What to do if your face is very tanned? My face is sunburned: what to do?

Missing the summer sun, we rush to enjoy its rays, eagerly exposing ourselves to its warmth.

Hurrying to the beach for sea air and a bronze tan, we often forget about such simple and well-known precautions.

There are special safe hours for tanning.
People with pale skin should be especially careful. Sunbathing is recommended from 7 to 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m.

It seems like we haven’t been in the sun for long, and just think, we forgot to apply cream a couple of times, and the result is disastrous - our face is sunburnt. What to do?

And the most unpleasant thing about this is that you can’t hide your burnt face. We can only hope that folk recipes will help us.
But before we start self-medicating, let's understand the stages of a sunburn on the face.

Determining the degree of severity

Burns, including sunburn, can be varying degrees of severity.

Light - accompanied only by redness of the skin. And severe burns can cause blisters and blisters on the skin. In the latter case, you must immediately see a doctor.

And if your face is not badly sunburned, then you can provide first aid yourself at home.

Leveling the temperature

The hot skin of the face needs to be cooled to its normal temperature. For this put your face in cold water. Heat exchange between water and skin will lower the temperature of the latter, reducing the risk of damage.

The most accessible remedy is cool (but not icy) compress on affected areas of skin. The compress will help reduce inflammation and provide significant relief from pain. If you repeat the procedure several times, the burning sensation will soon subside.

A common mistake is to apply ice cubes to damaged skin. Temporary relief will result in a sad picture of the death of the epithelium and a long recovery period, possibly with cosmetic defects in the future.

If your face is severely sunburned, you should never use a folk remedy in the form of vegetable oil: any oil ointments will only increase the fever, making the situation worse.
A small amount of Vaseline is allowed only for minor burns, and then only at the healing stage.

You can use folk remedies

  • Sour cream, kefir or whey

The most common folk remedies if your face is sunburnt are sour cream, kefir and whey. Moreover, for drier skin types it is advisable to use sour cream; for oilier skin, whey and kefir are recommended.
If you only have yogurt on hand, then before applying yogurt, you need to make sure there are no flavorings or dyes in it.
Just lubricate your face with one of the listed products, but keep in mind that such a mask should never dry out on your face.

If you have a sunburn on your face, tightening your skin is contraindicated, otherwise you will cause it even more pain. Therefore, as soon as you feel that the sour cream (or kefir) applied to your face begins to dry out, immediately remove it with a damp cotton swab, and then apply a new fresh layer.

For better results, sour cream, whey or kefir should be cooled in the freezer before use.

  • Egg white

An equally effective remedy for a sunburn on the face is raw and cold egg white, which helps relieve heat and eliminate pain. But again, it is recommended to use it if your skin is more prone to oily type.
The method of using protein is similar to the recipe with sour cream. Just lubricate the damaged areas of the skin with it, and remove it with a cotton swab dipped in cold water as soon as it begins to dry out on the face.

  • Oatmeal mask

When your face burns in the sun, it is always accompanied by unpleasant and painful sensations. Regular oatmeal will help soothe such skin:
Pour a small amount of cold water over a handful of lightly crushed flakes to form a paste, which you can apply to your face. As soon as the oatmeal mask begins to dry out, remove it with a cool, damp pad and apply the next layer.

Or dry oatmeal should be wrapped in a cloth, moistened with cool water and used as a compress.

For compresses for sunburn of the face, you can use oatmeal: Dilute 1 tbsp in 1 glass of clean and warm water. spoon of oatmeal, and then cool the resulting composition. You can add a couple more pieces of ice before use.

  • Frozen cottage cheese

What else can ease your suffering in situations where your face is sunburned is frozen cottage cheese. Freeze it in the freezer until solid, then wrap it in a piece of gauze and apply it to your face.

  • Cucumber and potatoes

Another folk remedy that can help with mild sunburn on the face is raw potatoes and cucumber. Just apply slices of fresh cucumber or peeled potatoes (you can use grated mixture) on your face. But again, it is advisable that the vegetables are cold. Therefore, before using, place them in very cold water or in the freezer for a while.

Compresses made from weakly brewed and very cold tea, both black and green, are also a good remedy for sunburn. The catechins and tannic acids it contains help alleviate discomfort.

One of the most effective home remedies for someone who is sunburned is aloe juice. Remove the skin from one side of the leaf and squeeze the juice onto the skin.

  • Turmeric

Turmeric has antiseptic as well as medicinal properties that help relieve the pain and inflammation associated with sunburn blisters. You can mix 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder with a little water to make a paste and apply it to the burn, leaving it on for 10 minutes.

A few days after the sunburn goes away, the skin darkens and flakes, resulting in the removal of some of the cells containing melanin from the body, and the tan fades.

Adding medications

If you feel unwell, you can drink antipyretic or pain reliever. Aspirin or analgin usually helps.

  • Anti-burn drugs

It’s great if you have special anti-burn products on hand: Panthenol or Bepanten. Make it a rule to take them with you on all your vacation trips.

The first thing, immediately after returning home from the beach, is to get rid of the itching and pain on your face. In order to wash off the salt and sand, wash your face with cool water (precisely cool, so as not to hurt yourself). You can use soap. In this case, apply the soap very carefully, with gentle movements. This procedure will ease your condition. It is also recommended to take special anti-inflammatory and painkillers that will help stop the process of skin inflammation and also reduce pain.

Panthenol is perhaps the most effective remedy for combating burns. It comes in creamy and foamy forms. The sooner you apply the product to burnt skin, the faster you will get rid of the burns.

Additional tips for treating sunburned skin

I offer a few more tips to help you deal with the problem faster:

  1. Drink more water and juices, do not ignore thirst. It is very important to monitor your water balance. With sunburn, the body becomes dehydrated. That's why you should increase your consumption of water and various fortified freshly squeezed juices.
    Particularly rely on vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant is found in dried rose hips (up to 1500 mg of vitamin C per 100 g of rose hips), black currants (250 mg/100 g), red (250 mg/100 g) and green sweet peppers (125 mg/100 g), garden strawberries (60 mg/100 g), oranges (50 mg/100 g) and many other food products.
  2. Do not wash with hot or cold water: both can irritate the skin.
  3. Do not rub the affected areas with a washcloth or towel, or clean with scrubs, since any maceration increases the inflammatory reaction
  4. Do not try to peel off the skin from burst blisters. Avoid rubbing and injuring the affected area. Otherwise, inflammation may increase.
  5. Pay attention to the soap. Some types of soaps and washing gels can irritate the skin: do not wash damaged areas with alkaline soap, which destroys the protective skin layer.
  6. When the redness has subsided a little, you can safely use a fragrance-free moisturizer. Apply the cream liberally over the next few days to prevent flaking and irritation.

PS. The benefits of sun exposure clearly outweigh the risks, and smart practices can help minimize them. To safely enjoy clear weather, the following safety measures are recommended:

Protect your face and eyes by wearing a wide-brimmed hat or cap. Facial skin is thinner and more sensitive than other areas of the body, so it is prone to sunburn and, consequently, the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Use sunscreen. A person who plans to spend a lot of time in the sun would benefit from protecting his face, shoulders and arms with sunscreen. This is especially true for those who have flown to vacation in hot countries: the skin of these people is not accustomed to the local sun and needs protection and adaptation.

Limit exposure time. Those with fair skin should be especially careful: in the midday heat you can get burned in just a few minutes. But the more tanned the skin becomes, the longer you can tan. The time spent on the beach should be increased carefully and gradually, giving preference to the morning and evening hours, when the rays fall at an angle of approximately 30 degrees.

Eat right. Oddly enough, the right diet even affects the quality of the tan, and, thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect of antioxidants, can reduce the risk of getting a burn. This is another reason to indulge in delicious natural remedies that summer itself generously gifts us with: pomegranates, raspberries, strawberries, legumes, prunes and plums, nuts and dried fruits, cherries, raisins and grapes, citrus fruits, radishes, cabbage, carrots, radishes, beets, eggplant, green tea.

And the last thing: try not to forget about the rules of staying in the sun, the rules of tanning. The sun is very hot these days, and if you don’t use sunscreen, you can get really sunburnt!
Based on materials

The danger of getting burned while sunbathing is very high. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your skin in advance and apply a protective agent to it. If your face is burned, we will give you some recommendations.

The danger of getting burned while sunbathing is very high. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your skin in advance and apply a protective agent to it. If your face is burned, we will give you some recommendations on how to relieve redness and pain and continue enjoying the sun.

Look at friendly photos from the first summer picnic: there is always at least one person whose face is burned. How to remove redness? Act quickly: Photoshop will not protect you from unpleasant sensations and a flaky nose.

Try to prevent burns

1. The highest sun activity is observed from 12 to 16 hours of the day, this is when the risk of getting a burn increases many times over. Try to stay in the shade during this time.

2. After swimming, dry yourself thoroughly with a towel. Drops of water, acting like a magnifying glass, enhance the sun's effect on the skin.

3. Some medications increase the sensitivity of the skin to light. If you are taking any medications, read the instructions carefully.

4. Don't forget about protective creams, lotions and suspensions. And be sure to wear a Panama hat.

Burnt face: how to relieve redness, itching and pain?

1. Wash your face with clean, fresh, cool water (you can use gel for washing).

2. Take an aspirin tablet. This will help reduce pain and prevent skin inflammation.

3. If your face is badly burned, a kefir mask can relieve the redness. Dip a handkerchief in it and cover your face, making a slit for your nose. After 20-30 minutes, rinse off.

4. A mixture of sour cream, egg yolk and a spoon of vegetable oil will not only help relieve redness, but will also quickly heal sunburn. Apply the mask to your face 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes.

5. If your facial skin is severely sunburned and you don’t know how to remove the redness, use regular brewed green or black tea. Soak a piece of cloth in it and cover the burnt surface.

6. Aloe juice heals burns well.

7. Another effective remedy that has long been used by people is a mask made from raw grated potatoes. Grate the root vegetable on a fine grater and apply thickly to your face. Relief will come very quickly. After 2-3 sessions, the healthy color of the skin will return.

8. If you don’t have any products at hand, use fresh cucumber. It does not have such a strong healing effect, but it can reduce burn symptoms.

9. Also, when your face is sunburned, you can relieve redness and itching with 2-3 tbsp. l. oatmeal, brewed with boiling water. Cool the pulp and generously cover the skin with it. After 15-20 minutes, rinse off.

10. It’s great if you have special anti-burn products on hand: Panthenol or Bepanten. Make it a rule to take them with you on all your trips.

1. If you are sunburned, try to drink as much liquid as possible: water, berry juice.

2. Eat more fruits containing vitamin C, as it promotes tissue repair.

3. Each time after using any of the products, lubricate your face with moisturizer.

Summer is the most long-awaited and desired time of the year, not only for children tired of school and kindergartens, but also for their mothers, as well as all the beautiful representatives of the fairer sex. After all, girls and women can finally rid themselves of boring solariums by exposing their faces to such a gentle sun.

  • 1. How to remove redness if your face is sunburned?
  • 2. What not to do if your face is sunburned
  • 3. First aid for sunburn
  • 4. Methods for treating sunburn
  • 5. Preventing sunburn on the face

However, it should be remembered that the sun may not always be kind. The best hours for tanning naturally are considered to be the time period from 7:00 to 11:00 in the morning, as well as in the evening after 16:00. In the period from 11:00 to 16:00, the sun turns from a benevolent friend into an insidious enemy and can cause considerable damage to the skin, such as sunburn. And if this does happen, then every victim is faced with the question - what to do if your face is sunburned?

How to remove redness if your face is sunburned?

There are two types of facial sunburns, the gradation of which comes from the severity of the burn and damage to the epidermis. This is how they distinguish:

  • minor burns;
  • severe burns.

In this case, mild sunburn is defined as slight redness of the facial skin. Whereas severe burns are most often accompanied, in addition to significant redness, by the appearance of blisters and blisters on the surface layer of the epidermis.

In the latter case, namely in case of severe burns, self-medication is contraindicated; you should immediately seek help from a doctor. If you receive mild burns, you can try to help yourself. So what can you do if your face is burned?

  • You should immediately try to lower the temperature of the burned areas of your facial skin. To do this, you can immerse your face in a bath of cold water.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications will help lower the temperature in the future. The use of painkillers is also allowed.
  • Remember that any burn leads to dehydration of the body, therefore, the daily volume of clean water consumed should be significantly increased.
  • Now let's try to help the skin of the face itself. To do this, you can use any fermented milk product, for example, kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk in the form of a face mask. Green tea helps relieve redness. Raw juice using potato pulp itself will also help relieve redness and inflammation. Don't forget about cucumber and, of course, aloe juice.
  • If your face is burned in the sun, and you were almost ready for this, then feel free to use panthenol.

But there are a number of measures that absolutely cannot be done if your face is sunburned.

What not to do if your face is burned

In the event that you have already received a sunburn on your face, you should not panic and rush into radical methods and treatments. Considering the severity of sunburn, you need to approach this issue very responsibly. So, it turns out that if your face is slightly burned, then you cannot:

  • Rub the skin with ice cubes. Although ice will bring initial relief, it will still be temporary, this is one thing, and, secondly, it is the sharp temperature change that further contributes to the death of the upper layer of the epidermis, which affects the skin with such damage as scars and age spots.
  • Under no circumstances should you use alkaline soaps, washcloths, scrubs and tonics when washing your sunburned face. These cosmetic preparations aggravate the damage to the upper layer of the epidermis, destroying its protective layer.
  • Treating skin with sunburn with alcohol or any alcohol-containing preparations is strictly prohibited. Alcohol will not only dry out the epidermis, but will also cause additional inflammation.
  • Vaseline-based creams are strictly prohibited for use. Also, you should not lubricate your face with any fats, both animal and vegetable origin.
  • It should be remembered that piercing blisters from burns can lead to the appearance of inflammatory foci and infection of the epidermis, and subsequently to scars.
  • You should try to avoid direct sunlight on the burn area.
  • During the acute period, you should not drink any alcoholic beverages, as well as coffee and tea.

First aid for sunburn

A very important aspect is providing first aid for a sunburn on the face. Considering that the degree of severity in the first few minutes is almost impossible to determine, since the skin in any variants and types of complexity has significant redness, you should immediately resort to measures such as:

  • get away from direct sunlight, it is better if it is a building or a canopy, but even the shade of trees or an impromptu canopy made of a towel will do;
  • if you feel nausea, weakness and dizziness, you must call a doctor, since these are the symptoms that indicate a severe burn and heat stroke;
  • to remove high temperature from burn areas, cover them with a wet cloth, preferably gauze, and change such a compress as it warms up, but at least every 15-20 minutes;
  • If there is a shower or running clean water nearby, then the best remedy is to wash your face with cold water without using soap.

Methods for treating sunburn

To understand how to treat a sunburn, you must first understand what degree this burn belongs to. If you want to remove redness from your face after sunbathing, you can get by with basic cosmetics and folk methods. In cases where the burn is severe, the help of a qualified doctor cannot be avoided. As a rule, the affected patient is hospitalized, treated under constant supervision and prescribed medications for oral administration. These include:

  • vitamins A, E, C;
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs;
  • antihistamines.

Fortunately, sunburns on the face are often mild, so they can be treated at home.

  • provide first aid necessary for sunburn;
  • increase the daily volume of water consumed;
  • use various topical medications that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription;
  • do not be afraid to resort to traditional methods of treatment.

The most effective pharmaceutical preparations for sunburn, namely creams, sprays and ointments, are:

  • Panthenol spray;
  • aerosol Libyan;
  • aerosol Olazol;
  • Elovera ointment;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Solcoseryl ointment;
  • Actovegin ointment;
  • Sinaflan ointment;
  • Radevit ointment;
  • Eplan ointment;
  • Fenistil gel;
  • Floceta gel;
  • Sudocrem

Proven folk remedies are not inferior to medical drugs. These include:

  • egg white;
  • kefir, yogurt without dyes, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cool sour cream;
  • lavender oil;
  • watermelon juice;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • infusion of mint leaves used for lotions;
  • grated potatoes (pumpkin, carrots, cucumber) or freshly squeezed potato juice (pumpkin, carrot, cucumber);
  • infusion of nettle flowers in the form of lotions;
  • decoction of clover flowers for lotions;
  • soda solution (mix 1 glass of cool boiled water with 1 tablespoon of soda);
  • mumiyo.

However, it should be remembered that using folk remedies, lubricating the face and making lotions is allowed only when necessary.

Preventing sunburn on the face

Even children know about the rules for preventing such a disease as sunburn, because even at school they are told what they can and how they should behave in the summer on the beach and just under the sun. But more often than not, it happens that it is preventive methods that everyone neglects. But if each of us remembered the precautions and rules of conduct in direct sunlight, then the question of what to do if your face is sunburned would arise much less often. Therefore, it would be a good idea to refresh your memory and remember what preventive measures will help you avoid trouble in the form of sunburn.

  • You can try, for example, using alternative methods of tanning, which are presented in the assortment today, and even though this tan is artificial, your face will never burn.
  • An important attribute of a beach bag for every representative of the fair sex with fair skin, blue eyes and red or blond hair is sunscreen. Moreover, for the first time in summer, the level of protection of such a cream should be as high as possible, more than 70.
  • Remember, sunscreen is a precautionary measure, so apply it in a thick layer and do not rub it in until completely absorbed.
  • It is imperative to repeat the application of the cream to the skin of the face after each water procedure. Even if the manufacturer assures the buyer that the cream is waterproof, it is better to play it safe and not be too lazy to repeat the procedure after swimming in a pond.
  • Don't forget your sunglasses at home. They will help your eyes and the skin around them to always be in the shade.
  • Choose the right time to take solar treatments. The best time for tanning is considered to be from 7 am to 11 pm, then a break until 4 pm and you can safely go out to sunbathe again.
  • Don't rely on lightweight fabrics as a form of sun protection for your skin. They are not only capable of letting in the cool sea breeze, but also the strong rays of the sun, thereby exposing the skin to danger.
  • Please note that many medications, such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and ointments, can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight. While taking these medications, it is better to avoid sunbathing.
  • Children under 1 year of age should not sunbathe in direct sunlight.
  • When on the beach or in other places where the skin is exposed to direct sunlight, you should remember to increase the amount of fluid you drink. This will not only help you endure the heat more easily, but also avoid dehydration.

Remember, a beautiful tan means, first of all, healthy skin and a great mood.

Find out what methods you can use to get rid of redness after sunbathing

The best ways to get rid of redness on your face from sunburn © depositphotos.com

We are so looking forward to our vacation, and when we arrive in warmer climates we want to sit on the beach for an eternity. Do you carefully use sunscreen, but in the evening you still notice redness on your face? Don't panic, this problem can be fixed!

First, you need to determine what type of burn you have: if blisters and blisters begin to appear on your skin, then you urgently need to consult a doctor. And if your face is a little red, you should follow the instructions we wrote below.

  • Using aloe juice. Fresh aloe juice can soothe the skin, relieve pain and redness. Take freshly cut, washed aloe leaves. The leaves need to be crushed and the juice squeezed out. Apply aloe juice undiluted to problem areas. In just a couple of hours you will notice that your facial skin has brightened and the pain has gone away. If you don’t have fresh aloe, use products based on this product: cream, serum or oil.

Facial skin burned in the sun: what to do © depositphotos.com

  • With the help of honey. Natural honey can heal wounds well, remove redness and soreness. After sunbathing, it is best to make face masks based on honey. You need to generously lubricate your face with honey and wait 20 minutes. To get rid of redness on the face, this procedure should be repeated daily.
  • Using dairy products. Yes, yes, everyone’s favorite procedure: sour cream after a burn. Indeed, dairy products can reduce facial redness and soreness. Apply natural cream or heavy sour cream to problem areas and leave the mixture for an hour. Afterwards, rinse off the dairy product and apply a nourishing face cream.
  • With the help of sea buckthorn. If you have very sensitive facial skin, and even more so if it is burned, sea buckthorn will help you. Sea buckthorn oil or fresh juice is suitable for the most delicate and sensitive skin. Sea buckthorn softens the skin well and relieves redness after sunbathing.

We also previously compiled a list of necessary products that you need to carry in your purse to the beach. Read what cosmetic products you might need while on the beach

Will act as an ambulance. Missing the summer sun, we rush to enjoy its rays, eagerly exposing ourselves to its warmth.

Hurrying to the beach for sea air and a bronze tan, we often forget about such simple and well-known precautions. Special safe hours are allocated for tanning. People with pale skin should be especially careful. Sunbathing is recommended from 7 to 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m.

It seems like we haven’t been under the sun for long, and just think, we forgot to apply cream a couple of times, but the result is disastrous - . What to do?

1. Determine the degree of severity

Burns, including sunburn, can be varying degrees of severity.

Light - accompanied only by redness of the skin. And severe burns can cause blisters and blisters on the skin. In the latter case, you must immediately see a doctor.

And if your face is not badly sunburned, then you can provide first aid yourself at home.

2. Equalize the temperature

The hot skin of the face needs to be cooled to its normal temperature. For this put your face in cold water. Heat exchange between water and skin will lower the temperature of the latter, reducing the risk of damage.

If your face is severely sunburnt, under no circumstances should you use a folk remedy in the form of vegetable oil. the site warns: any oil ointments will only increase the fever, making the situation worse. A small amount of Vaseline is allowed only for minor burns, and then only at the healing stage.

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3. You can use folk remedies

Sour cream, kefir or whey

These are perhaps the most common treatments. Moreover, they differ even by skin type.

If a person with dry skin is affected, then sour cream will come in handy, and if the burnt skin is oilier, then kefir or whey is recommended. It is better to cool the fermented milk product before use.

However, when lubricating your face, do not forget that burnt skin must be protected from any damage, including tightening. Because task number 1: make sure that the mask does not dry out on your face.

Oatmeal mask

If your face is sunburned, oatmeal can soothe your skin. To prepare the mask you need pour crushed oatmeal with a small amount of water. The resulting paste is applied to the face. When the layer begins to dry, you can remove it with a cotton pad and apply the next one.

Frozen cottage cheese

If stock up in advance This product will be a great help if your face is sunburnt. In a difficult situation, it is enough to remove a piece of curd ice, wrap it in a piece of gauze and apply it to your face.

Cucumber and potatoes

These vegetables can also provide first aid if your face is sunburned. Can be used as grated mass, as simple as that cut circles. It is advisable to take vegetables from the refrigerator to normalize skin temperature.


Tea compresses help a lot. Will do any lightly brewed tea(both black and green).

4. Adding medications

If you feel unwell, you can drink antipyretic or pain reliever. Aspirin or analgin usually helps.

And the last thing: try not to forget about the rules of staying in the sun, the rules of tanning. The sun is very hot these days, and if you don’t use sunscreen, you can get really sunburnt!

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