter - the agency will be able to organize any wedding, that is, the business plan of the wedding agency in question is aimed at a wide audience.

For example, for students or other budget-conscious clients, the main thing will be that the wedding does not cost them much. They are offered a range of services at one price, that is, we select some services, combine them into one “Offer” and set one fixed price for them, which students can afford. The essence of this “Offer” is that if you take services separately, they will cost much more than if you take them together. There should be two or three such “Offers”, and they should include different services that take into account the different preferences of customers. On the other hand, wealthier clients should be given their own individual approach to service. A portfolio should be prepared in advance, the design of which should be given great importance. The portfolio should contain materials from previously held “high-quality” weddings.

The main risks of this project should be noted. The market for wedding services is not yet fully formed, so it will be quite difficult to determine what a potential client needs. Please note that weddings are a seasonal affair. As a rule, all weddings take place in the summer and early autumn; from November to April there are practically no weddings. This is due not only to the winter season, but also to the fact that many couples prefer to get married. This period falls during Lent, and, as you know, wedding ceremonies are not performed during Lent.

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Organizational plan for a wedding agency

When organizing a wedding agency, great attention should be paid to the choice of premises, because a good, neat office (even if small) is the “face” of the company.

When choosing an office location, consider the following:

  • the office should be located in the central part of the city - in a business center (not in a residential area);
  • The office should have modern, high-quality renovation.

Typically, wedding agencies are located on the first floors of buildings. The area of ​​the required room should be 40-50 square meters. m. It is desirable that there be at least 2 rooms - one of them is a reception room and a wardrobe, the other is intended for direct work with future newlyweds. The premises must have a bathroom.

The main equipment is office furniture and basic office equipment (computer, printer, scanner, copier), as well as demonstration equipment. Of course, the company can organize off-site meetings with potential clients, for example, in a cafe (on “neutral territory”), or go to the client’s home. For these purposes, you need to purchase a laptop or tablet that will have all the necessary demo material.

When organizing a business, great importance should be given to personnel. The wedding agency will need the following personnel:

  • manager or director;
  • accountant;
  • administrator or secretary;
  • manager or account managers.

Recruitment of employees involves searching for people with experience in holding celebrations, who are sociable and presentable in appearance.

How to open your own wedding agency from scratch in Russia in 6 months - simply and quickly: profitability, amount of investment, expense items, registration issues.

Start-up capital: from 25,000 – 100,000 rubles.
Profitability: 25 – 40% per year.
Payback: 6 – 18 months.

It is believed that the happiest day in the life of every girl is the one when she gets married. It is not customary for us to save on newlyweds.

Otherwise, according to the signs, the “defective” will then live in poverty all their lives.

From a business point of view, opening such a wedding agency is a win-win option.

It allows you not only to get a good income, but also to make a lot of people happy, improve the birth rate statistics in the country and generally do something extremely useful for society.

Besides, who doesn’t want to go to work like it’s a holiday? Not a business, but a dream! Unless, of course, to find an answer to the question “ How to open your own wedding agency? approach wisely.

Our website will help you figure out how to do this, what is important to consider, as well as how to organize the agency’s work.

Industry Analysis

Before you open your business, you should analyze the market.

To begin with, we will provide average data for the industry to determine the capacity of the wedding market and understand whether it makes sense to invest in it and open your own business.

We will also evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.

Is it worth opening your own wedding agency?

  • Pros: socially significant activity, quick payback after opening, high profitability of the business even during a crisis, does not require special licenses or permits, does not require special equipment or a large staff.
  • Disadvantages: seasonality, high competition with similar agencies, “one-time” services (people don’t get married very often, so the concept of “regular clients” is absent here), immediately after opening it requires large investments in advertising.

We study the situation on the market

Please note that the above figures for investments, profitability and payback are approximate. The fact is that these indicators when opening a wedding agency depend on many factors.

The minimum amount is in case the agency refuses the office. But if you immediately open an agency in the center of the capital, the sums will be huge.

Indicators for Moscow and the regions may differ radically from each other. It’s better to start as a freelance wedding consultant, and then you can open an office.

At the same time, the Russian wedding market is huge.

Thus, in 2016 alone, according to preliminary data from Rosstat, 985,834 marriages were concluded.

The department predicts that the statistics will begin to rise again in a couple of years, when the children of the demographic boom period of the early 2000s grow up - just the time for your wedding agency to make itself known.

Market players note that the average cost for one ceremony is 200,000 - 300,000 thousand rubles (in 2016 prices), which is why many want to open their own wedding business. All this despite the demographic decline in the country.

Do the math yourself: one wedding agency accounts for an average of 4 weddings per month. Wedding period - from May to October (6 months). That turns out to be 24 weddings per office. 986,000 weddings divided by 24.

It turns out that Russia is capable of “feeding” about 41,000 (!) wedding agencies.

Provided, however, that all newlyweds will attract specialists, and not a highly experienced neighbor working for food. That is, the prospects for your agency are the brightest.

However, it is worth considering the geographical factor: the closer to the capital you plan to open an agency, the higher the costs.

In Moscow, the services of a photographer and cameraman alone start from 45-50 thousand rubles.

What does a wedding agency do?

Now we will indicate what exactly such a business does in order to better understand the principles of its earnings when it is finally opened.

Here is a sample list of services:

  • organization of wedding ceremonies and other celebrations, preparation of marriage for registration;
  • organization of preliminary parties (stag parties, bachelorette parties, corporate events, etc.);
  • assistance in organizing a “honeymoon”;
  • organization of transport and/video filming, decoration of the premises;
  • preparing the festive table;
  • organizing entertainment and musical accompaniment, hiring a presenter;
  • work with guests (sending out invitations, assistance in compiling guest lists, etc.);
  • less often - tailoring or assistance in choosing a dress for the bride and a suit for the groom, makeup, hairstyle for the bride and bridesmaids, etc.

As you can see, there are plenty of services, and the business can easily scale.

Moreover, you can open an office without an office - work as a wedding consultant or as “your own agency”, perform all the main functions yourself, hiring freelancers from time to time.

By and large, a wedding agency is an intermediary structure that helps to professionally prepare an event, open the way for young people to a happy family life, leaving them with only a holiday without hassle and worries.

This is what you take your commission for.

Thus, taking into account costs and profitability, such a business of your own looks extremely attractive.

If you are able to understand the intricacies of weddings, then you will be able to open it.

A detailed plan on how to open your own wedding agency from scratch

The agency does not require special permits or certificates, so opening it is relatively simple.

Your contractors are legally responsible for the quality of food, drinks and music.

You are only an intermediary, and your responsibility lies solely with the customer for the decoration, design and overall coordination of the celebrations.

The main disadvantage of client dissatisfaction is image costs. An agency with a bad reputation is unlikely to have a queue of customers.

Image is also your capital, which, after opening, will have to be obtained with difficulty. But first things first.

There are two ways to work in this market:

  1. Open your own wedding agency from scratch.
  2. Open an agency by acquiring the rights to a well-known franchise.

With a franchise, everything is clear - we purchase a ready-made “case”, which includes contacts of suppliers and advertisers. The key point is that we deduct a certain percentage from our orders.

For example, one well-known Russian chain of wedding agencies offers to open an agency under their brand for 24,000 rubles.

Royalty – 8,000 rubles per year, but only based on the results of the first year after opening (if you go bankrupt, then, accordingly, you don’t have to pay royalties).

The volume of investment is 25,000 - 90,000 rubles, and the payback period is 6 months.

It’s important from a PR point of view - you will be working under someone else’s brand. Those. You will fulfill the orders, but the client will consider that he has come to this well-known network of wedding agencies.

Working under an umbrella brand has both its pros and cons:

  • On the one hand, you don’t need to rack your brains over your wedding agency business plan and registration before opening. Everything will be done for you.

    That is, opening such a business is extremely simple, but it will cost more.

  • On the other hand, it’s a pity to share your newly earned money. This is especially true at the beginning of a business, immediately after opening, when there will always be a shortage of money.

How to open your own wedding agency: premises, equipment, personnel

1) Registration of a “wedding” business

Now let's look at how to open your own wedding agency from scratch. Let’s assume that you are already a big specialist in this industry, you know what “Registration Office” stands for, and what finger the rings are put on.

In this case, you should go to the state registrar and register a state of emergency or.

Registration of enterprises is carried out by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/related_activities/registration_ip_yl

These are the services they provide:

Opening your own business is relatively easy these days. Almost everything can be done via the Internet. You just need to open the registrar’s website, create your “personal account” there, and manage your agency from there.

There it will also be possible to conduct all reporting using electronic forms. Everything is optimized, any function can be opened/activated with one or two mouse clicks.

What to choose for a wedding agency – the format of a “private owner” or a limited liability company – should be decided in advance, before the opening.

The key difference is that clients of individual entrepreneurs cannot be legal entities (companies, organizations).

Legal registration usually lasts a couple of weeks and requires about 10 thousand rubles. A wedding agency may not need licenses, but it does need a bank account and ordering its own stamp.

Resolving these issues takes up most of the time before opening.

Having dealt with the legal side of the issue, it is worth moving directly from the “production” part.

Based on the list of services, we will determine what our office should be like (and whether we need it at all), what equipment should be purchased and who should be hired so as not to close immediately upon opening.

2) Finding premises for a wedding agency

For a full-fledged agency that provides a full range of services, an office is a must.

This should be a fairly large office space, divided into departments:

  • one part where you can communicate with the customer in a relaxed atmosphere;
  • the second, where your employees will be located directly.

If we are talking about large cities, then office rent is a key expense item. Especially if the choice fell on the city center.

You need to understand that you and the office staff will sit in the office. No one will hold celebrations right there. A separate room will be rented for the wedding.

However, this is where you will negotiate with clients and counterparties. They will evaluate your business based on the condition of your office. If you're going to open an office, it should be stylish!

3) How to equip a “wedding” office?

If your office is planned to be very modest, then a standard one will be enough: an office table, two or three chairs and, preferably, a small sofa or sofa - a functional office decoration.

If you decide to create a larger agency with a full-fledged office, then you will have to spend a lot of money. Office tables, chairs, an armchair, the same sofa or sofa will cost 50,000-100,000 rubles.

This does not include computers, phones and other office equipment. You can open a line of credit at a bank for all this, but the rates today are “biting.”

Nowadays, another important attribute of a wedding agency is a projector, as well as a color printer with high quality printing.

You will need the latter even before opening - for printing promotional materials. This is at least another 50,000 rubles.

Purchasing a professional camera, lighting and other equipment for shooting can cost an additional 100,000 rubles.

Your business depends on it, so it is advisable not to choose the cheapest equipment.

Cost item for opening a wedding agencyAmount (rub.)
Total:From 200,000 rubles
Agency office furniture
50 000 – 100 000
Office equipment (computers, phones, printer)
From 50 000
Camera + shooting equipment
100 000
Projector (optional)
From 10,000 rub.

Let us repeat, all this is relevant only in the case of a large-scale business. For a modest person, an office is not needed at all.

At the same time, the lack of an office can be presented as a competitive advantage of your “wedding agency”. After all, you yourself will come to the client, demonstrating a personal approach, which is very much appreciated in our time.

4) Advertising for a wedding agency

The main thing to remember is that in organizing a wedding agency, from the point of view of the business model, the main thing is not the presence of a spacious office or a crowd of office employees, but the creation of a contact base.

You must become an “in” for restaurateurs, musicians, actors, flower sellers and wedding paraphernalia stores. It would be optimal to establish a barter relationship: you advertise them by distributing their leaflets, and they recommend you to their customers.

But here it’s worth considering the scale of your business (often, the smaller it is, the higher the share of advertising costs).

5) What staff do you need for a wedding agency?

At this point it is worth indicating the requirements for the state. The minimum “set” of employees is as follows:

  1. Director – meets clients, negotiates with contractors and partners, “endorses” documentation, manages business processes;
  2. 1-2 account managers– are involved in the direct organization of events, contact customers, draw up plans for celebrations, create a list of orders, etc. – key employees in terms of the business model;
  3. Designer is responsible for the design of the wedding, for the “creativity” and originality of the celebrations.
  4. On a fee basis, you should cooperate with photographer, driver(with car), florist, decorator, artists/toastmaster etc.

No one is immune from mistakes when creating a business.

A brief analysis of the most common ones can be found in the video:

What is the profitability and payback of opening a wedding agency?

So, we already know the essence of this wedding business. We also sorted out what to buy and how to register. All that remains is to calculate the minimum expenses and income, and, finally, launch our office.

The average office in Moscow holds 4 weddings a month, although there are exceptions. Revenue from such a volume of work can be about 800,000 rubles or more. (remember, one wedding costs approximately 200,000 rubles).

The amount at first glance is impressive, but you still have to deduct payments for the services of counterparties and contractors, employee salaries, advertising campaigns and other related expenses.

Don’t forget about utility bills, taxes, and the purchase of paper and office supplies. Beginning businessmen very often forget to take all this into account when drawing up a business plan.

It turns out that the net income of your business from each wedding will be exactly at the level of 30-40% percent (plus or minus - depends on the season).

Initial investment in the decision to open an agency (equipment, design, advertising, etc.)From 25-100,000 rub.
Monthly expenses after starting a business (staff, rent, utilities, etc.)From 80 -150,000 rub.
Payments to counterparties, contractors100-150,000 rub. from one wedding / up to 70-80% of revenue
Income per month (during the wedding season)From RUB 800,000 (200,000 * 4)
Business profitability (during the wedding season)20-40%
Business paybackFrom 6 months

Pondering the question how to open your own wedding agency from scratch, you need to realize that in the first month after opening you are unlikely to gain a sufficient number of clients.

This market is quite conservative, and brides are very wary of agencies.

Opening an agency is not difficult; it is difficult to stay in the market while no one knows about you.

Conclusion - a wedding agency is a fairly profitable business idea that does not require unnecessary legal red tape and certification.

If you have such a desire, it is obviously worth opening it. All you need, in addition to the initial investment, is creative thinking and stress tolerance.

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Nowadays, weddings are somewhat reminiscent of original theatrical performances. The organization of such events is rarely complete without the participation of a wedding agency. Employees of these companies help newlyweds, members of their families, and their loved ones organize a truly grandiose, long-remembered celebration.

A wedding agency to some extent helps to fulfill the secret dreams of newlyweds, and therefore they do not skimp on paying for their services. The demand for such services is high, especially if the wedding agency employs professionals who know their business. Becoming the founder and owner of a wedding agency is a promising business idea, especially if we are talking about a company located in a larger city. How to open your own wedding agency?

Business plan for organizing a wedding agency

The implementation of any commercial idea begins by drawing up a business plan from scratch, as detailed as possible, so that all the nuances of this type of business activity are taken into account. A business plan, that is, its template, can be downloaded on the Internet, and then adjusted to suit you. Many novice entrepreneurs do this; fortunately, there is no shortage of such material on the RuNet.

The entrepreneur will have to come up with and organize a place to hold meetings with clients. For such purposes, you can rent premises in a business center, where you will be able to enter into contracts calmly and comfortably.

Personnel costs

In the process of drawing up a plan for implementing a business idea, it is definitely worth mentioning the expected labor costs a little. An entrepreneur will need a driver, a photographer, florists, and a host (toastmaster), because organizing a full-fledged wedding celebration on your own is unrealistic.

The main task of the owner of a wedding agency is to quickly open a company and coordinate the actions of his assistants and subordinates, and organize advertising for his enterprise. Typically, a wedding agency’s income from a wedding, the organization of which he was entrusted with, is 10-15% of the budget of the wedding itself. That is, if the wedding budget was 10 thousand dollars, then the commission of the wedding agency will be 1-1.5 thousand dollars.

Wedding organization

It makes sense to develop several scenarios for organizing a celebration ahead of time so that clients have a choice and can choose the most desirable option. Everyone has their own vision of this celebration, a significant day for the newlyweds and their loved ones. Some people prefer a classic style wedding, while others want to spend this celebration dressed as a diver under the waters of the South Sea or jump with a parachute. Many clients come to wedding agencies with their own, sometimes simply incredible in terms of implementation, scenarios.


The class level of a wedding agency, its reputation, and therefore its income depend on how far it is willing to go to meet clients who ask for help in organizing their wedding. We are talking about helping to realize the “wedding of their dreams,” that is, the most incredible, original project for holding this celebration.

The functions of a wedding agency include choosing a restaurant or cafe where the event will take place, choosing a flower shop where flowers will be purchased for the wedding, and decorating the premises. The entrepreneur must first conduct an analysis of the local market for these services. You need to choose only those establishments that value their reputation and provide quality services. After that, you can collaborate on, so to speak, an ongoing basis. It is advisable to maintain such partnerships with several similar establishments at once, so that clients have several options to choose from.

It is advisable to work on a prepayment system. Prepayment is a reliable guarantee that the clients of the wedding agency will not change their minds about violating their contractual obligations, and so on. An advance payment is also issued from the prepayment fund to the hired staff of the agency; other organizational tasks are solved with this money.

Success of a wedding agency

The success of your own wedding agency, opened from scratch, largely depends on the advertising company and how well it is organized, especially in the early stages of the enterprise’s existence. A cheap and modern option for promoting a business is to create a website, an interactive business card for a wedding agency, which contains information about the list of services, their costs, and so on.

On such a web resource you can post photographs taken at celebrations previously organized by this wedding agency, adding a brief description of their scenario. In addition to advertising on the online network, an entrepreneur can place advertisements in local city newspapers and use posting notices.

This business does not require significant financial investments or long training. An entrepreneur must not only know how to open an establishment, but also have a creative imagination, perhaps also experience in entrepreneurial activity in the entertainment sector, be sociable, and able to “hear” the client. Good luck!

  • Step-by-step opening plan
  • What documents are needed to open a wedding agency?
  • Business technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Today, the holiday services market is increasingly attracting budding entrepreneurs. This is explained by the stable demand for such services and the low entrance ticket to business. You can open a wedding agency for just a few thousand dollars. The average profitability of a wedding agency is estimated at 50%.

The main services provided by wedding agencies:

  • Rental and sale of wedding dresses;
  • Decoration of the banquet hall;
  • Photo and video shooting;
  • Horse carriage rental;
  • Pigeons;
  • Fireworks and fire show;
  • Chocolate and wine fountains;
  • Car rental, including retro;
  • Car decoration;
  • Outdoor weddings;
  • Toastmasters and DJs;
  • Bridal makeup artist;
  • Rental of men's suits and tuxedos;
  • Wedding cakes;
  • Bridal bouquet;
  • Themed bride price, etc.

As we see, the number of services that a wedding agency can provide is truly impressive. We should also highlight the popularity of destination wedding services. Today, more than half of couples prefer to get engaged in a more unique setting (a motor ship, a forested area), with the involvement of actors and directors.

How much money is needed to open a wedding agency?

To open an agency it is not necessary to make large investments. Today, salons start “small”. For example, they rent wedding dresses, sell wedding paraphernalia, and decorate the hall for celebrations. Usually, only $5,000 - $6,000 is enough to start such a business. As the agency's income and popularity grow, expensive services such as car rental can be included.

How to choose staff for a wedding agency

Wedding agencies, as a rule, do not have a large staff. The main employees are the administrator (director), customer service managers and accountant. The entire range of performers, including photographers, makeup artists, screenwriters, etc. they simply cooperate with the agency and provide the newlyweds with appropriate services. Developing a base of highly qualified specialists (musicians, florists, photographers, etc.) is the most important stage in creating a wedding agency. You need to be able to not only find good performers, it is also important to agree on an acceptable price that will suit all parties to the contract.

How much can you earn by starting this business?

The income of a wedding agency is not difficult to calculate. So, to organize one “average” wedding, funds from 50 thousand rubles and more are spent, not counting the banquet. The main wedding season starts from May and ends in October. As a rule, at this time the services of a wedding agency are booked several months in advance. Of course, it still takes time to promote the business, since the new agency must prove itself in the market.

The most effective methods of advertising a wedding agency, along with banners, flyers, booklets and radio, is still word of mouth. And such advertising, as a rule, works great depending on the quality of services provided by the agency.

Speaking of competition, despite the large number of companies providing services to newlyweds, there is still enough work for everyone. The holiday services market is still ready to accept new players due to stable demand for such services. Moreover, experts say that this market is very promising and the demand for more expensive celebrations is expected to increase in the near future.

Do I need permission to open a wedding agency?

For the legal functioning of a wedding agency, it is necessary to register individual entrepreneurship(IP) or limited liability company(OOO). Registering an individual entrepreneur is much simpler and cheaper than opening an LLC, but legal entities have more opportunities. In general, each OPF has its pros and cons.

Which tax system to choose for this business

As tax systems you can choose between UTII and simplified tax system (6% of revenue or 15% of profit). It is necessary to make a preliminary calculation of the potential revenue and profit of your agency in order to understand which system is more profitable to use. The size of UTII depends on the region of business, since local authorities can set the “mitigating” coefficient k2 at their discretion.

To meet with clients you will have to rent a small office, from 10 m2. Also, as a business card, you need to have a website and a group on social media. networks.

Step-by-step opening plan

To open a wedding agency, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The main disadvantage of an individual entrepreneur is that he is prohibited from working with legal entities. Next we need:

  • rent or purchase premises;
  • Based on the scope of service provision, you will need to purchase the necessary equipment and related inventory;
  • conduct an advertising campaign to attract customers.

What equipment to choose for a wedding agency

The choice of equipment for a wedding salon directly depends on the services it will provide to its clients. In particular, you will need to purchase:

  • necessary attributes for decorating vehicles and wedding hall;
  • material for making wedding invitations and necessary equipment;
  • photo and video equipment;
  • if the services include the services of makeup artists, hairdressers, stylists, then the necessary equipment for their work will be required;
  • office furniture and technical equipment (computer, printer, scanner, copier, etc.);
  • demonstration equipment (display boards, projector...), etc.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a wedding salon?

When registering a wedding agency, you will need to indicate several codes in accordance with OKVED:

  • other entertainment and entertainment activities - code No. 92.3;
  • other activities related to the organization of entertainment and recreation - code No92.7;
  • activities in the field of photography, which includes its implementation at weddings - code No. 74.81;
  • provision of other services - code No. 74.84;
  • provision of other individual services - code No. 93.05.
