Geometric figures number 5 middle group. Synopsis of an open lesson on femp for children in the middle group "five keys

Abstractopen lesson on FEMP for children in the middle group "Five Keys"

Integration of educational areas:

  • cognitive development;
  • socio-communicative development;
  • speech development.

Target:the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, constructive abilities, communication skills, expand the active vocabulary of children.



2. Improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle.

3. Consolidate knowledge of colors.

4. Consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day.

5. Continue to develop constructive skills (construct from geometric shapes).

Educational :

Develop attention and memory.


To consolidate the ability to correctly use generalizing concepts (classification).


To educate children in goodwill in communicating with peers and adults.

Demo material:

A chest, five keys, a small glass jar with clear water, a blue cloth (lake), five fish of different colors with numbers from 1 to 5.


Plane geometric shapes (circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle), cut pictures.

Methodical methods:

Game situation, problem statement, conversation-dialogue, speech game, physical education, constructive activity, experiment with water in a jar, analysis, summing up.

Secret experiment with water. In order for colored water to appear in a jar after clear water, you need to apply thick gouache on the lid of the jar. After you shake or shake the closed jar, colored water will appear in it.

Lesson progress

Children stand in a semicircle.

Educator: Guys, we have guests today. Say hello.(Greeting guests).

Educator: Guys, today a package and a strange letter came to our group. The envelope says: Kindergarten, for the children of the Tsvetik-Semitsvetik group from Doctor Aibolit.

Now I will read it to you.

« Hello guys! Help me please.

sick in Africaanimals. I took the magic water andalready, it was about to go, but the evil pirates took away my chest from me! They closeda chest with five locks, and the keys thrown into the lake. If you agree to help me, you There are five tasks to complete. You need to find magic fish, you will learn tasks from them. For each correctly completed task you will receive a key. After collecting all five keys, you will be able to open the chest with magical water. I myself would go on a journey with you, but they are waiting for mesick animals. I really hope for you!How to cope with the task magic water send me! Aibolit".


The teacher opens the parcel, takes out the chest and examines it with the children.

Educator: Guys, can we help Aibolit? (children answer)

Educator: Then we go to the lake.

Look at the fish swimming in the lake. We need to get them.

Here is our first assignment.Fish need to be arranged in order.

(The teacher calls the child, Find a fish with the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 what color is the fish at number 1, etc.)

- Well done! Done, here is the first key!

Task 2.

Game "Parts of the day" (“Finish the sentence”).

I will now read the sentence to you not to the end, you must complete it.

We sleep at night, and do exercises ... (in the morning)

We have breakfast in the morning, and lunch ... (in the afternoon)

We have lunch during the day, and we have dinner ... (in the evening)

We have dinner in the evening, and sleep ... (at night)

How many parts per day? (4). Name them.

Educator: Well done! Here is the second key for correct answers. And now the third task.

Task 3.

Educator: You guys need to go to your tables. Sit down, hold your backexactly, the legs were removed under the table.(Health saving - posture),There are pictures in front of you. Here is the task:

Post pictures of hedgehogs. How many hedgehogs did you get. (Answer children). Right. With whatDo hedgehogs like to eat? That's right, mushrooms. Let's treat the hedgehogs with mushrooms. (Children lay out mushrooms). Did all the hedgehogs have enough mushrooms? (Answers of children). How many mushrooms do we have? And how many hedgehogs? What can we do to make hedgehogs and mushrooms become even? That's right, you need to addone mushroom or remove one hedgehog. Let's imagine that one hedgehog ran away.What have we got now? (Answers of children).

Well done boys! Mission accomplished! Here is the third key.

Educator: And now it's time for us to rest. I invite you to the carpet.


On Monday
On Monday I swam, (Depicting swimming.)
And on Tuesday I painted. (Depicting drawing.)
On Wednesday, I washed my face for a long time, (We wash ourselves.)
And played football on Thursday. (Running in place.)
On Friday I jumped, ran, (Jump.)
I danced for a very long time. (We circle in place.)
And on Saturday, Sunday (clap hands.)
I rested all day. (Children squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep.)

Educator: Well guys, have a rest! Time to move on to the next task.

Task 4.

A game « Geometric figures"

Children take geometric shapes out of the bag.

Educator: See what you have there? (Children answer)

Now I will say the magic words, wave my hand, and you will turn into geometric shapes.

(Children turn into figures).

"Now let's get to know each other."

Children take turns saying their names.

I am a red triangle

- I am a green circle, etc.

laid out on the floor houses - hoops with color symbols: red, green, yellow, blue. Children at the command of the teacher, they go to their homes, explain their choice.

On what basis were the figures divided? (children's answers)

The figures are sent for a walk, at which time the color symbols change to the symbols of the shapes of the figures. At the signal of the teacher, the children choose their house, explain their choice.

Why did you choose these houses? On what basis did you split up?

Well done boys! You have completed this task.

Educator: For a correctly completed task, we get the fourth key. And nownext task.

Task 5.

Educator: Go to the tables in your seats (health savings - posture), pay attention to the tables are various geometric shapes. Let's dream up and collect pictures from them. Let everyone build what he wants.

Educator: Well done boys! Let's see what you got. (considers what the children have folded, discussion). For this you get the fifth key.

So guys, how many keys do we have? (Five).

Now we have to open the last lock chest, open it and get magical water.

Children with a teacher open the chest and get magical water. (She is transparent).

caregiver : I think it's just plain water. Wait, there's another note.

“If you shake the jar, the water becomes magical. Send magical water to me in Africa urgently. And for you, kids, there is a surprise in the chest, magic candies ”(at the bottom of the chest there is a treat for the guys).

And so our adventure came to an end. Did you like it? And what did you like the most (children's answers).

Let's say goodbye to the guests.

Lesson on FEMP in kindergarten on the topic "Five Keys". middle group

Integration of educational areas: "Speech development" "Cognitive development" "Social and communicative", "Health".
Target A: The development of children's interests curiosity cognitive activity.
educational: to form knowledge about numbers from 1 to 5; knowledge of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, polygon); ability to navigate on a sheet of paper; develop constructive skills (collect puzzles with cartoon characters).
Educational: develop children's interests, logical thinking, curiosity.
Educational: development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers.
Preliminary work:
Reading and discussion with children of the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"
Methodical methods:
Game situation, problem statement, conversation-dialogue, speech games, outdoor game “We will buy with my grandmother”, constructive activity, experiment with water in a jar, analysis, displaying pictures for tasks using ICT, summing up.
Secret experiment with water. In order for colored water to appear in a jar after clear water, you need to apply thick gouache on the lid of the jar. After you shake or shake the closed jar, colored water will appear in it.
Demo material:
A chest, five keys, a small glass jar with clear water, a blue cloth stretched over a hoop (lake), five fish with numbers from 1 to 5, a telephone.
A set of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon), puzzles with cartoon characters.
Vocabulary work: Africa, plastic.
Introductory part.

Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle facing the guests.
Educator. Guys, look today we have a lot of guests. Tell me, do you like when guests come to you?
Children. Yes.
Educator. Let's say hello to our guests.
Children. Hello.
caregiver. But that's not all, we received a letter from Dr. Aibolit from a familiar fairy tale.
Let me read the letter to you: “Guys, help me, please, they called me from Africa and asked me to come urgently. In Africa, all the animals got sick. I took the magic water and was about to set off, but the evil pirates took away the magic water from me! They locked it in a chest and threw the key into a deep lake.
Educator. How can we help? What do we have to do?
LETTER CONTINUED: You have five tasks to complete. For each correctly completed task, you will receive a key from the fish. If you collect five keys, you will be able to open the chest with magical water. I would have gone with you myself, but other sick animals are waiting for me.
Main part.
Educator. Can we help you guys?
Children. Yes
caregiver. Gotta get on the road. But first we will check if you can help Aibolit. I suggest you play a game called "Parts of the Day". I will read the sentence, and you try to finish it.
Game "Parts of the day"("Finish the sentence")
- We sleep at night, and do exercises ... (in the morning)
- We have breakfast in the morning, and lunch ... (in the afternoon)
- We have lunch during the day, and we have dinner ... (in the evening)
- We have dinner in the evening, and sleep ... (at night)
- How many parts in a day?
Children. (4).
caregiver. Name them.
Children. (morning afternoon Evening Night).
caregiver. Tell me, when does our journey begin, at what time of the day? Children. (In the morning.)
caregiver. What time of year is it now?
Children. (WINTER)
caregiver. Name the winter months
Children. (December, January and February - don't forget them).
caregiver. Well done! Dr. Aibolit also sent you assignments and wants to check the children? I will ask you questions and you will answer it.
The game "What time of year?"
- At what time of the year does everyone swim and sunbathe? (Summer).
What time of year do birds fly south? (Autumn).
What time of year do snowdrops bloom? (Spring).
What time of year do they play snowballs? (in winter)
What time of year does snow melt? (Spring)
What time of year do leaves fall from trees? (in autumn)
- At what time of the year do thawed patches appear? (Spring)
Well done! I think that you can manage and get all the keys ..
Educator. Then we go to the lake. We go along the path. Look at the fish swimming in the lake. To find out which task is the first, and which is the second, etc., we need to arrange the fish in order. (Each child lays out fish with numbers from 1 to 5 in a hoop). Find a fish with the number 1. Now you will sit on the chairs and we will see what task this fish has prepared for us.
- Well done! Here is the first fish and task 1.
1 TASK- The game "Say in one word" (generalization) with the ball.
- Apple, pear, plum, lemon - ... (fruit).
- Bed, bedside table, chair, wardrobe - ... (furniture).
- Dog, cat, cow, goat - ... (pets).
- Dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather - ... (relatives - family).
- Cube, doll, car, ball - ... (toys).
- Slippers, sandals, boots, sneakers - ... (shoes).
- Bee, dragonfly, fly, beetle - ... (insects).
- Airplane, helicopter, rocket - ... (air transport).
Educator. Well done! Here is the key from the fish for the correct answers. Find the fish with the number 2. Well done.
Task 2.
Children sit in a semicircle near the projector.
TASK 2 - The game "We describe the animal."
Educator. If you guess the animal, it will appear on the screen.
This animal has a gray coat in summer and white in winter. He runs fast. He is afraid of everyone in the forest, hiding under a bush (hare).
- He's small and prickly. Sleeps in winter. In summer it catches beetles and worms (hedgehog).
- He's big, shaggy, clumsy. In winter, he sleeps in a den. In summer, he walks through the forest and looks for honey and raspberries (bear).
- She's red-haired and sly. She has a fluffy tail. Lives in a hole. Catches mice and hares (fox).
- He is gray and scary, angry and hungry. Catches hares and calves. Lives in a lair (wolf).
She is small, fast, red-haired. Jumps through the trees, lives in a hollow. Gnawing cones and nuts (squirrels).
Educator. Guys, what are the names of these animals? That's right, wild animals. For the correct answers, the fish gives us a second key. Where is the third fish? (Children find a fish with the number 3).
Task 3. She invites us to play a game
The game "What are the objects made of?"
- Rubber ball - ... rubber.
- Plastic ball - ... plastic.
- A glass of glass - ... glass.
- Matryoshka made of wood - ... wooden.
- Rubber duck - ... rubber.
- Fur toy - ... fur.
- Paper craft - ... paper.
- Iron nail - ... iron.
Educator. Well done! From the fish we get another key. Next task 4. (Sit down at the tables).
4 TASK- The game "What is where?"
This is a memory task. Children are encouraged to carefully observe and memorize where the geometric shapes are located. Then place geometric shapes on the landscape sheet.
In the middle is a circle.
In the upper right corner is a square.
In the lower left corner is a hexagon.
In the lower right corner is a triangle.
In the upper left corner is a rectangle.
Educator. Fine. Did you do everything right? The fish gives us the fourth key. And let's see the last one. There is only one fish left. What number? That's right, 5.
5 TASK- Assemble familiar cartoon characters with puzzles.
Children collect puzzles and name the cartoon. (music)
Final part.
Educator. Well done! Rybka gives us another key. So, how many keys do we have? (Five). It's time to call Dr. Aibolit.
They call the doctor.
We have 5 keys. Now we have to pick up the key to the casket, open it and get magical water?
Children with a teacher select the key. Open and get magic water. (She is transparent).
Educator. In my opinion, this is ordinary water, but what do you think children?
Teacher: No, no! See. (The teacher covers the jar with a cloth, chatting, it turns out colored water.) Real magic water! Thanks for the help! Rather, let's send magic water to Africa to treat animals. And Dr. Aibolit sent us a surprise in a chest so that we would not get sick. Goodbye.
The teacher and children find vitamins in the casket.
Educator and children. Thank you.

Marina Tsypkina
Summary of the lesson “Geometric shapes. Count up to 5. Number 5 "

Implementation of the content of the program in educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Physical development", "Social and communicative", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic".

Types of children's activities: game, communicative, cognitive-research, speech.

Goals: exercise in finding geometric shapes in objects counting up to 5; develop speed, dexterity, attention; add a picture from geometric shapes.

Preschool targets education: has a basic understanding of geometric shapes, about the composition of the number 5; keeps in memory when performing mathematical operations the necessary condition and acts with concentration for 15-20 minutes; with interest participates in outdoor games.

Materials and equipment: pictures with triangular, round, square objects; cards with numbers from 1 to 5; flannelgraph with the image of beehives in the amount of 5 pcs.

A bear cub was wandering tiredly through the forest.

He worked all day, lost his strength.

He counted the beehives, but he lost his way accounts,

It's hard to go back at all.

Tired teddy bear, went to sleep,

caregiver: Will the guys help the bear cub count their hives? (children answer)

The teacher brings the children to the flannelograph and offers to count the beehives.

Children consider, at the same time, the educator above each hive attaches numbers 1,2,3,4,5.

The teacher distributes cards to each child. numbers from 1 to 5. Show each in turn numbers from 1 to 4, the child calls the number that was shown to him and the next one.

The teacher distributes cards that show a different number of items from 1 to 5 and cards with figures. Children will have to connect the right number of objects with the right ones. figures.

Physical education minute:

Rise up, pull up

Two - bend, unbend,

Three clap, three claps,

Three head nods.

Four arms wider

Wave five hands

Jump six on one leg,

Seven - line up again.

caregiver: Guys, you and I helped to count the hives for the teddy bear. Please tell me which one beehives look like a geometric figure? (children's answer is square)

And what else Do you know geometric shapes?? (triangle, circle)

Name me the objects around us, similar to geometric figures(children call).

The game "Fold the Pattern"

Children count the right amount shapes and make up a pattern.

For example: from 3 triangles you can make a Christmas tree, from 4 circles - a flower, etc.

reflection: What did we do today?

What did you find interesting?

What did you like the most?

Related publications:

Abstract of a lesson in mathematics "Number 4, counting up to 4. Geometric shapes" Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive and research Objectives: [b] to introduce the number 4; learn to count.

Hello. I want to offer you a game that the children of our group play with pleasure. This game is a step towards the development of awareness.

Elementary mathematical representations "Geometric figures" Elementary mathematical representations are one of the most basic types.

Lesson in mathematics "Geometric shapes" Purpose: to remember and consolidate the material covered in the older group. Tasks: 1. To interest children in the science of geometry; 2. Understand if all the children.

The purpose of the lesson: 1. To consolidate the knowledge of geometric shapes 2. To continue to develop the ability to correlate geometric shapes with the shape of objects.

Summary of the lesson "Geometric shapes" Abstract of the lesson in the 2nd junior group Topic: "Geometric figures" Purpose: Formation of elementary mathematical representation in children.

Summary of the lesson on FEMP "Counting within 4. Geometric shapes" for children 4–5 years old (middle group) Objectives: To expand children's ideas about preparing wild animals for winter, exercise children in quantitative counting up to 4, continue to learn to count.

Target: Train in ordinal counting up to 5. Be able to distinguish and name geometric shapes.

Integration of educational areas: "Knowledge" (FEMP,) "Artistic creativity" (Drawing), "Music", "Physical culture", "Communication", "Socialization".

Equipment and materials : Soft toy (any), 5 pieces of furniture (any), cards with the image of five stools with animals sitting on them, a wonderful bag with geometric shapes, a tambourine (or music, 5 hoops, cards with quantitative berries (or numbers), an envelope with paper geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle, oval), magnetic board, ½ album sheet, paints, brushes, cups of water for each child.

Lesson progress :

1. The Tiger Cub (any soft toy) comes with a box of furniture. Greeting speech. He needs help counting. The teacher puts 5 pieces of furniture and asks questions:

Sofa, what is our bill? First.

Big, which chair is worth it? Second.

How much is a chair worth? Third.

And a small chair, how much does it cost? Fourth.

Table, what's the value? Fifth.

Children repeat the ordinal count in chorus and individually: first, second, third, fourth, fifth.

Educator: - Well done guys, they answered the questions correctly, coped with the task. The tiger cub thanks you for your help.

2 . Educator: Guys, you have cards on the table, please look.

Count how many stools are drawn? - 5.

And who sits on these stools? - animals.

Almir, look who is sitting on the first stool?

Misha, who is sitting on the fourth stool?

Alexia, who is sitting on the third stool?

Artem, who is sitting on the second stool?

Vika, who is sitting on the fifth stool?

Educator: The tiger cub says thank you, they recognized all my friends.

3 . Educator: The tiger cub also brought a wonderful bag for you, there are geometric shapes there, only he doesn’t know what they are called. Now guys, we're going to play a little.

The game "Wonderful bag".

The bag contains different geometric shapes. Children take turns putting their hand into the bag, identify the figure by touch, name it and take it out. The rest of the children check if the figure is named correctly.

Educator: - Well done guys and with geometric figures helped the tiger cub figure it out, now he will know how they are called correctly.

4. Physical Minute.

Children perform jumps to the sound of a tambourine and count how many times they jumped (up to 5 jumps). The game is repeated 3-4 times.

5. Playing with numbers.

In the hands of children there are cards with quantitative berries, there are 5 hoops on the floor, in the hoops there are cards with numbers. To the sound of a tambourine or to music, children run, jump, and after a signal (tambourine, music) they must stand in hoops with the corresponding number. Children close their eyes, the teacher changes the numbers in places in the hoops. The game is repeated 3 times.

6 . Educator: The Tiger cub in the box still has a surprise for you - Envelope with riddles(about geometric shapes). After each riddle is solved, the teacher takes out a figure and hangs it on the board. Listen to the first riddle:

I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On a plate and on a lid

On the ring, on the wheel

Who am I, friends? Circle

look at the figure

And in the album draw

Three corners, three sides

Connect to each other

It turned out not a square

And beautiful... Triangle

I am a figure - no matter where

Always very smooth

All angles in me are equal

And four sides.

Cube is my favorite brother

Because I... Square

Four corners, like a square I have.

But I don’t dare to call myself a square,

And yet, it looks like a square, by the way,

Two long sides and two shorter . Rectangle

He looks like an egg, or like your face

Here is a circle

Very strange appearance

The circle became flattened

It suddenly happened... Oval

Educator: Well done guys, they solved all the riddles!

7. Artistic creativity.

Educator: Guys, now we will draw with you. Let's color the geometric shapes. First, draw the outline of the figure and then color it.

The circle is green. The triangle is blue. The square is red.

Educator: And what beautiful and neat geometric shapes did you get? Children respond in chorus and individually.

8. The result of the lesson:

Did you like the lesson, and what did you like the most?

All the guys are great! They did a good job. And Tiger Cub also helped. The tiger cub is very grateful to you and very glad that he now knows how to count up to 5, knows the names of geometric shapes.

Ludmila Borisova

Plan- summary of the FEMP open lesson(middle group)

Subject: "Geometric figures. Count up to 5".

educators: Borisova L. A., Ugryumova E. S.

GBOU School 1929 Moscow, d\o2.

Integration of educational regions: "Cognitive Development"(formation of elementary mathematical representations, "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Types of children's activities: game, communicative, cognitive-research, motor, musical.

Target: the formation of elementary mathematical representations.


Practice Discrimination geometric shapes(square, triangle, rectangle, circle) ;

To develop in children free communication and all components of oral speech in various types of children's activities;

To develop motor activity of children, to strengthen the physical and mental health of children;

To form a moral position of children in relation to the environment the world: kindness, mutual assistance, responsiveness, respect and honesty.

Planned results: has a basic understanding of geometric shapes, about the composition of the number 5; keeps in memory when performing mathematical operations the necessary condition and concentrated acts within 15-20 minutes; with interest participates in outdoor games.

Materials and equipment: a teremok, a ball of threads, masks of fairy tale heroes, cards with numbers from 1 to 5, counting sticks, 4 hoops of different colors, cards with geometric shapes.

move direct educational activities.

1. Organizational moment:


Stand up children - wider circle

You are my friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together

And smile at each other

Educator1: Guys, today we will go on a fabulous journey. Want to? (children's answers)

And I have a magic ball. We will follow the ball, we will get straight into a fairy tale. (approach the theater screen)

caregiver: Guys, do you like fairy tales (children's answers).

caregiver: Let's remember the Russian folk tale "Teremok".

2. The main part.

Educator1: It stands in the field of a teremok-teremok. He's not low, he's not high (I draw the attention of the children to the house). The mouse-norushka runs past (a child in a mouse mask, saw the teremok, stopped and asks:

"Mouse": “Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?


Educator1: Let's help the Little Mouse?

Exercise 1: The teacher calls 5 children, gives them randomly cards with numbers from 1 to 5.

Caretaker 2: I play mathematics, I turn you into numbers.

Stand up the numbers together in row: one two three four five!

Children rearrange themselves facing other children, the teacher specifies who became what number

Children with numbers turn into a column one after another, and "mouse" answers who is first, third, fifth, fourth. The teacher with the rest of the children controls the answers.

Educator1: Well done, they coped with the task, so the doors of the magic house are open for the Mouse. The Mouse entered the tower and began to live in it.

-Guys, look, the Frog jumped up to the tower - a frog, stopped and asks:

Child in a frog mask: “Terem teremok! Who lives in the terem?


Educator1: Let's help the Frog Frog?

Task 2 Game "Find your home"

Educator1: Lived in their houses geometric figures. What are their names? Circle, square, triangle and rectangle (shows and arranges cards with geometric shapes). Then give each child one geometric figure.


I play math

You in I turn figures!

One, two, three, run to the houses! (children- figures run into their hoop). Tasks are performed according to music 2-3 times, at the end of the game, collect figures.

Educator2: Well done, guys, they coped with this task, so the doors of the magic house are open for the Frog. The Frog entered the tower and they began to live together.


(Children's answers : Runaway Bunny)

The runaway bunny ran to the tower and stopped and asks: Child bunny


Educator1: Let's help Runaway Bunny? (Children sit at tables)

Task3. Before each child a set counting sticks.

Educator2: "We need to lay out of them geometric figures: triangle, square, (complication) rectangle".

Educator1: Well done, guys, you did everything right, so the doors of the magic house are open for the Runaway Bunny. Runaway Bunny entered the teremok and the three of them began to live. Look, the Chanterelle-sister ran to the house, stopped and asks: Masked child chanterelles

Educator2: "Teremok will open its door only to those who complete my task."

Educator1: Let's help the Chanterelle-sister (children's answers)

Task 4. Educator2: It's time to relax a little ... Repeat after me. (physical education minute)

One - rise, stretch,

Two - turn to each other

Three - in the hands of 3 claps,

Four hands wider

Five - sank a little

And sit down carefully.

Educator1: Guys, who else ran to our house?

Children's answers: Top - gray barrel

Volchok ran to the tower - the gray barrel stopped and asks: Masked child wolf: “Terem teremok! Who lives in the terem?

Educator2: "Teremok will open its door only to those who complete my task."

Task 5. "Think and Answer"

Educator2 invites the children to think and say what each and each of them has two (two ears, eyes, two arms, legs, two knees, two hands, etc.) Then he asks why only one (one nose, mouth, belly) Children name objects, which are five (five fingers, five buttons, etc.)

Educator1: The door of the tower and opened for the Wolf. The animals began to live together and live.

3. Final part.

Educator1: So our journey has ended, it's time to return home, become all for me: "We'll go for the ball, straight to we'll get a group»

Did you guys enjoy our trip?

What animals have you helped?

What task did you particularly enjoy?

(children's answers)

Educator1: Children, you quickly and correctly completed all the tasks and now you can relax.


1. Kolesnikova E. V. - Mathematics for children 4-5 years old. Methodological guide to the workbook. - M .: TC Sphere, page 51.

2. Novikova V.P. - Mathematics in kindergarten. Scenarios classes with children 4-5 years old. GEF. - M.: MOSAIC_SYNTHESIS, 2016.-80s.

3. Internet resources

Abstract on the topic:

"Number and figure 5. Counting within 5. Geometric shapes" for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old)

Prepared by the teacher:

Lavrenko Ekaterina Sergeevna

1. consolidate knowledge of numbers from 1 to 4;

2. fix the composition of numbers from 1 to 4,

3. repeat the graphic representation of the numbers;

4. repeat geometric shapes;

5. introduce children to the number and number 5.

6. Introduce children to the formation of the number 5.

7. Introduce children to counting within 5.

8. Continue to learn to correlate the number of objects and the number.

9. Develop motor coordination through finger gymnastics.

10. To consolidate the concepts on the lexical topic "What a charm these fairy tales (tales of the peoples of the Volga region) are."

11. develop perception, figurative and associative thinking, attention, speech, fine motor skills of the hand, creative abilities of children;

12. to cultivate interest in the world around us, a sense of collective interaction.

Methods and techniques:

1. verbal (questions, explanation),

2. visual (pictures, showing the writing of numbers),

3. game (D / and "Guess", the outdoor game "Frogs and Heron"),

4.practical (exercise "Draw", work with handouts).


Demo material - a set of numbers 1,2,3,4; subject pictures (one snowflake, two leaves, three flowers); a set of geometric shapes, pictures depicting the heroes of the fairy tale "Kolobok" (kolobok, hare, wolf, bear, fox), grandmother's doll from the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Dispensing material - sets (according to the number of children): clouds with objects depicted on them, cubes, colored pencils.


1. Organizational moment.

Repetition of the names of geometric shapes.

Game Guess.

Invite the children to play a game (You need to guess what shape the objects have.

The teacher invites the children to determine the shape of the pyramid, plate, table, tambourine, brick from the designer, some vegetables, fruits).

2.Count up to 3.

Invite the children to name the numbers (numbers 1,2,3,4 are mixed)

The children name the numbers.

Have the children put the numbers in the correct order.

Distribute paper clouds to the children (Look at what unusual clouds came to us. Pictures are drawn on them. But look at the pictures all are different. They show a different number of objects. Let's arrange these clouds to our numbers so that a cloud with the number of objects hangs above each number corresponding to this number).

3. Count up to 5, number and number 5.

Introduce the children to the new number 5 (Today we will get acquainted with another number. It is called 5. Look what happened. One chair turned over. And it must have looked like the number 5. (The teacher shows the children the number 5). But where can we put number 5?)

Invite the children to take one cube at a time (How many cubes did you take? Show the number indicating the number of cubes. Now add another cube. How many cubes have become? Show the number indicating the number of cubes. Add one more cube. How many cubes now? Show the number, indicating the number of cubes. Place three pencils next to the cubes. What is more cubes or pencils? Now add one more to the cubes. What is more? How many cubes have become?)

The children answer.

Offer to show the number 5 (What needs to be done so that there are 5 pencils too?)

The children answer.

The teacher shows the number 5 and puts it after the number 4.

Physical education exercise "Hamster-hamster"

Homka, hamster, hamster (children puff out their cheeks)
Striped barrel. (hands show stripes on the sides)
Homka gets up early, (stretch, hands up)
Washes cheeks, rubs neck. (rubbing face and neck)
Homka sweeps the hut (swinging his arms from side to side)
And goes out to charge (walking in place)
One, two, three, four (clap hands)
Homka wants to become stronger. (bend arms to shoulders, show "strong man")

Children sit at tables.

Task "Draw"

Distribute paper clouds and invite the children to draw the missing number of objects up to 5 (Look at each of you clouds sailed on which a different number of objects are drawn, you need to draw as many objects in each cloud to make them 5 each).

The children are doing the task.


One two three four! (clapping hands)

The cat was taught to read and write (walking in place)

And jump after mice. (jumping in place)

4. Surprise moment.

Invite the children to guess the riddle (Guys, a guest came to us today. And who, you will find out if you guess the riddle: I kneaded the dough, blinded the bun).

The children answer.

Show the children the grandmother's doll (Hello guys! So you remember who I blinded?)

The children answer.

(That's right! And the gingerbread man left me and my grandfather. I have already become old and forgot who he met on the road).

Children answer (Hare, wolf, bear, fox).

Hang pictures of a hare, a wolf, a bear and a fox (And how many animals did he meet? Let's count, help grandma remember! Put pictures of animals under the numbers).

Children put pictures of animals under the numbers and count.

Mobile game "Frogs and Heron"

Invite the children to play the game.

The driver is chosen with the help of a rhyme.

Rhythm: cowardly bunny
I fell in love
Ran into the garden
Found a carrot
Found a cabbage
Sitting, chewing
Go away - the master is coming!

The children get up.

All children are frogs, the leading heron. The frogs come out of the swamp (from the houses) to the sound of a tambourine, squatting across the lawn and croaking. As soon as the tambourine stops ringing, the heron runs out and tries to catch the frogs, and they scatter to their homes (high chairs). Whoever the heron has caught is out of the game.

5. Reflection.

What new did you learn today?

What did you like the most?

Who do you teach this at home?

Date: 24. 11 2015.

Educational areas:

Priority: cognitive development (formation of elementary mathematical representations)

In integration: social and communicative development, physical development,

speech development


1. Educational tasks for the priority educational area

Cognitive development:

  • consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes; improve the ability of children to highlight unnecessary geometric shapes, improve the score to 5; introduce the number 5.

2. Educational tasks solved in the integration of educational areas

Social and communicative development

  • improve children's ability to correctly build their answer and communicate freely with adults
  • to consolidate generally accepted norms and rules for building relationships with peers and adults

Physical development:

  • improve children's motor skills.

Speech development (perception of fiction and folklore)

  • continue to form the ability to listen and perceive a literary text.

Prerequisites for UUD:

Communicative: The ability to listen carefully to the question of the teacher and answer it.

Regulatory: The ability to follow the rules in games.

Cognitive: The ability to highlight the essential features of objects.

Personal: The ability to show a special interest in the new.

3. Developmental and educational tasks

  • develop attention, memory, the prerequisites for logical thinking, fine motor skills of the hands
  • develop the ability to work in a team, the desire to bring the work started to the end.

Equipment for children: wax crayons, images of cartoon characters; cards with geometric shapes, counting sticks.

Equipment for the teacher: a magnetic board, numbers from 1 to 5, a picture with a palm and the number 5, a soft toy "Luntik" .

Techniques and methods of work:

Verbal: questions, conversation

Visual: toy "Luntik" , images of geometric shapes, numbers 1-5.

Gaming: mobile game "Find your home" , finger gymnastics.

Planned results: has an elementary idea of ​​numbers from 1 to 5, of geometric shapes; acts with concentration for 20 minutes; able to work in a team; actively and benevolently interacts with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive tasks; actively participates in outdoor games.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, perception of fiction and folklore, motor.

Forms of work with children: collective, individual, in pairs

I. Introduction

Once an unusual baby was born on the moon and came to us on Earth, where he found many friends. Today he came to visit us. And he wants to know what numbers and geometric shapes are. Are you willing to help him? (Children answer)

II. Main part

1. Name of geometric shapes

Let's check what figures Luntik knows? (The teacher shows the figures and calls them incorrectly. Children pronounce them correctly). You guys are great for helping our guest learn geometric shapes. But that's not all, and we need to keep going.

2. Task.

Let's play a game "The Fourth Extra" . Before you are sheets of paper on which geometric shapes are depicted. Think and determine which figure will be superfluous in the picture, and color it. Explain why you think it is redundant. (Children choose the desired shape - this is a circle and color it, explain that, unlike squares, a circle has no corners and sides).

Well done, you did everything right, and now Luntik will remember and know the geometric shapes.

3. Finger gymnastics

(squeeze fist, bend fingers in turn)

In girls and boys

There are five fingers on the hand:
Big finger - a guy with a soul,
The index finger is an influential gentleman,
The middle finger is also not the last.
Ring finger - swagger walks with a ring,
Fifth - little finger, brought you a present.

Now our fingers have rested, and we continue.

4. Count up to 4.

And now the guys, together with Luntik, let's repeat the score from 1 to 4. Look at the board and put the numbers in order. (The teacher puts numbers on the magnetic board, invites the children to arrange them in the right order).

5. Outdoor game "Find your home"

And now Luntik invites you to play an outdoor game "Find your home" .

(The teacher lays out numbers from 1 to 4 in hoops. Gives the children a card with a number, and while the tambourine is ringing, the child must find the hoop house in which his number lives).

6. Introduction of number and number 5

The teacher gives the children a riddle, they guess it.

On the hand of little Lena,
Loves to count fingers!
She, surprisingly,
Every time it comes out...


7. Compilation of the number 5 sticks

The teacher hangs the sample on the board, the children lay out this figure according to the sample.

8. Task "Number Series"

III. Final part

Remember guys what we taught our guest?

(We introduced him to geometric shapes - a circle, a square, a rectangle, a triangle. We repeated the ordinal count from 1 to 5. We got acquainted with the number 5).

Laktionova Olga Gennadievna, teacher, Mezhdurechensk

Integration of OO: "Cognitive development" (formation of elementary mathematical representations, cognitive research activities, "Physical development", "Social and communicative development".


Exercise in the ability to distinguish between familiar geometric shapes: a circle, a square, a triangle. Develop the ability to compare objects by color, shape. Improve the ability to determine the spatial direction from the subject: left, right. Learn to count within 5, answer the question How much?

Demo Material: Balloon Pictures

Handout: Geometric Shapes

Introductory part.

Educator: Children, look who came to visit us today?
Mouse: Hello guys. Did you recognize me? I am a Norushka Mouse from the fairy tale "Teremok". Listen to what happened to me today.
I ran to the tower, stopped and asked: “Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem? And the magic voice at the tower answers: "Teremok will open its door only to those who complete all my tasks." Will you help me complete the tasks given by the magical Teremok?

Educator: “Children, will we help the mouse get into the tower? Here's your first task."

Main part.

Find the difference task.

Teacher: I have two pictures. What is shown in the picture?

Child's answer: "Balloons"

The teacher asks: “Are the balls in the picture the same or different?

Child's answer: Different

Educator: They are different, so they are different.

The teacher asks: “Are they all the same color?

Child's answer: "No"

Educator: "So they differ in color"

The teacher asks: “Are all the balls the same shape?

Child's answer: "No"

Educator: “So they are different in shape”

Educator: “Guys, we found out that the balls differ in color and shape. And let's count the balls and find out how many there are.

The teacher asks the children: “How many blue balls are in the picture? Child answer 5

The teacher asks: “How many red balls are in the picture?

Child answer 5

The teacher offers to put as many red circles on the top strip of the card as there are red balls in the picture.

And on the bottom strip we lay out as many blue circles as there are blue balls in the picture. Checking the children's work

The teacher asks: “Which more circles are red or blue?”

Child's answer: "The same, because there are 5 blue and 5 red"

Educator: "Well done for the task"

Educator “The next task is “Show the geometric figure”

Educator: “You have geometric shapes on your table in a plate. Now I will name a geometric figure, and you pick it up and show it to me.

Educator: "Circle, square, triangle, square, circle, triangle"


Get up, we need to rest

Shake our fingers.

Rise, handles, up,

Move, fingers, -

So they move their ears

Gray bunnies.

Sneaking quietly on toes

Like foxes roam the woods.

The wolf looks around

And we will turn our heads.

Now we sit down quietly, quietly -

Let's be quiet, like a mouse in a hole.

Educator: “And the last task is a mathematical dictation. I call the figure, you put them in a row on the strip”

Educator: “They put a yellow square, a green triangle to the left of it, a blue circle to the right of the square”

Educator: “A yellow circle was placed under the green triangle, a red square under the yellow square, a green triangle under the blue circle”

Educator: Guys, you did all the tasks correctly, so the doors of the magic house are open for the Little Mouse. Let's say goodbye to the Mouse, she needs to hurry to her fairy tale.
Mouse: Thanks guys. You helped me a lot. Goodbye.

Final part.

Educator: Who came to visit us today?

The answer of the child "Mouse"

Educator: What story happened to her?

The answer of the child "She could not get into the tower"

Educator: What tasks did we do?

The answer of the child “They showed geometric figures, the balls were compared.

Figures were laid out on the left and right"

Educator: « Did you like to help the Little Mouse?”

The child's answer is "Yes"

GCD in FEMP (mathematics) in the middle group

Topic: "Counting to 5. Repetition."


    Consolidate knowledge in counting up to 5; clarify children's knowledge of geometric shapes; learn to equalize groups of objects in quantity;

    Develop attention, memory, speech, logical thinking;

    Cultivate friendly relationships, respect for each other, a desire to help.

Educational area:"Cognitive development", "Speech development" and "Socio-communicative development".

1. Handout: geometric shapes, counting sticks.
2. Visual material: geometric shapes, pictures depicting numbers from 1 to 5, pictures depicting geometric shapes, carrots and cucumbers.

GCD progress.

    Org. moment.

Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Say "Hello!" each other.

We are not too lazy to say hello:

To everyone" Hello! " And "Good afternoon! ";

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.


Educator: We have guests today. Let's smile and say hello to them.

    Main part.

Educator: Today we will take a journey into a fairy tale. Guess which one?

Round and ruddy

Runs along the path.

To those he meets

He sings a song.

Children: In the fairy tale "Kolobok". (The image of Kolobok appears on the screen).

Educator: Lived - there were an old man with an old woman. Once an old man asks: “Bake me a gingerbread man, old woman.”

“What will I bake from? There is no flour!” - answered the old woman. "And you mark the barn, scrape the bottom of the barrel - maybe you will find some flour." The old woman did just that: she kneaded the dough, rolled up a bun, baked it and put it on the window to cool.

Educator: And the bun was curious. He wanted to know what was behind the window. He jumped off the windowsill and rolled down the path. A bun is rolling, and a hare is jumping towards it. He saw a bun and said: "Kolobok, bun, I'll eat you!" Gingerbread Man answers him: "Don't eat me, I'll sing a song for you." And the hare answered him: “I have no time to listen to your songs. Help me build a house."

Educator: Can we help the kolobok? Let's sit at the tables.

Educator. You have geometric figures on your tables, let's build a house for a hare from them.

Educator: What geometric shapes are on your tables?

Children: Oval, triangle, rectangle, circle and square.

Educator: How many angles does a triangle have? And the sides? (children's answers)

How many corners does a rectangle have? And the sides? (children's answers)

Which figure also has 4 corners and 4 sides? (children's answers)

What shapes don't have corners? (children's answers)

They build a house for a hare, each child has his own house.

Educator: “I liked the house that you built,” says the hare. So be it, I'll let you go kolobok.

Suddenly a wolf meets him - a click with his teeth. He saw a bun and said: “Kolobok, bun, I’ll eat you!” And the gingerbread man says: "Don't eat me, I'll sing a song for you." The wolf replies: “Yes, I know your songs about grandma and grandpa. Here you will cope with my task, I will let you go, but no, I will swallow it.

It is necessary to lay out geometric shapes from counting sticks.

Educator: See if you can get all the geometric shapes? (children's answers)

Educator: That's right, not all geometric shapes will work for you. A circle and an oval cannot be made, because they do not have corners.

Children lay out geometric shapes from counting sticks.

Educator: And they completed this task. The wolf released the bun. He rolled further.

The strength of the bun increased, it rolled further.

Suddenly a bear met him: "Kolobok, kolobok, I'll eat you!" Gingerbread man says: "Don't eat me, teddy bear, I'll sing a song for you." The bear replies: “No, it’s better to tell me a verse about numbers and count to 5, then I’ll let you go.”

Educator: Guys, can we help the kolobok? (Yes) Let me tell you a verse about the numbers, and then we will count together.

"Merry Account"
Samuil Marshak

Here is one (or one),
Very thin, like a needle

And here is the number two.
Love what it's like:
Arches the deuce of the neck,
Tail dragging behind her.

And behind the deuce - look -
The number three comes up.
Troika - the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

Three comes after four
Sharp elbow of a bulge.

And then she went to dance.

Number five on paper.
Stretched out her hand to the right
The leg was sharply bent.

Educator: And here are our numbers. Let's count together in order from 1 to 5. (Count). Educator. Well done, helped the kolobok.

Educator. The bun rolled on. And a sly fox meets him. The fox says: “Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, how ruddy and appetizing you are! I just want to eat you." Gingerbread Man replies: "Don't eat me. I can sing songs." And the fox to him: “I don’t need songs. You better help me count the bunnies and carrots. He began to count the bun.

Spread 4 hares

How many hares? (4)

Now lay out as many carrots as hares.

1 more carrot appeared. So many carrots? (5 carrots)

What can we say about hares and carrots? (there are more hares than carrots, and fewer carrots than hares)

What can we do to make them equal? (add 1 carrot or remove 1 hare)

Add 1 carrot

What can you say about the number of hares? (hares 5)

What about carrots? (carrots 5)

If there are 5 hares and 5 carrots, what can be said about them? (they are equally divided)

Well done! So we counted for the fox. I think we helped our guest to cope with this task.

Educator. All the same, the fox does not let go of the bun. He cannot escape from the fox's paws. What to do, how to help the kolobok? And the fox says: "Tell a verse about me, then I'll let you go."

Educator: I remember one of the guys knows poems about a fox. Guys, tell the fox a verse, maybe she will really let go of our kolobok. (2 children recite poems about the fox)

    That will pass along the branches,
    It will turn back.
    Do not unravel this trail -
    There is no end, no edge.
    Only if it's very quiet
    We will walk in the forest
    That may be lucky for us
    Meet the cunning fox.

    In a red chintz dress
    fox coloring book.
    Tail - with a white tip,
    Is the paint running out?

Educator. And the fox says: “You coped with all my tasks, so be it, I will let you go.” And the bun rolled on, only they saw him.

    Outcome of GCD

Educator:- In what fairy tale did we visit?

How did we help the kolobok so that the forest dwellers would not eat it?

What did you like?
