If the girl is boring. These Traits Make Women Boring in Relationships

Ecology of life. Psychology: There is no more exciting thing in life than an affair with a woman with a complex character.

Most men seem to find women they simply like. They do not comprehend them, they do not recognize them, they do not reveal them.

At the same time, a woman will literally become your second half, she will have a huge impact on you. Women are much more rational than men. Their actions are more logical. There is no more exciting thing in life than an affair with a woman with a complex character.

Perhaps this is not for everyone: not everyone likes to solve puzzles. But those who decide to have an affair or a family with such a woman will receive a great prize at the end.

photo: Peter Lindbergh

1. She will make your life much more interesting.

Believe me or not, "difficult" people are not born "difficult". There is no "complex character" gene that people get from their parents. People become more "complex" when life experiences make them so.

And he's different for everyone. Difficult relationships are not always pleasant, but they always turn out to be more intriguing and exciting than "happy ones." From an engineering point of view, the iPhone is also a complex device, but those who understand its essence no longer need to explain anything. So - and with exceptional relations.

A complex woman is always an interesting woman. Why? Because they can tell you dozens of exciting stories from their own lives, not someone else's. And you can become a part of them.

2. She will be a great conversationalist

A difficult life experience is always a large number of great stories. And since they will all be about themselves, they will turn out to be very emotional.

It happens that after many years of relationship, nothing remains of them. If you don’t feel like constantly revealing your partner, sharing the most important stories of your life with him, then such a relationship exists for some reason, but it is no longer an end in itself. Or maybe it's just hard for you to leave a woman you have not loved for a long time because of children?

But it is difficult to stop loving a woman with a complex character and devilish attraction. So in the end it's a very good choice.

3. Your girlfriend will never sound like a broken record. She's hard to win

"Easy" and "boring" are synonyms. People by nature are always looking for a challenge, and men in particular. When it comes to their women, men always (on a subconscious level) find out which one is better. We are fighters, competitors and conquerors.

We love to win and we hate to lose. If we fall for a woman, we chase her until they fall in love with us. Well, or you will have to look for excuses for yourself, why it is supposedly not worth wasting time on it.

But as soon as we win an easy victory, we immediately lose interest in winning. Therefore, our woman must always remain a mystery to us. But you should not make her bored either. Otherwise, she will just run away.

4. She can be a little short-tempered, but that will make the relationship interesting.

Everyone thinks that the perfect relationship is when everyone is always smiling and kissing. But to be honest, such relationships simply do not exist. Everyone swears.

Every relationship goes through a serious test. And here usually one of two scenarios occurs. You can either quickly lose interest in quarrels and conflicts - and become a soulless type who will live the rest of his life in depression, not even knowing about it. And the second option: you can take these frequent battles over and over again - as if it were all happening for the first time. And you will end up with an interesting life full of passion and inspiration.

This kind of stress does more good than harm.

5. She will make you work for her - and this is the main thing that will keep the connection between you.

Most people are in such a hurry to build relationships, as if some kind of championship medals were waiting for them in the very price.

You must be aware that relationships are a reward. The beauty of a love relationship is that you don't have to wait until you can eat your piece of the pie. However, they also require constant maintenance.

Most often, problems arise when one of the two of them decides that he can no longer do his part of this work.

Let's be honest: it usually happens to men. When men feel the love of their women, they no longer feel the need to fight for it.

That is the difference between a husband and a lover.

A real man knows that he must work to keep his life alive. A wise woman knows that if a man makes her feel special again and again, then she should give him the maximum of her feelings.

Don't be afraid of your feelings. We all fear this terrible feeling - the feeling of loss. Remind yourself that a great relationship with an unavailable woman is always an opportunity. published

© Paul Hudson

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When a couple ends their candy-bouquet period, they may feel differently about it. And if the guy takes it for granted, then the girl can catch herself thinking that she clearly lacks attention. To avoid such cases, the guy must find out the girl's hobbies, and then he can support her aspirations.

Of course, it’s good if a guy and a girl find a common hobby that they will do together: ballroom dancing, drawing lessons, playing musical instruments, swimming lessons. So they will not only develop spiritually or physically, but also strengthen their relationship.

And also, so that the girl does not feel deprived of attention, the guy must take care of the little things: open the door in front of his girlfriend, give her a hand when she gets out of public transport or out of the car, etc. Also, for many women, significant dates are very important, so it’s better for a guy to try to remember them (perhaps write them down). This may be the day of acquaintance or the day when the first declaration of love was made. By the way, it would be very nice if the guy himself would remind the lady of his heart about this and give gifts, even symbolic ones, in connection with this date.

If a girl is bored when her young man leaves somewhere for a long time, then you can try to take her with you. Perhaps the occupation of her half will be so captivating that it will become a joint hobby, or maybe she will find this occupation uninteresting and then she will no longer prevent the guy from going away sometimes.

Thinking about what to do if a girl is bored, we can assume that the matter is not at all in her man, but in herself. Unfortunately, everyone has depressive states, when nothing pleases, and everything seems meaningless. In this case, you just need to help cope with feelings, support your beloved. But if she is always in this state and demands that the guy constantly entertain her, then it is worth considering whether such a relationship is needed at all.

If the guy nevertheless decided that he wants to help his girlfriend cope with boredom, then you can arrange a romantic surprise date for her. For example, somewhere outside the city - clean air and harmony with nature are very important things for the inhabitants of the metropolis. Or arrange a dinner on the roof of a skyscraper, or offer to jump with a parachute, or raft down a mountain river.

Or maybe the girl would prefer to go to an exhibition of modern art or to the theater. In this case, even if her boyfriend is not enthusiastic about such leisure activities, it is better to prepare in advance and not only take the girl there, but also show your knowledge in this matter. If a girl is passionate about dancing, then you can invite her to a fashionable nightclub.

In general, it all depends on what kind of environment the girl has, and what kind of herself she is. Maybe she is quiet and would prefer a good book as a gift, or, on the contrary, she is active and sociable and wants to spend a sleepless night in a club to the rhythms of music. You just need to study her addictions and arrange a surprise - one from which she will be delighted, and then it will not occur to any guy to say - "my girlfriend is bored with me."

She sits every morning in some stylishly decorated office., but with difficulty can formulate the subject of his activity. "Well, it's something like leasing, but not really leasing, but we rely on the Leasing Law in our work, but it's not leasing in general." At work, she does not work, but makes a career.

She loves everything that ends with "-ing"— diving, styling, shaping, jogging, cycling, petting, briefing, coaching. "We had the coolest corporate event after coaching." For her, all these "ings" are like "bitch-bl /" for a gopnik and "however" for a reindeer breeder.

She's sure in the fact that Catherine II is the wife of Peter I and the mistress of Rasputin, but at the same time - "by sound" distinguishes the group "Cream" from the group "Silver" and can even name all the discs and songs up to a year. However, she is an educated girl, because she knows that Tchaikovsky was not only a homosexual, but also a composer.

She got a fashion education— Faculty of Economics and Law of the Interregional University of Commercial Technologies and Franchise Engineering. She is sure that her super-paid education is much better than Moscow State University or, say, Moscow State Law Academy, because she knows for sure - "... without a bribe, no one enters such universities anyway, so it's better to pay everything honestly through the Savings Bank."

She loves to lead a healthy lifestyle- go on trendy diets, do some Pilates or aqua aerobics in the evenings, count calories in an apple slice ... She always carries a pack of condoms in her super-purse (fake "Louis Vuitton") - you never know what ?! She eagerly studies Shape magazine, measures her waist in the morning, eats wholemeal bread and drinks coffee only at work - in the morning. At the same time, she smokes like a thermal power plant and thumps every Friday, in her youth she indulged in marijuana and did not miss a single “pretty pepper”.

She loves diminutive suffixes(they are in second place after the English "-ings"). "My pusik" (he is also a masik, hare, puzanchik, boar, etc.) is a man. "Preziki" - condoms. "Fotik" - a camera. Describing a super-diet, she says something like this: "Well, let's say, chop cabbage, onion, chop beets with a knife, a couple of pieces of bread ... You can have a drop of coffee ..."

She is convinced of her "civilized Europeanness" because she knows 100 words in English, is relaxed in bed and watches in the evenings not a Brazilian canoe, but Sex and the City. Manically goes to all blockbusters. Reads Murakami, Suesskind, Coelho, Dan Brown, Fowles. She is bored, but she still "...pokes her finger in the book", because it is fashionable. All office ladies in the Moscow read these authors!

Likes fashion. If it is fashionable, it will be worn, looked at, thrust into all holes. If suddenly Jewish pogroms come into fashion, the first one will run to the hardware store for an axe. Suicide will be in vogue - he will drown himself.

Considers herself smart and beautiful at the same time. Demands the same attitude towards his person from you. However, she considers you a miserable scarecrow. And you too. And - you.

Breathingly pronounces the word "Courchevel", but there is only enough money for Turkey. From Turkey, she brings a mountain of explosive souvenir muck, pictures of "I'm on the beach" and the phrase: "All the men were glued to me there!"

Marry not for love, not by calculation, not out of friendship, but because - to get tired. White veil and crinoline are a must.

He brings up his children occasionally- knows his name and how old he is, but he doesn’t remember at all whether he likes to draw, sing or stand on his head. But periodically drags on doctors and courses of English.

And generally speaking, she is stylish, super, loves shopping and men(although, in the last year there was something with one lesbian).

She is beautiful and proper, laughing at the greasy anecdotes and tricks of the Comedy Club.

"Boring, girls!" - this is how the Russian leader commented on the US missile attack on Syria. According to Putin, what is happening around the Arab Republic is strongly reminiscent of the events of 2003, when US representatives in the UN Security Council allegedly showed chemical weapons possessed by the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein. After that, a military campaign began in Iraq, and ended with the destruction of the country, the growth of the terrorist threat and the emergence of ISIS * (a terrorist organization banned in Russia. - Note ed.).


According to the Russian president, the same thing is happening now. “Again, the partners nod to them. In this regard, I remember our wonderful writers. I would like to say: boring, girls! We have already seen and observed all this,” the head of the Russian state added after a meeting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella.

The phrase used by Putin is from the 1928 novel The Twelve Chairs by Soviet writers Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov. The 34th chapter describes the performance of "grandmaster" Ostap Bender in front of chess lovers from the village of Vasyuki.

"The grandmaster turned to local topics: "Why is there no game of thought in the provinces? For example, here is your chess section. So it is called the chess section. Boring girls! Why don't you, in fact, call it something beautiful, truly chess-like." And the Vasyukinites immediately - under the honorary chairmanship of Ostap - called themselves the "Chess Club of Four Horses".

This phrase also has an older - and more serious source. With these words begins the "Russian Song" of the poet Anton Delvig, a friend of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

"It's boring, girls, to live alone in the spring:

There is no one to talk to sweetly young ... "

And yet, Vladimir Putin, most likely, recalled Ostap Bender. The inhabitants of the White House are very reminiscent of the inhabitants of Vasyukov. Moreover, another pearl from the novel "The Twelve Chairs" was used by the president at a meeting with the staff of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in May 2005. Speaking about Latvia's claims to Russian territory, Putin said that the country can get. "We will not negotiate on the platform of any territorial claims. They will not get the Pytalovsky district, but ears from a dead donkey."

* The organization is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation

The last time you talked to a girl, did you mumble something incoherent about your math homework, then mention going to the dentist, and then start snapping your fingers in awkward silence while the girl stared at the floor? Don't worry, it's happened to all the guys. It's okay, if you prepare and make an effort, then the next time you talk, the girl will be extremely passionate.


Where to begin

    Start with a casual theme. In your first conversation with a girl, pick a light topic that both of you can talk about quite naturally without feeling embarrassed. Don't talk to her about the weird rash you have on your back and don't ask her to tell you about the most embarrassing situation in her life; you can talk about it when you get to know each other better. Choose neutral topics to start a conversation she feels comfortable with. Don't swear. She wants to be treated like a lady! Here are some safe but fun themes to get you started:

    • your favorite bands;
    • the latest movies you have watched;
    • your pets;
    • your brothers and sisters;
    • What did you do last weekend or what do you plan to do next?
    • your vacation plans.
  1. Avoid personal topics. This rule goes hand in hand with starting a conversation on a light topic. You'll be able to have deeper conversations once the girl gets to know you better, but for now, it's best to avoid talking about family deaths, your first loves, strange illnesses, or fear of death. If you feel like you have an instant connection with a girl, then you can quickly move from chatting to more important topics, but it is worth avoiding too personal topics when you first begin to communicate with a girl, otherwise she may retreat.

    • Well, if she started a conversation on a personal topic and wants to continue it, then you can support him and see where it leads, but still be on the lookout.
    • Pay attention to the girl's facial expression and body language. If she backs off or looks upset when you ask her about something simple, then it may be a sensitive topic for her.
  2. Keep smiling. If you smile and act positive, then you can keep the girl interested and make her want to continue the conversation. While you shouldn't smile until your cheeks are numb, it's worth taking advantage of every opportunity. This will show the girl that you really enjoy talking to her and leave a positive impression of you. You may be so nervous that you forget to smile, so remind yourself of that.

    • Smiling is especially important when you first start talking to a girl, and also at the end of a conversation. It is important to start and end on a good note.
  3. Look into her eyes. Eye contact is the key to making a girl feel important and see that what she says really matters to you. You may feel uncomfortable talking to her and start looking around just because you are afraid to look at her, but try to break this habit. You don't need to look into her eyes with tension and love, because it can scare her - just look into her eyes during a conversation to make her feel important. If you find it difficult to make eye contact with a person or prefer to avoid eye contact, look at her nose - look, but don't stare. Not everyone is able to maintain eye contact during a conversation; tell her about it - if she is worthy of your attention, she will understand.

  4. Ask her questions. This is the key to making the girl feel special as quickly as possible. You can show that you care by asking questions about her or what she's been doing lately. The questions don't have to be very personal - they don't have to - but you should show your interest in her and her life. If she doesn’t ask you anything, then you should stop asking questions for a while - perhaps she feels like she is being interrogated. Here are some topics for questions:

    • her hobbies and interests;
    • her favorite bands, books and TV shows;
    • her favorite subjects at school;
    • her dream job;
    • her best friends;
    • her plans.
  5. Give her a compliment. After talking for a while, you can give her a little compliment to make her feel appreciated. Make sincere compliments, do not dissemble. You can compliment her sweater, her new haircut, jewelry, or even a personality trait. Don't be too specific ("You have great legs") because it will make her uncomfortable. Don't overdo it, choose something neutral and show her you care.

    • One compliment per conversation will be enough. Do not bombard her with compliments or act like you are not sincere in your words.

    How to keep her interested

    1. Find common themes. Once you've started a conversation, look for common ground to make it easier for you to find topics for conversation. It is not necessary to have common interests, however, if you find them, the conversation will be easier. When you talk to a girl, try to determine if you have something in common - maybe you grew up in the same city, maybe you like the same sport, or you have a mutual friend or teacher.

      • If you talk about something in common, you can open up, enjoy the conversation, and talk about new topics. For example, you can talk about how much you love football, and then go on to the craziest stories that have happened to you at the stadium, and then discuss your favorite places in the city.
      • Let things take their course - don't try to find out if she likes the same thing as you. Try to keep the conversation open, otherwise it will stop if she does not share your interests. For example, instead of saying, “Have you seen Frozen? It's my new favorite movie" - better say: "Have you watched anything interesting lately?"
    2. Ask her opinion. This is another way to keep the conversation going and show the girl that you really enjoy talking to her and that she means something to you. If you ask her for her opinion, she will see that you see her as an individual and that you really value her opinion. You can ask about the political situation in the country or even if she likes your new shoes. She will understand that you are not just trying to hit on her, but respect her as a person.

      • Don't ask her questions that can only be answered with "yes" or "no"; ask questions that can be answered in detail so that she has something to talk about. Use "What do you think about..." instead of "Do you think that...".
    3. Use your environment. If you're nervous and feel like the conversation is waning, look around to see what you can use to your advantage. Maybe you have a concert poster hanging behind you, then you can ask if the girl likes this group. Maybe you are standing outside a coffee shop, then ask her if she goes there to read. This does not mean that you need to immediately look around as soon as the conversation begins; look for clues in your surroundings when awkward pauses begin to arise between you.

      • This is a creative way to keep a girl interested and continue the conversation. She will be impressed by how observant you are.
    4. Make her laugh. If you want to keep the girl's interest, it would be nice to make her laugh. If you make a girl laugh, she will want to continue the conversation with you, so look for situations where you can dilute humor. You can gently laugh at yourself, make a kind joke about a mutual friend, or tell her a joke if you think she won't laugh. If you have a funny story that can really make you laugh, you can tell it, as long as it's not too long and complicated. Do not overdo it, but look for ways to make the girl laugh.

      • If you don't have a natural sense of humor, then don't try to be something you're not. The girl will see that you are trying, and will begin to feel sorry for you. Instead, you can just be yourself, and if you can make the girl laugh in the process, great!
      • If you don't know the girl well, then don't tease her, unless you're already flirting and teasing each other. She may misunderstand and be offended, and this is definitely not what you wanted.
    5. Don't turn the conversation into a one-sided monologue. Some guys are so worried about not seeming boring that in the end the girl can't get a word into the conversation. Maintaining interest does not mean talking incessantly. Speak, but let her speak too. Stop from time to time - she probably has something to say too. You should not pull everything on yourself. Of all the time you spend talking, you should only talk half, no more (or a little more if you're shy).

      • If you constantly talk about yourself, then you will look narcissistic, and she will not want to continue this conversation.
    6. Ask about her interests. Almost all girls like to talk about what is especially important to them, so be sure to ask her about what she does in her free time, how often she does it, and why she likes it, and also find out why for her so important. You will not have to persuade her for a long time - you will notice how her face lights up when she starts talking about what is really important to her.

      • If she doesn't go into details when discussing her interests, share yours.

    How to end a conversation

    1. Show her what makes you stand out from the crowd. You don't have to be able to do back flips to impress her. However, it's worth ending the conversation in such a way that she thinks she knows you a little and realizes that she makes you stand out from the crowd. Maybe it's your sense of humor, your charm, or your love of playing the guitar. Whatever it is, open up to her, show her who you really are. So, when she meets you again, she will have something to talk to you about and she will have pleasant memories from the previous conversation.

      • This does not mean at all that you need to tell her everything about yourself in the first 10-15 minutes of the conversation. Tell some interesting facts about your life - that will be enough. If you only talk about “weather” all the time, you will never really get to know each other.
    2. Be positive. When you feel like the conversation is coming to an end, end it on a positive note, no matter what you are talking about. If you've been complaining about your parents, teachers, the weather, or anything else that has upset you for the past five minutes, then the girl is unlikely to have a good conversation with you. Your goal is to make the girl feel positive vibes and remember that it was fun to communicate with you, and not boring or even painful.
      • You can complain only when there is something that annoys both of you. But even in this case - in moderation. Save your complaints for someone who knows you a little better.
    3. Don't forget about self-confidence. Remember to remain confident while speaking. Show the girl that you believe in what you are talking about and that you are happy with yourself. If she feels this, then she will understand that you are in harmony with yourself, that you are fun and easy to communicate with. If you get nervous, put yourself down, or talk about how you can't find a topic to talk to, then she will feel uncomfortable and is unlikely to want to talk to you again.

      • You don't have to act like you're the most interesting person in the world or like you're so sexy you could be a movie star; just show that you are happy to be yourself(Is that true?), and everything else will follow.
      • There is a fine line between boasting and self-confidence. If you brag too much, it will push the girl away.
    4. Leave before the conversation ends. This is a great way to leave a positive impression. If you think the conversation is going really well and you're having a great time, then tell the girl that you'd like to continue the conversation, but it's time for you to go. The idea of ​​leaving in the middle of a great conversation may seem silly, but by doing so, you will make an unforgettable impression on the girl - she will definitely want to meet you again. Conversely, if you delay the end of the conversation, there will be nothing to talk about, awkward pauses will begin ... and, in the end, she is unlikely to want to communicate with you again. If you wait too long, you can see that the conversation dragged on, or you have nothing more to talk about, but why should she communicate with you again after that? Wait until you find a common language, and then, as politely as possible, say that you have to go.

      • If you are full of courage and the conversation went really well, you can muster up the courage and invite her to meet again.
