Sound congratulations on the anniversary are cool. Funny birthday greetings on a mobile phone

↓ Below are the most funny voice greetings and audio postcards: nominal, musical, comic, in verse. Friends, loved ones, relatives.

Send postcards from our website or from your phone!

  • - convenient to use the service from your phone (for iOS, Android)

Unusual birthday wishes for friends and family!

  • It's simple: surprise, congratulate unusually and give a good mood!

Cool voice birthday greetings by name

A person will receive on a mobile phone funny voice postcard from funny characters, addressed to him.

  • Enter the recipient's name and send a personalized gift
  • Original congratulations on mobile
  • to which mcan add signature on send(specify who)

It has long been noticed by psychologists that addressing a person by name causes positive emotions. And if the congratulations are executed sincerely and with humor?

Audio postcard- this is a good version of congratulations from the many ways we are already familiar with expressing our feelings.

  • Listen and choose the appropriate greeting or audio card

These are comic audio congratulations - surprise and give a good mood!

Cool audio congratulations on the phone is an original and affordable way for everyone to remind a friend (girlfriend), relative, beloved (beloved) that he is remembered and valued. This is a simple and quick way to congratulate in an unusual way.

  • And the draw, and congratulations "in one bottle"

Why are these unusual greetings?

Agree, not every day a person receives congratulations in this format. Remember the last time you got something original? After all, these are pleasant moments that are remembered.

Listen to interesting congratulations:

At any time, you can original congratulate a loved one and give him a good mood for the whole day.

Unusual congratulations on your birthday and anniversary - instead of "rhymes"

Audio greeting- This is an original gift for any holiday. On the site, you will find audio congratulations on your birthday and anniversary, on your phone, as well as voice jokes and pranks from celebrities.

We offer to listen and send the birthday boy you like. The audio card will be delivered to the birthday person in the form of an incoming call to a mobile or landline phone.

Congratulate the hero of the day a woman and a man in an original way

Good wishes and anniversary greetings for man or woman. Add a caption to the card and the person will know who it came from. The best way to congratulate the hero of the day from a distance and make a pleasant surprise.

  • Send something suitable from the cards below, or see all the wishes at the top of this page (in the Anniversary Cards category).
  • Audio greetings to the phone - can be sent at a specified time
  • This is an unusual way to originally congratulate a loved one on a holiday and a happy birthday.

Voice greetings on the phone for relatives and friends

Cool, it means funny, funny, with humor, almost on the verge of a prank - this is how people want to see, or rather hear, or rather send their friends and relatives an unusual voice birthday greeting.

The absolute hits of such cool birthday greetings are: “Putin wishes you a happy birthday and gives Lada Kalina and a second Yotaphone”, in the voice of A. Lukashenko: “A cheerful congratulation for a guy”, “Oh, you are a newborn diary!” Diverse funny voice birthday cards, which will set your relatives in a good mood and cause gratitude for your attention and original approach to business.

Popular funny birthday greetings

The biggest demand among our clients is congratulations by name in the voice of V. Putin.

Friends, this is absolutely a win-win option. Not a single recipient of such a voice SMS happy birthday will remain indifferent. There are even cases when such a call from the president was taken at face value (grandmothers mostly even cried in surprise, so be careful with grandmothers). It's funny, but even those who immediately understood the humor of such a nominal congratulation on the phone still remain impressed all day, tell their loved ones about it, and if the sender remained incognito, then they try to figure out which of the friends was creative? If you congratulate a relative, such as father, mother, son-in-law, etc. and are not very attached to the desire for the president to name, but to mention your family connection when congratulating you on your birthday, then look at the page where we are slowly collecting only audio congratulations from Putin

Midshipmen wish happy birthday

Tired of the usual, hackneyed traditional words of congratulations?
Do you want something new, unusual, fresh?
Our cool audio happy birthday greetings for your phone will completely satisfy your hunger for something original.

Suppose your friend is called with wishes and congratulations by everyone's favorite Midshipmen and they sing a song for her! How much it can evoke memories associated with the film will help set it in a romantic mood, introduce it into a dreamy atmosphere. Such a cool voice birthday greeting will help you get out of our fuss, believe in true friendship, feel the spirit of adventure, increase the desire to feel a full life, distant wanderings, meetings with noble people.

"Congratulations on your birthday!
May life not be without embellishment,
May there be happiness and luck
Flowers, champagne, fun!
You make us happy on this day!"

Well, Midshipmen, go ahead! We are glad to see you!

We all love holidays! But for most of us, the day we were born remains our favorite holiday. Children are waiting for their birthday openly and impatiently. And adults, although they often hide it, also enjoy their holiday like children. What is the most important thing on this day? Of course, gifts. Imagine how pleasant it will be for the birthday person if you not only present a standard gift, but manage to congratulate him on his birthday in an original way.

With the help of our site, this will be more than easy. We offer you original and funny happy birthday voice greetings:

  • voice greetings,
  • audio congratulations,
  • musical congratulations,
  • voice cards.
Having received such a congratulation, the birthday man will smile, rejoice and remember him for a long time. With the development of information technology, our life is becoming brighter and more interesting, and the distance between people seems to be shrinking. Therefore, even being many kilometers away from your loved one, you can congratulate him on the holiday. And our site will be happy to help you with this. Both a child and an adult will be pleased to receive an unusual voice birthday greeting on their phone than a postcard with standard words.

A cool birthday greeting on a mobile phone will undoubtedly bring a lot of joy and pleasure from your cheerful sound wishes. Funny musical congratulations on a cell phone will become a cheerful birthday wish and give a lot of positive and laughter on the holiday. Comic musical congratulations with a cheerful motive will undoubtedly amuse the birthday man and give him a great mood on his birthday. Funny and funny musical greetings are a great way to wish all the best and good things with humor. You can send all cool musical congratulations at once, and on the date you need to send your musical cool congratulations. Present a wonderful surprise on your birthday with a cool and cheerful musical greeting and you will give only a great and good mood. Funny voice congratulations on a mobile phone with funny words of wishes on your birthday all the best with a good sense of humor will give laughter and a cheerful mood to the birthday man. Comic voice greetings are a great way to wish all the best on your birthday with fun and humor. You can instantly send all cool voice congratulations to your mobile phone, or on the date you specified to send cool congratulations. Present a wonderful and cheerful surprise on your birthday with a cool voice greeting and you will give only laughter and a smile.

Congratulations with cool sound audio wishes

Cool sound audio greetings on a mobile phone will become the most cheerful wishes for a birthday man on his birthday. With great humor and good jokes, funny congratulations will really cheer you up and add even more joy and fun to the holiday. You can send all cool mobile greetings both instantly and on the specified date of delivery of your cool greetings to the recipient. Congratulating with a cool musical or voice audio greeting on a mobile phone, you give fun and joy with a good surprise in the form of a cool mobile greeting.

Cool congratulations on mobile

Congratulate and amuse your relatives, friends and girlfriends, work colleagues and study mates, because your mobile cool message will bring only a smile and laughter to the recipient, from which only a good memory will remain. Funny mobile greetings are a good way to cheer up a person with a comic greeting on the phone that will give a good mood and a positive attitude.

A cool birthday greeting will be received by an incoming call to the addressee's phone.

Unforgettable congratulations on your birthday - this is the main task of those to whom the birthday is a close person. Site - the site has prepared cool birthday greetings that will delight him with bright jokes in voice wishes. It is safe to say that cool voice congratulations on your birthday will be an excellent gift for a birthday man - a woman or a man.

Happy birthday voice greetings are cool- these are sound messages in a voice that are full of funny jokes in audio birthday wishes. They receive an incoming call to the phone. There is a grand selection of beautiful voice wishes that will bring joy and fun to their addressee. Ordering and sending such cool birthday greetings is easy with us.

A cool sound greeting with a voice will go to the phone of the birthday boy exactly on time, accurate to the minute. If the subscriber is temporarily unavailable or busy, the system will call him back up to 10 times, increasing the time interval!

Funny birthday greetings on the phone

Cool audio congratulations on your birthday- These are sound wishes with humor that give the birthday man luxurious sound wishes using the phone. Comic audio wishes for names on a mobile phone is an ideal option to express a good-natured attitude to a birthday person.

A proven way to provide the hero of the occasion with beautiful messages for the holiday is to send a cool audio greeting. The right choice of voice audio greetings by name will give the birthday man solemn emotions, greatly decorating the holiday.

And other amazing voice gifts for your phone. All audio messages are equally sent to both mobile and regular phone numbers. The audio gift promises a sea of ​​festive emotions, a lot of joyful smiles and fun for the recipients of holiday greetings! You can pay for congratulations with a card in the storefront below.
