Anastasia Shubskaya, biography, news, photos. Hockey player Alexander Ovechkin undressed at his own wedding Wedding of Shubskaya and Ovechkin nov Ilya artist

Last August, however, the newlyweds did not celebrate their wedding. The hockey player and model decided to hold the celebration in Russia with their family and friends. Today, on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, Nastya Shubskaya finally put on a luxurious bride’s dress and, together with her famous lover, greeted guests in Barvikha near Moscow.

Anastasia Shubskaya wore a snow-white dress trimmed with lace on the back and sleeves. The bridesmaids came to the event in golden-colored dresses. The groom, like all his friends, was in classic black suit with bow tie. The bride's mother, Vera Glagoleva, supported her daughter, who was worried, despite the fact that she had been officially married since August 20, 2016. Glagoleva chose a floor-length dress and a pearl-colored stole for her daughter’s wedding.

Directly during the wedding, neither Ovechkin nor Shubskaya published photos and videos on their microblogs, but the guests invited to the celebration did this for them. Fans of the couple were especially pleased with Yana Rudkovskaya: she conducted a real broadcast, posting on Instagram photographs and videos that captured the most significant moments of the Ovechkins’ wedding. For example, it was thanks to Rudkovskaya that the public learned that at the wedding banquet the main course was dorado fillet with stewed vegetables and veal medallions in cognac-pepper sauce with baked potatoes with rosemary, and on the tables there was red caviar and dishes with pickled cucumbers and cabbage and tomatoes.

Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya played a gorgeous wedding on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

Let us remind you that as for Anastasia, the hockey player was engaged to a tennis player Maria Kirilenko. But on the eve of the wedding, they ended the relationship. The athletes separated in 2014. Shubskaya also had a serious relationship. She dated a financier for three years Artem Bolshakov. He even proposed to her. But, after graduating from the Financial Academy in Moscow, in the fall of 2014, Artem entered the master’s program at the International Business School in Boston and left to study. The feelings of Anastasia and Artem did not stand the test of distance.

In 2015, the daughter of Vera Glagoleva began dating Alexander Ovechkin. None of the hockey player’s friends could believe that it would come to a wedding, and the young beauty would be able to pacify his Casanova temperament. Nevertheless, Nastya succeeded. Alexander, who is not eloquent in life, after meeting Shubskaya, began publicly making declarations of love on his microblog. Glagoleva admits that at first she was wary of the appearance of such a character in her daughter’s life. However, he was able to win her love and trust. All doubts were dispelled after meeting Ovechkin’s parents: it became clear that Alexander was serious.

Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya played a gorgeous wedding on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

Yana Rudkovskaya at the wedding

Banquet menu at a wedding Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya

Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya accept congratulations from guests at the wedding

Anastasia Shubskaya sings for Alexandra Ovechkina song

Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya: dance of the bride and groom

Anastasia Shubskaya and Alexander Ovechkin cutting the wedding cake

The hockey star's new girlfriend almost got married six months ago

It’s time to make a TV series about the love affairs of 29-year-old Alexander OVECHKIN. It seemed that only recently he had broken up with another passion, when suddenly news came from overseas: the heart of one of the most eligible bachelors in world sports was again not free. The famous hockey player, head over heels in love, posted on Instagram a photo with a charming brunette, which he accompanied with a touching caption: “My girl, thank you for appearing in my life. I value you very much."

The new sweetheart of the leader of the Russian national team, the forward of the NHL club Washington Capitals, has become a 21-year-old Anastasia Shubskaya- daughter of a famous actress Vera Glagoleva and a major businessman, president of the Soglasie-Alliance company Kirill Shubsky.

The long-legged beauty Nastya graduated from the production department of VGIK last summer and has already managed to star in two films - the little-known film “Ca-de-bo” and in the series “A Woman Wants to Know...” (her mother played the main role there). At the same time, the girl is trying to build a modeling career - she periodically appears at fashion shows and participates in photo shoots for glossy magazines. In her free time from work, Shubskaya improves her body on a pole - she learns pole dancing. Since childhood, Nastya has not needed anything and is accustomed to being the center of attention. Glagoleva's youngest daughter is called one of the most enviable and most capricious brides in Russia.

Nastya grew up as a rather wayward girl,” the actress says about her daughter. - If she didn’t want to do something, it was impossible to convince her. My daughter has a rather complex character, but her older sisters, Anna and Maria (my children from my first marriage), became authorities for her. Nastya's dad spoiled her a lot, but I tried to raise my children in strictness.

Before the affair with Ovechkin Shubskaya already had a serious relationship. She dated for three years Artem Bolshakov. 27-year-old Artem is also an enviable groom: he graduated from the Financial Academy in Moscow, and in the fall of 2014 he entered the master's program at the International Business School in Boston. In addition, Bolshakov practices karate, plays the piano and guitar. Last February, on Valentine’s Day, Tema proposed to Nastya - and presented her with a gorgeous three-carat diamond ring. “I was very worried, but it turned out to be in vain: my family received Artem well, and soon we will have a wedding! - Shubskaya boasted in her microblog. However, the matter did not reach the registry office. As soon as the guy left for the USA, their feelings gradually faded away. Nastya, of course, tried to maintain the relationship and flew to her beloved overseas at every opportunity, but she never managed to regain her former passion. But the girl found a part-time job as a fashion model in an American glossy magazine, and later enrolled in courses at the New York Film Academy. Shubskaya recently appeared in Los Angeles - she walked in a chic lace dress along the Oscars red carpet among Hollywood stars. They say that Sasha Ovechkin gave her an invitation to the ceremony.

The girl has known Ovi for a long time. At one time, the husband was close friends with the hockey player Anna Nakhapetova, Nastya's older sister, - dancer Egor Simachev. The guys met in common company, but no spark flowed between Ovechkin and Shubskaya then. Perhaps precisely because Anastasia’s heart was occupied by Artyom.

In January, Nastya and her family were vacationing in the United Arab Emirates and almost drowned,” Anna, Shubskaya’s friend, told us. “It’s good that the rescuers responded quickly.” Naturally, Nastya immediately wrote about this on Instagram, and Ovi, having read it, inquired about her well-being. The guys began to correspond, and when Nastasya once again flew to the States, they decided to meet. That's where things started to go wrong for them.

Vera Glagoleva was not at all embarrassed by her daughter’s affair with a famous hockey player:

I fully support my daughter in her choice. She is an adult and knows who she should date. I trust her.

Having received a parental blessing on the one hand, the lovers considered it necessary to meet the Ovechkin family: on March 19, Sasha invited Nastya to celebrate his mother’s 65th birthday. Actually, the very photo that excited the hockey player’s fans was taken in the kitchen of Alexander’s house. Where Ovi's ex-fiancee, a tennis player, recently took a selfie Maria Kirilenko, choosing the color she was going to paint the walls. But the renovation had to be canceled, as well as the wedding ceremony.

Fickle partner

Alexander Ovechkin has established himself not only as an excellent hockey player, but also as a notorious womanizer. Surely he knows how to screw up girls like three boxes. Even before leaving for the NHL, Sasha started a love affair with a long-legged brown-haired woman Anna Samsonova. This girl worked as a dancer in the support group of the Dynamo hockey club (Moscow).

“I graduated from ballet school and trained in Switzerland for two years,” said Anya. - Then she returned to Moscow. Sasha saw my photo at the Sports Palace, where our ensemble performed. At first I didn’t give him my phone number, but he came to the HR department and asked for it there.

OVECHKIN with former passions: Anna SAMSONOVA... Photo:

Ovechkin took the girl abroad - to Cyprus and Cuba. They spent unforgettable days and nights together. But that same summer, Alexander met another beauty - from St. Petersburg. Olya studied to be a PR manager and said that she loves hockey. Ovechkin quickly switched to Olga and after some time brought her to his parents’ apartment. Closer to the night. His mother, Tatyana Nikolaevna, just clasped her hands and looked expressively at her son. When Sasha left for America, he quickly forgot about his hobby. Then there were rumors about the hockey player’s love affair with Zhanna Friske. They starred together in the show “Big Race” and allegedly became very close there. After some time, Sasha and Zhanna were seen together in Beijing, and reporters concluded: this was not a coincidence. However, Ovechkin and Friske seemed to have filled their mouths with water. They did not comment on their relationship.

Victoria LOPIREVA... Photo: Podruzhka.Ru

In 2008, the tabloids started talking about Ovechkin’s affair with a TV presenter and model. Victoria Lopyreva. They were photographed together in Moscow at the opening of the “Star Crime” exhibition, and the NHL championship was in full swing at that time. Alexander told the leaders of the Washington Capitals club that he needed to visit his sick grandfather - and it was true. But Washington’s star scorer wanted to see the beautiful Vika even more. Their relationship began after Lopyreva interviewed Ovechkin for one of her programs. Later, Miss Russia 2003 herself flew to the USA to visit the star hockey player. But Victoria did not want to give up television and become a housewife in a foreign country. She waited for the right moment and hooked up with another rich athlete - a football player Fedora Smolova. Reliable Fedya was ready to blow away the dust from her and quickly took her to the registry office, and Ovechkin would have delayed the marriage proposal for another ten years.

He was actually engaged to tennis player Maria Kirilenko. Ovechkin “recaptured” Masha from Igor Andreev, tennis player of the Russian national team. To meet her, Sasha came to Paris to Roland Garros and flew to his beloved in London for the Wimbledon tournament. And when he realized that he could no longer live without Maria, he invited her to settle in his new home.

This mansion in the suburbs of Washington (there are five bedrooms and six bathrooms) cost Ovechkin $4.275 million. They had a beautiful love story that lasted three years. The hockey player’s parents treated Masha very well. Kirilenko and Ovechkin planned to get married in the summer of 2013. But Sasha suddenly backed down and postponed the celebration for an indefinite period. Even then there were rumors that they would break up. And so it happened. They say that “well-wishers” told the tennis player that in her absence Alexander was pleasing another. Kirilenko checked: everything was confirmed. Maria was the first to announce the breakup. She did not grieve for a long time - she recently married an official from the Moscow government.

After breaking up with Maria, the hockey playboy switched to a 19-year-old gymnast “artist” Karolina Sevastyanova. Ovechkin, in the company of friends, flew with her to the Cote d'Azur, and a little later he even introduced her to her parents. Young Caroline was in seventh heaven. Many journalists immediately concluded that it was Sevastyanova who caused the breakup between Ovechkin and Kirilenko. The sexy gymnast made things clear:

It is not true. By that time, Sasha was already free. He's a real man. Sasha is responsible for his words and does not throw them around. It is difficult to say what exactly Ovechkin promised Caroline, but she was promoted very successfully due to his big name. The Olympic champion in the team tournament has already given up sports and is now pursuing a career as a model and wants to appear on the covers of prestigious glossy magazines. She probably expected to be “Ovechkin’s girl” for at least five or six months, but Alexander himself decided otherwise. Carolina is already a thing of the past for him. Like two dozen other, less famous girls. Apparently, Ovechkin is from that breed of men who just can’t get enough of it. Perhaps at the age of 35 he will settle down, but for now every new girl is a holiday for him. It’s even curious how long his romance with Anastasia Shubskaya will last. Nastya comes from a very wealthy family, so one cannot suspect her of selfish aspirations. Shubskaya is only 21 years old, but she already thinks like an adult. Nastya has before her eyes the sad experience of her mother. Actor Rodion Nakhapetov, the first husband of Vera Glagoleva, left her with two children and emigrated to the USA.

Unfortunately, men often betray, Nastya Shubskaya once said. - They abandon their wives and children, forgetting that they have traveled a long and difficult path together. And, perhaps, they even took place largely thanks to their other half. Power and money switch them to other women. That's life. I myself know that when you fall in love, you lose your head. But still, we must not forget about possible betrayal. It’s not a fact that it will happen, but we need to remember this. Like this. Nastya does not rule out that one day Ovechkin will leave her too. But for now the two of them feel good together, and let’s be happy for them. Tatiana Ovechkina, the mother of a hockey player, put it this way: “I once gave my son advice and he listened to it carefully. And now Sasha has grown up and decides everything himself. I will accept any of his choices. Of course, I want to see my grandchildren, but I won’t rush him into a wedding.

And there was another case

During the Olympics in Beijing, at a reception at the Russia House, Ovechkin found himself at the same table with Svetlana Khorkina. The famous champions communicated so nicely that evil tongues created a “sensation.” However, the two-time Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics was already the mother of a three-year-old son at that time. Moreover, the father of her child, according to informed people, is none other than Kirill Shubsky! However, the businessman did not dare to leave his wife and children for Khorkina. Svetlana was a single mother for several years until she married an FSB general Oleg Kochnov.

Think about it!

The Washington Capitals must pay Alexander Ovechkin $124 million over 13 years. The hockey player’s contract with the club expires in 2021.

Nastya’s parents met in 1991 at the Odessa film festival “Golden Duke”. 27-year-old millionaire shipowner Kirill Shubsky fell in love with the charming 35-year-old actress Vera Glagoleva at first sight and showered her with bouquets of roses and luxurious gifts. He surrounded Anya and Masha, Glagoleva’s daughters from her first marriage with Rodion Nakhapetov, with care and attention. The actress could not resist the onslaught of the impressive businessman and responded to his feelings. She quit cinema, took the children and left for Switzerland with her lover for two years. There, on November 16, 1993, their daughter Nastasya was born.

The girl was born under unusual circumstances. The doctors at the local clinic did not know Russian, and Vera had to call a friend who translated the obstetricians’ recommendations for the woman in labor. From her first days, the baby was surrounded by love and adoration, all doors were open to her, and her every wish was immediately fulfilled. At the same time, she grew up as a persistent, self-confident and independent child, capable of defending her point of view.

As a child, she practiced tennis, figure skating and gymnastics, and later became interested in ballet, following the example of her sister Anya. As a teenager, she made her debut in the film Ca-de-bo (2005), which was never completed. A year later, she played the role of the daughter of the heroes Alena Babenko and Ilya Shakunov in Vera Glagoleva’s film “Ferris Wheel” (2007).


After graduating from school as an external student, Nastya entered the VGIK production department and moved from her parents’ house to a rented apartment. From that moment her independent adult life began. In 2009, she starred with her mother in her next film “A Woman Wants to Know...”, and two years later she took part in the debutante ball of the Chanel fashion house.

Her appearance did not go unnoticed, and Nastasya seriously thought about a modeling career. She began to receive invitations from prestigious glossy publications, and in 2015, dressed in a dress from Valentin Yudashkin, Shubskaya became the queen of a fashion show organized for the 20th anniversary of the Russian Silhouette Foundation.

But the ambitious girl soon got bored with her work as a model and became more of a hobby for her. Nastasya moved to the United States and enrolled in acting classes in Los Angeles, intending to devote her future career to cinema.

Personal life of Anastasia Shubskaya

It goes without saying that from a young age, the charming daughter of influential and wealthy parents was surrounded by crowds of admirers. Nastya had her first serious romance at the age of nineteen - with the famous financier Artem Bolshakov. Shubskaya was even going to marry him, but after the businessman left for the United States, their feelings gradually faded away.

But Nastasya did not remain alone for long, and soon rumors began to spread about her affair with world hockey legend Alexander Ovechkin. Their first meeting took place many years ago, at the Beijing Olympics, where Nastya came with her father.

Later, they crossed paths more than once in common companies, but began dating after Shubskaya described on her Instagram an incident that happened to her on vacation in the Emirates. Then the girl almost drowned, and Alexander considered it necessary to support her and inquire about her well-being.

A correspondence ensued, followed by a personal meeting. Since then, the lovers have not parted. In August 2016, they officially registered their relationship, and on July 8, 2017, they celebrated a luxurious wedding in Moscow. Anastasia took her husband's surname. Even before becoming the wife of the famous hockey player, Anastasia gave an interview to the wedding publication Wedding, in which she admitted that she was ready to become a mother: “Children should be born in marriage. Since we are planning children, why not legalize our relationship now.”

The personal life of one of the best strikers in the history of modern hockey has never been characterized by consistency - he had many affairs, and only recently did some stability appear in it - he married a beautiful, talented girl. Alexander Ovechkin's wife Anastasia Shubskaya, the daughter of businessman Kirill Shubsky and the famous, recently deceased actress and director Vera Glagoleva, became the only beloved woman in his life.

The hockey player, not hiding his happiness from meeting such a wonderful girl, once wrote a touching inscription on Instagram under Nastya’s photo with a warm confession of his feelings.

They first met at the Beijing Olympics, where fourteen-year-old Nastya came with her parents. Only a few years later, Alexander, having seen Anastasia’s photo on Instagram, decided to remind them of their old acquaintance.

In the photo - Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya

At that time, Nastya was already a graduate of VGIK, and Ovechkin was a three-time world champion. At first they simply corresponded, and when Shubskaya flew to Los Angeles to take acting courses, the young people met at a Washington Capitals match, for which Alexander plays.

The first date took place in a restaurant, and the young people found out that they had a lot of common topics of conversation. Anastasia and Alexander felt great sympathy for each other and decided not to part again.

The future husband introduced Anastasia to her parents, and in September 2015, Alexander asked Nastya’s hand in marriage from her parents. They also began to postpone the wedding for a long time and got married in one of the Moscow registry offices, after which they flew to America.

Wedding of Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya

The newlyweds postponed the wedding celebration until a later time because of the World Cup of Hockey in order to invite Alexander’s friends from the team. The luxurious wedding took place at Barvikha Luxury Village, the hall of which was strewn with tea roses and hydrangeas.

Wedding of Alexander and Anastasia

The bride and groom and guests were entertained by the stars of Russian show business - Joseph Kobzon, Nikolai Baskov, who read out a personal congratulation from the president of the country to Nastya and Alexander.

Personal life of Alexander Ovechkin

One of the most famous romances in the personal life of the Washington forward before meeting Anastasia Shubskaya was his relationship with tennis player Maria Kirilenko. They dated for three years, but this romance never ended - the young people broke up.

In the photo - Alexander and Maria Kirilenko

Shortly after breaking up with Maria, Alexander began an affair with model Karolina Sevostyanova, but it turned out to be fleeting and ended after Ovechkin left for the States for the start of the new NHL season.

Personal life of Anastasia Shubskaya

Nastya is a graduate of the production department of VGIK, a model whose photographs periodically appear in fashionable glossy publications. She starred in two films, but her cinematic career has not yet progressed beyond that. Shubskaya devoted a lot of time to dancing, honing her half-dancing skills.

Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya now

This spring, information appeared that Alexander Ovechkin’s wife was preparing to become a mother. This news made not only the spouses themselves very happy, but also their many friends and relatives. Unfortunately, the joy was overshadowed by a sad event - Nastya’s mother, actress Vera Glagoleva, died.

This was a real shock for all family members; Anastasia did not appear on social networks for a long time and did not post any news about how her family life was shaping up.

In these difficult moments, her husband became a reliable support and support for her, without which it would have been even more difficult for Nastya to survive such a difficult time.
