"Badyaga" from bruises: reviews (powder, ointment and gel), instructions for use. Badyaga from bruises - how to speed up wound healing

Often a phenomenon after a blow or other minor injury is a subcutaneous hematoma, that is, a bruise. After the impact, blood vessels rupture, and blood accumulates under the skin. Subcutaneous do not require medical, and even more so surgical intervention. You can get by with special natural ointments and compresses. With age, the vessels become more vulnerable and damage can be seen even after a small impact on the skin. A bruise appears, usually after a short amount of time and lasts about 1-2 weeks. But sometimes you need to quickly get rid of the hematoma. This will help such a well-known substance as badyaga.

Badyaga effective from bruises

Bruises can also appear not only after injuries, but also as a result of diseases of the cardiovascular system or blood. In this case, complex treatment is required, but this does not mean that you have to put up with the traces. It is better to start the fight against bruising immediately after the impact, without waiting for the appearance of unpleasant spots on the body.

What is a badyaga

This is a freshwater organism that lives in clean water bodies with certain conditions for life. It is a shrub from red to green in color, up to 1 meter high. In total, there are up to 16 species of algae, only 4 can be found in Russia.

Plants are collected during the warm season, cleaned from pollution and other trace elements. Then they are dried in the open sun and air or in special ovens.

Dried badyaga looks like a gray-green sponge.

The resulting powder from badyagi is used in various types of treatment. Suitable for pain relief in rheumatic diseases, as well as for cosmetology. With the help of it, spots after acne are removed, wrinkles are smoothed, the dermis is tightened and bruises are eliminated in a short time. This happens due to the fact that the small needles of the sponge irritate the skin, causing a rush of blood. As a result, there is a rapid recovery of the skin after injury. It also has a warming and resolving effect, relieves puffiness, and helps to remove toxins from the body.

Badyaga plant - algae

In addition, such preparations contain a huge amount of vitamin supplements (vitamins A, D, E, C), medicinal plants (plantain). For cosmetology, an ointment with various fruit extracts is used.

Methods of using bodyagi

The easiest way to use badyagi from bruises is to apply to the damaged area, rub in with gentle massage movements and leave for a while. The ointment does not cause strong discomfort, so it is not necessary to wash it off. This method is the fastest, but not the most efficient.

Ointments, powder and gels should be used with extreme caution, having carefully studied the possible side effects of badyagi from bruises in the instructions.

Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. It is also recommended to test for an allergic reaction before use, for this, apply a small amount of ointment to the bend of the elbow. If redness, itching and rash do not appear, then you can apply the product to a larger area.

Ointments with badyaga

How to use the powder?

More severe bruising, which is characterized by a dark color and swelling, can be treated using a different method. This will require:

  • algae powder - 1 tsp;
  • water - a few drops;
  • salicylic acid - 5-6 drops.

Mix the powder with water until a slurry is formed, add salicylic acid to this mixture and apply to the injured area. Leave this compress for up to 7 minutes, then rinse with warm water or a wet towel. It is worth remembering that you need to apply pointwise and preferably every other day, otherwise you can dry out the skin.

It is also possible to mix the powder with water or hydrogen peroxide in a 2:1 ratio to achieve a slurry. The mixture is applied to the bruised area, covered with a plastic bag or bandage and left for up to 8 hours, then the remnants of the compress are washed off. Instead of water for a dressing, vegetable oil is sometimes used, which does not dry out the skin and has a warming effect.

Badyagi powder - use

But dark spots do not always appear after strokes and injuries, they can often be seen under the eyes after a sleepless night or stress. To get rid of this, you can make the following mass of powder and plantain. For this you need:

  • algae - 1 tsp;
  • plantain decoction - 2 tsp;
  • oily cosmetic cream.

Mix the powder and decoction thoroughly and add a fat face cream. Apply the resulting slurry to the affected areas and leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with water without using soap. Plantain will relieve inflammation and reduce irritation from the product, and the cream will nourish the skin during the procedure, giving it a healthy look and hydration.

What ointments should be used for treatment?

The most effective substances are Badyaga Forte and badyaga gel from bruises 911+.

They are completely ready to use, they do not need to be mixed with anything. After using these products, redness and a slight burning sensation appear on the skin. This indicates the work of the ointment, so it is not recommended to use them before leaving the house. It is better to do compresses on the bruised place at night, for 10-12 hours of visiting the street.

Gels should be rubbed into the skin for about 20 minutes, gently massaging the damaged area. For the face, the period is reduced to 10-15 minutes. The ointment can also be used for the area around the eyes without fear of irritation.

Bio-balm badyagi

Contraindications for use

Badyaga from bruises, although it is a natural remedy, which includes only natural ingredients, but still has some contraindications.

It is strictly forbidden to apply the product to open wounds or suppuration. If the product gets into the wound, then pus and blood poisoning may occur in the future. Before applying badyaga powder or cream from bruises to a bruise, carefully check for abrasions on the skin.

Also, the product should not be used by people with very sensitive skin or closely spaced capillaries. Their skin is very delicate, and exposure to an aggressive ointment can provoke an allergy.

Not suitable for the treatment of bruises in children under 10 years of age. It is better to consult a doctor before applying the drug to the child's body.

Pregnant women can use algae without harm to the health of the baby. However, it is worth remembering that during this period a woman's body changes a lot. If previously there was no allergic reaction to this drug, now it can occur at any time, so it is better to do a sensitivity test.

The tool can not be applied to the area of ​​​​the chest, heart and kidneys - this will cause malfunctions in the internal organs.

Badyaga is the most effective and inexpensive remedy in the treatment of bruises. It can be used without a doctor's prescription, observing the necessary precautions. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of hematoma. Usually, the healing process takes from 5 to 14 days, and a bruise after a badyagi begins to brighten after a few days. The fastest result is achieved by compresses with powder at night, as well as the use of ointment in the daytime.

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For what only badyaga is not used. Beauticians believe that algae powder helps lighten freckles. Doctors recommend a remedy for speedy recovery after closed injuries. Its use is appropriate for arthritis.

The demand is due to the pharmacological action. Badyaga has the property of mechanical stimulation. Due to this, it removes puffiness, promotes a rush of blood to the diseased organ, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

It got its name from the seaweed. Actually, badyaga is nothing more than the powder of this sponge.


  • Rekapharm;
  • Tula pharmaceutical factory;
  • The first monastery health resort;
  • Health;
  • Twins Tech;
  • Skimed LLC;
  • Bionor;
  • Dina+.

Release forms


Ingredients: crushed sponge or seaweed.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical intern and neurologist of BUZ VO "Moscow polyclinic".

Cost: 40-90 rubles.

"Badyaga forte" gel

Badyaga Forte has the following composition: freshwater sponge, plantain extract, yarrow, glycerin, fragrance, gelling agent.

Cost: 60-90 rubles.

Gel Badyaga

Ingredients: glycerin, water, plantain and yarrow extract, bronopol, fragrance, gelling agent.

Cost: 80-120 rubles.

Ingredients: lavender oil, lemon oil, tea tree oil, badyaga, horse chestnut and leech extract, vitamins E and D.

Cost: 110-120 rubles.

Gel "Badyaga 911"

Ingredients: chamomile, mint, arnica oil, badyaga, tea tree oil, horse chestnut extract.

Cost: 60-80 rubles.

Ingredients: water, wax, parabens, wheat germ extract, badyaga, Indian cress extract, string extract, grapefruit oil, monoglycerides, lanolin, cosmetic stearin.

Cost: 160-200 rubles.

Cooling ointment Badyaga

Ingredients: comfrey, cinquefoil, badyaga, aloe vera, thymol, almond oil, macadamia oil, mint, eucalyptus, vitamins E and A, wax, glycerin.

Dosages and scheme of application

Badyaga powder

There are 2 ways to apply:

  • as an enriching component of the cream;
  • as a solution.

Algorithm of actions for the preparation of the suspension:

  • take unenamelled dishes;
  • pour out the contents of the sachet;
  • add a small amount of water (you need to get a thick slurry).

suspension applied with a swab. We recommend wearing gloves.

Apply a thin layer to the affected area. Distribute the slurry evenly. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with water.

The second method of application involves mixing the cream with the powder. Approximate dosage: 3 parts of cream and 1 part of badyagi.

"Badyaga forte" gel

Apply 1-3 times a day in a thin layer. Requires rinsing.

Gel Badyaga

The tool can be used up to 3 times a day. Apply Badyaga body gel or ointment in circular motions. Try not to use too much gel.

Remember to wash your hands after use.

Gel-balm "Badyaga Forte and horse chestnut"

Badyaga balm is easy to use. Apply the required amount of gel to the affected area. It is possible to use the drug instead of a massage cream for neuralgia.

Instructions for use of the gel "911 Badyaga"

Apply in a thin layer. Remember to wash your hands after use.

Cream-mask "Badyaga Forte with Indian watercress"

Apply a thin layer to cleansed, dry skin. Wait 20 minutes. Wash off with plenty of water.

Cooling ointment Badyaga

Apply in a thin layer. Apply as needed.

Instructions for applying the gel

  1. In order to eliminate bruising, stimulate cell regeneration after an injury, use the remedy 4 times a day.
  2. Do not use brute force when rubbing in the gel. Move your hand carefully.
  3. To get rid of postpartum stretch marks, apply a thin layer of gel to problem areas daily for 1-2 weeks.
  4. Acne treatment requires spot application. After 8-10 minutes after application, the product will need to be washed off with warm water.
  5. With neuralgia, the gel is rubbed until a feeling of warmth appears.
  6. To lighten age spots, apply the gel every 7-10 days. The scheme of use is exactly the same as in the case of acne and acne.

Indications for use

Traditional medicine treats badyaga:

  • bruises;
  • neuralgia;
  • edema;
  • muscle pain;
  • bruising;

There is an opinion among the people that the remedy helps not only with bruises, but also in the fight against the following unpleasant phenomena:

  • acne
  • problems with the scalp;
  • bruises under the eyes (we do not recommend, as there is a high risk of badyagi getting into the eyes);
  • cellulite;
  • ingrown hair.

This algae is sometimes included in the composition of products that are designed to eliminate puffiness after cosmetic injections and hardware procedures.


Not recommended for use in young children. Age restrictions are not strict. If the baby is already 2 years old, he has not revealed allergic reactions to medicines and food, you can resort to badyaga with caution.

Don't forget to test. Apply an ointment or gel to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, wait a day. If itching and redness do not appear, the child's condition does not worsen, apply the product according to the instructions.

Under no circumstances should you resort to an algae-based cream for serious violations of the integrity of the skin:

  • with deep scratches;
  • wounds;
  • unhealed abrasions;
  • in severe cases of acne.

For mild acne, remedy still can be used. However, if the phenomenon has taken a serious turn, there is a large number of acne and black dots, you should not aggravate the situation and resort to badyagi. It can cause complications.

Do not apply directly to mucous membranes. If the bruise is located near the eye or mouth, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​applying the cream.

People who have been diagnosed with benign and malignant neoplasms have a medical challenge. First of all, skin cancer. Psoriasis, eczema, lichen can also be a reason for refusing therapy.

special instructions

  • The oral method of administration is not allowed.
  • The possibility of direct contact of badyagi and mucous membranes should be excluded.
  • Do not apply gel or ointment to the breasts.

Means does not accumulate in the liver and kidneys. It can be safely applied to persons whose professional activities require concentration, calmness, quick reaction. 911 Badyaga does not affect concentration. Can be used by drivers.

Pregnancy and lactation

How appropriate is the use during lactation? The issue should be resolved individually. If a woman is able to protect the child from direct contact with the product, she has the right to resort to this method of dealing with bruises and stretch marks.

Expectant mothers can safely use bodyaga, but only in accordance with the instructions. It states that you should avoid getting ointments and powders on the mucous membranes.

Side effects

In a healthy person, 911 badyaga can only cause an allergic reaction and irritation. A compatibility test should be carried out before each application of the ointment.

Basically, negative phenomena arise due to ignoring the presence of medical taps and due to non-compliance with the rules of use.


In modern medical practice, no cases of overdose have been identified with the external method of application.

If the gel gets inside, induce vomiting, seek medical help.

Interaction with other medicines

Question not answered.

Consult with your doctor.

Interaction with alcohol

No relationship was found between the deterioration in the well-being of patients, the use of bodyaga and the use of alcoholic beverages. However, people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system should exclude alcohol during the treatment of hematomas, regardless of what medications they use.

Terms of sale

Sold through pharmacies.

Released without prescriptions.


Does not require special conditions. Any place where the direct rays of the sun do not penetrate will do.

Try to exclude the possibility of the interaction of children and animals with badyaga.


They have a similar effect:

  • Lyoton. Its cost varies between 400-700 rubles, depending on the volume of the tube.
  • C. A homeopathic remedy will cost 400-800 rubles (production form: tablets for dissolving). Intramuscular injections cost about 10 thousand rubles.
  • Heparin ointment. The most affordable option. For one tube, you will have to pay only 40-80 rubles.

The drug "Badyaga Forte" is available in the form of a gel and consists of the following components:
- bodyagi;
- glycerin;
- purified water;
- yarrow extract;
- plantain extract;
- bronopol.

"Badyaga Forte" is used to improve the condition of the skin in the presence of bruises, acne and pigmentation. The gel has an anti-inflammatory and resolving effect, dilates blood vessels and relieves itching. The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the properties of its constituent components, the main of which is badyaga.

Badyaga is a sponge that lives at the bottom of rivers and lakes. It consists of silicon needles, it is they that provide a mechanical effect on the skin. As a result, local blood circulation increases, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases. At the same time, the pores are cleansed, pigment and stagnant spots are resorbed. This process is accompanied by temporary redness and tingling of the skin.

The intensive resolving effect of bodyaga is complemented by the softening and wound healing effect of yarrow and plantain extracts.

Yarrow extract enhances oxygenation processes, which helps to restore cells and promote rejuvenation. Plantain has a moisturizing and bactericidal effect, increases the protective properties of the skin and prevents the appearance of acne. The drug has a pronounced exfoliating effect and stimulates the production of collagen cells.

Indications and contraindications

For oily skin and acne;

With bruises and abrasions;

In the presence of pigment and stagnant spots;

To cleanse and rejuvenate the skin.

There are a number of contraindications to the drug. Do not use the product if you are allergic to at least one of the components. Before use, it is necessary to do a test on the inside of the elbow. To do this, apply a small amount of gel and within 10 minutes. observe the reaction of the body. If there is no irritation, then the drug can be used for the face.

Not suitable for dry sensitive skin prone to irritation. "Bodyaga Forte" is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 18 years of age.

Mode of application

The gel should be applied to previously cleansed skin with a thin layer with light massaging movements, left for 15-20 minutes and rinsed with warm water. The procedure can be carried out 2-3 times a week, depending on the susceptibility of the skin. After applying the product, it is not recommended to go out in the sun for 2 hours.

The gel is applied to the site of injury for 30 minutes. The remains of the product should be washed off with water or removed with a damp cloth. Use 2-3 times a day until the bruise completely disappears.

Avoid getting the drug on mucous membranes and open wounds.

Hematomas do not cause negative sensations, but significantly spoil the appearance. Badyaga from bruises has been used in medical practice since ancient times. This tool helps in the shortest possible time to get rid of bruises, minor damage to the skin. Find out how to use this remedy to get rid of unsightly hematoma spots.

What is Badyaga from bruises

The medicinal substance is made from a freshwater sponge (a creature of animal origin) of the Badyagovye family. Of practical value is its skeleton, or spongin, consisting of silicon needles, and also including carbonates, phosphates, and organic substances. The tool belongs to medicinal and cosmetic preparations, therefore it is dispensed by pharmacies without a prescription. Badyaga is a drug for external use with a local irritant effect.

Composition and form of release

The drug is produced by several manufacturers. Basically, powder is used to eliminate bruises. The product is a gray-green mass with a specific odor, packaged in 5 and 10 mg bags. The composition of the preparation includes ground powder of sponges of the species Badyaga lake and Badyaga river. The active ingredient of the powder is silicon oxide. Manufacturers: Zdorovye Firm ZAO, Tula FF, Fitomag.

The gel form of the remedy for bruises is also in demand. It has a grayish color and an unusual smell, it is available in tubes with a capacity of 50, 75, 100 and 200 ml. Manufacturers (Bionor, Dina Plus, Pharm Plus) rarely produce ointments (creams) based on Badyagi. This form of the drug is mainly obtained at home by using crushed sponge powder and other components. In addition to the main substance, for better penetration into the cells of the epidermis, gels / creams may contain:

  • triethanolamine;
  • purified water;
  • propanetriol;
  • fragrances;
  • gelling agent;
  • 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol.

pharmachologic effect

The action of the drug for bruises and other skin problems is based on mechanical irritation of the skin with silicon needles, which causes vasodilation. As a result, blood circulation is activated, the resolving and bactericidal effect of the agent is provided, which is due to the local release of biologically active substances: kinins, autocoids, histamine, prostaglandins. Silicon oxide eliminates puffiness, exhibits analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties.

Indications for use

Any damage to tissue structures leads to rupture of small vessels under the skin. As a result, a bruise forms at the site of the injury. The irritating components of the drug stimulate blood flow to the damaged area, due to which the process of restoring epidermal cells is significantly accelerated. After 5-7 days of using the remedy, the bruise completely disappears. Other indications for the use of Badyagi are:

  • rheumatic and neurological pains;
  • bruising;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis;
  • acne disease;
  • dark spots.

Mode of application

When mixing the sponges erased into a fine powder with a fatty base, creams and ointments are obtained. In cosmetology, Badyagu is often combined with essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants. In industrial production, lanolin, petroleum jelly, gelling agent, triethanolamine or glycerin act as the fat base of the drug. At home, vegetable oil can be used for this purpose.

The latter is added to the powder until a creamy mass is obtained. Such a composition effectively copes with neuralgic and rheumatic pains, sciatica. The instruction recommends applying the medicine with a swab to the site of the projection of the pathological focus. If a strong burning sensation occurs, the drug must be washed off with water. In the absence of discomfort, the remedy is left for a day.

Badyaga from bruises under the eyes and on the body is used with diluted boiled water to the consistency of sour cream. The resulting gray-greenish composition is applied with a swab to the skin of the face with fingers (not forgetting to put on rubber gloves) with light circular movements. After 20 minutes, when the bruise mask dries, it is washed off with warm water and a softening nourishing cream is applied. The procedure should be repeated every 7 days.

Gel (ointment) Badyaga is convenient to use. For cosmetic purposes, it is applied to the face in a thin layer. To avoid damage to the cells of the epidermis, the gel (ointment) must not be rubbed. Depending on the problem, the exposure time can be from 10 to 20 minutes, after which the remaining product must be washed off with warm water. If necessary, a cosmetic procedure is allowed up to three times a week. In the case of using a bruising gel, the drug is applied to the bruised area immediately after the injury and then 3-4 times a day until the hematoma disappears.

special instructions

During the use of the product, it should not be allowed to get on the mucous membranes. In the event that sponge particles still get into the eyes / nose, the composition must be washed off with water. In order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction, before using Badyagi for bruises, it is recommended to conduct a skin test by applying a small amount of the composition to the wrist. The occurrence of atypical symptoms is a reason to cancel the remedy.

Side effects

Instructions for use warns that sponge-based preparations can cause hyperemia of the skin at the site of application, an allergic rash, and itching. When using dosage forms Badyagi from bruises, tingling, light burning sensation is allowed. These side effects are transient and do not require treatment. Remember, long-term use of the drug is fraught with serious consequences:

  • reduced skin turgor;
  • burns;
  • cyanosis of the skin.


The instruction prohibits applying the drug with silicon oxide to areas of damage to the integrity of the epidermis, open wounds. Infectious dermatitis is also an absolute contraindication for the use of the drug. You can not use any form of the drug for the treatment of bruises in the presence of concomitant benign or malignant skin neoplasms.

It is not recommended to use the remedy for inflammation of the epidermis of toxic or allergic origin. The instruction does not contain a strict ban on the use of Badyagi from bruises during pregnancy and lactation. However, due to the increased sensitivity of the skin, women are still not recommended to use the remedy during intrauterine bearing of a child.

Vacation and storage conditions

The shelf life of Badyagi powder is 3 years. The gel (ointment) retains its properties for 2 years from the date of production. Any form of the drug is dispensed by pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Store the drug in a moisture- and light-protected place.


In a situation where the use of the drug is impossible due to individual intolerance, you can use drugs with similar pharmacological properties. Structural analogues of the drug are Spongilan, Badyaga 7 notes of health, Badyaga Forte and Badyaga 911, while the following have an identical mechanism of action:

  • Levomenthol;
  • L-menthol;
  • Amol;
  • Ungapiven;
  • Kutenza;
  • Mentoclar;
  • Rizaxil;
  • Espol;
  • Analgos.

In the event that the use of a sponge-based powder for bruising causes hypersensitivity reactions, a less aggressive gel form of the drug can be tried. So, Badyaga 911, in addition to the active ingredient (silicon oxide), contains extracts of medicinal herbs that are gentle on the skin and prevent side effects.

Nature is a smart system that creates all the conditions for a healthy human existence. Many natural microorganisms are successfully used by pharmacists to produce effective drugs for the treatment of various diseases. Perfectly relieves skin inflammation and itching, resolves bruises and bruises, brightens pigment and stagnant spots due to the regeneration of the upper layer of the skin, a unique pharmaceutical preparation based on a freshwater sponge - Badyaga Forte gel. What kind of medicine is this, how it works, to whom it is indicated and how to apply, read below.

Gel Badyaga Forte

This drug is intended for external use only and refers to absorbable, decongestant, regenerating agents. The main component of the gel is an extract of badyagi or freshwater sponge (spongilla), which lives at the bottom of freshwater reservoirs. The therapeutic effect of the drug is possible due to the stimulation of the epidermis with silicon needles that make up the skeleton of sponges. These small particles in the structure of the gel dilate blood vessels well, stimulating blood circulation, providing a bactericidal effect on the skin and resorption of bruises.


In addition to the main active ingredient, badyagi powder, this drug includes other components of plant and chemical origin. Detailed information on the composition of the gel is presented in the table:

Component name

Expansion of skin vessels, stimulation of blood flow, resorption of bruises

Plantain extract

Source of ascorbic acid, vitamins A and K, which has bactericidal, wound healing, moisturizing properties

Yarrow extract

Provides anti-inflammatory, tonic, healing effect


It is used to moisturize, soften the skin, protect it from the negative effects of external factors.

gelling agent

A synthetic substance that is used to give the product the desired structure and consistency


A substance that has a high bactericidal activity, therefore, is used as a preservative.

Perfumery composition for giving the gel a pleasant aroma

Water of special treatment

Used to dissolve all dry components of the drug

How the drug works

The therapeutic effect of the gel is based on the mechanical effect of silica needles on the upper layer of the skin, which irritate epithelial cells, cause expansion of subcutaneous vessels and capillaries, and have an analgesic effect. Due to such stimulation of natural processes, a slight reddening of the skin occurs at the site of application of Badyagi Forte, and a pronounced warming effect is also manifested, due to which bruises resolve, swelling, pain and itching decrease, sebum secretion processes normalize, deep cleansing and restoration of the skin.

Indications for use

  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • treatment and prevention of acne;
  • reducing the number of acne, stagnant and age spots;
  • elimination of bruises, bruises;
  • healing of scars, post-acne;
  • regeneration, rejuvenation, improvement of the appearance of the skin;
  • strengthening the protective barrier of the skin of the face;
  • fight cellulite.

In addition, due to the ability to dilate blood vessels and reduce pain, river sponge gel is often used as a local anesthetic for:

  • bruises;
  • sprain;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • neuralgia of various etiologies.

Method of application and dosage

This drug is a very popular remedy for dealing with various skin problems, so you can find a lot of positive reviews about its action. Since the dry powder, which is part of the gel, has a peeling effect, perfectly cleanses and renews the skin, more often Badyaga Forte for the face is used by girls to combat acne and pigmentation. However, no less effective is the gel to eliminate bruises. You just need to know how to use the drug correctly in each individual case.

For acne

If you are going to use Badyaga acne gel, remember that it is impossible to use such a remedy very often, so as not to cause the opposite effect and premature aging of the skin. Since Badyaga Forte is a powerful scrub for oily skin, you can carry out deep cleansing procedures with it no more than once a week. Apply the gel gently, in a thin layer, keeping it on the face for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do not rub the skin, do not massage, after the procedure, be sure to stay indoors for 2-3 hours.

From age spots

The principle of using this anti-pigmentation remedy is the same as in the case of acne. True, you can use Badyaga gel for the face to lighten the skin a couple of times a week, trying to apply the drug on the face very thinly, avoiding the areas around the eyes and lips. Keep the mask on the skin can not be longer than 20 minutes. After completing the procedure, be sure to wash with cool water and do not go outside until the redness after applying this specific gel has passed.

From bruises

Reviews from real users confirm the miraculous effect of using the tool to quickly eliminate bruises. Even large, deep bruises, the gel can remove in a few days. To do this, apply the drug three times a day in a circular motion directly to the affected area, continuing to massage it for about half an hour. After the procedure, remove the remnants of the product with a clean, dry cloth or rinse with warm water. Apply regularly until the bruise is completely resolved and the natural skin tone is evened out.

special instructions

The instructions for use of this drug indicate some important points that you should pay attention to when using a gel to cleanse your face or eliminate bruises:

  1. Before using the product for the first time (especially on the skin of the face), test for an allergic reaction: apply a little gel on the inside of the elbow, wait a while. If no side effects appear, then the drug can be used.
  2. If, after application, severe discomfort or severe irritation appears, you should refuse treatment with this remedy and consult a dermatologist for a consultation.
  3. Do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes. If this happens, immediately rinse the irritated area with plenty of clean water.
  4. After using the gel to cleanse the skin of the face, it is worth giving up decorative cosmetics for a while.

drug interaction

Instructions for use of this drug does not describe the interaction of the gel with other medicines. However, cosmetologists and dermatologists do not recommend the use of this remedy together with similar drugs for external use. If the gel is used to relieve pain in various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you can use it in combination with painkillers or injections.

Side effects

When starting to use this drug to solve skin problems or reduce pain, you need to remember that the gel causes only a slight burning sensation and slight redness of the skin area on which the product was applied. If, after applying the drug, a strong burning sensation or itching is felt, accompanied by a small rash or severe redness, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug is likely to have developed, so it is recommended to immediately wash it off with cool water and seek the advice of a specialist.


Although Badyaga Forte is a drug of natural origin, it has a number of contraindications, including:

  • dry and sensitive facial skin;
  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes, open wounds, damage to the area of ​​​​the skin, where the use of this gel is necessary;
  • hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth);
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation (there are no clinical studies confirming the safety of the components of the drug for the health of the fetus).

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is freely sold in all pharmacies, so a prescription is not required to buy the gel. It is necessary to store the drug in its original packaging in a dry place protected from direct sunlight at an ambient temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. The shelf life of the gel is two years from the production date indicated on the carton and on the tube seal.


There are several types of preparations based on freshwater sponge powder. Different manufacturers combine the healing properties of the sponge with other herbal ingredients, eventually getting a slightly improved drug, but with a different name. Analogues for the active substance are:

  • Spongilan;
  • Badyaga-forte + horse chestnut gel;
  • Badyaga-gel "7 notes of health";
  • Badyaga body gel, etc.

Drugs that have the same mechanical effect are called synonyms. For example:

  • Camphor;
  • Rizaxil;
  • Mentoclar;
  • Levomenthol;
  • Mustard and others.

Price Badyagi Forte

Preparations based on freshwater sponges are notable for their low cost, because this microorganism is very common. In addition, the technology for making medicines from badyagi is simple and does not require large investments. You can find out the approximate prices for the gel in Moscow pharmacies from the table:

The name of the drug based on badyagi



115 rubles

Horse chestnut balm + badyaga-forte from bruises

Powder for masks

"7 notes of health"

With bee venom

Indian watercress cream mask

125 rubles

