Pale green eyes. How to choose a hair color for green eyes? What palette is suitable for a warm color type

Our image always depends on the details. We have already talked more than once about how important it is to correctly combine colors with each other in order to create a harmonious image. And today we will talk about green eyes and fashionable shades of hair for them.

They say that bright green eyes are very rare in nature. Emerald eyes are even rarer. However, some girls still become the owners of such an unusual gift of nature. Moreover, stylists note that the natural skin tone of green-eyed girls almost always turns out to be light or pale pink. But the hair color is red. However, today it is not a problem to change the shade of hair, skin or eye color. The main thing is to think over all the details of the image so that it looks complete.

Green eyes and hair color

The green color of the eyes looks very bright, it is closer to light shades. As a rule, green eyes have a small amount of melanin - a natural coloring pigment of the iris of the eyes, skin, hair. Green color is formed by two shades - light yellow and brown, in various concentrations. As we said earlier, bright green eyes are extremely rare. Its carriers are predominantly Europeans (Northern Europe).

Green eyes go well with red hair. This is a natural shade that is 100% suitable for green-eyed people. At the same time, today many girls are trying to make their image bright and memorable, having several shades of red hair in their arsenal at once, for example: caramel, milk chocolate, red-red, mocha. With green eyes, black hair and blond also go well.

Dark green eyes and hair color

Dark green eyes contain a lot of melanin, a dark pigment. As a rule, a light brown shade prevails on an equal footing with yellow. Dark green eyes are sometimes confused with brown eyes, but if you look closely, the green pigment is pronounced in the sun. With dark green eyes, all light brown shades are perfectly combined, as well as frosty chestnut, black, brown.

Light green eyes and hair color

Light green eyes are very common. Sometimes they are confused with light gray eyes, as they become a little darker in the evening light. This eye color is inherent in people with light golden skin and olive skin. Light green eyes look good paired with lighter hair tones such as blond, wheaten, medium blond, mocha. At the same time, red hair, chestnut, caramel are also suitable for light green eyes.

Green-blue eyes and hair color

Green-blue eyes are very common. In this case, the iris of the eyes can be painted in several colors at once: gray, white, brown and yellow. In fact, such eyes look either blue or green, depending on the lighting. Green-blue eyes are ideally combined with hair colors such as blond, wheaten, light blond, medium blond, caramel, milk chocolate, beige, chestnut, dark chocolate, black. Particular attention should be paid to bright shades, such as red, red, copper red, etc.

Emerald eyes and hair color

All people, as you know, are incredibly different, everyone has their own eye color and, no doubt, their completely individual hair color. It is extremely important that these two components in one appearance harmoniously coexist with each other. The color of the hair should be combined as best as possible directly with the existing shade of the eyes, so that the female representative looks really impressive. However, for some reason, few people know exactly how to choose the right hair color for themselves. But these are important rules that you should follow if you want the appearance to be truly attractive in the end. All eminent stylists and people in general who are somehow connected with the beauty industry try to choose the right shade for their hair specifically under the eyes as much as possible. What hair color for green eyes is considered the most correct?

Types of green eyes

The eyes of this truly amazing color are different, so for convenience they were divided into some types. For each type of green eyes, of course, it is necessary to select the color of curls exclusively on an individual basis, then the whole image will look harmonious, which, in principle, is what most of all women want. Basically, all green eyes have at least some shade, although pure green eyes, it should be noted, also exist in nature.

clear green eyes

They are bright, so their owner clearly should not be modest. In addition, such a shade without inclusions is considered a real rarity. The tone for dyeing hair should also be saturated. So, hair color for green eyes without inclusions can be presented in a fairly wide palette: milk and dark chocolate, beautiful honey and those that have red responses.

In the case when, in the presence of bright green eyes, the lady also has rather dark skin, then she has the right to choose completely black for her hair, it will be very interesting to play against the background of green eyes.

Some women may try coloring, that is, the so-called coloring of the strands with several colors, for example, as bright as purple. This method of dyeing is now very popular, because, thanks to it, you can not dye the entire hair in such extreme colors, but give your favorite shade to only some strands. As a result, it is easy to decide whether it will be comfortable with such hair or not at all.

Brown green eyes

If there is an admixture of brown in green eyes, then too bright colors will have to be abandoned, because they will not look advantageous on curls. In addition, compared to such bright hair, the eyes themselves will become faded.

It is important to take into account the fact that the entire expressiveness of the female eyes in this particular case directly depends only on how light the hair tone will be. Experts advise all women with hazel-green eyes to choose a hazel shade or even light blond for themselves. The only bright hair color for green eyes with brown patches that is allowed to be used is mahogany. But still it is difficult to call it flashy, rather, it is simply saturated.

Brown-green eyes, depending on what shade of hair they decided to associate with, can give more green or, on the contrary, become more brown, so you need to understand what shade in the eyes you want to achieve in the end. Most ladies still try to emphasize the green of their eyes, so they are painted in the above colors.

Gray-green eyes

The eyes of this interesting shade are quite light in themselves, but no less interesting than all the others. Choosing a hair color for green eyes of this type should also be done in a special way so that it is fully combined. Red, for example, is absolutely not suitable, but you can dye your hair the color of chocolate.

The above shades will definitely make a lady with gray-green eyes bright, but, importantly, they will not overshadow her beautiful natural eye color.

How to choose a hair color for green eyes by color type?

It is no longer a secret that before choosing a color for your hair, it is important to correctly determine your color type. In total, green-eyed people have two color types, respectively, warm and cold. Each of them is well suited to different shades, so first of all, the lady needs to understand exactly which of these two specific color types her appearance belongs to. This is not difficult to do, you need to read the characteristics of each color type and compare it with yourself.

Warm color type

Representatives of this color type usually have slightly golden skin, in addition, it may have red perky freckles. The skin color is quite even, respectively, there is no pronounced blush, the tan falls on such skin quite hard and burns can appear, so most ladies with this color type refuse sunbathing and go almost pale, believing that this is the safest. The eye color of young ladies with a warm color type is bright, due to which the appearance as a whole looks very impressive.

As for directly what hair color for green eyes with a warm color type to choose, red is usually referred to as such. Moreover, the choice of even a fiery red color is allowed, modesty is useless here. It is also allowed to dye your hair in a beautiful chestnut color or the color of sandalwood.

The combination of your season with the saturation of the eye color should be the starting point in choosing a color. Light eyes in combination with dark skin will require more saturated shades than dark eyes with fair skin.

Cold color type

The skin of such ladies is completely different, but still there is one feature, namely, the presence of the so-called bluish subcutaneous illumination. Surprisingly, even on such skin there may be freckles, although in this case they are not red at all, but duller and grayer. But the tan falls on this kind of skin remarkably, it becomes tanned almost immediately and the risk of redness due to a burn is minimized, so young ladies with a cold color type can safely spend time on the beach.

On such skin, a blush is also visible, since most of the blood vessels are located close enough directly to the surface of the skin. The eyes usually do not have very bright shades, but are muted, for example, with an admixture of gray.

Summer color types are conditionally divided into light and dark. In the first case, it is best to choose for yourself exceptionally light shades for hair, such as wheat. In another case, it is recommended to take a closer look at the shade, under the interesting name "black tulip". Thanks to him, red shades will appear on the hair, which, coupled with a cold color type, will look very advantageous.

Also, useful tips on choosing the right color can be gleaned from the video below. Simple rules will help you look as natural and attractive as possible, set off those features that you want to emphasize.

Green-eyed ladies are a rarity, this color is already incredibly beautiful in itself, but in any case, you need to be able to correctly emphasize and decorate your eye color. This must be done with the help of your hair color, of course, well-chosen. It is the truly right combination that will easily help to make a girl spectacular, her appearance will change at the same moment.

Perhaps, from all the above information, it can be distinguished that the hair color for green eyes is determined in the three most advantageous shades.

First, of course, red. Fiery ladies, and even with green eyes, look really impressive, and this can bewitch. Not everyone, as you can see, decides on such drastic and striking changes, so you can start not with full hair coloring, but only with light coloring.

Secondly, dark hair also goes well with green eye tones. True, before making your curls much darker, you need to make sure that the skin condition is as ideal as possible, since such colors can emphasize all imperfections.

Thirdly, blond also has a place to be, but not absolutely all light shades are ideal for green-eyed women, it is best to give your preference only to warm ones, for example, light brown and wheaten.

Before you go to a beauty salon for hair coloring, you need to accurately choose only your color for yourself. You need to build on not just those shades that you like, for example, on models or actresses, because it is likely that they will not suit a particular lady at all. You need to correctly choose the hair color for green eyes, then you can get an excellent result.

Hello everyone, it's me, Alice. Every girl, sooner or later, decides to change her hair color. In fact, it's hard to find the kind of paint that would suit your face and emphasize your eyes. Today we will talk about what hair color suits green eyes.

Considerable attention should be paid to this issue, because if you choose the wrong color for coloring, then your eyes will be lost and will not be able to decorate your image. We will also learn some tips from the coloring experts.

What should be considered when choosing a hair color?

Before you buy hair dye, you need to pay attention to:

  • color type,
  • eye tint,
  • Your strand color
  • Skin condition.

I want to immediately emphasize that if a girl has green eyes and natural red hair, then it is better not to change it. Natural red hair is perfect for green eyes. If you are bored with your color, then freshen up your style with other shades of red.

Some decide to add red color to the red paint, but you need to be careful with this. A large amount of red will create an image of a defiant and vulgar girl.

Follow two basic rules when choosing paint:

  1. If you have healthy skin, then paint in dark colors or shades of red and copper. Too dark color will add a couple of years to your look.
  2. If you have wrinkles, pimples or inflammation on your skin, then color in light blond or golden tones. Strongly light paint, will make you pale.

Try not to change your natural color, it can be slightly lightened or refreshed.

Advice! Do not choose your own paint color if you do not understand this.

What hair color suits green eyes?

Each color has its own shades. This also applies to the eyes. Green eye color has many varieties and it is important to consider this. Moreover, skin color also plays an important role. Today we will look at different shades of green and see several coloring techniques for green-eyed girls.

Light green eyes

Green-eyed girls most often have light green eyes. At the same time, in such owners of eyes, the skin is olive or light golden in color. In this case, chestnut, red and caramel paint will do. You can also dye individual strands in wheat, light blond and mocha.

Dark green eyes

This eye color sometimes resembles brown eyes. However, in the sun, you can notice a green tint. Girls with green eyes are painted in shades of light brown. Can also be dyed black and brown.


If a girl has yellow-green eyes, then different colors of coloring may suit her. For fair skin, the following colors are suitable:

  • Chocolate,
  • Gold,
  • Chestnut,
  • Beige,
  • Caramel.

Girls with swarthy skin can be painted in red, dark brown, chocolate and copper.


Gray-green eyes look beautiful with a blond. See photos with different shades of blonde. Platinum and sand blonde are best suited for grey-green eyes. Red color will also be appropriate in this case.

Extraordinary solutions

One of the trendy and extraordinary coloring techniques is ombre. In our case, you need to make chestnut-colored roots, gradually turning to golden at the ends. Some simply lighten the tips a few tones from their natural color. Ombre looks beautiful in red and red tones.

Fashion combinations

Today it is very fashionable to emphasize your image with coloring. Creative painting can highlight the color of your eyes. This coloring technique involves coloring the ends a few tones lighter or darker than your natural hair color. In this case, the color scheme can be any.

Two-tone coloring is suitable for green-eyed girls. Paints differ by 1-2 levels. Among warm tones there are no restrictions. The combination of light brown and copper color looks unique.

Advice! When coloring, do not ignore your color type.

To properly and beautifully dye your hair, you need to take into account many rules. Stylists, sharing their experience, focus on:

  • The most difficult thing is to choose the color of painting, for this you need to know the color scheme that hairdressers learn. If you cannot do this, consult a specialist. Do not choose paint only by the picture, be sure to look at the sample of the curl.
  • If you are choosing a paint for the first time and are in doubt about the color, then use the paint that does not have a stable composition of dye substances. Thanks to this, the paint will quickly wash off, and you can paint in a different color.
  • Be sure to test for skin sensitivity to your chosen paint.
  • If you have sick hair or skin, then it is strictly forbidden to paint. Treat your hair first. Visible problems are split ends, psoriasis, dandruff and dry hair.
  • Be careful when painting, the paint should not get into the eyes. If this happens, rinse your eyes with water.
  • If you are just choosing a color for yourself, then do not paint the whole head, but take only some strands. Such painting is called coloring or highlighting. This will protect all of your hair from the constant dye experiment.

Only the right hair color will help you emphasize green eyes. Seriously approach the issue of painting, so as not to spoil your hair. Best of all, the first time to paint with an experienced specialist.

How much can hair color change an image?

Not all girls are born naturally beautiful, but each has its own zest. If in your case it is the eyes, then you can emphasize them with the right color. Ask for help from a specialist and buy good paint. By choosing the right color, everyone will pay attention to the color of your eyes.

Learn to emphasize in yourself the good that God has given you. Thanks to modern technology, beauty can be done independently. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Green color has long been considered magical. That is why many girls are still trying to emphasize the beauty of green eyes. This can be done in several ways - with the help of makeup, hair coloring. Before hair procedures, you need to ask yourself what hair color suits green-eyed girls. Only after answering it and making the right choice among all possible options, you should proceed to the procedure.

Universal selection of hair color

In choosing the right harmonious hair color, the opinion of professionals is very important. Competent masters will be able to offer many options and choose the best one, taking into account the wishes of the client and his natural data. Bright green eyes in the classic view are associated with white skin, red mop of hair and freckles. If you match this type of appearance, then do not try to change! This look will always be in trend.

If you - the happy owner of bewitching green eyes - decide to change your hair color, then you should know about some rules that will make the image perfect.


chocolate chestnut

Dark hair

Green eyes are combined with any tones that are applicable for hair. Dark colors of rich deep tones will give you mystery and charm. This is truly a magical combination. Black tones will make the look magical and bewitching, although they can add a few years to you. The same applies to plum shades.

Dark hair colors with a tone that goes into red require you to carefully monitor makeup. This is especially true for skin tone, which must be perfect. All redness, irritation, pimples and other imperfections are very clearly visible against the background of such hair, so choose your foundation and concealers carefully. But the reddish or copper shade of dark perfectly emphasizes the depth of the eyes. If you notice imperfections on the skin and do not want to focus on this, then it is best to choose light tones, perhaps golden ones.

cold dark chestnut

dark brown with chestnut tint

dark chestnut

light shades

The rules for combining green eyes and hair of light shades must be taken into account when creating a new image, especially when leaving “dark”. If you choose a very light shade, then the face may lose color, which is unlikely to please you, because the main task is to emphasize beauty, not hide it. Eyes of pale green, which are close to gray, in combination with platinum and ashen are an exception.

light blond


ash blonde

Hair color options

Green eyes, if you want to change the color of your hair, suggest any of the coloring options. Today there are many of them, and therefore there is always the opportunity to find your own among them, combining colors and playing with these combinations.

Coloring using two colors of paint, which differs by a couple of tones, will give your hair a deep color. Highlights with a combination of colors, shatush and balayage are also possible.

Ombre with chestnut roots and a smooth transition to lighter tips is a win-win option. A well-executed ombre will look very impressive - a “flame” with bright tips in red or red tones.


medium blond

Combination of green eyes and hair colors

The selection of hair color is not limited to the definition of color. It can contain a lot of variations, which in the end will play a decisive role in choosing a new style. There are several varieties of green eyes and coloring options in this regard:

  1. if yellow and orange dots can be seen on the iris - chestnut hair color, as well as copper-red and reddish shades;
  2. bright green eyes - honey, reddish and rich dark red tones, as well as golden ones. This rule also applies to the grassy shade of the eyes;
  3. swamp, despite the name, is beautiful and quite common. This group also includes green with gray or shades of gray-brown eyes. They are in harmony with dark colors - black and dark blond, brown without additional shades;
  4. add light eyes with light highlighting or choose a light brown color;
  5. dullness can be turned into attractiveness and brightened with black with blue or brown undertones.

red chestnut

bright red

Hair color and skin tone

Skin tone plays an important role in the selection of colors for dyeing them. The successful effect depends on what undertone it has, how even it is, whether there are any irritations and redness.

Olive skin and green eyes give you the freedom to choose your hair color. Its colors range from black to chestnut with all their shades. The main rule is to choose a tone darker than the one that the skin has, and bypass the blond, which can discolor you.

Dark skin allows you to choose a brown range, among which chocolate ones will be the most successful.

Light white skin is in harmony with all shades - from light to the darkest (black). Beautifully looks red mop of hair, golden-honey tone, which favorably set off green eyes.


light chestnut

The choice of a new hair color depends on your desire and on natural data. Carefully select shades, studying your appearance to decorate, not spoil. This is where professionals can help. You can also experiment on your own, based on the rules given not only in this article. There is no need to be afraid of changes, because a new image is always new opportunities.
