How to grow your own nails in 2 days. Caring for toenails at home

Every woman dreams of long and strong nails, however, many simply do not have enough time for this, so some resort to extensions, but, as you know, naturalness has always been relevant and fashionable, and the strong half of humanity can confirm this. In our article we will provide some simple, and most importantly, useful tips and recommendations on how to grow your nails in a week at home. These methods do not require a lot of time and effort. Let's get started!

Basic rules for nail care

  1. Moisturize your nails after taking a shower or washing dishes.
  2. After using nail polish remover, wash your hands and apply any nourishing cream to them.
  3. Do not use nail polish immediately after applying nail polish remover; give your nails a little rest.
  4. Nail growth is hampered by cracked and dry cuticles, so you should constantly moisturize them. To do this, rub an oil-based vitamin A into this area.
  5. Try not to cut your nails, but to file them, so they will grow faster.
  6. Wash dishes with gloves.
  7. Cover your nails with a polish containing vitamins.
  8. Choose nail polish removers that contain all the necessary vitamins.
  9. Never bite your nails.

Baths for growth

It’s easy to grow your nails at home; it’s enough to carry out such procedures on them regularly.

  1. Add 6 drops of iodine and lemon juice (1.5 tablespoons) to warm water (38-40 o C). Keep your hands in this solution for 15 minutes. This procedure should be carried out every day.
  2. Take a glass of water, dissolve salt in it (1.5 tablespoons) and add 6 drops of iodine. Keep your hands in this bath for about 15 minutes. This procedure is carried out every day.
  3. Dilute 1.5 tablespoons of sea salt in two glasses of water. Lower your hands for 15-17 minutes, then dry your nails and apply cream to them. Carry out this procedure for 2 weeks.
  4. Another way to grow your nails in a week is with oil baths. To do this, take olive or any other oil, heat it and hold your nails in it for 5-7 minutes. Dry them with a napkin.
  5. Take a glass of water, add 1.5 tablespoons of any vegetable oil (preferably olive), 15 drops of iodine. Heat the mixture in a water bath. Lower your hands and hold for 15 minutes.
  6. Take half a glass of milk, 1.5 tablespoons of freshly squeezed apple juice, 1.5 tablespoons of honey, 1.5 teaspoons of salt. Place the milk on the stove and heat it up, then put in all the other ingredients and stir. Keep your hands in this mixture for 20-25 minutes, then dry your nails and moisturize them with any nourishing cream. This procedure is carried out 3 times a week.
  7. If you are interested in the question of how to grow strong nails, then you can use a soda bath for this. Take 1.5 tablespoons of baking soda and stir them in two glasses of warm water. Then add 6 drops of iodine, dip your hands in this solution for 10-12 minutes. After this, be sure to lubricate them with nourishing cream.

Folk remedies for fast nail growth

  1. Take chamomile, St. John's wort and burdock root (all of this can be purchased at the pharmacy for pennies) in an amount of 1.5 tablespoons. Pour boiling water over the mixture (about half a glass). Leave for 30-35 minutes. Cool to 38 o C and put your hands there for 20 minutes. Carry out this procedure several times a week.
  2. Take arnica flowers in the amount of 1.5 tablespoons, pour boiling water (about 200 g) and leave for half an hour. After this, add 50 ml of olive or any vegetable oil, 6 drops of vitamin A in oil and 6 drops of iodine. Dip your hands into the mixture for 10-12 minutes, then dry with a napkin. Do not wet your nails for half an hour.
  3. Another useful way to grow your nails quickly is a cucumber mask. Take a few cucumbers and squeeze the juice out of them, about half a glass. Prepare beer in the same quantity, heat it and mix with cucumber juice, add one teaspoon of salt. Immerse your hands in this mixture for 15 minutes. Do this bath several times a week, it will help not only grow your nails, but also strengthen them.
  4. Take chamomile, linden blossom (two tablespoons each) and half a glass of any oil, heated in a water bath. Next, add the herbs and boil them for 15-17 minutes, stirring. Cool the paste to 38°C and apply to nails. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and rinse off.

Pharmaceutical products for nail growth

If you don’t know how to grow your fingernails at home, use inexpensive pharmaceutical products.

  1. At night, apply one drop of iodine to each nail. Don’t let it bother you that they turned yellow, because by morning the natural color will return.
  2. Buy oil-based vitamins A and B at the pharmacy. Rub them into your nails every day using massaging movements.
  3. Another useful way to grow nails in a week is homemade glycerin cream. To do this, buy glycerin and a solution of salicylic acid at any pharmacy, mix them, add oil solutions of vitamins K and E and a few drops of red wine. Apply to nails for three hours.
  4. Buy aloe juice and nourishing hand cream. Mix them and apply on your nails for 3 hours.

Cosmetics for nail growth

  1. The Smart Enamel trademark is one of the most famous. She offers a stimulator for rapid nail growth, which contains ginseng extract and Pentavitin. If you use this remedy for 10 days, your nails will become healthy and strong. Price - from 100 rubles.
  2. The Aurelia company has created a product for rapid nail growth, which contains the entire complex of minerals (sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium). The course is 21 days. The company claims that nails will quickly grow, become strong and beautiful. Price - from 300 rubles.
  3. Sally Hansen offers five ways to grow your nails faster:
  • a product that stimulates nail growth;
  • Maximum Growth (for nail growth);
  • to accelerate nail growth with Teflon;
  • Maximum Support (for rapid nail growth);
  • product that improves nail color.

The price varies from 200 to 250 rubles.

4. A Spanish company called Victoria Shu has released a magical bottle called “Effective Complex for Fast Nail Growth.” It contains vitamin E, Japanese kelp extract, and amino acids. The course lasts 5-7 days, after which the nails will acquire a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Paraffin therapy

Another effective way to grow nails in a week is paraffin therapy.

This procedure involves applying special wax to the cuticle and nail, which melts to a certain temperature, which promotes the flow of oxygen to the base of the nail, as well as improving blood circulation. You can use beeswax at home.

It is more advisable to perform the procedure in the evening. To do this, heat the wax so that it turns into liquid, dip your nails into this mixture and hold for a few seconds. Wait until the wax dries, then put on cotton gloves and leave it on all night. In the morning, remove them and wash your hands. The procedure takes 10 days.

How to grow nails in a day?

As you know, nails grow by 2 mm in a week. Therefore, it is simply impossible to grow them in such a short period of time; another question is: “What can be done in this case?” Let's try to find the answer.

The first way is to get your nails in order, no matter how long they are. Make a bath, remove the cuticle, shape it with a file, and so that short nails do not catch the eye, apply flesh-colored polish.

If this method does not suit you, let's move on to the second.

Buy false nails. Apply glue to each of them and spread it over the entire surface. Next, press the purchased nails tightly against yours. Remove excess glue and apply varnish.

Nail extensions at home

Buy an extension kit that includes gel and plastic templates. Sand the nail surface properly and apply forms. Apply a layer of gel and dry. Repeat this procedure several times until the gel covers the entire nail surface. Next, remove the template and shape your nails using a nail file. Then apply varnish.

If you use all the above recommendations, then the question of how to grow nails in a week at home will no longer worry you. Instead, you will get strong and healthy nails. Good luck!

Beautiful and healthy long nails are the decoration and pride of every woman; they are always in fashion and attract the attention of others. However, the abundance of everyday housework, the fast pace of life and the lack of knowledge of how to strengthen and grow nails do not allow you to achieve the manicure of your dreams. You will learn from this article how to eat, what to do and how to protect them from external influences. Following just 6 useful tips will lead you to your goal.

Vitamins and minerals

Proper nutrition is the key to health and success in deciding how to grow your nails strong. Thinness, splitting of the nail plate and its fragility occur due to a lack of vitamins A, C, B and E, as well as minerals: zinc, calcium and iron. To maintain the proper level of vitamins in the body, it is necessary to eat liver, butter, carrots, citrus fruits, berries, milk, herbs, and eggs. It is extremely important to exclude alcohol and caffeine from the diet, which reduce the amount of vitamin A - a catalyst for nail growth. Essential minerals can be obtained from dairy products, bananas, apples and buckwheat porridge.

Give your nails a comfortable shape

Avoid frequent nail breakage by giving them the correct shape. Use a manicure file to remove sharp corners and burrs. For a high-quality manicure, a paper or plastic file with a fine-grained structure is perfect; it will carefully care for your nails without disturbing their structure. You should shape your nails with smooth movements in one direction - from the base to the center.

fast? Take baths!

Immersing your fingertips in a warm and healing bath 2-3 times a week for a few minutes is the path to success. The following manicure baths are perfect for growing nails:

  • Oily with iodine. Any oil should be heated, add a few drops of iodine and glycerin.
  • From sea salt. In two glasses of water you need to dilute 15-20 grams of salt and add a few drops of iodine. You need to keep the marigolds for 15 minutes.
  • With soda. The bath is made according to the following calculation: for a glass of warm water you need one tablespoon of soda. After 10-15 minutes, the fingers should be removed and greased with oil or cream.
  • Herbal. Two tablespoons of a mixture of chamomile and St. John's wort should be poured with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and add 5 tbsp. spoons of dry white wine. Keep your hands in the solution for 20-30 minutes.
  • With lemon, which should be cut in half and put your fingertips into the resulting slices for 2-3 minutes.


How to grow nails in a month? Improve blood circulation around the nail plate by rubbing. For massage, you can use vegetable oil or cuticle cream.

Paraffin therapy

Surprisingly, melted pure natural or cosmetic paraffin applied to the cuticle can easily solve the problem of how to grow nails quickly. The success of this procedure lies in improving blood circulation and stimulating the flow of oxygen to the nail plate. The result can be seen within a week if you repeat the procedure every day.

Protect your nails

Don’t forget about the nourishing cream, wear gloves to protect against cold and frost, and use simple rubber gloves when cleaning. Frequent use of polish is harmful to your nails, so let them rest for 2-3 weeks a couple of times a year. Follow these simple tips, and you will become not only the happy owner of wonderful nails, but also a master in the question of how to grow nails quickly.

The pride of every woman is her appearance. Beautiful hairstyle, smooth and velvety skin - all these are the main advantages of lovely ladies. Particular attention is paid to nails, because long and well-groomed nails give any lady elegance, charm and sophisticated charm. With our modern lifestyle, it is easy to damage the structure of your nails, but there are also effective ways to quickly grow your nails at home.

Many problems with nails, such as splitting, brittleness, slow growth, and thinness, arise due to a lack of vital components in the body. There is a complex of fortified substances that have a beneficial effect on the structure of the nail plate and, accordingly, accelerate nail growth:

  • Vitamin A is the main “accelerator” of nail growth, found in fresh and boiled carrots, peaches, apricots, butter, and beef liver. It is important to remember that drinking alcoholic beverages and caffeine interfere with the absorption of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C - prevents early aging of the nail plate, fights yellowing of nails. If there is a deficiency of vitamin C in the body, then the nails begin to peel, their structure becomes very thin, and they slow down their growth. The main sources of vitamin C are berries, all types of citrus fruits, and sweet peppers.
  • Vitamin B is “responsible” for strengthening nails, promotes better absorption of nutrients, helps nails grow faster and become stronger. Large amounts of vitamin B can be found in beef liver, brewer's yeast, whole milk, greens, and eggs.
  • Vitamin E - normalizes blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on nail growth. A sufficient amount of vitamin E is present in butter, vegetable oil, meat, eggs, and liver.

In addition to fortified substances, your daily diet should also include mineral components that improve nail growth:

  • Zinc – found in goat milk and bananas.
  • Calcium - source - dairy products.
  • Iron is found in buckwheat and apples.

How to grow your nails in 3 days

Women who want to speed up the growth of their nails should remember that it is impossible to quickly grow them by 2 cm in 1 day! But adding a few millimeters to the length of your nails in a couple of days is quite possible. To ensure guaranteed nail growth, you should use proven means:

Red pepper mask


  • 1 tsp. any nourishing cream;
  • 1 tsp. ground red pepper;
  • 15 drops of warm boiled water.

Mode of application:

Mix all the necessary ingredients and heat a little in a water bath. Rub the mixture into the nail plate with massaging movements, leave for 13-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Lemon mask


  • 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Mode of application:

Rub lemon juice into the nail plate and leave for 15 minutes.

Iodine mask


  • a few drops of iodine.

Mode of application:

Apply iodine solution to the nail plate overnight.

To grow fingernails in 2-3 days, you need to use all the above recipes regularly - 2-3 times a week. Products such as an iodine mask can be used daily.

How to grow your nails in 5 days

Special products that can be purchased either in specialized cosmetic stores or in pharmacies will help you grow your nails in 5 days. Such products contain a full range of useful components that accelerate nail growth.

  • "Belweder"
  • "Sally Hansen"
  • "Vivienne Sabo";
  • "Artdeco";
  • "Smart enamel".
  • take daily baths with sea water;
  • salt baths can be alternated with baths based on herbal infusions;
  • At night, lubricate the nail plate with iodine solution.

How to grow your nails in a week

It’s quite a realistic task to grow your nails in a week. This period is optimal not only for nail growth, but also for strengthening them. To get a positive result, you do not need to use express methods that help grow nails in 3 days (red pepper mask). It’s enough just to choose 1-2 procedures that help accelerate nail growth and use them regularly.

It is important to remember that in the process of accelerating nail growth, you need to reduce possible injury to the nail plate to a minimum. It is necessary to avoid frequent contact with household chemicals, clean the house and wash dishes only with protective rubber gloves.

To grow long nails, you need to take proper care of them. What do I need to do:

Growing long nails in the shortest possible time is a very real task. But to obtain a satisfactory result, it is important to remember about proper care of the nail plate and nutrition.

In a healthy adult, the nail plate can grow 0.1 mm per day. But what if you can speed up this process? There are many working ways to grow your nails by 5 or more millimeters in 1-3 days. Most of them are based on their enhanced nutrition and exposure to local warming drugs.


Baths with minerals and vitamins help to quickly restore the stratum corneum after prolonged exposure to shellac, strengthen the plate, and nourish it with useful substances.

One of the simplest and most popular options is sea ​​salt bath. To prepare it, you need to dilute 10 grams of salt in 300 ml of warm water. The handles are soaked in the resulting solution for 20 to 30 minutes. Afterwards, the skin is washed with plain water and treated with moisturizer. Repeat every day.

Suitable for treating brittle and layered nails oil mask with vinegar. For it you will need half a glass of unrefined sunflower or olive oil and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. The mixture is heated over low heat - just a couple of minutes, otherwise it will become too hot. All that remains is to dip your fingertips into the bath and hold them there for 10 minutes.

It is used to strengthen, accelerate tissue growth and regeneration iodine bath. It is very simple to prepare: add 10 drops of solution to half a glass of warm water. It is recommended to soak your nails in the liquid for 10 to 15 minutes. Important: the plate may darken slightly, but this is a temporary phenomenon. Within a couple of hours after the bath, not a trace of iodine will remain.

To enrich any bath, you can use the following components:

  • Shea butter and almond. These base batters are quickly absorbed and have strong restorative properties. At the same time, they moisturize the tissues and make them more elastic;
  • Essential oils of lemon, geranium, orange or grapefruit. All these compositions contain large amounts of vitamin C. It has brightening, regenerating and antibacterial properties;
  • Glycerol. In most cases, nails simply do not have time to grow to the desired size due to their fragility and dryness. A few drops of glycerin in a hand bath will help solve this problem;
  • Any available vitamins. This could be retinol, tocopherol or vitamin B.

Masks for growth

In addition to baths, you need to regularly make special masks for nail growth. They saturate the plate with nutrients and promote its rapid regeneration. In addition, some of the recipes include heating ingredients that speed up blood flow.

According to reviews, one of the most effective masks for nail growth is with red pepper. It contains natural ground chili, so the product is not suitable for the care of brittle nails and sensitive skin. Be sure to perform a susceptibility test before use.

How to prepare a mask with pepper for nail growth:

  • In a non-metallic bowl, mix a little cream to nourish the skin - 2 teaspoons will be enough;
  • Add a spoonful of red pepper to it. Afterwards, the composition must be mixed very thoroughly to evenly distribute the burning particles;
  • Apply the product to the nails and periungual area. There is no need to rinse off the product - over time, the cream will be absorbed and the peppercorns will disappear on their own.

To apply the composition, it is best to select a separate brush - then the mixture will be evenly distributed over the plate. If the mask does not heat up, add a little more pepper, say 1.5 tablespoons.

As an addition, after the pepper mask, applying a few drops of honey and garlic to the stratum corneum will be effective. It also has a warming effect, but is more gentle.

To get long nails, as advertised, you need to do a mask at least 1 day a week with gelatin. The nail plate consists of keratinized particles of the epidermis, collagen and keratin. If these substances are not enough, then it immediately begins to crumble and collapse, and its growth also slows down significantly. Gelatin is a natural source of collagen, so it is used for intensive restoration and healing of nails.

A gelatin nail mask is prepared as follows: take the same amount of powder per 100 ml of water. The mixture must be mixed until completely homogeneous; the result should be a mass of liquid consistency, without lumps or dry particles. You need to dip your nails into this “bath” and hold it there for 20 minutes.

Many girls have heard about the benefits paraffin therapy. This is an ingenious caring procedure that helps to simultaneously lighten the skin and nails, restore damaged tissue and speed up tissue metabolism.

To conduct a session at home, you do not need to purchase expensive products and special paraffin. All you have to do is find a candle made of natural beeswax, light it and lubricate your nails and the skin around them with the flowing liquid. It is best to do the procedure at night, because you cannot wash off the composition from your nails. After such a massage, cotton gloves are put on your hands.

Advice: in addition to nutrition, a paraffin mask perfectly protects the nail plates from the effects of negative external factors. Therefore, before cleaning or going to the beach, we also recommend treating your nails in a similar way.

An iodized bath perfectly complements iodine mask for nail growth. This substance is known for its antibacterial and strengthening properties. In order to make such a mask, you just need to lubricate your nails with iodine and leave until completely absorbed. Growth and dramatic changes in the plate will not take long to occur - the results are noticeable already in the third procedure.

Pharmacy drugs

Helps strengthen nails, accelerate their growth and moisturize cuticles. In addition, the plant extract is widely used to disinfect tissues and protect them from fungi. To do this, the solution is simply applied to the nails and skin until absorbed. We recommend combining the application of the product with a gentle warming massage.

Almost all professional products for accelerating nail growth include vitamin complexes. But such a product - absolutely natural and safe - is very easy to prepare at home.

Vitamin cocktail for fast nail growth:

  • Mix equal parts vitamin E (an oil solution of tocopherol) and retinol (this is a substance of vitamin A). The result will be a very liquid, translucent mixture with a yellowish tint and a characteristic odor of sunflower oil;
  • To it you need to add a few drops of orange or lemon oil;
  • Apply the solution to the nails with a brush, spreading it over the entire plate, using a spoon and lightly touching the periungual space.

Also gets good reviews nicotinic and hyaluronic acid. They accelerate cell regeneration, thereby activating growth. To make a miracle mixture, you need to combine 500 mg of hyaluronic acid with two tablespoons of mineral water. Then add 20 grams of melted shea butter or almonds to the solution. If you do this mask daily, then in 1 day a week you can grow your nails by 6 mm or more.

When using acids, it is important to look at the reaction of the nails. In some cases they may become more fragile. Also, hyaluronic acid and nicotine have contraindications, for example, lactation or mechanical damage to the treated areas. Before use, carefully read the instructions for the selected drug.

Tips on how to speed up nail growth:

  • During intensive recovery and nutrition, stop using varnishes;
  • Don't go outside without cream on your hands. It prevents the plate from drying out and helps protect it from negative external factors;
  • If your nails are severely damaged (for example from shellac or fungus), then they need to be cut off all the time. Otherwise, there will be no point in growing it - the stratum corneum will remain brittle and flaky;
  • Take vitamins and minerals. This will help influence growth from within;
  • Massage your cuticles regularly. With its help, blood circulation improves.

An ideal one-week course for super-fast nail growth includes two different baths, two masks (nourishing and warming) and daily use of cream. With this combination, after 7 days you will be surprised how beautiful and strong your “claws” can be.

Many representatives of the fair sex have well-groomed, long nails and are rightfully proud of it. In modern times, natural beauty is relevant. Therefore, many women are interested in how to quickly grow their nails without resorting to the services of beauty salons for extensions or shellac coating? For this purpose, there are many ways: feeding with creams, oils, taking baths, using cosmetics, saturating the body with vitamins. Let's look at each step in order.

How long does it take to grow healthy and strong nails?

Healthy nails are considered not only the result of careful care, but also of genetic inheritance. If your parents did not experience problems with this part of the body, then it will not be difficult for you to correct even the most advanced case. If you inherited a build that is not very strong, then you will have to spend a lot of effort. For health and strength of the nail plate, it is necessary to receive a sufficient amount of vitamins E, B, A, iron, calcium, iodine, silicon. Therefore, it is important to eat right.

The rate of nail growth depends on many factors - the state of the external environment, nutrition, genetic predisposition, lifestyle. There is no ideal, ready-made recipe for growing a nail plate. However, if you follow the recommendations below, you can quickly grow your nail plate, make it healthier, stronger, more well-groomed, and get a decent result in just a week. Follow these tips:

  • Do not paint too often, as your fingers need to rest from the varnish and get oxygen.
  • Warm your hands with warm gloves at sub-zero temperatures.
  • Use nourishing creams and hand oils.

How to quickly grow a nail plate? Many people believe that long nails are a gift from nature. But by making efforts to improve and strengthen, any girl can achieve a positive result. If you think that by regularly filing and trimming you will get beautiful and long nails, then you are mistaken. Like other parts of the body, the nail plate needs to be groomed and cherished. First of all, remember that bitten nails will never allow you to boast of beautiful, well-groomed hands, so get rid of this habit.

Avoid contact with chemical detergents

Using cleaning products containing chemical elements negatively affects the condition of nails and hand skin. These parts of the body are the first to come into contact with harmful components of household chemicals. If you want to protect your hands, prevent brittle and damaged nails, and grow them quickly, then start taking care. The most important rule is to use rubber gloves when washing dishes, cleaning, and in other cases when you use detergents.

These products do not allow chemicals or moisture to reach your hands. However, not everyone is comfortable using rubber gloves. To minimize damage, use gentle detergents that contain balm, glycerin, and natural ingredients. This will significantly reduce the risk of damage to nails and hand skin.

Giving the correct shape

Nail growth can be influenced by shape. If it is incorrect, then the nail plate will often bend, break, cling to various objects, which causes injury. This way you will never be able to grow your nails quickly. What to do? The optimal shape is considered to be slightly rounded. With it you will forget about fragility. The tools used have an impact: it is better to file nails with a fine-grained plastic or glass file.

Moisturizing the skin of the hands with creams and oils

To moisturize the skin of your hands, you need to have a couple of essential oils and creams in your cosmetic bag. To maintain skin balance and moisture saturation, it is better to use glycerin-based products. This component retains its properties for a long time and protects your hands from drying out. Creams based on lactic acid and urea have healing effects: they restore the original appearance of the skin and retain moisture for a long time. Amazing results are obtained with products containing shea butter, which nourishes, protects, and moisturizes the skin.

Vegetable oils, for example, olive, coconut, wheat germ oil, grape oil are effective means of combating drying out. They must be regularly rubbed into the skin of the hands and nails. Baths with essential oils of orange, bergamot, and lemon have a good effect. Before using them, it is necessary to carefully remove dead skin cells using peeling or scrub.

Application of special varnish

How to grow long and strong nails using medicated varnish? The composition of this product is rich in vitamins, moisturizing components, oils that nourish, care, increase blood circulation, and stimulate the growth of a strong nail plate. The following are considered the most effective means:

  • Stimulator of accelerated nail growth “Smart enamel” - contains ginseng extract, which nourishes, relieves inflammation, stimulates. With daily use, you can quickly grow your nail plate.
  • “Maximum Growth” nail care product is a product with enriched silk proteins that restore, help quickly grow, and stop the process of delamination of the nail plate.
  • “Clinic Nail” is a medicinal product with peptides and a vitamin complex. Stimulates rapid regrowth after fungus or other factors inhibit growth, forming a protective barrier for fragile, brittle nails.

Saturation of the diet with vitamins

It is important to support the body from the inside so that it functions properly. A healthy diet, rich in healthy vitamins and microelements, allows you to quickly grow your nails. The following vitamins are considered essential vitamins that help form a healthy, strong nail plate:

  • Vitamin C – fights premature aging and yellowing of the nail. If the body is deficient in this substance, the nail plate becomes brittle and peels off. Therefore, eat more gooseberries, tomatoes, bell peppers, berries, and citrus fruits.
  • Vitamin A – helps to grow nails quickly. Contained in liver, carrots, butter.
  • Vitamin E – has an antioxidant effect, improves blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on nail growth. Get it from vegetable oils, herbs, eggs, liver, meat.
  • Vitamin B – helps accelerate nail growth, strengthens them, and helps other beneficial elements to be better absorbed. Contained in eggs, milk, greens, brewer's yeast.

For rapid nail growth, the body needs the following minerals:

  • Calcium is the main component for the formation of a healthy, strong nail plate. Contained in dairy products.
  • Zinc is responsible for tissue growth and regulates the formation of proteins. Its sources are bananas and goat milk.
  • Iron – its deficiency causes anemia, fragility, and brittle nails. Buckwheat porridge and apples will help make up for the deficiency.

Paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy is a good way to stimulate growth and give your hands a well-groomed appearance. To carry out this procedure, you need to melt cosmetic paraffin or wax and apply it to the nail plate itself and the skin around it. This way you stimulate blood circulation, oxygen saturation, and you can quickly grow your nails. If you add a few drops of essential oil to paraffin, you will additionally receive aromatherapy and enjoy a real spa treatment.

Folk remedies for fast nail growth

Well-groomed lady fingers are the pride of any girl. Dreaming of rapid growth of the nail plate, some resort to shellac coating or extensions. However, many people want to grow their nails natural. Some recipes of folk remedies will help with this. By regularly using them, in a couple of weeks you will gain beautiful, well-groomed hands with long nails.

Red pepper

Red pepper is widely used not only as a spice in the world of cooking, but also in cosmetology. It has healing, disinfecting, stimulating properties. Adding ground red pepper to lotions, masks, and baths will improve blood circulation, stimulate blood flow, which accelerates nail growth. We offer you the following mask:

  • Ingredients: 2 tsp. boiled water, 2 tsp. ground red pepper, 4 tbsp. nourishing and rich hand cream.
  • Preparation: Mix hand cream with water and ground red pepper until smooth.
  • Application: Test this mixture before application. Rub a small amount of mask onto a small area of ​​skin. If severe burning occurs, rinse immediately with water. To reduce the heat, add more cream. Gently spread the mask over the entire surface of the nail plate, put on cosmetic gloves, wrap with something warm, and leave for 20 minutes. If an unbearable burning sensation begins, wash your hands thoroughly.


In large quantities, undiluted iodine can be harmful. However, when used correctly, this product prevents peeling and strengthens nails. Use it as the main ingredient in creams, masks, and baths. The following recipes will help you grow your nails quickly:

  • Olive oil with iodine - used at night. This product prevents delamination and eliminates dryness. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a water jar, adding a few drops of iodine. Rub the mixture into the nail plate and surrounding skin. Put on cotton gloves and go to bed. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once a week.
  • A mask with lemon juice and iodine helps fight flaking, and citrus lightens, giving a well-groomed, beautiful look. Mix a tablespoon of warm vegetable oil with 4 drops of lemon juice and 3 drops of iodine. Mix, apply to the nail plate, thoroughly rubbing into the base. Remove any residue with a napkin after 15 minutes.

Nourishing bath recipes

How to quickly grow nails at home? Regular baths will help you with this. The water in them should be hot, the procedure lasts 10 minutes, and is repeated at least 2 times a week. Bath recipes:

  • Oil with iodine - heat the oil in a water bath, add 5 drops of glycerin and iodine. This mixture nourishes and helps to grow nails quickly.
  • Herbal bath – pour 2 tbsp of boiling water over a glass. a mixture of burdock root, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers. Leave for half an hour, add 5 tbsp. white wine. This recipe strengthens and quickly gives the desired length.
  • Saline – dissolve 20 g of sea salt in 2 glasses of water, add a few drops of iodine if desired.
  • Lemon – squeeze citrus juice into water. Helps whiten and quickly grow nails.


Long, beautiful, well-groomed and strong nails in a week is the dream of many. It is possible to achieve results in such a short period of time. To do this, you just need to say goodbye to laziness, firmly set a goal and go towards it. What methods will help you on the path to your dream? The video below will tell you about this. Available ingredients such as salt, potassium permanganate, and oil will give you the desired result in a week. Check out other methods as well.
