Cases in life are not uncommon. “Munchausen syndrome”: what to do if your man has delusions of grandeur?

Everyone loves to arouse increased interest in themselves, and your loved one is no exception. But what to do if the love of everyone's attention becomes an addiction, and recognition becomes the main goal in life?

Modern men love the attention of others no less than women. This is a considerable merit of nature. Dominance, power, recognition are important parameters of success that representatives of the stronger sex have strived for since ancient times. Respect for a man ensures order in business, politics and, of course, in the family. But what to do if your chosen one’s megalomania goes beyond what is permitted? At every opportunity he mentions his “I”, and after the next poem about his exploits he expects enthusiastic responses.

Everything would be fine if followers of fame left their crown in the office, and at home put on soft slippers and read fairy tales to their children. But there are often cases in life when a husband, returning from a meeting of directors, crosses his legs and waits for his wife to set the table according to orders. “Munchausen syndrome” can often be diagnosed in civil servants and people in leadership positions. Although there are cases when delusions of grandeur enslave ordinary, ordinary workers.

“A woman once turned to me for help who got married after just two months of dating a man,” recalls Ekaterina. - According to her, it was love at first sight. The young husband immediately began to spoil his wife with gifts, although he earned little money. Everything was like in a fairy tale. The man helped around the house and often prepared dinner. After a year of marriage, a child appeared in the family, and at the same time the husband was promoted at work to a management position. After this, life changed radically. Coming home from work, the man ignored any requests for help around the house. Every day he lay down on the sofa with the caveat: “I’m tired, I’m making money.” It was hard for the woman both physically and psychologically. The man looked for thousands of excuses, only to once again fail to fulfill his duties. Ultimately it came down to, “I don’t have to do that, there’s specialized personnel for that.” The man turned into a white-haired woman with immense delusions of grandeur. In the end, the story ended surprisingly well. The woman understood the necessary tactics. I hired a housekeeper, a nanny, and took care of myself. But after his wife’s delicious pancakes, Aunt Zoya’s breakfast seemed to the man to be an unusually bland meal. And being raised according to modern standards forced the husband to refuse the services of a nanny. The couple talked and came to the conclusion that they needed to return to old traditions. Only, mind you, the boss is at work, and at home he is an attentive husband and a responsible dad.”

Basic Rules

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to correct this situation. It is extremely difficult to re-educate a man, especially in adulthood. Besides, they don't like it. Everything that could be raised was raised by my mother in childhood. All you have to do is negotiate. And it is advisable to do this before the wedding.

It is important to understand how you look at the same things. If a man loves attention since childhood, nothing can be done about it. At the beginning of a relationship, determine whether you can accept the temperament, views, and habits of this person. If not, the answer is obvious. Try to establish the rules of the game at the beginning of your family life. Yes, you'll cook a delicious dinner, but you could use some help peeling the potatoes. Yes, you will clean the apartment, but you need help with male strength. Be smarter. You are strong and courageous at work, but at home you are the weaker sex. You need help, even if it is the help of the “king” himself.

Women tend to go too far. Take a closer look, analyze, perhaps your man has “Munchausen syndrome” - this is a temporary phenomenon. Now his business has gone uphill, he put on the crown. But then the feeling of superiority will disappear and life will flow on its own course. Just support him at the right time and rejoice in his victories.

Don’t criticize and try to solve problems on a full stomach (yours and his). A hungry man is a dangerous man. Take the time and gently explain to your husband that you probably shouldn’t mention your financial situation and status so often.

Often, advice from parents and girlfriends leads to serious family conflicts. If you and your partner have difficulties, try to solve them on your own. If it doesn't work, contact a professional. Save your mom’s nerves and your friends’ fantasies.

God created women without a sense of humor so that they would love men, not laugh at them. (Winston Churchill)
There are often cases in life when a woman does her best to hide the passion she feels for a man, while he just as diligently feigns love, which he does not feel for her at all. (Jean Labruyère)
On one issue, men and women are completely in agreement: both do not trust women. (Henry Mencken)
Women don't like timid men. Cats don't like cautious rats. (Henry Mencken)
The main difference between a woman and a man is that a man increases his self-esteem when a woman says “yes” to him, and a woman - when she says “no”. (film "Amy's Orgasm")
The robber demands his life or his wallet, the woman takes both. (Samuel Balter)
For men, lying is the last resort, for women it is the first necessity. (Frank Burgess - American humorist)
If men knew what women were thinking, they would court twenty times more boldly. (Alphonse Carr)
If a woman hates you, it means she loved you, or loves you, or will love you. (German proverb)
If a woman is wrong, immediately ask her for forgiveness. (Francis de Croisset)
A woman thinks with her heart, but a man loves with his head. (Vissarion Belinsky)
A woman is like a shadow: if you follow her, she runs away, if you run away from her, she follows you. (Nicola Chamfort)
There are no differences between the sexes that do not arise from education
(Nicola Chamfort)
A woman after thirty should think about her family, because her biological time moves forward. It's a little different for men. They don't get older as they grow up. (Levon Aronyan)
A woman is faced with a choice: she is not sure about the man that women like; with a man who other women don't like, she's unhappy. (Anatole)
It is just as disgusting for a reasonable and well-educated woman to infringe on a man’s rights as it is for a reasonable man to abuse a woman’s weakness. (Daniel Defoe)
Women give themselves to God when the devil wants nothing from them. (Sophie Anru)
Women are smarter than men because, knowing less, they understand more. (James Stephens)
The initiative to choose does not belong to a woman, since she needs to adorn herself more than a man. (Victor Dolnik)
When a woman stops loving a man, she forgets everything - even the favors she gave him. (Jean de La Bruyère)
Whether women are better than men, I cannot say. But they are, of course, no worse. (Golda Meir)
Men are more interested in what people think about them, women - what they say about them. Leith (Theodor Hippel)
A man, in comparison with a woman, is better than her by nature, and a woman is worse than him, therefore he rules over her, and she obeys him. (Aristotle)
A man and a woman are two notes, without which the strings of the human soul do not give the correct and complete chord. (Giuseppe Mazzini)
A man loves to have fun and does not like to wait, and a woman, in place of pleasure, starts building a residential area, because in her case the whole is affected in its terrible and threatening totality. (Elfrida Jelinek)
A man cries at the thought of imminent death, a woman cries at the thought of how long ago she was born. (Henry Mencken)

A man needs a woman who can be turned on and off - like a light in a room.
Ian Fleming
Men are divided into two categories: some run after their skirts, others hold on to them. (Ashot Nadanyan)
Women represent the triumph of matter over spirit, and men represent the triumph of spirit over morality
(Oscar Wilde)
Men marry out of boredom, women out of curiosity. Both are disappointed.
(Oscar Wilde)
A woman’s thoughts are cleaner than men’s: she changes them more often. (Oliver Herford)
A real man is a man who remembers exactly a woman's birthday and never knows how old she is. A man who never remembers a woman's birthday, but knows exactly how old she is, is her husband.
(Faina Ranevskaya)
Well, how can a woman and a man understand each other, because they both want different things: a man wants a woman, and a woman wants a man.
(Fridesh Karinthi)
Society would become very pleasant if all women were married and all men were single.
(Edgar Saptus)
The immorality of a man takes precedence over the immorality of a woman.
(Karl Kraus)
"Women's rights" are men's responsibilities.
(Karl Kraus)
The stupidest woman can handle the smartest man, but only the smartest woman can handle a fool.
(Rudyard Kipling)
The weaker sex is actually strong due to the weakness that the stronger sex feels for the weaker sex.
(Winston Churchill)
Among women, prostitution corrupts only those unfortunates who become its victims, and even they are not to the same extent as is usually believed. But it imparts a base character to the entire male half of the human race.
(Friedrich Engels)
Only a man who respects a woman can break up with her without humiliating her.
(Somerset Maugham)
A woman’s destiny is to rule, a man’s destiny is to reign, because passion rules and the mind rules.
(Immanuel Kant)
The honor of men is so different from the honor of women that the latter views the former as its enemy.
(Pierre Beauchaine)
I'm glad I'm not a man, otherwise I would have to marry a woman.
(Madame de Stael)
I would rather reconcile all of Europe than two women.
(Louis XIV)
A woman understands children better than a man, but a man is more of a child than a woman. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
A man, even despite the armor of selfishness, understands that a woman is better. We just don’t admit it out loud - solidarity from generation to generation. What if this stops you from respecting us, from considering us men?
(Elchin Safarli)
Men love games and danger most of all. That's why they like women so much - the most dangerous toys in the world.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)
Male happiness - I want it, female happiness - he wants it.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)
I prefer women to men because women have the advantage over men that they are less balanced, and therefore more complex, more insightful and more cynical, not to mention that mysterious superiority that a thousand years of slavery gave them.
(Emil Michel Cioran)
Women without men's company fade, and men without women become stupid.
(Anton Chekhov)
A strange paradox is that the sensory world surrounding a man consists of softness, tenderness, friendliness - in a word, he lives in a woman's world, while a woman struggles in the harsh and harsh world of a man. (Simone de Beauvoir)
No one treats women as arrogantly—aggressively or contemptuously—as a man who fears for his masculinity. Those who are not shy among their own kind are more likely to recognize a woman as their own kind. (Simone de Beauvoir)
Mythological thinking contrasts the scattered, random, multiple existence of different women with a single, frozen Eternal Femininity; and if the definition given to her is in some way contradicted by the behavior of women of flesh and blood, the latter are to blame for this; Instead of recognizing Femininity as an abstract category, women are declared unfeminine. The arguments of experience are powerless against myth. (Simone de Beauvoir)
The most ordinary man feels like a demigod in comparison with a woman. (Simone de Beauvoir)
Psychoanalysts define man as a human being and woman as a female; every time a woman acts like a human being, they say she is imitating a man. (Simone de Beauvoir)
One is not born a woman, one becomes one. (Simone de Beauvoir)

Between you and me, I’ll tell you frankly: a man is a man, and a woman is a woman!

Natalia Lobanova

There may come times in every person's life when everything around seems indifferent, meaningless and monotonous. Typically, such conditions do not occur on their own. This can be preceded by various “stressful” events: the death of a loved one, divorce, betrayal, litigation, loss of a favorite job.

It would seem that just yesterday life was going on as usual, and was so interesting, new, valuable... But today it’s as if darkness has thickened before your eyes, and the question arises in your mind: “Why and how to live on?”.

Why is this happening?

Such conditions are not always directly related to clinical depression, despite the fact that the name of this terrible pathology has become so fashionable to use in everyday life and is out of place. Loss of interest in life is often ordinary melancholy, which you can quite get rid of on your own, without antidepressants and psychoanalysts.

Although, if among the latter you have a couple of smart specialists, you can turn to them with your problem.

A qualified specialist who understands the subtle human psyche will certainly find a remedy that can help even the most desperate people.

“How to restore interest in life?”– this is exactly the question women ask after a divorce. Even if the husband was not so dearly loved, separation from him hurts not only self-esteem, but also the vulnerable mental organization of the weaker sex. First of all, it is worth understanding that your life does not stop at any sad event. You continue to move forward all the time, and it’s up to you how many positive emotions and victories await you ahead. The more you hide in your “shell”, experiencing a lack of interest in life, the greater the risk that your happiness will inevitably rush past you.

Preliminary tactics

Before you take concrete steps to regain your former interest in life, you must tune in within yourself. No amount of shopping and endless walking around SPA salons will save you if inside you are just as closed, confused and broken. Find the motivation within yourself to change for the better. And let the previous situation that happened to you push you to this.

Has your husband left you? This means that the best, loving and caring man is waiting for you ahead, who will care for and cherish your relationship until old age. This doesn't mean your ex was bad. On the contrary, you should thank him for all the positive things he brought into your life (which he definitely did, even if he turned out to be a total scoundrel for you in the end). Mentally tell him “thank you” for the lessons he taught you, let him go along with the current situation, wish him happiness and goodness.

Don't expect to renew your old relationship. If they are destined to recover, it will definitely happen over time, when you both become more mature, wiser and people ready for this. And now you shouldn’t dwell on this, so as not to burden yourself with empty hopes.

Have you been fired or laid off at your favorite job? This is a great reason to start growing in your career! Look for new places, attend seminars and trainings related to your professional field, communicate with potential employers and colleagues. You finally have time to work on your self-improvement! Maybe it’s worth using it for its intended purpose, and, instead of grieving about the lost hired job, launch your own project?

Have you been cheated on? Well, betrayal is painful, difficult and extremely unpleasant. But still, this is not a reason for you to lose interest in life. If someone else was preferred to you, it means you were not loved. And that means you should thank the higher powers for the opportunity to say goodbye to such a person in time. Think about what it would be like for you if you found out about such unseemly actions of your loved one even later, when many of them would have accumulated. What would happen if he brought some “interesting” disease into your home? In this case, you should not despair, but sincerely thank God, the Universe or everything you believe in, for giving you the opportunity to find out about everything on your own, without “aggravating” circumstances.

What if you seriously lose interest in life?

Try self-tuning according to the following rules:

Now it is extremely important for you to gain motivation, and with it will, resilience, strength and love of life. Seek moral reassurance on social networks, visit public pages dedicated to psychology, read statuses about interests and goals in life, meet online friends, exchange your thoughts. By the way, it is statuses—short notes from social networks—that sometimes help to awaken interest in life more than extensive articles and trainings on the topic.
