How to get rid of the smell of new sneakers. How to prevent stench

Fans of sports shoes often face the problem of unpleasant odor after using them. As soon as the feet sweat a little, how to take off your sneakers and there is no desire at all, especially in front of strangers. Let's look at ways to eliminate this delicate situation.

The reasons for the smell from shoes are not only increased sweating of the feet, but also their improper hygiene, poor-quality product material, and poor ventilation in shoes. To minimize the risk of odor in your sneakers, follow some simple guidelines:
  1. Maintain foot hygiene. Keep your socks clean and change them in a timely manner.
  2. Do not leave wet shoes, be sure to dry them. Sneakers are not recommended to dry near heating devices. For proper drying, you will need paper, including unnecessary newspapers. Fill the sneakers with paper, and it will absorb all the moisture over time. After you take off your shoes, do not be lazy and air them out, even if your feet are not sweaty and your sneakers are not wet.
  3. To reduce sweating of the feet, there are talc deodorants. You will find the same fresheners directly for shoes.
  4. When choosing sports shoes, consider the following points:
  • sneakers and insoles made of natural materials will eliminate excessive sweating of the feet;
  • stock up on replacement insoles and use a pair for no longer than a week;
  • tight sneakers not only create inconvenience during their operation, but also contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Folk remedies will also help rid your sneakers of an unpleasant smell. The simplicity of these methods lies in the fact that you will always find the right ingredients in your refrigerator or first aid kit.

Vinegar. It is enough to wipe the sneakers from the inside with a cloth soaked in vinegar, and you will no longer smell the smell that bothered you.

Green tea. Green tea will absorb both the smell of worn shoes and the factory smell of new sneakers. Leave the tea bags under your insoles for a few hours.

Baking soda. For a day, fill sports shoes with baking soda. When the smell "goes away", simply throw away the used soda, and remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner.

Freezing. In winter, sneakers can simply be put on the balcony, where the low temperature will save you the trouble of fighting the smell. The smell will disappear by itself.

In some cases, wet shoe cleaning with shampoo helps. After "washing" the sneakers must be dried well.

As you can see, getting your sneakers fresh is very easy. Follow the necessary hygiene rules and adopt several ways to deal with unwanted odors. Now it will be much more pleasant to go in for sports and just wear comfortable sports shoes.

If you leave your sneakers in your bag after a workout, they will emit an unpleasant odor. The same will happen if a person stays in shoes for a long time on a hot sunny day: a greenhouse effect will be created inside the product, under the influence of which the feet will begin to sweat intensely. Synthetic socks, tight or breathable shoes, stress, fungus, excessive sweating, various diseases also lead to m that sneakers stink. In order not to provoke the appearance of an unpleasant amber, the unpleasant smell of sneakers must be disposed of. Fortunately, there are many methods to remove the smell from sneakers.

The situation when sneakers stink is a consequence of the active development of bacteria and increased sweating. In a hot, dark, humid environment, pathogenic microorganisms have ideal opportunities to grow and reproduce. To prevent this, before ridding the shoes of the smell, it must be disinfected.

Freezing will help to cope with this - bacteria die at low temperatures. To remove the smell, sneakers should be placed in a paper bag or a plastic bag and sent to the freezer (in winter - to the balcony). Take it out of the fridge in the morning and let the shoes warm up. It must be borne in mind that the method is not suitable for patent leather shoes.

Another method is washing. Sneakers can be washed in the washing machine, put in a pillowcase, setting the delicate wash mode, without using the spin cycle and hot water. After washing, air dry first with paper towels. Do not put the product under the battery or on it - the sole may burst, and the shoes will decrease in size. If the sneakers cannot be washed in the machine, you can wash the sneakers by hand: wipe the inside and outside with a damp cloth.

Steam is characterized by a powerful bactericidal effect: under the influence of high temperature, fungi and bacteria die, the main cause of an unpleasant odor. A steam cleaner or iron, which has a steam function, will help to cope with the task.

professional tools

To remove the smell from the sneakers will help professional means. Odorless aerosols (Salamander Shoe Deo, Scholl Fresh Step, Kiwi Extra Freshness, Dividik) quickly neutralize unpleasant odors, while antibacterial and antifungal components prevent the active growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Among the minuses - fast consumption.

Spray deodorants last a long time, are safe for feet and shoes due to the absence of gas. Among such products are Cliven, Odor Gone Shoes, Tamaris 4Ever Shoes Shoes Deo. These drugs not only mask the smell from sneakers, but also eliminate the source of the smell, have antibacterial properties.

Scented sprays such as Saphir, Shoe Fresh Deo from Solitaire destroy bacteria, fungi, and effectively help get rid of the smell of sneakers. Effective sweat sprays give shoes a minty, lemony, or other scent.

Folk remedies

If there is no money for expensive professional drugs, there are many homemade ways to get rid of an unpleasant smell in sneakers:

  • soda;
  • alcohol;
  • vinegar;
  • Activated carbon;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • bleach;
  • green tea;
  • vinegar solution;
  • citrus skins;
  • Bay leaf.

It is good to use soda for white shoes, since colored products after the procedure will have to be thoroughly washed from white spots. To get rid of sneakers from the smell of feet, you need to pour baking soda into your shoes in a dense layer and leave for 12 hours, then shake it out. You can achieve a greater effect by pouring soda and cornstarch into socks in equal proportions and placing them in the product overnight.

Another remedy for white sneakers is bleach, slightly diluted in water, or liquid bleach. Pour the solution into the product and leave for three minutes, then pour and dry well. For colored sneakers, the method is not suitable, since the surface can be discolored.

Activated charcoal is able to remove unpleasant odors: it absorbs odors well and neutralizes bacteria. It is necessary to grind five tablets, pour the powder into the product, leave it overnight, remove it in the morning.

Medical or ethyl alcohol, vodka, vinegar can also be used if the sneakers emit a bad smell. It is necessary to moisten cotton wool in the product and process the shoes from the inside. Then wet a new tampon and place it in sneakers for five hours, then leave it to ventilate on the balcony. Ammonia can be used in a similar way, but given its pungent smell, the product must be processed in the fresh air, and sneakers should be left on the balcony.

Green tea has antibacterial properties, thanks to which it can be used to get rid of an unpleasant odor. For this purpose, place 5 tea bags in the product overnight. Another option is to pour strong tea leaves into the shoes and immediately put them to dry.

They interrupt the smell of sweat from citrus peels: it is enough to put a few fresh lemon or orange peels at night. You can also use lemon juice by squeezing it directly into the product and immediately wiping it with a rag. Then dry the product in a well-ventilated area.

When sneakers smell bad, bay leaf will help: it should be crushed and poured into sneakers at night. Seasoning can also be used to prevent the smell of sweat by putting a bay leaf under the insole and changing it periodically.

An atypical but effective method of getting rid of sneaker odor is cat litter. Pour the unused mixture into a sock and leave inside the shoe. It absorbs moisture and odor well. Good results can be achieved if the agent is left in the product for 24 hours. After use, dry the sock with filler on the battery, then you can use it again.


In order not to stink sneakers, preventive measures are necessary. When buying, preference should be given to "breathable" shoes, otherwise synthetics will create a greenhouse effect, which will lead to sweaty feet. For the same reason, shoes should not be tight.

We should not forget about such a method of combating sweating as regular washing of the feet with soap. Athletes must wash their feet after each workout, and put the sneakers on the balcony to ventilate, removing the insoles. To store shoes, you need to provide good ventilation, use scented pads.

Worn insoles should be thrown away. If they are in good condition, they should be cleaned regularly, for which use a toothbrush and dry washing powder. Rinse and dry the insoles after cleaning. The same applies to socks: they must be washed and changed daily (if necessary, even several times a day). In order to prevent unpleasant odors, you can use deodorizing insoles.

If the appearance of an unpleasant odor provoked a fungus, it is necessary to deal with its treatment, and the sooner the better. The disease is accompanied by flaky skin, brown nails, spots, overthrow, and if it becomes chronic, the treatment will take several years.

Many people are faced with the problem of an unpleasant smell coming from shoes and, as a result, feet too. Therefore, everyone should know how to wash sneakers so that they do not stink. This essential skill will help you keep your feet healthy, avoid illnesses, and save you the embarrassment of having to take off your shoes while out and about.

Possible Causes of Bad Smell

Before you wash your shoes so that there is no smell, you need to understand the reason why this is happening. This will minimize the problem and wash your sneakers effectively.

The first step is to learn how to choose the right shoes. It is better to spend more time looking for comfortable shoes, this is very important, as uncomfortable and tight shoes lead to the fact that the foot sweats much more. It is also important to choose shoes that will be ventilated. The material from which it is made plays an important role.

The most oxygen permeable materials are:

  • cotton;
  • canvas;
  • leather;
  • hemp.

One of the popular materials is synthetic, but they are completely unsuitable for this. It is also important to choose the right socks, as some materials, such as cotton, can absorb some of the perspiration. Also, if you have problems with excessive sweating of your feet, then choose running socks, they are best suited.

Even if you wear shoes with heels, wear socks, there are special ones that will not be visible over the shoes.

How to remove stink from shoes?

Another reason that greatly contributes to the smell of shoes is the bacteria living on your feet, most often fungi. Because of the sweat and heat in the shoes themselves, the infection gets an excellent soil for development and reproduction.

That is why you need to wash your feet at least every other day with antibacterial or antifungal soap. After that, the feet should be sprayed with deodorant. It is best to purchase a separate one for the legs. It is necessary to process mainly the sole and areas between the fingers. The systematic nature of such procedures will affect the condition of the shoes after wearing, so it will smell less.

But in addition to the soles of the feet, these bacteria also live in the shoes themselves. Here you need to know how to wash shoes so that they do not smell. Usually, in addition to washing itself, you need to resort to the following measures depending on the season:

  • freezing in the freezer;
  • allow ventilation;
  • treat with soda;
  • spray with antibacterial agents;
  • wash socks in a timely manner.

The insole in a shoe is also an important detail, it needs to be changed, since the main part of sweat goes to it and a large accumulation of harmful microorganisms is constantly located over its entire surface, causing a corresponding smell.

Freezing in the freezer will help get rid of harmful microorganisms. Leave the shoes in the freezer overnight, the low temperature can kill almost all microorganisms.

Soak the inside of your shoes with baking soda, leave for a few hours, and before putting on, tap one shoe against another to shake out any remaining baking soda. Baking soda is known to be used in many cases to eliminate odors.

Let your shoes breathe. This will help eliminate the stink, or leave your shoes in the garage or car in the winter, at least for one night, ideally for a couple of days. If you need to put it on, bring it into a warm room, and put it on when the shoes are at room temperature. And, of course, do not forget about fresh socks with materials that help absorb moisture.

You can also get rid of the stench from shoes thanks to cedar insoles. This wood has anti-fungal properties and is often used to deodorize all types of clothing.

How to wash sneakers by hand correctly and effectively?

Almost all manufacturers of sneakers and ballet flats indicate that such things should be washed exclusively by hand. This is due to the materials used in the manufacture. Some parts, such as nets, stripes and other rather delicate components, can deteriorate or be damaged when washing in a typewriter.

Important Points

Before washing ballet shoes so that they do not stink, you need to get the insoles out of them, and also get the laces out of the sneakers, soak them in washing powder, you need to do this separately from the shoes. The shoes themselves, if they are dirty, must first be cleaned of debris on the sole. Matches, ear sticks, and other items will do for this. Everything must then be rinsed under running water.

So that the appearance of the shoes does not deteriorate as a result of washing, dip them in a bowl of warm water, the temperature of which should not be lower than 30 degrees. The powder dissolves perfectly in such water, leave them in the container for a few minutes.

For high-quality washing, use a brush, this will help remove the remaining dirt, wash and rinse the shoes then under running water.

Before washing shoes, so as not to stink, add a little detergent to a bowl of dissolved powder, this will enhance the effect. They are great for white sneakers, but not quite suitable for leather shoes. It is better to wash it in a diluted soap solution.

As for synthetic shoes, it is better to wash them using, for example, laundry or other types of soap. And suede products cannot be washed at all, so special cleaning products are used for them that do not require immersion.

Returning to the topic of lace, like from sneakers, after soaking it with insoles, take some kind of brush, a toothbrush that you no longer use for its intended purpose is perfect. Wrap the lace around your fist and rub it with detergent with a brush, or just soap. If you squeeze and unclench your hand during washing, they will be more thoroughly cleaned. Then rinse well and rinse with water.

If the laces are not very dirty, then you can not soak them first, but immediately start washing them, and if they are pretty dirty, then it is better to soak them for half an hour.

Drying process

How and with what to wash sneakers so that they don’t stink seems to be already clear, but you still need to dry them. To do this, place the shoes in a ventilated place, you can on the balcony, wipe the shoes with a paper towel and place crumpled newspapers inside. Keep in mind that this tip is not suitable for white sneakers, as newspaper paint can spoil the look, leaving paint on the fabric. And in shoes of other color ranges, simply change the water-absorbed paper for a new one after getting wet.

Paper helps not only to dry shoes faster and better, but also helps to keep them in the correct shape. Drying on a battery is not recommended, as sneakers can become deformed, and stains, streaks and other visual imperfections will appear. The hair dryer also has a negative effect, since it does not dry evenly, but as a result - deformation.

Drying shoelaces is best in an open space where the wind blows, again, a balcony is perfect.

If there is no time at all to eliminate an unpleasant smell, put a napkin on the inside of the shoes soaked in vinegar and leave it in the sun for a while, the smell will go away.

Taking good care of your shoes will help them stay worn longer and save you money and health.

When worn for a long time, the shoes begin to smell unpleasant. In order for the smell not to cause you discomfort and inconvenience, we recommend that you keep it clean.

Unpleasant smell from sneakers - what to do?

Surely you have noticed that after training, sneakers smell awful, right? The problem can be not only in aroma, but also in bacteria. Each time there are more and more of them, as a result, you may get a fungus on your feet. In order to eliminate the smell and prevent fungal diseases, do not forget to keep your shoes clean at least sometimes.

There are many folk ways to help eliminate the smell. We will present only the simplest and most affordable, find a free moment and take care of your shoes.

How to get rid of the smell in sneakers: the best ways

All the presented methods really work, you just have to choose which one you want to try:

Washing sneakers in a washing machine. For the procedure you will need a pillowcase, powder. The pillowcase can be replaced with a special mesh for washing shoes. You need to remove the laces and place the sneakers in a pillowcase, now throw it in the washing machine and turn it on on a regular cycle. If the sneakers are white, you can add bleach.

Soda and vinegar. Pour 100 grams of baking soda into each sneaker, then pour the same amount of vinegar here, bubbles and hiss will appear. Leave the vinegar and baking soda in your shoes for 15 minutes, then rinse and dry.

Cat litter. An unusual way, but very effective. Just pour some filler into each shoe and leave it on overnight. In the morning the smell will be gone.

Alcohol. If your sneakers can't be washed, soak a cotton swab in alcohol and smear the inside of the shoes to help eliminate the odor and kill bacteria.

just soda. You can also sprinkle baking soda on your shoes at night and shake them out in the morning. Believe me, there will be no trace of the smell!

Activated carbon. Grind a few charcoal tablets into a powder, pour them into small cloth bags and brush them with eucalyptus oil. After a few hours, the sneakers will be fragrant!

Baking powder and starch.
Mix equal proportions of baking soda, baking powder and starch, then pour the mixture into cotton socks and put them in your shoes overnight.

Freezing. Wrap the shoes in a thick plastic bag and put them in the freezer for 6-7 hours, the cold will kill the bacteria and eliminate the odor.

Citrus. When you eat an orange or a lemon, don't throw away the zest and put it in your shoes. The zest is great for removing bad odors, and it also kills bacteria.

Deodorant. Before putting on your sneakers, do not forget to sprinkle your feet with an antifungal deodorant, you can buy it at any pharmacy.

Hydrogen peroxide. Instead of alcohol, you can use peroxide - lubricate the inside of the shoes with it and wash it off after 3-4 hours.

In any case, in order to prevent unpleasant odor and get rid of sweaty feet, you need to use several methods in combination, this is the only way you will cope with this problem.

Before choosing a way to get rid of the smell in sneakers, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. It is not enough to simply remove the consequences in the form of an unpleasant odor, because in the near future this phenomenon will again make itself felt. Having eliminated the cause, proceed to the next steps: washing and disinfecting shoes. Such measures allow you to clean the inner surfaces of the sneakers and destroy harmful microorganisms.

Where does the smell come from?

When the question is decided what to do if the sneakers stink, it is first of all recommended to find the cause of this phenomenon. Indirect factors contributing to bad odor:

  • intense sweating, which is a consequence of a pathological condition of the body called hyperhidrosis, i.e., the sweat glands produce secretory fluid (sweat) too actively;
  • prolonged wearing of closed shoes - sneakers;
  • increased physical activity, which contributes to more intense sweating;
  • wearing socks made of synthetic materials;
  • regular consumption of spices and spicy foods, which affects the functioning of the sweat glands;
  • wearing closed shoes in hot weather or staying in a warm room for a long time.

If the feet smell, a direct factor contributing to the occurrence of this defect is the active reproduction of harmful microorganisms. Sweat itself is odorless. For this reason, sneakers become smelly if bacteria multiply against the background of excessive sweating.

How to remove smell from sneakers?

In order not to have to re-buy shoes or change insoles, it is recommended to consider a number of methods by which you can get rid of an unpleasant odor at home. If sneakers stink, improvised and store-bought products, disinfectants and masking agents are used. Shoes can be easily washed. However, they take a long time to dry.

This method is not suitable for cases where there is no time to wait. To get the result quickly, they resort to processing with improvised means that eliminate the defect in a few hours, maximum overnight.
