Final birth meeting in the 2 ml group. Summary of the parent meeting “Happy Occurrence” at the end of the year in the second junior group

Game “Change”

Adults stand in a circle, the leader offers to change places for those who have a watch on their hand (buttons on their clothes, who have 2 children, who likes cats, etc.)

Ved. draws attention to the fact that everyone is different, but you can always find something that unites.

We are united by the fact that today we have gathered to talk about our children.

The topic of our meeting is “We can do a lot, we can do a lot” or “Cultivating independence in children of younger pre-school age.”

I would like to start our meeting with a question:

Are there any changes in your child’s development of independence?

Has he become different in a year?

What's new?

(parents' statements)

Independence- a valuable quality that a person needs in life.

It is necessary to educate him from early childhood. By nature, children are active; very often they strive to perform various actions independently. And it is important for us, adults, to support them in this.

Often, each of us, in response to an offer to do something for a child or help him with something, had to hear “I myself!”

(on the screen there are photographs of children and words from I. Muraveyka’s poem “I myself!”)

Let's get dressed...
Me myself! Me myself!
Let's go, let's wash...
Me myself! Me myself!
Well, let's go, at least I'll brush my hair...
Me myself! Me myself!
Well, let me at least feed you...
Me myself! Me myself!

At this age, the child realizes himself as a separate person, with his own desires and characteristics. The child practically becomes independent: he can perform many actions without the help of an adult, and learns self-care skills.

Now let's look at the situation.

Situation for analysis

Three-year-old Ilyusha diligently puts on tights. Difficult task! Finally, after much effort, the tights are almost on, but... inside out. The baby, of course, doesn’t notice this and continues to pull them on. The mother stops, as she says, “this aimless fuss,” and with a quick movement, without hiding her irritation, tries to pull on the child’s tights. The baby screams:

By myself, by myself, by myself!

The mother says sternly:

Sit calmly and don't be capricious! You don’t know how, but you shout “yourself.”


  1. Did mom do the right thing? And why?
  2. Do similar situations happen to you?
  3. How do you get out of them?

Often, for various reasons - due to lack of time, lack of confidence in the child’s strengths - we strive to do everything for him ourselves.

  • But are we really helping the child?
  • How do you think?
  • Can a small child be independent?

It is important to note that the child’s expression “I myself” manifests a desire for independence.

Trying to do everything for a child, adults cause him great harm, deprive him of independence, undermine his faith in his own strength, teach him to rely on others, children can grow up passive and lazy.

Example: The child tries to dress himself, but his mother does everything for him. He sighs heavily and says: “That’s what I wanted myself!”

Psychologists say: by the age of three, a child’s desire for independence and independence from an adult, both in actions and desires, sharply increases. He develops a strong desire to assert himself.

Under no circumstances should these aspirations be suppressed - this leads to complications in the relationship between the child and the adult.

The first of them is negativism, i.e. disobedience or unwillingness to follow the instructions of an adult, and the desire to do the opposite.

Then - stubbornness, the child will insist on his own simply because he demanded it.

Also, obstinacy or self-will may appear in the child’s behavior (the child wants to do everything himself, refusing the help of adults), phenomena such as rebellion against others are observed (conflict with others, constantly quarrels, behaves aggressively).

Thus, suppression of children's independence can have a serious negative impact on the development of the child's personality.

  • Have you encountered similar manifestations?
  • How did you get out of such situations?

(verse “For adults” by M. Schwartz)

I'm in my home apartment
Like a drill soldier in service.
Commander on commander...
I'm the only private here.
I must obey everyone.
According to the order - wash,
According to the order - get dressed,
It's too early to make the bed.
On command - sit down,
The assignment is to study.
According to the regime - go to bed,
When the alarm clock rings, get up.
Now it's clear to you why
Did I start snapping?
The end of my patience.
De - mo - bi - lization!

When developing independence skills in children, we often encounter that the child cannot or does not cope with the proposed task. How to act in such situations?

Situation for analysis.

Having learned to clean up after himself after eating, Gena began to push the chair, but his leg caught on the table leg. Gena did not make any effort, he abandoned the small but necessary effort and immediately abandoned his intention. When his mother reminded him that he needed to push his chair in, the boy said tearfully: “It just doesn’t work!”

What actions should adults take?

So, children strive for independence.

What can they do independently at a younger age?

Let's try together to determine a list of actions that our kids can perform.

(discussion with parents)

  • Wash your hands by rolling up your sleeves; wash your face without splashing water; use soap correctly;
  • do not wet clothes; Dry yourself with a towel, hang it in the designated place without being reminded.
  • Dress and undress in a certain sequence: take off clothes, fold them, hang them, turn them right side out;
  • put on clothes, unfasten buttons, fasten them, tie shoelaces.
  • Notice the mess in your clothes and fix it yourself or seek help from an adult.
  • Use a handkerchief, handkerchief, toilet in a timely manner.
  • Drink from a cup; eat, chewing food well, with your mouth closed.

Use a spoon, fork, and napkin correctly.

Place toys, books, and building materials in a specific place.

Of course, the baby does not immediately acquire the necessary skills; he needs our help, creating the necessary conditions for the manifestation of independence, correctly guiding the children’s actions and be sure to praise, praise for the slightest manifestation of independence.

Final parent meeting in the second junior group “Our Achievements”

Participants of the meeting: teachers - Mamedova Guzel Rasulovna, Galikeeva Lyudmila Vasilievna, head, parents.

Description of the material: I hold a parent meeting at the end of the school year to show parents what the children of the second junior group of kindergarten have learned.“Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.


- sum up the results of the joint activities of teachers and parents during the school year; Determine prospects for the future.

- Tasks:

- track the dynamics of children’s mental and physical development during the school year; promote the development of parental initiative and communication skills.

Preliminary work: Questioning of parents, ready-made photographs and videos of children.

Progress of the parent meeting:

Slide 1: Good afternoon, dear parents! We are pleased to welcome you to the final meeting of our group. How we lived this year, what was interesting in our lives, what we learned and what we still need to work on - this is our conversation today.

Slide 2: In order for you and me to get ready for work today and recharge ourselves with positivity, let’s do a training exercise.

Dear parents. Look, you and I are closely connected and solve the same problems. We are like a big family, we must act together. After all, we must not forget that the parent is the main educator, and the kindergarten was created to help parents.

Slide 3: As A.S. said Makarenko “Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is a happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, our tears, it’s our guilt before other people, before antiquity.”

Now, with a good mood, we move on to serious issues.

When working with children, we used modern health technologies: saving and environmental technologies; educational activities are carried out using an audio system, didactic material, easels, magnetic boards, various toys, manuals, etc.

By the beginning of the school year, we had prepared a developmental environment that allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other.

We have done a lot of work to replenish the methodological and didactic collections. Various cognitive development games have been produced. A card index of games for social development, games for the development of logic and thinking, games for health conservation, games for instilling patriotic qualities, and games for safety have been selected.

A diagnosis of children's development was carried out at the beginning and end of the year. Here we see that the level of development of children at the end of the year is higher than at the beginning of the year. We draw the following diagnostic conclusions: we need to work more on speech development, play word games, and develop children’s vocabulary.

For the 2015-2016 academic year, we set ourselves the following goals: “Develop hand coordination and fine motor skills. Improve memory, attention, and the ability to coordinate movement and speech.”

Slide 4: In order to solve this problem, we carried out the following activities: - Finger games were held daily with children: “Water, water...”, “Bunnies”, “Cabbage”, “Mice”, “Finger-boy”, “My family”, “ White-sided magpie”, “There comes a horned goat”, etc.

Slide 5: - Every day there were games for hands and fingers using massage balls, folding a picture of 2-4 parts, games of plasticine, board games “Mosaic”, “Loto”; collecting pyramids, playing with cubes.

A file of finger games has been collected;

We plan to solve this problem further for the next academic year. To develop hand motor skills, we plan to continue drawing using unconventional methods: drawing with our hands and fingers.

We have repeatedly held exhibitions of joint work both within the group and throughout the kindergarten, and our parents took part in them with desire and enthusiasm. This year we designed such exhibitions as “Autumn Fantasies” - crafts from the gifts of autumn, “Hello New Year”, “On Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “March 8”.

Thus, in our group, we have created a favorable environment for children in order to demonstrate motor, play and intellectual activity and satisfy interest in a variety of activities.

All goals and objectives set for this year have been achieved.

Now look what we have achieved this year (presentation)

Slide 6: Educational work is carried out in several directions.

Slide 7-8: Cognitive development. By playing board games, children learn about the world around them, get acquainted with the classification of objects, domestic and wild animals, study the natural world, and form an idea of ​​shape, color, size, and quantity.

Slide 9: They have an idea about their family and the village in which they live.

Slide 10-11: Walk. We teach children to dress and undress in a certain sequence with a little help from an adult. We hang things carefully and put them in the closet. We learn to unbutton the front buttons and untie the laces. Dear parents, give your children more independence to undress and dress themselves. On a walk we: observe nature. Let's play. We do hard work. We are working to develop the movement.

Slide 12-14: In music classes, children show emotional responsiveness to age-appropriate musical works, distinguish between happy and sad melodies, and try to expressively convey playful and fairy-tale images.

Slide 15-16: Feel a feeling of joy; They try to depict simple objects and phenomena in modeling, appliqué, design, and drawing, conveying their figurative expressiveness.

Slide 17-18: Next direction physical development: children grow up healthy, cheerful, physically and creatively developed.

Slide 19-21: Mastered self-care skills.

Slide 22-24: In the game, children consolidate their acquired knowledge. Knows how to show goodwill, kindness, and friendliness towards others. Responds to the emotions of loved ones and friends. They make attempts to feel sorry for their peers, hug them, and help them.

Slide 25: Speech development: Children can make sentences based on pictures.

Slide 26: During classes, articulation and breathing exercises are performed.

Children enjoy listening to literary works and looking at pictures in books.

Slide 27: By telling fairy tales, they develop speech, facial expressions, and replenish their vocabulary.

My favorite pastime is telling fairy tales using tabletop and flat theaters.

Slide 28: But in our group many children have speech problems. Speech, as we know, is a form of communication. In preschool age, it develops in 2 interrelated directions:

The child’s speech improves in the process of communication with adults and peers;

Speech becomes the basis for restructuring thought processes and turns into a tool of thinking.

A child’s well-developed speech contributes to successful learning at school. Speech disorders affect the formation of a child’s character, because a speech defect that is not corrected in time makes the child insecure, withdrawn, and irritable. With spontaneous speech development, only a few children reach a high level. Therefore, targeted training is necessary to create children’s interest in their native language and promote a creative attitude towards speech. The development of speech directly affects the development of thinking. Thanks to speech, children master the norms of social behavior, which contributes to moral education. Speech is closely related to fine motor skills of the hands. Many children in preschool age have problems associated with coordination of movements, especially small movements of the hands and, in particular, fingers (it is difficult for a child to lace shoes, fasten buttons, etc.) It is known that a lag in the development of motor skills is often accompanied by a lag in development intelligence and speech. Therefore, in my work with children, to overcome delays in speech development, I use simple, entertaining tasks, exercises and games aimed at improving finger movements. Children really like these activities and are very effective both for improving coordination and speech development. Their benefit is also that they prepare the child’s hand for drawing, modeling, designing, and writing. Thus, mastering the native language is necessary for the full formation of the child’s personality.

Slide 29: Tell me, can you make a clap with one palm? Need a second hand. The clap is the result of the action of two palms. A teacher is only one palm. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second palm (and it is in your face, dear parents), the teacher is powerless.

And now we will happily move on to the most pleasant moment of our meeting - we want to express our gratitude to all the parents for their joint work, for their active participation in the life of the group, but most of all we are grateful to you for raising wonderful children.

A diploma is awarded (full name of Parents) for active participation in the life of the group and kindergarten; a diploma is awarded (full name of parents) for raising a child.

Thank you very much for your help and support.

Dear parents, we have prepared for you folders “About children’s summer holidays”, where you can study in detail the information on how to properly spend the summer with your child and choose games according to the child’s age. “Concepts of speech - the fifth year of life” receive detailed information about the influence of speech on a child, word games on speech development.

Planning work for the New Year (purchasing workbooks for classes, buying toys).

I give the floor to the head of our kindergarten, Tatyana Aleksandrovna.

I give the floor to the parent committee: Vlasova T., Keer M.

And now we want to give you reminders where you can get detailed information about the knowledge and skills that children should receive in the second junior group at the end of the school year.

In conclusion, I would like to say: and wish each other success in our difficult task.

Slide 30: Thank you for your attention!



Final parent meeting in the second junior group “Our Achievements”

Participants of the meeting: teachers - Mamedova Guzel Rasulovna, Galikeeva Lyudmila Vasilievna, head, parents.

Description of the material: I hold a parent meeting at the end of the school year to show parents what the children of the second junior group of kindergarten have learned.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.

Description of the material: I hold a parent meeting at the end of the school year to show parents what the children of the second junior group of kindergarten have learned. - sum up the results of the joint activities of teachers and parents during the school year;

Determine prospects for the future.

- sum up the results of the joint activities of teachers and parents during the school year; - track the dynamics of children’s mental and physical development during the school year;

- promote the development of parental initiative and communication skills.

- track the dynamics of children’s mental and physical development during the school year; greeting, presentation, presentation of certificates, consultation, reminders, plans for the new academic year.

Preliminary work:Questioning of parents, ready-made photographs and videos of children.

Progress of the parent meeting:

Slide 1: Good afternoon, dear parents! We are pleased to welcome you to the final meeting of our group. How we lived this year, what was interesting in our lives, what we learned and what we still need to work on - this is our conversation today.

Slide 2: In order for you and me to get ready for work today and recharge ourselves with positivity, let’s do a training exercise.Training exercise “Glomerulus”.The teacher holds a ball in his hands and offers parentssay your name and describe yourself with one adjective, “What or what am I?”First, the teachers talk about themselves, wrap a thread around their finger and pass it around. As a result, when the ball returns to the teacher, a vicious circle results.

Dear parents. Look, you and I are closely connected and solve the same problems. We are like a big family, we must act together. After all, we must not forget that the parent is the main educator, and the kindergarten was created to help parents.

Slide 3: As A.S. said Makarenko“Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is a happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, our tears, it’s our guilt before other people, before antiquity.”

Now, with a good mood, we move on to serious issues.

When working with children, we used modern health technologies: saving and environmental technologies; educational activities are carried out using an audio system, didactic material, easels, magnetic boards, various toys, manuals, etc.

By the beginning of the school year, we had prepared a developmental environment that allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other.

We have done a lot of work to replenish the methodological and didactic collections. Various cognitive development games have been produced. A card index of games for social development, games for the development of logic and thinking, games for health conservation, games for instilling patriotic qualities, and games for safety have been selected.

A diagnosis of children's development was carried out at the beginning and end of the year. Here we see that the level of development of children at the end of the year is higher than at the beginning of the year. We draw the following diagnostic conclusions: we need to work more on speech development, play word games, and develop children’s vocabulary.

For the 2015-2016 academic year, we set ourselves the following goals: “Develop hand coordination and fine motor skills. Improve memory, attention, and the ability to coordinate movement and speech.”

Slide 4: In order to solve this problem, we carried out the following activities: - Finger games were held daily with children: “Water, water...”, “Bunnies”, “Cabbage”, “Mice”, “Finger-boy”, “My family”, “ White-sided magpie”, “There comes a horned goat”, etc.

Slide 5: - Every day there were games for hands and fingers using massage balls, folding a picture of 2-4 parts, games of plasticine, board games “Mosaic”, “Loto”; collecting pyramids, playing with cubes.

A file of finger games has been collected;

We plan to solve this problem further for the next academic year. To develop hand motor skills, we plan to continue drawing using unconventional methods: drawing with our hands and fingers.

We have repeatedly held exhibitions of joint work both within the group and throughout the kindergarten, and our parents took part in them with desire and enthusiasm. This year we designed such exhibitions as “Autumn Fantasies” - crafts from the gifts of autumn, “Hello New Year”, “On Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “March 8”.

Thus, in our group, we have created a favorable environment for children in order to demonstrate motor, play and intellectual activity and satisfy interest in a variety of activities.

All goals and objectives set for this year have been achieved.

Now look what we have achieved this year (presentation)

Slide 6: Educational work is carried out in several directions.

Slide 7-8: Cognitive development.By playing board games, children learn about the world around them, get acquainted with the classification of objects, domestic and wild animals, study the natural world, and form an idea of ​​shape, color, size, and quantity.

Slide 9: They have an idea about their family and the village in which they live.

Slide 10-11: Walk. We teach children to dress and undress in a certain sequence with a little help from an adult. We hang things carefully and put them in the closet. We learn to unbutton the front buttons and untie the laces. Dear parents, give your children more independence to undress and dress themselves. On a walk we: observe nature. Let's play. We do hard work. We are working to develop the movement.

Slide 12-14: Artistic and aesthetic development.In music classes, children show emotional responsiveness to age-appropriate musical works, distinguish between happy and sad melodies, and try to convey playful and fairy-tale images expressively.

Slide 15-16: Feel a feeling of joy; They try to depict simple objects and phenomena in modeling, appliqué, design, and drawing, conveying their figurative expressiveness.

Slide 17-18: Next directionphysical development: children grow up healthy, cheerful, physically and creatively developed.

Slide 19-21: Social and communicative direction.Mastered self-care skills.

Slide 22-24: In the game, children consolidate their acquired knowledge. Knows how to show goodwill, kindness, and friendliness towards others. Responds to the emotions of loved ones and friends. They make attempts to feel sorry for their peers, hug them, and help them.

Slide 25: Speech development:Children can make sentences based on pictures.

Slide 26: During classes, articulation and breathing exercises are performed.

Children enjoy listening to literary works and looking at pictures in books.

Slide 27: By telling fairy tales, they develop speech, facial expressions, and replenish their vocabulary.

My favorite pastime is telling fairy tales using tabletop and flat theaters.

Slide 28: But in our group many children have speech problems.Speech, as we know, is a form of communication. In preschool age, it develops in 2 interrelated directions:

The child’s speech improves in the process of communication with adults and peers;

Speech becomes the basis for restructuring thought processes and turns into a tool of thinking.

A child’s well-developed speech contributes to successful learning at school. Speech disorders affect the formation of a child’s character, because a speech defect that is not corrected in time makes the child insecure, withdrawn, and irritable. With spontaneous speech development, only a few children reach a high level. Therefore, targeted training is necessary to create children’s interest in their native language and promote a creative attitude towards speech. The development of speech directly affects the development of thinking. Thanks to speech, children master the norms of social behavior, which contributes to moral education. Speech closely related to fine motor skills. Many children in preschool age have problems associated with coordination of movements, especially small movements of the hands and, in particular, fingers (it is difficult for a child to lace shoes, fasten buttons, etc.) It is known that a lag in the development of motor skills is often accompanied by a lag in development intelligence and speech.Therefore, in my work with children, to overcome delays in speech development, I use simple, entertaining tasks, exercises and games aimed at improving finger movements. Children really like these activities and are very effective both for improving coordination and speech development. Their benefit is also that they prepare the child’s hand for drawing, modeling, designing, and writing.Thus, mastering the native language is necessary for the full formation of the child’s personality.

Slide 29: Tell me, can you make a clap with one palm? Need a second hand. The clap is the result of the action of two palms. A teacher is only one palm. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second palm (and it is in your face, dear parents), the teacher is powerless.Only together, all together, we will overcome all difficulties in raising children.

And now we will happily move on to the most pleasant moment of our meeting - we want to express our gratitude to all the parents for their joint work, for their active participation in the life of the group, but most of all we are grateful to you for raising wonderful children.

A diploma is awarded (full name of Parents) for active participation in the life of the group and kindergarten; a diploma is awarded (full name of parents) for raising a child.

Thank you very much for your help and support.

Dear parents, we have prepared for you folders “About children’s summer holidays”, where you can study in detail the information on how to properly spend the summer with your child and choose games according to the child’s age. “Concepts of speech - the fifth year of life” receive detailed information about the influence of speech on a child, word games on speech development.

Planning work for the New Year (purchasing workbooks for classes, buying toys).

I give the floor to the head of our kindergarten, Tatyana Aleksandrovna.

I give the floor to the parent committee: Vlasova T., Keer M.

And now we want to give you reminders where you can get detailed information about the knowledge and skills that children should receive in the second junior group at the end of the school year.

In conclusion I would like to say:“Children are happiness created by our work!”and wish each other success in our difficult task.

Slide 30: Thank you for your attention!

Final parent meeting in the second junior group

Theme of the meeting: “Our achievements.”

Participants of the meeting: teacher - Bessonova Oksana Vladimirovna, Tregubova Elena Ivanovna, parents.

Description of the material: A parent meeting is held at the end of the school year to show parents what the children in the second youngest group of kindergarten have learned.

Integration of educational areas: Participants of the meeting: teachers - Mamedova Guzel Rasulovna, Galikeeva Lyudmila Vasilievna, head, parents.

Description of the material: I hold a parent meeting at the end of the school year to show parents what the children of the second junior group of kindergarten have learned.- summarize the joint activities of the teacher and parents during the school year;


- sum up the results of the joint activities of teachers and parents during the school year; Determine prospects for the future.

- Tasks:

- track the dynamics of children’s mental and physical development during the school year; promote the development of parental initiative and communication skills.

Preliminary work: Questioning of parents, ready-made photographs and videos of children.

Progress of the parent meeting:

Good afternoon, dear parents! We are pleased to welcome you to the final meeting of our group. How we lived this year, what was interesting in our lives, what we learned and what we still need to work on - this is our conversation today.

In order for you and me to get ready for work today and recharge ourselves with positivity, let’s do a training exercise.

Training exercise “Glomerulus”. The teacher holds a ball in his hands and invites the parents to say their name and describe themselves with one adjective, “What or what am I?” First, the teachers talk about themselves, wrap a thread around their finger and pass it around. As a result, when the ball returns to the teacher, a vicious circle results.

Dear parents. Look, you and I are closely connected and solve the same problems. We are like a big family, we must act together. After all, we must not forget that the parent is the main educator, and the kindergarten was created to help parents.

As A.S. said Makarenko “Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is a happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, our tears, it’s our guilt before other people, before antiquity.”

Now, with a good mood, we move on to serious issues.

When working with children, we used modern technologies: health-saving and environmental technologies; educational activities are carried out using an audio system, didactic material, an easel, magnetic boards, various toys, manuals, etc.

Elena Peretyagina


parent meeting of MDOU d\s o\v No. 7, at 2 younger group

the date of the: ___ G.

Subject: “So we have become a year older, results work of the past year."

Present: ___Human.

Agenda parent meeting:

1. Opening speech by the teacher.

2. Showing the presentation “So we have become a year older, results work of the past year" - Peretyagina E.V.

3. Exercise "And we have" (ball game).

Target: summing up results educational activities.

Tasks: introduce give birth parents with the achievements and successes of their children; let down results joint activities of the teacher, children and parents.


1. Opening speech by teacher Peretyagina E.V.

Good afternoon, dear parents! We are pleased to welcome you to final meeting of our group. How we lived this year, what was interesting in our lives, what we learned and what we still need to work on - this is our conversation today. During the year, all children developed according to their age, mastered the program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development.

Slide 2 "Morning exercises". The day begins with morning exercises. Gymnastics complexes are scheduled for each month

Slide 3 “We are funny guys, we love to run and play, so try to catch up with us!”.

During the day we play outdoor games, conduct physical education sessions, and pay attention to breathing and finger exercises. Our children love to play games where someone is chasing them "Swan geese", "By the Bear in the Forest", "Cat and Mice", "The wind blows in Kuban", "Sasha the Cossack" and many others. We also love to celebrate birthdays; for the birthday boy we definitely take "Loaf" .

Slide 4 “Self-massage. Fine motor skills".

Slide 5 Walking along massage paths "Health". We carry out recreational work after daytime sleep (barefoot walking, air baths, according to the temperature regime. Walking along massage paths.

Slide 6 Physical development. We conduct active physical exercise classes development: walking on benches, long jumps, throwing a ball at a distance, etc. At the end of the year, it is worth noting that children are developing physically, moving with desire, they are interested in performing a variety of physical exercises, they have learned to perform various actions. In accordance with their age, they develop coordination of movements, are able to quickly respond to signals, and switch from one movement to another. They have learned to complete tasks and are eager to take part in game activities.

Slide 7 Cultural and hygienic skills. Over the course of the year, children developed the simplest cultural and hygienic skills. When washing, children wash themselves hands: soap them with soap, rinse them off, dry them with a towel. All children know their towel and carefully hang it in place.

Slide 8 Not everyone knew how to eat with a spoon, but they grew up a little when they were a year old. Now look quickly, we know how to eat ourselves! During meals, children eat on their own; we teach them to eat carefully and give gifts after meals. Children are good helpers in setting the table. Fulfill requests. We teach them to clean up toys.

Slide 9 Self-service skills. With a little help from adults, children can undress (take off tights, shoes) and fold clothes neatly on a chair. Dressing is a little more difficult for us, but we are still learning.

Slide 10-11 Artistic creativity Children know that they can draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and a brush. They know how to hold them correctly in their hands. There are different colors. We learned to draw horizontal, vertical and rounded lines. Children know how to use plasticine, roll out a lump of plasticine with straight and circular movements of their hands; Break off small lumps of plasticine from a large lump of plasticine and flatten them with your palms. Sculpt simple figures.

Slide 12 In educational activities: learned 6 basic colors: red, yellow, green, blue, white, black, size (large, small, shapes (circle, square, triangle). Name one or many objects. Children know and name domestic and wild animals and their young. There are vegetables and fruits. Have an understanding of natural seasonal phenomena.

Slide 13 On musical development, which is led by the music director - Yulia Stanislovovna, children are actively involved in joint activities, sing, know a lot of songs, reproduce dance movements (clap, stomp, reproduce the actions of animals, for example, a bunny). Children react emotionally/naturally to familiar children's songs.

Slide 14V constructive activities: In the process of playing with tabletop and floor building materials, children became familiar with the details (cube, brick, they can build elementary buildings according to the model (pieces of furniture, houses, turrets, paths, bridges, car garage). And they are happy to beat them.

Slide 15-16 Game activity: Children enjoy playing didactic and educational games, assembling puzzles and mosaics. Mastered the skills of plot-display games. Children transfer familiar actions into play. The doctor treats, the driver drives the car, the hairdresser gives haircuts. And of course, they love playing outdoors.

Slide 17 Summary results. This year in group new ones were purchased toys: hairdresser for girls, sofas for playing with dolls, construction set. And our object environment is replenished with your gifts, which the kids are very happy about and play with pleasure.

2. Exercise "And we have" (ball game)

Dear parents, we wanted you to also praise and say what new happened to your baby in your opinion, what he learned, what surprised and pleased you, and maybe scared you. Parents take turns passing the ball.

Ours has come to an end Parent meeting. We would like to thank you for your help and cooperation throughout the year. We are very glad that you came to visit us final meeting and I hope, were happy for the children, saw the results and their small achievements. All the best!

Publications on the topic:

Final parent meeting in the first junior group Final parent meeting in junior group 1. Purpose of the meeting: to summarize the joint activities of the teacher and parents over the past.

Purpose of the meeting: to summarize the joint activities of the teacher and parents over the past year; determine prospects for the future.

Purpose: summing up the educational activities. Objectives: to introduce parents to the achievements and successes of their children; summarize.

In the 1st junior group, a final parent meeting was held. At this meeting, the results of the arrival of the children of the first year were summed up.

Final parent meeting in the first junior group “Our children have grown up” Tserenova Nina Mikhailovna Final parent meeting in the first junior group “Our children have grown up” Purpose: summing up the educational results.

Final parent meeting in the second junior group “Fireflies”“Our achievements” Educator: Victoria Vladimirovna Malakhova. Purpose: - to summarize the results of the joint activities of teachers and parents during the school year.

Final parent meeting in the second junior group Final parent meeting in the second junior group. Date: Purpose of the meeting: to summarize the joint activities of the teacher and parents.

Final parent meeting in the second junior group The group is decorated with balloons. Progress of the event: Educator: Summer is coming and our children are moving to the middle group. Your children, dear ones.

Final parent meeting in the second junior group “What have we learned in a year” Final parent meeting in the second junior group “What have we learned in a year” Purpose: summing up the results of educational activities.

Final parent meeting in the second junior group “Journey to the Land of Friendship” Final parent meeting in the second junior group of the kindergarten “Journey to the Country of Friendship.” Teacher 1: Good evening, dear ones.

Image library:

Final parent meeting in the second junior group

“What have we learned in a year”

Description of the material: I hold a parent meeting at the end of the school year to show parents what the children of the second junior group of kindergarten have learned. summing up the results of educational activities.

- sum up the results of the joint activities of teachers and parents during the school year; introduce parents to the achievements and successes of their children; summarize the joint activities of the teacher, children and parents.

Our meeting agenda:

2. Report “What we learned in a year”

3. Master class “Learning by playing”

3. Miscellaneous.

1. Opening speech by the teacher

Good afternoon, dear parents! We are pleased to welcome you to the final meeting of our group. How we lived this year, what was interesting in our lives, what we learned and what we still need to work on - this is our conversation today.

During the year, all children developed according to their age, mastered the program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development.

All children adapted well to the new group.

Our school year is coming to an end. The children have become a year older. The children learned a lot throughout the year.

We developed them in such qualities as: physical, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, taught cultural and hygienic skills, self-service skills.

Over the course of the year, children developed the simplest cultural and hygienic skills. While washing, children wash their hands on their own: lather them with soap, rinse them off, and dry them with a towel. All children know their towel and carefully hang it in place.

They learned to dress, undress, and fasten sandals on their own; many try to fasten buttons themselves, turn things inside out, and carefully hang things on chairs.

Developing artistic and aesthetic direction, basically all children learned:

Hold a pencil or brush correctly.

Color without going beyond the outline.

Draw straight, wavy, rounded lines

There are primary colors (K.Zh.Z, S, B.B.)

Children know how to use plasticine:

roll out a lump of plasticine with straight and circular movements;

break off small lumps from a large lump of plasticine,

flatten them with your palms. Sculpt simple figures.

We worked a lot with paper, making appliqués from ready-made forms. We learned to work carefully with glue, use napkins, and learned to navigate paper (top, bottom).

Children really like productive activities, as they involve creativity, imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills; while working, children communicate with each other, give hints, and help each other. And of course, I am pleased with the instant result.

Cognitive development:

We learned to distinguish objects by color, shape, size, to find 1-many, big-small, high-low, wide-narrow, long-short.

We learn to navigate in time: morning, afternoon, evening, night. And what do people do at this time of day?

Seasons and their signs: warm in summer, green grass, trees, flowers blooming, you can swim, etc. Autumn, winter, spring.

We recognize and name vegetables and fruits and where they grow.

They distinguish between wild and domestic animals and call them cubs.

Classify objects: clothes, shoes, hats, furniture, animals, fish, insects. transport.

We know the geometric shapes CIRCLE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE,

What are they similar to and how are they different? From geometric shapes we lay out a picture according to the sample, from counting sticks.

What types of objects are there: made of wood - wooden, made of plastic - plastic, made of iron - iron.

Physical development: We play P/i, M/p, finger games, do physical education, and use physical education minutes in classes.

In speech development: children know a lot of poems, finger games, nursery rhymes, Russian folk tales are happy to dramatize them, sing songs, participate in matinees, communicate during games with adults and children.

The group celebrated big holidays, such as: Autumn, Mother's Day, New Year, February 23. March 8. The children prepared for them with pleasure and showed good results.

Exercise “And here we are” (conversation with flags)

Dear parents, I wanted you to also brag and say what new happened to your baby in your opinion, what he learned, what surprised and pleased you, and maybe scared you. Parents take turns passing the flag and “boasting” about some quality, skill, or ability their child has acquired this year.

Master class “Learning by playing” parents + children.

Today we will show children several types of games that develop children’s speech, cognitive development, attention, imagination, and fine motor skills. These will be finger games, musical motor games, and word games.

1 Finger games: 2-3pcs

2 musical-motor 2-3sh

3 speech.

Miscellaneous :

1 Inform the kindergarten in a timely manner about the child’s illness or about his absence without a good reason.

2. Do not take sick children to kindergarten, snot, cough.

3. Maintain a routine at home. (In the morning the children want to sleep)

4. Make sure that children go clean and washed in the morning!!!

5. Do not give children sweets in kindergarten. (They quarrel)

6. Force children to turn out their own things.


I would like to say a huge thank you to the parent committee. Who took an active part in the life of the group, organized gifts for children for the holidays, purchased toys, informed parents, as well as all parents who did not stand aside, responded to requests, participated in competitions, helped decorate plots, the group for the holiday, and deal with snow.
