How to lift hair at the roots? Small tricks and useful recommendations.

Every girl dreams of amazing volume of hair that can withstand any bad weather. Unfortunately, only a synthetic wig can remain perfect always and everywhere. Nature has been greedy and few can boast of a voluminous hairstyle. What should the rest of us do? Don't lose heart and put your hair in a slicked ponytail. In this material you will find 15 working ways to add volume to your hair!

1. Dry your hair correctly

From the fact how do you dry strands, it depends whether they will be voluminous or not. Hairdressing experts advise using the following techniques:

  1. First of all, apply a special mousse to the roots of your hair, the purpose of which is to make your hair quite voluminous.
  2. Using a hairdryer, lift the strands at the roots with your fingers, or dry your hair with your head tilted down.
  3. Use a special comb - a large round-shaped massage brush with thick natural bristles (brushing).
  4. During the drying process, curl the strands inward with a brush, directing a stream of hot air from the roots to the ends.
  5. At the final stage, fix the effect with a strong hold hairspray, and then flip your hair back.

To avoid damaging the hair structure, keep the hair dryer at a distance of 10-15 cm from the scalp.

2. Choosing the right haircuts

Properly chosen haircuts will help to visually increase hair volume.
Thin hair. The ideal length is medium, the hairstyle is torn, multi-layered (options: cascade, ladder, bob). You can also make oblique, thick bangs.
Curling is a great way to give thin hair the desired volume; for this it is better to use harmless types of curlers.

Long hair. The longer the hair, the less volume it has. In this case, you should choose stepped haircuts, since the same length only aggravates the situation.

On long hair, it is better to backcomb your hair rather than blow-dry it.
Short hair. The recommended length for thin short strands is from the earlobes to the jawline, no higher and no lower. The minimum length, just like the maximum, will deprive the hair of volume.

Greasy hair. Owners of the oily type do not even dare to dream of luxurious volume, since their strands “stick together” already on the second day after washing. To increase the chances of root volume, use special cosmetics, use dry shampoo and make homemade masks aimed at eliminating excess greasiness.
Lighten your hair a couple of shades. Light strands will create the illusion of natural pomp and volume.

3. Forming a bouffant

Creating a root backcomb is an effective way make your hair much more voluminous. It is necessary to begin its formation after washing And capital drying hair. To do this, you will need a fine-tooth comb.

Bouffant creation technology:

  1. Separate the top part of the hair and temporarily secure it with a clip, twisting it into a rope.
  2. Divide the remaining hair into three equal sections.
  3. Start combing from bottom to top - from ends to roots.
  4. Starting from the back of the head, slowly move towards the parietal area.
  5. Having combed all the strands, cover the comb with the top part of the hair separated at the start of the process.
  6. To make your hair long-lasting, spray your strands with strong hold hairspray.

How to carefully straighten the created bouffant? To do this, treat the entire mass of hair with a special product that softens and eliminates tangles, and wait 20 minutes. Then carefully comb your hair using two combs: first with sparse teeth, and then with frequent ones. Anti-frizz balm should be washed off with warm water.

4. Curl the strands with curlers

Ordinary curlers will help you create chic volume. Any variety is used - from standard Velcro to thermal tools. The main thing is that the curlers were large. Dry strands that have been previously treated with foam or mousse should be wound onto them. The holding time of conventional curlers is 30-40 minutes, after which the strands are dried with a hairdryer and carefully released. The hot rollers are kept on the hair for no more than 15 minutes, after which they are removed one by one, simultaneously cooling the curls with a stream of cold air. At the end of the procedure, the curls are beaten by hand and secured with a fixing agent.

5. Attract a diffuser

To increase the volume of your hair, use a diffuser - a hair dryer attachment with long, large protrusions.

  1. Apply mousse or foam to damp strands.
  2. Divide your hair into zones and grab each section one by one with the “fingers” of the diffuser, placing the strands around the ridges.
  3. Then, carefully tilting your head down, dry your hair with a hairdryer.
  4. Direct the air flow against hair growth - this technique will help lift it from the very roots.
  5. To visually increase the density of your curls, lift them with your fingers at the same time, giving the roots a vertical position.
  6. Finally, spray the styling with permanent varnish.

6. Use an iron

The fastest way to get luxurious volume is this is to use an iron with an attachment corrugation:

  1. Treat your hair with a heat protectant.
  2. Divide your hair into two parts: top and bottom.
  3. You need to work with the lower section: separating the strands one by one, clamp them between the plates of the iron for 15-20 seconds. Move the tool from top to bottom - from roots to ends.
  4. Loosen the top of your hair. It will rise due to the volume of the lower corrugated strands.
  5. If you wish, you can also run the iron over the top of your hair, treating only the roots.

The styling iron should be equipped with a temperature regulator - the thinner your strands, the lower the temperature is set.

7. Doing highlighting

To create the illusion of spectacular volume, stylists recommend doing American highlighting. Tinted highlights and smooth color transitions give visual splendor, instantly solving the problem of hair lacking volume. 2, 3, and sometimes 4 color shades are used: after all, the more tones, the more voluminous the hair. American highlighting is an ideal option for dark-haired ladies.

But on brown and blond hair it is better to do "mazhimesh"– the natural and most gentle option for highlighting. Coloring is carried out using chemical-free products with the addition of wax. Majimesh gives a glossy golden hue and visual depth.

8. Prepare homemade masks

The benefit of such recipes is that they are natural and act on the strands in the most beneficial way. In addition to strengthening and deep nutrition, masks provide hair with natural root volume and shine.
The recipes below should be kept on your strands no more than 60 minutes, making sure to cover your head. Masks can be applied along the entire length or only on the roots.
Procedures must be carried out regularly: 1 or 2 times a week, otherwise you will not achieve the desired results.
Let's consider 8 proven recipes for hair volume that is very easy to do at home.

Cognac, honey and sea salt

Combine fresh honey, melted in a water bath, with high-quality cognac and sea salt. All ingredients are taken in a volume of 100 g. After thoroughly mixing the composition, place it in a glass container, seal it tightly and leave for 10 days in a dark and cool room.

Yolk, mustard, gelatin and water

Dilute gelatin (1 teaspoon) with warm water (100 ml) and leave for 15 minutes. At the same time, beat one egg yolk with mustard powder (1 teaspoon), then mix the two recipes. Leave the composition for another 20 minutes, and then use it for its intended purpose.

Olive oil, eggs, mayonnaise

Beat low-calorie mayonnaise (30 g) with eggs (2 pcs.) and add olive oil (1 tablespoon), preheated in a water bath, to the mixture. You can keep the mask on your hair for 1.5-2 hours.

Yolk, lemon juice, castor oil and honey

Mix all ingredients thoroughly: castor oil and lemon juice (1 tablespoon each), 1 egg yolk, melted honey (2 tablespoons).

Henna, nettle, yolk, water

Mix crushed dry nettle leaves (0.5 cups) with colorless henna powder (2 teaspoons) and beaten yolk (1 pc.). Then dilute the mixture with water until a creamy mass is formed.

Castor oil and vodka

Mix heated castor oil (2 tablespoons) with vodka (1 tablespoon) and apply to the entire hair for 50-60 minutes. The mask should be washed off without shampoo.

Castor and burdock oil, yolk, aloe

Heat cosmetic oils (2 tablespoons each) in a water bath and combine with one yolk and crushed aloe pulp.

Egg and kefir

The simplest but most effective recipe. Fat kefir (0.5 l), heated until warm, mix with a raw egg and use as directed.

These were the 8 most effective ways to add volume to your hair. Combine techniques and you will be pleasantly surprised by the luxurious splendor of your hair!

Professional hairdressers have many tricks that help make your hair more impressive and unusual. So, a little curls at the roots can be a wonderful touch to a beautiful styling. This technique allows you to make your haircut more voluminous and stylish, so let's try to figure out how to lift the hair on the top of the head?

Contrary to popular belief, volume is almost impossible to create on dirty hair, which is quite difficult to work with. Therefore, before lifting your hair on the top of your head, you should wash your hair well, and for the best effect, use special shampoos that add additional volume to the styling. Such products help to model the desired hairstyle, since they themselves can slightly lift the hair roots. Next, you need to dry your curls a little with a towel, and then apply styling product to them. This way we will prepare the hair for further procedures.

How to lift the hair on the top of your head with a hair dryer?

In fact, creating additional volume in your hair by lifting the hair at its base is most often done using a powerful hair dryer; in addition, a model with a special attachment – ​​a diffuser – is often used for these purposes. We will also need a frame brush, which, during the drying process, should pull the hair strand by strand from the very roots.

But you can do it even simpler: to lift your hair on the top of your head, you need to dry it with your head tilted. Although this method cannot be called universal, because it is not suitable for girls with short hairstyles. Ladies with such hair can purchase special brushes, the diameter of which will correspond to the length of their curls.

When lifting your hair at the top, do not forget that you need to dry it from roots to ends, because if the hairstyle remains wet at the base, you will not achieve any effect.

Iron and curlers for hair volume

Many special devices have been created specifically to give additional volume to hair. These include large-sized tongs and irons. However, remember that you need to use them only after your hair has dried a little. To get the desired effect, divide your hair into a large number of strands, then pinch each of them at the roots and slowly move to the very ends.

How to raise hair on top of head? Use large diameter curlers that create volume for a long time. Just twist the strands around them, paying special attention to the back of the head. In this case, you definitely need to dry your hair with a hairdryer: this way the effect will last much longer, in addition, it will speed up the creation of your hairstyle.

Backcomb for extra volume

Another method that our great-grandmothers used to create hair volume is ordinary backcombing. It is believed that it harms the hair, so it is better not to abuse this procedure.

To add volume to your hair, you need to take a wide-toothed comb, lift your hair and comb it thoroughly from roots to ends. This should be done as carefully and slowly as possible so as not to tangle your curls. Then the result needs to be fixed with hairspray.

By lifting the curls on the top of your head, you can make your hair more stylish and well-groomed, but do not forget about the health of your hair. There is no need to comb your hair too often, or use a hair dryer and straightener every day; it is better to save these methods of creating additional volume for special occasions.

Lush, manageable hair that easily takes the desired shape - object of desire many beauties.

And never voluminous hairstyles will not go out of fashion. But, unfortunately, rarely does anyone manage to get such a gift from nature.

However, you shouldn’t despair - a little work and skill, and voluminous styling will delight you and delight others. To do this, you just need to pay attention to a few points.

The best base for adding volume to fine hair at the roots is competently selected haircut. It is much more difficult to give straight strands of the same length the desired root volume. But a cascade, long or short bob, like any other version of a stepped haircut, will greatly facilitate this task.

What products should you use to wash your hair?

An important factor To create a stylish voluminous hairstyle, it also depends on what exactly you wash your hair with.

There are many options, and which one will work in your case can only be found out through experience.

Special shampoos. Shampoo marked “for adding volume” can probably be found in the assortment of any cosmetic company. Many girls successfully use them and are happy with the results.

By the way, there are many supporters of using men's shampoos for this purpose ( the secret of their effect the volume is simple - menthol plus stronger drying properties).

However for healthy hair It is better to select detergents based on their type. Volumizing shampoos can both dry out already dry hair and provoke excessive sebum production in oily hair.

Natural remedies. Rye bread, chicken, seasonings - from honey to mustard, can be an excellent help for the owner of thin hair. It is worth paying attention to herbal ubtans (a mixture of crushed herbs, rye or chickpea flour and some other components) and cosmetic clays - yellow, blue and red are especially good for hair.

The recipe for such a homemade shampoo, which gives noticeable volume hair: two tablespoons of rye flour, a spoonful of mustard, a spoonful of clay (for dry hair - yellow and red, green or oily is recommended), a spoonful of colorless henna and a spoonful of ground flax seeds and dry nettle.

All this should be mixed, poured with water to form a thick sour cream and wash your hair with this mixture, like shampoo.

Of course, there is no foam, but this composition rinses just perfectly, and the hair after such a natural shampoo is just a sight for sore eyes - silky, lush and elastic. You can add raw egg yolk to the ubtan, this will only add nutritional qualities to it.

Hair rinsing. We choose a light conditioner balm, apply it exclusively to the lower half of the length of the strands, avoiding the roots. By the way, some people speak highly of the so-called reverse washing method, when the procedure begins with applying balm, and only then using shampoo. But this is an individual question, and whether such a scheme is right for you can only be found out by trying the options.

Don't neglect final rinse, ideally this is a herbal decoction or infusion, but in extreme cases, just boiled water will do. Add the juice of half a lemon or a tablespoon of apple (or grape) vinegar to this rinse. Shine and guaranteed!

How to dry your hair correctly to create hair volume

The first thing is should be remembered: You should start drying only after your hair has air dried until it is damp. If you are short on time, you can dry them vigorously with a towel - in any case, they should not drip!

It is advisable to choose a cool mode for the hair dryer - this way you will cause the least amount of damage to your curls.

If time is really pressing and you can’t do without hot drying, apply to the length of your hair. thermal protection.

Products for adding volume, be it a spray, gel or a special tonic, are prerequisite to create lasting root volume. Alcohol dries your hair, makes it thin and brittle, so it’s better to use products without it.

note for sprays and foams decorated with the “push-up” icon. These products contain special polymers that envelop literally every hair of yours, making it thicker and more elastic, which helps to create a voluminous hairstyle that is resistant to external influences. Such components in the product as liquid marine collagen, wheat protein, caffeine, vitamins PP and B5, and ceramides provide an excellent effect.

Advice! You need to carefully choose a product to add volume to your hair, focusing not on the beauty of the packaging and the promoted brand, but on the composition. Don’t be lazy to read the small letters – a lot depends on the components!

In order for your creation - an exquisite hairstyle - to last as long as possible, you should apply foam or on damp strands, mainly at the roots. At the same time, you can perform a light massage of the scalp, which will also help in the process of creating volume. Then a hairdryer comes to the rescue, preferably with a diffuser attachment.

Laying principle is this: after applying the volumizing product, lift the strands one by one, using the hairdryer in a circular motion at the roots.

If there is, great, it should be held so that it is in contact with your skin, and carefully massage it with your fingers.

If you don't have a diffuser, your own fingers will do the job too.

You can immediately treat each dried strand with varnish at the base of the root, folding it back. In this case, installation will hold up very well firmly. However, your hair will not like this amount of styling products, so save this method for truly exceptional cases.

It is also convenient for long hair to divide it into two or three parts with elastic bands or crab hairpins: this way, while you are drying the lower part, the upper parts do not interfere.

After all the strands are processed, lightly comb the hair in the frontal, occipital and temporal parts of the head, give the hairstyle the desired shape (it’s better to use your fingers) and secure it with hairspray. Volume hairstyle that creates an illusion thick, beautiful hair, ready!

Advice! If you have short hair, you should start blow-drying from the front of your head, slowly moving towards the back of your head. If your hair has reached at least shoulder length, for the effect of thick and strong hair, you need to dry it by tilting your head forward, starting from the back of the head.

How to lift hair at the roots with backcombing

Comb the strands at the roots - the fastest and easiest way give your hair volume. And despite the fact that, strictly speaking, it is harmful for the hair structure to injure it in this way, many women do this.

However, from time to time you can resort to this method. The main thing is to follow the basic rules:

  1. Only clean hair!
  2. It makes sense to comb strands only on freshly washed and Fine dried hair, otherwise the volume simply cannot be maintained.
  3. No sudden movements!
  4. the procedure itself is traumatic, so it is important to make soft, smooth and short movements, and in no case do not “tear” hairs comb.
  5. Choosing the right comb.
  6. If you're chasing a goal strengthen hairstyle and to give it just the root volume, the comb should have frequent and narrow teeth (a small “men’s” one will do). If you just want to make the strands fuller along the entire length, take a comb with wide and long teeth.

How to add volume to short hair. If your hairstyle is no longer than your jawline, it is best to pre-curl your hair in any way for better retention. This is the only way it will acquire the desired relief volume and will keep it for at least some time.

You need to comb your hair like this: lifting a strand and holding it with one hand, comb it at the roots with gentle movements. Then to hairstyle looked neat and natural, cover the backcomb with hair, lightly smooth it with a brush and secure with a small amount of varnish (here it is also important not to overdo it - “varnish crust” will not decorate anyone!).

Root biowave - what is it?

For those who are ready to take radical measures, modern beauty studios offer to undergo a procedure called “”. The essence of the method the fact that the fixing composition is applied only to the strands at the roots, making it very easy to create a lush, beautiful hairstyle.

This type of perm is considered a good method for solving the problem of very oily hair (but, of course, it is not suitable for supporters of natural personal care). Main in this matter - to find a truly experienced and talented master.

Give visible root volume to hair not that hard– the main thing is to approach the problem thoughtfully and comprehensively. Try the options, you will definitely find one that suits you specifically.

But remember: beautiful hair, shiny and manageable, is not only a gift of nature, but also the result of your lifestyle. Don't smoke, eat right, don't forget about fresh air - and enjoy a healthy and attractive head of hair!

We invite you to watch an interesting video on how to add volume to long hair at the roots:

It's no secret that hair of any type will hardly look well-groomed and attractive if you don't give it volume. Moreover, most fashionable ones today involve daily styling.

Of course, before any important event, it is better to entrust this procedure to a master by going to the hairdresser. But to create a voluminous hairstyle “for every day”, your own strength is quite enough, if only you had the right tools at hand!

Voluminous hair requires proper care

Fortunately, these days, when store shelves are simply bursting with an abundance of professional decorative and care cosmetics, choosing good products for styling your hair is a matter of five minutes.

In addition, if necessary, suitable tools for adding volume to your hair can be found on the shelves of the nearest supermarket among other general consumer goods.

However, we should not forget that the key to a full hairstyle is, first of all, proper hair care.

Surprisingly, by following some simple recommendations in your daily routine, you can achieve simply amazing results! The tips below will help you give your hair a healthy look and natural volume without using expensive cosmetics or visits to professionals.

Choose the right skincare products

Hair conditioner is a healthier hair care product

When purchasing a new product, always pay attention to this parameter. Pay attention to the composition of the chosen shampoo.

Give preference to those cosmetics manufacturers who do not use silicone or hair-weighting oils in the manufacture of their products.

Once and for all, stop using conditioners that stick your hair together, replacing them with more useful products - conditioners. Invest in cosmetics from a reputable hair care brand, but be careful.

Concentrated shampoos and conditioners provide an almost instant effect, but in return they are addictive.

If you stop using such cosmetics, subsequently giving your hair a well-groomed look will cost you a lot of work.

Make hair masks!

Honey hair mask is a dessert for them

Regular application is one of the surest ways to give your hair natural volume and healthy shine.

In addition to ready-made products from cosmetic stores, you can also use products for hair care that you can make at home yourself.

Below you will find several time-tested recipes for useful masks for hair volume.

Cognac-egg mask

For 2-3 beaten egg yolks (without whites) take one tablespoon of cognac. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair, paying special attention to the root zone. Keep the mask for 30-40 minutes. In this case, it is better to wrap your head in a towel so that it is constantly warm.

Honey mask

Freshly heated in a water bath until it becomes completely liquid. Before applying to the scalp, add aloe juice or egg yolk to the product. Keep the mask under an insulated hood for at least one hour. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Clay mask

Blue clay purchased at a pharmacy is diluted with water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Apply the mask with massage movements directly to the scalp and leave under an insulated cap for about half an hour.

It is better to wash off the clay with cool water and lemon juice.

Lush hairstyle at home

Hair needs to be dried correctly

Of course, to make your hair look healthy and voluminous, it is very important to choose the right hair cosmetics.

The very order in which the procedures are carried out should be treated with no less responsibility.

So, by following certain simple rules, you can achieve amazing results, even doing what is called “in a hurry”:

  • Start the process of getting your hair in order by washing your hair as usual. Firstly, your hair will look much fresher. And, secondly, after shampoo you can use conditioner, which will give your hair extra volume. But you should avoid using special balms. Such products, although they make hair healthier, can make it very heavy, which will adversely affect the appearance of the hairstyle.
  • Don't neglect scalp care. Some tonic procedures, for example, washing your hair in cool water with lemon juice, have a beneficial effect on the hair, lifting it from the very roots and thereby giving additional volume to the future hairstyle.
  • Use hair dryer with caution. It is known that frequent drying damages hair, making it brittle. However, daily styling without a hairdryer is simply impossible. How to be? There is a way out of the situation - dry your hair correctly! Take a comfortable position, tilting your head so that your hair hangs towards the floor. Direct the air stream from the hair dryer strictly from top to bottom. This way the risk of hair damage will be much less. Don't overdo it with high temperatures. For example, you can fix the finished styling with a stream of cold air.
  • Save styling product. If you use foam, literally one “pea” the size of a chestnut is enough to create a beautiful hairstyle. For the product to work most effectively, use it on already dry hair. However, be careful - the foam weighs down the curls. Therefore, to make your hairstyle voluminous enough, use the product only on the roots of your hair.
  • Use the tools that are convenient for you. So, beautiful curls can be created using a round comb or curlers - the result will be almost identical. And if your goal is a voluminous hairstyle without the effect of curly hair, a regular comb with which you can backcomb it will be enough for you.
  • Avoid the “shaggy” effect. So, when combing your strands, do not overdo it - giving your hair too much volume in this case will provide you with the look as if you had not preened at all. Fortunately, this problem can be easily avoided. Before backcombing, divide each strand into two parts - the lower one, which you will work with, and the upper one, which should be left smooth for a better visual effect. The result will be simply amazing!
  • Choose a suitable varnish. It is known that fixing products can weigh down hair, depriving it of volume. Therefore, for everyday styling, choose light, non-persistent varnishes. But for hairstyles for important events, choose a product with a high degree of hold. Your hair will feel noticeably heavier, but the stunning, long-lasting style that lasts throughout the evening will be worth it.

Required Tools

A round comb is the main assistant in creating curls and giving your hair lasting volume.

To create a beautiful voluminous hairstyle at home, every girl should have on hand a set of tools and tools necessary for this procedure.

Similar high-quality cosmetics and devices can be purchased in specialized hairdressing stores.

However, their cheaper analogues, which can be found in any supermarket, are quite suitable for styling hair at home. What does a fashionista need to have in her arsenal to create beautiful voluminous hairstyles every day?

- This is not only an extremely useful household item, but also your main tool for hair styling. When purchasing it, do not try to save money: the more powerful the equipment you purchase, the less time you will have to spend on daily fiddling with your hair.

Don't skimp on spending money on a professional hairdryer with two drying modes - cold and hot (you'll need both of them to create a beautiful hairstyle). But the number of attachments supplied with the equipment does not matter. Their presence is not important at all and provides, perhaps, more scope for creativity.

A round comb is your main assistant in creating curls and giving your hair lasting volume from the roots. The larger the diameter of the brush, the more beautiful the strands wound onto it will lie (although the complexity of working with the tool will increase in direct proportion to this characteristic).

Today, even in the most ordinary store you can buy combs with different types of bristles: made from natural materials, made from plastic, or combined. Which one is right for you - decide for yourself, based on your own hair type, as well as its length.

You will need a flat comb mainly for combing individual strands. Which comb - with sparse or fine teeth - will be more useful in your case, judge for yourself, focusing on the thickness of your hair.

In any case, give preference to a comb made of natural materials, such as wood. When combing, such a comb will cause much less mechanical damage to your hair than a plastic one.

Styling products are necessary to ensure that the hairstyle, even when exposed to external influences, lasts as long as possible. From the entire huge range of such cosmetics, choose the one that suits the length of your hair.

For styling short hair, gel or wax will be most effective. For long hair, it is better to give preference to foams or liquid sprays for volume.

Curlers are an effective way to add volume to your hair from the very roots.

– this is the necessary final chord of any styling. After all, no matter what products are used to create a hairstyle, it will not last long without fixation.

We have already talked about the right choice of varnish depending on the type of styling being created (everyday or evening).

Curlers are a fairly effective, although time-consuming, way to add volume to your hair from the very roots.

Today, the most popular are two versions of this device, and it is not possible to clearly name the best among them.

For example, Velcro curlers are very easy to use and absolutely safe for hair. But the thermal option, which injures the hair, allows you to create a beautiful, long-lasting hairstyle literally in a matter of minutes.

An electric curling iron is essentially a universal tool that combines the functions of a round comb and a hair dryer, which can significantly save time on curling curls.

It is best to consult with professionals about which particular model of this device you should purchase. On our own behalf, we would like to add that use in combination with styling products is unacceptable: it can seriously injure the hair.

You will also learn how to create volume at the roots of your hair from the video:

In contact with

Beautiful hair is an important part of every girl’s image. And men who care about their appearance are not averse to showing off their well-groomed hair. Moreover, the modern beauty industry offers an endless variety of styles, products and procedures for caring for hair and giving it the desired shape and color. And if for a haircut or styling for a special occasion we usually turn only to professionals, then some simple manipulations on the curls can be done independently. For example, lifting your hair at the roots to give it fullness.

Owners of thin, not thick hair most often seek to add additional volume to their hair. Their strands are naturally soft and not elastic, so they cannot maintain their shape for long enough. Although long and thick hair also falls down under its own weight. In other words, there may be several reasons for insufficient hair volume, ranging from structural features (the type of hair inherited from birth) to manifestations of ill health (excessive oiliness, dandruff, dormant follicles). Perhaps curly people don’t complain about the lack of volume in their hair, but they are dissatisfied for precisely the opposite reason. In any case, that article is not addressed to them, but to those who want to lift their hair at the roots and make it more voluminous, at least visually.

Ways to add volume to hair
Hair with good volume looks thicker and healthier. In addition, they visually make their owner a little taller, which also gives him or her self-confidence. In general, even if up to this point you have not had any special complaints about your own hairstyle, this is not a reason to refuse several useful techniques to increase hair volume:

  1. The washing up. No matter how trivial it may be, clean hair is always more voluminous than stale hair. The sebaceous glands in the scalp work continuously, and the very next day after the next wash, the base of the hair is saturated with sebum and inevitably adheres to the head and sticks together. But you shouldn’t wash your hair too often: daily washing out natural oils activates the glands and accelerates hair pollution. The optimal frequency of washing your hair is once every couple of days.
  2. Shampoo. The cosmetics industry offers many hair washes that promise to give your hair fullness. In practice, not all shampoos cope with this task. If you still haven't been able to find an effective cleanser for voluminous hair, try using baby shampoo. It does not contain silicones or other aggressive components found in cosmetics for adults. After washing with tear-free shampoo, any hair becomes light and airy.
  3. Drying. Regular use of a hair dryer makes hair oily at the roots and dry at the ends. Curls in this state are not able to maintain volume and hang sadly. In addition, drying with hot air causes the sebaceous glands to work more actively, the skin and hair become oily faster, which also interferes with the creation and maintenance of fullness. Therefore, on those days when you are in no hurry to leave the house, let your washed hair dry naturally at room temperature. At least alternating the use of free-drying instead of a hairdryer after a while will demonstrate to you the strength of your hair and its ability to rise elastically from the roots.
  4. Laying. Wet hair of any type looks almost the same; it takes on its shape during drying. You can give them additional volume using cunning tactics. To do this, you will still have to use a hairdryer, but under one condition: it must work in cooling mode. Wait until your hair is not wet, but simply damp, lower your head down and direct a stream of cool air directly to the roots. The gravity will force your curls to take a position perpendicular to the crown, and quick drying will fix this direction. And when you return “from head to toe” again, the hair will fall over the shoulders, but will retain volume at the very roots.
  5. Diffuser. The wide, long-toothed attachment that comes standard with many household hair dryers is designed specifically to lift hair at the roots while drying. Its use requires some skill, but in general it is quite simple and accessible at home.
  6. Mousse. The volume created by the diffuser can be made longer lasting if, before drying, apply and evenly distribute a small amount of styling foam over damp hair. Dispense the product carefully: excess mousse, on the contrary, will weigh down the strands, they will stick together and take on an untidy appearance. You shouldn't apply foam to dry hair either - it won't give the desired effect and won't add volume to your hair.
  7. Powder. And this product is intended specifically for lifting already dried hair at the roots. To do this, take a small amount of fine powder in your palm and distribute evenly at the roots of your hair, lightly massaging with your fingertips. The dry composition absorbs sebum and envelops each hair, causing it to stick out elastically above the skin. Hair powder is also used as dry shampoo when it is not possible to wash your hair with traditional means. But it has a significant nuance: it deprives hair of shine, and if used carelessly makes it matte and “dusty.”
  8. Comb. Most of us don't think about how much everyday brushing of our hair affects its volume. However, it is the configuration of the comb that largely determines whether the curls will be airy and light or fall on the shoulders in a dense wave. To add volume to the hair at the roots, do not use massage “brushes” with natural bristles, but use combs with long and not very frequent teeth. Experienced hairdressers lift hair at the roots with so-called frame combs, the skeleton of which vaguely resembles a fish skeleton.
  9. Curlers. An old proven way to add volume to your hair. Old ladies still use it, but you don’t have to inherit your grandmother’s style: it’s not small bobbins that will help you lift your hair from the roots, but Velcro curlers of maximum diameter. Take three or four pieces and wrap wide strands of damp hair around them, starting from the very roots. After the curls are completely dry, carefully remove the curlers and make sure that the hair is not curly, but voluminous.
  10. Bouffant. A good and effective way to lift hair from the roots. You will need a comb with short, frequently spaced teeth and patience. Divide your hair into small strands and fluff each of them sequentially, moving the comb from the ends to the roots. Try to comb your hair closer to the base so that it doesn't look too disheveled. And do not forget that later you will need to smooth your hair again, so it is better not to overdo it and not create tangles.
  11. A haircut. Sometimes the reason for the loss of volume in the hair is its heaviness or, on the contrary, weakness and numerous damages. In both cases, a haircut becomes a radical solution to the problem. It gets rid of lifeless strands and makes the remaining curls on the head lighter and freer, and therefore more voluminous. The most common technique for adding volume to hair when cutting is thinning. After it, even the thinnest and softest hair looks more voluminous.
  12. Headdress. Wearing hats in the cold season has a bad effect on hair volume: it presses against the head and refuses to rise at the roots. To maintain the shape of your hairstyle and avoid freezing your ears, replace tight hats with a hood or bonnet on cold days and a headscarf on warmer days.
  13. Diet. Directly affects the condition of the hair. An abundance of spicy, salty and fatty foods, artificial dyes and preservatives provokes increased fat content, and hence loss of hair volume. If you want your hair to be elastic and voluminous at the roots, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts and grains, give up fast food and processed foods. Provide your body with a sufficient amount of fluid (clean water without gas, natural juices and herbal teas), and additionally rinse your hair with decoctions of medicinal plants.
  14. Lifestyle. Dull and lifeless curls are a common attribute of smokers and alcohol drinkers. Give up these bad habits, get enough sleep, spend your free time outdoors and do fitness. After a while, you simply won’t recognize your own hair, which will gain strength, shine and volume from the very roots.
The combination of all of these methods allows you to achieve the best effect. Each of them is good and appropriate in its own way, so it is better to have several techniques in your arsenal so that, if necessary, you can quickly and effectively lift your hair at the roots.
