How to smear hair so as not to be electrolyzed. The beauty of hair and the law of universal repulsion

My hair is electrified, what should I do? Many people have asked themselves this question. We all noticed in ourselves, especially in winter, that hair tends to become electrified. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon, both psychologically and aesthetically.

First of all, to deal with this phenomenon, you need to know its cause. Lack of vitamins, dry air, cold wind, rain, snow, wearing hats make our hair weak, dry and brittle. In addition, the hair under a hat or scarf rubs against each other and, thereby, generates static electricity.

You need to know and follow a few simple rules.

Let's answer the question " electrified hair, what to do

What to do with already electrified hair?

1. The most famous and simple means, so that the hair is not electrified- antistatic. If not, you can spray the comb with hairspray and comb them.

2. If you have beer or mineral water on hand, then they are your assistants in the fight against naughty hair. Spray your hair with these liquids - and the problem is solved.

3. To tame stubborn hair, a face or hand cream is suitable. You need to take a little cream, spread it on your hands and smooth your hair. There should not be too much cream, otherwise the hair will become greasy.

4. Use lavender or rose essential oils. To do this, dissolve a few drops in a spray bottle with water and spray your hair.

5. You can do the following. Fold your palms in a “boat”, bring to your lips and exhale into them with a full chest. Quickly smooth your hair with air-moistened hands. This is very good when there is nothing more suitable at hand.

6. Choosing a hair dryer is also an important issue. It is better not to use it at all, so as not to overdry the hair and not expose it to unnecessary stress. But, if you really have to use a hair dryer, then choose one that has the function of air ionization.

7. Always use the right shampoo and conditioner for you. For dry hair, it is imperative to use moisturizing and nourishing masks.

8. The choice of comb is also important. Best suited wooden, made of birch. The best option would be an ebonite comb, which can easily cope with the electrification of hair. It is better to forget about plastic combs forever, this is the first source of electrification of your hair.

9. Do not go without a hat in winter, do not overcool the scalp, do not allow snowflakes and rain to get on your hair.

10. Always take care of your hair, especially in summer. During the period of exposure to ultraviolet rays, the hair weakens and becomes thinner. Don't be surprised to look like a dandelion in winter if you haven't paid enough attention to your hair in summer.

11. , use foam or wax to style your hair, these products contain special antistatic components.

Folk remedies against electrification of hair

1. Prepare and use this mask. Take half a mango, a spoonful of high-fat yogurt, 1 egg yolk. Chop the mango, add kefir and mashed yolk to it. Mix everything and apply to washed and slightly dried hair. Leave to act for 30 minutes, after wrapping the hair with a bag or film. Wash off the mask with plain water. It's very efficient remedy to prevent hair from becoming electrified.

2. Help get rid of electricity and prevent her mask based on egg yolk and honey. Take a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of olive oil, yolk. Mix everything. You can also add wheat germ. Use the same as in the previous recipe.

3. You can rinse them with beer or diluted lemon juice after the main wash.

4. Spray your hair during the day with mineral water or rinse your hair with it after each wash.

5. Add a beaten egg yolk and some gelatin to your shampoo to help weigh down your hair and provide protection.

6. Rinse your hair after washing with cold water.

Static electricity can ruin even the most beautiful hairstyle. Faced with the fact that the hair is electrified, you need to know what to do in order not to walk like a “dandelion”.


Most often, this problem occurs in young ladies in the winter, but at other times of the year, the hair can suddenly stand on end at the most inopportune moment.

Main reasons:

  • daily shampooing;
  • dry hair;
  • recent staining;
  • frequent use of a hair dryer, curling irons, irons;
  • low air humidity, especially during the heating season;
  • snow or rain;
  • prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • hats or clothes made of synthetics;
  • combs made of artificial materials.

In winter, the air in the premises becomes dry due to heating devices and rare ventilation - this contributes to the occurrence of static electricity.
Synthetic clothing, as well as hats, will quickly lift your hair up at any time of the year.

Important! Thin and weakened hair after dyeing is more prone to static, after cheap paint or aggressive lightening, they become dry and need additional care.

If the hair sticks out in all directions only after combing, then it's time to replace the artificial comb.

How to cope

If the hair is already upright and the hairstyle needs to be urgently saved, then special tools and folk tricks will come to the rescue.

Cosmetical tools

Special antistatic agents that neutralize positively charged ions - they make the hair fly up to the ceiling.

  1. Paul Mitchell's Heat Seal spray will get rid of the effects of static for 24 hours. It has a moisture-repellent and heat-protective effect, fixes styling and protects curls from temperature changes in the cold season.
  2. Shampoo "Dercos" from "Vichy". A special treatment designed for dry and dehydrated hair prone to static, which helps to get rid of this problem, as well as nourishes, moisturizes and protects the hair for 48 hours after application. Panthenol, glycerin and apricot oil soothe itching, strengthen and provide the hair with the necessary moisture.
  3. Emulsion "TRIE Emulsion Cocobelle". Removes frizz, neutralizes static electricity, moisturizes and smoothes hair. Penetrates porous and damaged hair, providing freshness, nutrition and softness for a long time.
  4. Serum "Anti-Frizz". Removes the electrification of hair due to the action of polymers, while nourishing oils moisturize dry hair, restore shine and strength. Despite the composition, it does not destroy the volume and does not make the hair greasy after use.
  5. Napkins "Carré Lissant". One movement is enough to completely cope with electrified hair. Napkins have an instant effect, make hair smooth and shiny.
  6. Spray "Rescue". Hydrolyzed keratin penetrates deep into the hair, nourishes it from the roots to the tips of the ears, without weighing it down. Hair remains clean and shiny, combing is easier, and the static effect quickly disappears.

See the video below for more helpful tips.

Folk recipes

Small tricks that are passed down by women from generation to generation will help not only eliminate the problem, but also strengthen and improve curls.

  1. Kefir and yolk
    1 tbsp fat yogurt, half a mango, grated on a fine grater, 1 egg yolk. Mix everything with a blender, let stand for 3 minutes, apply to hair, wrap your head with a plastic bag and a warm towel. Keep 30 minutes.
  2. Honey and yolk
    1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp. liquid honey, 1 chicken yolk. Melt the honey, add the butter, cool the mixture slightly, then add the yolk. Mix and apply to hair. Keep 40 minutes.
  3. Lemon
    Combine the juice of half a lemon with 3 tbsp. olive oil, mix and heat in a water bath to 35 ° C, apply to hair. Keep 30 minutes.

You can cope with the electrification of hair right before leaving the house, if there is no antistatic agent on hand, and there is no time left for masks.

  1. Sprinkle your hair with beer or mineral water. With their help, you can also rinse your head at the end of washing.
  2. Put a napkin on the massage comb and comb your hair.
    Apply a little hand cream on the palms, without rubbing, and smooth the hair - the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of cream.
  3. Dissolve a few drops of lavender or rose oil in water and sprinkle your hair, you can use a spray bottle.
  4. Inhale deeply, and then exhale into palms folded in front of your face and quickly run them through your hair, thereby moisturizing them.
  5. These are emergency therapy methods, but you also need to know what to do in order to avoid such a problem in the future.
  6. It is best to choose a comb made of wood, boar hair or with a ceramic coating.
  7. Use a hair dryer with an air ionization function and special means for thermal protection.
  8. Dry hair needs properly selected shampoos and conditioners, regular masks and extra nutrition.
  9. In winter, you should not walk without a hat, this will not only lead to colds, but also expose the curls and scalp to hypothermia. Rain and snow in contact with hair also provoke static electricity.
  10. In summer, you should not expose your hair to prolonged exposure to sunlight - ultraviolet adversely affects them, thins them, leads to burnout, which causes a problem with electrification in winter.
  11. The head can be washed under hot water, but the last rinse should be in cold.
  12. In winter, a room humidifier will save you from dry air.

Watch the video below for more useful life hacks.

Many girls are faced with the problem of electrification of hair, as a result of which the head looks like a dandelion. It is enough to run a comb or hand over the strands, and the hairs stand on end. The statistical effect can be removed both by folk and professional means, and by the simplest recommendations that must be followed.

5 ways to get rid of electrified hair

Antistatic. Manufacturers produce a series of products for hair and clothing, but the latter option does not suit you. Choose antistatic agents for the type of hair to achieve maximum results. The composition of the product includes vegetable and essential oils that nourish and weight the hair, preventing them from becoming electrified. The ingredients that make up the product are written on the back of the bottle. Pay attention to the presence of vitamins A, B, E, D, ceramides and silk peptides. For ease of use, the tube is equipped with a spray dispenser, so that the product is applied evenly without sticking the hair.

Liquid cream. The method is bad because the hair quickly gets dirty after using such a product, dust sticks to it, and it is easier to absorb dirt. However, when you don't have professional anti-static skin care products on hand, use a liquid hand or face cream. You can also use makeup remover milk, it is important that the product is not nourishing, but moisturizing. Apply the composition in the palm of your hand, rub well and with barely touching movements, walk along the surface of the hair. It is not necessary to apply a large amount, a thin, almost transparent layer on the hands is enough.

Fitting tools. Take the weakest hold hairspray and spray it on the comb from a distance of 25 cm. After that, go through the hair without affecting the root zone. Do not spray too much, otherwise the curls will look like icicles, and thin stripes will form on the entire surface of the hair.

If you have wax at home, apply it on your palms and rub well. Run your hands through your hair, do not press. For owners of oily hair, it is better to replace wax with styling mousse, it does not weigh down curls and eliminates electrification well. Give preference to products with an antistatic effect.

Water. You can use mineral, running or thermal water as a remedy for electrification. Wet your hands and run through your hair, moisturizing it. The strands will be slightly wet, but will soon dry quickly and the charge will be neutralized. Experts recommend using green tea instead of water, which not only copes with electrification, but also prevents it. If you have a thermal product on hand, spray it evenly over the entire surface of the hair, except for the roots.

Hands. Breathe into your hands to create condensation. Run them through your hair. Palms should be warm and clean.

How to get rid of the electrification of hair folk methods

Homemade masks and decoctions are in no way inferior to professional antistatic agents. Observe the proportions and exposure time, do not increase or decrease them.

Do not be lazy to prepare the composition as needed, it is allowed to use the product 3-6 times a week.

Linen mask

  • flax bran - 50 gr.
  • milk - 70 gr.
  • corn oil - 40 ml.
  • honey - 60 gr.

Melt honey in the microwave, mix with corn oil. Pour bran with hot milk, leave for 40 minutes. After the time has elapsed, combine all the ingredients, cover the hair with the composition and keep for half an hour. To enhance the effect, wrap your head with cling film or put on a plastic bag, then wrap yourself in a towel.

Pumpkin mask

  • pumpkin - 180 gr.
  • heavy cream - 120 gr.
  • burdock oil - 70 ml.
  • sour cream with a fat content of 20% - 30 gr.

Grind the pulp of the pumpkin in a blender or grate it so that the juice comes out. Mix pumpkin porridge with cream and sour cream, pour in the oil. Beat the composition in a convenient way so that the mass rises slightly. Apply to the entire length of the hair, without treating the root zone. Put on a shower cap, lie down to rest for 1 hour.

Mango mask

  • kefir with a fat content of 1.5% - 50 ml.
  • mango - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 70 ml.
  • gelatin - 20 gr.

Pour 50 ml of gelatin. boiled water, leave for 20 minutes. Cut the manco in half, remove the bone and cut off the skin. Grind the fruit in a blender or use a kitchen grater. Pour in kefir and oil, then combine the mixture with gelatin. Stir with a fork or mixer, cover the curls with the composition, wait 50 minutes.

Make sure that you always have medicinal herbs on hand, from which you can quickly prepare a rinsing medicinal decoction. All funds can be purchased at the pharmacy for a penny. The recommended frequency of application is daily.

A decoction of a string

  • calamus root - 40 gr.
  • string - 60 gr.
  • birch sap - 50 ml.
  • Melissa essential oil - 6 drops

Brew calamus and a series of 700 ml. boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours, then strain. Pour in birch sap and drip lemon balm oil. Rinse your hair with the solution as needed. If possible, do not wash off the decoction for a quarter of an hour.

Decoction of hop cones

  • hop cones - 60 gr.
  • nettle - 30 gr.
  • mint - 10 gr.
  • bay leaf - 3 gr.

Brew herbs with 1.5 liters of hot water, leave for 2 hours. Strain through a colander, apply daily after using shampoo and conditioner.

A decoction of horsetail

  • horsetail - 45 gr.
  • St. John's wort - 30 gr.
  • chamomile - 30 gr.
  • dope - 25 gr.
  • rosemary - 40 gr.

Pour the plants with 1.5 liters of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 25 minutes. Put the composition in a dark cabinet for 4 hours. Strain, use no more than 4 times a week.

Burdock root decoction

  • burdock root - 50 gr.
  • calendula officinalis - 30 gr.
  • birch bark - 45 gr.
  • orange essential oil - 15 drops

Put the plants in 2 liters of boiling water and simmer for half an hour. Cover, wait 50 minutes, strain through cheesecloth or colander, drip essential oil and rinse clean hair.

Decoction of coltsfoot

  • chamomile flowers - 40 gr.
  • coltsfoot - 40 gr.
  • lily of the valley - 20 gr.
  • oak juice - 30 ml.

Purchase oak juice at the pharmacy in advance. Brew the plants, leave for 12 hours. At the end of the period, strain the broth, heat it and add oak juice. Rinse the curls with the composition before shampooing, then again after.

A decoction of linden and thyme

  • burdock - 30 gr.
  • linden - 40 gr.
  • thyme - 40 gr.
  • nettle - 25 gr.
  • eucalyptus essential oil - 10 drops

Pour boiling water over the herbs, leave for 24 hours, strain well after the expiration date and add eucalyptus. Use at least 3 times in 5 days.

Decoction of plantain

  • plantain - 60 gr.
  • olive oil - 35 ml.
  • corn oil - 35 ml.
  • sage - 20 gr.
  • rose essential oil - 15 drops.

Brew sage and plantain with 2 liters of hot water, leave for 6 hours. Strain through cheesecloth or bandage, pour in oils and rinse hair immediately. Each time prepare a fresh decoction, do not store it for a long time.

  1. Make it a habit to visit the hairdresser at least 1 time in 1.5 months so that the master cuts the cut hair. It is advisable to carry out the procedure with hot scissors, they seal the tips and prevent cross-section.
  2. Take a hair multivitamin once a quarter. Drink a course of fish and badger oil 2 times a year.
  3. Do not comb wet hair with an iron-toothed brush. Purchase a professional natural bristle brush available from a hairdressing supply store.
  4. Do not go constantly with loose hair, braid it in a ponytail, pigtail, bun. Use styling products, they do not allow hair to become electrified.
  5. In winter, wear a tight-fitting hat that does not "fidget" on your head. In summer, wear a cap or hat, do not be afraid to wrinkle your hair, but you will get rid of the permanent dandelion effect.

Can't get rid of electrified hair? Regularly make nourishing masks, use moisturizing serums. Healthy hair is less prone to electrification, it also holds styling better than overdried and weakened curls. Try to dry your hair naturally, reduce the use of thermal devices (tongs, irons, curling irons, curlers). If there is no possibility, and your haircut involves daily styling, carry out the procedure only at low temperatures (up to 120 degrees).

Video: how to solve the problem of electrifying hair

Every woman takes care of her hair. Someone regularly visits beauty salons, someone buys professional products and provides proper care at home, and someone prefers traditional medicine.

However, regardless of the method of care, many ladies are faced with such a problem as hair electrification. It causes a lot of inconvenience, both psychological and cosmetic, as the hair can stick out, breaking out of a beautiful hairstyle, fluffy or stand like a halo around the head. Coping with such a revolution of strands is very difficult, especially in cases where there are no necessary funds at hand or you do not have free time.

The main causes of hair electrification

Curls become electrified when under static electricity. Positively charged ions appear in them when combed with a comb (its material does not matter, the only exception is wood), in contact with clothing or from friction (while wearing a headdress). The hairs, which have a positive charge, "bounce" from each other and begin to stick out in different directions. At the same time, dry strands are more susceptible to the electrification process.

Most often, people encounter such a problem in the winter. This is explained by the appearance of dry air in the walls of the house, which is influenced by various heating devices, including central heating. In the summer, the wrong care is to blame, which leads to excessive dryness. After all, healthy hair has strong scales that fit snugly and protect them from electricity and the negative effects of the external environment. However, there are no problems that cannot be solved. The electrification of hair is no exception. After all, there are many ways to make curls "obey".

Folk remedies for electrifying hair

You can remove the electrification of hair with the help of folk remedies. This method will not only save you from the problem, but also heal the strands. You can choose the best option for yourself, coming out of their features and type. After all, there are many methods against the electrification of hair, which have a truly magical effect. So:

Hair electrification oil

With their help, you will improve your strands, make them shiny and healthy. For this purpose, rose or lavender oil is best suited. It must be added to the water for rinsing the hair. Also, the diluted liquid can be poured into a spray bottle and periodically moisten the strands with it. As for olive oil, it must be applied for thirty minutes before washing your hair, after which use your favorite shampoo.

beer or lemon

Beer and lemon are also an effective remedy for electrifying hair. They make hair stiffer and eliminate electrification. But keep in mind, they need to rinse the hair after washing. In this case, the substance must be diluted with water. For a glass of water, you need a tablespoon of juice and two tablespoons of beer.

Hair coloring

If you dye your hair, it will also become heavier. It is not at all necessary to color the entire hair, you can shade a few strands using chamomile, walnut infusion or a decoction of onion peel.

Useful Supplements

It is recommended to add yolk and a little gelatin to the shampoo. These components will envelop the hair, creating an invisible protective film on it. However, you need to stir only that part of the cosmetic product that you use at a time. It is not necessary to make blanks, as they will deteriorate in a few hours.

Mineral water

Spray your hair with high-quality mineral water at least five times a day.

Remember that the temperature of the water when washing your hair is of great importance. The hotter it is, the more it dries out the hair. Therefore, use water at room temperature, especially when rinsing.

Shampoos for hair electrification

If you do not want to prepare your own products using traditional medicine, choose a shampoo against electrifying hair. It will provide competent hair care, "feed" them with useful substances and will perfectly cope with the task. You can buy them freely in any store.

We offer you the most effective shampoos:

  1. Kerastase.
  2. Syoss.
  3. John Frieda Frizz Ease.

Remember that what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, you need to find your product through numerous trials and experiments.

Sprays from the electrification of hair

If you look at a number of cosmetic products, you can conclude that there are much more sprays to combat the electrification of hair than shampoos. Their price range is different, as a result of which each girl will be able to choose the tool that suits her both in price and quality. As for the most popular, these include: Alterna Winter RX Anti-Static, Toni and Guy Heat Protection, Moroccanoil Frizz Control, Oribe Cote d "Azur Hair Refresher, etc. Also, a balm against electrifying hair shows a good result, but they are used it is much less common compared to sprays and shampoos.

For those who are looking for a recipe for electrification, we want to say that homemade masks are much more effective than purchased ones, as they contain useful and natural ingredients. They will not harm your curls and will heal them in a short time. After a few applications, you will notice that folk recipes have made the hair more manageable, shiny, removed brittleness and cross-section. So, we present to your attention the best homemade masks:

Recipe for kefir and yolk

Keep this mask for about thirty minutes. It is very important to create a thermal effect using a special cap or a regular bag. Wash off the mixture with warm water.


Preparation: melt the honey, then mix with the above ingredients and beat with a mixer.

Olive oil and lemon juice is an excellent remedy for magnetization

You can keep the substance on your hair for no more than thirty minutes. Rinse off with shampoo.


  • olive oil - three tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - squeeze from 0.5 pieces.

Preparation: Cut the lemon into two parts, squeeze the juice from one of them and mix with oil. Then, in a water bath, heat the mixture to thirty-seven degrees.

Often electrified hair is a problem that many people have. It usually begins to bother a person in autumn and winter, but it is also often found in spring and summer. Electrification in no way harms health, although it still causes some inconvenience. In most cases, people do not pay attention to this at all, hoping that everything will pass by itself, and not thinking about what to do if the hair is electrified.

The answer to why hair magnetizes more often in the autumn-winter period is the wearing of hats. Strong electrification is due to the fact that there is very little moisture in the hair, and they are overdried. That is why you can meet with a similar problem at any time of the year: in summer, when it is quite hot and sunny (ultraviolet) outside, the rays literally take all the moisture away, and in winter, when the heating system is actively working in the apartments.

It is always worth remembering that electrification is not just “fluffy” hair, but a signal from the body, meaning that loss of shine, tarnishing, cross-section will follow, and the last step will be loss. And it’s worth adding an unsightly appearance to everything - it immediately becomes clear that this problem needs to be solved as quickly as possible. Therefore, in order to understand why hair is electrified and what to do, you need to reconsider your diet and care products.

Many are well aware that hair begins to become electrified due to the occurrence of static. During friction, positively charged ions are formed, after which the hairs, which are equally charged, repel each other and scatter in all directions. . Most often, the problem of electrification occurs in girls with dry hair type. This effect is enhanced by dryness indoors or heat outside.

In order to better understand the cause of electrification, it is worth looking at the hair under a microscope. It has a stem and a root. The cuticle is called its outer part, consisting of cellular layers that fit it like scales - it is thanks to this property that the hair is somewhat reminiscent of a bump. When the curls are healthy, the scales stick to each other very tightly.

Elasticity can be “lost” due to various factors. These include chemical procedures (coloring, waving, etc.), a sharp change in temperature, prolonged exposure to open ultraviolet rays. Curls that have suffered from such and similar factors no longer look so attractive: the structure worsens, the scales are less adherent to each other, which provokes a rapid accumulation of static electricity.

Many at least once faced with the fact that their curls stick out in different directions, in most cases in the winter. Few people like this phenomenon. The answer to what to do if the hair is highly electrified is the use of antistatic agents and, of course, proper care.

Before you start fighting this problem, you need to correctly determine the cause of its occurrence. Dry air in the room, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, vitamin deficiency, rain, hats, snow, cold wind - all this “takes away” the shine, density and overall attractiveness of the hair. In addition, under headwear (under a scarf or a hat), the curls are strongly adjacent to each other and thereby begin to rub, which provokes the production of static electricity.

Nothing special needs to be done to solve the problem. And you can answer what to do so that the hair is not magnetized, both on your own and with someone else's help. You just need to remember a few general rules and follow them always.

In order for the curls to be comfortable, you should by any means try to increase the humidity of the air in the place where the person constantly lives. Most people use aquariums or ordinary pots, jars of water to solve the problem of insufficient humidity.

If material possibilities allow, then you can buy a special air humidifier, which operates on the principle of steam evaporation.

There are also newer products in the world that ionize the air in the room, thereby reducing static electricity. Thanks to such devices, the air is saturated with negative ions and the hair becomes beautiful, and most importantly, obedient and smooth.

In autumn and winter, when there is a cold wind outside, you need to wear a hat or a scarf so that the same air does not dry out your hair much. At the same time, do not forget that the headgear should not be made of synthetic materials, as they contribute to the generation of static electricity. That is why it is recommended to give preference to natural materials. And for the best effect (reducing the risk of the appearance of a “gun”), you can use a spray (antistatic agent), spraying it from the inside of the headgear.

When a person washes his hair, he should remember that the water temperature should not be too hot (it also provokes the appearance of static electricity). The best option: wash your hair with warm water and rinse with cool. It is also not recommended to use various devices too often, such as an iron, curling iron, hair dryer.

Comb should be made from natural materials and antistatic coated. Ordinary combs (mostly plastic) provoke an increase in electrification. For permanent use, a comb made of natural wood (oak or cedar) is perfect. But after a certain period of time it will have to be changed, because imperceptible cracks may appear on it, which severely damage the curls.

In order to reduce the electrification of hair, you can and should make various masks using folk remedies. But first you need to do the following:

  1. Change the comb to a new one made of natural material (oak, cedar, birch, bristles).
  2. Reduce the use of hair dryers, curling irons, irons and so on. They are very damaging to the hair.
  3. Wear only clothes made from natural fabrics, and put synthetics in the closet.
  4. Pay close attention to the composition of care products (shampoo, sprays). It is good when the composition contains ceramides, silicone, panthenol (they are excellent helpers in eliminating excess electrification).
  5. After each hair wash, use a special conditioner.
  6. Drink a daily amount of water daily to help prevent dehydration.
  7. Periodically make hair masks that contain natural products. This will help restore the structure of all hairs and reduce electrification.

In general, you need to choose a method for eliminating electrification based on the cause. That is, if, for example, the cause is banal dehydration, then you just need to correctly observe the daily intake of water. In order to better understand the cause of "fluffy" curls, you should analyze the diet, lifestyle and evaluate what cosmetic and care products a person uses.

When the curls begin to become very electrified, you should slightly wet your hands and walk through the fluffy and sticking out hair in all directions. By the way, this method is quite effective and helps to ensure that the hair stops electrifying for several hours. Like this method, you can use cream instead of water. An alternative option would be to purchase a good anti-static agent from the store, such as "Daily Shine" or "NutriProtex", which perfectly relieve hair from electrification. Therefore, it is quite easy to answer what to do so that the hair is not magnetized in the most inappropriate.

To a greater extent suffering from electrification dry hair owners. Therefore, they need the most moisture. To do this, you can use special tools designed specifically for this type of hair. It is also recommended to periodically make nourishing and moisturizing masks using essential oils. Means that do not need to be washed off (serums, sprays) work effectively.

When laying thin curls, it is recommended to use specially designed gels, creams and the like. It is recommended to give preference to products that contain amino acids, keratin, wax microparticles, panthenol, oils. When rinsing, use a special conditioner balm.

To eliminate electrification, special “fatty products” are perfect. These include fluid, paste or wax:

In order not to bring your hair to strong electrification, it is worth remembering a few simple rules. This can be both the use of various masks, and the usual smoothing of hair with water, but first things first. And help in what to do at home, if the hair is electrified, is to follow certain rules and use folk remedies, and exactly:

By adhering to all the rules, you can easily avoid or get rid of electrified hair. In this case, the hair will look attractive, and the hairs will be healthy and strong.
