From do-it-yourself paper napkins. Do-it-yourself napkin flowers - step-by-step instructions on how to make paper flowers with your own hands (100 photos)

An original and pleasant gift can be a beautiful bouquet made with your own hands from absolutely ordinary paper napkins. Choose the color of napkins and the size of your choice. In this case, it will be yellow flowers with green leaves in a ready-made basket. Type of basket.

Instead of a basket, you can use an ordinary plastic flower pot or any other vase that is not used for its intended purpose.
1. We inflate a regular balloon to the size you need. Dilute PVA glue with water (about 1 teaspoon of glue per half glass of water). We lower the napkins into the resulting solution and glue the balloon with them. The more layers, the stronger the bouquet will be. The tail of the ball must be left free in order to subsequently pull it out of there.

2. While the ball is completely dry, there is time to cut out flowers and leaves. To do this, take a four-layer napkin and fold it in half, then in half again.

3. Cut out the circle and make a lot of cuts along the edge. If you need a lush flower, then the incisions must be made thinner and more bowl. The leaves are cut in exactly the same way. The only difference is the larger diameter of the circle. Green color can be much brighter. In the example, the color is not saturated enough.

5. The next step is to collect the inflorescence. To do this, each layer of the napkin, starting from the top, is pressed to the center. The main thing here is accuracy, since thin napkins can tear. Leaves can also be bent, but not necessarily. So the flowers will appear more lush.

The number of colors depends on the size of the inflated balloon. Do not be upset if there are a lot of flowers and it seems to you that not everyone has enough space. They fit everything with ease. For this inflorescence, it is necessary to press it more tightly to the middle. If there are fewer flowers, then, on the contrary, they need to be spread more strongly and not glued tightly to each other, or cut out additional new ones.
6. When the wipes on the balloon are completely dry, gently deflate the balloon and remove it. If desired, a few more layers of napkins can be glued to the place where the ball was pulled out so that there is no hole. In this case, you will again have to wait until the napkins are completely dry. If the hole is small, you can leave it as is.
7. Using super glue, glue the ball to the basket and start gluing the previously prepared flowers. You need to start from the highest point of the ball and gradually go down to the bottom. Try not to press hard, so as not to push the ball, because there is a void inside. Of course, work on the bouquet can be continued. It can be decorated with beads, various satin ribbons. In this example, red glitters are applied in the center of the flowers. To do this, apply a drop of glue with a thin brush, and then sprinkle with sparkles with another brush. As a result, the bouquet will look like this.

A napkin is a simple and necessary thing on the table. But not everyone will think about using it in a different way. Look at this little thing from the other side and then you will understand that the thinness of the paper from which it is made, elegant prints and relative cheapness (compared to other materials) make the napkin a unique raw material for creating unique crafts. This is unlimited ground for imagination, because with the help of an ordinary napkin you can create any shape. It's worth starting simple. For example, everyone can make flowers from napkins with their own hands, you just need to familiarize yourself with several techniques, as well as show a little perseverance and patience.

Rose technique

Do-it-yourself flowers from napkins can be made using single-layer or three-layer napkins. Most often, three-layer napkins will have to be divided into layers, then the resulting flower will be more beautiful and neat. In order to create a colored rose, we need 2 single-layer napkins. One of them is red for the bud, the other is green for the stem.
First you need to unfold and straighten the red napkin. Carefully cut off about a third of it. Fold the napkin in half. You need to bend exactly its upper half. Look at the picture and see how it's done. Wrap the top of the strip around your left index finger. Get a blank for the bud. Roll the napkin around the bottom folded edge. One corner will stand out a little. You need to pull it up, then bend it to the side. Spread the bud very carefully with your fingers so as not to crush the petals, but to give the flower a natural shape. To perform this action will require some skill.

For the stem, you will need one single-layer cloth completely unfolded, or one of the layers of a three-layer cloth, previously separated. Wrap the napkin around the rolled end of the bud as shown. In the course of twisting, transform the napkin into a stem. In the middle of the stem, you need to make a leaf, for this, pull the edge of the napkin, and highlight the corner out. Continue twisting the napkin to the end.
After completing all the steps, you can admire the beautiful flower that was created by your hands. The rose flower is ready. You can make several such elegant flowers - it will be an original bouquet that you can even give. If you do not have multi-colored napkins, then you can make the bud and stem of the same color.

Technique "Dandelion"

Do-it-yourself fluffy, multi-layered flowers from napkins are made not only for bouquets, but also for creating applications with a three-dimensional effect. Consider the technique of creating a dandelion. You will need a three-layer yellow napkin, green colored paper, a stapler, cardboard, which will be the substrate for the composition, and a little imagination.

The principle of making a flower

We take a three-layer napkin and divide into layers. We take two layers for a flower and fold them 4 times. Let's put both layers together on top of each other. We fasten the layers crosswise with a stationery stapler, as shown in the figure.

Cut out a circle from a square blank. Along the circumference of the trimmed workpiece, we make cuts at an equal interval from each other (about a millimeter deep). Gently lift the upper thin layer with your fingers and squeeze it to the center. Do the same with the next layers. You can lift each individual layer or two or three layers at a time. The dandelion bud is ready, let's move on to the rest of the flower.

To create a picture, apply your creative vision. Cut out dandelion petals from colored paper, stick to the substrate as your flair tells you, so you get a beautiful, exclusive picture.

Using a similar technique, you can make an arrangement of sakura flowers from napkins with your own hands. In this case, you will need to take the multi-colored layers of a three-layer napkin, at a certain moment divide the workpiece into four parts, cut a flower instead of a circle and then continue to work, as shown in the figure.

Technique "Carnation"

You can get another masterpiece if you master the technique of creating fabulously beautiful carnations. If you want to make a red flower, then take a three-layer napkin of the corresponding color.

Tear off a small part about 1 cm wide from the napkin. You need to tear it off, not cut it off. This will give naturalness to the edges of the petals. It is important not to tear off the fold, watch this. Unfold one spread of the napkin as shown. Fold the napkin in the form of a bow with an accordion. With the torn part, tie the bow in the middle, as in the picture.

Next, you need to separate one layer from either side of the bow, do the same with all other layers. The other part of the bow can be cut off and fixed with a stapler, this will be the base of the bud. Thus, you will get beautiful flowers from napkins with your own hands.

You can make a composition of multi-colored flowers, do not forget that carnations are white, pink, and delicate tea color.

If at the very beginning of the manufacture of the carnation you do not tear off part of the napkin, fold it in its original form, then, by cutting the corners of the folded strip in a semicircle, you can get a completely different flower. Having experimented with similar moments, you will get many variations of colors from napkins, made not just from improvised material, but also with your own hands.

Using glue, you can attach flowers from paper napkins to a spherical shape, dilute them with beads and petals cut from colored paper or fabric and get fabulous compositions that can even decorate a wedding interior in the hall.

Galina Vorotnikova

Master class for making flowers from napkins to decorate a room

1 step. For making flowers we need red napkins, white, pink, yellow flowers;

stapler or wire, or thread.

Step 2 Take six napkins, unfold and fold exactly on top of each other

3 step These napkins need to roll up

Step 4 Find the middle and pull something together

Step 5 Cut corners with scissors, or round corners

Step 6 turned out such a bow. Now let's lift each napkin to separately to the middle

Step 7 turned out so beautiful flower

Then we started experimenting a bit. We also decided to make white and pink flowers- it turned out apple Colour. After all Colour apple trees are a symbol of purity, freshness, spring, the beginning of a new life, which perfectly conveys the nationwide joy of all generations in connection with the Great Victory Day.

Step 8 - take three white and three pink napkins, and do exactly the same as with the red ones.

And from the red napkins turned out wonderful carnations or poppies. I immediately remember the words of Yuri Antonov's song

Poppies, poppies, red poppies,

Bitter memory of the Earth.

After all, red Colour reminds us of the blood shed in the war, of the feat of the fallen and surviving soldiers. Red color - the color of the Soviet banner, Colour Victory of courage and bravery.

I congratulate YOU, dear colleagues, on the Great Holiday VICTORY DAY!

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How to make a paper napkin flower (rose, chrysanthemum, carnation)


A few previous materials on making flowers from corrugated paper and satin fabric published on the site, our visitors liked it, and in continuation of the topic, we will consider in this article interesting ways to fold flowers from napkins . You will learn how single-layer, three-layer and multi-layer paper napkins can be folded topiary with flowers Or a big rose. With the help of step-by-step master classes and video tutorials, you can easily learn how to make do-it-yourself roses from napkins and other flower options.

One of the common uses for beautifully folded napkin crafts is to decorate the festive table and dishes. flower balls from two- and three-layer paper napkins or handmade roses, folded from fabric napkins, will look great when setting the table. And the most important thing - original fold flower from a tissue or paper napkin can be done in a matter of minutes, which is important when preparing for a festive event!
Especially elegant look neat
painted paper flowers - to create such crafts, it is advisable to choose white napkins. And some craftsmen know how to make one big flower out of colored napkins with their own hands.

For the formation beautiful petals cut from single-layer napkins, the blanks are folded, twisted, crumpled, torn and tinted. Of such paper petals collect very interesting crafts in the form of carnations, chrysanthemums, orchids, daisies, gladioli, violets. Flowers, folded from three-layer napkins, can be easily given volume by separating the petals into layers and giving them the desired shape.

In one of the master classes below, you will learn how to make a rose from a napkin by layering the petals. Small flowers folded from three-layer napkins can be used to decorate the topiary or a flower ball (based on a floral or foam ball). Separate handmade napkin roses can be glued to a beautiful branch. Such a decorative element can be placed in a narrow vase - a great idea for organizing a compositional center in the interior of a room.

And you can make a lot of small roses from multi-colored napkins and put the bouquet in a wide vase. Some craftsmen decorate paintings and panels with flowers from paper napkins to decorate interior objects, bouquets of sweets or soft toys.


Materials and tools :thin single-layer napkins, small beads, floral wire, white tape, scissors, glue.

Stages of work:

cut out two identical strips 10 cm wide from pink napkins (or tint white later) and glue them together. Now you need to fold the workpiece four times (along the long part);

Scissors round off the upper edge of the folded strip of napkin, and then unfold it; again we fold the strip from the napkin with a slight shift and round the edges of the strip with scissors;

Now you need to fold the workpiece in half in length. At the end of a piece of wire we make a loop and twist the edge of the napkin around the loop;


Fresh flowers are beautiful at any time of the year and always dilute our lives with bright colors, bring a sunny mood and positive emotions. But this does not give us a reason to be skeptical about artificial flowers. If fresh flowers are a wonderful creation of nature, which we never cease to admire, then non-living ones can turn out to be a real work of art in the skillful hands of a master and literally come to life. So, today we will create beauty and mood around, namely, to make amazing paper flowers with our own hands.

Let's start with something simpler. Let's try to create a bouquet of cute flowers from napkins.

We will need several colored napkins (according to the number of flowers), Moment glue (universal or superglue), scissors, a stapler.

Take a napkin and fold it in half and then in half again.

In the center we fasten the layers of the napkin with a stapler.

Cut the folded napkin in a circle with scissors.

Then, starting from the upper layers, we crush the circles to the center: the upper ones are stronger, the lower ones are weaker. Carefully straighten the desired petals to form a beautiful and neat flower.

If we are going to make a bouquet in a pot or vase, and not flowers on legs, we need to prepare both the flowerpot and the base of the bouquet in advance.

The basis of the bouquet can be, for example, a large ball of paper, a ball or a hemisphere of foam rubber, or you can make a paper ball using the papier-mâché technique. To do this, inflate the balloon to the size we need and smear it with cream or Vaseline. We take PVA glue, napkins or fairly thick toilet paper. We coat the paper with glue and stick it in even layers on the ball. When the "shell" of the balloon becomes thick enough (about 4 mm), leave it to dry. After the paper frame has completely dried, the ball can be blown off or burst and removed from it.

We return to our bouquet. If the base is ready, we begin to glue our flowers to it. We plant them close enough to each other so that the bouquet is fluffy and the base does not shine through.

Between the flowers we glue leaves from a green napkin to revive our bouquet. And if you want the bouquet to sparkle, you can decorate the flower petals with beads or transparent beads for a dew effect.

Finally, a bright bouquet is ready!

We continue to use napkins. This time we make shy carnations.

We take napkins of any color you like, you can even take white paper handkerchiefs. We also need ordinary invisibles, colored markers or felt-tip pens with a thick stem, scissors.

If there are stems with leaves from artificial flowers - fine, you can use them. If not, then prepare the wire, green adhesive tape (you can use a green napkin and Moment glue instead).

Let's start with the buds. We fold the napkin, as shown in the photo, that is, with an accordion, and fix it in the center with an invisible one.

Manually, without the help of scissors, tear off the ends of the napkin on both sides. Imagine how long the petals will be for your carnation, set aside this length to the right and left of the invisibility, and tear off the rest.

Do not worry about the evenness of the edges when torn off - the petals of the carnations are just uneven, with notches.

Now we impregnate the edges of the napkin, that is, our future petals, with marker or felt-tip pen paint. Again, do not try to draw a line of this thickness, let it be sloppy. You can even slightly moisten the traced edges of the napkin so that the paint smudges. Then the carnations will look even more unusual.

Well, you can carefully remove the invisibility, collect the napkin at the attachment point and begin to form a carnation flower.

We fix the base of the bud with adhesive tape and fasten it to the leg, if it is ready.

How to make a leg yourself. You can wrap the wire with green adhesive tape, periodically attaching leaves of colored paper or napkins to the stem. And you can wrap the wire with a green napkin or thread: to do this, you first need to fix the thread or napkin on the wire with glue at one end, and then coat the wire with glue during the wrapping process. And here, too, do not forget about narrow leaves, like those of a carnation.

Well, the buds with multi-colored borders are already on the stems, it's time to place a bouquet of carnations in a suitable vase.

From napkins we move on to colored double-sided paper or even cardboard (choose a density of 200-250 g / m 2). Let's try to make a bouquet of tulips.

Some people like these spring flowers in yellow, some in red, white or two-tone ... Choose your favorite color for the paper and let's get started.

In addition to paper or cardboard, we need a patterned hole puncher with a six-leaf or five-leaf flower (if there is none, it's okay, draw and cut out a flower template, and follow it with a few more identical flowers).

For the stems, you need an elastic green twine (you can also paint with watercolors), to emboss the petals and leaves, you need a coil of wire and a non-writing rod from a ballpoint pen (or stack), PVA glue or Moment-gel, scissors, napkins, a container of water.

Spray the cut flowers with plenty of water from a spray bottle (you can tint the water with watercolor so that there are stains on the tulips) or simply dip the flowers in water for a few minutes to get them wet. After impregnation, blot the flowers with a napkin to remove excess water.

Now let's start embossing so that the petals of our tulips become more alive and look more like real ones.

Embossing is best done on a silicone mat (you can replace it with a soft mouse pad). We put the flower on the rug and press down its petals with twisted wire.

Until the flower blanks are completely dry, we begin to form tulip buds. We pierce the core of the flower and thread a piece of twine with a pre-tied knot to fix the bud. We fix the flower on the stem with glue.

Then grease the three petals with glue, as shown in the picture.

Put the petals together and fold them at the same time. Then we coat the two remaining petals closer to the base and close the tulip bud, completing it.

It's time for the leaves. Lightly dampen a leaf of tulip cut out of green paper or cardboard, and remove excess moisture with a napkin. Gently and slowly, so as not to tear or damage the surface, draw longitudinal lines on the sheet with a rod or stack, squeezing them out. Like embossing, this is best done on a rug.

Fold the leaves at the base, glue to the stem of the tulip. And it's done!

A couple more of these tulips - and you get a small bouquet, and if you wish, you can make a whole armful of several flowers and, putting it in a vase, arrange an extraordinary spring in the room.

Very delicate flowers are obtained from crepe paper. We can say that it is just a godsend for making paper flowers, because their petals are thin, translucent and sometimes incredibly similar to the petals of fresh flowers.

So, to create poppies, we need:

We cut out the petals of the future poppy from crepe paper in the form of a droplet (its base can be made even wider than in the photo). The petals don't have to be the same. Five petals is enough.

To make the core, we fasten 7-9 stamens together with adhesive tape (if you have the same ones as in the photo, you can fold them in half).

We collect petals around the stamens. You can fix each with a drop of Moment-Gel glue so that they do not crumble. At the same time, we give the petals a curved shape - crepe paper is easy to deform.

We insert our stem into the base of the bud, if it is ready. If the wire was found only “bare”, you must first wrap it with adhesive green tape or glue it with green crepe paper.

We attach the stalk with adhesive tape and at the same time we make out the base of the bud.

We correct the petals and slightly stretch the paper so that the flower turns out to be the desired spherical shape. And our poppy is ready.

If desired, you can make petals on the stem, and also insert a lump of gray crepe paper into the core between the stamens, for greater resemblance to a real poppy.

These poppies are easy to make, so your bunch will come together pretty quickly.

And now let's try to make a flower of stunning realism. Peonies please us in the summer for a very short time, so we have a great opportunity to collect a bouquet that will stand on the table all year round. And you will not immediately guess that it is made of paper flowers with your own hands!

What you need to prepare:

  • crepe paper in white or pale pink;
  • a cup that can be used in the microwave;
  • watercolor, water, spray or soft natural brush;
  • stems from old artificial flowers, floral green wire or any other (you already know how to make a stem);
  • floral green tape (teip tape).

We cut out petals of the desired shape from crepe paper, not necessarily the same.

Put the petal on the inverted cup and start spraying with colored water from a spray bottle (or lightly apply watercolor water with a brush). Use different shades and colors to give realism.

When you have achieved the desired color, put the cup with the petal in the microwave for about 30 seconds. If the petal is not dry, put a little more. We remove the dried petal from the cup and prepare the next one.

This technology helps us achieve the desired shape of the petals and make them very naturalistic.

If you have an old stem with a bud base, great. We make out the core, as shown in the photo. If this is not available, we attach with glue to a previously prepared stem a twisted ribbon with a notched edge made of crepe paper.

Then we begin to carefully glue the petals to the core, collecting the bud. We decorate the base of the bud with teip tape (you can use green crepe paper).

For a complete bouquet, we make several peonies with a different number of petals and a couple of unblown buds.

It remains to pick up the same delicate vase for this beautiful airy bouquet.

May flowers created with love and inspiration always decorate your home. Happy creativity!
