What can I do to keep my face clean? Clear and beautiful skin on the face

Problematic skin hinders a woman's path to an ideal image. To eliminate imperfections and make your skin smooth at home, a few tips will help.

Do-it-yourself smooth skin is real! Professional techniques and secrets of home beauty recipes - to protect female beauty!

In this article:

Why is it necessary to make the skin even?

An even, smooth face looks attractive. It is easier to apply cosmetics on it, the finished image looks more presentable. With roughness, unevenness, defects may appear after the creation of the final day or evening. This can ruin the image of a woman.

Health problems can cause uneven skin, wrinkles, lack of skin hydration. The logical answer to the question of how to make the skin of the face smooth and even is the solution to these problems. This is how you can restore the attractiveness of the face.

It is easier to prevent health problems than to treat them. This also applies to the skin of the face. General recommendations on how to prevent the appearance of skin problems that lead to bumps and roughness:

Tip: moderately use corrective, matting means.

professional methods

How to make the face clean and smooth in the presence of skin problems? It is recommended to contact a beautician who will professionally eliminate defects.

laser resurfacing

Eliminates defects, gives the skin smoothness and evenness. Safe procedure when performed by a qualified beautician. The essence of the procedure: problematic, unhealthy skin cells are eliminated with a laser beam, healthy cells are regenerated in their place.

Oxygen therapy

Oxygen is supplied under pressure, due to which it penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis. This procedure activates beneficial substances and eliminates the defective stratum corneum of the skin.


Through injections with hyaluronic acid there is an alignment of the skin, regeneration, rejuvenation and improvement of the general condition.

Massage with liquid nitrogen

The procedure eliminates age spots, evens out the surface of the skin, gives elasticity and smoothness, and rejuvenates. The beautician uses a wooden stick with cotton wool, which is dipped in liquid nitrogen, then massaged over the face.

Chemical peel

Another answer to the question of how to achieve smooth facial skin is a chemical peel. He rejuvenates, smoothes the skin of the face, eliminates age spots, activates the regeneration process. The cosmetologist selects the optimal concentration of the peeling agent, after which he applies it to the patient's face.

Home beauty secrets

It is not necessary to spend money on expensive cosmetic procedures. The skin can be helped independently at home.

Exercises for the muscles of the face

With fingertips, perform massaging movements from the forehead to the temples, from the sinuses to the earlobes, from the chin to the earlobes. Such exercises will even out the structure of the skin, make it smooth and elastic..

Scrubs and masks

Mask Recipes

Apple mask: grate a fresh apple, transfer to a saucepan, pour milk, add an egg yolk. Stir, put on fire, bring to a boil. Cool, apply the mixture on the face, after 10 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad.

Strawberry mask: crush strawberries, add 5 drops of sandalwood oil. Apply strawberry gruel for 15 minutes on the face.

Scrub Recipes

Honey scrub: mix candied honey with 5-6 drops of rosemary essential oil, apply on face. Massage gently with fingertips for 5 minutes.

Coffee scrub: Pour ground coffee with a small amount of warm water, apply coffee grounds on the face. Massage with fingertips for 5-7 minutes.

Cleansing and matting

Inflammation treatment, whitening

Inflammatory skin processes and age spots worsen the condition of the skin. Troubleshooting Methods:

Elimination of bags under the eyes

Brew strong black tea, moisten 2 cotton pads in it, apply to the area under the eyes. Keep until completely dry.

Choosing the right cosmetics

Cosmetics should be selected only in accordance with the type of skin.

Proper nutrition

For healthy skin, you need to pay attention to foods such as broccoli, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, bananas, avocados, citrus fruits.

Minimize salt intake, drink plenty of water (at least 2.5 liters). Advice: consume a minimum of fatty, fried foods, a maximum of fruits and vegetables.

No stress

Nervous strains negatively affect the general well-being and the condition of the skin.

Advice: do not be nervous over trifles, treat the world with a positive attitude, if necessary, take sedatives based on natural ingredients (after consulting a doctor).

Rejection of bad habits

Smoking and alcohol do not color the cute, gentle image of a modern girl, and also spoil the condition of the skin. Smoking and alcohol are recommended to be replaced with fitness and outdoor walks..

After reviewing the secrets of beauty, you can choose the appropriate option to improve skin condition.. What will it be - expensive procedures in a beauty salon or homemade beauty recipes? The choice is yours!

In contact with

If you want to have clean and smooth skin, you need to constantly take care of it, especially for the face. In addition, with acne, preventive measures should be taken and acne should be treated if it occurs. In order for your skin to look perfect, you must also take care of a healthy diet and drink enough fluids.


Everyday skin care

    Choose the right cleanser. The skin can be dry, oily or mixed. Choose the one that suits your skin type. Washing products indicate what type of skin they are intended for: for oily, dry, combination or all skin types.

    Wash acne-covered areas twice a day. Although you wash your face twice a day, it is helpful to wash your acne-prone areas of skin with the same frequency. Use your hands, water and a mild detergent to do this. If acne appears on the scalp or near the hairline, wash your hair daily.

    Use water based products. Blackheads form as a result of clogged skin pores, which can be caused by oily lotions. Choose water-based non-comedogenic products as they are less likely to clog pores. Make sure your makeup is also non-comedogenic and won't clog pores.

    For clogged pores, use salicylic acid. Salicylic acid products are available over-the-counter and can be used as a face wash or applied to the skin. To get started, choose a product with an acid concentration of 0.5%. If you are using a leave-in product, rub it into the acne-prone areas. If you are using soap or other cleanser, apply it to the affected area and rub it in to form a lather.

    • Rinse the cream completely from all acne-free areas, such as hands.
  1. Remove dead skin layers with benzoyl peroxide. Dead skin can clog pores, and some acne treatments work by removing dead skin cells. Benzoyl peroxide is one of them. In addition, it removes excess oil from the skin. Start with a concentration of 2.5%. Like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide products are sold as cleansers or creams.

    • Sulfur acts like benzoyl peroxide, but it has an odor. Sulfur is often combined with other ingredients.
  2. For inflammation, use hydroxy acids. Like benzoyl peroxide, hydroxy acids remove dead skin cells. However, they also reduce inflammation and promote new skin growth. This combined action helps to get smoother skin. Lactic acid and glycolic acid are often used in cosmetics.

    Consider using natural remedies. Some home remedies can be just as effective as over-the-counter drugs. It's best to check with your doctor before using these medications, as they may interact with the medications you're taking.

    • Apply 5% tea tree oil gel to the skin. It is believed that tea tree oil helps to get rid of acne, although it can cause an allergic reaction in some people.
    • Azelaic acid, which is found in natural products, may also help. Try using a cream with 20% of this acid.
    • Try using a cream with 2% green tea extract. This extract also helps reduce acne.

Medical help for acne

  1. Talk to your doctor about topical prescription drugs. These drugs are used in the same way as over-the-counter drugs, that is, they should be applied to the skin of the face. The difference is that they may contain active ingredients not found in over-the-counter products.

    Ask your doctor about oral medications. For more severe acne, your doctor may recommend topical products. These drugs are swallowed rather than applied to the skin and therefore have a more general effect.

    • Women can take oral contraceptives with estrogen to help restore hormonal balance.
    • Antiandrogen drugs also affect hormones, but the way they work is that they block the action of hormones on certain glands. These funds are also intended for women.
    • Another way is to take isotretinoin (Accutane) as a last resort. This drug is effective, but it can cause severe side effects such as depression, ulcerative colitis, and birth defects.
  2. Ask your doctor about antibiotics. Antibiotics can reduce the number of bacteria on the skin. In addition, they reduce inflammation and redness of the skin and purify it. Your doctor may prescribe a topical antibacterial cream or oral medications for you.

    • As a rule, doctors try not to prescribe oral antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. With too much use of such drugs, resistance to their action may develop. In addition, such drugs can adversely affect the natural microflora of the intestine and / or vagina.
  3. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of a chemical peel. To get rid of certain types of acne, dermatologists and cosmetologists use chemical peels. This method helps mainly with black acne and papules, it makes the skin smoother. Ask a specialist if it's right for you.

    Find out about laser and light treatments. Among other things, a dermatologist can use a laser. This allows you to reduce the number of bacteria on the skin of the face and tighten the pores, which helps with acne. Ask your doctor if this method is right for you.

  4. Consider removing scars. If you have scars on your face as a result of acne, a dermatologist can help you smooth them out. To do this, use chemical peeling and laser treatment, as well as some other methods.

    • Ask a dermatologist about dermal fillers that are injected under the skin to smooth it out.
    • Another way is microdermabrasion, which is, in fact, skin resurfacing with a special brush.
    • A more radical way is plastic surgery on the skin, in which the surgeon cuts out scars and closes up the remaining marks.

We all want to have beautiful and glowing skin. But how to achieve it at home? Read below how to get clear skin without pimples and breakouts.

How to make skin clear and smooth

Recipe #1


  • Four aspirin tablets;
  • Two drops of boiled water at room temperature;
  • One teaspoon of honey.

How to make a mask:

Take acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and grind it with water. Now add honey to this mixture and mix well. Now, using your fingers, apply the mixture on your face and rub in with massaging movements. Keep the mask for twenty minutes and then wash it off with cool water.

Recipe #2

To prepare this mask, you need three aspirin tablets and lotion. Mix the tablets with any lotion and rub this gruel into the skin of the face. Keep it for 25 minutes and then wash off the mask with warm water.

Recipe #3

We will need:

  • 7-14 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Fresh lemon juice;
  • Soda.


Take aspirin tablets and dissolve it in lemon juice and then apply this mixture on your skin. Keep this mask for ten minutes. Now wash off the mask with baking soda water.

Recipe #4

In order to prepare a mask according to this recipe, you need to combine four drops of water and two aspirin tablets. Then you need to add yogurt to this mixture and apply the mask on the skin. Keep this mask for no more than half an hour, and then rinse with water.

Recipe number 5

This is the easiest recipe for an aspirin mask that is applied pointwise. You need to dissolve aspirin in water and apply this gruel to problem areas of the skin. Keep the mask on for half an hour and then wash off.
These masks can be done no more than twice a week.

The content of the article:

Every girl knows that the most important thing in appearance is beautiful and well-groomed skin. If small imperfections appear on the face, this greatly affects the woman's self-esteem and confidence. Sometimes it can be difficult to pay maximum attention to your face, but if you know the most basic and simple tips, you can make your face perfect without much difficulty. You can read more about these cosmetic tips below.

  1. Each of us has heard the saying: “We are what we eat!”. This is a very correct statement, because the wrong food does a lot of harm not only to the body, but also to our appearance. The simplest example is when the use of certain foods is not perceived by the body and this is accompanied by an allergic reaction. Therefore, your skin will be grateful if you include foods rich in vitamin E, proteins and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Every day, eat 100 g of seeds or nuts, it is in them that there is a huge content of vitamin E. It protects the skin from inflammation and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Also include sea fish in your diet, it is considered indispensable for the beauty and health of the skin. All marine products are rich in fatty acids, which were mentioned above, they are responsible for the youthfulness of our skin. In addition, fresh vegetables and fruits should be present in the menu of each person every day. They have all the most necessary components for the full functioning of the body, and therefore for beautiful skin.
  2. Beauticians claim about the wonderful properties of green tea for our skin. The fact is that this type of tea contains a large amount of flavonoids. These substances have a strong antioxidant effect, thanks to which the youthfulness of the skin is preserved for a long time. In addition, it contains theine (analogous to caffeine), but unlike caffeine, its action is much milder, and therefore more beneficial. Green tea is recommended to drink every morning, because it not only has a positive effect on the skin, but also gives a boost of energy for the whole day.
  3. It is good to drink not only green tea, but also plain water. It is only desirable that it be clean, and not from a tap. After all, our body needs about 2 liters every day. liquids. If he receives it in such quantity, then the skin will always be clean and healthy.
  4. You can not do, of course, without folk recipes that will make your skin radiant. This recipe helps very well: mix chamomile and calendula in equal proportions, pour boiling water over them and leave for 20 minutes. Wash your face with this infusion every morning and in a month you will see how your skin condition has improved. Such an infusion can be frozen in ice molds, this is a great alternative to expensive cosmetics. The fact is that ice also has a very good effect on the skin. When you pass a cold cube of frozen broth across your face, it stimulates blood circulation, blood flow to the cells occurs, which provides maximum oxygen access to the skin.
  5. An excellent cleanser that will make the skin clean and velvety is beer, namely its foam. For best results, the foam can be applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with water. You can safely use this tool every day. Thanks to the yeast that is included in its composition, the complexion is perfectly leveled and the youthfulness of the skin is preserved for a long time.
  6. Thermal water for washing the face is also very popular. It is believed that the use of such water for daily washing significantly improves skin condition. As a result, its water balance is constantly maintained, so that the skin will not be prone to dryness and flaking. Also in this way you can get rid of black dots on the face. Of course, you can buy such a tool in any cosmetic store, but in addition, it is quite possible to make it yourself. Just buy regular sparkling mineral water and leave it open overnight. In the morning, wash your face with this water while letting your face dry naturally. In a month you will be able to see a completely different face - clean and healthy.
  7. Cucumber and its juice perfectly cleanses the face. If you don't have time to make your own cucumber juice lotion, just use a cucumber. Cut it into pieces and put on your face or you can just wipe your face. Regular cucumber procedures significantly improve complexion and nourish the upper layer of the epidermis.
  8. If you're going on a date or other important event and you suddenly get a pimple, it's easy to fix. It turns out that the well-known eye drops "Vizin" are used not only to treat the eyes, but also for the face. It is necessary to apply droplets to the inflamed areas and the pimple will instantly decrease, and the face will become clean and fresh.
  9. Many cosmetologists are sure that the condition of the skin depends on how we wash our faces. Namely, when washing your face, you should not use soap, as it greatly irritates the skin, resulting in pimples. American scientists came to the conclusion that if you refuse soap when washing your face, and wash your face with plain water, you can get rid of acne by 20-25%. There have also been a number of studies that have proven that after the use of soap, the sebaceous glands secrete much more sebum than it should be.
  10. To keep your face always clean, never squeeze the pimples that appear. After all, it is very difficult to put your face in order because of the spots and scars that remain after a squeezed pimple. In addition, by touching it, you can spread the infection all over your face and beyond. As a result, one small pimple can cause them to appear all over the face. Therefore, no matter how much you want, do not touch your face, so everything will soon pass by itself.
  11. Both the body and the skin need to get the maximum of useful vitamins. To do this, regularly pamper your face with different masks, using fresh fruits, vegetables, berries and dairy products for this. They can be combined with cosmetic clay, which is sold at any pharmacy at an affordable price. This clay perfectly refreshes, cleanses and nourishes the skin. Do not forget to thoroughly cleanse the skin, all the dirt and harmful effects of the environment penetrate deep into the pores and lead to irritation and acne.
  12. If you trust only cosmetics from well-known manufacturers, then it is important to remember that there are cosmetics for each skin type. After all, if a face cream of a very oily consistency is suitable for dry skin, moisturizing and nourishing it, then this product is absolutely not suitable for an oily type. This will further clog the pores of the epidermis, which will provoke excessive secretion of sebum. Therefore, if you still do not know your skin type, contact a beautician. He will conduct all the necessary analyzes in order to determine your type.
  13. The beauty of your skin is affected not only by what cosmetics you use, but also by whether you properly cleanse your face after cosmetics. The fact is that you should never go to bed with makeup on your face and eyes. Throughout the day, the skin is exposed to the harmful effects of the environment, because any exposure to temperature can injure it. Also, given that she rarely rests from cosmetics, then the night is the only time when she is saturated with oxygen and is in complete peace. That is why it is important to thoroughly cleanse your face before going to bed.
  14. And the main advice is to give up bad habits. After all, they are detrimental not only to the body, but also to the skin. For example, people who smoke can be recognized by this sign: they have yellow skin on their faces and hands. This is due to the fact that when inhaling cigarette smoke, a person inhales a lot of harmful substances along with it, which accumulate in the body and appear as a change in the color of the skin. It is advisable to replace all bad habits with sports, since movement improves blood circulation, which positively affects the color and tone of the skin. In addition, intense exercise leads to the release of sweat, which is considered a great natural way to cleanse the skin.
As you can see, having clear and healthy skin is not difficult at all. To do this, you do not need to use well-known face care products or go to expensive beauty salons. This result can be achieved thanks to several secrets. Follow our advice and your appearance will be irresistible!

Top expert tips for facial cleansing in this video:

The expression "perfect skin" is familiar to many, but what does it mean? First of all, it is a healthy epithelium. That is, the skin of a healthy face does not have irritations, acne, acne and any other rash. Secondly, clean covers. It is enough to wash your face regularly and wash off impurities from your face.

There are several important criteria that affect the appearance of the face:

  • nutrition;
  • care;
  • properly selected decorative cosmetics.

Tired skin will never look good. Before you achieve perfect facial skin, you will have to reconsider your daily routine a little. It is believed that for a normal rest, at least 8 hours a day are required for sleep. From how well the body rests at night, it also depends on how exactly the skin of the face will look in the morning.

However, sleep alone is not enough for the skin. It is necessary to carefully plan and daily diet. So, for example, the more fresh and it contains, the healthier and more radiant the skin of the face will look.

Fish oil, which should be included in the nutrition plan, makes the skin more elastic. Vitamins and minerals affect the body as a whole, which is reflected in the appearance of a person (especially useful for facial skin).

Refusal of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, uncontrolled portions of caffeine) is one of the prerequisites for improving the skin and body as a whole. It is worth remembering that nicotine, alcohol and coffee greatly and ahead of time age the skin, change its healthy color to gray and lifeless.

Properly selected care helps to make the tone smoother and the covers cleaner. For urban residents, the biggest problem is the lack of truly clean tap water. Usually it is spoiled by various impurities that adversely affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, for washing it is recommended to use thermal or bottled water without gas.

How high-quality and suitable decorative cosmetics are used for makeup also depends on how clean and fresh the skin of the face will remain for a long time. And, of course, do not forget that "everything is good in moderation", including the amount of this very cosmetics.

Cleansing and moisturizing the skin

Modern girls and women most often limit skin care to just buying a cream and some kind of lotion, forgetting about the two elementary rules of a healthy epithelium: cleansing and moisturizing. There are a number of simple steps that aim to do just that. And most importantly - do not take much time.

1. Firstly, it is enough to cleanse the dermis twice a day with low-fat kefir or lotion, the composition of which is as natural as possible. The product is applied to a cotton swab, then to the entire face, excluding the area around the eyes. When the composition is slightly absorbed (10-15 seconds), all fats, clogging of pores, impurities will begin to soften. After that, they are easy to remove with wet cotton pads. So that the product does not linger on the skin itself, does not make it tight and dry, it is washed off with weak tea leaves or chamomile infusion.

2. Secondly, you can improve the condition of the skin of the face and even make it perfect with the help of a regular and inexpensive baby cream that moisturizes and nourishes without causing irritation. It does not need to be applied in a thick layer, a small amount is enough, carefully massaged into the epithelium in a circular motion.

Of course, you can buy a cream that suits a certain type of skin, but most industrial products do not contain the most useful substances in the composition. In addition, there is no guarantee that it will really fit, will not cause irritation or allergies.

Olive oil is also good as a moisturizer, which is desirable to apply at night, as it is absorbed for a long time. A perfectly smooth face is achieved through the simple use of this affordable and natural remedy: first you need to wash your face with clean water, then lubricate the skin with oil in a thin layer. With this method, a greasy film on the skin will not be felt, which means that there will be no discomfort.

Olive oil has long been used by women as a skin care product, as it is a source of antioxidants and vitamins. For a person whose skin suffers from a lack of sun and trace elements, such a simple but effective moisturizing is very important.

3. Thirdly, you need to drink more fluids during the day. Water is the main component of the human body, so it is important to maintain its amount in the cells and in the skin. The more fluid you drink, the more vibrant your skin will look.

Home peels and masks

Despite the rich selection of industrial masks and peels, it is worth taking care of your face at least once a week with the help of home remedies. This way you will know for sure that natural ingredients are being used. And a fresh and disposable mask will have a deeper and more thorough effect than a long-term remedy due to preservatives. To get perfectly clear skin in just a week, try some simple and affordable skin care recipes.


Oatmeal flakes crushed in a blender are poured with warm water so that a homogeneous thick slurry is formed. It is applied to the skin with light massaging movements, starting from the forehead to the chin and décolleté. Wash off the gruel with the same movements using a cotton pad dipped in water. After the mask, a nourishing cream or olive oil can be applied to the skin. Applying such an oatmeal peel for seven days, it is possible to completely get rid of acne, blackheads and fine age wrinkles.

pomegranate seeds

Such a nourishing scrub mask is especially relevant in the winter. Firstly, it is at this time of the year that pomegranates are the most ripe and natural. Secondly, it is ideal as a moisturizer and protector for weakened and dull skin. Pomegranate seeds (half a handful) are crushed in a blender, mixed with half a small spoonful of honey and a large spoonful of orange pulp. The resulting mixture is applied with trampling movements on the skin (with the exception of the area around the eyes) for 10 minutes. You can use the scrub mask every day. In a week, the color will even out, the pores will become cleaner, and problematic rashes will disappear. The tool is not recommended for those who are allergic to at least one of the components.

Kefir and rice

This homemade mask has no contraindications. Rice grains are crushed (not into dust), mixed with a tablespoon of low-fat kefir, then applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. You can wash it off with running water or a suitable lotion. Such a simple combination of ingredients refreshes the skin well, nourishes it, prevents acne and rashes. Mimic wrinkles are smoothed, provided that the mask is applied at least 2 times a week.

For many, the ideal is clean, healthy, radiant facial skin. To achieve such a result is not at all difficult, as one might think. It is enough to fill in a few simple recommendations:

  • Before applying decorative cosmetics, you need to lubricate the skin with a protective and nourishing cream. The oily film will protect the skin from the negative effects of the components of cosmetics.
  • Touching your face less with your hands: a mass of bacteria often accumulates on the fingers, which, when it comes into contact with the skin, begin to multiply. Scraping and rubbing your face with your hands without special need is not worth it: the integrity of the covers is violated.
  • Do not squeeze pimples and blackheads on the skin. This is the simplest advice that many neglect. The more mechanical influence on the inflammatory processes of the skin, the faster they progress. It is more expedient to choose a good remedy for treatment and prevention.
  • To even out the tone of the face and make it perfect, it is advisable to pay attention to creams and lotions that contain retinol. It rejuvenates and heals the skin, makes the color more even and more pleasant.
  • Before you make your skin perfect, pay attention to your diet. The less preservatives and unhealthy foods you eat, the healthier you feel and, therefore, look. Cut down on sugary and fatty foods. These foods can cause a rash that first appears on the face. Excessive sugar in the diet causes acne and blackheads, not to mention extra pounds.
  • Protect your skin from direct sunlight. The better the face is protected, the longer it remains young and beautiful. The sun, despite some of its usefulness, ages and dries the skin.

Daily care, which takes only 10 minutes, will make the face young, fresh and clean. What else do you need for perfect skin?
