How to clean pine resin from clothes. How to remove wood resin from clothes

Don't know how to remove pine resin from clothes? Dont be upset! After all, it can be removed using the simplest and most accessible methods. The main thing in this matter is to notice a fresh resin stain in time and immediately begin “combat” actions.

How to remove tar from clothes

How to remove resin from clothes: preparation

First you need to remove the top part of the resin using a knife or other sharp object. Then put the soiled item in the freezer for 1.5-2 hours. During this time, the stain will harden, and it will be much easier to remove the remaining resin. Resin must be removed very carefully so as not to damage the fabric structure. This method is not recommended for thin clothing.

How to remove resin from clothes

If, after freezing and mechanical cleaning with a knife, small spots of resin remain, they can be removed with an iron or hair dryer. To do this, place one paper towel under the stain, and place a second one on top and use a hot iron to heat the contaminated area. Gradually, the resin begins to melt and absorb into the towel.

You can remove resin residue from a leather jacket using vegetable or olive oil. Then the stain must be treated with alcohol, and the clothes must be wiped with a dry, clean cloth. In this way, delicate items are cleaned, and then washed in water with soap or powder.

Rubbing alcohol will help remove fresh stains. To do this, soak a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the area of ​​contamination. Alcohol also removes resin from delicate clothes that are not intended to be washed.

Pine resin can be easily washed off if you mix 1 tsp. ammonia and turpentine with 1 tbsp. l. potato starch. The prepared mixture must be applied to the stained area and left for several hours, then brushed and washed.

When removing stains, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • in order not to smear the stain when cleaning, wet the cloth with water or sprinkle talcum powder (starch) around the stain;
  • You need to remove the resin, moving from the edge to the center;
  • if the stain is small, then it is better to apply the stain remover using a pipette or a cotton swab;
  • It is not recommended to use strong solvents, as they damage colored items.
  • For delicate items, it is best to use refined gasoline.

A tar stain can be “planted” on clothing not only during a visit to a sawmill. You can find it after a walk in the forest or after you sit on the stump of a freshly cut tree in a park. Removing such a stain is quite difficult, but there are still a lot of products that can remove resin blots from your things.

Some actions in this case will be useless, while others will further aggravate the situation. If a tar stain appears, do not do the following:

  1. Immediately wash the item in the automatic machine like regular dirty laundry. Resin is a difficult stain, and ordinary soaking and washing are useless.
  2. Rub contaminated material. Not only will you not remove the stain this way, but you will also rub it even deeper into the material. Moreover, if the fabric is light, then after such a procedure the resin may remain on the clothing forever.

What is important to consider

To make the process of removing tar stains as effective and safe as possible, it is important to consider a few simple rules:

  1. When removing stains, move from the edges to the center so that the resin does not spread further across the fabric.
  2. Any substance must first be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​tissue. Only after waiting a few minutes and making sure that nothing happens to the fabric can you safely use the stain remover.
  3. Before working with gasoline, solvents and other aggressive substances, be sure to wear a respirator, rubber gloves, open the windows or turn on the hood.

Pre-clean stain with resin

It should be noted right away that if a delicate fabric has been “damaged”, it should not be subjected to pre-treatment: mechanical methods of removing stains can destroy the delicate material.

Treating the item at a low temperature will help remove a significant part of the dirt. In the cold, the resin becomes brittle and hard, and is subsequently easily removed from the fabric. Place the product in a bag and place it in the freezer for 2 hours. After this, take out the item, remember the resin with your hands and remove it from the surface with a brush.

You should first put on cloth gloves so that the melted resin does not stick to the skin of your hands.

If the resin has not had time to penetrate deeply into the fibers, then sometimes such cleaning allows you to completely get rid of the contamination. But usually traces of a resinous substance remain after it.

If you can't use the freezer, try removing the top layer of the blot with a spoon or a dull knife. Be careful not to smear more resin onto your clothing.

To remove any remaining contamination, you will need to use one or more of the methods described below.

Preparing the spot cleansing area

Before you get rid of any remaining stains, you will need to do some prep work. Clean the product from dust and dirt with a regular clothes brush. The fact is that if, in addition to resin, there are other contaminants on the clothes, mud streaks may form when treated with chemicals.

After this, place the clothes on a flat board, which you have previously wrapped in white cotton cloth, folded in several layers. If the product has a lining, prop it up and insert a board between it and the facing fabric.

Moisten the material around the resin blot with water and sprinkle starch on top (talc can be used). This will create a barrier that will prevent the resin from spreading throughout the fabric after chemical treatment.

Removing fresh resin stains


Gasoline is not used in its pure form, but in combination with baby soap: it must be diluted in gasoline in a ratio of 1 to 1. Using a clean cloth, apply the liquid to the resin marks and wait about an hour, then rinse the product in cool water.

This product is not suitable for processing synthetic fabrics.


An effective remedy in the fight against tar stains is ordinary ethyl alcohol. Apply it in large quantities to the fabric and wait half an hour: during this time the resin should soak. After this procedure, the spots usually disappear completely.


When treating fabric with turpentine, remember that you cannot press the sponge - applying extra force will only cause the resin to penetrate deeper into the material. Wet the contaminated area with turpentine and wait 20–30 minutes. To remove turpentine residue, soak a cotton pad in alcohol and rub the treated area. If dirt is still noticeable, wipe the mark with alcohol a couple more times, then wash the item in the washing machine.

When working with turpentine, you need to wear gloves and a respirator!


If you are sure the fabric is thick enough to withstand the solvent, you can use acetone or nail polish remover. Put on gloves and a respirator, dip a cotton swab in the solvent and rub the problem area for a few seconds - the contamination should disappear. After this, wash your clothes as usual.

Coca-Cola and other carbonated drinks

Quite a popular remedy for combating pollution of a wide variety of nature. Pour the drink into a small container and soak the area of ​​fabric with the stain in it for 4 hours, then gently rub the fabric with a soft clothes brush: the stain will come off easily. After this procedure, clothes must be washed.

Hot iron

Removing stains with a hot iron is the safest method for fabrics. Place several paper towels under the problem area and on it (you can take unnecessary cotton fabric instead). Iron the contaminated area with a heated iron; during ironing, the resin will melt and be absorbed into towels or napkins. You need to iron until the stains are completely gone, while from time to time replacing dirty napkins with fresh ones.


Fat can also help in the fight against tar stains. Soak a cotton swab in vegetable oil and blot the contaminated area. After 20 minutes, wash the item with laundry soap, and then wash the item in a machine or by hand.

Removing old resin stains

If clothes have been left with a tar stain for several days, it will be more difficult to remove the tar. However, it is possible. First of all, you need to apply some kind of fat to the stain: lard, butter, Vaseline, etc. and wait 3-4 hours for the material to soak well. Next, the top of the dirt should be cleaned off with a knife, and what remains should be soaked in turpentine. At the last stage, you need to rinse the fabric in running water to remove any remaining turpentine.

It is not advisable to use turpentine for light-colored fabrics, as it may leave streaks.

The use of turpentine, starch, clay and alcohol

For white cotton items, the following composition is used instead of pure turpentine. You need to mix starch with white clay in equal parts and add enough turpentine to get a paste-like mixture. There you need to add 5-6 drops of ammonia, apply it to the stain and wait until the mixture dries completely. After this, you just need to clean it with a clothes brush along with the resin. If the contamination is not completely removed the first time, do several more procedures. The resin will leave a pale yellow mark on the material, which can be easily removed with bleach.

Turpentine, ammonia and starch

The following composition effectively removes tar stains from clothes:

  • Starch – 1 tsp.
  • Turpentine – 4 drops
  • Ammonia – 3 drops

It should be used in exactly the same way as the previous remedy.

Professional products

To remove resin blots, you can also use store-bought stain removers. It should be remembered that if the item is colored, then products marked “for white” cannot be used for it.

Before using the product, carefully read its instructions. Do not rub the composition into the stain, but simply pour it onto the fabric, wait a certain time, then lightly scrub the fabric with a brush and rinse it with running water.

How to remove resin from clothes:

How to Remove Resin Marks from Different Types of Fabrics


If you have tar left on your leather jacket after a weekend of outdoor activities, don't despair. Apply vegetable oil to the stain and wait about 20 minutes. After this, remove the dirt with a cloth soaked in soapy water.


If resin is stuck to a woolen item, regular dish detergent will help fix the situation. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Apply vegetable oil to the stain and wait 15 minutes.
  2. Pour the detergent onto a cotton pad and apply it to the stain.
  3. Leave the item for another 20 minutes and then wash it by hand or in a machine.

Delicate fabrics

To clean natural or acetate silk, velor and other delicate fabrics, use the following composition: potato starch - 2 parts, ethyl alcohol - 1 part, turpentine - 1 part. Apply this mixture to the stain, wait 12 hours and rinse the item in clean water. After this, wash with powder.

How to remove tar marks from clothes

It would seem that such complex contamination as a tar stain cannot be removed from clothing. But it turns out that it can be eliminated with regular butter.

  1. Place a small piece of oil on the fabric and rub as if you were washing an item in water. The oil will begin to turn dark, and the fabric, on the contrary, will become lighter.
  2. When the oil turns dark, add more and continue rubbing the cloth until the stain disappears.
  3. Wash the problem area with dishwashing detergent (preferably without dyes) or laundry soap, and then wash the product in an automatic machine.

There is another way to remove tar from clothes. It involves the use of fir oil. Take cotton wool, wet it well with fir oil and place it under the fabric on the wrong side. Soak a cotton pad in the oil and wipe the dirt from the front side.

You need to rub in one direction, without making any effort.

If the stain cannot be removed at home, it may make sense to go to dry cleaning, especially if the item is expensive and delicate.

Very often, after a fun weekend, housewives have a question about how to remove resin from clothes.
Do not despair, as there are several effective methods for properly removing resin from the surface of clothing.

Before you begin removing the stain, there are a few things you need to do. You should not try to wash it immediately after identifying a stain. Wood resin is a complex chemical compound that has a complex structure. For this reason, regular washing will not help get rid of the problem.

Wood resin is a complex chemical compound that has a complex structure

Before deciding on the question of how to remove wood resin from the surface of clothing, you need to try to remove dirt mechanically. There is no need to be too zealous, as the substance can penetrate deeper into the tissue structure, and this will complicate further work.

Attention! It is important to remember that when cleaning items made of thin fabric, you need to be careful, since mechanical treatment can damage the fabric, ruining the item.

To mechanically remove the stain, you can use a knife to scrape the stained area. After mechanical processing, it is recommended to place the item in the freezer. The fact is that after freezing the stain is easier to remove from the fabric. After all the procedures have been completed, you can think about how to remove the remains of tree resin from clothes at home.

Before deciding on the question of how to remove resin from wood from the surface of clothing, you need to try to remove dirt mechanically

The problem is that even after freezing a small amount of resin remains, so other techniques must be used.

How to remove resin from clothes?

How can you remove resin from the surface of clothing without damaging the structure of the fabric?

One popular way to remove tree sap from clothes is to use alcohol.

The following substances can be used to remove contaminants:

  • alcohol;
  • turpentine or highly purified gasoline;
  • nail polish remover;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • bleach or stain remover.

One popular way to remove tree sap from clothes is to use alcohol. In order to use this substance, you should take a clean cloth, moisten it with alcohol and wipe the problem area. Alcohol makes it easy to get rid of dirt. But when using it, patience will be required, because the item will need to be left for a while so that the alcohol is better absorbed into the fabric and dissolves the stain.

How to properly remove pine resin from the surface of clothing without damaging the fabric?

Turpentine and refined gasoline are excellent means for removing stains that have formed on the surface of the fabric after a picnic.

Almost every home has carbonated drinks. They can be used to remove tar stains from clothing. Many housewives are interested in the question of how to remove tar stains on clothes using a carbonated drink. It is known that Fanta, Cola and Sprite do an excellent job of removing such pollution. To do this, soak the part of the clothing on which the stain is placed in the drink for a while, and then wash it in the usual way.

Turpentine and refined gasoline are excellent means for removing stains that have formed on the surface of fabric after a picnic. The disadvantage of these products is the unpleasant odor. After removing the stain, the item should be washed using a detergent that can remove the “aroma” of gasoline.

Important! Gasoline used as motor vehicle fuel should not be used. In stores, a specially purified product is sold for this purpose.

Resin on clothes: effective removal methods

If you don’t have alcohol and turpentine on hand, you can use nail polish remover to remove resin from the surface of the fabric. The action of the product resembles a solvent.

But it is worth remembering that the use of solvents can damage the structure of the fabric and its color. You can use an iron to remove dirt. For this purpose, you should place a piece of rag under the material and cover the stain on top with the same piece. After this, the item is ironed with a hot iron. Under the influence of high temperature, the dirt will melt and leak onto the rags, and the fabric from which the clothes are made will be clean. If there are no rags, you can use paper towels or napkins made of soft paper as pads.

You can use an iron to remove dirt.

If tree resin gets on carpet or fur, the contaminated area is first treated with sunflower oil. The next step is to use a dishwashing detergent that has high degreasing properties and can cope with the problem.

Sunflower oil helps clean leather items.

If heavy stains occur, you can use special stain removal liquids or bleaches as a cleaner. For this purpose, the stain is treated with a product, after which it is necessary to wait some time and wash the item in the usual way using washing powder.

Sunflower oil helps clean leather items

If it is necessary to remove an old stain, you should prepare a product that contains:

  • 1 tsp potato starch;
  • 4 drops of ammonia;
  • 4 drops of turpentine.

To remove the stain, moisten the contaminated area with the prepared product. After treatment, you should wait for some time until the mixture on the surface of the stain dries. Next, scrub the treatment area with a brush. If necessary, the treatment should be repeated.

Advice! Methods for removing stains can be combined with each other, which will significantly increase the likelihood of complete removal of stains from the surface of the fabric from which the clothing is made.

To remove stains, you can use a mixture of starch, turpentine and alcohol

To ensure that contamination is removed as safely as possible, certain recommendations must be followed.

Coniferous or man-made resin cannot be removed with water or scrubbed off. When heated, the substance becomes sticky and spreads across the fabric. Freezing it will help make removing the tar stain much easier. Low temperature will make the resin hard and brittle. The soiled item must be placed in the freezer for approximately 1.5-2 hours. A lump of frozen substance can be easily removed from the product. If the stain has been spread over the surface in a thin layer, lightly rub the cloth. It is recommended to carry out the procedure with rag gloves to avoid the resin sticking to your fingers. The stain will crack and crumble. After freezing, small compact stains can be removed without leaving a trace. However, in most cases, such cleaning will leave a stain.

If the freezer is not accessible, you can remove the top layers of dirt using a dull knife or spoon. You must act carefully so as not to increase the area of ​​the stain, not to rub the resin into the fabric and not to damage the clothing.

Pre-cleaning will help get rid of most of the dirt without much effort or damage to the fabric. However, this method is not suitable for very thin and delicate items. Mechanical destruction of the hardened resin stain can disrupt the structure of the fragile tissue.

To remove residual contamination, you will need to use other methods. Organic solvents, under the influence of which the resin dissolves or swells, can cope with such contamination.

Preparing fabric before processing

Clothes must be cleaned before applying stain removers. The presence of other contaminants can lead to the formation of streaks after treatment of the fabric with preparations. It is best to clean the contaminated area with a regular dry clothes brush.

Before the procedure, the place where the stain is located must be fixed on a hard surface. It is advisable to place a board wrapped in several layers of white cotton fabric.

If the soiled clothing has a lining, it needs to be propped up and the board secured between the fabric and the lining material.

It is recommended to moisten the cloth around the stain with water. You can sprinkle it with talcum powder or starch on top. This zone will serve as a kind of barrier for resin and stain removers. It will protect clean areas from contamination during the procedure.

Methods for removing fresh stains

A fresh stain can be easily removed with gasoline. But you only need to use a purified product that is sold in the store. Trying to remove resin from clothes with car fuel can completely ruin the item.

If there is any doubt that the fabric will withstand cleaning with gasoline without loss, it is better to use a more gentle product. White baby soap is diluted in gasoline in a 1:1 ratio and the composition is applied to the stain. After an hour, the fabric must be rinsed in cool water. Refined kerosene can be used instead of gasoline.

Many people successfully remove fresh resin stains using acetone. The usual nail polish remover that every woman has will do.

Alcohol is a proven remedy against tar stains. Vodka will remove small stains. For large stains, it is better to use rubbing alcohol. A piece of rag or cotton swab is moistened with alcohol and treated with it until the stain disappears completely. Removing stains with alcohol will require patience. The procedure will take at least half an hour. This much time is needed to saturate the fabric fibers and destroy the remaining resin.

Turpentine will help enhance the effect of alcohol. The stain is generously moistened with it and left for 20-30 minutes to act on the resin. During the chemical reaction, the contaminant softens. In this form, the substance can be easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. The disadvantage of treating with turpentine is its strong, unpleasant odor. After removing the stain, clothes should be washed in powder and hung to dry in the open air.

If you don’t have any of the listed substances on hand, you can try to remove the stain using dishwashing detergent. The stained area must first be treated with vegetable oil and after 20-30 minutes, apply dishwashing detergent to it.

You can get rid of tar stains by soaking clothes for several hours in carbonated drinks - Coca-Cola, Pepsi or lemonade.

Regular milk can remove tar from clothes. Soak the stained area in it for at least one hour and rinse the product in cool water. How to remove a stain without using stain removers?


Getting rid of resin using an iron is the easiest and safest way. It is successfully used to remove fresh and small stains. Place paper napkins under and on the stained area (paper towels or cotton rags will also work). Iron the contaminated area with a hot iron. Under the influence of high temperature, the resin melts and is absorbed into the napkins. The procedure should be repeated until the contamination completely disappears, constantly changing the absorbent material.

If you pre-treat the contaminated area with turpentine, you will be able to get rid of the stain faster.

The product can be soaked in a mixture of alcohol and turpentine, taken in equal parts. The treated fabric is ironed through a napkin with a hot iron several times, changing absorbent napkins.

How to get rid of old dirt

Old tar stains are more difficult to remove. Before processing, they should be greased with fat (sunflower oil, lard, butter or petroleum jelly) and left to soak for 3-4 hours. You should try to carefully remove the top layer of dirt with a knife, and treat the remainder with turpentine. After the procedure, the turpentine remaining on the fabric must be washed off with water. You can blot the treated area with a sponge soaked in water. If this is not done, a turpentine stain will remain. It is better not to use turpentine on light-colored fabrics.

You can remove the resin with a mixture of white clay, potato starch, turpentine and ammonia.

White clay and potato starch should be taken in equal parts. The composition is diluted with turpentine to a paste-like state and a few drops of ammonia are added to it. The prepared product is rubbed into the stain and remains on the fabric until completely dry. The dry product is cleaned off with a stiff clothes brush. The stain may not disappear completely the first time. Then the procedure should be repeated. The yellowish stain left after removing the resin can be removed with a bleaching agent. This method is suitable for white cotton fabrics.

A mixture of 1 tbsp effectively eliminates tar stains. l. potato starch, a few drops of ammonia and turpentine. The mixture is used to treat the stain and leave it on the fabric until it dries completely. Using a brush with stiff bristles, clean the stained area of ​​the product. Along with the stain remover, dirt is also removed.

Old stains, after pre-treatment with fat, are slightly heated and carbon tetrachloride or chloroform (in the form of a paste) is applied to them. After this, the area to be cleaned is wiped with soapy alcohol and rinsed in warm soapy water.

To clean fabric, you can prepare English liquid. 15 g of gasoline and 100 g of wine alcohol (95°) are poured into a glass. The liquids are thoroughly mixed and 35 g of ammonia (specific gravity 0.875) is added to them.

For synthetic products it is better to use white spirit. This is a powerful gasoline solvent. It can be purchased at the store. The drug is used to treat the contamination using a cotton swab. When the stain dissolves, the product is washed in powder.

Industrial stain removers and bleaches will help remove stubborn stains. How to remove resin from valuable materials?

We tidy up delicate fabrics

You can remove pine resin from wool or fur using vegetable oil and dishwashing liquid. First, treat the stain with vegetable oil, then carefully clean it with a soft cloth soaked in dishwashing detergent. It's better to use "Fairy".

Medical alcohol removes dirt from fur products. This method is best used for items made of valuable fur.

You can remove dirt from dark woolen items with a cotton swab dipped in turpentine. It is better to clean white woolen items with soapy alcohol.

The resin on a genuine leather product should be generously lubricated with vegetable oil and left for 20-30 minutes. Treated dirt can be easily cleaned with a hot soapy solution.

Suede can be cleaned with rubbing alcohol. To remove stubborn resin from the fibers, it is recommended to use a wire brush with short wires.

Natural silk, velvet, velor and acetate are best cleaned with ether or alcohol. For delicate fabrics, you can use a mixture of 2 parts potato starch, 1 part turpentine and alcohol. The composition is applied to the stain for 12 hours. After this, the item is thoroughly rinsed under running water and washed with powder.

Ether is preferable for removing stains from fabrics that cannot be washed. A cotton swab is moistened with ether and the contamination is treated. After the ether, medical alcohol is applied to the area to be cleaned. The stain usually does not disappear the first time. Therefore, the procedure must be repeated several times. When applying ether, you should always use a clean sponge or cotton swab. How to clean clothes correctly?

It is better to start removal with less aggressive means. If gentle drugs do not cope with the task, then you can move on to the use of more powerful formulations. After each treatment, the product must be rinsed thoroughly.

There is no need to try to forcefully rub stain removers into the dirt. Handling the stained area should be gentle.

Applying the product from the edges to the center will prevent streaks from appearing after the procedure. If the stain is very small, it is better to use a pipette or a cotton swab to apply the stain remover.

Precautionary measures

Remedies for removing tar stains are aggressive and can cause harm to health. It is strictly not recommended to wash soiled items in organic solvents. Vapors of substances are toxic and fire hazardous. The product must be applied directly to the stain in a minimal amount.

At home, the procedure should be carried out with rubber gloves and in a well-ventilated area. It is necessary to open the windows or turn off the hood. There should be no sources of fire in the room.

Things treated with drugs should be kept out of the reach of children.

Before using substances to remove tar stains, their effect on the fabric should be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. This measure is especially relevant for dyed and delicate fabrics. It is advisable to apply the product from the wrong side of clothing.

When choosing a stain remover, you need to consider the type of fabric. Acetone should not be used to remove stains from silk acetate. Alcohol can ruin the color of colored fabric. It is not recommended to use gasoline for cleaning synthetic materials. Bleach is not used for dyed fabrics.

Using the listed means you can clean clothes from resin of any origin.

After a fun weekend in nature and walks in the forest, in addition to pleasant memories and vivid photographs, there may also be less joyful consequences. There may be stains on your clothes from resin from the very forest that brought you so many pleasant emotions. Although, you can encounter such spots in a city park. If your child, or maybe you yourself, loves to hug fir trees and pine trees, then you too can become a victim of this problem. But don't rush to despair. There are several ways to remove resin from clothes without harming the fabric.

To start

Before you begin the actual removal, you need to do something. Do not rush to immediately wash the resin from your clothes. It has a complex structure that cannot be removed so easily. Therefore, as soon as you notice traces of resin on your clothes, try to remove it mechanically. You just need to be careful not to rub it deeper into the fabric structure. You can scrape it with a knife or other sharp object. After that, put this thing in the freezer. This step will help remove resin from clothes that was not removed with a knife. The low temperature will harden the stain, and any remaining dirt will be easier to remove.
We can say half the work is already done. But even after such actions, a stain may remain on the fabric. So, we continue the operation to remove resin from clothes.

How to remove a resin stain?

There are several measures you could take. They are available to everyone, and these funds are available in almost every home. So removing resin from your family’s belongings won’t be a big deal.

It is important to remember that each fabric has a different texture and quality, so these methods are not suitable for every type of fabric.


  • acids and alcohols can destroy some types of paints;
  • acetic acid and acetone can destroy silk acetate fabrics;
  • Bleach and alkali can only be used on white fabrics.

Also, during the processing itself, it would be useful to remember some general tips.

  1. To prevent the resin stain from spreading throughout the fabric while removing it, you need to moisten the fabric with water around the contaminated area. This will serve as a limiter. You can also sprinkle talcum powder or starch around.
  2. You need to treat from the edges of the contaminated area to the middle.
  3. If the area of ​​contamination is small, it is more convenient to apply the stain remover with a pipette or a cotton swab.

We wish you success!
Now you know what to do if you encounter unwanted tar stains on your clothing. You can start cleaning!
