Insanely nice words to a girl. Pleasant words to your beloved girl in your own words to tears

My sweet, fragile, tender,
You smile like the sun.
How a boundless river flows,
This is how love for you never ends.

I love your hands and hair
There is nothing dearer to me than your joy.
About your love in a full voice
I will shout to the world without fatigue.

What a joy it is to hug you,
Kiss your tender cheeks!
You are able to understand me
Split my sadness into pieces.

I'm very proud of you, believe me!
I don't look at others, you know
There will be no losses in our lives,
Because you trust me!

You, my bright ray of light,
I love you to the point of dizziness
You are warmed by my love,
You are the most beautiful of all, no doubt!

You are my air, my dear,
And without you I will suffocate!
I'll be there, I promise
Always, my angel, I swear!

I can't live without you now,
You have become closer and dearer to me than everyone else,
I didn't know it was possible to love like that
One touch instantly makes you tremble.

You are the infinity that intoxicates me,
You are joy, lightness, you are recklessness,
And every day I love you more deeply,
Never think about the past with you again.

Darling, you are my joy,
My sweet dream, my dream.
Your lips, wonderful sweetness...
Life is like a clean slate.

The world is full of light, feelings and colors -
I love you more and more.
You give me so many affections.
With you I became softer, kinder.

Without having time to open my eyes,
I flutter in your tenderness.
And let there be a thunderstorm outside,
I melt in my arms with you!

I love every moment with you,
And I cherish every day.
Soul impulses, ringing cry:
“Dear, I love you!”

You are my most tender flower,
You are an angel from heaven incarnate!
I believe in every petal
And I’m ready to follow you!

I love you openly and brightly.
I love you like the sun loves the earth.
I love you and I feel warm with you.
I love you and I listen to all your words.

You are one for me and forever.
I don’t see my “tomorrow” without you -
You are the guiding star in my destiny.
All my feelings are true.

My beloved, my beautiful one,
You are the embodiment of kindness and peace.
I rejoice in the coming of September,
If only you would love me in return too.

Oh my dear, I love you!
You are the sunshine that shines on me.
I'm without you, like a storm without the sea,
I don't need a world without you,
How sweet is the moment when you are near,
How I like to live with you,
Today I dream of one thing,
So that I will always be with you.
Otherwise your heart will break
And I will have nothing to live for!

You are beautiful, artistic and smart,
You made me so happy
You drove me crazy with your beauty,
And she became indispensable to me.

You are my understanding, my humility,
My patience and soul,
I found a revelation in you,
You are the one I always need.

Yesterday night revealed a secret to me,
That there is one gift in the world
Which life has covered with secrets -
Which throws everyone into a fever.

That gift is divine and bright
He makes me live.
Wonderful feelings of cherished love
A wonderful gift to love you!

Sooner or later, every man thinks about what it should be like to declare his love to a girl in his own words.

For some there is nothing complicated about this, but for others they spend a single sleepless night thinking about what they will say and how.

How to prepare properly

When you decide to confess your love to a girl, stop for a minute and think. Is this really true or is it just an attraction that will pass in a couple of months.

Remember, girls are very impressionable and, upon hearing “I love you,” they can immediately mentally picture a wedding. Be careful so that parting does not bring a lot of pain to the object of your current adoration.

If you are sure that you truly love, responsibly prepare for the moment when you first say the three cherished words “I love you”, think over the text of your declaration of love to the girl.

The most important conditions for success are sincerity, atmosphere, your appearance, the mood of your chosen one and the right choice of moment.

The timing is right

If you just can’t make up your mind and are not sure that your lover needs your recognition, watch your relationship.

If you care about each other, listen to each other, make plans for a future together - the time has come!

Declaring your love to a girl to the point of tears in your own words, the process itself is very romantic. Such words, spoken for the first time, will sound absurd in everyday worries and troubles. Create an inviting environment.

Invite a girl on a date to a cafe or restaurant, a walk around the city at night, or have a romantic dinner at home. It will be great if you adapt to some holiday: your beloved’s birthday, March 8, New Year.

On such days, the girl is ready for surprises, gifts and confessions. Recognition will be especially relevant on February 14 - on this day the girl expects actions!

And, of course, at the moment of confession, you must be alone, so that no strangers distract or embarrass you or your significant other.

In the event that your significant other is far away, but you can’t wait to talk about your feelings, carefully study the information on how to declare your love to a girl in your own words at a distance.

How can you arrange a place?

The classic option for decorating a place for a declaration of love is to decorate it with candles and rose petals, but there are other original options.

When choosing a place and its design, remember the tastes and preferences of your chosen one. There are many different agencies that can help with initial recognition.

We offer several interesting dating options:

  1. Picnic on the roof. Of course, candles and rose petals can also be present here.
  2. Date in an 18th century dungeon.
  3. Date at the cinema. An ideal option when the cinema is empty, the entire hall and screen are just for you.
  4. Date in a limousine. Yes, it’s not cheap, but it’s original and romantic.

Declaring your love to a girl in your own words to the point of tears, so that it touches your soul

Place and decoration are definitely important. However, what you say is equally important. You can confess your love both in poetry and in prose.

In prose

You know, when I first saw you, you seemed like a completely ordinary pretty girl, but when we started talking closer, I began to realize more and more how extraordinary you are. You understood me perfectly, predicted what I wanted to tell you. Your laughter made my heart beat faster, your smile drove me crazy. I don’t know if anything will work out for us in the future, but today I want to say that I love you.

My sunshine, like today I remember the day we met. You introduced yourself, told something about yourself, and I just looked into your deep beautiful eyes and thought that I wouldn’t let you go anywhere. Today, too, your gaze captivates and enchants me. Let me give you mine and turn your life into a fairy tale!

My dear, I once had a dream, in this dream I saw a beautiful girl. She walked along the seashore, the wind blew her gorgeous curls. The light dress emphasized her figure. The girl’s gait captivated and fascinated. Excited, I hurried after the beautiful stranger to see her face, but she moved further and further away from me, and then disappeared completely. This morning I woke up with some strange excitement, and a couple of days later I met you. You were walking in the park with your friend. At the first moment I was speechless, because you turned out to be that very stranger. My dear, desired one, you are a real gift of fate for me. No words can express the hurricane that rages in my soul every time I meet you.

My dear, I have many favorite literary characters. Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin, Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky, Romeo and Juliet. They are all united by boundless and all-consuming love for each other. But even their feelings for each other cannot compare with what I feel for you. Let me become a part of your life and make you the happiest.

My dear girl, when you are near, I want to create, I want to conquer more and more heights so that you can be proud of me. My tender, magical, I love you with all my heart. I love your shining gaze, your iridescent voice, dimples on your cheeks and floating gait. Your kindness makes me be softer, your generosity helps me become more attentive to others. My sweet one, I believe that everything will be fine with us.

I never believed in talismans, but when you appeared in my life, all the troubles disappeared from it. My sunshine - you are my talisman, my protective amulet. Let me protect you too, my love.

Before I met you, I didn’t understand what it meant to constantly think about someone, worry about someone, worry about all your successes and failures like your own. You taught me to love, you taught me to give everything I have. My sunshine, you made my life brighter and brought meaning to it. My dear, I love you and hope that you will always be by my side.

My kitten, you are charming. If Leonardo da Dinci lived in our era, then instead of the portrait of the Mona Lisa, he would have painted yours. Honey, I love you and want you to always be by my side.

Charming, magical, gentle, enchanting, beautiful, fabulous, sweet, beautiful, feminine. All these words are about you, my love.

Olya (any name), we have known you for a long time. I know you consider me your buddy, maybe even your friend. But for me during our acquaintance you became the whole world. I'll probably surprise you. But I don't have the strength to carry it inside me anymore. I love you. I love you for a long time, sincerely and with all my heart.

My sunshine, it’s hard for me to express in words how I feel about you. I want to wake up and see your sleepy smile, fall asleep and feel your head on my shoulder. I want you to be near me all the time. My bunny, I love you madly.

Today I woke up thinking how happy I really am. And, you know, I thanked God for giving me you. My princess, you make my life brighter, fill my heart with kindness. Your care and attention give a feeling of reliability and peace. I want to carry you in my arms and shout to the whole world how good I feel. My angel - you are my life, my air. Let me become a part of your world.

My parents have been together for 20 years, their attitude towards each other has always been an example for me. I looked at my father and wondered if I could ever meet a girl whose desire to make her happy would not go away even after 20 years. And to be honest, I didn't believe it. I didn't believe it until I met you. My beloved girl, I love you very, very much.

When you are not around, the day turns into night, the trills of birds seem an unbearable sound, and the fragrance of flowers is annoying. But as soon as you appear, the sun immediately appears and life begins to play with colors. My dear, I love you!

Next to you, my queen, I realized that there is no feeling more important than love. I don’t know how to sing, but when you’re around, I want to do it, I’ve never danced, but your smile makes me want to dance. For your sake, I want to create and conquer the world. Darling, you make me the happiest person on Earth.

I have always dreamed of conquering Everest, jumping with a parachute, looking at the Eiffel Tower, feeding pigeons in one of the squares in London. Since these dreams first appeared, they have changed a little. Now I dream of doing this with you.

My dear, the trill of a nightingale cannot compare with your voice, the delicate color of peaches is inferior to the charm of your cheeks, and the sky blue cannot compete with your eyes. My baby, I love you.

My dear, you are like a ray of light, a fragrant flower and a singing bird. You are charming. My feelings for you are becoming stronger and stronger every day.

My girl, every day spent next to you is forever etched in my memory. I remember your every smile, your every look, every word you said. I love you and this love is forever.

My kitten, I want you to guess my riddle. A magical feeling that makes your heart beat faster? That's right - this is love. I love you, my angel.

If you decide to confess via SMS

If suddenly your soulmate is far away, or you just can’t decide to confess your love in person, try doing it via SMS.

My dear sunshine,

A gentle ray of gold.

I love you with all my soul,

Like no one could love.

I hasten to confess to you,

I've been sad for you for a long time.

I want to love you carelessly.

And be with you endlessly.

There is only you in my thoughts.

You alone are a dream for me.

I want to confess without hiding,

I love you madly.

I fell in love with you carelessly.

My love is now forever.

I ask you to answer.

Do you love me even a little?

I will hug you tenderly, tenderly,

I barely touch, barely breathing.

Will you let me love you forever?

If not, I will leave you...

I miss you every minute.

I'm moving the hands on the clock.

I'm looking forward to meeting you,

To give you my love.

That my life

If you are not in it.

You are the whole world to me,

Happiness, love and idol.

Video: a beautiful declaration of love to a girl in her own words

I dedicate a poem to you,

In which the world is at your feet.

Only the final touch remains

My love for you is the verdict.

I love you like the stars - the sky,

How the nightingale loves the trills.

Any distance between us is not a hindrance,

When the fire burns in my chest.

I love a tender rose,

And at night the nightingale trills,

And the sun is clear in the sky.

But most of all I love you.

A letter for faulty romantics

If you want to conquer your chosen one, send her a letter. In a letter, you can write what you would never dare to say in person.

Sometimes I feel like I've gone crazy. I see and hear you everywhere: in the rustling of leaves, in the singing of birds, in the first rays of the sun. The girls on the street remind me of you. You can laugh, but several times already I have caught up with unsuspecting girls passing by, looked into their faces and instead of your charming smile and alluring eyes I saw an ordinary gray mask.

And yesterday before going to bed, I mentally recited to you the poems of Blok and Yesenin. My dear, beloved, every minute of parting with you is unbearable for me. I want to scream when I drink coffee alone and cook breakfast for myself, you know, for myself alone. I know you miss me too, I know you can’t come earlier. But that doesn't make it any easier for me. My baby, I love you madly and am waiting for you.

My dear, you can’t even imagine one hundredth of a percent what I’m ready to do for you. Getting a star from the sky and a pearl from the bottom of the ocean is too banal. You are worthy of all the heavenly bodies and the biggest pearl in the world.

Previously, when I thought about happiness, huge villas on the seashore, expensive cars and clubs appeared before my eyes. Today, happiness is lying on your lap after a hard day and dozing off, cooking dinner together and watching a movie. Sun - now you are my happiness, and it will always be so.

My princess, before I was always afraid of words of love, simply because I did not understand their meaning, I did not know what people call love. I’m ashamed to admit this to you, but I didn’t believe in love at all. I naively believed that this feeling was invented by the creators of books and films. Today I can say with confidence that love exists and it has your face. My dear, I love you!

What not to do

In order for a declaration of love to be successful, it is important to consider a number of factors. Confessing your feelings is not recommended if:

  1. The girl just ended her previous relationship.
  2. If you know for sure that she is in love with someone else.
  3. The girl had not the most pleasant event in her life: she didn’t pass the exam, she had a fight with her parent. Provide support, but wait a bit with confessions.
  4. You just recently met. A girl might think you're fickle because you're so quick to talk about your feelings.

Whatever way you decide to confess your love to your chosen one, do it sincerely. Say what's on your heart. And then your soul mate will feel how much you need him.

The feelings in my chest are breathtaking,
I'm going crazy from your beauty.
I can talk about love out loud,
And write poetry - read it yourself.

You entered my dreams
Into my thoughts and plans.
Like all miracles,
You appeared unexpectedly.

Oh, if only I knew how much I need you

I'm fascinated! I know there is no one in the world

I will give you a bouquet of stars collected in the sky,
The wind will bring them to you and say something good,
You put them in your room and they will last forever,
Just like the love you and I have, endless.

We will walk hand in hand!

To love such a beautiful lady!

You drove me crazy with your beauty,
And she became indispensable to me.

I don't look at anyone anymore -
I don't need other girls.
I give feelings only to you,
And these feelings are passionate and tender!

I am forever in love with your soul.
Maybe it's too pretentious
But, captivated by my passions,
Only with you I dream of the highest.

I know that words are of little use
Without actions that confirm them.
Ready to be a reliable support
I'll tell you if you want.

Trying to get away from emotions
And I love, and I’m quietly sad -
If you just want to come in,
I will let you into my heart.

You are a wonderful creation
A ray of sunshine in my soul.
My craving
To be with you even in my dreams.

I feel completely
I'll give it to you.
How many times to repeat
Why do I love you?

My patience and soul,
I found a revelation in you,
You are the one I always need.

I'm happy because I love!
I love only you with all my heart.
I'm captivated by heart and soul
What warms you up in cold or heat.

We can't be without each other,
Let's pave the path of love in pitch darkness
And let us illuminate our path with beautiful light
To the sounds of ageless summer.

Yesterday night revealed a secret to me,
That there is one gift in the world
Which life has covered with secrets -
Which throws everyone into a fever.

That gift is divine and bright
He makes me live.
Wonderful feelings of cherished love
A wonderful gift to love you!

Why remain silent about your love?
Oh, how good you are, dear!
I want to whisper in your ear
Words that fill the soul.

I love your hands and hair
There is nothing dearer to me than your joy.
About your love in a full voice
I will shout to the world without fatigue.

My sweet, fragile, tender,
You smile like the sun.
How a boundless river flows,
This is how love for you never ends.

Your lips, eyes,
A flick of the eyelashes and the wrist.
Just an opportunity to see
You are already happiness to me.

I love you more than life itself, dear!
And I will always love you like that!
Without you I'm just dying!
You give me life, my love!

There is nothing more beautiful in the world
Your smile, the sparkle of your eyes,
Let us not always be together, dear,
Know that I am only yours! and was, and will be, and now!

Your eyes glow with love

No hair is more tender
And the hands of those who captivate every time.
With you I become kinder
Every hour with you is precious to me.

There is no girl sweeter than you.
And sometimes beauty fades.
When you're near, there's nothing dearer
You and your wonderful eyes.

May you be far away, dear,
There are roads and forests between us,
The beauty of our native land,
Bottomless sky eyes.

And I'm waiting for you with impatience,
I want to surround you with care!
I look for inspiration in nature,
To describe your feelings!

Darling, you shine so brightly
You outshine everyone around you with your beauty.
And I'm happy that you are next to me,
My love, my good heavenly angel.

Let every day bring joy,
May our feelings be mutually sweet.
And holding hands we will go a long way,
Let's find harmony and happiness together!

I love you, you alone,
You are the clear light in my life.
I'm going down without you,
And there is no meaning to life either.
I want to see you now
Or rather be nearby
Don't let go, don't part,
All my life, like on a river, I’ll float with you!

I'll give you the dawn
Moon and stars, moonlight.
And a breath of wind,
As gentle as the touch of lips.
I'll give myself to you
Because I love you!

You are the angel that shines before me.
Darling, you are the best in the world!
I love the moment when I'm with you
We kiss passionately in the moonlight.

You are feminine, beautiful and gentle,
You seduce everyone with just one look.
Oh, if only I knew how much I need you.
I always want to be next to you.

Do you love me,
And the heart sings
Even from this
Eager to fly.

Do you love me,
And how I love it!
If you want,
I will give life.

Do you love me,
I love you.
You are my happiness,
My dear.

You are beautiful, artistic and smart,
You made me so happy
You drove me crazy with your beauty,
And she became indispensable to me.

You are my understanding, my humility,
My patience and soul,
I found a revelation in you,
You are the one I always need.

Love inspires, love inspires
And it gives you strength to live joyfully!
And that’s why this is the highest happiness for me
To love such a beautiful lady!

I'm the happiest man in the world
And you are my fairy and my muse!
You and I live in a happy duet,
Keep our love carefully and tenderly!

Your eyes glow with love
And in them I see my reflection.
Beautiful phrases are spinning in my mind,
After all, you are my muse and inspiration.

My beloved, how beautiful you are
Your magical smile gives light
Delights your body and your soul
There is no one better than you in the world.

The eyes of a goddess, the gaze of a queen,
I dream about it every night now.
I want it again, at least once,
See them right now.
Take a look and don't look away.
Smile and come over
Stay the same with me
I'm your unrecognized hero
Who is waiting for his reward -
Eyes that welcome me.

My beloved, my beautiful flower, my angel and my star, you are for me like a clear light that is brighter than the moon and the sun, you inspire me and give me incredible happiness, you are my love and tenderness, my care and luck, my ocean of desires and waterfall of hope.

My bright hope, my sweet dream and joyful reality, my dear, I love you very much and cherish every moment and every minute spent next to you, for me you are my own world, filled with happiness, love, cherished dreams and desires.

Darling! You can't even imagine how much you mean to me! You are my life, part of my heart and soul! And how did I live without your love? I existed! And you, dear, turned days and nights into paradise! I run to you, I think about you, I long for you! I love you!

To the best girl in the world,
I say these words from my heart,
You are as beautiful as the sun at dawn
Just as bright, beautiful and tender!

Tender and attractive
Always charming.
Cheerful and sweet
Wonderful, beautiful!

You are the queen of my heart!
You are so beautiful and wonderful!
I want only one thing in life:
May you always be my princess!

You are the best girl in the world!
Beautiful, smart and mischievous!
Communicating with you is so easy and pleasant!
Thank you for being like this!

a million tender words
I'll shower you like flowers.
From a fairy tale, from magical dreams
Love will come and be with us.
Love is so hard to keep.

It's enough to think about you
And my soul becomes warmer,
For me you are like the sun in fate
You caress me, make me happy and warm me
A little worried, I repeat gently
I dream of always being with you
You are my life, I love you so much.

You are very gentle, beautiful,
You're little, honey!
Life without you seems dull to me,
And there is no life at all without you.
All because you are my soulmate,
My other half!

My love cannot be expressed in words,
I love you like the bright light of the sun!
With your kind and gentle eyes
I'm fascinated! I know there is no one in the world
More beautiful than you, my dear!

I love you more than anyone in the world,
You won't find such love on the planet!
I love your smile, gentle look,
Dear, you know, I’m incredibly happy
What have we met! And I believe, for centuries,
We will walk hand in hand!

I loved you for your kindness
For the beauty of the soul, for tenderness!
For your sensuality and for your dream,
What the inevitable will give me.

No hair is more tender
And the hands of those who captivate every time.
With you I become kinder
Every hour with you is precious to me.
There is no girl sweeter than you.
And sometimes beauty fades.
When you're near, there's nothing dearer
You and your wonderful eyes.

I want to smell your body, hear the silence of your thoughts. Honey, I'm sad without you.

I want to inhale the smell of your hair, look into your shining eyes, touch your tender lips.

I don't demand anything supernatural, I just want you to be close. Always..

I love you, I miss you, your silence is painful for me, you are my most precious pearl, which is at the bottom of the sea and is inaccessible to me.

You are the light of my world, the music in my heart and the first thought of my new day.

No obstacles will stop me on the way to your heart. I love you and am happy at the thought that one day you will become mine forever!

I need you like air and water, without you there is no life, but emptiness

You are more beautiful than a rose, generous and kind, only you own me.

You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for whom I live and breathe. I love you and will love you forever!

You are perfect for me in everything and always! I've dreamed of this all my life!

You are the “miracle” created by the universe. My heart skips a beat with admiration.

Your incredibly beautiful green eyes, I can’t forget, they pierce my heart like fire.

No one will ever compare to you, you are the only one! The most, most beautiful, tender, affectionate and desired by me!

You are my perfection, endlessly desirable and always chic, I love you madly! It's a pity that I realized it too late

Dear, you are so far away! She disappeared as soon as she appeared. Only melancholy remains in my heart. I love you, my dear.

beautiful, the most tender, warm, kind words to your beloved girl that warm your soul and heart. They will help you open a piece of your soul and convey the feelings you have for it. Make your life more romantic and beautiful with these lines:

“You have a lot of warmth. You are like a bright sun in a clear sky. I am attracted to you…"

“When you are near, I forget about all my problems, thank you for being there...”

“Goddess of wondrous beauty, I am ready to do anything for the sake of your love, there are no others like you in the world...”

“There is no room in my heart for anyone, because in my heart there is only you!”

“The fire of your living candle always saved me on the road, you are like my angel, with your wings you protect me from troubles and bad weather...”

“The world is beautiful, but it is empty without you. I’m crazy about you at night!”

“I am incredibly happy with you, my soul is embraced by your warmth.”

“Your soul is rich in kindness and caring tenderness. your femininity is captivating!”

“My heart is forever in your captivity, I breathe by you... I live by you alone...”

“Your smile is the kindest, most radiant and bright. I love you more than life itself, my beloved girl, more dearly than you, I have no one.”

“Your smile shines much brighter than the sun in the sky; your laughter captivates and makes you the most beautiful.”

“I love you with an unearthly love. You are so divine that there are simply no words......just dots and admiration!”

“I’m waiting for the warmth of your palms, my whole soul is reaching out to you, my dear dear.” (warm words to my beloved girl)

“You are my ideal, my dream, my guardian angel, the meaning of my whole life, you are simply my only one”

“You are a deity who is able to sow grace and repentance for my heart...”

“You sparked a fire in my soul, love began to reign in my heart!”

“You are like an angel who descended from heaven and my life is now full of miracles”

“You are like a ray of sunshine - you wake me up in the morning with your light and warmth...”

“You are a ray of sunshine in my heart, when you are near, the world around is filled with happiness...”

“I am amazed at your ability to drown all personal defeats in a smile. I love you, my dear.”

I have never met a person with whom hours would fly by like minutes, and with whom I would never want to part... You captured my heart.

“My only, desired woman. You are a triumph of grace and passion!”

“I am only yours and forever, sometimes I upset you, forgive me, I am ready to throw the whole world at your feet! If only you were with me"

How happy I was, my dear, when I called you mine! My destiny, the fire of my soul! I decided for myself to give love to you alone!

Dear heart! Know that you have a person who is devoted to you, who will protect you, for whom you are everything that is in this world!

I am the darling of fate, because for me you are a priceless prize given by fate.

Your gentle gaze attracts me, enchants me! I'm burning with passion for you.

I have never met a girl like you, you are special, real: sensual, feminine, weak, so vulnerable and at the same time incomprehensible and inaccessible

My happiness has settled in you forever. Now you are “Mine” - how happy I am, I love you with all my heart.

I value you very much. Every day, and minute, and moment.

This dark night, you sleep without me! I miss you, my love. Even though sometimes I upset you, forgive me for that.

I’ll come home from work all angry, tired and sick... And you will touch me with the tenderness of care and tell me quietly: “Dear!” Darling, thank you, you are a heavenly creature, as they said in the old days.

The topic of the section: the most tender, warm, beautiful, kind words to your beloved girl that warm your soul and heart to tears.

I whisper to you, my love,
I want to confess my love.
Your eyes and your image
They firmly captivate my mind.
Poems about love for a girl - confessions in verse

I love you with all my tender heart,
I want to live my life with you.
And I will keep love securely in my heart,
So that we don’t have to go through this in life.

You are destined for me by fate,
And your sweet appearance captivated me.
The path in life is now marked out for me
Great Cupid rewarded me with love.

You, my joy, are endless,
Long-awaited happiness, believe me!
You are like a ray of sunshine, desired,
Like a kitten coming into the door.

The sun doesn't shine for me without you,
And the moon won't look out the window,
Without you it's just rain
It's drizzling and it's dark in the shower.

I repeat only one thing to myself
And in a dream, in reality and in delirium
I love you, my dear angel,
And I’m waiting for reciprocal love!

I love you, my dear,
How my life is desired.
You're like an extraterrestrial bird
You are my tender joy.

I want to be with you so bad
That I will scream out of love.
I need your love so much
You were given to me by fate.

You became my destiny
And I give you my heart forever.
I'm not going to reveal a great secret,
That I love you, my swallow.

On my knees, my darling,
I offer my hand and heart to you.
Take this ring from me now,
Because I love you with my soul.
The whole world, dear, I will give you:
Telling you a hundred times that I love you!

Soothe my soul with love,
Give me your tenderness,
I don't know peace without you
Without you I will completely drown.

I dream about you, I know for sure
Like a shore for a lonely ship
And I want to confess to you
I love you so much!

I'm wandering in the dark without you,
And you are the brightest light of a star
You will hand me the keys, I know
Desired gardens in love.

I love you like life and you know,
I won’t get tired of repeating this.
I only want to be close to you,
And this is true, no matter how you turn it.

I need your love so much
That my head is just spinning
I want to say and I will repeat again
How much, my kitten, I love you.

I want to meet you
I want to kiss!
I want you to notice
How I love you.
You are the best in the world,
Trust my words.
You are a star in the sky
You are the whole ocean!
How can you not understand -
I need you alone.
You are more precious to me
Any other people!

You are beautiful, you are beautiful
You are divinely tender
I need you, gentle angel,
I love, love you!

I love the one who is beautiful!
I love the one who is smart!
And light and joy in this world
Only my girl gives!
And every moment and every second of the hour
I’m ready to repeat only for her:
“My baby, the most tender, the most affectionate!

You are as beautiful as petals
The most delicate roses of the gardens of Eden.
You are as lovely as drops of dew
On the emerald stalks of the heavenly meadows.

I love you madly like a boy,
I love your infinitely tender gaze
I want to hug you with all my heart
And give the whole earthly world.

My angel, you are the most beautiful of all,
Life becomes sweeter with you.
I want your love to be reciprocated,
In the hearts of open doors.

And you need to live so fully and so clearly
While the candle fire burns in our hearts.
I love life in this life too
I love only you.

Your ray warms hearts
Warmth and endless affection
The vastness embraces your soul
Big love with tender hands.

All my thoughts are only about you,
And I am grateful to my fate
I'm ready to tell you now
How I want to give you love!

I'll give you the dawn
A star and bright moonlight!
And the breath of the breeze, so gentle,
Like a touch of lips.
I'll give myself to you
Because I love you!

My mischievous ray of sunshine
I really want to be with you.
See your heavenly gaze
Feel your scent.

I want to love you always
All life, whatever it may be.
I want to go forward with you
Until the angel takes us away.

Confess your love to a girl
Like it's scary like nothing else
But you just have to say these words
How suddenly everything becomes different.

And the colors of the world will burst into flames like fireworks,
And her eyes will light up like the sun
So admit it quickly
And just tell her, “I love you.”

You are beautiful, you are beautiful
You are divine, tender.
I want to be together with you
I only need you alone.
Without you I'm like without the sun
Like the earth without air.
I need you, gentle angel,
I love you very much.

Do you know whose eyes are the most beautiful in the world? Those who look at these letters now and think, I hope, about me. Whose lips are the most amazing? The ones that whisper my name. These eyes and lips are yours, my love! I want to admire them as endlessly as my love is endless.

I love you more than life itself, I want to be only with you, I live with you, I will be happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, wonderful, charming girl in the world. I just adore you! You are my ray of sunshine, I realized that I can’t live without you. I love you!

Honey, your voice is like the sound of a stream that gently falls from the mountain peaks. Your lips are sweeter than the sweetest thing in the world. I love you, adore you, adore you. No, and there will never be anyone like you in the world! The most tender, caring, I admire you, my Angel!

Your beautiful eyes are like the blue sky. Your smile is the most beautiful in the world. Your look just drives me crazy! You know, I love you very much!

I think only about you, only about you are my dreams. I only need you in this life. I can’t live even one day without you, I love only one, only you!

There is nothing better than feeling your love. I want to enjoy this happiness for as long as possible, you are the most important person in my life and I hope that you feel the same for me

I want to say now and forever that I am deeply and passionately in love with you! You are the light of my life and the only star that shines brightly in my personal sky. I love you, honey, let's be together forever.

The spark of your soul, which once pierced my heart, awakened a volcano of feelings in it, from which grew a fiery flower of ever-burning passion and love for you, (NAME)!

Sooner or later, every man thinks about what it should be like to declare his love to a girl in his own words.

For some there is nothing complicated about this, but for others they spend a single sleepless night thinking about what they will say and how.

When you decide to confess your love to a girl, stop for a minute and think. Is this really love or just attraction that will pass in a couple of months.

Remember, girls are very impressionable and, upon hearing “I love you,” they can immediately mentally picture a wedding. Be careful so that parting does not bring a lot of pain to the object of your current adoration.

If you are sure that you truly love, responsibly prepare for the moment when you first say the three cherished words “I love you”, think over the text of your declaration of love to the girl.

The most important conditions for success are sincerity, atmosphere, your appearance, the mood of your chosen one and the right choice of moment.

If you just can’t make up your mind and are not sure that your lover needs your recognition, watch your relationship.

If you care about each other, listen to each other, make plans for a future together - the time has come!

Place and decoration are definitely important. However, what you say is equally important. You can confess your love both in poetry and in prose.

I never believed in talismans, but when you appeared in my life, all the troubles disappeared from it. My sunshine - you are my talisman, my protective amulet. Let me protect you too, my love.

For an original declaration of love, see the article: how to confess your love.

My kitten, you are charming. If Leonardo da Dinci lived in our era, then instead of the portrait of the Mona Lisa, he would have painted yours. Honey, I love you and want you to always be by my side.

Charming, magical, gentle, enchanting, beautiful, fabulous, sweet, beautiful, feminine. All these words are about you, my love.

Olya (any name), we have known you for a long time. I know you consider me your buddy, maybe even your friend. But for me during our acquaintance you became the whole world. I'll probably surprise you. But I don't have the strength to carry it inside me anymore. I love you. I love you for a long time, sincerely and with all my heart.

My sunshine, it’s hard for me to express in words how I feel about you. I want to wake up and see your sleepy smile, fall asleep and feel your head on my shoulder. I want you to be near me all the time. My bunny, I love you madly.

When you are not around, the day turns into night, the trills of birds seem an unbearable sound, and the fragrance of flowers is annoying. But as soon as you appear, the sun immediately appears and life begins to play with colors. My dear, I love you!

Next to you, my queen, I realized that there is no feeling more important than love. I don’t know how to sing, but when you’re around, I want to do it, I’ve never danced, but your smile makes me want to dance. For your sake, I want to create and conquer the world. Darling, you make me the happiest person on Earth.

I have always dreamed of conquering Everest, jumping with a parachute, looking at the Eiffel Tower, feeding pigeons in one of the squares in London. Since these dreams first appeared, they have changed a little. Now I dream of doing this with you.

My dear, the trill of a nightingale cannot compare with your voice, the delicate color of peaches is inferior to the charm of your cheeks, and the sky blue cannot compete with your eyes. My baby, I love you.

My dear, you are like a ray of light, a fragrant flower and a singing bird. You are charming. My feelings for you are becoming stronger and stronger every day.

My girl, every day spent next to you is forever etched in my memory. I remember your every smile, your every look, every word you said. I love you and this love is forever.

If suddenly your soulmate is far away, or you just can’t decide to confess your love in person, try doing it via SMS.

Any distance between us is not a hindrance,

If you want to conquer your chosen one, send her a letter. In a letter, you can write what you would never dare to say in person.

My dear, you can’t even imagine one hundredth of a percent what I’m ready to do for you. Getting a star from the sky and a pearl from the bottom of the ocean is too banal. You are worthy of all the heavenly bodies and the biggest pearl in the world.

Find out what to choose - a marriage of convenience or love from the article: love and marriage.

Our meeting was destined for us by heaven. I believe that you are my destiny, and I want to live my whole life with you. I love you, my best of all living on Earth

I like your golden hair, your sea-blue eyes, your tender lips like rose petals. Every day I fall in love with you more and more, my beautiful girl!

You became the meaning of my life. I never thought it was possible to love so much. Since we met, I can’t live a day without you, my most beautiful woman in the world!

I like everything about you: your big brown eyes framed by lush eyelashes, and your dark silky brown hair that you love to put in a bun, and your slender, graceful figure, and your clear voice, and even the small mole on your wrist. You are perfect and unique!

I've never met girls like you! Your refined manners, your regular facial features, your graceful gait, your character traits. I'm crazy about you, my femme fatale!

You look like a ray of sunshine in the spring sky, like a delicate fragrant flower in the grass, like a tremulous singing bird in the trees. You are beautiful! My feelings for you forever, my wonderful girl!

Our meeting was planned by heaven! We were supposed to meet! You are mine and I am yours. Forever. Forever. No matter what happens.

It seems to me that you have bewitched me with your dazzling beauty, your ringing voice, your tenderness. I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to touch your skin, I want to be with you always. Only with you. I want to be in your captivity.

My happiness, my joy, my sunshine, my love When I see you, the world becomes better, I want to love you all my life.

The world lit up with the sun's rays when I met you, my beautiful, I love you, my feelings for you are strong and strong. I will endure all hardships just to be with you always. You are the most precious thing I have. I breathe you, I live you.

It is very difficult to find a person for whom you can give, whom you love with all your heart. And I found it, it's you. My beloved, my dear, my desired. I want to protect you from all troubles, from all adversities, from all problems. I want you to be happy, so that we can be happy together.

Wherever I am, whatever I do, I think about you. I really hope that I am also in your thoughts, and that you, just like me, are looking forward to our meeting. Just a little more and we will be close, we will enjoy each other to the last drop.

Today I want to confess to you that I love you, more than life, more than anyone in the world. You are alone in my thoughts and in my heart. I can’t imagine my life without you, my beautiful nymph.

Flowers will be a wonderful addition to words. A lush bouquet of roses in the shape of a heart, bought in a store and presented to a girl on this day, will strengthen your feelings and make your love mutual for life.

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