What does it mean to present for gear. “Explain for the gear”: beatings for the wrong clothes among teenagers have become more frequent

Fights between teenagers over T-shirts or sneakers swept across Russia. "KP" figured out how to correctly explain the gear and what it means


When you're fifteen, everything matters: who you are, who you're friends with, what you're wearing. Always and at all times. If earlier there were dudes, hippies, anarchists and pacifists, then the most fashionable youth movement today is office or casual (see the KP Dictionary). Both of them are aggressive towards everyone who is not in the subject - they are not dressed like that.
Explain the gear - with such a call, officers and casuals roll up to other peers on the streets of the city. And this is not a way to get to know each other. What does it mean to explain for gear: translated from slang, this is literally the following - explain what right you have to wear what you are wearing now, and if you can’t, we’ll beat you. They can also be beaten for fakes.

Liza Eliseeva is 16 years old, she agreed to go with our correspondent to a party of office workers. Fred Perry sneakers once served as an identification mark for skinheads. But they have long gone to the people. Photo: DINA KARPITSKAYA


The dangerous fashion of "fighting for gear" swept over all of Russia. Including thanks to the Internet.
“If you are wearing a Fred Perry, Tommy T-shirt or NB sneakers, then simply answer that you are not in the know, but you like high-quality gear,” 20-year-old video blogger Sergey Martyshov teaches teenagers.
His videos have more than a million views, and the blogger himself calls this topic "painful."
- What's wrong with the brands of these T-shirts? - continues Martyshov. - These brands were popular with skinheads in the 70s, so the notoriety has remained. But now everyone wears them. They can ask for such gear only if in some villages (“ask” in translation from a teenage language means to beat. - Ed.). Stoniks (as the clothes of the cult company Stone Island are affectionately called. - Ed.) are a more defiant option. It just won't be put on. Turn-ups (tucked-up jeans. - Ed.), also came into football fashion from skins. Do not be surprised if you are asked to explain for them - this option of wearing pants means a willingness to join a fight. In general, if someone clung to you on the street, behave confidently, answer a question with a question. Understand, if you have a basement, then it's not so much in clothes, but in you.

T-shirts "Sputnik 1985" were invented by Sergey Pakhotin: "satellite" is one of the most famous words in the world, and 1985 is the year of birth of the author of the brand. But you can't just wear them. They were created for the punk party. Among teenagers, only the “chosen ones” put them on. Photo: DINA KARPITSKA


The topic “how to explain for gear” tears all the ratings on the Internet. Full of videos with fights and showdowns. Teenagers beat each other mercilessly, and girls also participate in the battles. What are they asking? "Are you right or left?" or “Who do you stand for?” The right is an aggressive person, an anarchist and fascist, and the left is an anti-fascist. But this is also extremely conditional.
- Few people understand all these right and left, - says 16-year-old Liza Eliseeva, an athlete, Russia's Olympic hope in synchronized swimming. She is from a good family, but also in the subject due to her age. - It's just an excuse to find fault with someone whose appearance did not like. If you answer that it is left, they will suddenly turn out to be right, and vice versa. In general, this political topic is a rarity. Fans of one or another football team are more often asked to “explain for the gear”.
Lisa, although not the most ordinary teenager and spends almost all her time training in the pool, also knows what to answer in such cases:

Yes, all teenagers know this. It's easy to identify officers - they walk in groups, put on camouflage panamas, black T-shirts with strange inscriptions, and roll up jeans. There are many of these at VDNKh, at the stations of the upper part of the gray metro line, in Otradnoye, in some parks and at the MCC stations.

Tucked-up jeans, or tucks, among officers mean readiness for battle. Photo: VK.COM


It was to these places that Lisa and I went, deciding to experiment with forbidden clothes. We bought the most fashionable Sputnik 1985 T-shirt with the gloomy inscription “It is not customary to cry in this country” and put on red Fred Perry sneakers.
- They can beat you for a fake. Football players believe that by wearing a finger * (see “KP Dictionary”), you insult their subculture, Lisa explains to me.

And how do they distinguish them?
- Oh, yes, the Internet is full of videos explaining how to distinguish a fake from the original. If you run into such a palpatrol, then at least they will force you to remove low-quality gear, and at the maximum they will beat you. But if you have an original, then, on the contrary, they respect you.
Still, after all, “native” jackets and sneakers cost a lot of money. The same Gosha Rubchinsky (a very fashionable Russian designer among officers. - Ed.) Pants from 20,000 rubles, jeans from 40,000.
We have no luck at VDNKh. We meet only two officers - and then peaceful ones.

So Holi is on the roof today - not far here, - the guys sipping beer shrug their hands. - Everyone hangs out there.
Holi (again, we explain for those who are not in the subject) is a festival of colors, an Indian holiday that is very fond of young people - when you can throw multi-colored coloring powder at each other. Fun is much more fun and enjoyable than fighting, so everyone forgot about the explanation.
We are going to Otradnoye, where a large shopping center always has a lot of football players. And there are a lot of young people here. Many are dressed according to the theme - in black T-shirts, camouflage, many are smeared with paint - also from the holiday. Everyone, without exception, smokes - so that even on the street there is nothing to breathe. The first to jump up to us was a nimble, short boy, about 12 years old in appearance:

A teenager from Otradnoye explains "for his sweatshirt": - Crossed knives - it means that he is ready for battle. “There are no innocents” - each has its own criminal article ... Photo: VK.COM
- No cigarettes? Are you standing (translated from a teenage language - rooting for any team. - Ed.), Or what? he turns to Lisa. She explains that yes, she is a fan of CSKA.
At this point, everyone else is slowly starting to come to us. They did not fight, as they later explained, they were frightened by the presence of an adult aunt, that is, me.
- And besides, we are not loose hooligans. So, some people get sick, but here the party is peaceful for the most part, everyone is their own, ”says one of the teenagers.
“You should have gone to Holi, there was such a batch,” another guy picks up. - And put on a more serious T-shirt, like on me.
The teenager is wearing a black sweatshirt, with a white circle inside which are some numbers and two crossed knives and an inscription.

And what does all this mean?
- Crossed knives - ready for battle. “There are no innocents” - everyone has their own criminal article. The numbers 13 - 12 are the letters of the English alphabet ACAB, which stands for All Cops Are Bastards ("All cops are bastards"). The skull is death to garbage, the bolts on the knives are thieves' stars, and the circle unites everything.

Wow! Are you walking with the convicts?
- No, - the teenager laughs. - This is the topic.

What are you explaining to them? - some painted girls enter into a conversation. - Quite a goof, or what? It will be necessary, they will figure it out. And then they go here, take pictures and sniff around. Maybe they are from the cops ...
To be honest, I felt like I was not in my hometown, but like I was in a scene from a movie about American gangsters from bad neighborhoods. In order not to really run into a fight, Lisa and I retreated. Lisa did not dare to go home in a T-shirt from Sputnik 1985 and gladly put on the top of the jacket of the Olympic team with the inscription Russia.
“They definitely won’t beat you in this one,” she told me in the end.

Even classic Adidas sneakers can cause questions. Photo.

The word "rags", known in the 20th century, was reduced by the beginning of the new millennium and lost the last two letters. In the teenage world, appearance is especially important, which is why there is a periodic need to “explain” the need for this or that outfit.

There are several versions regarding the origin of these words:

  1. Practice quibble over appearance came from the punk subculture. This movement originated in England in the 80s against the background of the economic crisis raging in the country. The punks dressed deliberately unattractive and scrupulous about the fact that no one from the outside dared to behave the same way;
  2. The history of raids for appearance is also known in our country. Especially in this discipline, the inhabitants of places of detention became famous, where even the smallest detail was elevated to the absolute. Despite the scarcity of the prison wardrobe, any thug could " throw present» persons of lower rank;
  3. According to another version, the expression comes from an environment of aggressive football fans. Being big fans of their club, they can't stand it when they see a person with the "wrong" shirt on the street. For example, it is better not to appear in the form of "Spartak" near the stadium "Zenith".

In this video, Ilya Sobolev will tell you how to properly explain for such clothes as New Balance, Fred Perry, Stone Island and other infamous brands.

Features of casual style

Translated from English, the word "casual" is translated as "everyday". This is usually called the “ordinary” style of clothing, as opposed to business and sports suits, as well as national outfits.

But in modern realities, this term means very aggressive subculture:

  • Mostly they are teenagers;
  • They are dressed in the football uniform of their favorite clubs;
  • They also prefer khaki clothing to emphasize their aggressiveness;
  • Favorite pastime - persecution of the victim, selected on the basis of "who is weaker." As a reason, belonging to a certain subculture can be presented;
  • Before starting the beating, the leader of the group says the words "explain for the gear." This is a rhetorical phrase, and the fate of the victim does not really depend on the answer to it;
  • Such a flock often turns into ordinary hooligans armed with brass knuckles, knives and other edged weapons;
  • Their behavior can be justified by nationalistic views.

Favorite brands of casual clothes are expensive Lacoste, Fred Perry and Stone Island. Since it is almost impossible to buy an original in Russian conditions, young racists prefer to buy fakes on Chinese online stores.

What is a "stonic"?

A few words need to be said about the legend in the world of youth fashion - Stone Island, affectionately nicknamed "Stonik". The owners of this gear can be seen from a mile away by a characteristic stripe called a “compass” or “patch”. Often, teenagers simply sew "compasses" to quite ordinary clothes.

The reasons for the popularity of Stone Island are quite understandable:

  • Raised price tag, which automatically turns this item into an attribute of luxury;
  • original design;
  • Waterproof, even in the heaviest rain;
  • High quality materials and sewing;
  • A rich history: English fans fell in love with the brand several decades ago.

A man walking down the street in a jacket with a stripe in the form of the NATO emblem wants to emphasize his brutality with his whole appearance. Neither participation in street fights, nor poor studies at school are alien to him.

Paradoxical as it may seem, but the owners of "stoniks" themselves may be asked to "explain the gear" by their natural enemies - anti-fascists.

What kind of clothes will you have to justify?

Almost every youth subculture prefers one fashion brand. Whether it turns out spontaneously or nosy marketers are to blame, is unknown.

Here is an incomplete list of clothing brands for which they often ask for clarification:

  • Fred Perry- An English company that produces polo shirts, t-shirts and sweatshirts with the brand name FP. It was founded by an English tennis player who gave the company his name. In Russia, the brand is popular among neo-Nazis and representatives of right-wing views;
  • Another brand that is especially popular among aggressive skinheads is Pitbull, Lonsdale and Everlast. It is them that the rapper Guf mentions in the song "New Year's";
  • Trasher can only be worn by those who are fond of skateboarding;
  • Regardless of the brand, those who like to tuck their pants will have problems: they are usually mistaken by yard tramps for representatives of non-traditional orientation.

In a teenage environment, it is believed that you need to choose your wardrobe based on your beliefs. Anyone wearing a Thrasher should be able to skateboard. Otherwise, bullying is guaranteed.

How to explain for gear on the street?

Anyone whose appearance raises serious questions from others has a hard time. It is difficult to suggest the right solution in this situation.

Among the possible options:

  • If what is happening takes place in the presence of outsiders, then you can calmly explain your position or lack thereof. It is unlikely that someone will dare to pester a person in broad daylight;
  • Practice verbal skill, for example, answer a question with a question (“Why are you asking?”, “In the sense?”, Etc.). Do not allow yourself insults in relation to aggressors who have a numerical advantage;
  • Pretend that the appeal was not heard;
  • If you have excellent physical fitness, you can go for broke and start a fight first. First you need to wait a while and calculate the leader;
  • If there is neither the strength nor the ability to tactfully send, then only one thing remains: retreat as quickly as possible from the ill-fated place.

With repeated repetition of harassment, there will be nothing left but to stop wearing your favorite clothes. Unfortunately, this is often the only option that is applicable in real life.

Several hundred years have passed since all civilized mankind abandoned the estate system. With the advent of the New Time, even a commoner got the opportunity to dress like a rich man, if he had money. But sometimes the shadow of the Middle Ages, no, no, and slips through. And people in fear are trying to find out what kind of gear they need to explain. As 500 years ago, and now they are met only by clothes.

Video: what gear is usually asked to explain?

In this video, Sergey Matrosov will tell you about the list of clothing brands for which hooligans often ask to "explain":

Tucked up jeans, or tucks, among officers mean readiness for battle.

It was to these places that Lisa and I went, deciding to experiment with forbidden clothes. We bought the most fashionable Sputnik 1985 T-shirt with the gloomy inscription “It is not customary to cry in this country” and put on red Fred Perry sneakers.

- They can beat you for a fake. Football players believe that by wearing a finger * (see “KP Dictionary”), you insult their subculture, Lisa explains to me.

A teenager from Otradnoye explains “for his sweatshirt”: “Crossed knives mean he’s ready for battle.” “There are no innocents” - for everyone there is a criminal article ...

- No cigarettes? Are you standing (translated from a teenage language - root for any team. - Ed.), Or what? he turns to Lisa. She explains that yes, she is a fan of CSKA.

At this point, everyone else is slowly starting to come to us. They did not fight, as they later explained, they were frightened by the presence of an adult aunt, that is, me.

“And besides, we are not loose hooligans. So, some people get sick, but here the party is peaceful for the most part, everyone is their own, ”says one of the teenagers.

“You should have gone to Holi, there was such a batch,” another guy picks up. - And put on a more serious T-shirt, like on me.

The teenager is wearing a black sweatshirt, with a white circle inside which are some numbers and two crossed knives and an inscription.

“What does all this mean?”

- Crossed knives - ready for battle. “There are no innocents” - everyone has their own criminal article. The numbers 13 - 12 are the letters of the English alphabet ACAB, which stands for All Cops Are Bastards ("All cops are bastards"). The skull is death to garbage, the bolts on the knives are thieves' stars, and the circle unites everything.

- Wow! Are you walking with the convicts?

“No,” the teenager laughs. - This is the topic.

What are you explaining to them? - some painted girls enter into a conversation. - Completely stupid, isn't it? It will be necessary, they will figure it out. And then they go here, take pictures and sniff around. Maybe they are from the cops ...

To be honest, I felt like I was not in my hometown, but like I was in a scene from a movie about American gangsters from bad neighborhoods. In order not to really run into a fight, Lisa and I retreated. Lisa did not dare to go home in a T-shirt from Sputnik 1985 and gladly put on the top of the jacket of the Olympic team with the inscription Russia.

“They definitely won’t beat you in this one,” she told me in the end.

Along with the ubiquity of social networks, new youth associations and movements appear, which can often cause noticeable inconvenience to people around. Teenagers, imbued with the spirit of Internet freedom, do not recognize prohibitions. And today they can approach a stranger on the street and start making claims about ... clothes! What does “explain for the gear” mean and how to behave if you happen to hear this phrase addressed to you? It's time to understand the youth slang and the motives of teenage behavior.

“Explain for gear”: what does it mean for convicted members of society

This phrase owes its roots to the subculture of people who in one way or another were connected with places not so remote, that is, prisons. Indeed, in the thieves' jargon, a similar statement is also present. What does the phrase “explain for the gear” (and in this case, “clothes” more correctly) mean for violators of the law? Today there is practically nothing, except perhaps the desire (expressed in a semi-mandatory tone) to find out more about the interlocutor. It is extremely rare to hear it in this context. From the vocabulary of the criminal world, the phrase migrated to the lexicon of adolescents, and here it began to be used extremely often, but took root surprisingly firmly.

Youth associations, movements, subcultures: where are the origins?

It would seem, what could be bad hobbies that bind young people together under the banner of a common idea? In fact, often the irrepressible energy of adolescents develops into aggressiveness, which can be observed in this case as well. For people who want to clarify for themselves what “explain for the gear” means, it would be useful to know who, as a rule, uses this phrase - these are mostly young boys aged 14-17 years old (sometimes older), who refer to themselves as “ right”, that is, the nationalist sector. Often these guys are ardent football fans and may require you to tell which team a person is a fan of. They are prone to vandalism and generally not very positive actions.

Why are they asking about it?

So what does “explain for the gear” more specifically? The fact is that the “right-wing fashionistas” have their own distinctive attributes - camouflage pants with collars, sneakers, sweatshirts and jackets of specific brands, paramilitary motifs and prints, in general, a certain style. Seeing the same distinctive symbolism on another person, in the company of guys who are not too tolerant and tolerant, a desire may arise to find out more about this person - does he consider himself to be in their movement, why did he dress like that and whether he has a “right” to it. If the clothes, according to the company, turn out to be “singed”, that is, fake, and its owner is an unworthy representative of the movement, then an unenviable fate will await him.

What will happen next?

What does it mean "explain for the gear" - found out. Now it's up to the small thing - to figure out what such an appeal can be fraught with.

A group of angry young people may act differently, but always their actions will express aggression. It will not be a burden for them to beat, take away this or that thing, humiliate and record it on a mobile phone. Guys may even carry bats or other means to potentially beat another person, such as brass knuckles. It is characteristic that, as a rule, they do not attack alone, but feel strength and impunity only when surrounded by their like-minded people.

How to behave and what to wear then?

So, one thing is now known for sure: what does “explain for the gear” mean. How to answer this is a question arising from the situation. In fact, there is no need to answer - it is most obvious that teenagers will not be satisfied with any answer, and the risk of "piercing" is too great. If you find yourself in such a situation, you should not panic. If you have self-confidence, you should not be afraid of these peculiar “defenders” of your own business, although bypassing them will still be the best option. When a crowd approaches, you should try to avoid their company as soon as possible or specifically go into a crowded place where they will not risk showing themselves.

If what “explain for the gear” means is understandable, then it remains unclear what category of people can hear this in their address and, thus, fall under the sight of street hooligans. Usually teenagers choose peers or those who are younger as potential victims, but this is not always an axiom. So, there is a case when angry guys attacked a 40-year-old man and took away a camouflage bag, about the unspoken "forbiddenness" of which, of course, he did not even know.

In fact, anything is allowed to be worn, because Russia is still a free country, there is no official “fashion police” here, which means that there are no prohibitions on the designer’s clothes, or on the Stone Island, Palace and other brands.

Summing up

Now anyone, even an adult, will be able to tell their children or acquaintances about what “explain for the gear” means. As you can see, there is no deep meaning or subtext in this phrase, and, as a rule, it is just a “prelude” to committing uncontrolled violent acts. However, we can say with confidence that although it is worth fearing this, you no longer need to be afraid. The movement itself is gradually declining, and the tendency to use the expression “explain the gear” remains, as a rule, only on the Internet in the form of a joke on a relic of the past and those people who have ever done such things.

Today, and fans of computer games are actively using the phrase "explain the gear." What does the expression mean in this context? Only a request to tell about your character - about its assembly, items, purchase of additional equipment, and so on. As you can see, there is no threat in this, which means that the phrase is not so terrible or bad. It all depends on who pronounces it.

On August 13, in Moscow's Gorky Park, unknown persons attacked a group of young people, as a result of which one of them, 25-year-old Stanislav Dumkin, died. According to preliminary information, the guy was required to "explain for the gear" - according to the attackers, Dumkin was dressed "out of line". "360" tells where this expression came from and what it means.

Initially, the expression "explain for the gear" referred to near-football and political subcultures. Members of these movements identify themselves by their clothing. Among their preferred brands are the Italian premium brand Stone Island, Saucony, Fred Perry, Lonsdale and many others. For the presence of things of these brands, subculturists can ask their owner why he wears them. For the wrong answer, a person, as a rule, is beaten. However, it is not easy to give the correct answer: you can wear Fred Perry because you are “right”, but if you are approached by “leftists”, then fights cannot be avoided.

The expression "explain for the gear" became popular in the late 2000s and early 100s. It was then, thanks to the Internet, that these subcultures became more widespread. It is expected that the main adepts of the movements were teenagers. Sometimes this led to tragic consequences: in November 2012, in Ryazan, several “anti-fascists” from 14 to 17 years old beat 19-year-old Alexander Dudin to death because he allegedly could not explain which subculture he belongs to.

However, like everything that becomes popular on social networks, the expression “explain the gear” has turned into a meme in a few years and has become something of an urban myth. Now on YouTube you can find dozens of humorous videos on how to properly explain for gear, and on VKontakte there are many groups in which teenagers argue whether they bought a real thing or a “singed” one. It comes to the point of absurdity: some “mods” are worried about whether they will be beaten by skaters for a fake Thrasher sweatshirt.

Over time, major federal media also drew attention to the rite of "explanation". For example, in July of this year, Komsomolskaya Pravda published a detailed text about how teenagers fight each other over the “wrong” brands. The article contains a number of dubious statements: for example, the author claims that a person wearing the clothes of the Moscow brand Sputnik 1985 or the Russian designer Gosha Rubchinsky will definitely be asked to "explain", although both brands have nothing to do with subcultures. The author also writes that they will also be required to “explain” for the “patch sticker”, probably referring to the Stone Island patch.

What is known about the murder of Stanislav Dumkin

On August 13, in Gorky Park, a group of drunken young people found fault with Dumkin and his friends. They did not like the look of the guy, in particular, his hat. A conflict ensued between the two companies, after which one of the aggressors hit Dumkin. The young man fell and was taken to the hospital with a head injury. He died a week later without regaining consciousness.

A criminal case was opened under the article “Infliction of grievous bodily harm resulting in death by negligence”. Investigators suspected of committing a crime. It turned out to be a Muscovite born in 1994, who is hiding from the investigation.

Later, the media that the suspect was the son of an actor from the TV series "Interns" 23-year-old Korney Makarov. He allegedly left home and is now hiding from the investigation.

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