Sister's day of the year. Nurse's Day

Picture for International Nurse's Day

The history of the Nurse's Day holiday goes back to the beginning of the 19th century; on May 12, Florence Nightingale, the founder of the service of sisters of mercy, was born. During the Crimean War, this woman first organized a care service for wounded soldiers, which contributed to a significant decrease in mortality during hostilities. She also organized a charitable foundation to create the world's first school of sisters of mercy. In 1934, the International Foundation was created. F. Nightingale, on whose initiative the International Day of the Nurse became an annual holiday.

About the profession
Nurses can be called girls with primary medical education, who are directly subordinate to doctors and paramedics. Not a single medical institution can do without them, all nurses are reliable assistants to doctors and, together with the main specialists, lead the patient from the beginning of his stay in the hospital until his recovery.

International Nurse Day will be celebrated by tens of thousands of employees throughout Russia. The fact is that nurses are the most numerous specialty in the medical field. A large number of services related to the passage of treatment, preoperative preparation, is performed directly by nurses.

World Nurses Day is celebrated on the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the famous English nurse who created the first ever organization of sisters of mercy. During the Crimean War of 1853-1856, she saved dozens and hundreds of lives every day. The number of nurses then included not only Englishwomen, but also Russian nuns who voluntarily went to serve. Among the sisters of mercy, one could often meet ladies of the highest birth. As the most striking example, we can recall the wife of Emperor Nicholas II.

The first association when we hear International Nurse's Day is a holiday associated with the work of nurses during wars. So it is, brave women and girls carried the fighters from the battlefield, provided them with first aid on the front line, and themselves often became targets for the enemy.

Despite the fact that Nurses' Day has existed since the mid-19th century, only the last 40 years have officially begun to celebrate it. In January 1974, nurses from more than 140 countries united in a single organization called the International Council of Sisters of Mercy.

nurses day now
Nurse's Day is accompanied by numerous information and entertainment activities. From year to year, the celebration takes place under the official slogan, for example, a few years ago it sounded like “Nurses for Patient Safety” or “No Counterfeit Medicines”. In Russia, the day of the sisters of mercy has been celebrated since 1993. In our country, as well as throughout the world, the holiday is accompanied by scientific and educational meetings with the population, as well as entertainment events: concerts, competitions and even KVN.

May 12, 2020 - the nearest date for the celebration.

International Nurses Day 2019 congratulations in verse

Let it turn into a fairy tale
And surround with love
You life, care, affection,
Good luck with everything, health!
From patient to heart
Let the corridor lead.
We congratulate the gentle
And good nurses!

Happy Nurse's Day, Nurse!
Let your page of fate
This day will turn over
And the sun shines in my soul!
With a look you can cure anyone:
And the lame and the blind!
Charm set in motion -
Remove the crutches people!
Let the sick rejoice
And the weekend starts!

Congratulations on your sister's medical day
We must remind about the profession.
Health is their concern.
Yes, let there be fewer sick people every day.
Once a change - so that it goes smoothly.
And bonuses - once a month and worthy!
Always follow the call of the heart,
Forget about the difficulties of working from home.
Good health "excellent"
Joy in business and personal life!
Let luck be reliable, familiar.

Eternal companion to doctors,
Helps all people.
We are a nurse
Health improves.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For your heart and care!
And now we want to wish
May work bring joy.

On the day of nurses, congratulate everyone,
Who is constantly on duty
The time has come, because you are one of those
Who serves people tirelessly!

If we ever get sick
Medicine should help us
But the quickest help
Our Nurse!
Your work is the most valuable in this world!
Not everyone can help people
So let it reign in your apartment
Joy, happiness, friendship and love!

Nurses celebrate their holiday today.
You are the backbone of medicine, everyone knows about it.
I want to wish all medical sisters
Let fewer sick people come to the doctor.
May the sun smile more often for you,
Let flowers, friends, smiles delight your eyes.
May dreams come true, may the nightingales sing!
I sincerely wish you happiness and love!

Surround with gentle care
Pay attention to everyone.
Always keep an eye on the sick
Support, cheer.
Sweet and kind without limit,
You are the purest soul!
Thanks for everything nurse!
Health to you, happiness forever!

Congratulations on the day of the nurse
I wish to keep a lot of patience
And always helping patients
Only care and affection to give.
Many professions are important and complex
You just save people.
You also help them spiritually
In this you are a master, almost a magician.
Helping save body and soul
You treat with care, your smile
And today I congratulate you
I'll give you a verse and a few rubles.

A light hand will smooth out the pain from the injection,
At the first call for help will come.
Spend the whole night at the sick bed,
He will find time for everyone else.
We are grateful for your work
What is often not easy at all,
Sisters of medical love and care -
And our health is in safe hands!

Let happiness, not knowing barriers,
Brings you gifts today
And the birds sing, congratulating,
Happy Nurse's Day to you!
So let the compliments sound
And wishes sound!
Today let all patients
Thank you with flowers!

Without mercy, like without a nurse
There will be no life on the planet.
He will put an injection and will not leave you in trouble
Her direct duty and concern.
She will give everyone hope
What will life be like before
That the disease will forever recede
And it will only get better!
The Nurse Deserves Happiness
May the Lord be generous
Because you put your soul
Let there be true love in life!

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May 12 is celebrated as Nurse's Day around the world. In 2016, International Nurse's Day is dedicated to the theme: "Nurses replenish and expand the availability of care and increase equity". The work of a nurse is very complex and requires great knowledge and skills. Only truly strong in spirit, patient, kind, sensitive and responsive remain in this profession. No wonder nurses used to be called sisters of mercy!

The history of the international holiday in the world and in Russia . In January 1974, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent League decided to establish international holiday of nurses International Nurses Day, which is currently celebrated in more than 140 countries around the world. The date of celebration - May 12 - was not chosen by chance: the most famous nurse Florence Nightingale was born on this day. In Russia, the International Day of Nurses has been officially celebrated since 1993.

About Florence Nightingale. In 1853, during the Crimean War, the Englishwoman Florence Nightingale organized a service of sisters of mercy in Turkey, which was at war with Russia. In addition to organizing a nursing service, Florence Nightingale in the same year took up the construction of baths, laundries and hospital kitchens, and at the end of 1855 organized a fundraiser to create a school for the training of sisters of mercy. This school was opened in 1860 at St. Thomas' Hospital in London.

At the same time, in 1854, in Russia, the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna in St. Petersburg organized a community of Sisters of Mercy, which called on women "not bound by family responsibilities" to help the sick and wounded. In this community, special training for sisters of mercy was organized. In the service of the sisters of mercy in Russia there were commoners, aristocrats, nuns from the Moscow St. Nicholas Convent. They went to the front and, showing extraordinary courage and bravery, saved the wounded Russian soldiers. After the war, many women remained in hospitals, where they not only cared for the sick and attended operations, but also served as nurses.

Thus, the Crimean War (1853-1856) showed the invaluable contribution of the nursing process to the recovery of both the wounded and the infectious patients.

Milestones in the organization of nursing service in Russia. Although in Russia women's medical care for the sick and wounded in hospitals was organized under Peter I in 1716, after his death, these initiatives were interrupted for more than 100 years. And only at the beginning of the 19th century did the service of “compassionate widows” appear in Moscow, which lasted until 1892. The Institute of “Compassionate Widows” is the prototype of the communities of sisters of mercy, which began to be created in Russia since 1854. In addition, in St. rules for patient care and some medical procedures. These organizations gave rise to modern nursing in Russia.

Currently, nurses constitute the largest category of health workers, since in medical practice a large proportion of medical services are provided exclusively by paramedical personnel. According to the attending physicians, at present 80% of care for patients is entrusted to nurses.

The role of the nurse hard to overestimate. The nurse has always been an assistant to the doctor, so the final result of treatment depends not only on the knowledge and skills of the doctor, but also on the actions of the paramedical worker. The nurse provides comprehensive patient care, performs various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. She is much more than a doctor, she is with the patient, she can be the first to help in case of deterioration of his health. No matter how hard it is, she must work with maximum efficiency, instill confidence in a sick person.

The work of a nurse is very emotionally charged. Her whole working day is the closest communication with people, primarily with patients who require maximum care and attention, and with their relatives.

A modern nurse must be a comprehensively competent specialist, a person of high culture, possess such qualities as compassion, diligence, mercy, conscientiousness, honesty. And she has to keep learning. “Medical business is exactly the area where you can learn something new every day,” thought the founder of nursing, Florence Nightingale.

On the International Day of the Nurse, it is customary to honor paramedical workers who have distinguished themselves in the workplace, organize seminars, conferences, and round tables. There are among nurses who are especially devoted to their profession, and it is on this international day that the Florence Nightingale Award is awarded every year around the world to the best of them. And the Red Cross awards the 50 best nurses in the world with the Florence Nightingale Medal every two years on May 12th.

Nurse's Day is another reason to express gratitude to the representatives of an important and demanded profession at all times. This is the largest category of health workers today. If you want to know when is Nurse's Day 2017 and why this holiday is so important all over the world, then you are here.

Holiday: Nurse's Day in Russia

A nurse is a specialist who received an initial medical education in the specialty of nursing. This is a person who, following the doctor's prescription, directly interacts with patients, cares for them.

In accordance with the profile of work, nurses are: chief, senior, ward, procedural, operating, district, dietary and working at a medical appointment of narrow specialties. A reliable and necessary support for all doctors is nurses.

In today's healthcare industry, they perform technically demanding jobs such as:

  • medical procedures;
  • nursing;
  • timely provision of necessary drugs to medical institutions;
  • sanitary and epidemic control.

However, another important value of nurses is that they are often real psychologists for patients. Interacting with the sick, they treat not only their body, but also their soul, instilling faith in a speedy recovery. Their heartfelt warmth and strong spirit are a reliable support in their work, as well as a guarantee of success in treating people.

The professional holiday of a nurse at the official level was approved in 1971. The Russian Federation has been celebrating this day since 1993. The date of the celebration is chosen 12 May not by chance. This is the date and month that Florence Nightingale, founder of professional nursing, was born.

During the Crimean War, 34-year-old Florence and several dozen assistants went to work in Turkey, and then to the Crimea. Putting their lives at great risk, they helped the wounded directly on the front line in field hospitals. At Nightingale's suggestion, in 1860 the first special school for the training of sisters of mercy was opened, which became the prototype of modern medical schools.

In 1863, the profession of nurse arose. This is the time when the Minister of War issued a decree on the introduction of permanent nursing care for the wounded and sick of the military hospitals of the Russian Empire. What date is International Nurse's Day celebrated in the Russian Federation? 12 May every year, middle and junior healthcare personnel, students and teachers of medical educational institutions accept congratulations from the leadership of institutions and top officials of the country on their professional celebration.

On this day, it is customary to reward medical staff with commemorative signs, valuable gifts, diplomas and prizes. The world-famous Red Cross organization awards fifty nurses with the prestigious Florence Nightingale medals who have distinguished themselves in their professional activities. Each year the solemn date has its own theme, which is devoted to all kinds of conferences, round tables and seminars.

Entertainment events and concerts dedicated to the international holiday of nurses are held in palaces of culture throughout Russia. Sincere words of gratitude are addressed to representatives of one of the most necessary and humane specialties. It is difficult to imagine world medicine without such an important profession as a nurse, which, unfortunately, is still underpaid.

A doctor is a most valuable profession that causes pride and honor, but against the backdrop of the significance of the work of a doctor, the importance of nurses is not always noticed, without which no doctor could make progress. A nurse is the main assistant of any doctor, at the same time she takes care of the patient and makes sure that all the recommendations of the attending physician are correctly followed. Quite often, the patient's health depends precisely on how attentive the nurses are to him and with what responsibility they approach their work.

The idea of ​​celebrating Nurse's Day came up in 1953, but it was not until 1965 that the holiday was celebrated internationally. After 9 years, ICN proposed celebrating the holiday on May 12, since it was on this day that Florence Nightingale, the famous British sister of mercy, was born. The woman was an active public figure and did a lot for English society. At the same time, she was able to show the whole world an example of kindness, mercy and participation towards strangers, complete strangers. The establishment of Nurses' Day on her birthday is a tribute to her great deeds and big heart.

International Nurses Day 2019 - congratulations

Who is there in a white robe
And with a beautiful smile
Make an injection skillfully?
Nurse! She is in control of everything!

grateful patients,
Happiness, life victories,
Lots of colorful moments
And many bright years!

So that everything works out in life,
To be lucky always, in everything,
So that all problems end!
Lots of happiness every day!

It's Nurse's Day!
What do you wish?
You are worthy of the highest praise,
After all, helping people

Your confession, and now
I wish the best!
May happiness every day and hour
Invites you to visit!

And may great love
Life will be near
Let them surround again and again
You sincere people!

Nurse's Day is coming to us,
So everything will work out!
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Only the best!

May your eyes always shine
Happiness and love!
May your eyes always shine
Happiness and health!

I also want to wish
Joy and peace!
Never lose heart
So that everything was great!

Postcard for International Nurses Day 2019

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Every year in the community of professionals there is a deepening understanding of how dependent the healthcare system of each country is on the efforts of nurses, midwives and paramedics. It is this understanding that reflects this year's slogan for International Nurse's Day Nurses are a force for change: strengthening the resilience of the health system.

The MSM document, published on the eve of the holiday, defines health system resilience as “the ability of stakeholders, organizations and populations involved in the system to prepare for and respond effectively to a crisis, continue to perform essential functions when the crisis hits, take into account the lesson learned during the crisis and if the conditions so require, reorganize.”

In other words, the system should work stably, without obvious failures, and enable patients to receive both planned and emergency medical care at a decent level. In this case, we are talking about both the national health care system and the regional one, as well as each medical organization, which is a micro-system responsible for a specific direction, attached contingents of the population and patients.

Each system must work like clockwork. What does this mean in healthcare? First of all, the following tasks must be solved:

Sufficient number of trained health workers

Availability of medicines

Reliable information systems in health care, including control systems

· Developed infrastructure

Sufficient public funding

· A strong public health sector to ensure equal access to quality services.

The document prepared by the International Council contains recommendations addressed to the professional community:

· Introduce and support interprofessional education and practice. In any healthcare organization, nurses can push for collaborative learning and teamwork programs and appropriate models of care

· Achieve a balance between the medical approach (attention to the treatment of diseases) and the health of the population (measures to preserve health, prevention).

· Identify and demonstrate leadership in global and national strategies to address health inequalities and migration.

Collaborate with government organizations, human resources programs to achieve suitable workforce planning methodologies

· Strengthen and diversify care delivery in the primary sector (expand the responsibility and role of nursing staff, prepare an active and worthy successor…)

Ensure that there is a sisterly voice in all debates and discussions on health and social care issues, including health financing, ethics, determinants of health

· Assess the impact of regulation and legislation on the health care system and personnel policy.

Develop and improve an information system and data collection system to support quality health planning and development

Participate in research related to workforce planning, with the health system

Assess the impact on the health system of complex social and gender issues such as determinants of health, inequality and inequity
