Oily skin and open pores. Enlarged pores on the face

Most often, enlarged pores appear in those with oily skin. However, this cosmetic defect often occurs on dry skin. The main reason for enlarged pores is improper skin care and the use of low-quality cosmetics. Treatment of enlarged pores must be carried out, as they can contribute to the appearance of acne and pimples. Below is information on what to do if your pores are enlarged and your skin is dry or oily?

The main reasons for the appearance

So let's start with the reasons. Regardless of skin type, the following may be the main causes of enlarged pores:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Improper skin care.
  • Harmful effects of environmental factors.
  • Bad habits.
  • Stress and poor nutrition.
  • Diseases of the intestines and stomach.
  • Using low-quality or inappropriate decorative cosmetics.
  • Chronic fatigue and sleep disturbance.
  • Dehydration.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Gynecological diseases.

In addition to improper care, the reasons for the appearance of oily skin with enlarged pores are a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, with the subsequent formation of so-called holes in the places where the sebaceous glands emerge. A similar problem is also caused by the use of fatty creams and the abuse of scrubs.

The cause of dry skin with enlarged pores may be insufficient activity of the sebaceous glands and improper care. With this problem, it is important to provide the skin with daily toning, cleansing, moisturizing and protection from adverse environmental factors. In addition, you should not wash your face with tap water, dry your skin with a towel, or use products containing alcohol.

The cause of dehydrated skin with enlarged pores may be a lack of fluid in the body and in skin cells. Therefore, with such a problem, it is necessary to drink at least two liters of fluid daily, and provide proper care to the skin so that it does not quickly lose water. It is a mistake to believe that only dry skin can be dehydrated. This problem is also inherent in oily and combination skin.

How to get rid of enlarged pores with oily skin

To combat enlarged pores on oily skin, it is recommended to visit effective salon treatments. The latter include:

  • Peeling, which allows you to remove the stratum corneum of dead cells and renew the surface of the skin. For oily skin, mechanical, enzymatic and chemical peeling is suitable. The procedure should be carried out approximately once a week. The course often includes 3-4 procedures. Peeling is not recommended in winter, as in winter the skin becomes more sensitive and dry.
  • Moisturizing procedures allow not only to enrich skin cells with the necessary moisture, but also to improve metabolic processes. For this purpose, salons use masks based on hyaluronic acid, alginates, etc.
  • Facial cleansing is a mandatory procedure for oily skin with very enlarged pores. It removes dirt and oil from the surface of the skin. Cleaning can be mechanical, ultrasonic, vacuum, etc. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a month.
  • A therapeutic massage that helps unclog pores and remove sebum. The procedure should be carried out between facial cleansings.

How to remove enlarged pores with dry skin

If you have dry skin with enlarged pores, what should you do? First of all, it is necessary to provide her with regular cleansing and toning, which is carried out using special cosmetics once a day before bed. Moreover, the latter should not contain alcohol, as it contributes to dry skin.

How to treat enlarged pores with dry skin? To do this, you can use the services of beauty salons. For example:

  • Using tightening face masks.
  • Cryotherapy is the treatment of enlarged pores by applying cold to the skin. The procedure allows you to improve metabolic processes, which has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the entire body.
  • Darsonvalization is the effect of high-frequency current on the skin surface. This procedure is effective and completely safe.

So, how to deal with enlarged pores if you have dry or oily skin? First of all, it is necessary to provide the skin with proper care. You should cleanse it daily of dirt and sebum. The procedure can be carried out using both special cosmetics and traditional medicine methods. Various salon procedures are suitable for treating skin with enlarged pores. For example, facial cleansing, peeling, massage, using special masks and creams.

In search of ways to eliminate enlarged pores on the face, carriers of this phenomenon resort to salon and home methods, but first it is necessary to find out the root cause of the appearance of the flaw.

The fact is that the pores of the skin, which are tiny holes, play a direct role in its respiration (in dermatology, it’s not for nothing that they are called the lungs of the skin).

Thanks to them, sebum seeps out and participates in moisturizing and protecting the skin.

For the most part, large pores on the face are especially noticeable on the nose, forehead, and chin; they are rarer on the cheeks. Unfortunately, they don't add any appeal at all.

#10 reasons for the problem

An excessive amount of sebaceous secretions accumulates on the surface in natural openings. This happens if the glands function in a forced mode. It is then that extremely clogged pores expand.

This often appears with the onset of puberty and subsequently only worsens. Hidden causes of enlarged pores on the face include hormonal disorders, body diseases and physiological characteristics of a woman/man.

Among the factors are:

  • heredity;
  • hormonal imbalance - it is typical for pregnant women, women at the stage of breastfeeding, during the use of contraceptives, and the onset of menopause;
  • period of adolescent development;
  • negative environment;
  • unbalanced food intake, characteristic of a diet with an excess of carbohydrates, spices, and animal fats;
  • bad habits;
  • illiterate and inadequate facial care - unsatisfactory cleansing, use of unsuitable/inexpensive cosmetics, excessive use of foundation and powder;
  • upset metabolism, problems with the digestive system, frequent nervous situations;
  • weakened immune system;
  • excess UV rays.

It's worth knowing that:

  1. Doctors will help identify and eliminate the root cause of the problem.
  2. An endocrinologist will reveal the culprit of hormones.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system will be diagnosed by a therapist, gastroenterologist or neurologist.
  4. A cosmetologist will select the necessary skincare products, and a nutritionist will tell you how to normalize your diet.

Enlarged pores on the face: procedures in the salon

What to do if there are enlarged pores on your face? First, you should turn to salon procedures that achieve the maximum permissible effect.

After examining the patient at the appointment, the specialist will prescribe a course of procedures, but cosmetology measures can significantly improve the condition of the skin. Fortunately, cosmetologists/dermatologists have multiple offers from the beauty industry.

To do this, you can use hardware cosmetology. Various procedures will not only narrow and clean enlarged pores, they will also bring other benefits. In addition to hardware techniques, you can use other services:

  1. Darsonvalization– a procedure in which the skin is exposed to pulsed modulated high voltage currents. This leads to the normalization of the sebaceous/sweat glands and the narrowing of pores to acceptable values.
  2. Disincrustation– a physiotherapeutic method of deep cleansing with cosmetics containing alkaline products.
  3. brings great benefits for enlarged pores. It consists of introducing special preparations under the skin, including hyaluron, vitamins, homeopathic components, phosphatidylcholine (it burns fats), amino acids.
  4. treats enlarged skin pores with cold and leads to their narrowing.
  5. – an effective method to remove enlarged pores on the face. Acting precisely, the beam injures the skin to a minimum.
  6. cleans the skin surface with a diamond nozzle. The procedure is comparable to peeling.
  7. is effective in combating this problem. It involves the use of special acid mixtures that eliminate the stratum corneum and many defects.
  8. is a manipulation during which plasma produced from the patient’s own blood is injected under the skin.

Professional products include masks containing algae, polymers and other new and natural ingredients. Clay masks are beneficial.

People who go to a cosmetologist, after completing the prescribed course of treatment, will be satisfied with the result, since not only will the pore sizes become smaller, but also the folds will be smoothed out and the complexion will improve.

If it is not possible to go to the salon to solve the problem, recommendations for home will come to the rescue.

  • To perform home cryotherapy, you should prepare ice cubes. To do this, you should freeze pieces of fruit, herbs, and plant leaves. And every morning wipe your face with an ice cream.
  • Peeling at home is done twice a week. To do this, the skin is warmed up through a steam bath with the inclusion of medicinal herbs. Then the skin is cleansed with scrubs.
  • Masks at home should be used after the peeling procedure. The composition of the masks includes cosmetic clay, egg white, fruits/berries. Such activities narrow the enlargement of pores on the skin.
  • The habit of washing your face with herbal decoctions, rose water or micellar water will help you avoid dirt and narrow your pores. Also use special ones for washing, they will help deeply cleanse the pores.
  • In the fight against the scourge, you should carry out contrasting washes with warm and cool water.
  • Normalizing nutrition will definitely affect the condition of problem skin. There is no place in the daily menu for fatty, sweet, salty, pickled, smoked, and flour foods. As well as drinks with gas and alcohol.
  • An indispensable condition is applying makeup with a sponge. A cosmetic sponge will absorb excess oil.
  • Foundations and powders that are created specifically for skin with large pores are preferred.
  • The regime of regular humidification and ventilation of residential premises must not be violated.
  • Daily walks in the fresh air and strengthening the immune system are also included in the complex of measures aimed at combating deficiency

Remember that hot water is prohibited.

TOP 5 popular cosmetics

It is permissible to cleanse the skin on your face at home using branded products. Purchased at a pharmacy or at special retail outlets, you can use them to achieve an amazing effect.

By the way, South Korean cosmetics are recognized as the leader. Here are the top five products that are popular:

  1. Skin House– serum to tighten pores.
  2. Tightening Plus Toner– this is the name given to the tonic for reducing the size of pores on the face. Same manufacturer.
  3. Normaderm- a cream that is applied at night to help cope with this problem. (Vichy, France).
  4. "Luxury food"- oil mixture. (Loreal Paris, France).
  5. Tea tree. Special gel cream. It can even be used under foundation before applying makeup.

The list will help owners of oily skin type to properly formulate their cosmetic bag.

Question - answer

If you have this problem, you should not use products that contain alcohol, as this can dry out your skin. This will lead to increased work of the sebaceous glands. You should not do procedures that enlarge pores, it is better not to go to a solarium, protect your skin from the sun and not smoke.

Yes, if you eat a lot of fried or spicy foods, you may experience increased sebum production, which will cause acne and enlarged pores.

This problem should be approached comprehensively; this is the only way to improve the situation. To do this, you need to remember to cleanse your face, do exfoliating procedures, apply masks, use products, and visit a cosmetologist.

Folk remedies (5 recipes)

By preparing masks at home, it is not difficult to effectively get rid of large pores on the face and remove cosmetic blemishes.

To cope with the problem, you can use, for example, the following effective recipes:

  • Clay will require 15 g of white clay (kaolin), 10 milliliters of glycerin, 2 drops of fennel essential oil, 30 ml of heated mineral water without gas. Bring the composition to a cream consistency, apply to the skin surface of the face, leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Essential includes 1 drop each of mint and lemon essential oils, 5 ml each of jojoba and hazelnut cosmetic oils. Leave the mask on for an hour, rinse first with warm, then cool water.
  • Linden contains 15 g of crushed linden flowers, filled with 100 ml of hot water. The composition, placed in a container, is placed on low heat for 15 minutes and applied warm to the face. After 15-20 minutes, the mask is removed with a dry cotton swab, and the face is rinsed with cool water.
  • Orange is made from finely chopped fruit pulp and egg white. The product is spread on problem skin, left for 15 minutes, and washed off with boiled water.
  • The berry mixture is mixed from 30 g of strawberry/cranberry puree, egg white and starch with vegetable oil, taken 10 g each. The mask is removed after 10 minutes on the face with a moistened cotton swab.

After masks, the skin becomes more elastic due to the fact that the pores are cleared of accumulated sebum and are better tightened.

What to do if you have wide pores on your nose?

Nasal pores clogged with sebum can be cleaned by including gelatin in masks.

  1. You will need 1 tbsp. l. gelatin and milk. After the gelatin swells, the mixture is heated in the microwave or in a water bath. The prepared mass is applied to the nose with a makeup brush, cotton pad or fingers and left until dry (15-20 minutes). The paste, frozen to the state of a film, is removed with a neat, smooth movement. The treated area is wiped with lotion.
  2. You will need a prepared mixture of gelatin and milk with the addition of egg white. Further steps are the same as in the first recipe.

In addition, soda masks are beneficial. Many people choose them, as they are a budget option for cleaning the pores in the nose area:

  • it is enough to combine 1 tbsp. soda with the gel you use to wash your face, and table salt. The composition is applied not only to the nose, but also to other areas, and is kept strictly for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with water;
  • To one tablespoon of oatmeal ground in a blender, add 5 g of soda, 10 g each of lemon juice and milk. The mask remains on the treated area for 5-10 minutes and is removed by washing.

To avoid the appearance of enlarged pores on the nose and other parts of the face, you should promptly remove makeup and moisturize the epidermis, use soft scrubs and products to normalize sebum secretion.

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Huge pores that look like craters (of course, only in our perception) are the result of excess sebum production. Sebum or dirt clogs micro-holes, and the pores become inflamed, taking on an unaesthetic appearance. They can be temporarily disguised with the help of cosmetics or restored to normal for a long time with the help of proper care.

We are in website We found out which products really help get rid of enlarged pores and restore smoothness to the skin in a matter of days.

First, let's clarify: pore size is determined genetically and cannot be changed. In youth, each microhole is surrounded by a kind of “cuff” of collagen, which maintains its constant size. As we age, the cuffs become thinner and smaller in size, so that the pores appear larger.

Irregular makeup removal and sun exposure can also cause this problem.

In addition, pores cannot expand from heat or shrink from cold. Therefore, the popular advice on blogs to “tighten pores” with ice cubes is nonsense. However, ice can actually have a beneficial effect on problem skin: it reduces inflammation, after which a cosmetic or drug can penetrate the skin.

Let's look at what really helps in the fight against enlarged pores, and we'll figure out why these methods work.

1. Wash with hydrophilic oil

At first it seems that the advice sounds like a mockery, but it works flawlessly. The oil, combined with emulsifiers, upon contact with water turns into a delicate milk that perfectly cleanses pores and also removes makeup. It is worth using hydrophilic oil every day, then the result will be even more obvious. In Japan and Korea, girls cannot do without this product either during the evening or during the morning cleansing of the skin.

After washing with hydrophilic oil, you need to use a gentle foam, then a toner. This will remove any remaining oil from the skin and moisturize it even more.

Why it works: Contaminants are removed from the pores, they become visually smaller.

2. Apply cream or serum daily

After thorough cleansing, the face needs to be moisturized. Even very oily skin needs this procedure. By maintaining a high level of moisture in the dermis, you can significantly reduce the size of pores.

Please note that cosmetics should not contain comedogenic ingredients - they are the ones that clog our long-suffering pores. We recommend looking at the list of traitors and carefully reading the ingredients of products before purchasing.

Why it works: When the skin dries out, it produces excess sebum. By moisturizing, we prevent this problem.

3. Use clay masks

The list of procedures should include clay masks. It is important not to leave the mask on your face too long, otherwise its benefits will be questionable. While the mask is wet, the skin absorbs useful minerals; during the second phase, the mask begins to tighten, which stimulates the blood supply to the skin vessels. And then it begins to pull moisture from the skin, causing irritation. And if you apply face cream immediately after this, you will simply clog your pores again.

Remove the mask as soon as it starts to dry. At this point, its color becomes lighter, but it still remains a little sticky.

Why it works: clay removes excess sebum and impurities from the skin surface well. It is better to choose masks containing sodium hyaluronate or glycerin - they will additionally moisturize the face.

4. Do a chemical peel

This is an effective method of cleansing pores of dead cells and impurities. Ideally, the procedure should be performed by a professional in a salon. At home, you can exfoliate with glycolic acid.

However, there are a number of contraindications:

  • inflammatory processes in the body,
  • allergy to fruit acids,
  • taking certain medications
  • chronic diseases,
  • skin damage.

Creams with retinoids - retinol or tretinoin - promote collagen production, reduce wrinkles and fight skin photoaging well. Retinol (vitamin A) is used more often in cosmetology, since it is less likely to cause skin irritation, although the effectiveness of tretinoin is 20 times higher.

  • within 7 days, enhances collagen synthesis, increasing skin elasticity;
  • within 12 weeks of treatment it makes fine wrinkles less noticeable;
  • causes less moisture loss and flaking than tretinoin.

The disadvantage of retinol is that it quickly decomposes when exposed to light and air.


  • fights acne and comedones;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • after 3 months of regular use, fine wrinkles become less noticeable, the epidermis thickens;
  • after 4 months, both fine and some deep wrinkles are leveled out, the skin becomes smoother;
  • after 6 months, the skin becomes less flabby, yellowness and hyperpigmentation partially disappear.

To achieve this effect, apply a pea-sized amount of cream to your face every day, 20–30 minutes after washing your face. Additionally, you will need to use a moisturizer. Since peeling is possible in the first stages, you can start using retinoids once every 7 days, then apply twice a week and gradually make it a daily habit.

The rule is relevant not only in summer, but also in winter. During the cold season, only the amount of short-wave ultraviolet rays UVB decreases (but they are also well reflected from snow and ice). While the number of UVA rays remains quite large. They are able to penetrate clouds and glass, and it is these rays that are responsible for skin aging.

Being in the sun dries out your skin, which in turn leads to increased sebum production and enlarged pores. So Even in winter, dermatologists advise not to give up sunscreen with SPF 30 protection.

7. Eat more vegetables, greens and seafood

Girls with combination and oily skin often face the problem of choosing foundations. Many creams, even a couple of hours after application, simply fall into the wide pores on the skin. How to tighten pores at home? Read on I WANT!


Girls often choose to disguise their pores silicone based. These tools really work wonders in Photoshop style. The skin is smoothed out and seems to be “blurred out”, but it lasts until victory. But we all know that the problem should not be masked, but solved.

Enlarged pores- this is a consequence not only of specific skin type, but also of poor ecology, poor nutrition and self-care, smoking and alcohol, as well as .

You need to understand that it will not be possible to make wide pores completely invisible, but narrowing them and bringing the skin to a normal state is quite possible. And we will tell you how to do this using natural products!

Natural complex for cleaning and tightening pores

Any problem needs to be solved comprehensively and pores are no exception. Whatever problem you are trying to solve for your skin (acne, dryness, pigmentation), your care products are much less effective if applied to skin that is not well cleansed. The set of natural cosmetics "Clean Skin" from Cream Dream is ideal for cleansing the skin in the morning and evening. Use hydrophilic oil, foam mousse, mask with green French clay, enzyme peeling and cleansing oil to tighten pores! Combine these products and take care of the cleanliness and beauty of your skin all the time!

Natural cosmetics

In order to save time and effort, you can use natural cosmetics that contain balanced active ingredients to effectively tighten pores and additionally moisturize the skin. The Beldi scrub-mask based on eucalyptus leaves is ideal for this. Effectively cleanses the skin, evens out the texture and tightens pores. And also pumpkin face cream, which is suitable for owners of combination and oily skin types. Nourishes, moisturizes, tightens pores and mattifies the skin.

Where to buy:

Egg white

Egg white masks tighten and tone the skin, and also remove excess oil from the pores. Take one egg white, mix it with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix until smooth and apply to cleansed facial skin for 30 minutes, rinse with cold water (this is important, hot water will roll up the protein). Do this mask 2 times a week. Egg masks are an excellent remedy for clogged pores and can also be used to treat virulent forms of acne.

Cucumber juice

Mix cucumber juice with corn flour to make a thick paste. Apply the paste evenly to your face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask not only helps tighten pores but also improves skin texture.

Tomato juice

Squeeze the juice of one tomato with pulp and apply on your face for 15-20 minutes. Tomatoes contain a lot of acid and potassium, which help reduce acne spots on the face and help tighten pores.

Rubbing an ice cube on your face and neck is one of the best and effective ways to shrink pores. It also helps reduce sebum production within a couple of hours, tones the skin, and even gives a lifting effect. Make it a rule to do this procedure every morning after washing your face.


Baking soda has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating acne and tightening pores. Make a paste by mixing equal parts baking soda and warm water (2 tablespoons each). Apply the paste to your face and massage the baking soda into your pores using gentle circular movements for a minute. Rinse your face thoroughly with cool water. This procedure helps remove dead skin cells, dust and other impurities. Baking soda regulates the oxygen content in the skin and regulates its pH balance.

Honey and sugar

We already told you about it. To tighten pores, it is used in a scrub format with added sugar. Take 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon brown sugar and mix them with a little lemon juice. Cleanse your face with your usual cleanser, apply the scrub to your face and gently massage areas with enlarged pores. Rinse off with warm water.

Aloe vera

Moisturizing your face with aloe vera juice helps tighten enlarged pores. The juice cleanses and nourishes the skin, and also removes oil and dirt from even the deepest pores.


They help not only narrow pores, but also normalize the amount of sebum secretion. They perfectly cleanse the skin and also have whitening properties. After a course of clay masks, the skin becomes noticeably fresher and begins to glow with beauty.


Parsley has excellent properties to regulate sebum secretion. This characteristic makes it an effective treatment for acne and inflammation. Parsley has an astringent effect, helps cleanse pores of impurities and tighten them, locally removes toxins, and also reduces redness and lightens post-acne scars. Finely chop fresh parsley to extract juice. Mix 1 tablespoon of the resulting gruel with 2 tablespoons of yogurt, kefir, or yogurt. Apply the mask to your face and rinse off with cool water after 15 minutes.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice also has an astringent effect. Thus, it helps tighten the skin and unclogs the pores. Lemon has been recognized as one of the most effective natural remedies for treating acne. For porous, oily skin, a mask based on lemon juice and cream is perfect. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of cream and apply to your face for 20 minutes. After this, rinse with plenty of cool water. This mask not only effectively tightens pores, but also whitens the skin.

Useful tips on how to care for skin with enlarged pores. Proper washing, cleansing and masks to tighten pores. Complete comprehensive care at home.

Most often, enlarged pores on the face are a sign of increased oily skin. The main areas of their location are the cheeks, nose and chin. Such pores themselves already spoil the appearance of the skin, and if they are not cleaned, but are filled with dust, dirt and dead skin particles, then from the outside it looks completely unattractive.

If you do not pay attention to this drawback, then over time the skin will become prominent and you will need to contact professional cosmetologists for cleaning. It is no longer possible to correct the situation on your own at home.

It is worth noting that sometimes dry skin with enlarged pores occurs. True, this happens quite rarely. The cause of enlarged pores is the excessive amount of sebum that accumulates in them, stretching the skin and making the pores more noticeable. As you know, skin type changes with age. Over the years, those with oily skin become dry, but enlarged pores may remain.

Regardless of the reasons for the problem, it is very important to know how to get rid of it quickly and effectively. Enlarged pores must be cleaned correctly and carefully. We'll talk about this in this article.

How to prevent severe contamination of pores?

There are many effective ways to clean out pores. And in order to prevent their severe contamination, you can use the advice of experienced cosmetologists:

    When going out into the cold, you should cover your face with a scarf or hands. Sudden temperature changes are very harmful to pores and can lead to their expansion. It is also very harmful to go outside after applying moisturizer to your face. You must wait at least 20 minutes before leaving.

    Direct sunlight, in particular, greatly affects the condition of the skin and pores. That is why you should always have a day cream with powerful SPF filters in your cosmetic bag. Many girls think that such cosmetics should be used exclusively in the summer. In fact, this is not true at all. Even in the harshest winter, the sun can have a negative impact on our skin.

    It will be useful to take vitamin B at least once a day. It can be part of a general vitamin complex or simply contained in the food you eat. This vitamin has a positive effect not only on a person’s beauty, but also on his health.

    Under no circumstances should you go to bed with foundation, powder or other similar cosmetics applied to your skin. Before going to bed, cosmetics should be washed off with a special milk or tonic, and then rinse your face with purified water that has been left standing for 2-3 days.

The skin should take a break from cosmetics

    Few people know that the cause of clogged pores can also be severe stress or emotional experiences, therefore, in order to keep your skin young and beautiful, it is very important to learn how to cope with your emotions. Calmness and inner harmony will allow you to remain attractive and healthy until old age.

    Some health problems can also lead to deterioration of the skin condition. For example, weakened immunity, disruption of the endocrine glands, hormonal imbalance and long-term use of medications. In this case, proper timely treatment will help get rid of the problem or even prevent it.

    Many girls are very fond of decorative cosmetics and apply them to their skin in large quantities. It can also lead to enlarged pores and overall deterioration in the appearance of the skin. Cosmetologists recommend reducing the amount of cosmetics used daily. For example, in summer you should not use foundation and powder. When the skin is covered with a light, delicate tan, it will look much more attractive than under a ton of cosmetics.

Effective and safe cleaning must take place in several stages. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Proper washing is the key to beautiful skin

Even at a very young age, some girls and boys begin to wash themselves too actively, thus trying to thoroughly cleanse the skin and, in particular, clogged pores. But the result is completely different. If you rub your face too hard with your hand, sponge or washcloth, you can damage the delicate skin. As a result, the pore walls become too weak and expand. And those that are clogged can even break through. The beauty of facial skin suffers greatly in any of these cases.

It turns out to be a real vicious circle: active washing raises dead skin particles - its surface becomes embossed - unevenness is masked by decorative cosmetics - due to an excessive amount of foundation, acne and blackheads appear - the patient tries to get rid of them by actively washing.

Thus, the skin condition worsens every day. Therefore, it is very important to wash your face properly, thereby maintaining healthy, clean and beautiful skin.

You need to wash your face correctly

Before washing, it is very important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Cotton swabs, sponges and towels should also be clean. If this is not the first time you have used the sponge for washing, you should rub it with laundry soap, leave it for a few minutes, and then rinse it with warm water. After this, you can safely use it again.

You also need to choose a high-quality and effective cleanser. Especially for sensitive skin. It is best if it does not contain artificial colors or flavors, as well as natural essential oils. For oily skin, the product will need a very light, gentle product without oil components.

It is better to settle the water for washing in advance so that it gets rid of all harmful impurities. You can also put a silver spoon in a bowl of water in advance. Melt water is considered the most gentle and beneficial for the skin.

You need to wash your face carefully and gently, trying not to stretch the skin. It is best to move only along massage lines. Water at room temperature is ideal. But contrast washing also has a beneficial effect on the condition of pores - alternately with hot and cold water.


The second step after washing is steaming the skin. It is very important in the cleaning process.

You can steam your face in two ways: using a hot compress or using hot steam.

To make a hot compress, you need to soak a clean towel in hot water, then wring it out and place it on your face. Leave the compress on the skin until the towel has cooled completely. After the compress is removed, you need to wash your face with cold water, thereby narrowing the pores. The result will be noticeable already at this stage.

Steaming helps cleanse pores

To steam your face with steam, you need to boil warm water in a kettle, then pour it into a bowl, bend over the container and cover yourself with a towel on all sides so that the steam does not go away in vain - it should be directed directly at your face. After the procedure, the skin must first be rinsed with warm water to cleanse, and then with cold water to tighten the pores.

Skin exfoliation

This is the last and most active stage of cleansing. The process removes dead cells from the surface of the skin, as well as all dirt, dust and cosmetic residues from the pores. It is quite possible to carry out this procedure yourself at home. But for this it is not enough to simply apply the first scrub you come across in the store to your face. Exfoliation should be comprehensive.

It is best if it is carried out almost immediately after steaming. So, your face has been washed with cool water, it’s time to start active cleansing.

You can use a store-bought scrub. But in this case, it is important to make sure that it does not contain dyes or various harmful additives. This product must be of very high quality and effective.

It's very easy to make a great scrub yourself. There are several options for making such a homemade product:

    Crush the sea salt into small pieces and mix it with unsweetened yogurt.

    Grind raw oats, mix them with a few drops of any vegetable oil and 2 drops of apple cider vinegar.

    Grind a few almonds, mix them with any vegetable oil to a paste, add a few drops of lemon juice.

A homemade scrub can be endlessly modified and improved at will.

It is better to apply the finished product to the skin not with your fingers, but with the help of a special soft and gentle sponge or sponge. You can purchase suitable ones at any cosmetics store. The required amount of scrub is applied to the sponge, and then gently rubbed over the face in a circular motion.

Maximum attention should be paid to the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. But the area around the eyes cannot be cleaned with a scrub; the skin here is too delicate and thin.

Using a scrub you can remove all the dirt from your pores.

After the facial skin is cleansed, it should be washed with water at room temperature and then thoroughly moisturized. For this purpose, you can use any light moisturizer. But a variety of vegetable oils are not suitable for moisturizing oily skin.

In order not to injure the skin during the exfoliation process, you should use the advice of cosmetologists:

    You should not do this cleaning too often. It is enough to exfoliate the skin on your face 1-2 times a week.

    Any scrub must be used very carefully. This is especially true for products with large particles. For example, the main cleansing element of which is sea salt.

    If you have blackheads or pimples on your skin, they should be treated before you start exfoliating.

    If your skin is tanned or irritated, it is also recommended to avoid exfoliation (even in the salon).

Pore ​​cleansing masks

You can also clean and tighten the pores on your face using special masks. They are also very effective and efficient.

Banana mask

To make it, ripe fruit must be thoroughly mashed, mixed with a small amount of natural bee honey and a few drops of any citrus juice, and then applied to the face. The mask is washed off with water at room temperature after approximately 15 minutes.

Lemon-vinegar mask

To prepare it, you will need to mix 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, the whites of 2 chicken eggs and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. This mixture is applied to the face for 7-8 minutes, after which it is washed off with water at room temperature. It is important to remember that this mask deeply cleanses the pores, so you should not use it more than once every 7 days.

If you use it more often, you can seriously damage the skin, which will lead to more serious consequences and problems. After the mask is washed off, the skin should not be dried with a towel; you can only blot it lightly with a soft cloth. Otherwise, the pores will become contaminated again.

Clay masks

Masks based on clay - pink, blue or black - are also perfect for the purpose under discussion. The product can be diluted not only with water, but also with aloe juice, green tea or cosmetic tonic. Such masks will not only help to narrow the pores and clean out their contents, but will also disinfect the problem area and eliminate redness and swelling. Any clay mask stays on the skin for about 20 minutes and then is gently washed off with cool water.

Special masks effectively tighten pores

Masks of berries, vegetables and fruits

Numerous fruit, vegetable and berry masks have a similar effect. They are most often prepared from plums, peaches, grapes, strawberries, apples and carrots. Any fruit or vegetable must be thoroughly ground to a pulp, and then applied to the skin for about 30 minutes. After the expiration date, the mask is washed off with water at room temperature.

Sauerkraut mask

You can make a mask from sauerkraut. True, a purchased product is unlikely to be suitable for this purpose, because you cannot know exactly what ingredients were added to it and how they will affect the condition of the skin. The best choice is homemade sauerkraut, which will only benefit your facial skin. To do this, vegetables are applied to the skin along with juice. The length of time you need to keep the mask on your face depends on how oily your skin is. Approximately 15-30 minutes. After the expiration date, wash it off with cool water.

If you regularly clean enlarged pores and make special masks, your skin, regardless of its type, will look young, beautiful and attractive. Such comprehensive care will quickly improve her condition and appearance.
