How to open a showroom. What is a showroom of clothes from China

The opportunity to purchase clothes and other goods on the Internet was to the taste of many. However, even today there are buyers for whom it is important to look at the products and try on clothes. You can buy branded stylish items - a dress or shoes, a suit or trousers - in popular showrooms, where the manufacturer shows the product and talks about the collections, the history of the brand, and his ideas. A special pleasure is the fitting ritual and the attitude to each client as to a dear guest.

What is a showroom

Such a room is not just a retail one and differs from ordinary boutiques in a zest that attracts customers - a homely atmosphere and comfort. A casual fashionista leaves the showroom with great pleasure and a couple of bags in her hands. In fact, this is a trading floor without counters and bright showcases, but in it you can view goods and catalogs, comfortably sitting in an armchair, with a cup of aromatic tea or coffee. There are also fitting rooms, and the highlight is consultants who thoroughly know the assortment, suggest and show goods, based on the wishes of the buyer.

origin of name

The showroom resembles a closed club for the elite, ready to touch the beautiful. The concept of showroom appeared in Europe: it was a showroom where an exhibition of fabric samples was held. Wholesale buyers came to the showrooms to assess the quality of the goods and made a decision to purchase. After a while, the direction went a little in the other direction - an exhibition with a parallel sale. Every self-respecting brand considered it necessary to open a showroom - a kind of club of branded clothing, fashion accessories for the elite.

In Russia, this already works according to other concepts: for example, there are studios where they sell goods on the basis of territorial affiliation - clothes from China, Italian clothes, imported and domestic equipment, and other goods. The European approach has not disappeared, but it has acquired new features. For example, a dress showroom is a great way to make yourself known to a little-known fashion designer, show your advantages, and talk about new collections. You can start your acquaintance with inexpensive or luxury clothes, shoes in a pleasant environment - the showroom shop contributes to this.

How to open a showroom

Before opening a store, you need to think over a strategy: a well-written business plan will protect you from unexpected mistakes and provide a foundation at the beginning of the journey. It is necessary to decide on the assortment - maybe it will be a studio exclusively for men's clothing, or maybe goods for the whole family. It is also important what wallet the assortment will be designed for. You should analyze potential competitors and, based on this information, think about what unhackneyed ideas to use to open.

What is needed to open

To successfully open a showroom from scratch, you need:

  1. Room. Be sure to be spacious to accommodate all the necessary equipment. Without it, the business will fail. The idea to create it in an apartment in one of the rooms is suitable for selling to close people, and a stylish showroom of branded clothes will attract attention right away.
  2. Choice of supplier or manufacturer. This must be approached with great responsibility, because everything will depend on the quality of the goods. If crumpled rags hang on hangers, from which threads stick out, then even buyers who came for goods at affordable prices will run away.
  3. Start-up capital. Without financial investments, it is unrealistic to organize high-quality services. From the funds of the initial capital, a room is rented, goods and furniture are purchased for a women's clothing showroom or another. If there is not enough money, then it is better to look at another, less expensive type of activity, or find sponsors. This option is not easy to implement, you need to have the gift of persuasion and interest the investor, to prove that the project should exist.
  4. Interior. To create the atmosphere of a true showroom, finishing is a crucial step. The studios are distinguished by their exquisite design, which attracts secular fashionistas who are ready to buy all the fashionable clothes.
  5. Employees. Passionate about their work, having knowledge of the goods sold, they contribute no less to the prosperity of the salon. Assistants must be chosen carefully.

How to draw up

Own style is selected based on the concept of work:

  • If it is assumed that the studio is open exclusively to wealthy buyers, then the interior should be appropriate, because furniture and accessories will be evaluated by an experienced eye.
  • When working at a higher level with large clients, tables are set up in the room, on which magazines with product photos lie, space is allocated for models demonstrating clothes.

How to register

The registration strategy does not differ from the standard registration of a business. At the initial stages, when there is no access to third-party buyers in a closed club, official registration is not required, because. in fact, trade in the premises does not occur, this exempts from paying taxes. As it develops, it should be transferred to an individual entrepreneur or LLC, depending on plans for the future.

  • 3. How to design a showroom
  • The idea of ​​creating a showroom - video

Showroom- one of the most popular trends of our time. And this is not only a profitable business, it is also prestige, an opportunity to demonstrate the most high-tech innovations, elite goods, and to move in the upper strata of society. If you are active, sociable, want to climb to the very top of the social pyramid, you should try yourself in this area.

And our site will help you. We'll tellwhat is showroom, what start-up capital is needed, how and where to choose a room, what kind of decoration is needed, what goods and products are best presented, and most importantly, how to attract customers.

We will also introduce you to a promising showroom option for. You can’t touch the product through the network, but thanks to your showroom, a person will have such an opportunity. And if everything is done correctly, a high income will be guaranteed.

Learn the rules and subtleties of organizing a successful showroom, and very soon the most influential people in the city will shake hands with you.

1. Where does the name showroom come from and what is it

Literally, this is the English translation of our term "showroom". Accordingly, initially such halls were intended to demonstrate clothing models, or were a place for business meetings between designers and manufacturers with wholesale buyers and customers, or buyers from large trading companies or stores. In such showrooms, there were no direct retail sales, but it was here that major deals were made. They were used not only to display clothes, but also to present cars, accessories, furniture, and so on.

In modern conditions, the idea of ​​what a showroom is has changed a bit. Most often, they order goods from the catalogs of well-known companies, which are then delivered to the customer. Sometimes a collection of a well-known brand is delivered to the showroom for trying on and selling goods to selected buyers. Therefore, it is almost impossible for an ordinary “man from the street” to get into the showroom; this institution has turned into a kind of “closed club” for the elite.

The owner's profit in this case directly depends on his methods of reaching the target group, in which this type of goods is in demand - trendy, exclusive and expensive.

2. What is needed to open a showroom

To open a showroom / showroom, you need a minimum of material investments:

  • room;
  • Start-up capital;
  • Social connections.

An example of a showroom in an apartment

You can even start a business in your own apartment. The need for capital can also vary widely depending on the structure of the job. You can travel abroad on your own and buy goods, and then offer them to customers, or you can conclude an agreement with several "shuttle traders" who will leave their goods for sale. You can also go the traditional way for the West - to conclude an agreement with a specific manufacturer and rely on buyers from large shopping centers or groups.

As for social connections, that is, acquaintances with "party people" or "elite", for whom the purchase of exclusive things is not only a hobby, but also an obligation, this is one of the main conditions for this type of entrepreneurship.

Recently, another definition of a showroom has appeared. With the development of online commerce, showrooms began to open at online stores. This is a place where the customer can inspect the selected product (clothes, appliances, electronics, and so on) before buying.

3. How to design a showroom

The design of the premises for a particular type of business can be very diverse and depends on the strategy of work. In the general case, it is necessary to focus on the expected scope of work, the status of the company and its customers, the quantity of the proposed product and its diversity.

In the simplest case, this is just a room in your own or rented apartment. But this design method is only suitable if you expect to work with a very narrow circle of acquaintances who easily come to you for a cup of tea. Or, for example, with those customers who only inspect and pick up pre-orders.

If it is assumed that people will come to the showroom on the recommendation and choose a product, then it is necessary to allocate space for storing and demonstrating the product, equip a place for trying on or inspecting (in the case of equipment, connection and performance testing). In this case, you need to choose a design style, draperies, mirrors, furnish the room with stylish accessories.

4. How to register a business - taxation of showrooms

Registration methods are also very diverse. The main advantage that a showroom provides to a budding entrepreneur is that it is a place in which (officially) trade does not take place .

Thanks to the fact that he does not count as a store (which means that the entrance for ordinary buyers and strangers inside is limited), often it is simply an unregistered boutique or small shop. And the work in it is carried out without registration and payment of taxes. ()

Now you know what a showroom is, we gave the most detailed answer to the question “what is a showroom”, and also gave examples of how you can make money on it.

5. How to effectively develop a business

Undoubtedly, a showroom, like any other type of business, requires a lot of effort and knowledge for effective development. According to statistics, most start-up entrepreneurs who start their own business fail, and only a fraction of businessmen succeed the first time. Perhaps you should be ready for serious challenges and obstacles at the first stage, or maybe you will be able to grow the business without any problems the first time. Be that as it may, success from the start is only possible if you are well prepared for the case. Read a few books from successful entrepreneurs - publications with the secrets of success will definitely help you.

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To flourish your business, you will need to learn how to effectively attract customers and launch your own website. Nowadays, the Internet allows you to effectively bring customers not only to online platforms, but also to offline businesses. Watch the video of Andrey Merkulov, a specialist, on how to do it effectively.

Not the last place in human life is occupied by trade. It appeared long before our era and still closely intertwines all areas with economic interests together. Seeing the path of its development, one can analyze and notice the significant results of evolution. For example, today the integral phrases of the lexicon are those words that once the predecessors uttered with doubt. So, one of these terms is "show room".

Showroom for men

On a larger scale, the process of globalization has allowed us to create a modern retail, otherwise how to develop a unique system of trade. In order to keep the activity afloat, not only various innovations are being introduced into everyday life, but also the methods of their sales are being improved, providing through their marketing tricks a beneficial effect on the client. Today, the concept of a showroom is so distorted that almost every room or outlet is considered to be it, both in real life and on the Internet. It is difficult to agree with this, therefore, for a complete understanding, we will explain not only the meaning of the word, but also introduce ourselves a little into the construction of the showroom, as a “home boutique” format. In other words, for people close to the fashion and design industry, we will tell you how a showroom can be a good help for business. But before delving into aspects of the idea itself, let's go back to the definition of a show room.

So what is a showroom? In the understanding of ordinary people, this is a place where you can buy or order things for shops. But not everything is so simple because showrooms are closed places, the entrance to which is open only to a certain circle of people. For clients on such sites, demonstrations of collections are often arranged.

Showroom of sportswear

Showroom in fashion

Actually in the world of fashion and trade Showroom (from the English "show" - show and "room" - room) room for shows, has more than one meaning:

Internet show room

How did the term "showroom" come about?

The concept of a showroom came into the dictionary of Russian business from high fashion weeks only at the dawn of the 2000s, despite the fact that it has existed abroad for a long time. Now the word is Russified and inclined according to all the rules of grammar. Before that, we considered what a clothing showroom is, but this does not mean that the field of activity is limited only to this. Also, the concept of showroom is widely used in technology, furniture, construction and automotive industries. A showroom is a showroom, a kind of exhibition area where any sample of products and even services can be presented, because, as mentioned above, the meaning of the word has changed, it has become somewhat more meaningful. However, regardless of the direction of the showroom, the essence remains the same - it is a demonstration of something.

So, in a modern presentation, a showroom can have the following options:

  • it can be a pavilion where the company only exhibits its products for the buyer's acquaintance;
  • the department where the products of a particular brand are assembled;
  • a platform where you can get acquainted and immediately purchase products or order a certain type of company services;
  • hall with showcases with samples of products.

All companies wishing to increase the demand for their products or services arrange a showroom. In addition, such promotions increase the prestige of the company and recognition.

Car presentation

Where else can you see the showroom

The showroom is also a new trend in the real estate market, which allows the client to see firsthand the finishing of an apartment in a new building. Usually this is practiced only for premium and business class housing. The company shows not only the decoration of the room, but also its possible design with furniture from world brands. It also has its advantages:

  • client sees all functionality;
  • evaluates the color scheme and design, as everything is beaten in the best possible way;
  • at the buyer builder is trusted.

Of course, such showrooms are not entirely profitable for developers, because it is expensive, but as far as the fashion world is concerned, here they are, after all, by the way. The point is that in such showrooms, the buyer can find interesting and piece clothes at a relatively affordable price. Showrooms are gaining more and more popularity every year, because they are convenient for fans of branded clothing. In such places, the buyer, as a guest, receives an individual approach to him. And also a plus is that the purchase takes place incognito, which is very useful for public people who love to dress in an original, fashionable, stylish and exclusive way.

Features of the showroom as a business

In the Russian Federation, many showrooms are located in apartments. This is a profitable trade, since there is no need to pay for the rent of a studio or pavilion, and there is no point in hiring workers. While doing all the work yourself, there is no need to register the staff and the showroom itself, because it is a non-profit, as well as a non-legal organization that you do not even run. These savings significantly reduce the cost of doing business. Clients are acquired exclusively by word of mouth or via the Internet.

Showroom opening at home

Own platform helps creative people realize themselves in the profession and at the same time get a name. The start-up investment in the business is minimal, and the sales style is informal, which sometimes brings designers together. The downside is that if couch stores can get by with some sort of storage space, then opening a real store requires a unique atmosphere. But hiring a designer to create an exclusive design is expensive, so again, you can think of everything yourself. In an organization, details play a huge role, because the right design has a beneficial effect on customers.

It is important that appropriate knowledge is needed to run a successful business, as customers perceive showrooms as elite boutiques, where they will not only receive high-quality service, but also be told about the latest fashion trends. There should always be an update, hangers should not be empty. The product must be presented correctly, the layout of things must be perfect, as this is the most important factor in winning the love of buyers. In a word, it is worth relying on the principles of a merchandiser. Another nuance of doing such a business lies in illegal forms, since if the seller works with suppliers, and his business is not registered, then, accordingly, the supply at a wholesale price is closed for him. When employees are hired and not registered, this can be detected by the tax authorities.

Now knowing what a showroom means, you can consider in detail this new type of business that is so relevant all over the world. One thing is clear that showrooms are becoming universal tools in the development of trade. Turning your store or building a showroom from scratch is a serious step that gives you the opportunity to gain the attention and trust of customers. Therefore, such a marketing element should be given due attention.

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