Deep chemical peeling at home with salicylic acid and calcium chloride. Skin rejuvenation through exfoliation

The skin looks tired, roughness and flaking have appeared, pores are clogged with blackheads, and telltale wrinkles are increasingly showing age - an exfoliant will correct this quickly and without serious complications. It will free the epidermis from dead, non-working cells, refresh the complexion and smooth out visible imperfections of the epidermis (wrinkles, scars and acne scars). Be sure that after the first use you will be pleasantly pleased with the result!

What is it and how does an exfoliant work?

Exfoliants are beauty products that target dead skin cells and clogged pores. After removing unnecessary particles from the epidermis, the active phase of cell renewal begins, replacing empty spaces with elastic, newly formed tissues. Along with the old cells, small scars, wrinkles, keratinized layers and a gray, unhealthy shade of the skin disappear.

The process of updating the epidermis with exfoliants allows you to achieve a rejuvenating effect. The face looks fresher and several years younger, depending on the duration of the procedure and the depth of exposure to the exfoliant.

It is worth noting that the process of exfoliating the skin is called exfoliation or what is familiar to us - peeling. Surprisingly, the effect is on problematic, unnecessary cells, minimally affecting healthy ones, so the skin is less injured and quickly restored.

What types of exfoliants are there?

A facial exfoliant is a great way to restore lost firmness and elasticity of the fibers, and stop the aging and fading processes. You can achieve the desired result using several methods, it all depends on which facial exfoliant is chosen.

Exfoliation products are divided into 3 main groups:

  • Scrubs are intended for mechanical cleansing of the skin. They contain solid particles (grains of salt, sugar, crushed apricot kernels);
  • Chemical – the procedure is performed with a special agent made from one or more acids. Under their action, a controlled burn is performed, which destroys lipid bonds between dead cells, leads to the destruction of non-working cells, giving way to new fibers. In cosmetology, two types of active substances are used - alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and beta hydroxy acids (BHA). The first representatives are familiar to the body, dissolve in water and are found in food products (lactic, tartaric, citric, malic acids), and in a certain concentration are used to benefit the skin. BHA acids are not soluble in water, but have an increased effect on the lipid skin barrier;
  • Enzymatic – a group of enzymes acts on dead cells, destroying their structure and lipid bonds. Such exfoliants act carefully, affecting only the outer layer of the skin.

The external appearance of a facial exfoliant can also vary. It can be added to a cream for daily application, or made in the form of a mask with highly concentrated acids, which is applied once to the epidermis.

Each type of exfoliant requires strict adherence to the procedure protocol, otherwise the risk of side effects and complications is high. This is especially true for chemical exfoliants.

Features of the effects of exfoliants on the skin

Exfoliation involves mechanical and chemical effects on the skin. I would like to immediately note their difference and the principles of action of the exfoliants used:

  • Mechanical exfoliation involves scrubbing the top layer of skin with abrasive particles. Exfoliant products violate the integrity of the surface, leave invisible scratches and damage unnecessary, dead and healthy cells at the same time;
  • Chemical exfoliation – cleansing the skin with acids (fruit, salicylic, glycolic). This peeling option does not affect healthy cells, does not disrupt their structure, the entire effect is aimed at dead particles. The effectiveness of the procedure is high and will delight you with the cleanliness and softness of the epidermis;
  • To carry out mechanical exfoliation, products (scrubs) prepared from natural ingredients are used. They act on the surface, have virtually no contraindications and are easily tolerated by the epidermis;
  • Chemical agents (exfoliants) have a profound effect, can reach the basal layer of the dermis, sometimes cause complications and have an impressive list of contraindications. After medium, deep cleansing with exfoliants, a rehabilitation period will be required. At this time, the skin needs proper, high-quality care;
  • After scrubbing, a slight transformation of the skin is possible, and peeling with acids guarantees complete renewal of the skin, elimination of fine wrinkles and scars;
  • An enzymatic exfoliant for the face does not have the ability to penetrate deeply into the inner layers of the epidermis; its components act only on the surface, so in adulthood, with serious skin imperfections, it is unlikely to be suitable.

Which type of exfoliation to choose depends on your own preferences, the condition of the skin and the expected effect. Do not forget about contraindications and rules for the procedure and after care. They are reflected in the final result.

7 important notes from cosmetologists

There are many exfoliation methods, and they all require adherence to basic rules and the order of applying the product to the skin. What you should pay attention to so as not to harm the integument and your health:

  1. Before using a concentrated exfoliant or cream with its particles, study the composition and check its compatibility with the skin. Often, a high concentration of the active substance causes allergies and aggravates skin problems;
  2. Most highly concentrated peeling compositions are not recommended for use in hot weather, during periods of solar activity. Ultraviolet rays provoke hyperpigmentation of the epidermis, so plan the procedure for autumn-winter;
  3. Be prepared that you will need to use sunscreen for some time after acid peels. This is a prerequisite for preserving the beauty of the newly renewed covers;
  4. You need to keep the cream or exfoliant in action according to the instructions. A shorter exposure time than indicated will not give the desired result, and a longer exposure time may cause burns to the epidermis;
  5. After acid cleaning, a crust forms on the surface, after complete peeling of which a new, elastic skin appears. You cannot rip off or tear off the crust, otherwise an ugly scar will remain;
  6. Cream with active substances is used for a long time, after a single application the effect will not be noticeable;
  7. After a medium, deep peeling, the result will be pleasantly surprising, but performing the procedure at home is dangerous, contact a specialist. He will advise you on further skin care, the course and symptoms of the rehabilitation period. He will recommend a skin care cream, medication, and tell you how and when to use it.

Facial exfoliant is a true friend for the skin. Proper use and a well-chosen composition can retain youth on the face for a long time without pain or surgical intervention.

Facial peeling is the most popular and affordable procedure aimed at cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. The technique is considered basic care and is recommended for almost any woman over 18 years of age. As a result of exfoliation, the face acquires an even tone, smoothness and radiance, the relief is evened out, and tissue elasticity increases. For young girls, the procedure helps get rid of acne and acne, reduces sebum secretion, and tightens pores.

Why do you need facial peeling?

Skin exfoliation today is one of the five most effective and popular aesthetic cosmetology procedures. The prevalence of the technique is explained by its accessibility, ease of implementation, low price and excellent results.

Any type of exfoliation thins the dermis layer and makes it easier to access deeper levels, making peeling an ideal option for preparing for more complex procedures.

In addition, exfoliation activates the production of collagen and elastin, accelerates tissue regeneration, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin. Removing the upper or middle layers of the dermis helps get rid of comedones, age spots, scars and scars, whitens and refreshes the face. The correct selection of exfoliants can solve many problems of both oily youthful and dry aging skin.

And if the use of superficial peelings, sufficient to moisturize and cleanse the young dermis, requires only following the protocol and high-quality preparations, then medium, and even more deep, exfoliations require an individual approach. Proper use of such peels allows you to achieve a real anti-age effect comparable to plastic surgery.

Pros and cons of the procedure, why it is useful and when it can cause harm

Since ancient times, women have tried to restore beauty and youth in all sorts of ways - they burned the skin with vinegar or acid solutions, scraped off the dermis layer with special spoons with sharp edges, and did a lot of other traumatic and painful procedures. As a result, many patients of beauty clinics, instead of rejuvenation, acquired a permanently disfigured face.

Removing the top layer of skin became safe and effective only after doctors learned to control the depth of exposure and prevent the development of complications.

So, how is peeling useful and what problems does it solve:

  • acne stage I-II;
  • initial signs of aging (expression wrinkles, tissue laxity, dull complexion);
  • uneven terrain;
  • pigment formations (spots, melasma, post-traumatic pigmentation);
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, solar keratosis);
  • rosacea and rosacea;
  • oily dermis with comedones, enlarged pores;
  • stagnant spots, post-acne, scars and cicatrices.

All types of exfoliation are performed in a course consisting of 4–10 sessions with an interval between them of 7 to 28 days. As for age limits, some peelings, if indicated, can be done from 18 years of age.

Despite these wonderful benefits, exfoliation is not for everyone. For women with dark skin, the procedure will do more harm than good. Ladies with allergic, sensitive dermis and those who are planning pregnancy should be more careful about exfoliation.

The disadvantages include the seasonality of exfoliation. Most exfoliations should not be performed in spring and summer, when solar activity is highest. The procedure will not help with pronounced age-related changes (ptosis, double chin, large excess skin).

What are the contraindications?

When going for peeling, even the most gentle and superficial one, you should remember the warnings. This will help avoid adverse reactions and get the best effect from the manipulation.

General contraindications to all types of peeling:

  • open wounds in the treatment area;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • fresh tan;
  • oncology;
  • neurological diseases (epilepsy);
  • predisposition to scarring;
  • hypersensitivity to exfoliant components;
  • herpes virus in the acute stage;
  • demodicosis;
  • fever.

When going to, pay attention to the condition of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system. The procedure is very traumatic, so it is recommended to undergo a full medical examination in advance.

Classification of peelings by depth of impact

In cosmetology, all exfoliations are usually grouped according to the depth of impact.


This is the safest and least traumatic type of exfoliation. Superficial facial peeling works at the level of the stratum corneum and granular layers of the epidermis. It is carried out using fruit acids (mandelic, lactic, glycolic), salicylic and retinoic enzymes.

Superficial exfoliation is suitable for young skin with few problems that needs cleansing and hydration.

The procedure can be carried out either by a cosmetologist or at home, depending on the concentration of the active substance. For a stable and long-lasting effect, several procedures are required.


Median exfoliation affects the granular, spinous and basal layers of the epidermis. Causes excessive peeling and redness of the skin, requiring a recovery period. The procedure is performed only in a beauty salon according to indications.

Peeling is recommended to combat age-related changes in the initial stage, eliminates pigmentation, pimples and acne, reduces the severity of scars and post-acne. Used in preparation for surgical plastic surgery. Medium exfoliation is done with trichloroacetic acid (TCA), Jessner peel and 30% salicylic acid.


The most traumatic and painful type of exfoliation. It reaches the hypodermis and is performed using chemical compounds or hardware techniques.

The procedure is performed only in a hospital under general anesthesia and in the presence of an anesthesiologist. It has a long rehabilitation period and many side effects and contraindications.

Deep peeling is indicated for serious age-related changes and is a good alternative to surgery. The effect of its use lasts for several years.

Prominent representatives of this group are TCA in 30% concentration.

Popular types of facial peeling in cosmetology

Today there are many options for facial peeling - acid exfoliation, hardware exfoliation, mechanical dermabrasion. The chemical method is considered the most popular, since the manipulation does not require expensive equipment, is affordable and can be easily performed at home.

Recently, representatives of the stronger sex are increasingly resorting to skin cleansing procedures. The most masculine types of exfoliation are: Jessner peel, salicylic peel, retinoic peel (yellow peel) and mechanical peel.


The softest and most gentle exfoliation. Suitable for young ladies with delicate, sensitive skin. It perfectly cleanses the face, reduces oiliness, tightens pores, and has an antibacterial effect.

Almond peeling is all-season, practically does not peel and does not require a recovery period. Often used to prepare the skin for medium or deep exfoliation.


Another summer option for facial cleansing. The main purpose of peeling is to moisturize and increase skin elasticity. Suitable for dry, sensitive and dehydrated skin with the first signs of aging.

Lactic acid is usually used in combination with other chemical enzymes.


Used in different concentrations. Moreover, the richer the peeling composition, the more serious problems the procedure can solve.

Exfoliant 30% is required for girls with oily skin, blackheads and post-acne. The 70% solution has a more significant effect on the dermis - eliminates expression lines and pigmentation, moisturizes and rejuvenates, copes with stagnant spots and scars.


Refers to mid-impact procedures. Recommended for oily, problematic dermis with acne, blackheads and post-acne.

Salicylic acid is able to penetrate into the mouths of the sebaceous glands, accumulate in them and prevent further acne breakouts. In addition, the exfoliant perfectly disinfects the skin, destroys bacteria, relieves inflammation and dries.


Yellow peeling is indicated for dull and aging skin, pigmentation, post-acne, and acne. Retinoic acid accelerates cell regeneration, improves complexion, whitens and evens out tone.

The recovery period after the procedure lasts 5–7 days. The effect of renewal and rejuvenation lasts up to 4 months, but you should be careful with this peeling - the exfoliant often causes allergies and dries out the skin.

TCA peeling

Trichloroacetic acid exfoliation is only performed in a salon. A low concentration (10–15%) of the solution affects the upper layers of the epidermis, a more saturated enzyme (25–30%) is used for median exfoliation.

TCA peeling is performed when the elasticity and tone of the dermis decreases, the first wrinkles appear in the forehead and mouth, and excess skin. The procedure brightens and evens out the tone, eliminates freckles and age spots.

The recovery period after exposure to trichloroacetic acid lasts at least a month.

A combined exfoliant consisting of salicylic and lactic acids with the addition of resorcinol penetrates deep into the dermis and has a moisturizing and pronounced antiseptic effect. The procedure perfectly rejuvenates and restores tissue.

Peeling causes severe peeling and redness of the skin. This should be taken into account when planning for the procedure. It will be very difficult to hide such shortcomings.


The technique gently exfoliates the epidermis, does not cause irritation and does not require long-term rehabilitation. Cleaning is carried out with a special mixture of abrasive and vitamins, sprayed onto the face under high pressure.

Peeling perfectly cleanses pores, knocking out sebaceous plugs from them, moisturizes and saturates the tissues with oxygen.


Ultrasonic exfoliation is performed with a special device - a scrubber. The device, sending waves, not only cleanses the skin of impurities, but also has a massage effect on the deep layers of the dermis. As a result, blood circulation improves, the removal of toxins and waste is accelerated, and collagen production is activated.

Peeling does not require long recovery. Usually all traces of manipulation disappear the next day.

Laser (carbon)

With this cleaning method, a carboxylic acid-based composition is applied to the face, which is then heated with a laser. As a result, intensive tissue detoxification occurs.

Before the procedure, make sure that you are not allergic to carbon, otherwise peeling can lead to unpredictable consequences.


Diamond resurfacing or microdermabrasion helps get rid of small wrinkles, age spots, post-acne and scars. Gentle exfoliation of the stratum corneum does not damage the skin and is considered one of the safest mechanical peels.

Rare species

In addition to well-known and popular techniques, there are also less common types of exfoliation.

Facial peeling with Achatina snails

Skin cleansing with snails belongs to the category of rare, so-called living peelings. The procedure gives a triple effect: cleanses, tightens and improves blood circulation. Crawling across the face, Achatina eats dead cells, massages the dermis and saturates the tissues with nutrients. You can rejuvenate in this way not only in the salon, but also at home.


The oxygen exfoliation system is considered one of the best rejuvenation techniques in the world. After the first procedure, the skin is moisturized, brightened and noticeably tightened. The released oxygen destroys many bacteria, improves tissue metabolism and increases local immunity.


Peptide peeling has a pronounced rejuvenating effect on the skin and is especially recommended for women over 35–40 years of age. The procedure causes cell renewal in all layers of the dermis, increases the firmness and elasticity of tissues, and corrects the oval of the face.


Brazilian peeling refers to mechanical cleaning. The procedure is performed with a composition of coral powder, essential oils, Dead Sea salts and a herbal mixture that has healing properties.

Exfoliation does not cause allergies or irritation and is well tolerated by women with thin and sensitive skin.


Alkaline exfoliants are suitable for ladies with delicate dermis that do not tolerate the aggressive effects of acids. The procedure works especially well on sensitive skin with rosacea. After applying the drug, rapid saponification of fats occurs, as a result of which the stratum corneum of cells is evenly destroyed without injuring the underlying tissues.

Choosing the type of peeling taking into account age, skin type and existing problems

The choice of cleansing procedure depends on the woman’s age, the condition of the dermis and the goals pursued. For example, up to 25 years of age, soft peels - almond, enzyme or salicylic - are more suitable. Closer to 30 years old, pay attention to glycolic, retinoic or TCA. After 40 years, peeling with 30% trichloroacetic acid or phenol is indicated.

If you approach the choice of exfoliants from the point of view of the skin, then for oily and problematic dermis fruit exfoliation is more suitable, and an aged, sluggish and tired face will be delighted with glycolic peeling. Well, the ideal choice for any occasion would be almond and milk treatments.

Top best professional facial peels

Today there is a huge variety of all kinds of exfoliants, in which it is easy to get confused. To make the choice easier and to navigate the drugs, we will make a rating of the most effective and popular ones.

Exfoliant namePeculiaritiesCost, rub. for January 2018Instant lifting Promoitalia PQAge (Picuage)The procedure is aimed at biorevitalization of the face, neck and décolleté area. Gently exfoliates, deeply moisturizes and regenerates the dermis.Bottle 3 ml - 5200 rub.Exfoliant Jojoba Jojoba Peeling Cream Dr.SpillerProfessional peeling cream for any skin, including sensitive ones. Reduces sebum secretion, improves blood circulation, rejuvenates.Bottle 50 ml - 2400 rub.Cranberry exfoliant for mature skin New Line BarkThe drug corrects age-related changes, eliminates signs of photoaging and hyperkeratosis.Bottle 100 ml - 1169 rub.Raspberry exfoliant for oily skin New Line BarkPeeling is created specifically for problematic, acne-prone skin. Evens out tone, normalizes sebum secretion, reduces the severity of wrinkles, and has an antibacterial effect.Bottle 100 ml - 1059 rub.Nightly micro-peeling, Kiehl's Nightly refining micro-peel concentrateEvens out the relief, absorbs well, brightens and refreshes the face. Not suitable for sensitive skin.Bottle 150 ml - 4130 rub.Peeling gel S-Infusion from DermaQuestAll-season exfoliant with vitamin C and a pronounced lifting effect. Recommended for aging dermis, ideal for caring for men's skin as a shaving gel.Bottle 473 ml - 7193 rub.Exfoliant based on Pumpkin pulp from DermaQuestThe drug is created for oily and combination dermis. Cleanses, dissolves blackheads and sebaceous plugs, eliminates acne, and has a sebum-regulating effect.Bottle 118 ml - 15670 rub.Bio Phyto Peeling Enriched (Enhanced Phyto Peeling) from ChristinaHerbal mask with versatile effects. Has a cosmetic and therapeutic effect. Improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, saturates tissues with oxygen, and enhances the effect of other remedies.Bottle 150 ml - 6764 rub.

We looked at the newest and most interesting of modern peelings. They should be done in a salon, since many require neutralization. When used independently, it is advisable to have skills in practical cosmetology or have at least some experience in carrying out such manipulations.

Skin care after the procedure

Facial care after superficial and medium peels is basically the same. In the first days, it is necessary to actively moisturize and protect the irritated dermis, protect it from sunlight, wind and frost.

When performing post-peeling care at home, be sure to follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist. This will reduce the risk of side effects and improve results.

A universal recovery method includes applying a regulating and anti-inflammatory cream 2-3 times a day, as well as daily use of moisturizing and nourishing masks. You can purchase them at a specialty store or prepare them yourself.

Among professional post-peel care products, it is recommended to try the Deeply moisturizing cream-mask from New Line, Lipacid masks from GIGI and Rose de Mer Peel & Renew from Christina.

A good restoration effect is achieved by homemade moisturizing masks made from mashed banana with grape seed oil or a solution of vitamins E and A. A mixture of fresh cottage cheese and yolk quickly restores tissue hydrobalance. This composition perfectly soothes irritated dermis and relieves inflammation.

For washing, you can use plain, slightly acidified water or an infusion of medicinal herbs.

The best homemade facial peeling recipes depending on age and skin type

At home, acid or mechanical peels are most often performed. Solutions for their implementation can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store. Well, the most careful ones can use natural peelings based on folk remedies. The result from their use will, of course, not be as pronounced as from salon exfoliation, but homemade mixtures are harmless and are suitable even for pregnant women.

For additional skin treatment between peeling procedures, use a mulberry mitten. This mitten will not only cleanse your face of impurities and flaking, but will also give it a light massage.

Dry skin

Rice peeling is suitable for dehydrated and sensitive dermis. This procedure has long been part of the spa care of all Eastern women. To prepare the mask, combine rice powder with honey and ground oatmeal. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to a pre-steamed face. Give a light massage using an exfoliating glove. After 20 minutes, rinse off the composition.

To enhance the effect, replace oatmeal with semolina or sugar.

For young, dry dermis, the NovAge two-phase acid complex from Oriflame is ideal.

Oily skin

Berry peels work well on oily skin. They perfectly eliminate grease, tighten and cleanse pores.

Any sour fruit is suitable for the mask - raspberries, lingonberries, strawberries, cherries. Mash them to a puree and apply a thick layer on your face. After 15–20 minutes, massage the skin and wash.

A mixture of salt and baking soda in equal parts will help get rid of blackheads. Apply the mixture to your face and thoroughly massage problem areas - forehead, wings of the nose, chin. Rinse off with cool, acidified water.

Combined type

This type of skin responds well to masks made from fermented milk products. Pour yogurt or kefir into a bowl, soak gauze in the liquid and apply a compress to your face. After 10 minutes, wash your face.

A peeling roll made of calcium chloride cleanses the combined dermis quite well. Apply the injection solution to the skin and cover with soap foam on top. Massage the mixture until pellets appear, rinse. After the procedure, use a moisturizer.

Problem skin

To eliminate inflammatory processes, reduce pustules and accelerate tissue healing, use pearl peeling with aloe juice. Combine the ingredients in equal parts and apply to the face. Shake off or rinse off the dried composition.

It will get rid of stagnant spots and post-acne marks mixed with hydrogen peroxide or cream (for sensitive dermis).

After 30 years

At this age, the first wrinkles appear, the skin loses moisture and elasticity. Cinnamon will help improve blood circulation and nutrition in tissues.

To prepare the peeling, take:

  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon powder - ½ tsp;
  • kefir - 2 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and apply a thick layer to your face. Do a massage and wash your face after 20 minutes.

For dry and sensitive dermis, replace kefir with sour cream or cream.

After 40 years

It is at this age that a woman begins to feel the influence of hormones. The skin becomes dry and thin, covered with a network of wrinkles. A honey scrub will help improve blood circulation in the tissues and nourish them. Massage your face with the pure product or mix the sweet product with your coffee.

After 45 years

Mature skin becomes more and more flabby and sluggish, loses tone and sags. Peeling from coffee grounds with sour cream or cream in a 1:1 ratio can restore elasticity and moisturize tissue. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to your face, rub gently. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and wash.

After 50 years

At this age, the dermis needs not only increased nutrition and hydration, but also careful handling, so exfoliating agents should be soft, and movements should be gentle and calm. For the best effect, take a steam bath before peeling.

Scrub recipes for mature skin:

  1. Butter-sugar - mix a spoonful of sugar with almond or sea buckthorn oil.
  2. Apricot salt scrub - add apricot kernel oil and a few drops of vitamin E to crushed sea salt.

Do not apply the scrub to the area around the eyes, and avoid massaging moles and warts. Before each use, prepare a fresh mixture.

Answers on questions

How often can you do facial peeling with a cosmetologist and at home?

The frequency of use of professional products is determined by a specialist, based on the depth of penetration of the compositions and the condition of the patient’s skin. In general, acid exfoliation is carried out in a course no more than once every 12 months.

At home, the frequency of cleaning depends on skin type:

  • dry - no more than once every 10–14 days;
  • oily and mixed - once every 5–7 days;
  • normal - once a week.

In any case, you should not get too carried away with cleansing procedures. You can dry out the dermis, which will lead to irritation and inflammation.

What peeling is suitable for the skin around the eyes?

The area around the eyes is the most vulnerable area on the face, so regular peeling is not applied to the eyelids and infraorbital area. For this purpose, special products have been developed, for example, the Italian exfoliant ENERPEEL EL. The product is hypoallergenic, perfectly improves the elasticity of the epidermis, rejuvenates and moisturizes.

At what time of year can you have a chemical facial peel done by a cosmetologist?

After exfoliation, especially acid exfoliation, the skin becomes susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, so they try to perform the procedure in winter. But there are a number of all-season peels that can be performed throughout the year - these are almond, milk and alkaline exfoliation, snail cleansing. The only condition is that post-peeling care must include sunscreen.

Which facial peeling is best after 45 years?

At this age, tissue withering can no longer be hidden with cosmetics. Only deep exfoliation - laser resurfacing or peeling with carbolic acid - can help tired and tone-deprived skin. The last method is the most effective, but has many contraindications.

Recommend effective facial peeling without skin peeling

Usually soft superficial exfoliations - glycolic, milk, almond - do not cause peeling. The alkaline effect and cleansing of the face with Achatinami pass without a trace.

  • What is exfoliation
  • Types of peeling

What is exfoliation

Everyone and everything needs renewal for beauty and health. So the skin constantly rejects dead horn cells to look fresh and radiant. But over time, its ability to self-cleanse weakens, the upper layer of the epidermis becomes thicker, rougher, loses its softness and beautiful color.

That is why it is necessary to regularly moisturize and nourish the skin, as well as remove excess dead cells from its surface. Exfoliation (or exfoliation, peeling), an integral stage of proper skin care, copes well with this task. The name of this process comes from the English verb to exfoliate - “exfoliate”.

Let us clarify: the procedure is called exfoliation, and the substance and/or means with which it is carried out is an exfoliant.

The peeling procedure helps achieve several goals at once.

Types of peeling

Based on the way they affect the skin, peelings are divided into several types.


It is carried out using scrubs, which can be:

    natural - based on crushed nut shells, coffee, coconut flakes, sugar crystals and salt;

    synthetic - based on microcrystals, polymer balls and granules.

In the salon, this kind of exfoliation is carried out using a brosage. Massage with brushes or sponges removes dead skin cells, improves microcirculation, and stimulates metabolism.

The tougher the scrub, the more effective, but, alas, the more traumatic the procedure. If the abrasive particles are not too large, then mechanical peeling is generally gentle. You need to repeat it 1-2 times a week, depending on your skin type and its condition.

Before performing mechanical peeling, it is better to lightly steam your face. You can simply take a shower or do it over a bath with herbal infusion.


Performed by specialists in beauty salons and aesthetic clinics. This type includes two types of peelings:

  1. 1

    laser (superficial, middle and deep);

  2. 2

    ultrasonic (special massage).

This type of peeling is traumatic, especially deep peeling. But it allows you to remove even such skin defects as pronounced age spots and scars.

Hardware peeling is performed by specialists in beauty salons and aesthetic clinics © iStock


The following are used as exfoliants:

    acids (alpha and beta hydroxy acids);

  • chemical mixtures that weaken the intercellular connections of the stratum corneum, after which the cells exfoliate on their own.

Cosmetologists consider chemical peeling to be the most physiological, and therefore gentle, procedure. And very effective when repeated regularly (frequency determined by the doctor).

The most delicate peeling is gommage. It is suitable even for thin sensitive skin. Exfoliation is carried out by applying a cream with exfoliating ingredients (organic acids, enzymes), as well as nourishing, moisturizing and soothing ingredients to the face. After 15–20 minutes, the cream is rolled off the surface of the skin, removing it along with the scales of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Exfoliation Precautions

As beneficial as the procedure is, it has limitations.

    Intolerance to exfoliant components.

    Eczema, herpes, rashes, skin damage.

    Infectious and other diseases.

    Severe dehydration of the skin (before peeling, it must be intensively moisturized for several days).

Mechanical peeling is carried out using scrubs. © iStock

Cosmetologists warn!

    Aggressive salon peelings (chemical, laser) cannot be done during pregnancy and lactation!

    In addition, these procedures are seasonal. Highly concentrated peels are not carried out during periods of increased solar activity (the risk of hyperpigmentation is high) and in extreme cold - snow and wind can slow down skin restoration, provoke or intensify rosacea (vascular fragility).

    Deep salon peels are the most aggressive and traumatic; they cannot be done more often than once every few years. You can afford medians no more than twice a year. Superficial ones are carried out in courses prescribed by a specialist.

    For very thin, dry sensitive skin, it is better to limit yourself to a peeling lotion (Vichy has one in the Idéalia line), it is applied at night.

    For severe hyperkeratosis, it is more effective to use mechanical scrubbing.

    If skin allergies occur frequently, avoid chemical exfoliation and choose a scrub with soft polymer granules.

    At home, only mechanical peeling, gommage and home exfoliation products from proven brands are recommended.

6 products for exfoliating facial skin

Exfoliating lotion Purefect Skin Toner, Biotherm

Gently cleanses oily sensitive skin and works as a light exfoliant. The formula with zinc and kelp extract prevents the appearance of shine and reduces imperfections.

Clay mask to combat imperfections Purefect Skin 2 in 1 Pore Mask, Biotherm (for normal to oily skin)

Eliminates impurities and tightens pores, provides micro-peeling and refreshes. It contains white clay and diatoms, thanks to which the skin is cleansed and pores become less noticeable. Apply in two stages.

  1. 1

    Apply a thick layer to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

  2. 2

    After 1 minute, rinse with warm water using massage movements.

Soft scrub, La Roche-Posay

Gently exfoliates, cleanses and smoothes the skin. Apply with light massaging movements to a damp face, except around the eye contour. Rinse thoroughly with water.

Softening exfoliating cream Exfoliance Сonfort, Lancôme

Gently renews sensitive epidermis prone to dryness and removes keratinized scales. Ideal for reactive skin in need of nourishment. Apply with light movements after cleansing, avoiding the eye contour. Rinse thoroughly.

Refreshing exfoliating gel Exfoliance Clarté, Lancôme

A product based on tropical fruit extracts gently exfoliates dead skin cells.

Gel + scrub + mask 3-in-1 “Clean Skin”, Garnier

Multifunctional remedy for oily and combination skin against imperfections:

  1. 1

    gel for washing and fighting acne,

  2. 2

    scrub against blackheads,

  3. 3

    cleansing, pore-tightening mask against oily shine.

If your facial skin is dull, thin, flabby, wrinkled or covered in rashes, a peeling procedure will improve its condition. Mechanical or chemical, it can be done at home.

Exfoliation. Or why is peeling done?

Peeling - cleansing the skin of dead cells

Peeling is a cosmetic procedure for deep cleansing of the skin, during which the top layer of dead cells is exfoliated.

IMPORTANT: The term “peeling” is derived from the English. the verb peel (“to peel”, “to scrape”). The procedure has another name - exfoliation

The procedure for getting rid of the stratum corneum of the skin is carried out with the aim of:

  • improving oxygen supply to living cells
  • improving blood circulation in subcutaneous vessels
  • acceleration of cellular metabolism
  • accelerating skin cell regeneration
  • preparing the skin for nutritional, moisturizing, rejuvenating procedures using masks

If peeling is carried out regularly, it is possible:

  • get rid of small wrinkles that appear
  • prevent the emergence of new
  • smooth out other uneven skin
  • clean and close pores
  • make skin more elastic
  • improve complexion
  • get rid of acne and other rashes

Peeling can be done in a beauty salon or just at home. Based on what exactly affects the skin, exfoliation is distinguished:

  1. Mechanical— small abrasive particles in the composition of the skin cleanser act on it like sandpaper
  2. Chemical– removal of dead cells using acids and alkalis
  3. Ultrasonic– use of a special device that creates ultrasonic waves. Under their influence, the connections between living and dead epidermal cells are destroyed, as a result of which the latter are separated
  4. Laser– removal of the stratum corneum under the influence of laser beams
  5. Biological— using enzymes (pepsin, papain, bromelain, others) to accelerate the natural processes of cellular renewal

There is a whole arsenal of folk and store-bought remedies that can be used for home peeling for all skin types.

IMPORTANT: The preparation for mechanical peeling is called a scrub or exfoliant

The home peeling procedure has contraindications:

  • open wounds and ulcers
  • acute inflammatory process
  • oncology
  • treatment with ointments with hormones (glucocorticosteroids)

Homemade peeling for dry skin

Those with dry or sensitive skin are wary of peeling, rightly considering it a traumatic procedure. Some people prefer not to do it at all. It is not right!

IMPORTANT: Dry skin needs cleansing no less than other types. It is possible and necessary to exfoliate it at home

But! The scrub should not contain:

  • absorbent substances
  • large abrasive particles
  • too coarse abrasive particles
  • other components damaging thin skin

Substances and products that will effectively and safely cleanse dry and sensitive skin are::

  • fruit acids (grape acid, citric acid, others)
  • semolina
  • oat flour (from crushed oats)
  • strawberry
  • coffee grounds
  • other

When carrying out the exfoliation procedure, owners of thin, dry, sensitive skin must follow several rules:

  1. Do peeling no more than once every 7-10 days
  2. Duration of procedure – 1 minute
  3. When rubbing the scrub into the skin, do not press too hard on it.
  4. It is better to wash off the exfoliant with milk
  5. After exfoliation, it is recommended to make a moisturizing mask

IMPORTANT: Before using any exfoliant for dry skin, you should test it for allergies. An allergy test is done on the inside of the elbow. If after 24 hours no reaction occurs in this area of ​​the skin, the drug is used as directed.

Homemade peeling for oily skin

The choice of peeling products for those with oily skin is much larger. To cleanse the pores of toxins and remove the upper stratum corneum of cells, you can use:

  • milk
  • sugar
  • sea ​​salt
  • cosmetic clays
  • ground rice and bran in a coffee grinder
  • other

Rules for exfoliation for oily skin:

  1. Peeling is done once every 5-7 days
  2. Duration of the procedure – 2-3 minutes
  3. The drug must be washed off with warm water.
  4. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing mask to the skin.

IMPORTANT: Before peeling, oily skin can be steamed, for example, using a towel soaked in chamomile broth or a steam bath with herbs. Then the pores will be cleaned better

Peeling face mask

This product differs from an exfoliant in that it not only cleanses the skin, but nourishes and moisturizes it. The effect of the caring procedure will be double.

IMPORTANT: Mask - peeling is not rubbed into the skin, but acts on it for some time

As a rule, homemade masks with a cleansing effect include:

  • dairy
  • fruits and berries
  • vegetables
  • oils
  • cereals

RECIPE No. 1: Peeling mask for oily skin with oatmeal and lemon juice
This drug cleanses pores, nourishes skin cells with vitamins, tones the skin, and promotes the separation of its stratum corneum.
Prepare a mask - peeling from 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal ground into flour and lemon juice (usually half a fruit is enough) so that it has the consistency of a thick paste. The drug is evenly distributed on the face and left until completely dry. Wash off with warm water or chamomile decoction

Oatmeal is a component of a peeling mask for oily skin.

RECIPE No. 2: Peeling mask for dry skin made from strawberry pulp and rich sour cream
When using this product, the skin is moisturized and cleansed.
Take 2 tbsp. spoons of strawberries crushed into pulp and 1 tbsp. spoon of fat sour cream, mix. Leave the mixture on the face for 10 minutes, then wash with milk diluted with water 1:1

RECIPE No. 3: Rejuvenating Maxa – Peeling
Honey, wheat bran and lemon juice will help improve the condition of aging skin.
Lightly warmed liquid honey (2 tablespoons) is mixed with wheat bran (1 tablespoon) and lemon juice (1 tablespoon). Make the mask for half an hour, then wash it off thoroughly and use an anti-aging cream.

Chemical peeling of the face at home. How to do deep facial peeling at home

Chemical peeling can be done at home using acids:

  • glycolic
  • almond
  • salicylic
  • lemon
  • grape
  • others

An inexpensive and effective method is often used to remove dead skin cells. calcium chloride.

IMPORTANT: A natural reaction to chemical home peeling is facial skin flushing, which persists for 8-18 hours after the procedure. Therefore, it is better to cleanse in the evening before the weekend. IMPORTANT: Tolerable tingling or burning of the skin during chemical exfoliation is normal. But if the discomfort is too severe, the drug should be washed off immediately and consult a dermatologist as soon as possible

Glycolic peeling at home

Glycolic fruit acid very often used for home skin cleansing. The substance is extracted from sugar cane. It is not aggressive, but at the same time it has the ability to penetrate deeply into the epidermis, where:

  • promotes the separation of dead cells
  • improves cellular metabolism, in particular, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin
  • destroys melanin

IMPORTANT: Glycolic peeling evens out the skin and improves its color

The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. A gel or lotion containing 10-15% glycolic acid is applied to previously cleansed facial skin.
  2. The drug is applied with a special brush.
  3. The drug is applied in a circular motion from top to bottom, from forehead to chin.
  4. Do not apply gel or lotion to the area around the eyes
  5. During 15 minutes, while the drug acts on the skin, a light acupressure massage is performed using cotton swabs.
  6. The mask is washed off with running cold water.

Peeling with calcium chloride. Facial peeling with calcium chloride at home

Peeling with calcium chloride The good thing is that it can be done on any skin type. In addition, allergies to the substance are very rare.

IMPORTANT: Calcium chloride and calcium chloride are the same substance

Suitable for cleansing 10% calcium chloride, which is available in ampoules at any pharmacy:

  • ampoule with calcium chloride is opened
  • a cotton pad is soaked in the product
  • The product is applied in several stages to the entire face, except for the upper lip and area around the eyes
  • when the contents of the ampoule are exhausted, the face should be washed with warm water, but not wiped
  • When the moisture is absorbed into the skin, apply moisturizer

VIDEO: Hollywood peeling with calcium chloride

Almond facial peeling at home

Mandelic acid, obtained through glycolysis of almond extracts, as a peeling:

  • eliminates acne and other types of rashes
  • improves skin color by fighting age spots
  • promotes skin regeneration and rejuvenation
  • stimulating the synthesis of elastin and collagen, improves skin texture

IMPORTANT: Light-skinned and dark-skinned girls can use mandelic acid for home peeling

Mandelic acid is used in its pure form as part of multicomponent cleansers.

RECIPE No. 1: Peeling with mandelic acid

On a steamed face cleansed of cosmetics and sebum, first apply 5% tonic with mandelic acid, then pre-peeling with 10% mandelic acid, and lastly the 30% preparation itself. After the procedure, a soothing mask with collagen, kelp and lactic acid is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

RECIPE No. 2: Peeling with almonds

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of ground almonds, 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. spoon of cream. Mix and apply to face. Exposure time – 15 minutes.

IMPORTANT: For almond peeling to have an effect, it must be done regularly, once every 2 weeks, alternating with a less damaging cleansing procedure

Lemon facial peeling at home

Lemon, zest, citric acid powder - everything is suitable for peeling

For lemon exfoliation you can use:

  • lemon juice
  • lemon pulp
  • lemon zest
  • citric acid

The first three substances, as a rule, are part of masks - exfoliants. Their advantage is that additional components can be selected according to skin type: olive oil and cream for dry skin, honey and clay for oily skin, etc.

Citric acid is used in this way: apply 15% acid to a cleansed and steamed face with a cotton pad or sponge, then wash with warm water and make a nourishing mask.

Salicylic facial peeling at home

For skin hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, seborrhea and acne, salicylic peeling is recommended. At home, you will need ordinary aspirin for this.


Peeling agent with salicylic acid

2 tablets of pharmaceutical aspirin are dissolved in 0.5 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of honey (you can use olive oil instead for dry skin, aloe juice for oily skin). The drug is applied to the prepared face for a quarter of an hour, the residue is removed with a cotton pad and a toning mask is made.

VIDEO: Facial scrub|Peeling aspirin

Fruit facial peeling at home

They refresh the skin, fight wrinkles, rashes and seborrhea, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and other fruit acids, which you can use at home:

  • wine
  • dairy
  • apple

The acid concentration in the exfoliation preparation should not exceed 25%. After using it, the skin must be soothed and moisturized.

The results of using acids for exfoliation at home are obvious. The condition of the skin really changes for the better. But since the procedure is comparable to a thermal burn, you should still consult a dermatologist before performing it so that he can approve it. If there are contraindications, it is better to choose a more gentle method for removing dead skin particles.

VIDEO: Peeling At Home. Chemical Facial Peeling at Home

Having decided on exfoliation, those who want to look younger and prettier sometimes unexpectedly get the opposite result.

In order not to harm the skin with seemingly safe cosmetic procedures, let’s find out who needs exfoliation and why.

Let's find out whether it is possible to replace professional products for the procedure with natural ones with the same result.

Peeling is the artificial cleansing of the skin from the dead top layer. This process occurs naturally in humans, as in other living beings. But with age it slows down. The skin becomes uneven.

Therefore, the appearance of the updated layer needs to be helped. Peeling smoothes the skin surface, disinfects it, normalizes the fat balance of the dermis, and stimulates metabolic processes.

Main varieties

Main types of peeling:

  • Mechanical. Brushes (), mittens, pumice, and scrubs prepared in factories and at home are used for it.
  • Hardware. These are ultrasonic, vacuum, galvanic (using electricity), facial cleansing. In modern spa settings, these effective and painless treatments are popular.
  • Biological. In many salons, specific plants and animals, such as fish, are used to remove the stratum corneum of the skin.
  • Chemical. Using acids that destroy dead cells (exfoliants).

To summarize: Skin exfoliation is a peeling procedure that allows you to gently and most thoroughly remove the outdated skin layer. Compare: to peel (English) – “to cleanse the crust”, exfoliate (English) – “to exfoliate”.

AHAs as exfoliants

The most common exfoliants are fruit acids. They were first isolated from fruits. Today these are chemical compounds that combine the properties of acids and alcohols: hydroxy acids. They are commonly called alpha hydroxyl acids (AHAs).

Exfoliation with fruit acids is popular. Why? They are non-toxic. When used correctly, they do not leave marks (scars).

They easily injure the epidermis, removing dead cells and stimulating the process of their renewal.

With AHA acids:

  • regeneration processes of the deep layers of the dermis are launched;
  • the process of production of elastin and collagen is enhanced (this also happens after);
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • cells are enriched with vitamins and microelements;
  • the skin is moisturized, because moisture is better retained in renewed cells;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • The aging process slows down due to the activation of immune processes.

Types of fruit acids

AHA acids:

  • (isolated from sugar cane);
  • wine (obtained from grapes);
  • coffee (from coffee beans);
  • (found in citrus fruits);
  • almond (from almond oil);
  • (from lactic acid fermentation products, fruits and milk);
  • phytic (from wheat grains);
  • apple (from apple and pear fruits);
  • amber (amber, milk, etc.).

The only beta-hydroxyl acid (BHA) is salicylic acid. It was isolated from willow bark. Used to cleanse oily and combination skin. Cleanses, heals, dries, improves metabolic processes.

AHA acids are most often used for normal, dry and sensitive skin.

Sensitive skin does not tolerate glycolic acid well and requires mandatory preliminary testing of other products. They must be hypoallergenic.

Professional care or home treatments

Exfoliants are usually included in modern cosmetics. They are added to creams and scrubs, gels, masks, lotions and shampoos. However, the percentage content (up to 3%) makes conventional cosmetics ineffective. Professional products give the best results, having an AHA acid content of 5-7%.

SPA salons use more concentrated products (from 9 to 90%), so their use should be supervised by a specialist. A competent cosmetologist will prepare the client for the appearance of unpleasant sensations (redness, burning, slight swelling) and help them quickly eliminate them.

There are mono- and multi-peelings, which contain one or several types of exfoliants, respectively. Multipeeling gives greater effect.

There are also more complications if used incorrectly. Therefore, it is better to do such cleaning in a spa salon.

Exfoliation of facial skin is possible at home. The best solution is to first consult with a cosmetologist.
He will help you choose the composition that is suitable for your skin and determine the maximum concentration. He will remind you of contraindications and give precise instructions on application, aftercare, and number of procedures.

If this is not possible, but there is a need for procedures, act independently!

Rules for using exfoliants:

  1. Cleanse your skin.
  2. Wearing gloves, apply the solution evenly using a brush (swab).
  3. Do not apply around lips or eyes.
  4. Wash off with water without soap or any additives. Apply for a short time (10-15 minutes or less).
  5. Wipe your skin with a hypoallergenic toner and apply a nourishing cream.

Helpful information

When using exfoliants, it is important to know:

  • The optimal season for exfoliation is autumn-winter. The skin must be protected from sunlight, cold, and wind. After completing the course, use high-quality sunscreen cosmetics.
  • A month before exfoliation, stop all exfoliating procedures; it is advisable to avoid exfoliation before the session.
  • First, do an allergy test: test the effect of the substance on a small area of ​​skin.
  • The expected effect will occur after several procedures. Be patient and do not apply the product a second time.
  • You should also not exceed the concentration recommended (by a cosmetologist or instructions). At home, it is better not to take risks and not to use acid concentrations higher than 9% concentration.
  • Maintain the procedure time exactly (10-15 minutes). If it is seriously exceeded, wash off the acid with plenty of water. Do not lubricate your skin with anything. See a dermatologist (cosmetologist) immediately.
  • Ask pharmacies for medications with low acid concentrations for home use. Check the expiration date. Choose well-known brands and trusted manufacturers.

We bring to your attention photos of the results of exfoliation:

Who is contraindicated for use?

There are many contraindications, here they are:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Age under 22 years.
  • Severe tan or sunburn.
  • Warts, moles, papillomas (), skin lesions, skin diseases.
  • Postoperative period (less than a month).
  • Drug intolerance.
  • Radiation therapy.

Natural peeling for the most careful

Many follow the example of their great-great-grandmothers. Centuries ago, they washed themselves with buttermilk and birch sap, without thinking about the benefits of acids, simply trusting their own experience.

The most affordable and popular peeling from natural plant and dairy products is easy to make. The result may not be as fast and bright as from concentrated acid, but their effect is gentle and safe.

Examples of face masks:

  • Cabbage (for oily and normal skin). Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in 50 grams of sauerkraut juice. Apply for half an hour.

    Rinse off with warm water. Wipe the skin with a decoction of linden or rose petals. Apply nourishing cream at night.

  • Oatmeal (for sensitive and combination skin). Soak a tablespoon of flakes and dissolve in cold water to a thick paste.

    Add a spoonful of yogurt and stir. If you feel it drying out, rinse it off. It should take approximately 7 minutes. Wipe your skin with weakly brewed green tea.

  • Lemon (if the skin is dry and pigmented). Mix rosehip and olive oil (1.5 tablespoons each). Add lemon juice (teaspoon). Apply warm. Wash your face after 5-7 minutes. Apply nourishing cream. Such soft peelings are done twice a week. The course lasts 3-4 weeks.
  • study reviews about the new “miracle” remedy;
  • consult a specialist;
  • take care of your skin systematically;
  • remember the main principle: “Do no harm!”

Exfoliation is necessary for our skin in one form or another. Its advantage is its gentle effect on the skin. This type of peeling gives excellent results with careful selection of products and proper implementation.

And finally, watch the video about fruit facial peeling:
