Cold and your hair. Winter hair care - reviews

In the winter cold, hair is subjected to a strong negative effect. Frost, snow, temperature changes dry the hair, make it dull, brittle and split ends. Even luxurious hair often noticeably deteriorates with the advent of winter - what can we say about hair that did not shine with health and strength anyway?

But do not give up and resign yourself to the fact that you will meet the New Year and March 8 with hair, the appearance of which leaves much to be desired. Why deny yourself the desire to be the most attractive and arouse the envy of surrounding women and the admiration of men? Moreover, in order to protect hair in winter, it does not require titanic efforts - you just need to follow a few basic rules.

What do you need to protect your hair from in winter?

In the winter season, a variety of factors negatively affect our skin and our hair. Cold reduces the strength and shine of the hair, and if we try to protect the hair with a hat, it becomes greasy, lifeless and electrolyzes. Snow that falls on our hair, evaporating, makes the hair dry and dull, and temperature changes, when we go from frost to a warm apartment and vice versa, damage the hair, completely eliminating their shine.

And it would be fine if it was only in winter weather. But we, despite the fact that our hair is already having a hard time, do not forget to additionally “kill” them with irons, curling irons, a hairdryer, and there is no escape from dyeing! What about winter nutrition, poor in vitamins, but rich in carbohydrates and high-calorie foods?

In a word, in winter we hit the hair on all fronts. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider how to protect hair in winter and reduce the negative impact of many environmental factors on our hair.

To understand how to protect your hair in winter, let's start with the simplest recipes - those that you can easily follow.

Firstly, minimize the effect of hot temperatures on the hair This way you can avoid drying them out. Try to wash your hair not in hot, but in warm or even cool water, and also, do not dry them with a hot hairdryer. If possible, try to avoid curling irons, irons and various "hot curlers" (on New Year's and a couple of other significant winter dates!).

Secondly, forget about hair coloring, varnishing and perm in winter. Such manipulations with hair, even at a favorable time, greatly weaken them - what can we say about winter? And does it make sense to do all this if in winter we spend most of the time in a hat? But in spring and summer everyone will be able to appreciate your new hairstyle!

Thirdly, buy yourself a massage comb made from natural materials- massage improves blood circulation at the hair roots and makes your hair stronger.

Fourth, watch your diet: more fresh fruits, vegetables, vitamins (especially A, C, E, B). To protect hair in winter, try to limit the consumption of smoked, salty, spicy and fatty foods, and also, limit sweets.

Fifth, forget about rubbing your hair hard when washing(if you've ever done it, of course). Not only is it unpleasant, it also provokes dandruff and irritation. Remember: hair should be washed only with MASSAGE movements..

Sixth, even if you consider yourself a hardened person, wear a hat in cold weather- at least to protect your hair in winter. Remember: you can walk without a hat at -5 degrees. If it's colder outside, wear a hat. But do not forget that under the hat there is not enough air for the hair, therefore, When you enter a room, be sure to take it off.– be it the subway, the bus or the museum. So you protect your hair from the negative effects of cold air and, at the same time, let them breathe.

Seventh, to protect the hair in winter, wash your hair with special shampoos designed for winter hair care and suitable specifically for your hair type. And of course, Be sure to apply conditioner to your hair. after every wash.

Pay special attention to the ends of the hair, as they are the most negatively affected by negative factors. Buy special products for the ends of your hair and strengthen your hair in the winter.

By the way, it’s better to refuse the “2 in 1” products that are now common, since some of their components tend to remain at the hair roots, which can lead to increased oiliness of the hair and loss of volume in your hairstyle.

And the most important way to protect your hair in winter, of course, are hair masks! True, they must be selected in accordance with the type of your hair - only in this case they will be able to adequately protect your hair in winter. So what kind of masks are needed in the cold season?

Masks for all hair types

The simplest mask suitable for all hair types will help protect your hair in winter. This is a mask made from sour milk or kefir. Apply sour milk or kefir to your hair before taking a bath, and rinse with warm water after half an hour.

Another mask suitable for all hair types is made with egg yolk and olive oil. Mix raw egg yolk with 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and massage the mask into your hair 1 hour before washing, and to prevent it from spreading, put on a plastic cap or a plastic bag. Tie a warm towel over the top to keep your head warm.

Mask for dry hair

An excellent mask for protecting dry hair in winter will be the same egg mask as in the previous recipe, but instead of olive oil, you need to add almond or sea buckthorn oil to it.

To protect dry hair in winter, you can make a mask of potatoes. To do this, boil the potatoes in their skins (3 potatoes are enough for medium hair), peel them until they have cooled, and add the cream to a creamy consistency. Apply the mask to your hair, put on a plastic cap on top, wrap your head with a warm towel, and rinse off after half an hour. After washing, rinse your hair with water with the addition of apple cider vinegar (at the rate of 1 tsp of vinegar per 3 liters of warm water).

Oily hair mask

To strengthen oily hair in winter, prepare an egg mask by mixing raw egg yolk with burdock oil and 1 tsp. cognac (as an alternative - 1 tsp honey or lemon juice).

For oily hair, a potato mask with an egg is also suitable. Grate 3 peeled and washed raw potatoes on a fine grater, add a beaten egg and 1 tbsp. honey. If the consistency of the mask is too liquid, add a little potato starch. Apply the mask to your hair, put on a plastic cap, tie a towel, and rinse with cool water after half an hour (so that the protein does not curl).

Anti-dandruff mask

In winter, dandruff often appears, which must be fought. Protect hair in winter This mask will help you with dandruff: mix lemon peel, decoction of chamomile, sage and calendula (in the proportion of 3 tablespoons of dry mixture per 1 liter of water) and apply this mixture on your head. Wash off after a few minutes.

And the last recipe is how to protect your hair in winter. Remember that our mood is directly reflected in our appearance and well-being, so more positive - even on cold and gloomy winter days! Is it possible to be bored in winter - in the season of happy holidays, sunny frosty days and warm tea under a soft blanket?

Sudden changes in temperature adversely affect the health of the hair. Direct exposure to sunlight and exposure to ultraviolet radiation is no less harmful than frosty wind and low temperatures. Why are winter colds dangerous and how do they affect hair?

The reaction of hair to temperature changes

In the blood vessels, through which oxygen and nutrients enter the hair follicles, spasm occurs under the influence of temperatures from -2 ° C to -5 ° C and below. Violation of the blood supply to the scalp is accompanied by increased, which quickly become dull, brittle and begin to split.

The aggressive impact in winter is manifested not only in the negative impact of frosty air. Narrow headwear made of synthetic materials, squeezing the head, and indoor heating devices lead to overdrying of even the most lush and healthy hair. The regular use of hair dryers, curling irons and other styling tools makes its contribution. Snow that has fallen on an uncovered head, or other frozen moisture, forms micro-ruptures in the hair during sudden changes in temperature. This provokes their fragility.

Video is cold and frost dangerous for hair health

Ways to protect hair from the cold

With the advent of winter and the inclusion of heating, the skin and hair begin to suffer. Frost in direct contact with the scalp adversely affects the condition of the bulbs. Simple recommendations will help the owner of a beautiful and lush hair to save it before the arrival of heat.

  1. To maintain the water balance, use products to moisturize and protect the hair.
  2. After shampooing, styling with dimethicone is used: liquid silicone in its composition smoothes the hair cuticles.
  3. If you get into a warm room, take off your headgear, put it back on when you go outside. So you do not create conditions for overheating of the bulbs and allow your head to rest from tight hats, berets or scarves.
  4. In the winter season, it is recommended to take vitamins of groups A, B and E and calcium, which will help maintain the vitality of the hair.
  5. It is a mistake to believe that only the roots of the hair need heat. The headdress should contain the entire head of hair to the very tips.
  6. In winter, it is necessary to increase water intake to moisturize the skin and hair from within the body.

Hats should be thick enough to protect not only from frost, but also from the wind. Hoods and scarves wound around the head cannot serve as an equivalent substitute for hats made of wool and fur.

Tips from hairdressers and stylists for winter hair care

Professionals, speaking about hair care in the cold season, recommend switching to special shampoos and adding vitamins A and E to balms and conditioners. It is advised to lower the temperature of the water for washing your hair in winter: this will reduce the work of the sebaceous glands in oily hair and reduce brittleness in dry hair. Nourishing masks based on olive, coconut and argan oil are advised to do at least 1 time per week in winter. Hairdressers do not recommend immediately going outside after hot styling, because the hair must be allowed to cool so that it does not suffer from temperature changes. It is better to forget about dyeing, perm and lamination in winter.

Care products with thermal protection create a film on the hair that protects not only from overheating when using hair dryers and irons, but also from the cold. Styling products should be sprayed at a distance of at least 20 centimeters from the head so as not to overload the hair. Liquid keratin in the composition of mousses or styling pastes penetrates into the hair, restoring its structure. The anti-static effect of care products, applied to both wet and dry hair, helps to reduce the effect of synthetic headwear or artificial fabric linings.

Stress caused by the weather can be easily avoided if you follow the recommendations for hair and scalp care. Most professional hairdressers disagree with the saying "Keep your feet warm and your head cold." Low temperatures not only do not harden the hair, but also harm their structure, depriving them of beauty and vitality.

Attention! The use of any medicines, preparations and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any medical methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Frost and piercing wind inherent in the winter period adversely affect the condition of the hair. They become dull, weak, begin to fall out and become electrified. Therefore, during the winter months, hair needs special care. To do this, it is not necessary to visit specialized salons or buy expensive products. You can easily take care of your hair in winter at home.

Basic rules for hair care

How to take care of your hair in winter to keep it strong, healthy and beautiful? Initially, it is necessary to choose the right hair care, which will directly depend on their structure and type.

Oily hair care tips:

  • Owners of oily hair should not be washed with hot water, dried with a hairdryer and straightened with an iron;
  • To reduce the percentage of fat content and give your hair a healthy shine, you can use masks made on the basis of raw or boiled potatoes;
  • In winter, you should limit the use of styling products, which include silicone;
  • Touch your hair with your hands as little as possible.

Rules for dry hair:

  • It is recommended to make a nourishing mask based on natural vegetable oils at least once every 7 days;
  • Use shampoos, balms, conditioners designed exclusively for dry hair. They must contain nutritional components that perform moisturizing and protective functions;
  • It is not recommended to use a hair dryer often;
  • Regularly every 6-8 weeks it is necessary to cut the dry ends of the hair;
  • All cosmetics used must be of the same company and of the same series. In this case, the hair will not need to adapt each time.

The mixed type of hair is most susceptible to the influence of low temperature. In winter, he, like no other, requires special care. If you do not provide high-quality winter care for this type of hair, then the roots quickly become covered with a greasy film, and the tips become dry and brittle.

Rules for mixed hair type:

  • It is recommended to use various cosmetic products. For example, shampoo for dry hair, and conditioner for oily, etc. Only in this case it is necessary to ensure that the conditioner does not get on the roots of the hair and as little shampoo as possible is applied to the tips;
  • Regularly use moisturizing masks that can moisturize and at the same time regulate the sebaceous glands.

Winter is a difficult period for the human body, which feels an acute shortage of useful vitamins and minerals. As a result, immunity is reduced, which adversely affects not only the state of internal organs, but also the appearance. This is especially noticeable in the skin and hair. In addition, cold and dry air negatively affects the hair.

Video: How to care for hair in autumn and winter

To prevent the occurrence of problems with the hair and scalp, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    Take a vitamin complex that includes zinc, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

    Use balms and shampoos for winter hair care.

    Regularly massage the scalp, which will significantly improve its blood supply.

    Boost your immunity and protect your scalp from dandruff.

    Use hair dryers, straighteners, and hair dye as little as possible.

    Keep your hair and scalp constantly moisturized. To do this, drink more water and use moisturizers, which can be purchased at a specialty store or make your own. It is worth noting that prepared hair masks with your own hands will be no less effective than salon products.

    Be sure to wear a hat when outside. It protects hair from frost.

    Hair should be washed as often as necessary.

Hair care products for the winter months

The beauty and health of hair in winter directly depend on proper care. For its implementation, you will need sparing cosmetics from the "winter care" series. Among them:

    Deep action masks with a complex of essential vitamins.

For proper hair care, you can also use traditional methods. Their main advantage is the presence of natural ingredients.

Winter hair masks - the best recipes

Winter - potato mask for moisturizing

Hair masks in cold weather should be done approximately 1-2 times in 7 days. You can make them yourself. The most popular is the potato mask.

  • two pre-boiled medium-sized potatoes;
  • 2 tbsp sour cream.

Potatoes are well softened and mixed with sour cream. The resulting mass is applied to the hair, a plastic cap is put on top and left for 30 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

Mask for dry and brittle hair

As mentioned above, in winter, the hair becomes dry and brittle. A peeled and fresh banana mask will help get rid of this unpleasant problem.

To make it, we need:

  • the pulp of one banana;
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil.

Banana should be well rubbed until a slurry is formed and combined with the rest of the ingredients. The mask is applied to the hair for 30 minutes, and then washed off with warm water and a gentle shampoo.

Mask for shine and strengthening hair in winter

The benefits of a headdress during the winter months are undeniable. It provides hair protection from the harmful effects of snow, frost and wind. However, its constant wearing makes the hair weak and dull. A mask of fermented milk products will help to strengthen the hair and give it a lively shine.

To make it, we need:

  • 1 st. sour cream;
  • 2-3 drops of apple cider vinegar.

All of the above elements are mixed. The resulting mask is applied to freshly washed and still damp hair for 3 minutes, and then washed off.

Regularly using the above recipes for hair during the cold season, you thereby strengthen your hair, make it thicker and shinier.

Winter hair care - reviews

Below are reviews on the use of the above masks and hair products in the winter.

Marina, 19 years old

With the onset of cold weather, my hair begins to become electrified and constantly tangled. A mask made from sour-milk products helped to cope with this problem, making my hair smooth and giving it a healthy shine. In addition, I used shampoo and balm from the Winter Care series.

Anna, 35 years old

I prefer to use homemade masks, as they are completely natural and do not damage the hair. Banana and palm oil masks help protect my hair in winter and provide it with the necessary moisture. Doing them once a week, I have ensured that my hair shines with a healthy shine and is easy to comb even after I take off my hat.

Hair is the main decoration of the beautiful half of humanity. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to hair care in the autumn-winter period. At this time of the year, hair requires special protection, nourishment and hydration. To do this, you should regularly make vitamin masks, wear a hat and use products from the Winter Care series.

For dessert, video: New hair care for cold seasons

With the advent of autumn and winter, we all need to take more care not only of the skin, but also of the hair.

Indeed, during this period, many begin to feel their dryness and brittleness. Therefore, to appear on the street without a hat at sub-zero temperatures, paying tribute to fashion, is simply unreasonable.

Simple Rules

First of all, in no case should you go out into the cold with wet hair: from the cold, blood circulation begins to deteriorate due to spasm of the vessels of the scalp, which leads to hair loss. If the temperature outside drops below +5, it is better to wear a light knitted hat. And if it has fallen to minus, a fur hat will not hurt either.

If you, leaving a warm room without a hat, immediately get into the cold, vasospasm is guaranteed. Therefore, you need to “dress” your head while still in the room.

Make sure that the hat does not squeeze the temples and the back of the head. Your headgear must necessarily have some kind of "ventilation" - at least a few holes in front and behind. Heavy caps are an assistant to the baldness process. The scalp should breathe freely and have a normal heat exchange.

Therefore, work out a rule for yourself: entering any enclosed space for a long time - transport, office, shops - take off your hat and, if possible, comb it with your hands. Refuse in winter from excess "cargo": complex styling with mousses, gels and varnishes. If possible, choose a simple haircut that can be quickly tidied up.

Change shampoo... and menu

Many women complain that in winter, because of hats, even normal hair has to be washed almost every day. Therefore, the process of washing your hair in the cold season must be approached with all responsibility. Change your usual shampoo to the softest possible, marked "for daily use." Do not neglect children's series - they are the most neutral. It is important to thoroughly rinse off the remnants of the shampoo, otherwise after a few hours your hair will look like you did not wash it.

If the head gets greasy very quickly, it may not be the hat at all. Try to reduce your intake of carbohydrates - sweets, flour and potatoes. Do not refuse balms and conditioners, because in winter our hair needs special nutrition.

Brush, hairpin, curlers

Review your stock of hair accessories - brushes, barrettes, curlers and so on. The safest are wooden combs, the most harmful are various metal things.

Take care of nourishing the hair from the inside - in other words, take vitamin complexes. The most important are vitamins A, E, B, C, as well as folic acid. By following all these simple recommendations, you will be able to keep your hair healthy not only until next spring, but for life.

Helpful Hints

In order to keep your hair beautiful and healthy in winter, we recommend:

* Do not wear too tight hats.
* Use conditioner daily.
* Once a week, apply nourishing hair masks.
* Do not go out with wet hair.
* Use a hot dryer or curling iron as little as possible.
* Refuse to wash your hair under very hot water.
* If the hair is long, you need to pay special attention to their ends and purchase special products to care for them.
* Wear a hat - in the cold, the blood vessels of the head narrow, and this can lead to hair loss.

By the way:

Down with harmful cosmetics!

All women use cosmetics, and this is wonderful. The problem is that beauty products can contain allergens, regardless of the brand and quality of the chosen product.

You should know that the less flavored cosmetics, the better. The most dangerous in this regard are perfumes and cosmetics with a pleasant spicy smell. Therefore, to apply powder, lipstick and shadows, you should always use special brushes and sponges.

Those who suffer from allergies should not buy nail polish or enamel with a metal stirring ball! You should also apply as little mascara as possible around the inner and outer corners of the eyes and, if possible, avoid touching the roots of the eyelashes. Never line the inner rim of your eyelids with eyeliner! Do not moisten either eyeliner or mascara with saliva: this promotes the development of bacteria.

In no case do not expect to "get used" to cosmetics that cause skin irritation. Be aware that an allergic reaction can begin even a few hours after using the product, and it can only manifest itself to the maximum after a few days of the day.

In winter, facial skin care needs to be adjusted. For women with combination skin, it is advisable to do a deep cleansing of the face to remove fatty secretions, which can manifest as peeling of the skin. By the way, thanks to this, the powder will lie perfectly evenly. You should also change liquid tonal products to a compact powder-cream or foundation cream-pencil. It is better to change the daytime moisturizer to a protective one with natural cosmetic oil - peach, olive or almond. Such creams soothe the skin, protect it from dryness. Older women need to choose creams that include, in addition to oils, vitamins A and E.

The winter is coming! And this means that it's time to think about how to protect your hair from the piercing wind and merciless frost. If you don’t want your luxurious hairstyle to lose its healthy shine by spring, become dry and noticeably thinner, take note of a few rules on how to care for your hair in winter.

Don't forget to wear a hat

Do you consider yourself an adult girl who can do without a headdress even in the most severe frost? In this case, keep in mind that intense hair loss in winter is more associated not with beriberi, but with exposure to low temperatures. Even with a short stay on the street without a hat on a frosty day, there is a threat of damage to the hair follicles, which leads to malnutrition of the hair and subsequent loss.

So now think about buying a stylish hat for the winter. In addition, it does not have to be a massive woolen hat at all. It is quite possible to get by with a stylish scarf, beret or fur hood, which will further emphasize your beauty and femininity.

Winter hair care: Postpone experimenting with your hair until spring

Winter is not the time for trendy hairstyles that require daily styling. Firstly, a hair dryer and curling iron do not have the best effect on hair, and secondly, wearing a headdress and strong winds clearly do not contribute to maintaining perfect styling. In winter, it is better to give preference to graduated haircuts of medium length, which can be quickly brought into a divine form.

Use cool water to wash your hair

To accustom your hair to new weather conditions, try to use cool water to wash your hair. So they will be less electrified and will not “get lost” at sub-zero temperatures outside.

It is better to dry your hair in the winter in a natural way. Well, if you can’t do without a hair dryer, use the mode without air heating.

Hair in winter: comb more often!

Combing hair is a kind of scalp massage, which enhances the nutrition of hair follicles. The main thing is not to turn this process into a session of medieval torture, pulling and uprooting tangled strands. Start combing your hair from the ends, gradually moving towards the roots and carefully untangling the knots.

Make nourishing masks regularly

Winter is a tough time for hair. To help them get through this difficult period, try to make nourishing masks for your hair at least once a week. If you have dry hair, use masks based on kefir, potato or vegetable oils (shea butter, coconut, mango, cocoa, burdock). For normal and oily hair, egg and honey masks with the addition of essential oils are suitable.

Hair care in winter: do not forget about vitamins

In winter, vitamins are necessary not only to maintain immunity, but also to maintain healthy hair. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily, and add vitamins A, D and E from ampoules sold in pharmacies to hair masks. So you will give your hair strength, natural shine and silkiness.

Use hair protection products

If you have dry hair, try not to leave the house without applying special protective equipment, otherwise, wear a hat that will completely hide your hair from wind and frost.

Hair in winter: wash your head in a timely manner

The myth that the less you wash your hair, the better the quality of your hair has long been refuted. Hair needs to be washed as it gets dirty, otherwise sebum blocks the nutrition of the follicle, which negatively affects the general condition of the hair. The recommendations of experts regarding the frequency of hair washing in winter are as follows:

  • dry hair should be washed no more than 1-2 times a week;
  • oily hair - at least once every 2 days;
  • normal hair - once every 3-4 days.

Refrain from "tight" hairstyles

Tight ponytails and buns, from which eyes involuntarily enlarge and eyebrows rise in surprise, are not recommended in winter. Such hairstyles disrupt the blood circulation of the scalp and contribute to rapid hair loss.

Use an air ionizer

Due to the effect of heating appliances in winter, the air in apartments is usually very dry. Naturally, the hair, falling into such conditions, quickly loses its natural moisture and becomes like a lifeless haystack. In addition, it is dry air in apartments that is one of the main causes of frequent respiratory diseases in autumn and winter, because it disrupts the local immunity of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. An air ionizer will help solve this problem, which will create the necessary humidity in the room and protect the hair (as well as the upper respiratory tract) from drying out.
