Howlite is a stone of “eternal students. Howlite - history, properties and meaning Howlite description of the healing and magical properties of the stone

Howlite or howlite is a rare stone, which in its composition is a type of calcium borosilicate. It got its name in honor of the Canadian geologist Henry Gove, who is the discoverer of the gem. The stone can also be found under other names - turkvenite, taulit, howlite, pressed and others. It has magical and healing properties, which is why it is very popular among users.

In nature, howlite is usually found in a rounded shape of a light gray tone with dark blotches. This color of the gem does not always suit jewelers, so the stone is often painted. The most popular colors in which gems are repainted are blue. For this, the gem got its other name - pressed turquoise, although there is nothing in common between these stones. To color the gem, green tones are also chosen, less often red. Such stones will be a wonderful decoration, but, from the point of view of magic and medicine, they will be useless.

The healing properties of howlite are not a myth, but a proven fact. Even traditional medicine confirms this. The healing properties of the stone are due to its chemical composition. The gem contains calcium, which is necessary for the normal growth of bones, cartilage and muscle tissue. This means that howlite can be worn for fractures, cracks, dislocations, sprains, torn ligaments and other similar problems.

During pregnancy, women are advised not to part with the gem. It will help to avoid all the problems that accompany this period - toxicosis, irritability and others. The gem will increase the resistance of the expectant mother's body to various viruses and infections that can cause great harm not only to herself, but also to the child. The mineral improves the work of a woman's heart and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. During the birth itself, the mother is advised to keep the stone closer to the body. Howlit will make this process easy and safe for her life, including the life of a child.

In lithotherapy, howlite is used to perform various types of massage. The gem warms up the body, preparing it for subsequent therapeutic measures. This mineral performs the following types of massage:

  • Anti-cellulite. Howlite helps to get rid of the so-called orange peel.
  • For varicose veins. Massage with this gem in this type of pathology helps not only to heal, but also to restore the normal functioning of the veins.
  • When blocking blood vessels. Regular massage with howlite not only helps to solve this problem, but also strengthens the vessels themselves.
  • For diseases of the joints. The mineral stops the inflammatory process, relieves pain and restores joint mobility.

Specialists in lithotherapy advise using a gem for toothache. You need to apply howlite to problem areas. It will relieve pain and improve the condition of tooth enamel.

The magical properties of Howlite

Only natural howlite has magical properties. Dyed gems lose them.

Howlite stone symbolizes eternity, chastity and purity of thoughts. White color at all times personified innocence, sinlessness, as well as light, power and strength.

The gem drives away all negative emotions and thoughts from a person. It relieves anxiety and depression, helps to overcome depression. Suppresses anger, temper and irritability.

Howlite is respected by mediums involved in the interpretation of dreams. The gem helps to remember the dream and decipher it correctly. Often, the stone itself sends a dream to a person, which contains information of interest to him, that is, the answer to a question. For those people who want to see prophetic dreams, howlite is recommended to be kept under the pillow.

The gem will help those people who strive for knowledge and spiritual improvement. It frees the mind from extraneous thoughts and helps to concentrate on studying. Makes learning new knowledge easy and accessible. People who are professionally involved in magic are advised to wear howlite as an amulet to scientists, students and students.

Howlite enhances a person's charisma and charm. Develops the gift of persuasion and oratory. People who are involved in politics or are forced by the nature of their activities to often speak to the public should pay close attention to this gem.

It is recommended to keep the mineral with you during exams, testing for prof. suitability and when interviewing or applying for a job. He will help with honor to pass all the tests and get the highest score or the desired position.

Howlite can help boost mental performance, boost self-esteem, and encourage self-improvement. With such a stone, the thirst for knowledge will never weaken.

The gem activates not only mental activity, but also increases the efficiency and endurance of a person. This means that it is suitable for those people who are associated with intellectual work and those who are engaged in physical labor.

Who suits Howlite according to the zodiac sign

According to astrologers, each stone has a certain energy. A person also has his own energy, which is determined by the sign of the zodiac. If they match, then the mineral becomes an ideal talisman. If not, then it can bring misfortune and illness to a person. Therefore, when choosing a stone, astrologers advise looking at its compatibility with the zodiac sign.

Compatibility of howlite with the sign of the zodiac. Table 1.

Taurus and Virgo - that's who should pay close attention to howlite. They will feel its power and beneficial effect as soon as they touch the gem. Howlite will help Taurus and Virgo to become more persistent in moving towards the intended goal and more tolerant of the people around them.

The gem is suitable for Scorpions and Capricorns. It will help them focus on doing a certain task and will not allow them to abandon it or switch their attention to other goals.

Howlite is contraindicated for the fiery signs of the zodiac - Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. If in most cases the mineral drives away negative emotions and thoughts, then here it will attract them. Because of it, a blues, a depressive mood, and the like can attack a person.

The rest of the signs of the zodiac, which were not mentioned, will not feel any effect of the gem: neither positive nor negative.

Howlite is one stone that does not need to be worn all the time. Most of the time it needs to be kept in a dark place. It is advised to wash the gem in water without soap, powder and other means. Chemicals can ruin a gem's tone and reduce its brilliance. There were cases when the shape of the stone also suffered due to improper care. To prevent this from happening, you just need to rinse the stone with water, wipe it dry and put it away from sunlight. Then howlite will always look like new.


Howlite was first found in 1868 by Canadian scientist Henry How, after whom it got its official name. Due to its nondescript appearance and low prevalence in nature, this mineral is not particularly popular. Among our compatriots, the dissonant name does not add to its attractiveness.

Howlite - jewelry and ornamental stone

However, it has many alternative names:

  • kaulite or howlit - variants of the Russian transcription of the original name howlite;
  • silicoborocalcite - according to the chemical composition of the mineral;
  • white turquoise, pressed turquoise or turquoise - for resemblance to turquoise (from English turquoise - turquoise);
  • white / sacred bison (white / Sacred Buffalo) - the stone bears such romantic names in areas of North American deposits.

Appearance and properties of howlite

Howlite is a calcium borosilicate. Most often found in evaporites in the form of dense radially radiant concretions. It is a white, gray or colorless stone, often with black, dark gray or brownish streaks. In most cases it is opaque, very rarely there are small transparent crystals.

After polishing, it acquires a soft porcelain sheen. Possesses porous structure thanks to what it is easily painted.

Howlite deposits

The rarest, almost transparent specimens of the mineral are mined in Canada (Nova Scotia). The largest concretions are found in the southern United States. There are small deposits of this mineral in Serbia and southern Germany.

Application of howlite

This jewelry and ornamental stone is most common in North America. On sale you can find various stone-cutting products from this mineral, as well as inexpensive, but very elegant jewelry.

Despite the noble color in its simplicity, this mineral in its original color remains of little demand. Typically, howlite products are painted in a variety of colors, sometimes given out as more expensive stones.

Most often it is used to imitate turquoise. In fact, these two gems are remarkably similar in appearance, if you do not take into account the color. And according to the photo, even a specialist will take howlite painted with bluish-green paint for natural turquoise. This is what scammers use. However, it is quite easy to distinguish a fake: a howlite product is easily scratched, while the color will become noticeable. But, of course, few dare to scratch the newly acquired expensive jewelry.

The healing properties of howlite

Howlites have high thermal conductivity, so they are often used for stone therapy - massage with heated stones. This procedure helps to relieve tension in the muscles, improve blood circulation, helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances, and, if necessary, can relieve pain.

Also, the healing properties of this mineral are associated with a high content of calcium in it. It is believed that it is able to prevent or alleviate the course of diseases caused by a lack of this element in the body. It is recommended to rinse your teeth with water infused with howlite to restore tooth enamel. Because of the same properties, a piece of the mineral is advised to carry with you to pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The magical properties of howlite

Turkvenite is a stone of knowledge. It helps to realize one's goals and aspirations, to find one's true destiny, to discover new abilities in oneself, including in esoteric practices. Howlite amulets are used in meditation.

These properties make it useful for students and learners. It contributes to the thirst for knowledge and at the same time helps to calm down, focus, make the right decision. It is recommended to take a talisman from this mineral with you to exams and interviews.

White turkvenite is a symbol of purity and innocence, so it is considered the patron saint of young girls. Beads made of unpainted howlite will not only add charm and attractiveness to them, but also help to avoid rash acts and not make a mistake in choosing a life partner.

For men, especially those in a leadership position, a howlite ring will add confidence in their abilities, reduce irritability, increase memory and mental clarity.

It must be remembered that only natural-colored howlite has all the listed healing and magical properties, and a product made of a colored mineral becomes just a beautiful trinket.

Astrological properties of howlite

Howlite's zodiac sign is Gemini. White stone will help people of this sign to show their best features and find harmony with themselves.

Products made from this mineral also have a beneficial effect on those born under the signs of the earth. He is able to give Taurus inner peace and relieve mental anguish. Virgo will be cured of excessive temper and a tendency to introspection. The innate perseverance of Capricorn will direct you in the right direction.

The howlite talisman will also be useful for Libra, who is indecisive by nature. He will give them self-confidence and help them make the right choice.

But signs belonging to the elements of fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) are not recommended to wear howlite jewelry.

Howlite stone was discovered in the middle of the 19th century. It contains calcium boron silicate. The stone itself is alkaline.

This stone has become a treasure for jewelers. With its use, various dyes are produced. It has a natural light color with dark veins. Jewelers paint it in different colors to give grace and attractiveness to buyers.

Sometimes this mineral is mistaken for turquoise. But they have little in common on a chemical level. The characteristic of howlite is much richer and more interesting, it has many healing and magical properties.

  • Beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Improves the work of the heart.
  • Accelerates healing of fractures.
  • Strengthens teeth.
  • Helps pregnant women: contributes to the normal development of the fetus.
  • It is a talisman for children and teenagers.
  • Helps remember dreams.
  • Useful for schoolchildren and students: it helps to memorize large amounts of information.

Who suits the zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology

Not every person is suitable for this or that stone. Howlite has the ability to enhance some useful qualities and weaken others. Who suits howlite according to the horoscope can be seen in the table below.

Zodiac sign Compatibility What effect does
Aries Enhances the pronounced uncompromising nature of Aries. This is fraught with conflict. Useful to wear to competitions.
Taurus Neutral. Does not affect personality. Beneficial effect on health.
Twins Useful. Helps to concentrate energy, direct it in the right direction. Howlite is good for Gemini 24 hours a day. Especially useful for women of this sign.
Cancer Useful. Increases vitality, gives energy. It is not recommended to wear often with high blood pressure.
a lion It is not recommended to wear frequently. It is already difficult for lions to restrain grandeur and gloss. This stone will only inflame their temper, which may not be to the liking of others.
Virgo Recommended. Virgos are advised to wear it as often as possible. This means that Virgo is one of the most compatible signs with Howlite.
Scales Useful. He will give Libra peace and balance. Will help in making decisions.
Scorpion Useful. Scorpios will be able to become more reasonable and responsible with the help of the influence of howlite.
Sagittarius It is not recommended to wear frequently. For men of this sign, the mineral will bring good luck in love affairs. Women are advised to wear it less frequently.
Capricorn Recommended. Capricorns will overcome insecurities, become softer, and be able to make new friends.
Aquarius Recommended. Aquarians need it!
Fish Useful. Pisces will draw from the stone of creative energy. Gives inspiration.

Raw howlite is combined with almost all signs of the zodiac. Aries and lions can wear it just like the rest. It is only recommended to take breaks. The effect is enhanced by prolonged contact with the body. As soon as the decoration is removed, the connection is terminated.

Important! If you want to enhance the effect of the stone, do not remove it at all. Jewelry with an unpainted stone has a more pronounced effect.

What color and how it looks: varieties of stone

Howlite has several varieties. The color can vary from light gray to blue. It may also have a brown tint. In nature, it is found mainly in small sizes. It is found in a bizarre oval shape.

Howlite rarely has sharp edges. The peoples in the north of America called him the white bison. Since all its types are easily artificially colored, many jewelers pass it off as turquoise. For this, turkvenite is used. It is a type of howlite.

How much: price

The cost of a stone depends on several factors. Among them:

  • the presence of a cut;
  • accompanying stones and metals in decoration;
  • the presence or absence of color;

The region where the stone is sold also matters. Natural howlite can be bought at a price of 200 rubles for a single stone. If we are talking about a finished product, the cost will increase to 600 rubles per decoration.

Products and decorations made of stone and its application

Popular among buyers are bracelets and pendants. Often such jewelry is bought by teenagers. The stone is a strong amulet for all children. Less often, its use is used for the manufacture of earrings and rings.

Sometimes a stone is purchased in its pure form, as a talisman. Store it near the head of the bed. It helps get rid of nightmares.

Medicinal properties: are they?

Scientists have confirmed the healing properties of howlite. Since it contains calcium, it is recommended to wear it to people who have a deficiency of this substance in the body.

Also, scientific confirmation has the fact that howlite helps to concentrate and improves memory. Its effect is not as pronounced as the effect of drugs, but it is.

How to distinguish a fake: authenticity check

Determining the authenticity of howlite can be very difficult. Sometimes even a professional can't do it. Dyed howlite looks exactly like turquoise. Turquoise has a porous structure. It is worth taking a closer look at the pores. If such turquoise has a white color inside, it is howlite.

There are also cases when howlite itself is forged. To recognize a fake, it is enough to rub with a cotton swab with alcohol in places of dark veins. If the vein is washed off, then ordinary plastic was given out for it.

Mineral deposits

Howlite is a rare stone. Its deposits are recorded in Canada, Germany, Serbia and California.

Care and storage

In order for natural stone to serve for a long time, you need to properly care for it. Howlite is resistant to high temperatures, but it is recommended to store it away from sunlight. Better - in a closed dark package.

Cleaning also requires special attention. Alcohol must not be used. It is enough to moisten the cotton wool in warm water and clean the stone from dirt. This should be done at least once every two months. Otherwise, the stone will lose its luster.

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For the fifth millennium, people have been using stones in jewelry; for centuries, stones have fascinated people and continue to this day. Once they had value in themselves, without any consideration of their value. And it was an era of pure enjoyment of the beauty of stone. But soon a person begins to sell and buy stones, barter and collect them, and they become unwitting participants in the race for profit. The more beautiful and rarer the stone, the more expensive it is - this was known even before our era. And here it is, the dream of all money-grubbers, a stone that can be anything you want: you want - turquoise, but you want - or. And now he is turned into turquoise and plays his role admirably. Few buyers know how handsome he is without a mask.

From the dossier:
Turquenite is a type of howlite, calcium borosilicate. Hardness 3.50 on the Mohs scale, density from 2.53 to 2.59 g/cm3. Luster is silky, porcelain after polishing. Other names: blue howlite, blue magnesite, howlite-turquoise, turquonite (turquonite), turqurenite (turqurenite).

The term "turquenite" has been used in the stone carving and mineral trade since the 1970s to refer to blue varieties of howlite, otherwise magnesite, dyed so as to resemble as much as possible the already rare and, alas, expensive turquoise, the reserves of which are depleted (from the English "turquoise" - turquoise). Turquoise color, unfortunately, is not natural, but it is a natural mineral. Howlite's natural color is gray or white with black or brown veins. Since 2004, the name "turkvenite" has been used in some cases in relation to the so-called fortified, as well as ennobled turquoise. Fortified (cemented) is a low quality turquoise, softer and more porous, sometimes chalky. Its quality is improved by impregnation with various colorless organic cements: polystyrene, various resins, oils, wax, paraffin, fat, etc. Ennobled turquoise, unlike reinforced, also undergoes a process of color enhancement - staining. As a result, such turquoise does not look very natural and has a plastic sheen. Fortified turquoise cannot be distinguished by eye from natural, and with the development of strengthening technologies, it gradually becomes impossible to distinguish it from natural with the help of gemological tests. Both of these types are considered true turquoise, but all treatments must be specified by the manufacturer.

Turquoise is indeed often passed off as turquoise - it looks so much like it, but it should be remembered that turquoise never happens in large pieces and does not have a porcelain sheen. In addition, small crystals can be distinguished in a magnifying glass on turquenite, which does not happen on turquoise.

Thus, it becomes clear that the name "turkvenite" is to a very large extent a trade name referring to dyed howlite, similar to turquoise. This is also evidenced by the fact that there have been attempts to the name "turkvenit" trademark. All this whirlpool of "turquoise" passions has very little affected the reputation of howlite itself, which was discovered in 1868 by the Canadian chemist, geologist and mineralogist Henry How. Howlite is also called kaulite or howlite, following the English pronunciation. It is found in the form of gray-white concretions, similar to cauliflower heads. Although its hardness is low, howlite has a toughness due to the fact that it consists of tiny crystals entangled with each other. It is widely used in stone-cutting and used for inserts in jewelry, where it shows its natural beauty and unique vein patterns. Howlite is mined in the USA (California and Nevada), Canada, Germany, Serbia, Slovakia and Turkey. Basically, howlite is tumbled (pieces of the mineral are polished in free shaped and finished, they resemble pebbles), and then dyed blue. Howlite is very porous and easy to color, but the paint does not penetrate deep into the material, so such stones are no longer suitable for carving, and with frequent wear, their surface is abraded.

Unfortunately, turquoise is very often counterfeited with howlite, especially in foreign jewelry, less often corals, and gray howlite is sometimes passed off as white turquoise. But a huge number of products with this stone are sold under its real name. There are several commercial varieties of the color of ennobled turquoise, under which howlite is also “decorated”. These are green and apple green, pink (fuchsia) and sky blue. Howlite is also painted under lapis lazuli (lapis lazuli), and then it has a rich cobalt blue color. By purchasing such howlite, the buyer realizes that it is, of course, not turquoise, not lapis lazuli and not corals, and this is what distinguishes imitation from fakes.

Turkvenite and howlite are quite rare gems in Russia, but they are worth buying, if only because this inexpensive and beautiful mineral will apparently soon replace turquoise, and is also now a democratic substitute for lapis lazuli and is still considered a curiosity among us .

Since its discovery, howlite has gained a good reputation as a stone that represents home and family. It is believed that it helps to solve problem situations in a conflict-free way, and also provides the owner with a restful sleep. The therapeutic effect is best manifested in massage with howlite balls for diseases of the joints, cellulite, varicose veins and blockage of blood vessels.

Turquenit has all the properties of howlite and has an extremely sedative effect; like howlite, it can remove the aggression of both the owner himself and absorb the negative charge directed against him. Its calming energy eases tension and anxiety and helps to calm down before bed or meditation. It is believed that if turkvenite is spread around the bed, it will help with insomnia caused by restless thoughts, and will also help to understand dreams. turkvenite is credited with the ability to weaken the tendency to criticism, to promote manifestations of disinterestedness and to stimulate patience. It is also considered a stone that makes a person's goals not only clearer and more understandable to him, but also helps to achieve them. It does this by focusing on acquiring the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your studies and career.

Howlite is recommended to be worn by Scorpions, Capricorns, Virgos, Taurus, however, howlite will not help people who are restless and unable to complete what they have started, as it is considered capable of pushing them to change their activities. This mineral is supposed to be a talisman of students and scientists.

Turkvenite, and howlite, respectively, is interesting because it is a bright representative of a new era of jewelry and stone-cutting, a time when it becomes clear to everyone: jewelry stones are no longer the same as they were before, and will never be the same. Now it is a commodity, like any other, with all the ensuing consequences. Now any new mineral causes first commercial and then aesthetic interest. But that doesn't stop us from enjoying the never-repeating colors and patterns, the timeless beauty of stones that will outlive us all.

What people knew from ancient times is now proven by scientists experimentally. All matter that exists on the planet, both living and non-living, radiates energy waves, each in its own range and of a certain length.

The fact that stones affect people was well known to our distant, poorly educated ancestors. They used their properties to improve their physical and mental qualities, and they took them crushed into powder for various diseases.

Howlite stone is quite young, but its properties are already well studied and used by people in various spheres of life.

History and description of howlite

For the first time, a deposit of this mineral was found in 1868 by a geologist from Canada, Henry Gove, after whom he was named. There are only a few deposits on the planet that contain howlite stone, two of them are in the USA, one in Canada, and recently small deposits have been found in Serbia and Germany. Despite the fact that this variety of calcium borosilicate is so rare, the stone itself is inexpensive and very popular.

He does not have any mysterious stories and legends behind him, but his properties have created a good reputation for him in certain circles. Howlite is a stone usually white, gray or light brown in color with black veins. In most cases, it is opaque, but sometimes colorless and transparent crystals of howlite are found.

If you pass the mineral through ultraviolet light, you can see its glow. Since the surface of the stone is porous, it can be easily painted and polished, after which it acquires a porcelain sheen.

The healing properties of the stone

Since howlite is based on calcium, most of the healing properties are associated with it. For example, scientists note the undoubted influence of the mineral:

  • on the balance of calcium in the human body;
  • to strengthen the skeletal system;
  • it affects the teeth;
  • accelerates recovery processes in fractures.

Also, howlite stone, the properties and significance of which can hardly be overestimated for the human body, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and immunity. It is recommended to be worn by pregnant women during the formation of bone tissue in an infant.

It is no less in demand among massage therapists. Its property to retain heat for a long time helps with massage with heated stones, with sciatica and with diseases of the joints. It is used for varicose veins and anti-cellulite massage.

It has howlite (stone) properties to warm up the muscles and improve blood circulation, if you drive a slightly heated mineral over the body. At the same time, it relieves muscle tension and pain, removes stagnation in the tissues. It is believed that it even helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

The magical properties of the stone

Perhaps the magical properties of this mineral were discovered earlier than the healing ones. Practitioners of meditation say that he is an excellent companion for out-of-body travel. It especially helps when a person wants to remember his past incarnations.

To do this, you should relax, enter a meditative state and attach the howlite stone to the place of the “third eye” on the forehead between the eyebrows.

Another unique property of this mineral is its impact on As practitioners note, if you hold white howlite in your hand during meditation, it adjusts brain waves in unison with the Universe, and a person easily enters the state necessary to communicate with higher powers.

Howlite also opens the mind to receive Cosmic wisdom, which usually requires turning off the internal monologue. The waves emitted by the stone harmonize the restless mind and make it easier to carry out the whole process of gaining silence.

Impact on the human psyche

Another property of this little-known stone is its impact on the emotional and mental background of a person. It helps to carry out practices to free oneself from painful attachments and events of the past, while harmonizing the mood and removing mental pain. It is important to remember that only pure, unpainted howlite has all the useful properties. It is better if it is white, which is healing in itself.

It is recommended to be worn by people prone to bouts of anger, intolerance and in a state of stress. Apparently, the waves emitted by the stone gradually begin to influence the human mind and calm it down. If earlier the owner of the stone was characterized by instant outbursts of anger at the slightest displeasure, then long-term wearing of a howlite bracelet or pendant removes negative reactions to stimuli.

Also, this property of the stone extends to getting rid of the criticality and sarcasm inherent in irritable people. In general, if you keep the howlite stone with you all the time, you can completely harmonize not only your emotional and mental state, but also the surrounding reality.

As soon as the mind calms down, the world around immediately reciprocates and creates only positive or neutral events in life.

Impact on memory and learning

Since one of the properties of howlite is the purification of consciousness, this possibility opens up great prospects for, for example, intuition. By helping a person to get rid of excess ballast, he allows new knowledge to come, which is much easier to assimilate.

The property of the mineral to tune the brain to new information, regardless of its volume and content, is used by scientists and even students. It is enough to hold a stone in your hand or put it on yourself when studying the material so that it is not only assimilated, but also easily applied in practice.

More and more students use the property of the stone, preparing for the exam. During the testing itself, which usually requires maximum attention, howlite helps to concentrate and remember the necessary material in full.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac

Humans have had 150 years to study what properties howlite has. The stone (photo below), although rare, is unique and has not been fully explored. It did not bypass its influence on people, depending on their birth according to the sign of the zodiac.

As it turned out, it helps Scorpios, Taurus, Capricorns and Virgos perfectly. He gives each of the signs what they need. For example, for Virgo, this is the pacification of anger and intolerance for other people's shortcomings. Taurus helps to get rid of internal torment, and Capricorn - from stubbornness. For Scorpio, it calms the mind and frees from passions.

It also turned out which howlite (stone) zodiac sign affects extremely negatively. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. He sets them up in a sad and depressive way, which reflects badly on all areas of their lives. For other signs, it is neutral and it is recommended to use it for medicinal or magical purposes.


It is actively used by jewelers for the production of beads, bracelets, earrings and pendants. This stone looks especially good in combination with silver. Often, craftsmen, in order to raise its value, call howlite a white imitation of turquoise, which is fundamentally wrong, since these minerals are not at all similar, neither in their properties, nor in the structure of the crystal lattice. Some craftsmen make figurines from this stone, as it lends itself perfectly to processing.


Unfortunately, howlite stone is often used to produce fakes, but people who know its true properties prefer to buy the mineral in its pure, unpainted form.

To imitate turquoise, it is painted blue, and in red it is sold under the guise of corals, so much so that even experienced craftsmen cannot identify a fake.
