Ideal girl: description of appearance, character, habits. Beautiful compliments to a girl in your own words about her beauty

100 Compliments for Her - World of Love and Romance

2006-01-08 12:17:06

Ochen horosho, molodec, tak derzhat!!! Devushkam ponravitsya!

2006-01-09 08:32:23

This is all for you!

2006-01-09 09:28:15

you can just change the endings of the words and all this will be for him 🙂

2006-01-09 10:46:24

Well done, great!!!

The girls are thrilled!!!

2006-01-09 18:38:34

after such a shame to be different. Very nice!!!

2006-01-09 21:22:49

100 compliments for him:

1. beautiful

3. caring

4. attractive

5. sexy

9. charming

10. charming

11. unique

12. indescribable

13. unforgettable

14. irresistible

15. chic

16. dazzling

17. passionate

18. unavailable

19. divine

20. bewitching

21. angelic

22. radiant

23. sexy

25. fluffy

26. awesome

27. stunning

28. slim

29. seductive

30. flirtatious

31. refined

32. graceful

33. cheerful

34. energetic

35. creative

36. stylish

37. outgoing

38. tactful

39. loveful

40. romantic

41. Versatile

42. fabulous

43. cute

44. ardent

45. single

46. ​​affectionate

47. sweet

48. mind-blowing

49. wishful

50. unpredictable

51. mysterious

52. blooming

53. Flawless

54. harmonious

55. Responsive

56. perfect

57. best

58. humble

59. exquisite

60. playful

According to Stanislavsky

Forget all the advice and recommendations that are teeming with men's glossy magazines and the Internet about exactly how and what kind of compliments a girl likes. These tips have nothing to do with real life. Seriously! - a phrase like: “Your exquisite profile can compete with the grace of the ancient Greek goddesses” and “You are like a sonorous spring stream on a quiet steppe night, when everything shimmers from the radiance of the stars,” plunged me into a fit of Homeric laughter. What high-flown bad taste!

Separately, of course, it is worth noting the Milano-Goreme tandem. Together they create such an incredible "chemistry" that you feel it, even through the monitor. And smile, laugh and cry with them all the time. In a word, you believe them. Do you believe that this is exactly how the first dates, the first kisses, and even the first declarations of love should be. Ridiculous, crumpled, out of place ... You believe that this is how - THIS is how true love is born.

All adjectives describing a girl can be divided into several groups. In addition to the standard classification (compliments about the body, hair, eyes, mind, etc.), all compliments are divided into "slippery" and neutral. Depending on the nature of the girl, she may react to the "slippery" compliment in different ways.

Warm up your Soul and Mother Earth with Beautiful words, create the Space of Love around you and you will see Miracles created by your own hands.

With a closer acquaintance, when your relationship has moved to an intimate level, when the girl completely trusts you and understands you, you can use compliments are more frank, which will speak about her sexuality.

Sexy, breathtaking, erotic, feminine, sultry, ardent, passionate, very dangerous, captivating, uninhibited, intoxicating, fiery, intoxicating, burning, alluring, hot, sexy, exciting, seductive.

2. Complete surprise

This method of giving compliments is to focus on that feature of the girl's appearance, which would come as a complete surprise to her. The girl simply does not expect you to admire this particular detail and, perhaps, she even has some complexes about the trait that you noticed. Here you have to be very careful not to offend the girl. Your words should not contain falsehood and flattery. For example, if a girl naturally has a long nose and she has a complex about it, but still he didn’t embarrass you, but on the contrary, you noticed that he emphasizes her originality, you can say: “ Girl you have such a sexy nose

I think this compliment will be absolutely unexpected for a girl. Although the outcome may not be in your favor, depending on how complex the girl is about this, she may think that you are mocking her. But on the other hand, if she is not indifferent to you, on the contrary, she will want to start a conversation with you. After all, in fact, girls are very interested in what others think of them. Thus, a girl can learn something new about herself, it is possible to get rid of her complexes.

satisfied with her fate
peace disturber
devastatingly erotic
consonant and proud
famous heartbreaker
secular and noble
selflessly hardworking and ambitious
most-most-most loved!
most most

To the list


creatively passionate

To the list


radiant smile

To the list


My wishes and duels

An indecisive man can please a girl via SMS:

  1. Luck smiled on me and I met you, the most beautiful girl in the universe.
  2. The refined aroma of your hair is crazy.
  3. You are so attractive and charming that I forgot where I was going.
  4. When nature created ideal forms, she gave them to you first.
  5. It's impossible not to fall in love with you.
  6. Your beauty clouds my mind.
  7. I fell in love with you at first sight.
  8. I regret that I did not meet you earlier, the previous life was empty, only you filled it with meaning.
  9. Your smile makes me faint.
  10. When you're not around - the light fades for me.
  11. When I look at you, my heart jumps out of my chest towards you.
  12. I want to melt into your eyes.
  13. Your smile is able to warm the whole world, and I am happy - I got its warmth.
  14. Every moment spent with you is a holiday.
  15. You are an incredible combination of beauty and wisdom, charm and elegance, tenderness and fortitude.
  16. You are with me, and I do not have to choose between beauty and intelligence, which are gracefully intertwined in you.
  17. Your smile is charming and radiant - only happy people smile like that.
  18. Do not believe if they say that miracles do not happen, this miracle is you!
  19. Your light and graceful gait is like the gentle embrace of a breeze on a hot day.
  20. Girl You are just perfect - be my wife.

Paz Vega- a film actress who gained fame for the film "Spanish English", was born in 1976 in Andalusia.

And, of course, it is impossible not to mention Penelope Cruz. Spanish actress, Oscar winner, was born in Madrid on April 28, 1974.

Thanks for adding to:

Your beauty is the embodiment of femininity, grace and attractiveness. Your parents are real jewelers who have produced the best of jewelry.

You are so beautiful that you can admire for hours. You have so much charm and sophistication that you just can’t believe that such girls exist in nature!

* * *

Being as beautiful as you is beautiful and dangerous at the same time. Take advantage of your beauty and take care of it as a valuable gift from the gods from Olympus.

Your eyes are bottomless sea distances, in which there is no bottom. Therefore, everyone who falls into them perishes forever, having no chance of salvation ...

From your beauty, my head is spinning and thoughts revolve only around what eyes, lips, smile and hair you have. You cannot compare with anyone, because you are alone in the whole world!

Any artist would be honored to capture your beautiful features in their masterpiece. Sometimes it seems to me that you really have descended from the paintings of the great masters of the Middle Ages!

Honey, you are beautiful, like a marvelous, fabulous flower! Fresh as a light spring breeze! Charming and captivating, like a bright star, never fade and light my way!

Your bewitching eyes attract like powerful magnets. And gentle and quivering lips beckon and burn like the sun's rays. Hair, like a fluffy soft cloud, is covered with a warm wave! You are perfection!

Your charm is limitless! You conquered everyone around with your beauty, which, like a breath of fresh cool breeze in the summer heat, gives bliss and is incredibly mesmerizing!

You are so gorgeous that you just can’t take your eyes off your shining and charming eyes! Your young and ringing beauty, like a magical and mysterious fairy tale, bewitches with its sweet and alluring sound!

You are like a fairy princess, so mysterious and beautiful. Giving your affectionate and kind look, blinding with a wonderful smile, you bewitch more and more with your magic spell, from which it is impossible to escape!

Compliment a girl about her beauty in your own words

Your beauty is like a sunbeam in a dark forest: as soon as it makes its way through the branches, everything around is transformed. So you bring light with you with one appearance!

Perhaps nature was especially generous when she worked on your face. Otherwise, where does such unearthly beauty come from in our mortal world?

Your beauty shines like a thousand precious stones, it makes the heart stop and beat in a new quivering rhythm.

I can compare you with the mysterious Moon and the dazzling Sun, with a bright angel and the ocean that captivates the eye, but all these words will not be enough to describe your beauty!

I could talk about your beauty and charm for hours, but just looking at you takes my breath away and my voice disappears!

* * *

I know the secret of your beauty. Admit it honestly, because you are not a man, not a fairy, not a nymph, and not even an angel who escaped from Heaven. You are a goddess!

Female beauty in all ages has been one of the main topics for thinkers. The brightest minds in the world tried to define the scope of the ideal. Today, you can trace how tastes have changed thanks to history and art.

legendary queen

Girls, her image is a work that writers, artists and sculptors performed in different eras. In their creations, they tried to portray the ideal that all women aspired to.

The real connoisseurs of the beautiful half of humanity were the Egyptians. Of course, Queen Nefertiti was the standard of beauty. Her portrait is still controversial among scholars. However, without a doubt, the Egyptian was perfection - short in stature, with a well-built figure. The curves of the body eloquently declared grace. Wasp waist and swan neck made the body extremely attractive. There are legends about the symmetry of Nefertiti's face. The queen's eyebrows were surprisingly neat: thin black arches. Full lips folded into a mysterious half-smile. Big eyes became even more expressive thanks to black eyeliner. On a straight small nose, a hump was barely noticeable. And dimples played on high cheekbones.

Mystery of the world

Certain tastes were also formed by the Renaissance. the girl, whose appearance fascinated those around her, is today presented in the form of a picture.

Of course, everyone has their own ideals of beauty. However, the world has long recognized that Leonardo da Vinci's Gioconda is the standard of sophistication. The main character of this canvas is a young girl dressed in a dark dress. She sits sideways. Her tender hands are folded crosswise in her lap. Black long hair, which is covered by a transparent veil, falls on straight shoulders in waves. The girl followed fashion and, according to the then canons, shaved her eyebrows and hair on the edge of her forehead so that it seemed even higher.

The description of the beautiful girl Gioconda is one of the greatest mysteries of mankind. Deep-set eyes, a straight nose and thin lips make the model visually very gentle and affectionate. The smile draws special attention. The corners of the mouth are slightly raised. Therefore, it seems that the heroine is hiding something very important from the viewer. The Mona Lisa looks no less mysterious. Her gaze is full of playful cunning.

First beauty

There are portraits that will remain in the history of mankind even after hundreds of years. British actress Audrey Hepburn is considered one of the most beautiful women. Millions of ladies dreamed of such a thin and fragile camp as hers. The description of the girl, who is considered the ideal of the past era, is still fascinating. The actress had a small round face, which always beamed with a smile. Her dark hair was neatly pulled up and tied into a knot. Under the low forehead, black arches are drawn with wide, but graceful eyebrows. The woman lined her large brown eyes with a black pencil, which made them even more expressive. Audrey had low cheekbones, a slightly upturned nose and thin lips. When the actress smiled, tiny wrinkles appeared under her eyes. The woman's movements were extremely light and graceful.

Portrait of elegance

No less fascinating will be the description of a girl who lives in the 21st century. Now men like slender and long-legged beauties, who have a minimum of artificiality and a maximum of naturalness. An ideal young lady should watch her figure and go in for sports without fanaticism. To have a thin camp, graceful and light. A toned body simply radiates health and beauty. On a living, radiant face constantly plays And in the eyes - a reflection of a pure soul.

The girl the boys dream of uses minimal make-up and dresses modestly, albeit tastefully. She definitely has her own distinct style and looks elegant in any outfit.

Describing a girl that many men would like is, of course, a tricky business. However, every guy wants his beloved, even if she is not the soul of the company, to be able to boldly and confidently support conversations.

Tips for beginners

If you need to make girls, it's best to start by describing the figure. You can use different phrases for this. For example: “the body is very thin, even translucent”, “moderately well-fed” or “has a plump, dense body”. However, it should be borne in mind here that if you are drawing a portrait of a real person, then some comparisons may offend him.

Further, the description of the girl by the guy can relate to. Careful attention should be paid to each part. Additionally, you can outline individual details: moles, dimples, wrinkles. Undoubtedly, a significant part of the portrait should be occupied by the outline of the eyes. Here you should indicate not only their size and color, but also talk about the look.

Then you can move on to other external characteristics - this is a demeanor, gestures and movements. Walking style, special expressions and words, communication skills will also not be superfluous in a portrait.

The description of the girl in English or another foreign language should be done in simple words and short sentences. Such text is easier to write and can be remembered without much effort.

Final Score

It is equally important when drawing up a portrait to note character traits. It is through this information that one can understand what a person really is. Very often, a beautiful face and body begin to appear ugly when the true essence is revealed. Conversely, a girl who is not very pretty will seem extremely attractive after someone praises her positive aspects.

It is best to start outlining the character with an interesting and extraordinary story that is unique to this person. This may be a story about how the main character behaved in a non-standard situation. If she responded to an insult with patience, this speaks of nobility. The description of a girl who acted unfairly or impolitely towards another person should hint at rudeness and indifference. Accordingly, revealing character traits and behavior, the author finally changes or consolidates the above information.

You can make verbal portraits of close friends and completely unfamiliar ladies. However, when describing a young lady, one should not forget about tolerance.

Sweet, kind, gentle and the best girl in the world, I'm so glad that I have you. One can only dream of such a girl. When I met you, I realized that you are my soulmate. I'll do anything, my love, to make you happy. I idolize you, breathe and live you, my charm. Your smile gives me warmth, your kisses enchant me. You deserve only admiration, my princess. May God bless you in everything and good luck. May your cherished dream come true, and may my love always protect you.

I need you like oxygen, a sip of water, a healing dream. You are my drug, my happiness, irreplaceable love.

From the heart, in my own words, I will tell you that meeting with you turned my whole life upside down and only for the better!

Beloved and the only, the best girl in the world. You entered my life and made it a blooming paradise. My love for you is so strong that it can overcome all obstacles on the way, no matter how big they are. Only with you next to me I am insanely happy, only you alone I need in the world. Next to you I feel light and warm. I love you, my sun, and I will try to make you the happiest in the world. You have become the most important in the world, and I always look forward to meeting you, my beloved.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty in your own words

The warmest, most tender words I give you, my love. You deserve only admiration. You gave me wings of happiness. Your charming smile, your beauty just enchants me. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. I feel so good with you, comfortable and calm. Every day I look forward to meeting you again and again, every minute spent with you is a reward for me. I am without you, like the sun without warmth, like a nightingale without a song. You are my life. I will make you the happiest person in the whole world, my dear.

Your image makes flowers bloom, birds sing from it, and time seems to stop!

I am without you, like the sun without heat, I am without you, like a waterless ocean, like a fish without water. Without you, I'm just like without air. My love is so strong that it is ready to move mountains. I am completely lost in you, my love. You are the sweetest and most unique, I'm just fabulously lucky with you. Every minute with you seems like heaven to me. Your boundless smile, your angelic character and your gentle voice inspire me. You are my treasure, my greatest joy on earth. I love you madly.

Compliments to a girl in your own words are short

I saw stars fall from the sky and waves crash against the rocks, the sun rises in the morning and the full moon shines at night. But compared to you, it's all nothing. You are the most beautiful thing that has ever opened my eyes.

Beloved, priceless, stunning mine! I can talk, think and dream about you endlessly.

You are as mysterious and bewitching as a solar eclipse.

I am ready to build you a palace and try on a shoe, with the hope that you will believe in my fairy tale!

My sympathy is growing for you every day, always remain so - beautiful and mysterious!

Your breath is like a breath of the south wind, your hair is this veil, and your gaze is an endless distance!

Beautiful compliments to a girl in your own words

You are half of my heart, my destiny. I am so happy that I have you, my beautiful, tender and affectionate. Only with you I feel happy. I so want to live with you for many years, my joy, to love and be always loved. I offer the ocean to my love, in which you can swim at any time of the year. I will do my best to make all your dreams come true. I love you more and more every day. You are my most important person in the world. May joy always shine in your eyes.

Darling, I fall in love with you every time more and more. You fill my life with comfort and warmth. My love for you is like a cosmos, without end or end. You are just enchanting. Your eyes, your smile, your sweet kisses make my heart beat faster. You are like a fairy fairy, with an angelic character. You are worthy of admiration, my desired and unique. I love you and want to always be only with you, my sun. Only one I need you in this world, and I promise to make you the happiest.

You have long found, my love, the key to my heart. You are the most gentle, the kindest, the most beautiful, the best girl on the planet. You are perfection itself, everything in you is beautiful: both body and soul. Every minute spent with you is a reward for me. You are for me like a ray of light that gives happiness and warmth. Only after meeting you, I realized what true love is, what happiness is. I know that I have been fabulously lucky in my life, believe me, you are the most beautiful of all. You are worthy of admiration, and the most beautiful compliments.

You are gentle, kind, sweet, I love you so much. I'm sure you and I will succeed, my baby. I love to look into your beautiful eyes, listen to your ringing laugh, and kiss your sweet lips. There is no girl in the world more beautiful than you, my love. Every moment is wonderful with you. I am so grateful to fate for such a royal gift. May you always be lucky in everything, my dear. You are just an angel in the flesh, you are my joy, my happiness. I simply idolize you, my desired girl.

My heart, soul, mind and will will always belong only to such a unique and wonderful girl like you.

Compliments to your girlfriend in your own words

Sweet, gentle, kind, you are wonderfully created by nature. Your beauty is simply mesmerizing. I am so happy that I met you and proud that I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world. Only with you I just fly with happiness. Your angelic character, your smile, your sweet lips, just enchant me. You are perfection itself, and worthy of the highest praise, the best compliments. I found in you everything I was looking for: soul, charm, mystery. I live and breathe only for you, and I promise to make you the happiest, because only you deserve it.

Love decorates our life, makes it complete. How nice it is when next to you there is a loved one for whom you live. Better and kinder than my girlfriend, there is no one in the world. I'm just inspired with happiness, I'm all dissolved in you, my treasure. You completely changed my life for the better. Now all thoughts are only about you, my dear. I enjoy your presence every minute. I love you, and I promise to carry my feelings through my whole life. You are the most precious thing in my life.

Only you can invent a whole planet, decorate the sky with bright colors on it, add twinkling lights and kind little inhabitants. Your fantasy is limitless!

They say the first love is passing. But that's not the case at all. My feelings for you are very strong. And they get hotter every day. You are my treasure, the dearest little man in the whole world. You radiate goodness and warmth. I love your smile, your ringing laugh, I enjoy your beauty every minute. You are my ideal, my dream, my guardian angel. Every minute spent with you seems like a fairy tale. I love, love, love you, my sunshine. You are the meaning of my whole life, you are just my only one.

There is no happier person in the world than me. I'm ready to shout it to the whole world. You are the light in the window for me, a ray of solar heat, you are joy and inspiration for me. Every minute spent with you gives me warmth and comfort. I call you a princess, because you are the most beautiful, you just have an angelic character. I found in you everything that I was looking for. When you are near, I just melt with happiness. And when we part, this is the most terrible test for me. Come back soon, I miss you.

My beloved, my glorious, I call you the mistress of my heart. I just adore you. I am without you, like the sun without heat, like a river without water. You are my dream, my ideal. When we are apart from you, I look forward to our meeting, I miss your smile, your beauty. I just madly adore you, my joy. Let my love be the most reliable amulet. Be always loved and desired. You are my soulmate, and I want to make you the happiest. All the best to you, good luck and the best mood.
