Ivory facial skin. How to determine skin color

Finding the right shade of makeup to match your complexion always seems like a difficult task. And according to Jamie Greenberg, personal makeup artist for foreign celebrities, most women still don't wear the right color. Often foundations and concealers allow you to choose a shade based on your skin undertone, especially when it comes to online beauty stores. But if you don't know what kind of undertone you have, then this suggestion won't help much.

Undertone is the color that lies beneath the skin. While skin tone can change (over time, sun exposure, etc.), the undertone remains the same. Foundations are mainly chosen according to three skin subtypes: “cool”, “neutral” or “warm”. It is also possible that the undertone will be somewhere between the main colors, for example, it may be “neutral warm”. To get closer to your ideal makeup color, Jamie Greenberg shows us how to determine your natural skin undertone. Note that the same principles apply for all skin tones, from very light to dark. And remember, if you have problems with the analysis, you can always ask a professional makeup artist for advice.

Cool skin tone

Skin pink, red or bluish.

You have cool undertones if:
If the veins in your wrist are blue or purple
If silver jewelry suits you better than gold jewelry
Looking at your skin in the sun, it appears bluish

Neutral undertone

Those of you who have skin that is not pink/red/blue toned and not yellow/golden/peach toned, but something in between.

You have a neutral undertone if:
If the veins in your wrist are blue-green
If both gold and silver jewelry suit your skin equally
When you look at your skin in the sun, it appears greenish

Warm skin tone

Those of us with yellowish, golden or peachy skin tones.

You have warm undertones if:
If the veins on your wrist are slightly greenish or olive in color
If gold jewelry suits you better than silver jewelry
Looking at your skin in the sun, it appears yellowish

Three tips for choosing foundation

Well, now you know your skin undertone, then you can move on to foundation.

1: Before applying foundation, exfoliate your face

Before you start applying makeup, make sure your facial skin is smooth and moisturized. Remove flakes of dead skin with a scrub and moisturize your face with cream so that it takes on the color correctly. If the skin is sweaty or not completely cleansed, the color will appear patchy.

2: Test your new foundation in good lighting

Make sure you test the foundation in sufficient lighting. It's a good idea to try the cream in one place first, then move to another, with different lighting, and see if the cosmetic suits you in all conditions. Wear something white, as other colors can visually change your skin tone. Greenberg warns that you should never try to correct your natural skin color with foundation. It is best that it matches your natural shade. If you feel that your skin is too pale, you can always add bronzer or blush.

3: Choose the color you notice the most

There are three parts of the body that you need to think about: the face, neck and décolleté. Greenberg emphasizes that they can all differ in shade. The most natural thing would be to choose a foundation that matches the neck, but due to sun exposure, the face/décolleté is often darker than the neck. The makeup artist suggests choosing a product that matches the skin tone you notice most, then applying foundation to your face and neck to achieve an even tone.

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“Tell me, my little mirror, and tell me the whole truth, am I the sweetest, the most ruddy and whitest in the world?” - how many real modern beauties would hear an affirmative answer?

Immediately after waking up, without water procedures, a cup of invigorating coffee and applying makeup, only movie heroines glow with charm. In order for an ordinary young lady to get closer to her cherished ideal, she must at least “paint her own face.”

The key to neat makeup is uniform skin color created by foundation.

How to determine facial skin tone (color type)

The cosmetics industry of the last decade has given women a lot of all kinds of products to even out their complexion. These innovative products perform many functions and meet the needs of even the most demanding girl.

However, the abundance of assortment does not help to solve the main problem: how to choose a foundation that matches your skin color.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to understand the color type, i.e. facial skin tone.

Professional makeup artists have identified three main skin types:

  • neutral;
  • cold;
  • warm.

Pure types are defined by the following characteristics:

  1. Cold- the color of the veins on the wrist is bluish or purple; skin color in natural light with a bluish tint. The preferred metal for jewelry is silver;
  2. Warm— the color of the veins on the wrist is olive or khaki; skin color in natural light with a yellowish tint. The preferred metal for jewelry is gold;
  3. Neutral- the color of the veins on the wrist is blue-green; skin color in natural light with a green tint in the sun. The preferred metal for jewelry is any.

In addition to the obvious types, there are mixed variants.

When choosing a foundation, the color type is not the only point you should rely on.

One of the secrets of choosing the right cream to even out the color of the skin is a clear definition of another nuance.

Depending on the reaction to the sun, the epidermis is divided into red and yellow.

If the tan goes on easily and evenly, then the woman has a yellow skin class. The red class is characterized by a sharp reaction to ultraviolet radiation, expressed by redness and a copper tint of tan.

How to choose a foundation to match your skin color: basic rules

The selection of foundation should be given special attention. Evening out the complexion and camouflaging defects is the most important and responsible stage of makeup. If the tone is chosen correctly and the cream is applied skillfully, then minimal manipulations with the eyes and lips are most often sufficient to create a beautiful image.

Otherwise, the girl faces the problem of “aging makeup”, when the face looks much older than its actual age, or with a “mask effect”, when the foundation creates a lifeless, alien covering on the face.

To find out how to choose a foundation that matches your color, you should first determine your color type and skin type in general. And based on this, listen to the advice of makeup artists.
  1. With skin belonging to the red type, cream options such as pink beige, apricot or copper are in harmony - those that have scarlet notes at the base.
  2. For owners of the yellow type, experts insist that they choose from foundation creams in shades such as light beige, gold, walnut, and sand.
  3. When going to the store for foundation, it is optimal to choose a clear sunny day so that you can evaluate the product in natural sunlight.
  4. Experts recommend that, even if the room is very light, before purchasing, go outside and check the shade of the product again.
  5. Foundation must be applied to well-cleansed skin, so you should not select a toner without washing your face.
  6. Cosmetologists advise on the eve of a responsible choice to carry out a home exfoliation procedure, remove dead cells, apply a moisturizer, then the skin will be maximally prepared for the selection of foundation.
  7. Testing cream on the wrist is the most common mistake. The color of the skin on the face and hand is significantly different. The shade of the wrist serves only as a hint in determining the color type.
  8. The test product in the store should be applied to the cheek, this is the only way to assess its suitability.
  9. Professional makeup artists practice using several colors of foundation in one makeup, for example, the main tone and a lighter shade in the eye area, and a darker product on the nose and along the contour of the face.

Note! To select a foundation that matches the color of problem skin, in case of significant defects on the face (acne, pimples, scars or red streaks), testing the product in the area behind the ear is possible - there the skin most closely matches the complexion.

How to do this is the second point; it is better to resort to the help of a trusted friend.

There are no fashion trends or popular shades when choosing a foundation. This the product is selected strictly based on external data, for each specific skin type.

Color palette for fair skin

Fair skin is often called porcelain for its noble pale shade, similar to the cheeks of sophisticated dolls.

A tip to help you choose a foundation that matches your skin color is to study the names of the shades. The most suitable products are labeled “light” and “transparent”.

Pale skin is characterized by some soreness and dullness, therefore Makeup artists recommend foundations with a subtle peach tint, then your facial skin will be fresher and healthier.

The main secret on how to choose the right foundation that suits a specific shade is to test three similar tones on your face and determine the one that matches your skin color.

When there is a difficulty which of two shades to give preference to, experts advise choosing the lighter one.

Those with pale skin often plan to give their faces a tan effect with foundation - this is a serious mistake that leads to unnatural makeup. The tone should be as close to natural as possible. Other cosmetics are used to obtain a tan.

Color scheme for gray, earthy skin

Industrial cities have not had a favorable environmental situation for a long time. Smoke, smog, constant stress and rare exposure to fresh air lead to the fact that even the most enviable beauties complain about a sallow complexion. This skin looks gray, tired and aged.

With careful selection of the cream, this problem can also be solved. For a fresh face cosmetologists advise using foundations with a pinkish-brown tint.

Foundation tone if skin is prone to redness

Due to the proximity of capillary vessels, even healthy epidermis, without blackheads and acne, may have a reddish tint. More often a clear red tone of the skin stands out in the nasolabial area. A good foundation can even out this deficiency and provide uniform, long-lasting beautiful makeup.

To disguise skin prone to redness, foundations with a light green tint are used. Cool shades are most acceptable.

And here pink color scheme is a clear exception from suitable foundations for this skin type.

Foundation shades for dark skin

The most suitable colors for those with dark skin are shades of chocolate or caramel.

In general, women with dark skin are naturally lucky and require minimal amounts of toner.

If the choice is between two similar shades, then in this case You should give preference to a darker cream.

How to choose foundation for evening makeup

At a festive event, when going out into social society or a romantic dinner for two, a woman wants to look especially charming. To create a charming image, you will definitely need long-lasting, carefully executed makeup.

There are a couple of nuances when choosing a foundation for an evening event:

When a photo shoot is planned at an evening event and you want to look beautiful both in person and in photographs, then it is extremely foundations with reflective particles should be used with caution, which stand out as white spots on the face when cameras flash.

In general, if light foundations are suitable for daytime makeup, then for an evening out it is better to use thick creams, maximally leveling the surface of the face.

Newbie mistakes when choosing foundation to match your skin color

Despite numerous recommendations from specialists, a lot of master classes from leading makeup artists, there are girls with clearly incorrect makeup. At best, the foundation does not emphasize their beauty, but more often than not it looks comical and even scary.

In order not to be considered a novice in the art of make-up, it is important to know how to choose a foundation that matches your skin color in order to avoid mistakes.

This way, you will protect yourself in advance from mocking glances because of your stupid and inappropriate makeup.

The list of common errors includes:

  • selection of tone, based only on the indicator given on the packaging;
  • using the tester on the wrist or back of the hand;
  • choosing a product in dim artificial lighting;
  • applying a shade of tinting base that is obviously darker than the main complexion in the hope of getting a tanned look;
  • using a cream that is unsuitable in its composition and density for the type of epidermis (for young, fresh skin you should not use dense, heavy tinting agents; problematic faces require more careful adjustments);
  • using one product all year round (in different seasons, the color and condition of the skin, and the level of necessary protection from the sun and bad weather change);
  • focus solely on the price of the product (when choosing a foundation, the main characteristic is the match of tones, and not the price category).

Pro tips: how to choose the right shade of foundation

Experienced makeup artists often share their secrets for choosing foundation.

Here are the most interesting and useful of them:

In order to correctly choose a foundation that suits both the color and type of skin, it is worth setting aside enough time to study the store’s assortment.

This matter cannot be rushed. With the right choice of foundation, a woman can always achieve neat makeup and a spectacular, expressive appearance.

From this video you will learn how to choose a foundation that matches your skin color.

This video will tell you how to choose a foundation shade.

How to Determine Skin Tone

Skin tone is divided into three classifications, including: warm, cool and neutral. And there is also olive, which we will write about below. Here are a few simple steps to help you determine your skin tone.

Method 1: All you need is natural light, look at the inside of your wrist. If your veins have a greenish tint, this indicates a yellow undertone to your skin, which in turn indicates a warm skin tone (warm foundations will suit you). If the veins have a bluish tint, this indicates a cool skin tone (cool foundations will suit you).

Method 2: Pull your hair back away from your face and make a ponytail, the main task is to thoroughly cleanse your face. Take a white towel or cloth and wrap it around your neck and shoulders. If your face has a more yellowish tint, it means you have a warm skin tone, while a bluish tint means you have a cool skin tone.

Method 3: If you think gold suits you, it means you have a warm skin tone. People with cool skin tones tend to prefer silver. Additionally, you can use gold and silver fabrics for this test. Place a gold-plated cloth under your chin; it will either give a healthy tone to your face or not. Try the same with silver plated fabric, what do you see? Yellow or blue tint?

Method 4. One of the natural methods is eye and hair color: as a rule, people with blue, green and gray eyes, black and brown hair have a cool skin tone. In addition, in its natural state, cool-toned skin has a pinkish tint. People with brown, black, hazel eyes and black, blond and red hair tend to have warm skin tones. Natural shades of this skin are golden and apricot colors. However, there are always exceptions to the rules, so be careful with this method.

If you've done all of the above and still haven't determined your skin tone, it's possible that you have a neutral skin tone (foundations labeled neutral will work). Neutral skin tones can pair well with any color, but may also lean towards warm or cool tones. For example, a neutral skin tone can look great in colors that suit warm skin tones, or vice versa.

Olive tone is a complex color. It can be described as golden brown with a hint of warm greenery. Most often, olive skin is accompanied by dark hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. And the skin itself gives the impression of being dark. The olive tone is easy to see in a digital photograph, open it on your computer and look closely at the neck, something greenish will definitely flash there.

If your skin tone is uneven

It can sometimes be difficult to determine skin tone in people with sensitive and rosacea skin. If the first often turns red due to irritation, excitement, temperature changes, then the color of the second is determined by dilated capillaries. Problem areas are most often localized on the nose and cheeks. Excessive freckling can also make it difficult to determine skin color. Therefore, it is necessary to select the correct area of ​​skin for testing. It is best to target areas of skin on the forehead, chin or above the collarbone.

There is another way, based on the theory of color types according to the seasons. You can read more about it

The degree of pigment saturation of the skin

Very light: this skin is called “porcelain” or “ivory.” There may be freckles. There is almost no pigment in it. Translucent capillaries will cause its pinkish tint. As a rule, these are fair-skinned or red-haired people who burn very easily in the sun, and the tan never sticks to them.
If you are this type, then the lightest foundations designated FAIR will suit you.

Fair: This skin type can tan slightly but burns frequently. There is still little pigment in the skin.
Foundations marked LIGHT will suit you.

Average: Most people fall into this category. If you cannot determine what type of skin you are (light or dark), then most likely you belong to the average type. Tanning fits well on such skin and almost does not burn.
Basics - MEDIUM.

Dark (tanned): These people have a lot of pigment in their skin. They never get burned. Among Europeans, this skin type is less common than, for example, among Spaniards, Italians, Indians or light-skinned African-Americans. If you belong to this group, then the TAN basics are suitable for you.

So, if you have determined that you have a warm skin tone and the skin itself is light, then foundations marked warm/light will suit you. If you have determined that you have a cool skin tone and the skin itself is medium, then cool/medium foundations and so on will suit you.

If you still find it difficult to understand what skin tone you have, what level of pigment saturation and what base is most suitable, start with small test jars.

Once you have the basics in your hands, to determine which foundation will suit you best, do the following:

  • Dip your finger into the mineral base and apply a strip onto your cheek as shown in the picture.
  • do the same with the next base, applying a strip next to the previous one
  • in daylight, see which foundation is closest to your skin tone

You can also mix the bases together to find the shade that suits you. To do this, pour a little foundation of one shade and then another into the lid, mix them together and repeat the test with stripes described above. Keep mixing until you find the perfect shade. If your skin tone has changed over the course of the year (tan, etc.), simply change the proportions of each foundation shade.

Do you want to do natural makeup, even out your complexion, or hide skin imperfections? You need to choose the right shade of foundation, concealer and powder. And to do this, you need to correctly determine the skin color of your face. And this is where the difficulties begin. How to determine your skin color?

How to determine skin color: main types

There are as many skin types as there are face types. In Europe there are two main types of skin: yellowish and reddish.

Yellowish skin is skin that has a slightly beige, golden or yellowish-hazel tint. Most Russian women have beige-yellow skin.

Only 15% of our girls have reddish skin color. This skin appears pink, freckled, or pale.

The easiest way to classify tanned skin is. Yellow skin turns a distinct brownish-yellow color in summer, often with an olive tint. Reddish skin turns red after the beach, and when rested it takes on a copper tint.

If a girl is prone to rosacea - the formation of red streaks on the face, then her skin can be mistakenly attributed to the reddish type. Sensitive skin that experiences severe redness in the cheeks and nose area is also not necessarily the reddish type. In this case, you need to look at the forehead or chin - there is no redness in these areas, and the color is determined unambiguously.

It is also difficult for girls with a pale face to determine skin color. If you have a transparent-light complexion, and bluish blood vessels are visible in the eye area, then you should take a closer look at the skin of the shoulders, armpits, neck and décolleté. In these places the skin is more pigmented.

Yellowish skin color

Yellowish skin comes in a variety of shades, from light to dark.
Light yellow skin appears translucent or ivory in color. The very dark tone has an olive tint.

Between these polar tones there are many natural shades: light beige, sand, golden, rich nut and others.

The shades of foundations developed for such skin also have similar names.

Reddish skin color

The main color of the skin is yellow. The skin tans slowly and the tan lasts well.

The makeup base should be very light and yellowish. If there is no redness, then the foundation can be applied in a thin layer and powdered a little with transparent powder.

Porcelain color

The lightest skin tones will suit the lightest shades of foundation.

Ivory shade

Such dark skin will never appear pale. The face has a uniform olive tint and is of the yellowish type.

Here you need a rich beige foundation and powder of the appropriate color.

Problem skin

In the photo you see a girl with a beige complexion and sensitive skin with redness.

In this case, you need a liquid tone of a warm beige-golden hue. If you need a thicker layer of makeup, a compact foundation will come in handy.

How to choose a foundation shade?

How to choose a foundation to match your skin color? Do a little test. Place a little foundation on your finger and draw a line from your cheek to your chin. If the line seems invisible and blends into the skin, then you have chosen the right foundation. If in doubt, apply three strips of different shades and compare the result.

If there is redness on the face, apply a strip from the lower jaw to the neck. In the neck area in women with a yellowish skin type, redness is usually absent. If you have very pale, porcelain skin, also apply a strip to your neck.

Try to conduct the test in natural light. If artificial lights are turned on in the room, try to ensure that the light falls on the face from both sides.

Do not try to change your complexion with foundation. Concealer helps hide minor redness and blue circles under the eyes. You can make your face tone darker or lighter than natural using dark or light powder. Bronzers, highlighters and blushes add brightness and relief to the face. The foundation should be as close as possible to your natural skin tone. The purpose of foundation is to create the perfect canvas for makeup.

A cool pinkish base is not for everyone. If your skin has a reddish tint on both your face and neck, then a foundation with a slightly pinkish tint is suitable for you.

If the skin on your face has redness and the skin on your neck looks beige, then you need a warm beige foundation. Couperose and rosacea can be perfectly disguised with a yellow base, thanks to which the skin will acquire a fresh and neutral tone.

At the same time, certain shades of yellow base complement the skin of almost all shades. It's harder to go wrong with a yellow foundation than with a reddish foundation.

Often pink foundations, especially on yellowish skin, age the face.

However, for pale skin, a foundation with purple and pink pigments can give a fresh and healthy look.

A base with peach or apricot pigments softens the yellowish tint of olive skin.

A base with amber pigments gives tanned skin a special shine.

How to choose a concealer shade?

The concealer perfectly hides skin imperfections, masks areas of the skin that have slightly changed their color compared to the main tone. Concealer is applied only to the problem area. Decided to disguise dark circles under your eyes? Apply the product strictly to the bruise itself, but not to the entire eyelid.

For beige and ivory skin, use a yellow concealer. This color is versatile and works great to cover up dark circles, acne and brown age spots.

For bronze and ebony skin, the choice of concealer shade depends on the richness of the skin tone. A golden-orange concealer suits light to medium skin tones. Darker, tanned skin needs a dark brown concealer.

The coloring properties of concealer can be tested by applying it to a vein on the inside of the wrist.

How to choose a powder shade?

It is better to choose a powder whose tone exactly matches your skin tone. This will keep your skin looking healthy and juicy.

The translucent powder covers the face in a barely noticeable layer, but is still not transparent. It looks most unnatural on olive and dark beige skin. Also, translucent powder is appropriate in those areas where there is too much concealer.

How to determine skin color according to the Western system?

The palette of decorative cosmetics distinguishes several levels of skin color saturation:

  • fair - light, milky;
  • light - light, ivory;
  • medium – beige;
  • olive - golden nutty;
  • tan – bronze;
  • brown - brown;
  • black - black.

They correspond to the shades of cosmetics

Dairy (fair)

People in this group have red or very blond hair and white skin. The skin may appear reddish or bluish because blood vessels are visible.

They are characterized by light blue and green eyes and often have many freckles.

Eyebrows and eyelashes are light. If they are dark, you probably do not have the first phototype.

In the sun, the skin quickly turns red and burns, sometimes to the point of blistering. It is almost impossible to get a tan.

People of Nordic origin have very light, porcelain skin. The lightest powder color suits them.


Hair is light, shades of blond, light brown, light brown and sometimes dark.

Eyes - green, blue, light brown, sometimes dark brown (usually with dark hair).

The skin appears white, but if you look closely, you can notice a yellowish or pinkish tint, and possible freckles.

The skin does not tan well, but if you try, you can achieve a golden tan. A brown tan is practically impossible. Possible burning with burns in the form of “bubbles”.

Foundations with shades ranging from ivory to beige are suitable. The second color of the cosmetics palette is used by people of purely European origin.

Medium light beige (light medium)

Hair is brown, all shades from light brown to chocolate. Possible red hair with brown eyes.

Eyes - dark gray, gray-green, green-brown, sometimes blue or brown. Completely light eyes are not typical for this type.

The skin is beige, perhaps barely noticeable freckles.

You can tan until light brown. The tan goes on evenly, but at first there is a risk of burning. If the skin burns, it will turn red and peel.

If a light beige tone suits you, then you are the result of “friendship of peoples” and your ancestors are from South and East, from East Asia, and maybe from the Caucasus or from Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Morocco.


The rich beige color suits the descendants of the inhabitants of South America, Southern Europe, the Caucasus, Asia and the Middle East.

Medium dark

Hair - dark brown, black.

Eyes - brown, black, dark gray, dark green.

The skin is dark beige, light brown, golden. No freckles. There may be pigmentation and white spots on the skin.

The skin tans quickly to the color of milk chocolate. It rarely burns when exposed to the scorching sun for a long time. If it burns, it turns red. Peeling occurs very rarely.

Brown foundation color, “cinnamon color”, coffee with milk, deep tan color are suitable for some residents of India, South America, the Persian Gulf, Africa, and the Pacific Islands.

Dark brown

Hair and eyes are dark. There are no freckles, pigment spots are possible.

Skin light brown, bronze, medium brown. The tan reaches dark chocolate, it is almost impossible to burn.

Dark brown foundation is suitable for residents of South Asia, Africa, and South America.

Very dark. Black (very dark)

Eyes and hair are dark. Skin from chocolate to black. Tans to black, never burns.

Very dark color is very rarely represented in cosmetic brands. It suits the darkest inhabitants of Africa.

The first 2 tones are light skin, the next 2-3 are medium, and the last 2-3 are dark.

How will this information help you when choosing lipsticks and eye shadows?

Light colors look very natural on light skin, they add brightness to medium skin, and are lost on dark skin.

Medium colors look bright and good on light skin, look natural on medium skin, and good on dark skin.

Dark colors look bad on light skin (especially if they don’t harmonize with the color of the eyes, hair and clothes), on medium skin they look good, they add brightness, on dark ones they look natural.

Very light colors, almost white, on darker skin they lose color and look chalky, pure white.


The names of the tones themselves will tell you how to choose a foundation that matches your complexion.

Do you have yellow skin type? Pay attention to sand, olive, walnut, light beige and gold shades.

Do you have red skin type? Your palette: apricot shade, copper or pink beige.

Do you have a noble porcelain appearance? Look for cosmetic products that have the words “light” or “transparent” in their names.

The foundation of a cosmetic bag and half the success- this is a correctly selected foundation. You can live beautifully without it, but it’s hard to imagine technical and complex makeup without a tone that will allow colors to lie as cleanly as possible, and shapes and textures not to conflict with each other. The times when foundations could not be recommended for regular use are far behind us. New formulas have more and more advantages: many of them have additional caring effects; in the cold season, the coating can protect the skin from aggressive external influences, and a wide selection of textures allows you to choose the ideal invisible assistant. Together with makeup artist and author of the blog Super make up Suka Gevorg, we are trying to figure out how not to make a pocket-draining mistake, what adjusters are and how to find your ideal color.

Hue and undertone

You can find all the basic rules on how to choose the right decorative product in the mandatory set of any beauty blog: it is recommended to determine the skin tone by the color of the veins on the wrist or by applying a white sheet to the face. These tips are not universal, so even those with an even and stable complexion should take into account the nuances. In addition to genetics, the condition, and therefore the color, of the skin is influenced by many factors - if once everything is taken into account, then it will be possible to get rid of painful searches for a long time.

There is no single regulation in describing skin color, so foundations are sold under a variety of lush names. You can hear up to a dozen designations of undertones: golden, bluish, olive, reddish, greenish. Let's agree that for our explanation five will be enough: the undertone can be, as is clear from the popular assortment, yellow or pink, as well as olive or neutral (in such skin several pigments are found in almost equal proportions). For dark skin, red is also used. With the main tone, things are much easier - shades are ranked by saturation from light to dark, and not only professional brands have a large selection.

The yellow undertone is the most problem-free, especially today: suitable shades of varying degrees of intensity can easily be found among Korean-made foundations. Such skin usually does not require strong color correction, and ideal coverage is easy to achieve using even the lightest fluids. You can change the base if your skin tans easily in summer, but it is possible that you can get by with one suitable color, complementing it with bronzer. For those with pink undertones, it’s a little more difficult. Even on healthy and well-groomed skin, areas where blood vessels are naturally located closer to the surface can be noticeable - as a rule, this is the nose area. During the cold season, redness, which may not be to everyone's taste, becomes a regular companion every time you go outside.

Those with pink undertones are often advised to choose a product with yellow undertones to compensate. Gevorg explains that this should only be done if you really don’t like strong redness or want to hide rosacea: “If you have a face with a pink undertone, then you need to relax and choose a shade of foundation that matches your skin color. And if you have problem skin, closely spaced blood vessels and a distinctly pink complexion, I would advise trying light moisturizing textures like CC creams. Then, when choosing a color, you can place more emphasis on the yellow undertone. This simple technique will help create a visual sense of an even complexion.” It should be noted that special labeling, again due to the lack of any consensus in the name of the products, can be deceiving. A color labeled as “beige” can have both yellow and pink undertones, so clarification will never be superfluous.

Olive skin undertone is not that common and is defined as yellow with a greenish tint. It is because of this that even very fair skin can appear dark, so rich foundations with a yellow undertone are suitable for her. The rarest neutral shade can go well with different bases depending on the owner’s preferences - here, when choosing, it is important to ideally select the color saturation. Special products exist for these complex skin tones too - look for them from professional brands like MAC, NARS and Make Up Forever.

Color customization

Brighteners and darkeners (or adjusters) of foundations, which previously were not even found in every makeup artist’s cosmetic bag, have recently become easy to buy for anyone. If the base suits you in all respects except color, then proper customization can work wonders. Gevorg reminds us that, first of all, these products are a type of foundation, differing only in an extremely dark or light shade. So, if there is an available alternative, the bank can easily end up being thrown onto a distant shelf over time.

The makeup artist explains what you need to consider when using such a product: “The lightener has its own texture, light (like the white tone of MAC Face and Body) or much denser (white adjuster Manly Pro). When you mix your foundation with a drop of adjuster, the texture also changes. Here's an example: if you take the light, dewy shade of Chanel Vitalumière Aqua and lighten the shade with MAC Face and Body, the tone density remains the same low. And if you use a light BB cream and try to mix it with the Manly Pro white tone, the overall consistency of the product will immediately become quite thick.”

There are also subtleties in handling color: the most popular mass product, The Body Shop adjuster, contains pink pigment, so if you don’t have the task of “cooling” the tone at all, it may not be suitable. It is possible that the solution to the problem already lies somewhere among the rubble of cosmetics. For example, Gevorg prefers to use a very light Sephora moisturizing concealer as an adjuster. Thus, your favorite concealers in very light or very dark shades and comfortable textures can perfectly play the role of a customization product - as a rule, among professional brighteners and darkeners, the choice according to this criterion is very meager.

Most products that are intended for daily use do not provide dense coverage, which is not what you should expect from them. The makeup base significantly helps the correct shrinkage of the color of the foundation. Among them there are products intended for color correction - Givenchy Actimine, Smashbox Photo Finish Color Correcting Primer and many others. With their help, you can easily give the skin the desired neutrality, and then apply the main tone.

How to choose funds

Of course, the best option is obvious: you need to try everything on your face. The inner side of the hand is a bad helper in this sense. The skin color of this part of the body often differs from the skin color of the face, and it is quite difficult to adequately assess whether you have chosen the desired coverage density. It is very important to test in natural light, but unfortunately it is a rare beast in our stores. A good solution is to consult a makeup artist who will help you decide not only on the color, but also on the composition that suits your skin type and the general set of products that you need. Many people recommend choosing a tone so that there is no need to complete your makeup with powder, which may not suit problem skin.

If a curse hangs over you and your favorite products are being discontinued, then at your service is a fairly accurate Findation service, which searches for similar foundations among all the products known to it. The Temptalia blog is equipped with the same function - in addition, there you can choose a foundation based on the main characteristics: undertone and shade.
