37 week old baby. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

If your baby is waiting for his due date, know that he is still growing. And by the 37th week it may well reach three kilograms in weight and a length of up to 49 cm. Now you are trying to estimate the size of the baby’s head, and now it is already 89.4 mm. The volumes of the chest and abdomen are 93.8 and 97 mm, respectively.
You can rest assured that your baby is ready to be born. His digestive and respiratory systems are fully prepared to start working on their own. The baby has accumulated enough subcutaneous fat to maintain its body temperature. The skin smoothed out and turned pink. The child's bones have accumulated calcium, which ensures their strength and flexibility. The bones of the skull are able to protect the brain, while they remain quite pliable to pass through the birth canal.

The surfactant accumulated for several weeks. The baby's lungs are developed and there are all the prerequisites for him to safely take his first breath. Before this, during an ultrasound examination, you noticed breathing movements that the baby imitated. Although until now amniotic fluid got into them. If meconium is found in them, which should come out only after the baby is born, lung infections cannot be ruled out, which can cause complications.

The child’s nervous system is also fully formed. At this stage, the nerve trunks are covered with a special sheath. This process is called myelination of nerve fibers.
The placenta withers. Now its thickness is almost 35.22 mm.

As of this week, birth is no longer considered premature. Therefore, you can consider that the nine-month relay race is almost completed. You listen to your feelings and, in principle, you don’t notice any special changes compared to last week. The same waiting period, which is periodically complicated by certain unpleasant sensations in the form of heartburn, constipation and one’s own sluggishness. You already understand what Braxton Hicks contractions are like.

You continue to monitor fetal movements. Due to the fact that during this period you are entirely focused on your feelings, and you react sensitively to the slightest changes in the child’s condition. If you have the slightest doubt, inform your doctor. It's better to be vigilant now.

You already monitor your weight out of habit, partly because you seem huge to yourself. The increase per week is 150-200 grams. The uterus remains almost at the same level, although it will descend before childbirth. Already now you feel how the pressure in the area of ​​the symphysis pubis has increased, and heaviness has appeared in the area of ​​the coccyx.

37th week of pregnancy: vaginal discharge

All this time, your secretions reflected the processes that were happening in your body. With a decrease in immunity, thrush worsened. When infections occurred, the nature of the discharge immediately changed, and this made it possible to eliminate the infection at the first symptoms. You understand that now the cleanliness of your birth canal is partly the guarantee of the child’s health. And this is the most important thing.

Don't be alarmed if there is more mucus in your discharge now. Most likely, the plug is starting to come out. Before this, it closed the entrance to the uterine cavity and protected the child from infections. Now the cervix can open slightly. But even now you should be especially careful to avoid infections at this stage.
Blood in the discharge may indicate placental abruption. You and your child urgently need to go to the hospital. His life is at risk.

If you notice leakage of amniotic fluid and abdominal pain or first contractions appear, call an ambulance. In this case, be sure to take documents (passport, insurance certificate), including your exchange card.

37th week of pregnancy: nutrition for a pregnant woman

Keep eating to feel your best. It is clear that now all your organs and systems are subject to pregnancy, however, it is worth doing everything possible to keep them in working order.
Therefore, let it be a complete diet that will allow you and your baby to receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Avoid spicy, salty, smoked foods. But you probably don’t need to talk about this anymore. Heartburn, constipation, pain in the liver, mild swelling - all this forces you to watch your diet.

It is better to eat more often, in smaller portions. This will make it easier to digest food in the difficult conditions of late pregnancy. Dairy products or fermented milk, preferably two hours before bedtime, will be beneficial and relieve you of constipation. Plus it is a source of calcium. Unlike pharmacy vitamins, this calcium is easily absorbed in the body. You will need a lot of iron. There is a lot of it in beef and pork liver, buckwheat.
Continue to drink enough water, without which normal blood circulation is impossible. At least one and a half liters per day.

37th week of pregnancy: preparing for childbirth

Naturally, the whole family is mentally preparing for childbirth. Especially. if you decide to have a partner birth. Now is a better time to spend time together - this way you will feel much more confident.

Prepare a bag in advance with things you will need in the maternity hospital. If you have chosen a private clinic, check in advance what you need to have with you, clarify the necessary details regarding accommodation in the clinic and the maternity ward. The necessary telephone numbers should be at hand.

Try to relax and perceive what is happening with optimism. Still, the birth of a child is a significant and important event in your life. Therefore, you should not be nervous over trifles, let everything go as usual. Moreover, fear and stress can negatively affect the child’s condition. The main thing is to maintain inner peace, as in the cartoon.

By the way, a few more days before giving birth you can once again read something useful about breastfeeding. Do you know that breastfed babies have better immunity? In any case, your midwife will tell you how to do this correctly in practice. Although the baby is often put to the breast in the delivery room, immediately after birth. By the way, this facilitates easier passage of the placenta.

At this time, the main thing is to monitor the condition of the placenta and the location of the baby. The decision about the need, if any, for a cesarean section often depends on this. You can also determine the quality of amniotic fluid, which can help prevent complications.

37th week of pregnancy - how many months?

Some women may be surprised to learn that at 37 weeks pregnant they are entering their tenth month! But if we calculate everything correctly, we will understand what is going on. Ideally, gestation of a baby in the mother's womb lasts 280 days. Exactly so much is allocated by nature for its origin, development, growth and maturation. One obstetric month lasts 28 days or 4 weeks. So it turns out that this is 10 gynecological months, which obstetricians consider the duration of pregnancy, or a little more than 9 calendar months, which we, the common people, consider it to be.

So, exactly 9 obstetric months are behind us, but in order to give birth, as the book says, you need to leave another one. The 37th week of pregnancy is the first week of the last tenth month. In fact, childbirth can happen any day now. But how is the baby - is he ready to meet his mother?

Fetus at 37 weeks gestation

Great news this week - the baby is ready to be born! And although the time for childbirth has not yet come, they will no longer be considered premature if they come now. By this time, the child is ready to accept, assimilate and digest food: the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is lined with villous epithelium, which will absorb nutrients, the baby’s original feces - meconium - have already been formed, peristalsis is activated. The baby is able to suckle at his mother's breast - he is already quite strong and has accumulated enough subcutaneous fat, thanks to which the skin is practically smoothed out. Heat exchange processes take place without failures, the baby will be able to retain and maintain body heat at the level necessary for life.

The born baby will already be able to breathe on his own, the lungs are sufficiently mature. In addition, at the 37th week of pregnancy, the hormone cortisone is produced in the small body, which brings the pulmonary system to perfection, that is, final maturation.

Birth will no longer be as stressful for the baby as it would have been before. The adrenal glands take care of this: they have greatly enlarged and produce a special hormone that helps the baby adapt to life outside the womb. As you can see, there is no need to be afraid of childbirth, although the development of the child at 37 weeks of pregnancy is still ongoing.

The baby’s liver intensively accumulates iron: it will be needed to produce blood cells, which it will provide for the baby in the first year of his life.

The process of covering neurons with protective membranes responsible for the coordination of movements continues. The establishment of neural connections will last until childbirth and beyond - for a whole year.

Your baby at 37 weeks of pregnancy is absolutely unique: he has individual facial features, his own pattern on the skin has formed, his nails and hairs have grown (although it is quite possible that your miracle will be born bald), and the nasal and ear cartilages have hardened. The bones of the skull are still quite soft and elastic, because when passing through the mother’s pelvis, the head will be deformed. Two fontanelles remain completely open, which will close only a few months after birth. The lanugo fluff has practically disappeared from the body, as well as the birth lubricant, the remnants of which are collected only in the skin folds. The baby's head and tummy are now equal in circumference. Its size has already reached 48-50 cm and increases by an average of 1 cm every week, and its weight reaches 2,900 g. Of course, in this sense, all babies are different.


There is less and less space left in the tummy for the baby, but he does not stop growing. It’s a bit cramped there, and mom feels it quite well, especially when the baby tries to “dance”: movements sometimes even become painful, especially kicks with the legs in the hypochondrium.

At the 37th week of pregnancy, the belly may begin to gradually drop, which the woman will be incredibly happy about: firstly, this means that birth is approaching (and she is already tired of carrying the load - what can I say), secondly, she will finally be able to breathe air fully (how long ago this hasn’t happened!). True, in return for this there will be pain and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and perineal area - the tummy will begin to press down with its load.

However, the stomach does not always drop before childbirth, and this is also the norm. But you can predict the approaching birth by your feelings: the lower abdomen begins to pull and ache.

Due to the strong tension of the skin, the tummy may itch and the navel may turn outward. The stripe on the abdomen also becomes dark, but after childbirth all these changes will disappear.

Now you should listen to the training contractions every time: they may become more frequent and intensify, but if the contractions begin to differ in rhythm and become more painful and longer all the time, then your time has come.

Ultrasound at 37 weeks of pregnancy

Most likely, you have already undergone the last ultrasound examination, during which the expected date of birth was finally established. But it happens that an ultrasound is also prescribed to clarify a number of points. One of the main questions is: how is the baby positioned before being released into the wild? Most babies rush head down, since this position is the most physiological: this is the easiest way to give birth, and the uterus has such a shape that a baby turned upside down follows its outline, which is very convenient in conditions of a catastrophic lack of space. However, some guys sit on their butts or lay crosswise. Breech presentation today is not an absolute indication for cesarean section, but surgical delivery can be prescribed taking into account aggravating factors.

During an ultrasound diagnostic at 37 weeks, a specialist will carefully examine the baby and the degree of its development, record the main parameters, heartbeat, assess the condition and amount of amniotic fluid, the condition of the uterus and cervix, umbilical cord, and the degree of maturity of the placenta. Most likely, Doppler ultrasound will also be performed to assess uteroplacental blood flow.

We will have to disappoint parents who expect to find out the sex of the child by ultrasound at 37 weeks of pregnancy. The baby practically no longer moves in his tummy; he has occupied the entire cavity of the uterus - and the movements are no longer as active as before. The likelihood that the genitals will be exposed to public viewing is very low. So the question about the sex of the heir may remain unanswered until birth.


The anticipation of an imminent birth often becomes the reason for refusing sex at 37 weeks of pregnancy. Some parents now perceive it as a threesome, others have difficulty finding a comfortable position. It should be said that none of the reasons is strong enough to deprive each other of pleasure. Of course, a big belly definitely gets in the way, but if you want, you can still adapt, for example, by practicing the “dogi-style” pose on all fours.

Until recently, doctors advised abstaining from intimate relations before childbirth. But today they have formed a different opinion on this matter: if both parents are healthy, the integrity of the amniotic sac is not compromised, and sex does not cause pain to the woman, then it can be continued until the birth itself. And it’s even useful: it has been found that sperm increases the elasticity of the cervix, facilitating its dilation during childbirth.


You should stop having sex if you notice watery discharge - this is most likely your water breaking. They can gush out in a stream or be released in small portions, soaking the laundry.

The discharge of amniotic fluid indicates that the labor process has begun. Normally they should be transparent, but with fetal hypoxia they have a greenish color.

Together with the waters or independently of them, the mucous plug also comes off before childbirth. Throughout pregnancy, she clogged the entrance to the uterus, protecting the baby from the action of pathogenic microorganisms. After it leaves, the path to the little one opens, so now it will be impossible to swim in stagnant water and have sex, so as not to introduce some kind of infection.

A mucus plug appears as a glob of jelly- or silicone-like mucus, the total volume of which is approximately two tablespoons. If it comes off in parts, then the woman notices lumps of thick mucus on her underwear. The cork can be white, translucent, creamy or even bloody - you will recognize it immediately. However, not all women manage to see this object: often the plug comes off during childbirth.

It is necessary to go to the hospital immediately if bleeding begins after the water breaks or the plug breaks. Bloody discharge may indicate an abnormal location or placenta previa.

We hope that pathological discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy no longer bothers you. Thrush and other sexual diseases, if they existed, should have been cured by this time.

Pain at 37 weeks of pregnancy

The release of the mucus plug before childbirth is often preceded by a nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Along with other signs, it indicates that the due date is approaching. The baby presses on the perineum, the pelvic bones soften and gradually move apart, so here, in the lower abdomen and pubic area, the woman feels pain and heaviness. Often shooting pains at the 37th week of pregnancy radiate to the legs, especially when walking.

But if the tummy has dropped, then the pain in the hypochondrium has already disappeared or at least decreased: the baby no longer reaches his legs so high. But training contractions can become a little painful.

My back, lower back, sacrum, and legs still hurt quite a lot and ache. The baby is already heavy and continues to gain weight, and you are also getting heavier - the load on the bones and musculoskeletal system in the last weeks of pregnancy is enormous!


A heavier baby, amniotic fluid, placenta, large volumes of blood, breasts and your own fat reserves undoubtedly affect your weight at 37 weeks of pregnancy. Since the beginning of pregnancy, you could have gained more than 13 kg. In each individual case, the increase will differ in one direction or another, since it depends on the parameters and physique of the woman, concomitant diseases and aggravating factors, and heredity. But sharp differences from the norms of gain at the 37th week of pregnancy, which are 10-17 kg, are, of course, undesirable.

Closer to childbirth, weight usually decreases slightly. In ancient times, this was also facilitated by the fact that women adhered to a lean diet in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Sensations (movements) at 37 weeks of pregnancy

We have already said that the belly can drop at 37 weeks of pregnancy. In addition to easier breathing, you will feel that heartburn and constipation now occur less frequently. However, you have to run to the toilet more often, since the uterus puts even more pressure on the bladder. This is especially annoying at night, when it is not always possible to sleep. This is how nature prepares a woman for sleepless nights after childbirth. It is necessary to overcome insomnia and try to get enough sleep before giving birth - in the future you will need strength. To get a better night's sleep, do light work during the day and reduce your rest time if you're used to taking an hour or two of naps. Be sure to take daily short walks in the fresh air; it is very good to take a walk before bed. Do not overeat at night, and also reduce the amount of liquid consumed after 6 pm. Ventilate the room before going to bed or even leave the window open all night.

In the last stages, the woman feels a feeling of internal heat, sweats a lot, and feels stuffy all the time. All due to noticeably increased blood volumes.

The baby’s movements sometimes bring painful sensations, because he is very cramped there: there is less amniotic fluid, his size and weight increase, and the uterus seems to squeeze the baby. By the way, movement control should be carried out even at 37 weeks of pregnancy: you should feel at least 10 per day. And before birth, the baby calms down a little, his activity decreases.

Overall, the inconvenience won't last long. Very soon you will miss the baby’s movements and your own funny tummy. By the way, be sure to take a photo at 37 weeks of pregnancy for your album.

During a routine examination, the gynecologist will assess the degree to which the cervix is ​​ready to dilate, and it is likely that after the examination you will begin to experience signs of labor.


Childbirth at 37 weeks of pregnancy is highly likely to occur in multiparous women and women carrying twins. But other women may well give birth right now. Therefore, you must be fully prepared to go to the maternity hospital at any moment: collect all the necessary things, give instructions to your family and friends, do not leave home without an exchange card and other necessary documents.

Carefully monitor the warning signs of labor, but don’t fuss ahead of time: you should go to the maternity hospital only when contractions recur at short intervals (less than 5 minutes) and become quite painful. In the meantime, you can have something light to eat. Start using breathing techniques, walk back and forth, easing your condition.

Childbirth at the 37th week of pregnancy is considered timely and occurs naturally: by this time the placenta is aging, it can no longer cope with its functions of providing the baby with vital substances, and he “makes a decision” about the birth. The mother’s body picks up the baton: it begins to produce hormones, which ultimately leads to the onset of contractions and labor.

Immediately prepare yourself for the fact that childbirth is work. Not necessarily heavy, but not always easy either. It must be done perfectly, and remember that it’s not only you who will be trying - the baby is working hard too! Let this understanding prevent you from faltering or giving up. Stay optimistic and follow the instructions of the medical staff: there are hours, if not minutes, left until the most desired meeting in the world... Drive away all doubts and fears, and rush forward to meet your little blood.

A pregnant woman expecting an imminent birth at 37 weeks may become nervous and irritable. Try to calm down and maintain a good mood. Almost all pregnant women feel very awkward at this stage. Pain in the pelvic area intensifies, and the gait changes once again due to a shift in the center of gravity. The baby begins to descend, so the pressure on the diaphragm and stomach decreases. And increased pressure on the bladder can cause frequent urge to go to the toilet, especially at night. Training contractions during this period can be long and painful. To reduce discomfort, change position, walk a little, or take a shower.

Your weight may now drop a little - this is normal, and there is no need to worry about it. It becomes more difficult to sleep, not only because of the inconvenience, but also because of nervous tension. But still try to get a good night's sleep, because soon you will need a lot of strength and energy. In the placenta and ovaries at week 37, the production of the hormone relaxin increases, preparing the body for the upcoming birth. This hormone reduces uterine contractions, preventing premature birth, softens the tissue of the cervix and pubic symphysis. It also increases the extensibility of the pelvic floor bones. Also, under the influence of this hormone, the breasts prepare for upcoming feeding.

Nutrition and bad habits

Due to the descent of the fetus and the reduced pressure on the stomach, your appetite may increase, but try not to overeat. It is better to eat in small portions, but often. Include light diet foods in your diet. Eat cereals, lean meats, dairy products and plenty of fresh vegetables. Avoid eating fatty, spicy and salty foods. Do not forget to drink enough liquid, giving preference to unsweetened compotes, plain water and weak tea. Since there is more pressure on your bladder now, try not to drink too much in the hours before bed. To reduce the number of nighttime urges to go to the toilet, do not drink yogurt and kefir 4 hours before bedtime. During this period, severe discomfort can be caused by training contractions, which become more painful and prolonged. It can be very difficult to determine whether these are training contractions or real ones. Some pregnant women even go to the maternity hospital several times, deciding during training contractions that labor has already begun. To relieve the condition, walk around the room or take a shower. If contractions have not passed, go to the hospital. The pressure on the bladder increases, so the urge to go to the toilet at night becomes more frequent. Try not to drink a lot of fluids a few hours before bed.

Intimate life

Most modern gynecologists do not consider it necessary to interrupt intimate life in the last weeks of pregnancy. On the contrary, male sperm contains substances that prepare the pregnant woman’s body for childbirth. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, then you can have sex. You need to focus solely on your well-being. Many couples stop having an intimate life during this period due to psychological factors. The baby's presence becomes more noticeable, so it seems that he is also involved in this process. If mucous lumps appear in the discharge, then intimate life will still have to be stopped before childbirth, since when the plug comes out, an infection can occur.

Physical activity

At week 37, physical activity will have to be reduced slightly. To keep yourself in good shape, you can perform simple exercises under the supervision of a professional trainer, who will make sure that you do not get injured. Under no circumstances should you force yourself to perform this or that exercise through force. To make the birth process easier and recover faster after it, perform Kegel exercises and breathing exercises.

Medicines and procedures

Taking any medications and undergoing medical procedures must be agreed upon with a gynecologist. At this stage, medications cannot affect the baby’s development, but some of them can worsen his well-being. In some cases, your doctor may recommend postponing treatment after birth. Only a qualified specialist can determine the effectiveness of a medicine and its safety.

Congratulations! At 37 weeks, the fetus is officially considered full-term.

A full-term baby is a baby born between 37 and 42 weeks. According to statistics, labor begins later during the first pregnancy, and earlier during subsequent ones. There is also an opinion that boys are born later than girls, because the latter mature earlier, and they are also, as a rule, more resilient and stronger.

Fruit size

At week 37, the baby is about 47 cm long. In size, it can be compared to a watermelon.

Baby's weight

This week the weight of the fetus is already about 3 kg.

Fetal development at 37 weeks of gestation

The child's development is complete, all that remains is to gain a little height and weight! The baby has accumulated enough subcutaneous fat that at birth he can already retain heat on his own. The cartilages of the ears and nose become harder. The baby sees, hears and feels everything. Thus, sharp and unpleasant odors cause serious dissatisfaction at week 37. The little man can easily express his “indignation” about this with a strong kick to his mother’s stomach.


The heart rate at 37 weeks remains unchanged - 140–160 beats per minute. If cardiotocography (CTG) shows that a small heart is beating somehow incorrectly, this may indicate, for example, that the baby does not have enough oxygen. In such a case, the doctor prescribes immediate treatment. Sometimes emergency childbirth is necessary.

What does a fetus look like at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

There is no lanugo (original hair) left on the baby's body - instead of them, new hairs grow on the head, with which the baby will be born. If the baby is born bald, it’s also okay - the presence of hair is determined by hereditary factors.

Body changes and new sensations of a woman

At week 37, the first precursors of labor may already appear, but this does not mean that “this” should happen right now. However, the signals sent by the body cannot be ignored; any of them must be discussed with your doctor.

  • Abdominal prolapse. Before giving birth, the baby begins to move towards the “exit”. His head drops lower when presented correctly. As a result, the fetus occupies the most convenient place for itself in the small pelvis, where it will remain until the moment of birth.
  • Low child activity. Fetal movements during pregnancy become less pronounced. The child has already found the optimal position for himself and, like his mother, is gaining strength before the decisive, most important maneuver in his life.
  • Increase in the number of discharges. Thick mucous discharge, colored pink, indicates the removal of a plug that prevents pathogenic bacteria from entering the uterine cavity. For some, labor begins after a few hours, while others are forced to wait several days or even weeks. But copious, slightly yellowish discharge may turn out to be amniotic fluid. If they appear, you should not wait for additional “signals” - you must urgently go to the maternity hospital.
  • Strengthening or appearance of “training” contractions (read more: “34 weeks: Body changes and new sensations of a woman”). Now the woman’s body is beginning to intensively prepare for the upcoming birth and is actively training.
  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen and back. These unpleasant sensations are caused by a completely natural process - stretching and softening of the joints of the pelvis, so that it is easier for the baby to go the entire way of the birth canal. In case of acute pain, you should urgently call an ambulance.
  • Weight loss. On the eve of childbirth, body weight may decrease by 1–2 kg, which is associated with tissue loss of fluid.

Weight gain

We have already talked about the fact that a woman can lose weight at 37 weeks of pregnancy (this is one of the “harbingers” of childbirth). Thus, during the “interesting situation” the mother should gain about 10–12 kg, although, for example, American experts consider an optimal gain of 11–17 kg.

Mom's belly

Mom’s belly has already dropped and seems a little smaller. At 37 weeks, the baby’s movements become less active - before giving birth, the baby “calms down”, preparing for the cherished hour X, his movements become smoother and less frequent. In addition, he simply becomes cramped in his mother’s womb.

Tests and ultrasound

Now the doctor, whom the woman now visits every week, can advise her to do a complete sanitation (cleaning) of the birth canal. Similar actions at 37 weeks (perhaps a little earlier) are necessary in order to remove “bad” microflora and ensure cleanliness during childbirth. However, according to many experts, it is necessary to agree to this procedure only when specific infections are identified that can really pose a danger. Sanitation is carried out, as a rule, with the help of vaginal suppositories.

Among other things, at the appointment, the gynecologist will once again measure the mother’s weight and blood pressure, listen to the baby’s heart, and check what position he is in the uterus. If the presentation is incorrect, a woman can already be hospitalized to undergo a cesarean section (the fetus and placenta are removed during the operation through an incision made in the uterus, the date of birth is set individually in each case).

If there are no indications, ultrasound is not performed at week 37.

Nutrition at 37 weeks of pregnancy

Many women experience real stress at week 37, especially for those for whom this is their first pregnancy. How will everything go, how to overcome the pain, will there be any complications, who will the baby look like?.. This is what mothers think about in later stages. It happens that because of worries you don’t feel like eating at all. So treat yourself to all sorts of goodies - at week 37 you can already do this (in moderation, of course). “Eat up” your stress with delicious buns and sweet pies. But don't overuse it! As for the main menu, the basis of the diet at 37 weeks is still porridge with water, plant foods, fermented milk products (it is better to exclude fermented milk a week before the expected date of birth) and baked vegetables.


At week 37, vitamins that increase tissue elasticity play an important role. Thanks largely to them, very unpleasant ruptures during childbirth can be avoided. In this case we are talking about vitamins A, E, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids. Discuss with your doctor vitamin complexes that are high in the nutrients listed above and the possibility of their use.

Sex at 37 weeks pregnant

Today, more and more modern doctors convince us that sex in later stages is completely normal. But women who have already given birth more often think differently and adhere to the point of view of those specialists who still believe that before giving birth it would not hurt to give up intimate relationships. Well, why do you need, at 37 weeks, although very pleasant, but still “troubles”, because after making love, questions like “Didn’t we disturb the baby?” and “When will labor start now?” If intimate relationships at 37 weeks do not bother you, do it very carefully and do not put pressure on your stomach.


The doctor has probably already warned you that labor may begin very soon, so at 37 weeks do not plan any long trips, always keep your phone with you and collect in advance the documents and things you will need in the maternity hospital (more details on what to take with you to the hospital) medical institution, we will tell you in the article “38th week of pregnancy: Lifestyle”). Be on guard at all times during this period and do not hesitate to call your doctor if you feel that your body has begun to behave differently (see “37 weeks of pregnancy: Body changes and new sensations of a woman”).

Beauty and accessories

Do not forget to purchase nursing clothes for your baby at this time. Avoid tight bras and products with hard underwire. The material also matters - it is better to opt for models made of cotton or microfiber: this will make it easier for your skin to breathe.
