What is the name of the Santa Claus costume. How Santa Claus's fur coat turned red and is it right

Both adults and children probably know well what Santa Claus looks like. But let's take a closer look Santa Claus costume: what materials, what color details of the outfit; find out what the individual parts of the costume symbolize. Santa Claus is an elderly man, he has a gray beard and mustache. Silvery hair is knocked out from under the cap, and thick white eyebrows are above the eyes. Santa Claus looks unsmiling, because the beard and mustache hide his smile, he is very majestic, but at the same time, he is very kind and fair.

Santa Claus comes to wish all the kids a Happy New Year. And this holiday is celebrated in winter, so Grandfather Frost, when we see him, is always dressed in a fur coat, hat, pants and felt boots so as not to freeze.

Santa Claus costume very beautiful and bright. The first thing you pay attention to in him is a fur coat: long, almost to the floor, it should be red, embroidered with silver and decorated with eight-pointed stars, crosses and other ornaments. Under a fur coat - a shirt and trousers, but they, as a rule, are not visible. They are made of linen and decorated with a white geometric pattern, which symbolizes purity. Pants can also be red.On the head of Santa Claus is a hat, red, embroidered with silver and pearls, trimmed with white fur. Santa Claus girds his fur coat with a white belt with a red ornament. On his feet he wears silver or red, silver-embroidered boots with a raised nose. But Father Frost he can also put on white felt boots, also embroidered with silver. On the hands of Santa Claus are white gloves or mittens embroidered with silver - they symbolize the purity and holiness of everything that Santa Claus gives from his hands. Mittens may also be red. And, of course, Santa Claus always holds a staff in his hands, it is crystal or silver. The staff is a very important attribute of the Santa Claus costume, because it has magical powers, without it winter does not come, rivers do not freeze, which means that children will not be able to skate, ski and sled.

Santa Claus prefers not to change anything in his image for many, many years, his costume tailors sew to order, he could choose any model, any color, but he prefers not to risk and remain in his usual way. The favorite colors of Santa Claus in a suit are white, red and blue. Few people imagine Santa Claus in green, not to mention yellow, but why not, because Santa Claus is also a person. However, Santa Claus prefers to justify the wishes of the children and their parents and not to put on controversial costumes, but to appear before the guests the way they are used to seeing him.

Very soon, a couple beloved by many generations - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden - will begin their triumphal procession through festive houses and apartments to give gifts to children, and adults - a good mood. Today we will tell you why the Snow Maiden has a blue fur coat; why Santa Claus wears a red caftan and what furs the Snow Queen prefers.

Santa Claus - a symbol of winter cold, cold, is an ancient pagan god who rules over nature for many months. Traditionally, he was depicted in a white or blue fur coat trimmed with swan's down or sable fur, with a staff in his hand. Mandatory elements - three-fingered mittens, a belt with ornamental embroidery, white felt boots. Frost's fur coat is long, it is decorated with silver patterns and lined with fur. Watch the film-tale "Morozko" - there the formidable god of the winter cold is presented in all its glory.

Traditionally, Santa Claus was depicted in a white or blue fur coat, trimmed with swan's down or sable fur, with a staff in his hand.

In a red fur coat depict Santa Claus, St. Nicholas. Few people know that this is no accident - St. Nicholas was a bishop, and red is the traditional color for vestments. Father Frost's fur coat began to "blush" later - the funny thing is that almost simultaneously with the birth of the ideas of communism. After the revolution, the Bolsheviks canceled Christmas trees as a relic of the bourgeois past - children managed to have fun at the New Year's holiday only in 1937. The host of the holiday was Santa Claus - in a red coat. Then, for the first time, Santa Claus has a companion. How did the Snow Maiden, the heroine of the famous fairy tale play by Alexander Ostrovsky, find herself not only in the company of a gray-bearded old man, but also as a relative? It is believed that she is the daughter of Spring and is Moroz's granddaughter, but the version looks more plausible that a couple should certainly congratulate Soviet children. It turned out to be a kind of festive version of the worker and collective farmer. There is also an opinion that Father Frost's fur coat "blushed" to contrast with the blue and white coat of the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost's fur coat began to "blush" later - the funny thing is that almost simultaneously with the birth of the ideas of communism

To try on the costume of the Snow Maiden is the dream of many women since school days. An elegant blue or white fur coat, a muff, boots, a shining kokoshnik or a fluffy hat are things without which the Snow Maiden cannot be imagined. Her traditional costume color is silver-blue, the color of snow and ice. The coat of the Snow Maiden is trimmed with delicate rabbit fur, she hides her hands in a rabbit muff. Mink or ermine fur is sometimes mentioned. A luxurious kokoshnik or crown is embroidered with pearls and beads, sometimes decorated with balls of swan's down at the temples. To turn into a real Snow Maiden, it is not necessary to wear a kokoshnik - just pick up a luxurious snow-white mink coat, which is guaranteed to attract male attention.

An elegant blue or white fur coat, a muff, boots, a shining kokoshnik or a fluffy hat are things without which the Snow Maiden cannot be imagined.

The Snow Queen - a vamp woman from Andersen's fairy tale, the ruler of thoughts and hearts, prefers a long sable fur coat, in which a dozen Kaevs and Gerds can wrap themselves entirely. This luxurious woman wears a heavy fur coat to the floor and a high fluffy hat made of polar fox fur. Unlike the Snow Maiden, the Snow Queen does not tolerate halftones - only snow-white soft fur, only the most expensive, only the highest quality. You can try on a similar image by choosing a fur coat on the floor with a chic collar.

The Snow Queen - a vamp woman from Andersen's fairy tale, the ruler of thoughts and hearts, prefers a long sable fur coat, in which a dozen Kaev and Gerd can wrap themselves entirely

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Kind Santa Claus will fulfill any desires - if, of course, you behaved well this year. Let fur coats, jackets and sheepskin coats of the Moscow Fur Company warm you in the winter cold, and let your family and friends fill your heart with warmth.

November 18th is Father Frost's birthday in Russia. This date was approved only in 2005 as the day of the beginning of the first severe frosts in Veliky Ustyug. Despite the similarities, the traditional image of Santa Claus differs from the image of Santa Claus popular in other countries. We will talk about ten differences between these characters.


The image of Santa Claus takes its roots from ancient Slavic traditions. The pagan religion of the Eastern Slavs assumed the worship of various natural elements, including Frost. The mythical deity was cajoled in every possible way and initially gifts were given to him, and not he to his fans. A snowy frosty winter, in the view of a Slavic farmer, was associated with a future good harvest. This was judged by the presence of Christmas or Epiphany frosts. Therefore, on Christmastide and Maundy Thursday, it was customary to perform the rite of “calling frost”: he was invited to a meal and treated to ritual food - pancakes and kutya.

Santa Claus, in turn, is a descendant of the legends about St. Nicholas, a virtuous old man who went to the homes of the poor and distributed gifts to those in need. Initially, his day was December 6, and only during the religious Counter-Reformation, the date was moved to Christmas. Despite the fact that this tradition is already more than 200 years old, children in the Netherlands still receive gifts on St. Nicholas Day - December 6, and December 25 - on Christmas Day.

Modern look

caftan color

Domestic Santa Claus, as an integral part of the winter season, always appears to us in a blue or white patterned long caftan. Winter is considered his wife, and he would hardly have worn something of a different color. Santa Claus is a dense, small, smiling man. His fur jacket is invariably red in color without any pattern.


Despite the fact that the faces of Santa Claus and Santa Claus are similar, they still have distinctive features. For example, the eyebrows of a western donor are always dark, while our Morozko, in addition to a thick white beard, also has thick white eyebrows. Hats are also of fundamental importance. Santa Claus in the Russian tradition always wears a boyar hat trimmed with fur. Santa Claus was given a red cap with a pom-pom at the end.


Russian colds involve capital warming. Grandfather Frost invariably wears felt boots. His granddaughter Snegurochka can sometimes be a fashionista and put on fur boots, but Grandfather still insists, and she dresses in patterned felt boots. Santa Claus does not need such extreme measures, so he is limited to black boots with buckles.


The staff of Santa Claus is the standard staff of a Catholic bishop (a reference to St. Nicholas): a stick with a curved top. But Santa Claus does not have to St. Nicholas has nothing to do, so his staff should only be a straight stick, it can have a round knob or a bright star that illuminates his path.


As already mentioned, Santa Claus is far from alone. He has a wife, Zima, and a young granddaughter, Snegurochka. Based on many fairy tales and legends, something happens to the Snow Maiden every year. And Santa Claus invariably finds her and saves her.

At the same time, Grandfather does not need helpers at all to make gifts, which cannot be said about Santa Claus: he is helped by a whole army of small elves-leprechauns, who are often depicted dressed in green suits.


It is traditionally believed that both great givers of joy and magic live in Lapland. Our Santa Claus is on the Kola Peninsula, Santa Claus is in the Finnish region. But recently, another official home of Santa Claus has appeared in Russia - Veliky Ustyug. The city has completely transformed to meet the needs of the eternal holiday. Santa Claus can be visited at any time of the year, and he is ready to receive anyone in his residence.

Holidays are coming, and all of us, both adults and children, are waiting for gifts, magic, a holiday and, of course, the arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, an elegantly decorated Christmas tree, a happy New Year and Christmas! However, few of us thought about where these mysterious Santa Claus and Snegurochka “came” to us. Why are they dressed this way and not otherwise. Let's try to trace this on the example of a long history. Let's start with the figure of Santa Claus. His image has evolved over the centuries, each brought something of his own.

There are two versions of the origin: Christian and pagan. The first, most popular and widespread - "holiday grandfather" is a prototype of one of the most famous and beloved saints in the world and Russia - Nicholas the Wonderworker (or Nicholas the Pleasant). There is a legend about how this very real person, being the bishop of the World of Lycia, did alms to all those in need. Saint Nicholas helped many, but the legend of how Nicholas saved the three sisters remains the most significant in history. This story has become one of the favorites for artists decorating temples. He learned about the extreme need in which one already poor family fell, and decided to help by secretly throwing a bundle of gold to the father of the family. So the old man was able to adequately marry the eldest daughter first. The fate of the second daughter was arranged in the same way (the holy saint threw a bundle of gold out the window to her), but the third daughter and her father decided to find out who this righteous man is, who so selflessly helps their poor family. Having closed all the windows and doors in the house, they began to wait. Nikolai walked around the house, but soon realized that he could not throw a bag of gold, as he had done before. Then he noticed that smoke was coming from the chimney of the house, climbed onto the roof and threw a third bundle of gold into the chimney. Just that day, the girl washed her socks, hanging them over the hearth, and the bag landed right in one of them. Since then, it has been customary in the West to hang socks over the fireplace at Christmas in anticipation of gifts from the Saint.

Another remarkable story is about how Nicholas the Wonderworker secretly rewarded children with sweets, golden nuts, and oranges for the holidays. A whole bag was brought by the saint to the children of the poor, but since he was in a cloak and his face was covered by a monastic hood, and on his head there was a voluminous hat similar to a cap, no one could accurately describe his appearance. The most complete idea of ​​such an image of the Saint can be found in the city of Demre (Mira) in modern Turkey, where in the garden in front of the temple of the saint stands his monument surrounded by children. After the death of Nicholas, he was declared a saint. In the 11th century, the church where the saint was buried was robbed, and the relics were taken to Italy. The scandal was international, which made a lot of noise. Nicholas became the object of universal worship, the veneration of Christians all over the world. In the Middle Ages, a custom was established on Nikolin's Day (December 19, 0 to give gifts to children in memory of him. After the introduction of the new calendar, Nikolai began to come to children at Christmas, then on New Year's Day. He was called differently: in England and America - Santa Klaus (Father Christmas - in the UK), Per Noel - in France, St. Mikulas in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Noel Baba - in Turkey. Colleagues of Santa Claus are the same: Joulupukki - in Finland, Sander Klaas - in the Netherlands, Vasily - in Cyprus, Babbo Natal - in Italy, Shan Dan Laozhen - in China, Oji - san / Santa O-s - in Japan, Yule Tomte - in Denmark and Greenland, Yulebukk - in Norway, Papa Noel - in Spain, Mosh Dzharile - in Romania, Ol Temten - in Sweden, and we have Santa Claus. These different names are united by the common spirit of the saint, from whom these Santa Clauses “came”.

According to the pagan version, among the relatives of Santa Claus is the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun (Studenets or Frost). Who is he? Our Santa Claus is a character of Slavic folklore. For many generations, the Eastern Slavs created and kept a kind of "oral chronicle": in the legends of the ancient Slavs there is a Zimnik.

He. like Frost, he was presented as an old man with white hair, a long gray beard, with an uncovered head, in warm white clothes, with an iron mace in his hands.

The international costume of Santa Claus took shape gradually. At first he was depicted in a raincoat, at the beginning of his 19th century the Dutch painted him slender, with a pipe, cleaning the chimney, where he threw gifts. At the end of the same century, he was dressed in a red fur coat trimmed with fur. In 1860, the American artist Thomas Knight adorned Santa Claus with a beard, and soon the Englishman Tenniel created the image of a good-natured fat man, which was quickly "replicated" in Europe.

The main features of the appearance of Santa Claus, according to one of the researchers of his image, candidate of historical sciences, art historian and ethnologist Svetlana Vasilievna Zharnikova, developed according to ancient mythology and color symbolism: these are a beard and hair of a thick gray (silver) color; such details of the appearance of the “gray-haired old man” carry a symbolic character, denoting power, happiness, prosperity, wealth. It was the hair in the transformation of the image of Santa Claus that did not change. According to Slavic ideas, the shirt and trousers were white, linen, decorated with white geometric patterns (a symbol of purity); this detail has been lost in the modern idea of ​​a costume. Now a white scarf closes the neck of Santa Claus, his pants are sewn in red. The fur coat in the traditional Russian costume of Santa Claus should be long - ankle or shin, red, embroidered with silver (eight-pointed stars, geese, crosses, other traditional ornaments), trimmed with swan fluff. If the fur coat is short or has pronounced buttons, then we have Pere Noel or Santa Claus in front of us. The hat of the domestic Frost is red, embroidered with silver and pearls, in the shape of a semi-oval; Santa's cap is typical. For the Slavic Grandfather, three-fingered gloves or mittens are characteristic - white, embroidered with silver (a symbol of purity and holiness of everything that he holds in his hands); three-fingered has been a symbol of belonging to the highest divine principle since the Neolithic. The belt in the costume of our Santa Claus was white with red (a symbol of the connection between ancestors and descendants). Nowadays, it has been preserved as a utilitarian belt, having lost its symbolic connection. The shoes of the Slavic Grandfather were silver or red, silver-embroidered boots with a raised toe, with a beveled heel, but in cold weather he wore white, silver-embroidered felt boots; white color and silver for the Slavs is a symbol of the moon, holiness, north, water, purity. A remarkable powerful detail of Frost has always been a staff - crystal or silver, with the completion of a moon (month) or a bull's head (a symbol of power, fertility and happiness).

The Soviet Santa Claus was traditionally dressed in a blue caftan, a blue hat, which is reflected in the whole assortment of Soviet Christmas tree decorations, New Year's cartoons and films of the 1960s and 1980s, postcards of those years.

Next to Santa Claus was always his granddaughter Snegurochka, sweet and affectionate, a kind assistant in arranging the New Year holiday, an elegant Christmas tree, and distributing fabulous and long-awaited gifts. The Snow Maiden costume has always been traditional. In folklore, the image is known to us from the fairy tale of the same name - "The Snow Maiden". There it is considered that the girl Snegurochka was made of snow, and then came to life, but died with the advent of summer. Several well-known artists were involved in the creation of the image: V. M. Vasnetsov, M. A. Roerich, N. K. Roerich. These masters managed to put together the author's image of a fabulous beauty. Vasnetsov turned out to be the most Slavic and romantically fragile. The modern image of the Snow Maiden has absorbed the features of the artistic versions of all three masters. She can be in a light long sundress - a dress with a hoop or a bandage on her head (according to the Slavic tradition); in white clothes woven from snow and down, lined with fur; in a short fur coat and cap; in a short dress trimmed with fur, fluff. She may have long flowing hair, or one or two braids.

At the beginning of 1937, the Snow Maiden begins to act as a co-host at children's holidays on an equal footing with Father Frost. She becomes, as it were, an intermediary between him and the children. Even before the war, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden entered the public life of the country “as obligatory attributes of the meeting of the real New Year. The famous Kremlin Christmas trees could not do without them. Today, the Snow Maiden still helps her grandfather to amuse the children, play, dance around the Christmas tree, and distribute gifts.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are invariably beautiful and festive, giving us a sense of miracle, fairy tale and constancy every year. Yes, their costumes have undergone numerous changes over the centuries. Recently, shorter, brighter, sometimes louder outfits have come into fashion more and more. However, nothing can change our warm attitude towards these long-awaited days.

Donskaya, O. Costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden / O. Donskaya // Young artist. - 2012.- No. 12.- P.38-40.

Despite the fact that these New Year's grandfathers are similar in general terms, their differences are still striking at first sight - starting with the details of the costume and ending with the behavior in general.

1.Headdress- the first and main sign that distinguishes grandfathers.

Our Russian Santa Claus wears a warm boyar hat with a fur trim. The shape of this hat is semi-oval, traditional for Russian tsars. Indeed, in the icy Russian winter you cannot go outside without a warm hat - you will immediately freeze.

Santa Claus wears a red pointed hat with a white pom-pom at the end.

2. The color scheme of clothes.

Santa Claus is always dressed in a red suit with white trim.

Our Santa Claus dresses much richer. The background color of his clothes can be almost anything, with the exception of black - as long as it is associated with winter and frost. Father Frost's clothes are richly patterned, often embroidered in gold and silver, repeating the intricate pattern of frosty patterns on the windows, with eight-pointed stars and snowflakes.

3. Outerwear.

Santa Claus is dressed warmly - in a thick fur coat to the ankles, with a belt or sash to match the color of the fur trim. No self-respecting Frost will wear a fur coat above the knee! The fur coat always has an edge of white fur, and ideally - swan's down!

Santa's outerwear is a short jacket, he girdles himself with a black belt with a buckle.

4. under a fur coat Santa Claus has a white linen shirt and trousers, decorated with a white geometric ornament (a symbol of purity).

Santa Claus wears pants to match his jacket.

5. On foot Santa Claus has traditional Russian winter shoes - felt boots (in the classic version - white).

Santa Claus wears black boots.

6. On hands.

Santa Claus has three-fingered gloves or warm mittens on his hands - white, embroidered with silver - a symbol of purity and holiness of everything that he gives from his hands. Three-fingered - a symbol of belonging to the highest divine principle. Even if there is a need to remove the mittens, Santa Claus, according to Russian tradition, will tuck them into his belt.

Santa Claus wears light gloves.

7. Beard

Santa Claus has a white and fluffy beard, like snow, long, to the waist (classic - and completely to the toes).

Santa Claus has a short beard, spade-shaped, in decorative curls, like a lamb, which raises doubts about its naturalness.

8. attributes.

The main attribute of Santa Claus is a staff, crystal or silver, with a twisted handle. The staff is completed by a lunnitsa - a stylized image of the month, or a bull's head - a symbol of power, fertility and happiness. After all, with a staff it is easier to wade through the snowdrifts. And Father Frost's staff is also magical - it is with his help that grandfather "freezes".

Santa Claus has nothing in his hands. But there are two attributes on the face that are unacceptable for our healthy Santa Claus - these are glasses and a pipe that Santa smokes (although in recent years the last attribute has appeared less and less and, most likely, will disappear altogether over time - the result of anti-smoking propaganda in the West ).

9. Transport.

Classic Santa Claus walks. Modern - often in a sleigh pulled by three horses.

Santa Claus rides in a cart pulled by reindeer.

10. Companions and assistants.

Helper Santa Claus - good elves. Faithful assistant and companion of Santa Claus is his granddaughter - Snegurochka. This is a girl dressed in white clothes (or flowers that resemble frozen water, which she symbolizes). The headdress of Grandfather Frost's granddaughter is an eight-pointed crown embroidered with silver and pearls.

11. A bag with presents- perhaps the only thing invariably common between Santa Claus and Santa Claus. Only Santa Claus honestly, openly and solemnly enters the house, passes gifts from hand to hand without fuss or puts them under the Christmas tree, and Santa Claus secretly crawls through the chimney and hides gifts in stockings by the fireplace.

12. General form.

Santa Claus, despite his considerable age, is a tall, strong, vigorous and powerful hero. Santa is a short, chubby, ruddy, cheerful old man.

Differences between Santa Claus (DM) and Santa Claus (SK):

  1. Headdress: DM - fur hat, SC - nightcap.
  2. On the face: SK has points; DM sees well even without glasses.
  3. Beard: DM has long, fluffy; in SK - short, in curls.
  4. Outerwear: DM has a fur coat, SK has a jacket.
  5. Girdling: DM has a sash, SK has a black leather belt with a buckle.
  6. On hands: DM has mittens, SC has gloves.
  7. In hand: DM has a staff, SC has nothing.
  8. On foot: DM's pants are not visible under a long fur coat, while SK has pants to match the color of the jacket.
  9. Shoes: DM has boots, SK has boots.
  10. Satellites: DM - Snegurochka, SK - no one.
