What to cook for a 1 year old child. Breast milk and complementary foods

Young parents who have a baby after one year often have questions - what to feed the child next?

Young parents who have, often have questions - what to feed the child next? Nutrition guidelines are full of complementary feeding schemes, but they pay less attention to the nutrition of one- and two-year-old children. But mom and dad not only need to know the principles of nutrition for the baby, but also plan it correctly for the day, week or even month! It is necessary to plan the purchase of products, methods of preparation and even preparations for future use. Let us pay close attention to the menu for babies from one year to about two years.

Important note: the recommendations of this article can be fully applied only to children whose mothers adhered to and gradually replaced feedings (usually with formula, but sometimes with breasts) with certain volumes of “adult” food. Babies who are breastfed on demand are more suitable, which is gaining more and more supporters. These children may not be able to handle the portion sizes given, but their mothers can easily follow the recipes and general recommendations in this article.

Nutritionist - mom?

The principles of baby food for a 12-month-old child remain the same as in the second half of the first year - a gradual expansion of the range of products and a gradual change in the degree of grinding and processing of the product.

To properly organize your baby’s nutrition, you should think through and create an approximate menu for 7-10 days in advance. At first glance, this seems complicated - but let’s try, using certain knowledge about products and their daily needs, to create approximate layouts.

When creating a menu, you need to take into account the norms for daily food consumption - that is, which foods must be given to the baby every day, and which ones - with a certain frequency. For simplicity, we will make calculations for a week - so we will distribute the products by day. We calculate daily products based on the daily norm, multiplying it by 7 days of the week, the rest - based on the number of meals.

Every day the baby receives milk and dairy products, butter, bread, vegetables, cereals; for example, cottage cheese, cheese, fish, sour cream, eggs are distributed on certain days of the week. It is recommended to give meat and fish 5-6 times a week at least - that is, 4 times meat and 1-2 times fish.

Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to prepare all the products planned on the menu. Then you have to resort to replacing the product with one of approximately equal value. When replacing, you need to take into account the calorie content of the product - that is, replace carbohydrate products with them, fats with other fats, proteins with other proteins. For example, interchangeable carbohydrates are bread, bakery products, pasta, and cereals. Among proteins, milk, cottage cheese, meat, fish, and cheese are replaceable. Vegetables - potatoes, beets, cabbage, carrots, etc. Fats are replaceable, both vegetable and animal. However, by the end of the week, all quantities of replaced products are equalized.

Milk, butter, vegetables, bakery products should be mandatory and indispensable in a baby’s diet every day; other products can be varied by day of the week.

In addition, when planning your baby’s menu, you should remember to take into account the boiling and loss of the product, take their volumes taking into account cooking - for example, fish loses up to 40% of its weight when cooked, meat - up to 30%, vegetables lose up to 35% of their weight when processed. raw mass.

Feeding a child per year: age-specific nutritional features

In the first months of the second year of life, the main components of food are mashed potatoes and porridges mashed or mashed with a fork. But the degree of their grinding should gradually change - from the beginning of the second year you can switch to heavily boiled and diluted porridges boiled with milk, side dishes from heavily boiled vegetables or cereals - buckwheat, rice, wheat, corn or millet. Closer to one and a half years, with the appearance of 8-10 or more teeth, it is necessary to start giving denser foods - steamed cutlets, meatballs, dark bread.

In addition, we must remember that until one and a half years of age, the acidity of gastric juice is still insufficient, and therefore delicate proteins - mainly milk - should predominate in the diet. It is advisable not to use confectionery and sugar in the diet of children under 2-3 years of age, but you can give dry cookies, homemade preserves, marmalade, jams and honey from about one and a half years old, if there are no allergies.

It is believed that 5 or 4 meals of 200-225 ml each are optimal.

When feeding babies, you should follow certain rules:

  • For breakfast you can give a variety of cereals, vegetables, eggs, cottage cheese, meat, fish. From liquid dishes - milk, weak tea, herbal teas, fruit drinks;
  • lunch should consist of any type of soup - meat or vegetable, a second course - meat, fish or vegetable with a side dish and sweets - juices, fruits, compotes, mousses, souffles;
  • closer to one and a half years, a light snack before the first course is recommended - salad;
  • for an afternoon snack, preferably a liquid, milky, preferably sour dish with cookies and fruit;
  • maximum protein in the first half of the day - breakfast and lunch;
  • dinner is based on the principle of breakfast;
  • It is mandatory to have a hot dish at each feeding;
  • After eating, the baby should drink.
Sample children's menu for the day

Here are menu options developed by various doctors and nutritional guides. You can use one of them or create your own menu based on the standard ones.

For example, pediatrician Ezhova N.V. in his guide “Nutrition for Children from Birth to Three Years”, he offers the following menu options for the day (with some additions and changes by the author of the article).

For ages 1 year - 1 year 3 months


Porridge from various types of cereals - 150 g
Tea with milk or milk - 100 ml
Bread and butter – 30 g + 3 g


Vegetable or meat soup - 100 g
Meat puree or cutlet - 40 g
Side dish (vegetables, pasta, cereals) - 50 g
Compote or fruit juice - 100 ml

Afternoon snack

Cottage cheese - 30 g
Kefir or milk - 150 g
Bun or cookies - 10 g
Fruits – 50 g


Tea with milk – 50 ml

Second dinner (if desired, there can be a second breakfast instead)

Kefir, milk, biolact, children's yogurt (optional) - 150 ml

For ages 1 year 3 months - 1 year 6 months


Porridge – 150 g
Tea with milk or milk - 150 ml
Bread and butter – 40 g + 5 g


Vegetable salad - 10 g
Soup – 100 ml
Meat cutlet (fish, liver, chicken) - 50 g
Side dish (vegetables, cereals, vermicelli) - 80 g
Compote (fruit drink, fruit juice) – 100 ml

Afternoon snack

Cottage cheese - 50 g
Fruits – 100 g
Tea with cookies 150 g + 10 g


Vegetable puree or porridge - 150 g
Tea with milk – 150 ml

For ages 1 year 6 months – 1 year 9 months


Grated carrots (fruit salad, half an egg) - 30 g
Milk porridge – 150 g
Tea with milk or milk - 150 g
Bread and butter 60 g + 5 g


Vegetable salad – 40 g
Soup (cabbage soup, borscht) - 100 g
Meat puree or cutlet - 60 g
Side dish (vegetables, cereals) - 100 g
Fruit juice – 100 ml

Afternoon snack

Kefir with bun – 200 g
Fruit 100 g


Vegetable puree or porridge - 200 g
Milk (kefir, yogurt) - 150 g

For ages 1 year 9 months – 2 years


Milk porridge (noodles, vermicelli) - 150 g
Unnatural coffee, or tea with milk, or milk - 150 g
Bun with butter, jam or cheese 70 + 3 g


Vegetable salad - fresh, pickled - 30-40 g
Soup, cabbage soup or borscht - 50-100 g
Meat or fish cutlet - 50 g
Side dish (vegetables, cereals) 100 g
Compote – 150 g

Afternoon snack

Kefir with cookies – 150 g
Fruits – 50 g


Vegetable dish - 150 g
Kissel or milk - 100 g

As you can see, the menu is not without its shortcomings. These are approximate servings and quantities and should be used as a general guide only. Based on it, taking as a basis an approximate menu layout from a pediatrician’s reference book (Local pediatrician. Reference manual. - Phoenix, 2008) and making practical adjustments, we developed several menu options for the week.

Children's menu for the week. Option one

The first day

Breakfast - buckwheat porridge, tea and bread with butter.
Lunch - cucumber salad, cabbage soup, meatballs with noodles, dried fruit compote, bread.
Afternoon snack - kefir, cookies - 2 pcs., baked apple.
Dinner - carrot-apple casserole, milk, wheat bread with cheese.
Let's have a snack either between lunch and breakfast, or at night - a glass of biolact, milk (100-150 ml) or cottage cheese (50 g).

Second day

Breakfast - rice porridge, tea with milk, bread with cheese.
Lunch - beet salad, vegetable soup, meat cutlet with mashed potatoes, compote, bread.
Afternoon snack - cottage cheese, banana.
Dinner - omelet, stewed cabbage, biolact or yogurt, bread.
Snack: milk and cookies.

Day three

Breakfast - mashed potatoes with half an egg, apple juice, bread with jam.
Lunch - cabbage salad with apple, cabbage soup, meat puree with buckwheat porridge, apple jelly, dark bread.
Afternoon snack - cottage cheese casserole, milk.
Dinner - semolina porridge, kefir, bread and butter.
Snack - banana, apple.

Day four

Breakfast - oatmeal, cocoa with milk (very diluted - if the child is not allergic), bread with cheese.
Lunch - carrot salad, boiled fish with vegetable puree, dried fruit compote, bread.
Afternoon snack - cottage cheese, peach.
Dinner - potato casserole, tea, bread.
Snack - kefir or yogurt, cookies.

Day five

Breakfast - milk soup with noodles, tea with milk, bread and butter.
Lunch - cabbage salad, borscht, boiled chicken with rice, pear jelly, dark bread.
Afternoon snack - milk, cookies, banana.
Dinner - oatmeal porridge, tea, bread with cheese.
Snack: cottage cheese, apple.

Day six

Breakfast - cheesecakes with pumpkin and carrots, milk, bread and butter.
Lunch - apple and carrot salad, pickle soup, meat cutlet, vegetable stew, compote, bread.
Afternoon snack - cottage cheese, peach.
Dinner - buckwheat porridge with milk, bread with jam.
Snack - banana, cookies with tea.

Day seven

Breakfast - millet porridge, kefir, bread with cheese.
Lunch - beet salad with sour cream, chicken noodle soup, boiled egg, mashed potatoes, bread, compote.
Afternoon snack - kefir with a bun, pear.
Dinner - cottage cheese casserole, yogurt, bread and butter.
Snack - peach, cookies with compote.

All dishes can be varied according to your wishes and depending on the time of year. The salads offered on the menu are introduced into the diet around the age of one and a half years.

And here is the second version of the menu for a baby of the second year of life, taken with some corrections and additions from a reference book on the practice of feeding children in the first years of life (Kalmykova A.S., Tkacheva N.V. et al. Healthy child from birth to three years - Phoenix, 2008).

Menu for the week. Option two

First day

Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk.
Lunch - lean cabbage soup with sour cream, steamed cutlet, mashed potatoes and juice.
Afternoon snack - kefir, bun, cottage cheese.
Dinner - fruit mousse (apple and apricot), cookies.

Second day

Breakfast - semolina porridge with fruit, tea.
Lunch - chicken broth with rice, navy pasta, jelly, bread.
Afternoon snack - omelet with milk.
Dinner - vegetable stew, bread, yogurt.

The third day

Breakfast - corn porridge with milk.
Lunch - lean borscht with sour cream, zrazy, jelly.
Afternoon snack - yogurt with cookies or a bun.
Dinner - carrot-pumpkin casserole, juice.

Fourth day

Breakfast - rice porridge, jelly.
Lunch - fish soup, potato casserole with meat, compote, bread.

Dinner - vegetable stew, bread, milk.

Fifth day

Breakfast - milk soup with noodles, bread and butter.
Lunch - potato soup with meatballs, boiled fish with beetroot puree, pear juice.
Afternoon snack - cottage cheese, cookies, kefir.
Dinner - semolina porridge.

Sixth day

Breakfast - oatmeal with fruit, bread and butter.
Lunch - vegetable soup, stewed cabbage with meatballs, bread, apple juice.
Afternoon snack - egg, tea with cookies.
Dinner - yogurt, bun.

Seventh day
Breakfast - omelet with milk, bread with cheese.
Lunch - meat noodles, boiled chicken with rice, jelly, bread.
Afternoon snack - cottage cheese with peach.
Dinner - millet porridge, tea with milk, cookies.
Snacks are at the discretion of the mother and based on the baby’s appetite. For snacks, fruits, a piece of cheese, tea with cookies, cheesecake, and a bun are recommended.

Whichever of our offers you choose, try to diversify your baby’s menu as much as possible so that the same dish is not repeated more than twice a week.

Next time we will introduce you to those found in these menus.

Paretskaya Alena
pediatrician, member of the Association of Consultants
on breastfeeding, member of the IACMAH association,
early childhood nutrition specialist,
Project Manager "Children's Doctor"

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Alena | 01/08/2017

We are now 1.4 years old, we liked the menu! I think you shouldn’t take what’s proposed so seriously, because all children are different and each mother chooses how to feed her baby herself, but here is a sample menu and you can take something from it for yourself. It is not necessary to comply with it 100%. When we were still 10 months old. The doctor herself advised us to increase the portions to 250 grams, we are large and have a good appetite, we already eat almost everything. And when we had 3 more teeth, we were already crunching carrots) and chewing them well, for a long time, really)

Madlen | 10/26/2016

I read a lot of information on the Internet about nutrition... The most important thing is to find delicious recipes... Because every child is individual, and not everything will be eaten. It is very difficult to please)) And, of course, you need imagination) We are now 1 year 10 months old. and we don’t really like rice, buckwheat, or wheat porridge...on rare occasions he eats them. I give what he likes) I come up with something interesting. For example, a very healthy pumpkin. The child overate and completely refused it, because from the age of 6 months. up to 10 months I only ate it)) I really liked it. And now he doesn't eat. I had to add a little to the soup, it was really nothing)) there were zucchini)) and other vegetables that the child did not eat separately... the main thing is not to overcook. Some people don't eat semolina. They also added it to the soup. Delicious. And the child didn’t understand anything)) Every morning we eat oatmeal with milk. I just add different fruits. Bananas, strawberries, cherries, etc. He doesn’t eat an apple crushed in a blender, not because the apple is tasteless, but because it is crushed through a blender, the reaction with the metal and the taste is completely different)) I like to scrape the apple with a spoon and give it) And so, you can go on and on... If the child refuses to eat something that he ate before, this does not always mean that he is not hungry) My husband tells me that means she is not hungry) But she ran to the plate, opened her mouth wide and... the child is disappointed) does not eat ) perhaps it’s not so tasty, or perhaps I cooked something wrong)) we need to somehow get out of this situation))

Sergey | 09/15/2016

This is such nonsense, giving a one and a half year old child 1.2-1.5 kg of food a day, why are you feeding a pig for slaughter? You need to feel the baby, and not stuff him with food

Elena | 09/10/2016

Girls, all children are different, some eat pureed food until they are a year old, but even at 9 months they are already chewing as they should be) in terms of food, everything is different for everyone, some give fresh food, some add salt, but it depends on the little one, if they poop well, they gain weight and a great mood, then feed as you see fit) (without fanaticism, of course) the main thing is that the child eats)

Lerunya | 08/13/2016

We are one year and 1 month old. I really would remove semolina porridge from the menu. I give you baked apples. He tries to eat the casserole well. Well, about salads, I also don’t understand a little. Well, finely grate the apple and carrot, yes. But something else confused me. Otherwise good. How's that for fish with beetroot puree??

guest | 06/30/2016

Thank you. Very useful. And when asked how to give it, a blender will help you.

Galina | 06/15/2016

Honestly, I don’t understand how to give some kind of salads (cabbage or something else). How will a child chew all this? We are one year and almost four months old, with only six teeth. What is there to chew on all this? I give everything crushed in a blender or store-bought purees. And the first, and the second, and the compote... I don’t know, maybe we eat very little, but we have never had such a situation where a child ate such large portions, and even the first and second in one sitting.

Anastasia | 06/11/2016

Great menu! We are 1.2 years old and it suits us perfectly! We only have front teeth, but we chew great! They forgot about the blender at 11 months. But how to have time to prepare all this variety is really a problem))) Thanks for the useful article!

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For many parents, feeding a child at 1 year of age is difficult, because the baby is growing and requires adherence to a feeding regime. Properly selected products and a menu calendar will ensure the baby’s growth and development in accordance with the norms. It is worth taking a responsible approach to the choice of ingredients and menu so that the child does not experience a lack of nutrients.

Diet for a 1 year old child

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the diet of a one-year-old child should gradually approach the standards of an adult. Pediatricians will tell you what to feed a 1-year-old child - give him foods mashed with a fork, purees, vegetables and fruits in pieces. Meat and fish are served with stews and goulash, flour pancakes and pancakes are added. It is better to follow a five-time feeding schedule. In the first half of the day, you should eat meat and fish, and cereals and milk in the late afternoon.

What can you eat

The feeding plan, which includes information about what a child can eat at 1 year old, looks like the recommendations of pediatricians. Here's what doctors advise about a one-year-old child's menu:

  • meat - rabbit, lean pork, veal, chicken, turkey, liver and tongue;
  • eggs – chicken, quail;
  • fish - cod, pike perch, hake, sea bass;
  • fats - eat according to the norms;
  • dairy products - yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream in soup;
  • cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, rice, millet, corn;
  • pasta;
  • drinking regime - clean water, vegetable and fruit juices, compotes, weak tea, decoction of mint, fennel or chamomile.
Menu for a one-year-old child

Pediatricians have developed a weekly menu for a one-year-old child with recipes. It was based on compliance with the nutritional value of dishes. All food on the daily menu contains the required amount of vitamins. The table-graph shows an approximate menu for a child per year for a week, excluding drinks and bread - they should be given for every meal, except for afternoon tea:


Milk vermicelli, cheese omelette,

Broccoli soup, fish balls, cherry juice, green pea and potato puree, bread

Milk pudding, cookies

Cauliflower puree, cottage cheese

Liver pate with potatoes

Pea soup, meat soufflé, carrot puree,

Milk, cheese pie

Baked apple, mashed potatoes

Oatmeal, cheese sandwich

Vegetable soup, vegetable salad with fish, mashed potatoes

Kefir, applesauce, cookies

Cottage cheese with milk, carrot puree

Semolina porridge, omelet with cabbage

Spinach soup, lazy cabbage rolls, vegetable puree, pancakes

Curdled milk, cookies

Banana pudding

Rice pudding

Cabbage soup, meatloaf, mashed potatoes

Kefir, cookies, apple

Cottage cheese, beet puree with apple

Pudding with pear

Chicken soup, turkey cutlets, zucchini sauté

Milk, bun, fruit

Cottage cheese, mashed potatoes


Herring pate with potatoes, cheesecakes

Cheese soup, chicken cutlets, zucchini pancakes

Kefir, apple, cracker

Semolina porridge, omelette

Dishes for children from 1 year

The diet, schedule and menu for a 1-year-old child are designed taking into account all the needs, so parents should look for a special recipe with photos for preparing meals for the week and month. This will help you make the right soup, porridge or casserole. With recipes, there will be no problem with what to feed your baby. If he is allergic, it is worth choosing a weekly hypoallergenic menu.

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 174 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Kitchen: author's.

An excellent option for a scheduled breakfast is baby porridge for a one-year-old child, which is prepared with milk or a mixture of milk and water. This is a great start to the day, which will give your baby strength and mood for the whole day ahead. Cereals contain slow carbohydrates that keep you feeling full for a long time. Prepare semolina porridge with dried fruits according to the recipe.


  • semolina – 30 g;
  • water – 125 ml;
  • milk – 125 ml;
  • fruits – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Boil a mixture of milk and water, add semolina in a thin stream, stirring vigorously.
  • Close the lid, cook for 3 minutes, let sit for 10 minutes. Add fruit slices.
    • Cooking time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 1 person.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 197 kcal.
    • Purpose: for breakfast.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    Another menu option that tells parents what to prepare for breakfast for a one-year-old baby is oatmeal porridge made from Hercules flakes. It cooks quickly, has beneficial properties and contains valuable nutrients. It is not necessary to sweeten it - additives in the form of fruit pieces or honey are suitable, if there is no allergy or rash to the latter.


    • oat flakes – 30 g;
    • water - glass;
    • milk – 150 ml;
    • fruits – 30 g.

    Cooking method:

  • Boil water, add salt, pour in the flakes crushed in a coffee grinder in a stream. Cook for 10 minutes, pour in the heated milk.
  • Boil, cook for 2 minutes, add fruit.
  • Dairy dishes
    • Cooking time: 45 minutes.
    • Number of servings: 1 person.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal.
    • Purpose: for dessert.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    It is best to serve dairy products to children after one year in the form of cottage cheese casseroles and soufflés. The following recipe will tell you the secrets of making cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits, which is ideal for an afternoon snack or part of dinner. The result is a delicious, mouth-watering dish that will appeal to a child of any age, not just a one-year-old.


    • cottage cheese – 200 g;
    • granulated sugar – 30 g;
    • semolina – 50 g;
    • eggs – 1 pc.;
    • sour cream – 10 g;
    • raisins – 20 g.

    Cooking method:

  • Steam the raisins, mix with the cottage cheese mashed with a fork, and beat in the egg. Sweeten, add semolina, put in the form.
  • Grease the top with sour cream and place in the oven at 180 degrees. Keep it for half an hour.
    • Cooking time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 1 person.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 111 kcal.
    • Purpose: for breakfast.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    Another option that tells parents what to prepare for breakfast or an afternoon snack for their baby is milk soup with spider web noodles. The child will appreciate the treat if you include it in the menu on a regular basis. Even adults will enjoy the pleasant taste, rich nutritional value and quick preparation of food. It's easier to cook soup in a slow cooker.


    • milk - half a liter;
    • vermicelli – 3 tbsp;
    • butter – 3 g;
    • sugar – 10 g.

    Cooking method:

  • Pour milk into a bowl, boil on multi-cook or fry mode, add butter, sugar, noodles.
  • Cook in multi-cook mode for 10 minutes.
  • What kind of fish can you
    • Cooking time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 6 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 220 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    Fish dishes for children over one year of age should be prepared from non-bone fish, preferably sea fish. It is healthier than river water and has a higher content of polyunsaturated omega fatty acids. You can steam it, lightly fry it in batter, or cook it in a slow cooker. The latter cooking method is used in this recipe, which will appeal to many.


    • trout fillet – 1 pc.;
    • quail eggs – 6 pcs.;
    • milk – 50 ml;
    • sparkling mineral water – 50 ml;
    • flour – 10 g;
    • olive oil – 10 g.

    Cooking method:

  • Cut the fillet into pieces, dip in a batter of water, milk, eggs and flour.
  • Heat the oil in a multicooker bowl and fry the pieces for a couple of minutes.
    • Cooking time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 1 person.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 111 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    Parents who don't know what to cook for their child's lunch will love the inclusion of fish soufflé in the menu. It has a soft, airy texture, a pleasant aroma and is easy to chew by children. You can cook it in a slow cooker or oven from any sea fish. It is better to take sea bass or cod, because they are not as bony as other species.


    • sea ​​fish – 100 g;
    • eggs – 1 pc.;
    • oat flakes – 10 g;
    • milk – 50 ml.

    Cooking method:

  • Steam the fish until cooked, remove bones, and place in a blender bowl. Puree together with yolk, milk, flakes, salt.
  • Add the egg white, whipped until foamy, and pour into the molds.
  • Place in the oven or steamer and bake for 20 minutes.
  • Check out other recipes on how to cook deliciously.

    Children's soups
    • Cooking time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 92 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    First courses for children over 1 year of age are very varied, because you can prepare meat soup or meatless soup. A tasty option would be a soup based on Brussels sprouts and broccoli, characterized by its vitamin composition and bright, attractive color. It is best to take fresh products for it, but if they are not available, ready-made frozen mixtures will do.


    • Brussels sprouts – 350 g;
    • broccoli – 300 g;
    • tomatoes - half a kilo;
    • carrots – 1 pc.;
    • sweet pepper – 2 pcs.;
    • rice – 100 g;
    • water – 1.5 l;
    • parsley - a bunch.

    Cooking method:

  • Boil the rice until tender, remove the skins from the tomatoes, chop, and coarsely grate the carrots. Cut the sweet pepper into strips, separate the cabbage into inflorescences, and chop the greens.
  • Boil water, add all food ingredients, cook for 15 minutes. Puree with a blender and heat through.
    • Cooking time: 2 hours.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 82 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    A tasty and satisfying option for what to cook for lunch for a one-year-old child would be borscht with beans. The easiest way is to make it in a slow cooker to get a mass rich in aromas. You can serve the soup ready-made, but it is better to puree it with a blender - this makes it easier for your child to eat. If you are allergic to any components, you should exclude them from baby food.


    • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • carrots – 1 pc.;
    • white cabbage - a third of a fork;
    • beets – ½ pcs.;
    • water – 1.2 l;
    • lemon – ¼ piece;
    • beans - a glass;
    • tomatoes – 2 pcs.

    Cooking method:

  • Soak the beans overnight, boil in the morning for an hour. Coarsely grate the carrots and beets, sprinkle with lemon juice, cut the potatoes into cubes, and chop the cabbage. Peel the tomatoes and chop.
  • Place all ingredients with a whole peeled onion in a multicooker bowl, add water, cook in soup mode for 45 minutes. Remove the onion and puree the food in a blender.
  • Meat
    • Cooking time: 1 hour.
    • Number of servings: 8 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 192 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    It will be easier to cook meat for a one-year-old child if you know a few useful recipes. One of them is chicken schnitzel with egg, for which you take a chicken fillet and run it through a meat grinder. Instead of poultry, you can use lean pork, and for a more tender texture, chop the meat with a sharp, heavy knife. Baking is carried out in the oven.


    • chicken fillet – half a kilo;
    • quail eggs – 8 pcs.;
    • chicken eggs – 1 pc.;
    • cheese – 150 g;
    • crackers – 20 g;
    • onion – 1 pc.

    Cooking method:

  • Grind the fillet, combine with breadcrumbs, chicken egg, cheese, mix the minced meat.
  • Form cutlets and place a boiled quail egg in the center of each.
  • Bake in the oven for half an hour at 190 degrees.
    • Cooking time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 5 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 118 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    The following idea for preparing delicious liver pancakes from chicken liver will tell you what to feed your child. They cook quickly, have a delicate taste and are perfect for switching to an adult menu. To make the offal even softer, it can be pre-soaked in milk or water, but you can do without this, because it does not taste bitter like pork.


    • chicken liver – 200 g;
    • onion – ½ pcs.;
    • eggs – 1 pc.;
    • semolina – 10 g;
    • flour – 20 g.

    Cooking method:

  • Make a paste from the liver and onion with a blender, add an egg, add semolina and flour.
  • After 10 minutes of infusion, form pancakes and bake in a double boiler until cooked.
  • It’s worth creating a menu for a 1-year-old child taking into account the nutrition of adult family members. Of course, many foods are not yet allowed for babies, but the need to separately grind all the ingredients disappears. But do not forget that the baby has developed his own taste in food, so he likes some dishes more, and vice versa.

  • The feeding regimen at 12 months remains the same as before. You should feed 4-5 times a day at intervals of 3-4 hours. However, after waking up, breastfeeding with milk is no longer always required. This applies to both breastfed and bottle-fed babies. Therefore, the day begins with breakfast. After lunch and before dinner, an afternoon snack should be introduced. It is better to leave milk and kefir overnight.
  • Reducing breastfeeding does not always happen quickly. Sometimes, on demand, you have to give milk early in the day and after meals. However, this is completely normal. Formula-fed babies can also ask for formula milk between meals.
  • The child's diet includes vegetables, cereals, fruits, dairy products, meat, fish and oils. Alternating dishes on the menu for every day allows you to supply the child’s body with both proteins and fats. It is better to stew, bake and boil food using steam or water.
  • At 12 months, it is permissible to begin introducing the baby to seasonings. Of course, we are not talking about too hot spices like pepper and garlic. And, of course, foods generously sprinkled with ready-made seasoning mixtures are not healthy for a child. Dried herbs like these usually contain harmful flavorings. Add natural cinnamon, coriander, and cumin little by little to your food.
  • Drinking fluids between meals remains important. It is sometimes allowed to drink unsweetened tea and natural herbal infusions. Many parents do not know how much their baby needs to drink per day. It is better to fill a 300 ml bottle in the morning and offer it to your child periodically.
  • Lunch is considered the most high-calorie meal for a baby. Then dinner, breakfast and afternoon tea. In total, a baby can eat about 1 kg of food per day, not including liquids. About 360 g is consumed for both lunch and dinner, about 260 g are consumed for breakfast, and 220 g for an afternoon snack.
  • The norm for cottage cheese at this age is 50 grams per day, from the age of one - the same amount, because by that time other fermented milk products will be added to the diet.
  • Diet preparation

    Above you will find a table with a sample menu intended for a 12 month old baby. It is important to follow it, but the degree of activity of your baby and the characteristics of his body are much more important. However, you can still make a rough plan to feed your child correctly and profitably.

    • Breakfast is served at 8:00. Porridge is ideal as a first course. At 12 months you can prepare porridge both without and with gluten. The last type of dishes include semolina, oatmeal and wheat porridge.

    How much should a serving be? The usual volume is 150-200 ml. It will be better if you add 5 g of butter to the porridge. The taste can be improved by adding chopped fruit to the porridge, but usually fruit puree is served separately for breakfast.

    Half an yolk is a good addition to a healthy diet. Instead of porridge, you can serve a steam omelet, but keep in mind: the daily norm is no more than 2 eggs. This kind of breakfast should not be done more than 3 times a week. With an omelette, it is useful to offer a sandwich with butter; choose white bread. Drinks allowed are juice and tea.

    • At 12:00 it is time for lunch. A one-year-old baby is allowed to start eating with a vegetable salad. Now he should be fed with grated or finely chopped cucumbers and tomatoes. It is better to season the dish with vegetable oil and sour cream.

    The best option for lunch soups is milk with pasta (no more than once a week) and vegetable ones. At 12 months they begin to give small portions of cabbage soup and borscht. Another important element of lunch is vegetable puree.

    What products are acceptable to use? Radishes, beans, beets, and turnips are allowed. Potatoes in large quantities are not recommended for children due to starch.

    Souffles, mashed potatoes and meatballs made from boiled meat or fish are suitable as main dishes. How much fish products does a baby need? The daily norm is 30 g, but if you make similar dishes only a couple of times a week, the serving can be 80 g. As a drink - baby juice, jelly, compote.

    • At 16:00 the baby needs an afternoon snack. Here it is better to take cottage cheese, which is loved by most parents. It’s easier to feed a one-year-old baby with his first teeth, so it’s time to make new dishes - cottage cheese with sour cream, milk soufflés. A little later, when almost all the teeth have erupted, pancakes with cottage cheese are allowed once a week. Please note that baby cottage cheese can be fed to a child without special preparation, but regular cottage cheese can be fed only after heat treatment. It is also useful to make fruit puree, juice, and add low-fat cookies for an afternoon snack.
    • Dinner is served at 20:00. Meals in the evening usually consist of a combination of vegetables with meat or cereals, that is, grate, for example, pumpkin, carrots into porridge, add vegetable stew to the meat puree, or add to the soufflé. You should be careful when introducing only brightly colored vegetables into your diet, since allergies are most common to orange and red fruits. Don't forget about fruits and juices, they are written about in the next part of the article.
    • At 24:00 it is still allowed to breastfeed the baby before bedtime. If bottle-fed, offer him a fermented milk drink.


    The child is already allowed to eat fruit, preferably for dinner, as described above. We recommend serving fruit puree and juice for dessert. Even exotic fruits are acceptable at 12 months, but not more than 100 g of puree per day. The safest are kiwi, sometimes oranges and berries such as gooseberries, fresh raspberries and ripe cherries.

    When making a fruit salad, choose seasonal fruits. They should also be put in pancakes and cheesecakes when the baby’s teeth are cutting through.

  • Cakes, chocolates, and pastries are prohibited for the baby as dessert. Marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, and fructose jam are much better suited.
  • The best types of meat in a baby's diet are rabbit, turkey, and chicken. A child with an allergy to cow protein should avoid beef and veal. Low-fat fish without bones are allowed, such as pollock and cod.
  • Since milk is no longer considered the main food at 12 months, it is acceptable to eliminate milk from the diet completely. But in this case, you should increase the dose of kefir to 150 ml per day. The yolk is now allowed to be eaten whole, not half. Bread should be fed no more than 2 times a day.
  • Recipes to note Delicious dumplings

    Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and cherries are perfect for a weekend breakfast or afternoon snack. Combine 3 tbsp. l. sugar with a chicken egg, add a pack of dry cottage cheese and mix thoroughly. Add 5 tbsp portionwise. l. flour. You will get a thick dough from which you need to make several flat cakes. Sprinkle a little sugar in the center of each and place a frozen cherry with the pit removed. Roll into round balls and place in a steamer for 20 minutes.

    Simple salad

    New vegetables introduced into the diet make excellent salads. Boil half a beet, peel and chop into cubes. Cut a piece of apple, first cutting off the peel. Mix the ingredients and season with a drop of vegetable oil.

    Fish with tomatoes

    Incredibly tasty and simple dishes are prepared from fish. Boil the white fillet by steaming or in the usual way. Cut a third of the onion and simmer in water with half of the grated carrot. Remove the bones from the fish and chop. First place the fillet in the bowl, then the vegetable mixture. Place peeled tomato slices on top.

    Let's sum it up
  • Nutrition at 12 months is divided into 5 meals at intervals of 3-4 hours. In the morning, you can no longer feed your baby milk without his request. Night feeding with formula or breastfeeding is still possible.
  • New fruits and vegetables appear in the diet. They are administered in small portions to avoid allergies. Include dishes seasoned with fresh spices little by little. Sausages and heavy desserts should not be included in baby food.
  • Particular attention is paid to drinks. There should be plenty of liquid between meals; it is better to choose water and unsweetened tea. It is also recommended to continue giving kefir.
    • The diet of a one-year-old baby should still not contain mushrooms, nuts, sausage, caviar and canned food.
    • It is always necessary to feed the baby at the same time in order to develop a healthy reflex. Eating in the form of snacks should not be encouraged.
    • Every time after finishing a meal, the baby should drink a couple of sips of boiled water, thus protecting the first teeth from unwanted plaque.
    • Use fresh products. You should not make a dish for two days at once. Cook in small portions.
    • Monitor your child’s hygiene and teach them to wash their hands before eating.

    Children are developing rapidly. There is an increasing need to increase the supply of nutrients to the body. The time has come when you should reconsider feeding your baby. Regardless of whether a child receives breast milk, a 1-year-old child’s diet should be supplemented with cereals, soups, vegetables and fruits, as well as lean, high-quality meat.

    Physical development depends on how the diet of a small child at 1 year is composed.

    How to choose useful components, taking into account the characteristics of the body? Is it worth getting used to adult food? How many meals should I eat?

    By this time, 8 teeth may already have grown. Don't worry if there are fewer of them, as everything is individual.

    The stomach begins to work more actively. The activity of its enzymes has not reached full maturity, and the capacity reaches 200–300 ml. Food takes 4 hours to digest - this is an excellent opportunity to feed after 4-5 hours.

    By twelve months, children are trying to stand on their feet, increasing the load on still fragile bones, so the need for calcium increases. Therefore, the diet needs to be enriched with foods: cottage cheese, cheese and eggs. This will ensure normal growth of the child at 1 - 1.6 years.

    How to feed

    When teeth appear, it is sometimes necessary to give pieces of food up to three centimeters to develop chewing. The child begins to understand the taste of the product, habits are formed. For optimal absorption, a conditioned food reflex is triggered: you need to learn to take food on time and gradually introduce new foods.

    The diet of a small child at 12 months should be varied and balanced in terms of essential nutrients.

    Protein-rich foods should enrich the food, then the baby will grow and develop according to age standards.

    Milk plays a huge role. It forms the immune system and improves digestion.

    It is very important to feed cottage cheese and cheese - these are valuable sources of calcium, which is needed for the bones and teeth of the baby. If intolerance to cow's milk proteins is detected, it can be replaced with ready-made dry mixtures.

    It is necessary to introduce dairy products very carefully and take into account shelf life. It is better to give preference to ready-made baby food.

    Kefir and yogurt will balance digestion. The microorganisms included in their composition improve intestinal microflora and help prevent constipation. It is recommended to feed low-fat cottage cheese before bedtime, it will calm the digestive system.

    All components of milk are in the ratio necessary for the body, which has an excellent effect on health.

    This is a valuable product that contains fats of animal origin, which play a role in building the tissues of the child’s body. The yolk contains valuable fat-soluble vitamins that support growth and optimize the functioning of internal systems. Minerals help keep skin healthy.

    You can feed your baby chicken eggs in the amount of 1-2 pieces 4 times a week, and quail eggs one per day.

    Egg is a dietary product. The first time you should give a pea-sized yolk in the morning, and in the evening watch for possible negative reactions. Protein is fed to older children.

    Quail eggs are more valuable in nutritional properties than chicken eggs, but there is no fundamental difference in benefits.


    Without a certain norm, the nutrition of a small child at 1 year old will be inadequate: he will not be able to grow and develop properly. Meat is an irreplaceable source of protein and amino acids that are not synthesized by the body. It improves hematopoietic function due to the content of easily digestible iron and prevents the development of anemia.

    It is advisable to diversify the menu with lean beef, pork, turkey, and chicken. Rabbit meat is ideal.

    Every day it is necessary to feed with meat in the amount of 100 grams. It is advisable to eat food in the first half of the day because it takes a long time to digest. You can feed liver. It is recommended to avoid sausages. Canned meat for children is also suitable for daily consumption.

    Benefits of liquid

    Water is an important component of many body processes. Without it, good metabolism is impossible. Dehydration is the cause of diseases, especially in children.

    In hot weather, profuse sweating occurs, so the body loses a huge amount of fluid. To avoid this, it is recommended to give your child water frequently. While the baby cannot yet communicate the desire to drink, you need to offer it yourself periodically. You should not drink while eating, as liquid will dilute the gastric juice and the absorption of nutrients will become worse.

    It is recommended to drink water heated to body temperature, since cold liquid causes sore throat and laryngitis. Drinks can be varied with ready-made baby juices. Compote is also useful for a growing body. It contains essential vitamins and minerals. The drink perfectly quenches thirst, however, it is advisable to reduce the amount of sugar in the compote or eliminate it altogether: due to the high content of vitamin C, it can irritate the gastric mucosa.

    Compote will not replace fresh water, so the baby must be given water when the need arises.

    How many times to eat

    Pediatricians advise feeding 5 times a day, perhaps limiting it to 4 times. The feeding schedule of a small child at 1 year old depends on the routine that he establishes. Watch, then you will understand how to feed.

    Guarding the stomach

    Don't serve the same food throughout the day. It's better to hold off on the pasta. Their nutritional value is minimal, and the load on the stomach is enormous. If you decide to start complementary feeding with such products, then it must be made from durum wheat.

    It is allowed to add white bread to the menu, gradually introducing rye and black bread.

    By following the child's diet at 1 year old, digestive juice is released at the time of eating. This affects better digestibility and promotes appetite. It is advisable to have breakfast from 8-9 am. Snacking should be avoided.

    Distribution of food for the day

    They feed the baby almost everything except egg whites, sweets, smoked and spicy foods. Various foods have optimal intake times, making it easier for the body to digest food and absorb the maximum amount of nutrients.

    Hearty food is well digested in the first half of the day. The optimal time for meat and fish is lunch. Dairy products are always well digested.

    It is imperative to balance your diet with essential nutrients. If you feed similar foods, you should reduce the proportion of each. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates are needed daily.

    Cooking food

    For cooking, vegetables, meat, and fish are recommended to be boiled, stewed, and baked. It is advisable to avoid spices and salt. It is useful to stew carrots and onions in a frying pan with a small amount of water to prepare soup.

    It is preferable to grind foods, gradually adding pieces to develop chewing. The main thing is to keep the preparation clean. It is necessary to teach your toddler to wash his hands before eating.

    If the baby is allergic

    If you are intolerant to certain foods, the desired variety is greatly reduced. Completely exclude: honey, citrus fruits, red berries, chocolate, sweets, fish, nuts. And also flour, milk, eggs, tomatoes, chicken.

    In severe cases, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe tests for allergens.

    We choose food wisely

    We start with a protein- and carbohydrate-rich breakfast: omelet, porridge, soup, eggs, cottage cheese.

    For dessert, give fruit puree and fruit juice. The production of digestive enzymes is stimulated, the stomach will prepare for further food intake.

    The baby can eat fish broth, low-fat soup with meat, and vegetable puree for lunch.

    For an afternoon snack, you can offer milk, yogurt, pancakes, and cookies.

    It is better to have light porridge or vegetables for dinner.

    A glass of low-fat kefir before bed.

    A one-year-old child needs to consume 1300 kcal per day. The volume of food is 1250 ml per day.

    You can't feed:

    • fried,
    • bold,
    • sausages,
    • exotic fruits,
    • smoked meats,
    • sweets,
    • products containing dyes, flavors,
    • mushrooms.


    Children who are bottle-fed are transferred to regular food in the same way as their milk-fed peers. The diet of a 1-year-old child does not differ from the food intake of an infant.

    It should be taken into account that the child has now become more active, spends more time awake, which means changes in nutrition are necessary. No need to feed at night. To make your baby hungry, it is enough to leave a 4-5 hour interval between meals. This method will help you adapt to kindergarten.

    We introduce new products correctly

    You should start feeding in small portions. It is necessary to observe the body’s reaction, especially for allergy sufferers. It is forbidden to introduce several unfamiliar foods at the same time, otherwise it will be impossible to find out what gave the baby a negative reaction. You should stop feeding the new food if you have a minor allergic response in the form of a rash on the face or body.

    Naturally, the baby may refuse some dishes. You cannot force him to eat a full portion: the child needs to get used to the new product. Consider your baby's preferences.


    A reasonable amount of sweets will not harm your health. Feel free to feed him marmalade, marshmallows, and marshmallows. Try honey with great caution, as it is an allergen. The main thing is that dessert should not replace a full meal.

    Healthy breakfast

    Porridge is a healthy food for babies. It comes with milk and without milk. It is advisable to avoid feeding your baby one dish all day.

    Be sure to teach your baby to eat soup, as it improves digestion processes, meets the requirements for nutrients, and diet food will not overload the body. It is recommended to avoid onions and carrots overcooked in oil. Minimize the amount of salt.

    Soup is an abundance of healing vegetables that contain vitamins, minerals, and biologically active components. Fiber is important for optimal digestion and improves intestinal motility. Daily feeding will help avoid disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Soup helps restore water balance - this is a wonderful way to improve your well-being!

    Start your day the way you need it!

    The optimal food in the morning is a portion of oatmeal! An excellent boost of energy helps replenish the supply of minerals and vitamins important for the body. The main advantage is ease of preparation - it cooks very quickly. The porridge is enriched with microelements such as phosphorus, potassium, and manganese. Includes fluorine, iodine, zinc, iron.

    Starting the morning with oatmeal means making a huge contribution to the health of your growing baby. The benefits of porridge are invaluable. There is a positive effect on bone tissue, the functioning of the brain and nervous system improves, and the digestive tract begins to function optimally.

    Oatmeal is simply necessary for stable immune function. Iron, which is part of its composition, occupies an important place in hematopoiesis.

    • There is no need to boil milk for more than 3 minutes. When adding the product to porridges and soups, it should be poured hot.
    • The meat is cooked in one piece. Grind after cooking.
    • The peel needs to be peeled thinner to preserve vitamins.
    • The liquid takes up nutrients. It is better to simply rinse peeled vegetables with running water, but do not leave them in it for a long time.

    In the process of introducing yourself to a wide variety of foods, you must not harm the growing body. It is advisable that the new diet does not cause the baby to suffer.

    To summarize, we can list the principles necessary when feeding:

    • It is better to start complementary feeding if the baby is in good health. It is recommended to refrain from it during vaccinations.
    • The terms and procedure are set by a specialist. There are established priorities that must be coordinated with the individual development of the baby.
    • The new dish is introduced gradually. A negative reaction means stopping complementary feeding for a while.
    • To get used to new foods, you can use ready-made food in jars, the composition of which is specially selected for the needs of the toddler.
    Canned food

    The modern frantic pace of life dictates its own rules, leaving little time for children to prepare food. Canned ready-made foods will come to the rescue. They are crushed and heat-treated.

    Reasons to choose this product:

    • Great time saver. It is enough to warm up a portion of food or dilute it with water.
    • Homogeneous porridge-like consistency.
    • Large companies produce environmentally friendly products. It is not always possible to be sure that products on the market do not contain harmful substances.
    • The packaging includes information about the manufacturer, expiration date, and composition.
    • A variety of types of meat - from rabbit to turkey. Any store always has something that will interest the consumer.
    • Prepared strictly according to GOST, which means it is safe.
    • Ready-made canned food for children is easy to transport. There is a sealed package. Can be stored for a long time.

    A huge disadvantage is that such pleasure is not cheap. Such dishes may contain palm oil, which is harmful to the baby’s digestion.

    Pros of homemade complementary feeding:

    • Fresh ingredients.
    • Confidence in the cleanliness of food preparation.

    The only negative is that such food does not last long in the refrigerator.

    If the baby does not want to get acquainted with new food, it is recommended to follow the tips:

    • feed a hungry baby;
    • mix the product with milk or formula;
    • find out your baby's taste preferences;
    • do not force food;
    • sit down at the table with your baby;
    • take into account the physiological state of the child: is there colic, are teeth cutting, are there any diseases.

    Raising a baby is not difficult. The correct choice of cooking recipes and compliance with the recommendations guarantees the good development of the baby. If you do not violate the norms, then the child’s nutrition at 1 year will lay a strong foundation for the future.

    The child’s body grows, its functions improve, the baby’s cognitive and motor activity increases, and the need for energy increases. All these reasons influence the child’s diet, which is already significantly different from the diet of children in the first year of life.

    What happens to a child’s body from one to one and a half years old?

    At this age, children continue to develop the chewing apparatus, a sufficient number of teeth appear - by the age of 1.5 years, children should already have 12 teeth. The activity of digestive juice and enzymes also increases, but their functions still do not reach full maturity. The volume of the stomach increases - from 200 to 300 ml. Gastric emptying occurs on average after 4 hours, which allows you to eat 4-5 times a day.

    The daily amount of food (excluding liquids consumed) for children from one to one and a half years old is 1200-1250 ml. This volume (including calorie content) is distributed among feedings in approximately the following ratio: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35%, afternoon snack - 15%, dinner - 25%. The volume of a single meal can be 250 ml, taking into account 5 feedings a day, and 300 ml with 4 feedings a day.

    How to feed a child from one year old?

    For children 1-1.5 years of age, dishes with a mushy consistency are preferable. If a child’s chewing teeth (baby molars) have erupted by this age, he can be offered whole pieces of food no larger than 2-3 cm in size. The child develops a sense of taste, an attitude towards food, the first preferences and habits begin to form. The baby begins to develop a conditioned food reflex during meals, which ensures sufficient, rhythmic secretion of digestive juices and good absorption of food. That is why it is important to follow a diet and expand the diet by introducing new products and dishes.

    The child’s cognitive and motor activity increases, and along with it, the body’s energy consumption increases. The physiological need for energy in the age group from 1 year to 1.5 years is on average 102 kcal per 1 kg of body weight. With an average body weight of 11 kg, it is 1100 kcal per day.

    The main requirements for a child’s diet after one year are variety and balance in basic nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins). Combinations of dishes from vegetables, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, animal and poultry meat, eggs, cereals and flour products are required.

    The basis of the diet of a child from 1 to 1.5 years old is foods high in animal protein: milk, dairy and fermented milk products, meat, poultry, eggs. The child should receive dishes from these products, as well as from vegetables, fruits and cereals, daily.

    Dairy products for children over one year old

    In the nutrition of a baby over 1 year of age, an important role belongs to milk, dairy and fermented milk products. They contain easily digestible proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Fermented milk products contain lactic acid bacteria, which regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, improve digestion, and increase the child’s immunity. Milk, kefir, and yogurt should be included daily in the diet of a healthy child, and cream, cottage cheese, sour cream and cheese can be used after one or two days.

    For children with normal body weight, foods with a reduced percentage of fat content are not acceptable; the diet uses milk with 3.2% fat content, kefir 2.5-3.2%, yoghurts 3.2%, sour cream up to 10%, cottage cheese like milk , and creamy - 10% fat. The total amount of milk and fermented milk products should be 550-600 ml per day, taking into account the preparation of various dishes. Of these, a child can receive 200 ml of kefir intended for baby food daily. For babies with intolerance to cow's milk proteins, it is best to postpone introduction to whole milk until a later date (up to 2-2.5 years), and instead continue to use formulas for the second half of life (they are made from whole milk powder without adding whey).

    One-year-old babies can receive only specialized children's milk (not creamy) yogurt with a moderate content of fats and carbohydrates in a volume of up to 100 ml per day. Cottage cheese, as a source of protein and calcium, is required for children within 50 g per day. Sour cream or cream 5-10 g can be used to season first courses; hard cheeses up to 5 g in crushed form are used in the nutrition of a baby in the second year of life after 1-2 days.

    Can children eat eggs?

    Definitely yes, if there are no medical contraindications, such as food intolerance, dyskinesia (impaired contractions) of the biliary tract). Eggs are given to the baby hard-boiled or added to various dishes, in the daily amount of 1/2 chicken egg or 1 quail. Until one and a half years, it is recommended to use only hard-boiled yolk, mixing it with vegetable puree.

    What kind of meat can a child eat?

    With age, the amount in the diet gradually increases meat. Canned meat, meat soufflé, meatballs, minced meat from lean varieties of beef, veal, pork, horse meat, rabbit, chicken, turkey in the amount of 100 g can be given to the child daily, preferably in the first half of the day, given their long period of absorption. The expansion of the diet occurs due to the introduction of offal - liver, tongue and children's sausages (the packaging indicates that they are intended for young children). Sausages are not included in the list of “allowed” products.

    Fish day: what fish to choose for the children's menu?

    With good tolerance and absence of allergic reactions, low-fat sea and river varieties are introduced into the child’s diet fish(pollock, hake, cod, haddock) in the form of fish, canned fish and vegetables for baby food, fish soufflé, 30-40 g per serving, 1-2 times a week.

    You can't spoil porridge with oil

    Vegetable oil in a daily norm of 6 g, it is advisable to use it raw, adding it to vegetable purees and salads. The child receives fats of animal origin with sour cream and butter(daily allowance up to 17 g). By the way, it is still recommended to widely use gluten-free foods in the diet of children over one year old. porridge(buckwheat, rice, corn), gradually introducing oatmeal. It is recommended to give porridge once a day in a volume of 150 ml. Until 1.5 years old, you should not offer your child pasta rich in carbohydrates.

    The set of products for children 1-1.5 years old should include bread various varieties of rye flour (10 g/day) and coarse wheat flour (40 g/day) Cookies and biscuits can be given 1-2 pieces per meal.

    We create a fruit and vegetable menu for children

    Vegetables are important as a source of carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, dietary fiber, and should be widely used in the nutrition of children from 1 to 1.5 years old in the form of vegetable purees. The daily volume of vegetable dishes from cabbage, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin with the addition of onions and herbs is 200 g. And potato dishes - no more than 150 g, because it is rich in starch, which slows down metabolism. Young children, as well as children with functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, should not be offered garlic, radishes, radishes and turnips.

    In the absence of medical contraindications (for example, food allergies), children should receive 100-200 g per day of fresh fruit and 10-20 g berries. They also benefit from various fruit, berry (preferably without sugar) and vegetable juices, rosehip decoction (up to 100-150 ml) per day after meals. It is not recommended to use jelly in the diet of young children, since they unnecessarily enrich the food with carbohydrates and their nutritional value is low.

    Compote will not replace water

    Do not forget that the child must receive a sufficient amount of fluid. There are no norms for the volume of additional liquid; the baby needs to be given water on demand (during feeding, in between feedings). It is best to offer your child boiled water, baby drinking water, weak teas or baby teas. Sweet drinks - compotes, fruit drinks, juices do not compensate for the lack of fluid, and the sugar they contain reduces appetite and increases the load on the child’s pancreas. Make sure that liquid is available to your baby between feedings.

    Cooking food for children must be correct

    And a few words about food processing: for a child under 1.5 years old. Porridges and soups are prepared in pureed form, vegetables and fruits in the form of puree, meat and fish in the form of soft minced meat (passed once through a meat grinder) or in the form of soufflés, steamed cutlets, and meatballs. All dishes are prepared by boiling, stewing, steaming, without adding spices (pepper, garlic, etc.). Feed your baby from a spoon and let him drink from a cup.

    The daily volume of food is 1200-1250 ml. The calorie content of the daily diet is 1200 kcal.

    Breakfast: Porridge or vegetable dish (150 g); meat or fish dish, or omelette (50 g); Milk (100 ml)

    Dinner: Soup (50 g); meat or fish dish (50 g); side dish (70 g); fruit juice (100 ml)

    Afternoon snack: Kefir or milk (150 ml); cookies (15 g); fruit (100 g)

    Dinner: Vegetable dish or porridge, or cottage cheese casserole (150 g); milk or kefir (150 ml)

    Sample menu for 1 day:

    Breakfast: Milk porridge with fruit; Bread

    Dinner: Vegetable puree soup; vegetable puree from cauliflower with meat; biscuits; Fruit juice.

    Afternoon snack: Yogurt or biokefir; children's cookies.

    Dinner: Curd or milk; fruit or vegetable puree.

    For the night: Kefir.

    Whole milk is milk, during the processing of which none of its components – proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts, etc. – has been changed qualitatively and/or quantitatively.

    Gluten-free porridges - porridges that do not contain gluten - a vegetable protein of some cereals: rye, barley, oats, wheat (from which semolina is made), which can cause damage to the cells of the small intestine in young children - celiac disease and allergic reactions, since there is a deficiency in children peptidase enzyme that breaks down gluten.
