What to do to have a boy. Chinese table method for conceiving a baby

Today, many tricks are known to help conceive a child of a certain gender. The most faithful considered a method for ovulation.

Modern science knows that males carry X and Y chromosomes, while females carry only X chromosomes. Therefore, the fusion of an egg with a sperm carrying the Y chromosome will ensure the conception of a boy.

Sperm with a Y chromosome are faster, but less tenacious, in contrast to sperm with chromosome X, which, on the contrary, are slow, but remain viable much longer.

Fertilization occurs during the release of the egg into the abdominal cavity. If conception took place on this very day, then the chance of quick Y sperm to get to the egg first is much higher than that of leisurely sperm with the X chromosome.

Thus, the likelihood of conceiving a boy is greater on the day of ovulation or in the next 24 hours after it.

If you conceived two to three days before ovulation, you will most likely have a daughter. It must be remembered that 48 hours after ovulation the egg dies, and the chance of conceiving a child is reduced to zero.

Now there are many ways to determine ovulation. Measuring and charting will allow you to track ovulation yourself.

To promote the conception of a male child It is advised to place a gun or an ax under the marital bed. Adapting to the conditions of modern life, a toy car is quite suitable.

Just be careful that this item is not discovered or taken by older children. You will hope that the bait is in its place, and the doll was brought there a long time ago, and you will successfully conceive another daughter.

There is an opinion that the gender of the child is also influenced by parents' mood at the most intimate moment.

If a man is thinking about how to conceive a boy, then he should make sure that the woman gets more pleasure during intimacy than he does for himself. In other words, in order to conceive a boy, a woman must experience orgasm.

By tables and calendars

Since ancient times, people have been concerned about the problem of planning the gender of their unborn child. It was then that different peoples created different calendars and conceptions.

Chinese calendar

This calendar has become very popular lately. And if Chinese doctors claim that its accuracy is 99%, then, as the practice of Russian women shows, it meets the expectations of parents at best by 60-70%.

This calendar is very easy to use. The vertical axis reflects the age of the expectant mother at the time of conception, and the horizontal axis represents the months of conception. At their intersection is the letter “M” - in this month you can conceive a boy or “D” - in this month you can conceive a girl.

If you still decide to use this method, It is better to choose a cycle that fits entirely within one calendar month to conceive a child of the desired sex. This will increase the effectiveness of this planning technique.

Japanese calendar

In addition to Chinese, there is a Japanese gender planning calendar. It consists of two tables.

In the first table The mother's birth months are listed vertically, and the father's months horizontally. At their intersection you need to find a number.

Remembering this number and finding it in the top row of the second table, you need to select the month of conception in the column below it. Then, in the two central columns, by the number of stars, determine the probability of conceiving a child of which gender this month is the greatest.

Taking into account the lunar cycle

They did not lag behind the sages of the east in ancient Rus'. It had its own floor planning system. It was taken into account that the female cycle is similar to the lunar cycle, and every woman has an “inner moon.”

The new moon is a period of critical days. Marital relations were prohibited during this period. The period lasted a week.

The period from the 11th to the 17th day of the cycle was called the “lunar road”. This is the most favorable period for conceiving offspring.

Each day had its own patroness - Rozhanitsa. And who was born depended on which of the 7 Rozhanitsa was under the auspices of the day of conception.

The days of conceiving a child of each gender alternate according to the Slavic calendar: 11th day boy, 12th girl, 13th girl, 14th boy, 15th girl, 16th boy, 17th girl.

From 18 to 21 days, abstinence from intimacy is advised so that the offspring are born healthy. After 21 days of the cycle, the time for safe love comes.

Nowadays, it is rare to meet a woman whose cycle is constant. Stress, ecology, nutrition make changes to the natural functioning of the female body.

Another method for determining the days in order to conceive a boy is numerical.

If the mother's age is odd, for example, 27 years old, then a boy should be conceived in even-numbered months: February, April, June, August, October, December.

If the mother's age is even, then on the contrary, it is most likely to conceive a boy in January, March, May, July, September, November, that is, in odd numbers.

Besides, if the father is older than the mother, the likelihood of having a first-born boy is higher than girls. If a woman is confident and energetic, then most likely she will be the mother of a son.

Special diet

Since a mother needs more resources to bear and raise a male child, then Well-nourished women are more likely to give birth to boys than women whose nutrition is limited.

The method of planning the sex of an unborn child using preparatory diets has long been known.

This method is based on the fact that microelements included in products affect the biochemical structure of eggs, providing the greatest probability of penetration by sperm with an X or Y chromosome.

It is worth consuming fruits and drinks such as juices, hydrocarbonate mineral waters, and teas. Food should salt well.

Limit dairy, legumes, baked goods, which include raw, green salad. Seafood and calcium mineral waters are not recommended.

This diet should be started four months before conception. Then cancel.

The most accurate method

If planning the gender of the child is related with the transmission of hereditary factors related to gender, and the goal of conceiving a boy is the birth of a healthy child without the manifestation of severe hereditary diseases, it is worth resorting to.

Specialists will select sperm with Y chromosomes, fertilize the egg with them, and implant the embryo into the mother. This is a method with a very high probability of having a child of the desired gender (about 80%). It's easier to get a boy than a girl.

The method is expensive, and whether it’s worth resorting to if there is no threat to the life and health of the offspring, it’s up to you to decide.

If you add to the list of ways to conceive a boy, a little esoteric, according to Luule Viilma, a son is conceived by a man who wants to prove his worth to himself, to please himself. Men who are less confident have a higher chance of conceiving a boy than those who are overly proud of themselves.

A son adds pride to a man. A self-confident man does not need additional pride. Men with healthy self-esteem conceive children of different genders. To conceive a son, the father of several daughters should reconsider his opinion about himself.

A perinatal psychologist I know claims that before conception you can “agree” and invite a child of the desired gender into your family.

Another opinion is that the child should be asked near the water. At the pond, you should say that you are asking for help to conceive a boy.

Let's turn to astrology

There is a place to be astrological method planning the gender of the first child. Zodiac signs are divided into male and female.

Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius – male signs. Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces - female signs.

A woman of a masculine sign conceives a boy of a feminine sign first, and vice versa. If the mother is a female zodiac sign wants to be the first to conceive a boy, then intimacy must be planned so that the child is born of a male zodiac sign.

For example, if the mother is Scorpio, the expected gender of the child is Gemini. The birth period of Gemini according to the horoscope is from May 21 to June 21. That is, the option on how to conceive a boy is to plan unprotected intimacy at the end of September - beginning of October, 9 months before the planned birth of the child.

Among the existing many methods of planning the sex of offspring there is not one that guarantees a 100% hit rate exactly how to conceive a boy.

Some couples manage to conceive a boy by timing pregnancy planning using blood. Others take away from the maternity hospital a son conceived by calculations using Chinese or Japanese tables.

Still others diligently adhered to their diet. The fourth were lucky, and the ax placed under the pillow lured the heir.

But if suddenly, after all the calculations, instead of the long-awaited strong little boy, you bring a tiny miracle into your house in a pink envelope, is this a reason for grief? It is not for nothing that the conception and birth of a child are called sacraments.

And there are higher powers who are given to know that this is the baby you need more than anything in the world. This baby is a reflection of your love for each other.

Perinatal psychologists believe that before conception, you can dream about a child of a certain gender. This should not be done after conception., because the baby growing inside the mother feels her mood and it is very important for him to be desired.

Is the gender of the unborn baby so important? For some parents, the sex of the child is a fundamental point in planning a pregnancy. Based on some planning methods, you can really get as close to your goal as possible. However, it is unlikely that each of the methods can be considered a 100% guarantee of conceiving a baby of the desired gender.

This article presents the most popular ways to get pregnant with a boy.

Scientific methods of planning

Several methods of conceiving a male child are considered to be as accurate as possible from a medical point of view. These are the most popular methods that modern couples most often resort to.

Calculation of conceiving a boy based on mother's ovulation

At the moment of ovulation, the follicle ruptures and a mature egg is released. This period is considered the most favorable for fertilization. The sex of the unborn child depends on which chromosome is carried by the sperm that first reaches the egg. The carrier of the Y chromosome guarantees the birth of a male child, on the contrary, the X chromosome determines the birth of a girl.

It has been scientifically proven that sperm - carriers of the female chromosome - are more viable, while carriers of the male Y chromosome are more mobile, but die much faster. That is why it is important that the male chromosome is the first to fertilize the female cell.

The most favorable moment for the fusion of the Y chromosome and the egg of the expectant mother is the first day of ovulation (the release of a mature cell from the follicle). Faster carriers travel faster to the female egg, determining the male gender of the unborn child during fusion.

The predominance of carriers of the female chromosome in the father's ejaculate predetermines the birth of a girl. In addition, if for some reason sperm with the Y chromosome did not have time to fertilize the egg, the more tenacious X chromosome will do this after the death of other male cells.

The main problem with this method of getting pregnant with a boy by ovulation is precisely determining the first day of its onset. To do this, a woman needs to constantly monitor her cycle, recording the first and last day of menstruation every month. To calculate the favorable period based on the records, the expectant mother can contact a gynecologist who will help calculate how to become pregnant with a boy. Of course, this method does not provide a 100 percent guarantee, but with correct calculation and a regular cycle, the probability is very high.

Normally, the period of a full monthly cycle is twenty-eight days, and the moment the egg leaves the follicle occurs on the fourteenth day of the cycle. Knowing the day of ovulation, it is easy to plan conception.

In order for an heir to be born, it is recommended to have sexual contact with a partner within two days following the release of a mature egg, as well as directly on the day of ovulation. At this time, the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a boy is greater. Conception in the next two days after ovulation contributes to the birth of a girl.

It is more difficult to calculate how to get pregnant with a boy during the period of ovulation with an irregular monthly cycle. Therefore, the beginning of pregnancy planning should be preceded by examination and elimination of the causes of failures in the female body.

  1. Monitoring changes in the basal temperature of the female body. Measurements must be made during a period of rest, for example, after a night's rest by inserting a thermometer into the anus. As a rule, upward changes (by one degree) indicate the onset of ovulation.
  2. Control using special tests. Monitoring the maturation of follicles using ultrasound methods.

The father of the unborn child can also contribute to the conception of an heir by abstaining from sexual intercourse in the period preceding the onset of ovulation in a woman. Abstinence for a few days will improve the quality of sperm in male ejaculate.

How to get pregnant with a boy the first time? Having calculated the moment of ovulation, it is important to ensure that sperm reach the female cell in a timely manner and as quickly as possible. To do this, partners are recommended to use positions during sexual intercourse that promote the deepest penetration of the male genital organ.

Of course, after your period you can get pregnant with a boy, but on the 14th day of the cycle the probability is much higher.

Method of conceiving a son by controlling blood renewal processes

Another way to get pregnant with a boy. The essence of this method is based on the human body’s ability to spontaneously renew the blood.

In the female body, this process occurs every three years of life, in the male body - once every four years. By calculating younger blood, the sex of the unborn child is calculated. In addition, when calculating the age of the blood of each of the parents, facts of artificial renewal should be taken into account, for example, as a result of surgery when a transfusion is required.

To determine the age of the blood, the total number of years of each partner is divided accordingly by the number of renewal processes that have occurred. Whose blood turns out to be younger, that partner will play a decisive role in determining the sex of the embryo.

If the mother's Rh factor is negative, on the contrary, older blood is taken into account.

The following are considered artificial renewal processes:

  • surgical intervention associated with the process of blood transfusion;
  • abortions previously performed by a woman, including spontaneous ones (miscarriages);
  • previous births;
  • participation in voluntary blood donation.

On the Internet you can now find ready-made calculators for determining the sex of a child based on the frequency of the parents’ blood renewal processes.

Despite the fact that these calculations are based on the scientifically proven fact of periodic blood renewal, it cannot be called a priority way to get pregnant with a boy. This method cannot give a 100 percent guarantee. The fact is that renewal processes occur individually, and in any human body sometimes there are failures. Therefore, it is better to use the first option for calculating favorable days for conception.

Planning the sex of a child based on blood type

According to the proposed table, one can guess the gender of the unborn baby, but nothing more than a guess. Whether to trust this data, each couple will have to decide for themselves.

Radical IVF method

Modern methods of combating female infertility make it possible not only to give birth to the desired baby, but also to plan the gender of the unborn child.

True, in this case, this is rather a forced way to solve other problems, in particular, choosing the sex of the unborn child is a guarantee of his health. For example, if one of the parents suffers from a disease that is inherited along the line of his sex, it is possible to avoid manifestations of this disease in a child of the other sex. In other words, the unwanted birth of a daughter can be replaced by the birth of a son.

Specialists in the field of in vitro fertilization isolate sperm from the biological material of the father, which are carriers of a certain gender of the unborn child. The probability that the heir planned by the parents will be born is quite high (about 80 percent).

This procedure is an expensive pleasure, and is it worth it to give birth to a baby of the desired gender? It's up to the parents to decide, of course.

Planning your son's diet

Not the most promising method on how to get pregnant with a boy the first time, but it does, however, have its supporters. Its essence lies in following a certain eating behavior during the period of planning conception.

There is an opinion that the diet of future parents must necessarily include certain foods. To get pregnant with a boy, you need to eat:

  • natural meat products (cow, poultry and pork);
  • cereal products such as: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn grits, peas.
  • vegetable crops: beets, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, legumes.
  • fruit and berry products: banana, apricot, peach, date, cherry.
  • fish meat (mackerel, trout, salmon, flounder).
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, dates).

You can also drink coffee, black tea, chocolate.

Such a diet should be long-term and form the basis of the nutrition of both parents.

In principle, proper nutrition is the key to the health of any person and the birth of healthy offspring, so there is some common sense in this method.

Chemical method

The method is based on replacing the acidic environment of the internal cavity of the female genital organs with an alkaline one.

The first is an ideal environment for the female chromosome, the second is for the Y (male) chromosome. Therefore, in order to provide comfortable conditions for the fertilization of an egg by a carrier of a male chromosome, it is necessary to create an alkaline environment inside the female genital organs.

  1. This can be done naturally. For example, according to experts, female orgasm provokes a change from an acidic environment to an alkaline one, as a result of which conditions favorable for the Y chromosome occur naturally. Then it is desirable that the woman reaches the peak of intimacy before her partner.
  2. Create conditions for the survival of the Y chromosome carrier artificially. To do this, before starting sexual intercourse, a woman must perform internal irrigation with a specially prepared soda solution. Two tablespoons of soda must be dissolved in warm water and the vagina should be treated with the resulting solution using a syringe or an Esmarch mug.

Not only modern parents, but also our ancestors advocated for the birth of an heir. After all, a son is a man’s pride and a woman’s support.

Chinese method

How to get pregnant with a boy using the ancient Chinese method? Sages use the age of the mother and the month of expected conception as the main values ​​for determining the sex of the unborn child. Based on centuries-old observations, the Chinese created a table that their contemporaries use to this day.

The Chinese are convinced that a woman over twenty-five years of age is likely to give birth to a boy if conception occurs in the autumn or winter months of the year. On the contrary, in spring and autumn there is a high probability of conceiving a girl. As for younger women (under twenty-four years old), the scheme is applied exactly the opposite.

Of course, the correctness of this method can only be verified through trial and error.

Calendar - how to get pregnant with a boy, depending on the age of the expectant mother:

The ancient ways of our ancestors

Ancient Slavic culture is the source of a huge number of superstitions and beliefs relating to various spheres of people’s lives, including the mystery of how to quickly become pregnant with a boy.

  1. The moment of conception should occur during the waning moon phase.
  2. Ancestors advise, before intimate intimacy with a partner, to place under the spouses' bed a thing indicating masculinity (for example, a toy gun or sword).
  3. To conceive, you should choose a quiet, cloudless night.
  4. It is necessary to be guided by dates and numbers. For example, if the year of the planned conception is even, then the month should be chosen as odd, or for an odd year and the month should be chosen as odd.
  5. When intimate, the heads of the spouses should be in the direction of the north.
  6. At the moment of intimacy, a man should not be completely naked (for example, you can remain in a shirt or T-shirt).

Whether it is worth resorting to such methods and what to do to become pregnant with a boy is up to the parents of the unborn child to decide. Although, such methods can only be used as an experiment.

The Stargazer Method

Many couples, in their desire to give birth to a long-awaited son, are ready to listen to any, even the most incredible, advice.

Astrologers did not ignore this topic, offering their own way to get pregnant with a boy for the first time.

According to “star science,” all twelve signs of the Zodiac circle are divided into male and female.

The first group includes: Leo, Libra, Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

To the second: Pisces, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus and Virgo.

Based on this theory, a mother born under the sign of the female group is expected to give birth to her first male child, while a woman born under the sign of the male group is likely to give birth to a girl first.

Another option is possible if you first calculate the moment of conceiving a child so that the child is born under a certain sign of the Zodiac circle.

For example, the mother of the unborn child was born under a male sign (for example, Gemini) and, according to the astrological forecast, she should give birth to a daughter first, but she wants the opposite.

In this case, it is necessary to plan the moment of fertilization so that the baby is born during the period of the male zodiac sign (for example, Libra).

The likelihood of having a son with such planning increases several times.


Of course, none of the methods presented above can give an absolute guarantee that a couple, using these methods, will become pregnant with the long-awaited heir the first time. But such a possibility exists. Today, most often, modern parents resort to the scientific option and calculate the day of ovulation. This can be done either by calculating the cycle or by using special instant tests that are sold at any pharmacy.

Whether to resort to scientifically based methods on which days to become pregnant with a boy, or to be guided by the experience of past generations is the exclusive right of future parents. As a rule, in most cases, no matter who mom and dad want, the gender of the first-born is not as important as his health and happy life, and for this, the love and care of his parents is enough.

Despite the fact that many parents claim that the sex of the child is not important to them, each spouse still has his own idealization. In families where the issue of having a baby of a certain gender is fundamental, spouses follow a lot of advice and act in accordance with them. If you are tormented by the question of how to make a boy born, pay attention to ovulation. Everyone knows that Y-sperm take part in the process of conception. They have high mobility, but little vitality, which is why they will die if sexual intercourse occurs a few days before ovulation. It is best if conception occurs at the time of ovulation or immediately after it, as this will allow sperm to reach the egg and fertilize it. It is recommended that contact occur on the first day of ovulation - during this period of time an alkaline environment predominates in the vagina. But not every woman will be able to say exactly what time period she ovulates; for this, you can do special tests or undergo an ultrasound.

What needs to be done to have a boy?

Doctors recommend that partners not exercise a couple of days before ovulation. In the question of how to make a boy born, in vitro fertilization, which is considered the most reliable method today, can help you. But this method is expensive, since everything happens with the use of special devices that separate male and female sperm, after which fertilization takes place.

How to make a boy born - table

The gender of the unborn child can also be calculated using a special table, which takes into account the initial data of both parents. There are two tables for calculations - in one you perform calculations, and in the other you can look at the family figure and understand when the probability of having a boy is higher.

In this table we find the number at the intersection of the birth dates of the future father and mother:

In the table below, we look for our number and determine the probability of having a child of one gender or another.

From time immemorial, the question of the birth of an heir has worried young families. And even after centuries it does not lose its relevance. Either there are fewer difficulties with conceiving girls, or there are other reasons for this, but much more often search engines are asked what to do to have a boy.

How to get pregnant with a boy: a scientific approach and the opinion of doctors

From a scientific point of view, everything is very simple. The sex of the unborn child depends on only one thing: whether the female egg will be fertilized by a male sperm with a boy (Y) or a girl (X) chromosome. But from a practical point of view, it is very difficult to ensure that the right sperm does the job you need. Meanwhile, it is possible to contribute to this process. You just need to understand that it is impossible to conceive a boy with a 100% guarantee. Therefore, a couple planning a child of the desired sex must be ready to accept any result. You should decide to take such a step only if a man and a woman are ready to become loving parents for a son, a daughter, or both at once - just in case.

Gynecologists warn that it is impossible to conceive a boy or girl if there is no ovulation. Therefore, it is necessary to start with an examination, and both parents should prepare for conception.

How to conceive a boy naturally

The most important condition for a successful attempt to get pregnant is the reproductive health of the man and woman. But if they decide to conceive a child of a particular gender, then many other factors play a role, such as: what month or year to plan a pregnancy, what day to have sex, what positions are most suitable for this, what to eat, and so on.

To increase your chances of success, you should combine several methods at once.

How to conceive a boy by ovulation

Let's start with the most important thing, without which conception is generally impossible. Of course, this is ovulation, that is, the release of an egg ripe for fertilization. Normally, it occurs in a woman every menstrual cycle, in most cases in the middle, approximately 14 days before the start of the next period.

The egg has a short lifespan - about one day, but no more than two. That is, conception can occur within these 24-48 hours. To do this, it is necessary that the sperm are already in the fallopian tube or get here during ovulation. In the first case, the likelihood of conceiving a girl increases, because X-sperm are less mobile, but more tenacious. They are able to maintain their viability for several days, confidently moving towards their goal. In the second case, the chances increase specifically for Y-spermatozoa, because they are nimble and agile, they move faster (but also die earlier).

This means that in order to conceive a boy, sexual intercourse must take place on the day of ovulation. Moreover, a few days before this, the future father should not ejaculate, so as not to “waste” the sex cells with male chromosomes, and a day or two after the couple should use condoms or exclude sex, so as not to give the X-sperm a chance to fertilize the egg, if the Y-sperm "will be defeated."

Of course, in order to conceive a boy by ovulation, it is necessary to determine exactly when it occurs. There are many different methods for this, including measuring basal temperature, conducting special home tests, signs of ovulation and others. This method of planning the sex of a child is considered one of the most effective.

How to conceive a boy: positions

Choosing the right sexual position will facilitate this process. Actually, there can be many such poses - depending on your imagination, experience, preferences, willingness to experiment and desire. The only condition for successful sexual intercourse in order to become pregnant with a boy, from the perspective of positions, is that penetration must be deep enough to shorten the path of sperm to the egg as much as possible.

It is not necessary, but it is desirable that the woman be in a horizontal position or be able to take it immediately after ejaculation. After such sexual intercourse, the potential mother is advised to lie down and rest for a while so that sperm does not leak out of the vagina. If she places a cushion or pillow under her buttocks, it will only be better.

How to conceive a boy according to renewal and blood type

So, we've sorted out the technology. Let's analyze other factors that can influence the sex of the embryo. There is a theory that every few years our blood is renewed. For men, this happens every 4 years, for women - every 3. Whose blood turns out to be more “fresh” will “pass on” its gender to the future child. How to calculate this?

For example, a woman is 23 years old, a man is 28.

23:3=7 (remaining 2) - the woman’s blood was renewed 2 years ago.

28:4=8 - the man’s blood was renewed this year.

If this couple becomes pregnant, then most likely a boy will be born, because the father’s blood is “younger”.

But using this method, two important conditions must be taken into account:

  1. Any intense blood loss (during childbirth, abortion, surgery, etc.) changes the blood renewal cycle. In this case, the year in which the precedent with a large loss of blood occurred should become the starting point (and not the year of birth).
  2. The blood of women with negative Rh is considered to be stronger the older it is. That is, if the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, this method should be used “the other way around.”

The blood type of the future parents also matters:

At the intersection of the blood groups of the father and mother, there is a designation of the most likely sex of the child of this couple. In addition, it is believed that with different Rh factors, parents are more likely to have sons.

How to conceive a boy with soda

In continuation of the medical arguments, one cannot help but recall this factor. Namely, that the acidity of the vaginal environment plays an important role in the ability to get pregnant in principle, and to become pregnant with a boy in particular.

Thus, it is known that different sperm feel differently in the acidic and alkaline environment in the vagina. The female ones, for example, die in an alkaline pH, while the male ones are very susceptible to acidic pH. Therefore, for the latter to survive, it is necessary to create a comfortable alkaline environment.

Baking soda can do this perfectly. It is necessary to dissolve 2 tablespoons in 1 liter of warm boiled water and douche before sexual intercourse.

A more pleasant way is for a woman to have an orgasm before the man ejaculates. This is explained as follows: the natural female secretions formed at the moment of orgasm alkalize the vaginal environment, thus creating the most favorable conditions for carriers of the Y chromosome and immobilizing their “rivals”.

How to get pregnant with a boy: Chinese calendar

The calendar principle is also successful in conceiving a child of the expected gender. That is, you need to choose the right month in which your chances will be as high as possible. The Chinese and Japanese method of planning the gender of a child is based on this principle.

The first looks somewhat primitive: a specially designed table indicates the months in which a woman of a certain age will be most likely to conceive a boy or girl. The role of the father is not taken into account at all, and therefore the Chinese method of planning the sex of a child is rightly criticized a lot.

How to get pregnant with a boy: Japanese table

The Japanese planning method is more popular because it is considered more reliable. Indeed, in this case, the age of not only the mother, but also the father is taken into account. Therefore, there are two tables for calculation. Using them, you can determine the month in which conceiving a boy will be the greatest success for a particular couple.

Reviews indicate that the Japanese method often turns out to be true. But there are also many counterexamples.

How to get pregnant with a boy according to the lunar calendar

Astrologers are sure that a person is entirely dependent on the Moon and the phases in which it is located and, of course, this affects his fate, including the birth of children.

To conceive a son according to the lunar calendar, plan sexual intercourse during the period when the Moon is in the signs of Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra or Sagittarius. In this case, be sure to take into account the lunar day, since on certain days the risk of conceiving a sick child, with a bad character or a difficult fate, increases.

If you want to conceive a healthy, smart boy, then plan sexual intercourse for the next lunar day:

11 - the heir will be distinguished by health and energy;

15 - the child will have a strong but uncontrollable character;

19 - the baby conceived on this day will become honest and courageous;

21 is a favorable day for conceiving a son.

How to conceive a boy: folk methods

The most ancient method of conceiving a child of the desired gender includes other methods, one of which is a special “diet” that must be followed several months in advance. It is believed that eating and avoiding certain foods can affect the sex of a woman planning a pregnancy.

To get a boy, you will have to give up exotic seafood, egg yolks, milk, flour products, green beans, cabbage and garden herbs, nuts, ice cream, and calcined mineral water.

Bananas, oranges, peaches, dried fruits, mushrooms, potatoes, legumes, cereals, fish, meat, sausages, pickles, dark chocolate will be useful in this regard. If your weight does not exceed 55 kg, then you will have to gain a little, because the chances of conceiving a son at such a body weight are greatly reduced.

For a long time, people have tried to influence the gender of their unborn child in various ways, which today cause more smiles than trust. Nevertheless, these folk signs have survived to this day:

  • It is necessary to dream about the birth of a son and visualize your heir as vividly as possible.
  • A son should be conceived on a full moon, on a quiet, calm, bright night.
  • The most favorable days for this are men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).
  • It is necessary to remain completely calm and relaxed, since girls are more often born against a background of nervousness and stress.
  • Under the pillow or under the bed (according to some sources - on the window) you need to put some object symbolizing masculinity.
  • Before intercourse, you need to bandage the little finger of your left hand (for a woman) and the left testicle (for a man) with a simple thread. By the way, such a funny sign arose at a time when people realized that different male sperm are responsible for the formation of embryos of different sexes. Only then was it believed that these different types of sperm were located in different testicles of a man.
  • The chances are greater for those couples where the man is older than the woman.

What does a man need to do to get a boy?

So, despite the fact that the sex of the unborn child depends entirely on the genetic material of the man, the woman, as we see, is also capable of influencing the final result. But the potential father should not remain on the sidelines. Let's summarize what a man can do to have a boy:

  • Quit smoking, if you have such a habit, because fathers who smoke are less likely to have sons.
  • Do not ejaculate several days before sexual intercourse.
  • Wait until the woman ovulates.
  • Take a cool shower before intimacy.
  • Choose a position with deep penetration and at the same time show delicacy and attentiveness, because such deep penetrations (especially sharp ones) can cause discomfort and pain to the partner.
  • Bring a woman to orgasm and only after that allow yourself to relax.

In addition, sperm with Y chromosomes die at elevated temperatures. This means that both men and women should avoid any overheating in the pelvic area (refuse to visit the sauna, take hot baths, wear synthetic underwear, etc.).

How to Conceive a Boy Guaranteed

Each of the methods described has the right to life and, in combination with other methods, can be effective. But if you want to get pregnant with a boy for sure, you must understand that none of them, not even artificial insemination, provides a 100% guarantee.

Meanwhile, it is with the help of IVF that one can “order” the gender of the unborn child with the highest accuracy, because with this method of fertilization it is technically possible to implant sperm of a certain chromosomal type, and the highest quality ones, into the egg. However, this does not mean that you will be able to conceive a boy the first time.

Moreover, resorting to IVF for this purpose is permissible only in cases where the birth of a girl may have negative medical consequences (for example, when there is a high risk of developing genetic pathologies in a female fetus). Moreover, this method is expensive.

But, you see, you can love both your daughter and your son equally. Yes, there’s a lot to choose from: why not experiment? Combine several methods - and who knows...

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIOVA

The birth of a child is always a joy for a strong and loving couple. But it also happens that for some reason the birth of a child of a certain gender will please you a little more.

Most often this happens in families that already have one or two children of the opposite sex. Human experience has accumulated a lot of signs and methods on this topic, some from the realm of superstition, some raising doubts, and some completely scientifically substantiated. Below we will talk about how to conceive a boy, we will describe all the possible ways.

Scientists have been conducting research and collecting statistical data on this topic for a long time and they have good material for reflection. For example, it was found out:

  1. Girls are more often given birth to women with excess body weight, and boys are often born to women with a stable nervous system;
  2. Initially, slightly more boys are conceived and born;
  3. The gender of the baby is 100% determined at the moment of fertilization, although it will be possible to find out a little later;
  4. And the sex of the child depends on the type of sperm that fertilized the egg. If the sperm is a carrier of the X chromosome, then the sex will be female, and if it is Y, then the sex will be male. But this process itself is controlled exclusively by nature. You can, of course, make some calculations that will make the conditions more favorable for one of the chromosomes, or artificially inseminate a woman, but with normal sexual intercourse, science does not give a 100% guarantee of becoming pregnant with a baby of a certain gender;
  5. There are more sperm with Y chromosomes in percentage terms and they are faster, but their life span is shorter. And sperm with X chromosomes live longer, but move more slowly. The calculation systems are based on this knowledge.

How to calculate the sex of a child by date of conception

If fertilization has already occurred and the date of conception is probably known (usually it is calculated by ultrasound), then by counting you can try to determine the sex of the child. To do this, you need to know the approximate date of your ovulation.

Ovulation is the process of an egg leaving the ovary and traveling through the fallopian tube on its way to the uterus. At this moment, a sperm must overtake and fertilize it; if this does not happen, then it will disintegrate and menstruation will come.

This happens approximately in the middle of the cycle. If conception occurred on this day and 2 days before or after, then there is a high probability that it is a boy. If it is more than 4-5 days away from ovulation, then it is most likely a girl.

This method works great if done at least 3 months before the expected pregnancy. Then you can easily find out with high probability the exact date of ovulation.

If the method seems confusing, you can turn to an online calculator. You just need to enter the date of the start of your last menstruation and it will give you your expected gender.

How to conceive a boy naturally

There are several ways to try to plan the gender of your child when conceiving naturally:

None of these results are 100%, so you shouldn’t push yourself too hard; you can find advantages in the birth of any child. Girls are very affectionate and emotionally closer to their parents. And boys are protectors in the family and will always help their parents in old age.

How to conceive a boy: Chinese calendar and Japanese table

There are Asian tables that can be used to calculate the month in which you can become pregnant with a boy. Chinese and Japanese. Now they are very fashionable and many people have heard about them.

And in the second, this number will already show the chances of getting pregnant boys in specific months.

These tables do not have any scientific evidence; these are just observations. They do not always show the same result, so which one to believe is not entirely clear. It makes sense to try to calculate for several familiar couples and compile personal statistics on which table turned out to be more correct.

How to get pregnant with a boy according to the lunar calendar

There is another calendar that will help you calculate the favorable months for conceiving a male lunar baby. All zodiac signs are divided into male and female. The masculine ones are: Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra and Sagittarius.

In order to get pregnant with a boy, you just need to know when the moon is in these signs.

You can find out this on resources dedicated to astrology. There are calculators that can easily calculate this.

Traditional methods

There are, of course, folk signs on how to conceive a boy or girl. Here are a few similar signs:

During conception, lie with your head facing south towards the girl and north towards the boy.

There are also specific signs on how to get pregnant with a girl:

  • have sexual intercourse under a young apple tree;
  • before conception, a woman should eat “female” foods (milk, eggs, bread), exclude salt;
  • conceive on a full moon;
  • put a comb and a mirror under the pillow;
  • have sex only in the rain and frost.

And if you need a male baby, then these:

  • put a man's instrument under the pillow;
  • do not fall asleep immediately after sex;
  • before making love, a man should take a cold shower;
  • a woman should eat nourishing “male” foods (meat, fish, mushrooms, potatoes, salt).

Perhaps they will seem dubious to rational people, but who knows, maybe folk wisdom is not lying. Some of them, such as diets and cold showers, even have a scientific basis.

What does a man need to do to get a boy?

But what should a man do if he really wants an heir? What role can he play in this? Its main task is to have motile sperm carriers of the Y chromosome. A couple of tips can help with this:

  1. It is known that sperm carrying the male chromosome do not tolerate high temperatures very well. Therefore, you should avoid a hot bath, and it is better to take a cool shower. But not cold! If the temperature is too low, all sperm lose viability;
  2. Eat foods rich in sodium (vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs) and avoid foods rich in calcium (dairy);
  3. Have sex more often, and in positions in which the head of the penis has maximum contact with the cervix. With abstinence, the concentration of sperm carrying female chromosomes increases, as they live longer.

Sex planning using IVF and other procedures

How to conceive a boy 100 percent using IVF? The procedure of artificial insemination is resorted to when it is not possible to conceive a baby naturally. This method has a pleasant bonus: you can find out the sex of the embryo and select the desired one from the fertilized ones.

To do this, preimplantation genetic diagnosis can be done. Its main task is to select a healthy embryo without pathologies, and sex determination is already done along the way. When artificial insemination is performed using intracytoplasmic sperm injection, such a diagnosis is mandatory and will be more accurate.

It is unlikely that anyone will do IVF specifically just to choose the gender of the child. Unless it is known that the parent has a dangerous genetic disease that is transmitted only through the female/male line. Because it's not that simple:

  1. Before fertilization, a woman takes a loading dose of hormones so that more oocytes are formed than usual. What will hasten the onset of menopause and premature aging;
  2. The cost of fertilization itself is no less than 100 thousand rubles, and the cost of preimplantation diagnostics is another 70 thousand rubles. average;
  3. This is an intervention in the female body, which includes anesthesia. And no one knows exactly what consequences this will bring to a particular woman;
  4. Pregnancy is not 100% guaranteed.

The conclusion is this: if you have a stable financial situation and those who are already doing IVF, you can use this diagnosis. But as a way to get pregnant with a boy, this is not a very good idea.

Another clinical method is flow laser sperm sorting. Using a laser, you can weed out sperm with an unnecessary chromosome. And using intracytoplasmic injection, introduce it into the egg. This method is more successful when planning a girl. The chance of becoming pregnant with a male fetus is only 70%.
