Games with shy children. Exercises and games with shy children


Shyness is a feature common to many people, both children and adults.
Shyness, shyness can be temporary (it manifests itself only in an unfamiliar company, in an unusual environment, and then disappears with time).
But it happens that shyness becomes a character trait, a permanent quality of a person. It is the most common cause of communication problems. Shyness prevents meeting new people, it keeps a person from expressing his opinion, defending his rights; shyness accompanies feelings of loneliness, anxiety, depression.
Remember how, literally from the first days after birth, you tried to protect your baby from all the hardships of life. The child grows up and now, when he behaves “wrongly”, you deliberately scare him (an evil uncle will come and take him away, his tongue will dry out, I will give him to an orphanage, and so on) in order to achieve the behavior you need. By all means you cultivate (often unconsciously) a sense of dependence, helplessness. The child learns early that he is a “stupid”, “ugly”, “unskillful”, “completely without hands”, “does everything wrong”, “much worse than other children” ... Of course, you didn’t think about the consequences, wanting immediate results. If a child has a strong character (choleric or sanguine temperament), over time he will learn to "fight" with you, become aggressive, stubborn, quick-tempered. If the baby has a soft character (melancholic temperament), he will go on the defensive, i.e. closes in on itself. You belittled his self-esteem and now, reluctantly, "achieved your own", the child believed that he was stupid, that he did not know how, and most importantly, that he was unloved.
Often parents overestimate the bar of their hopes too much: dreaming of a child who would be the very best, they do not want to come to terms with the fact that their child is so "ordinary". Children from such parents attend 3-4 sections at once, while studying at the gymnasium, they practically never go home. The child tries, he is afraid to disappoint his parents, but most often mom or dad is still unhappy with something. How could this end? The child sees an emotional threat in his environment, withdraws and ... takes the first step towards loneliness. After all, loneliness is so safe, there is no risk of becoming rejected by adults and children.
Shy parents often have shy children.
Girls tend to be more shy than boys, and firstborns are more shy than other children in the family. By the age of seven years, the "normal" shyness in boys disappears, in girls it happens later. However, this happens when parents, by their upbringing methods, do not "force" the child to be shy, sometimes imposing this "role" on him, do not consolidate normal age-related shyness into a permanent character trait with their behavior.

An example from life.
Grandmother and granddaughter Katya, 2.5 years old, are walking on the playground. Katya has a lot of toys with her. They meet another girl (the same age as Katya) who is walking with her mother. The girls know each other well, but Katya first hides behind her grandmother. The girl's mother starts talking to Katyusha: "What beautiful toys you have! What is it? A doll? What's her name?" Katya wants to answer, but her grandmother is ahead of her, who answers in detail the questions addressed to her granddaughter. The girl stands nearby, silently shaking her head in agreement. After the girls want to exchange toys, the grandmother gives the toys with Katya's tacit consent. Later, when the girls are already playing together, the grandmother, as if justifying herself, says rather loudly: "She is all like her dad, she is just as inhibited, and she also speaks badly."
Do you think grandma is right?

How to help a shy child?
Constantly strengthen the child's self-confidence, in their own abilities (you will succeed, you are so smart; I believe in you).

Raise the level of self-esteem: scold less for failures, do not criticize in front of strangers, do not compare with other children (see the article "Self-Esteem").

You should not constantly show your child that you are worried about him, but do not seek to protect him from all sorts of dangers, most often invented by you.

Give your child more freedom (within reason). For example, a child can decide for himself which circle, section he will attend, what clothes to wear.

Do not try to do everything for the child, even if he is still small. After all, even a three-year-old toddler is able to bring a toy from another room, choose a T-shirt (today it will be with flowers), put on socks and much more.

Expand your circle of acquaintances, take your child to visit more often, visit new places, invite guests to your home.

Help your child find something in which he is superior to his peers.

Help find a friend who would protect and support his self-confidence, and for this encourage him to play with peers.

Pre-play situations in which the child is especially shy.

Games and exercises that may come in handy

Drawing "What I am and what I would like to be"
The child is invited to draw himself twice In the first drawing - as he is now, in the second - as he wants to be. Next, you look at the drawings and compare them. The differences between the drawings reflect the child's self-esteem.
In the drawings of some children, there is a coincidence between the "real" and "ideal" I. Such children have somewhat overestimated self-esteem.
In the drawings of other children, there is a discrepancy, but it is small, they have adequate self-esteem (see the article "Self-esteem").
Children with low self-esteem draw themselves in one color, often dark, small in size, the drawing is sloppy. And when drawing the ideal self, a large number of colors, bright clothes are used ...
After drawing, it is useful to discuss with the child what needs to be done to become what he wants to be.

"Playing Situations"
For acting out and discussion, you can offer situations that are most difficult for the child:
You came to a new kindergarten group, meet the children...
You went to the store...
Children play in the yard, you also want to play with them; What do we have to do...
Guests have come, show them your room, toys...

Game "Cake" (from 4 years old)
Place the child on the mat with other children or relatives around him. Leading: "Now we will make a cake out of you." One participant is flour. The other is sugar, the third is milk, and so on. The host is a chef, now he will prepare a great dish. First you need to knead the dough. Flour is needed - "flour" with hands "sprinkles" the body of the lying person, lightly massaging it. Now sugar is needed - it "sprinkles" the body, gently touching it, then the milk is "spilled" by hands over the body, etc. When everything is set, the cook thoroughly "stirs" (massages) the dough, puts it in the oven, the dough rises there (evenly, breathes calmly, all the "components" also breathe). Finally the dough is baked. To make the cake beautiful, you need to decorate it with cream flowers. All participants, touching the cake, give it a "flower", describing it. The cake is very beautiful!
Watch the expression on the face of the "cake", it should be happy, you can also laugh. Instead of a cake, you can cook anything your child wants - chicken, pancakes, compote ...

This game can be played alone with a child or with several children. The child looks into the "mirror", which repeats all his movements, gestures, facial expressions. The "mirror" can be a parent or another child. You can portray not yourself, but someone else. "Mirror" must guess, then switch roles. The game helps the child to open up, to feel more free, uninhibited.

You can play "Hide and Seek" and "Shop", and just inflate the balloons, who is faster. The main thing is that the child successfully copes with tasks and learns to lose with dignity.

"Involvement in creative games of shy and unsociable children"

(from work experience)

educator MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18" Samara

Shy, shy children, timid, reserved, silent - such characteristics are given to children who do not dare, and sometimes find it difficult to communicate with people around them - acquaintances, peers, educators. Due to his shyness, he does not respond to the appeal of adults, avoids joint games with peers, turns out to be aloof from those interesting cases in which his comrades are easily included.

One of the reasons for the development of shyness under certain conditions may be excessive guardianship of the child by adults. Depriving a baby of independence, as a rule, leads to infringement of his will, leads to the development of passivity. Incapable of action, a lack of initiative, the child becomes more and more convinced of his own weakness and ineptitude. With the growth of self-consciousness, he begins to be ashamed of the fact that he cannot do what others can easily do.

Educators and parents can help the child cope with unwanted manifestations that constrain his behavior. This work requires caution, tact, and of course time. It is very important to show trust and respect for the child, to instill in him self-confidence.

Such a child must be more often involved in the performance of various assignments. Often he refuses orders not because he does not want to carry out, but because he is embarrassed, for example, to go, ask, find out, take, ask, etc. In this case, the shy child must be introduced to one of the friendly peers or adults. Thus, children carry out assignments together, but at the same time, a shy child will certainly experience the joy of completing the assignment. A shy child, paired with a partner in play, household, work activities, as it were, borrows ways of communicating from a partner, is less shy and embarrassed than in a large communication group.

An effective method of introducing a shy child to collective activities is to include them in joint activities with younger children. Young children are happy with the attention shown to them by older children.

A shy child, older in age, acts as a patron, and this has a positive effect on his awareness of his "I". Being in the position of an older, teaching and helping, a shy child, not only with a desire to take care of the younger, but also gets satisfaction from communicating with the baby, shows many communication skills (he can start a conversation, play, offer to do something that in communication with peers, he can not show.

Thus, the main principle that should be followed in working with shy children is to change the position in relation to others, to include it in the system of positive relations in the group.

A universal means of learning to communicate is a creative game. Well-known child psychologists I. Medvedeva and T. Shishova successfully used puppet theater in psycho-corrective classes with shy children of preschool and primary school age. Having hidden his face behind a screen, speaking from the face of a doll, the child no longer feels constrained. At first, the children did not want to show sketches even behind a screen, they agreed only with the support of their parents. But after a few lessons, they were happy to perform on their own. And many stopped hiding behind the screen and began to rise above it, looking at the audience without fear. Puppet shows can also be arranged at home, they contribute to the development of initiative, the disclosure of the creative inclinations of the children.

Play means a lot in the life of every child. Psychologists believe that fear-prone, insecure children are shown active competitive games: they increase self-confidence, temper character. Moreover, parents should celebrate the success of the child: “Well done, how clever you have become!” Sometimes shy children avoid play for fear of doing something wrong. In these cases, parents need to patiently constantly encourage them, you can turn to the help of another, more proactive child.

Creative games and activities with peers help to successfully overcome shyness.

When organizing activities with shy and unsociable childrenimportant to remember :

1. It is necessary to develop a certain style of relationship with the child to parents and teachers: do not talk in front of the child or the child himself that he is shy, shy; pay attention to your own behavior; constantly reinforce in the child a sense of self-confidence and their abilities; gradually, carefully involve the child in the implementation of various tasks related to communication.

2. Encourage eye contact. When talking to a child, repeat: "Look at me", "Look into my eyes" or "I want to see your eyes." As a result of the conscious consolidation of this skill and the regular construction of appropriate behavior patterns, the child will soon begin to look into the eyes of the interlocutor.

3. Teach your child to start and end a conversation. Make a list of phrases with your child that are easy to start a conversation with different groups of people, for example, what he could say to a friend; an adult with whom he had not met before; a friend whom he had not seen for some time; a new child with whom he would like to play on the playground. Then, changing roles, rehearse the conversation until the child begins to freely and independently use these phrases.

4. Practice behavior in certain situations. Prepare the child for the upcoming event - talk about the upcoming meeting of guests and preparations for the holiday.

Thus, the participation of children in creative games helps to reveal the individuality of each child with competent pedagogical support for these games.


1. Bezrukikh, M.M. Fidget child: Notebook for classes with children. Guidelines [Text]. - M.: 2001. - 64s.

2. Volchkova, V.N., Stepanova N.V. The system of education of the individuality of a preschooler. A manual for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions [Text]. - Voronezh, 2007.

3. Goneev, A.D. Fundamentals of correctional pedagogy / Ed. A.V. Slastenina [Text]. – M.: Academy, 2002.

4. Koltsova, M. M. Slow children [Text]. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003.

5. Sirotyuk, A.L. Exercises for the psychomotor development of preschoolers: A practical guide [Text]. - M.: ARKTI, 2008.


And indeed, after that story, the Baby Elephant did not go to the river for a long time. Mom brought water for lunch and dinner, and he sat in his room and ... (figure out what the Baby Elephant was doing.) Of course, he tried not to show that he was bored, but in fact he was terribly bored.

And then one day my mother pricked her leg with a sharp knot (show it), and her leg swelled up.

The Doctor came (let the child choose a toy and portray the Doctor).

He examined the injured leg and said:
- Hmm, dear, unimportant business you have. You have to save your leg. You can still move around the house somehow, but not a step beyond the threshold! Otherwise, inflammation will begin, and this, you know, is fraught with a hospital.

The baby elephant did not know what "fraught" meant, but the word "hospital" told him that nothing particularly good could be expected.

No need to put mom in the hospital! he pleaded. - I'll see that she walks less around the house.
- And who will run the household, cook dinner? Mom asked.
“You said that I was big and should help you,” said the Elephant. - I'll do everything myself.
- But what is dinner without water? - Elephant sighed. - Who will go with buckets to the river? Dad has no time, but I can't...
- Well, it doesn't matter! the Doctor laughed. - Your son is a real hero! For him, a bucket is like a thimble.
- Yes, but on the river ... - muttered the Baby Elephant.
"That's right, it's a lot of fun on the river," the Doctor interrupted him. - I'm even afraid that you will forget why you came there.
Play and forget.
“No,” Elephant shook his head. - I won't play.
"That's good," praised the unsuspecting Doctor. - In that case, we'll probably wait with the hospital for now. Maybe the leg will heal at home.

The doctor left, and the Baby Elephant plunged into thought. ( What was he thinking? What were these thoughts: cheerful or sad?


That evening, the Baby Elephant, tired of his thoughts and feelings because of his mother, fell asleep very quickly. And the Elephant and the Elephant were talking about something for a long time.

Oh, I don't know... Do you think it's worth a try? - the Elephant sighed.
- Why is it not worth it? It’s worth it, the Elephant assured her.
- And if he guesses? .. - The elephant looked warily at the bed in which their little son was sleeping.
- He won’t guess, - the Elephant waved his trunk. - I have a plan...

In the morning, the Elephant did not want to get up for a long time. It always happens when something not very pleasant awaits you. But when the clock struck ten, he realized that he could not delay any longer. You can't have breakfast with dinner! And in order to cook breakfast, you need water. And for water you need to go to the river ... Thinking about this, the Baby Elephant became gloomier than a cloud. ( Ask the child to show this face.)

But - there is nothing to do! He took the buckets and went to the watering place.
The path to the river lay through dense thickets. And when the Baby Elephant was walking along a narrow path, suddenly from somewhere - either because of the tall bushes, or from the sky - a voice was heard:
- Why are you sad, Elephant?

The elephant looked around. Nobody. The voice seemed a little familiar to him, but the Baby Elephant did not have time to figure out where he had heard it, because the Voice asked again:
- You're embarrassed to go to the river, right?
- Yes, - the Elephant sighed.
- Perhaps you seem to yourself somehow not like that? - the Voice asked sympathetically.

And - a strange thing! The baby elephant did not tell anyone - neither dad nor mom - about his offense, but then he suddenly seemed to break through.
- This nasty Monkey ... She said: "Nosatik", - he exclaimed. - Indeed, no one has such a huge nose. All animals have a shorter nose than a tail, but I have the opposite.
Well, why, tell me, why do I need such a long nose? And my ears are huge, and my legs are clumsy! I'm a freak! Pitiful freak! Scarecrow pea!

In response, there was a quiet sigh, and a hat flew out from behind the bushes. It flew out - and fell to the ground right at the feet of the Elephant.
“This hat is not simple, but magical,” said the Voice.
- Invisible hat? - gasped the Elephant.
- No, not at all. But once you put it on, you will no longer be shy. You won't care. Do you hear?

The baby elephant stood for a while in indecision, and then picked up his hat from the ground and put it on his head, pulling it over his very eyes. ( This is also one of the ways to hide the face, which is sometimes resorted to by overly shy children. The American psychologist F. Zimbardo says that his extremely shy brother wore a cap with slits for the eyes made of a paper bag in kindergarten for a year and called himself the Invisible Man. I. Ya. Medvedeva and I also met with similar cases. Only, paying tribute to modern fashion, these children did not wear caps, but knitted hats that covered their nose and mouth. And they said they were ninjas.)

Thank you, - he muttered, turning to the bushes - he was a very polite Baby Elephant - and moved on.
- Hi, Nosatik! - Monkey shouted when the Baby Elephant appeared on the river bank. - Haven't seen you for a long time?

Hearing the nickname "Nosatik", the Baby Elephant cringed (ask the child to show this both with the doll and himself), but then he remembered that he had a magic hat on his head, which makes him invulnerable to ridicule, and calmly replied: - Hello, Monkey!

The monkey giggled, rocking on the vine. Before, Baby Elephant would have thought she was laughing at him, but now... (Ask the child to think through the thoughts of the Baby Elephant. If he finds it difficult, assume that the Monkey laughed for joy or - yes, yes, surprisingly! - also from embarrassment. Say that people often begin to giggle and grimace out of embarrassment. Give examples from life.)

While she was giggling and thinking what to say, the Baby Elephant got some water and went home. (Ask the child what mood the Baby Elephant was in and ask him to show it with facial expressions).


The next morning, the Baby Elephant already calmly took a bucket and went to the river. Of course, do not forget to take with you a magic hat.
The animals were playing tag and did not notice his appearance.

Previously, the Baby Elephant would have been only happy about this, but now he even felt a little offended. True, he did not dare to say hello first, but, having taken water, he no longer ran headlong home, but stood on the shore, watching the animals with curiosity.

Finally, the Monkey, escaping from the Little Fox that was chasing her, jumped onto a tree that hung over the river, and, looking around, noticed the Baby Elephant.

The nose has arrived! she squealed. - Look, look! Nosy, hello! Hey look! Can you do that?

The monkey began to make funny faces and somersaulted over its head, but did not have time to catch on to a branch and ... flew away to the middle of the river.

Oh! Save! Tonu! she screamed.

The monkey floundered helplessly in the water, her strength was running out. The animals darted wildly along the shore.

Only one Baby Elephant was not taken aback. He reached out to the Monkey with his trunk and pulled her out of the river. No one had time to come to their senses, and she was already lying on the sand and snorting, spitting out water.

In joy, the little animals danced around the Baby Elephant, and the Monkey, catching his breath, said:
- How great, Nosatik, that you exist in the world!
And kissed him on the tip of his trunk.
- Well, son? - there was a familiar voice behind the Elephant's back. - Now you understand why you have a long, long nose?

The baby elephant looked back and saw the elephant's dad.
- So it was you? he muttered in confusion.

Papa smiled and, without answering him, turned to the animals gathered on the shore:
- Why else might a long nose come in handy, kids?
- To play tag! - shouted ... (let the child come up with who). - The trunk - it's like a lasso! You'll catch them all in an instant.
- And you can pour water from it like a hose! - added... (again, let the child choose the character).
- And friends can swing on this nose, like on a liana! - Monkey concluded and confirmed her words with deeds.
(Let the child imagine how else you can use a long trunk).


When dad and Baby Elephant returned home and told Mom Elephant about what had happened, she... (let the child come up with and show how the Elephant praised her son).

And the next day, the three of them - after all, the Elephant's leg had already healed - gathered on the river.

The baby elephant, out of habit, reached for his hat.
Do you think you still need her? asked the father.
The elephant froze in indecision.
- Maybe yes...
- OK. Then take it, - dad Elephant nodded.

The elephant family spent the whole day on the shore. Parents sunbathed in the sun and watched with a happy smile how the Baby Elephant frolicked with his friends. (Show this in as much detail as possible.) He, of course, could not run as briskly as tiger cubs, but he rolled all the animals on his back, fanned them with his big ears, like a fan, and rammed the sand, so that it turned out to be a comfortable sports ground. And then he became a basketball champion, because no one better than Baby Elephant could catch the ball and throw it into the basket! The animals were delighted with their new friend.

You're so good! they said. - Kind, brave, resourceful!
And the Baby Elephant laughed joyfully in response ( let the kid show it).

And on the way home, passing by a bush, because of which a magic hat once flew out. The baby elephant stopped and looked at his father.

Here, take it,” he handed the hat to his father. I don't need her anymore. Thank you!
- Well, well, - father hung his hat on a bush. - Let it hang here. Maybe it will be useful for someone else...
- Maybe ... - thoughtfully drawled the Elephant. - But you know, in my opinion, a hat is not the main thing. In my opinion, the main thing is to believe in yourself.

And he trotted off home. The hat has become... (Fantasy with your child and try to make the end of the fairy-tale performance as colorful as possible. The finale should always be shocking, and when you are dealing with impressionable and insecure children, this is especially important.)


As you work through the first games, you've probably already begun to notice some positive changes in your child's behavior. Gradually, he became more actively involved in the game, fantasize more, feel freer when showing skits. Truly shy children, by the way, easily agree to play within the given limits, do not seek to radically change the plot and character of the protagonist. On the contrary, they are happy when they find in it consonance with their own character and their own experiences. And they rejoice at the opportunity to be artists. They just need to be constantly encouraged and praised. Stubborn resistance, and even more so, the desire to play by one's own rules, and not by someone else's rules, indicates that the child's shyness is secondary. The main thing in his character is his claims to leadership. And often and increased demonstrativeness (one is closely linked to the other).
However, do not rush to close the book. Your child will also benefit from loosening up and gaining useful communication skills.

Of course, not all children are equally relevant to certain behavioral difficulties. Therefore, this section does not need to be "plowed through" in its entirety, but it is worth choosing those games and exercises that will help your very specific child cope with their psychological problems.


Perhaps the first thing that catches your eye when meeting with a shy child is his incredible stiffness. He is tense, awkward, his face is inexpressive, his voice is dull, sometimes even strangled. Of course, when parental pressure weakens, and the child's self-esteem rises, he begins to feel more free, but he is still far from real looseness. Many parents try to send shy sons and daughters to some sports section, hoping that this will help them to be liberated. But, as a rule, such attempts end in failure. The nature of such children is not at all competitive, but tough discipline, without which sports are impossible, only further suppresses their already depressed personality. Ballroom dancing, which many mothers rely on, is also unlikely to help at this stage. Especially boys. Indeed, nowadays ballroom dancing, with all the desire, cannot be attributed to prestigious male occupations. This is not karate or tokwondo.

The shy boy is already so worried that he is "like a girl" (fortunately, both adults and children will not fail to remind him of this once again!), And here he is also forced to do the "girl's business." Of course, a child with a suppressed will often does not dare to grumble and dutifully goes to the dance class, so the parents may even get the impression that he goes there with pleasure. But I assure you, he does not dream about it in silence before going to bed.

It is better to go from simple to complex. As in any other business, first take care of the emancipation of your baby yourself. How? - Start with MIMIC and GESTURES.

1. "GUESS THE EMOTION" (for children 4-10 years old)

Here, almost the most important thing is to correctly motivate the need for the game. The fact is that the children in question are usually embarrassed by their faces. And even more so, they are ashamed to grimace in public. And this exercise will be perceived by them as antics. Therefore, you must take an active role and set an example for your child. In addition, since shy children are usually happy to be in the role of entertainers (of course, when they are sure that they are good at it), you can imagine mime, pantomime, and so on. exercises as useful acting training. Play together first. Then, when he can already easily cope with the tasks, involve his friends in the game. The rules of the game are very simple: the host shows some emotion with facial expressions, and the players name it and try to reproduce it. Whoever does it first gets a point. Start with easy-to-guess emotions: surprise, fear, joy, anger, sadness. They must be shown exaggeratedly, even caricatured. Gradually expand the range of feelings, introduce different shades of emotions (say, irritation, indignation, anger, rage). Older children can be given the task not only to guess the emotion, but also to impromptu play a small scene (either in puppets or "in a live plan") with the corresponding plot.

2. "LIVE ILLUSTRATION" (for children 5-10 years old)

A. Barto's verses are ideal for this game. She has a lot of poetic genre sketches, accurately conveying a variety of childhood experiences and colored with gentle humor, which often turns out to be healing for nervous children of any medicine. One player reads a poem, and the other player illustrates the described events and emotions with facial expressions and gestures. Teach your child to gradually capture and convey subtle shades of feelings. Barto's poems provide the richest material for this. For kids, rhymes like "Bear", "Bychok", "Ball" are more suitable. For older children - "Resentment", "Lyubochka", "Sonechka", "On the way to class" and many others.

If there are several players (and, I repeat, your goal is to gradually bring the shy child out of the closed little world of the family), then you can introduce an element of competition. Let the host evaluate the performances and award the winners. But, of course, an adult should not forget about the main goal of the game and encourage a shy child even if he is not up to par. Your task in this case is psycho-correction, and not the establishment of justice.

3. "PICTURE AN ANIMAL" (for children 4-10 years old)

This game is used by many professionals. Children are asked to pantomimically show various animals and birds. It is important to consider two points here. Firstly, we must try to create an atmosphere of unrestrained fun, so that each performance is met with an explosion of laughter and applause, and secondly, not to give too difficult tasks. Every time, try to imagine first: how would you yourself portray this or that animal? (For example, can you draw an armadillo or a hippopotamus similarly?) Try to choose animals with bright distinctive features and easily recognizable habits. Be sure to discuss later with the children what character the shown animal has. Shy children have difficulty communicating with others. And the inability to correctly express their feelings, stiffness and awkwardness play an important role here. Some psychologists claim that the child remains a non-verbal being almost until school. That is, he mostly communicates not at the verbal level, but at the level of facial expressions and gestures. True, I think that this is somewhat exaggerated, but, of course, facial expressions and gestures are very important for full communication. It is believed that children with inexpressive, "immobile" faces lose at least 10-15% of information when communicating. They do not fully grasp what is communicated to them on a non-verbal level, and often misjudge the attitude of others towards them. So pantomime games will help your child not only to be liberated, but also to better understand other people.

4. "WHERE WE WERE - WE WON'T SAY, BUT WHAT WE DID - SHOW" (for children 5-10 years old)

The task of this common children's game is to show any action without words. If there are a lot of guys, you can split into two teams. One shows, the other guesses. Then they change places.

5. "PANTOMIMICAL SCENES" (for children 5-10 years old)

The facilitator briefly describes the situation, and the child (or several children who have distributed roles among themselves) portray it in pantomime. Situations should be simple and emotionally colored. For example:

The boy is skating. Falls. Wants to cry, but restrains himself, remembering that the boy should be courageous, and even smiles. Although with difficulty.

The child notices the fruit on the plate. He carefully looks around to see if his mother sees him, otherwise she will be angry, because his mother allows him to eat fruit only after dinner. He puts a piece of fruit in his mouth and grimaces - it turns out that there was a lemon on the plate. (Play the mother and then switch roles with the child. The more roles the shy toddler replays, the better.)

The brawler swings at another child. At first, he is frightened, wants to run away, but then he gathers his courage and gives him back. The dragon is crying.

The child goes out into the yard and sees children playing. At first he does not dare to approach them, but then he nevertheless approaches and introduces himself (without words, only with gestures).

The girl walks in the forest, picks mushrooms, looks at the trees, admires the beautiful flowers. Then he almost steps into an anthill. Shakes off ants crawling on the leg.

Oh! The ant bit her. Hurt! (You can invite the child to continue this story himself).

6. "TALKING WITH A DEAF GRANDMA" (a variant of the game proposed by M.I. Chistyakova) (for children 4-10 years old)

A child is talking to a deaf grandmother. She speaks, and he speaks to her with gestures, because the grandmother does not hear anything. Naturally, the game with school-age children should be more complicated and colored with humor. For example, it is enough for a four-year-old kid to simply show where grandmother's glasses are, and a third-grader is already able to depict with gestures both the glasses themselves and the fact that they are broken, as someone inadvertently sat on them. In this game, as in the previous one, there can be a great variety of options. It all depends on your collective imagination.

To help you tune in to the right wave, I give a small fragment of such a game: Grandmother opens the door for her grandson.

Grandmother: Where have you been, mischievous?
The grandson shows with gestures that he played football.

Grandmother: So, how are you?
The grandson raises his thumb up - they say, excellent.
Grandmother: Why are you limping?
The grandson waves his hand: they say, nothing, do not pay attention.

Grandmother: No, after all... Have you fallen?
The grandson shows without words how he caught the ball and fell, breaking his knee. He was in pain, but he didn't show it.

The easiest trick to create comic situations is if the grandson asks the grandmother for something with gestures, and she understands him wrong and does the wrong thing. Here, of course, a lot depends on the resourcefulness and artistry of an adult. Remember: the more humor there is in the game, the sooner your child will relax and be liberated.

7. "THROUGH THE GLASS" (a game proposed by N. Kukhtina; suitable for children aged 6-10)

Imagine that you are communicating with someone through soundproof glass and must convey a message to him without words, pantomime. For example: "You forgot to put on a hat, and it's very cold outside", "let's go swimming. The water is warm today", "bring a glass of water, I'm thirsty", etc.
You can guess the message and get points for it, or, on the contrary, you can complete the task of the presenter. In this case, he must evaluate whether the meaning of his words is correctly conveyed by gestures.
Like other similar games, this one, among other things, develops ingenuity.

8. "DIFFERENT GAIT" (exercise proposed by V. Levy; suitable for children 7-10 years old)

Have a shy boy or girl act like:

The baby, who has recently stood on his feet and is taking his first steps,
- deep old man
- drunk,
- a lion,
- gorilla,
- Stage performer.
(Of course, there are many more options.)

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Chabin Andrey
Exercises and games with shy children. Psychogymnastics and relaxation. Removal of emotional stress

Various exercises and games with shy children


overcoming shyness, isolation, indecision; development of paralinguistic means of communication;

formation of adequate self-esteem, increased self-confidence; decline psycho-emotional stress

A game "Dunno".

Psychologist says:

“Imagine that each of you is a Dunno. I will ask questions, and you just shrug your shoulders and spread your arms. Approximate questions:

Did you have breakfast in kindergarten today?

It's cold outside (warm?

Do you have warm clothes?

What color is the sky?

Do you like fish in an aquarium?

Are you going for a walk today? Etc.

A game "Snake"

The leader is selected. Children stand behind him in a column, put their hands on the shoulders of those in front. In this position, they need to overcome various obstacles:

climb the ottoman and get off it;

crawl under the table;

go around an imaginary lake, etc.

The game is repeated.

Each of the children should be in the role of a leader.

A game "The dragon catches its tail"

Children stand behind each other, holding on to the waist of the person in front. The first child is "dragon head", last - "tip of tail". First player (leader) trying to grab the last - "dragon catches its tail". The rest of the children hold tightly to each other.

When "The dragon will catch its tail", the driver changes, the game is repeated.

Each child should be in the role of a driver.

Etude "Two Clowns".

Psychologist divides the children into pairs and invites each pair to act out the next etude:

“Two cheerful clowns, not noticing each other, juggle with imaginary colored rings. Suddenly they collide with their backs and fall, they find it funny. They sit and laugh loudly. Then the clowns get up and throw the rings to each other."

Exercise"Playing out a story".

Psychologist divides the children into two teams and invites each team to prepare and show, with the help of expressive movements, an excerpt from a famous fairy tale (cartoon fragment).

Teams conduct a rehearsal, and then alternately show pantomime scenes. Following the performance "artists", "spectators" (other team members) must guess which story (what cartoon) played out and who plays what role.

A game "Funny ball"

Psychologist includes an audio recording of any dance tune. Children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other with words: "You roll, funny ball, quickly, quickly on the hands, so that we are not bored."

The child who received the ball at the last word goes to the center of the circle and dances to the music.

Etude "Meeting a Friend"

Psychologist divides the children into pairs and invites each pair to act out the next one with the help of expressive movements etude: “Friends met after parting. How happy they were for each other!

Pairs take turns doing the task.

Exercise"Guess emotion»

Psychologist gives each child a set of cards with a schematic representation of faces in different emotional states(joy, sadness, anger, surprise, resentment, calmness) And speaks:

“Try to determine what mood each of the drawn people has.”

After the task is completed, psychologist invites each of the children to choose the image that matches his mood.

Conversation "Ways to improve your mood".

Psychologist invites children to discuss how they can improve their mood.

When difficulties arise psychologist suggests ways to improve mood (think about something pleasant, listen to your favorite fairy tale, dance to music, etc.).

Exercise"We draw our mood".

Psychologist hand out sheets of paper, colored pencils to children (paints) and offers to draw your mood.

After completing the task with each of the children, an individual conversation is held on the drawing.

Conversation How can you learn to communicate without words?

Psychologist invites the children to discuss. the following questions:

1. What makes it possible to communicate with other people?

2. How can you convey your emotional condition?


Psychologist says:

“Imagine that a foreigner who does not know Russian comes to visit us, and you do not know the language he speaks. Try to chat with him, show him the room, toys, invite him to dinner. Remember that all this must be done without uttering words.

Exercise"Through the Glass"

Psychologist invites children to convey the following with the help of facial expressions and gestures situations:

I have a sore throat.

you forgot put on a scarf and it's cold outside.

I'm thirsty, bring me a glass of water.

Do you want to draw with me?

Exercise"Connecting Thread"

Everyone sits on chairs arranged in a circle. Psychologist says:

“Now we will, passing each other a ball, unwind the thread and talk about what we feel, what we want to receive for ourselves and wish others.”

Psychologist, holding the end of the thread, talks about his feelings, expresses his wishes and passes the ball to the child sitting next to him. Exercise continues.

When all the children have spoken and the ball returns to psychologist, the participants pull the thread and close their eyes.

Psychologist asks children to imagine that they are one whole, but each of them is important and meaningful to everyone.

Exercise"Finish the sentence"

Psychologist asks the children to complete the following offers:

I can.


Psychologist says:

“The planes are getting ready to take off. Take a ready position, stand up straight and spread your arms to the sides.

Now each of you will imagine that his plane is accelerating and, having taken off, is gaining altitude.

Wings cut through the air. The motor hums smoothly and powerfully. The plane flies confidently above the clouds. Remember the feeling of flying.

The plane comes in for a landing and lands smoothly.

If you ever feel hesitant, imagine yourself flying forward and upward!”

A game "Fly, fly, petal".

Psychologist Give each child a paper petal.

Children are invited to make a wish, remember the color of their petal and drop it into the box. After all the petals are collected, psychologist starts taking them out one by one from the box. The one to whom the petal belongs throws it up and says words:

“Fly, fly, petal. Through the west to the east, Through the north, through the south. Come back, make a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, To be in my opinion led!

Having told the rhyme, the child names his desire. At the end exercises it is recommended to discuss which desires were liked by the majority

children and why.


Psychologist invites the children to split into pairs. One of the children in the couple will play the role of a mirror. Task "mirrors"- repeat all the movements and gestures that the child will show. Then the children switch roles. After each child has been in different roles, psychologist asks: “Who did you like to be more - a child or a mirror? Why?"

A game "Journey".

Psychologist invites children to go on an imaginary journey. Children according to instructions psychologist imitate various movements and act out mini- situations: they depict trees in the forest, bunnies running away from a fox, travelers sailing in a boat, climbing to the top of a mountain, crossing a mountain stream along a narrow bridge, etc.

A game "Snail".

With the help of a rhyme or at will, the driver is selected - "snail".

Children stand in a circle, leading - in the center of the circle, he is blindfolded.

The player pointed to psychologist by changing the voice pronounces:

"Snail, snail.

Stick out the horns.

I'll give you sugar

Piece of pie. Guess who am I?"

every child should be in the role of a driver.

Conversation "Our names".

Psychologist invites children to talk about names. During the conversation, the following questions:

1. Do you like your names? Why?

2. If you were asked to choose new names for yourself, would you agree? Why?

Conversation "Our names".

Exercise"Playing Situations".

Psychologist invites children to act out the following situations:

A new boy (girl) appeared in the group, and you were left alone with him. What will you do?

Offended your friend, and you were there. What will you do?

You lost a toy in kindergarten. How will you do it?

The choice of situations for acting out is determined by the course of the previous conversation.

Exercise"Finish the sentence".

Children take turns completing the following offers:

I can.

I will achieve.

After the child says the end of the phrase, everyone clap their hands.

Games for shy kids

« Roar lion, roar"
This game is good to play with children suffering from stiffness and passivity. The adult says: “We are all lions, a big friendly family. Let's have a competition to see who can growl the loudest. As soon as I say: "roar, lion, roar!", let the loudest growl be heard.

The sorcerer bewitches one of the participants in the game so that he loses the ability to speak. The child will respond to all questions with gestures. By asking questions, he tries to tell the story of how he was bewitched. Other children should retell what the "bewitched" shows.

Tell poems with your hands
The child tries without words, with the help of pantomime, to tell the well-known entire poem or fairy tale. The rest of the children try to understand what he is saying.

Fairy tale
The child is invited to come up with a fairy tale about a person whose name is the same as his. This exercise contributes not only to a better self-awareness, but to the development of the ability to talk about yourself without embarrassment.

catch the ball

The game develops self-confidence and trust in other people. The players take turns throwing a small ball to each other, while naming some dignity of the child to whom they throw the ball. It is very important that during the game each child manages to hear kind, pleasant words about himself.

Finish the sentence

The exercise is aimed at increasing self-confidence and one's own abilities. Have your child complete the following sentences:
I want….
I can…
I can…
I will achieve...
Discuss answers

glue trickle

Purpose: to develop the ability to act jointly and exercise self- and mutual control over activities; learn to trust and help those with whom you communicate.

Before the game, the teacher talks with the children about friendship and mutual assistance, that together you can overcome any obstacles.

Children stand one after another and hold on to the shoulders of the person in front of them. In this position, they overcome various obstacles.

1. Get up and get off the chair.

2. Crawl under the table.

3. Go around the “wide lake”.

4. Get through the "dense forest".

5. Hide from wild animals.

An indispensable condition for the guys: throughout the game they should not unhook from each other.

The blind and the guide

Purpose: to develop the ability to trust, help and support fellow communicators.

Children are divided into pairs: “blind” and “guide”. One closes his eyes, and the other leads him around the group, makes it possible to touch various objects, helps to avoid various collisions with other couples, gives appropriate explanations regarding their movement. Commands should be given standing behind your back, at some distance. Then the participants switch roles. Each child, therefore, goes through a certain “school of trust”.

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children to answer who felt safe and confident, who had the desire to completely trust their friend. Why?

magic algae

Purpose: removal of bodily barriers, to develop the ability to achieve goals in acceptable ways of communication.

Each participant (in turn) tries to penetrate the circle formed by the children. Algae understand human speech and feel touch and can relax and let the circle pass, or they may not miss it if they are badly asked.

Gift for everyone

Purpose: to develop the ability to make friends, make the right choice, cooperate with peers, team spirit.

The children are given the task: “If you were a magician and could work miracles, what would you give now to all of us together?” or “If you had a Flower-Semitsvetik, what wish would you make?”. Each child makes one wish by tearing off one petal from the common flower.

Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east,

Through the north, through the south, come back, make a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground, to be, in my opinion, led.

Lead to…

At the end, you can hold a competition for the best wish for everyone.
