How to understand this girl is suitable. The only sure way to understand that she is your destiny

Probably more than one man going on a first date is interested in the answer to the question - will there be a second date? And what should you pay attention to in order to understand whether this is a second date?

Let's try to figure it out together. Here are five guidelines by which, perhaps, you will understand whether your new passion is right for you or whether it is better to end the relationship without starting it.

1. Look at how she treats others.

Have you made your first date at a restaurant? Great! Now pay attention to how she will treat, for example, a waiter. Don’t forget, she wants to make the most rosy impression on you, and this is always a little slyness and deception. But in a conversation with the waiter, she will most likely behave the way she is used to behaving with the people who are serving her at the moment.

If your new friend shows rudeness and lack of restraint towards an employee of the establishment, then this is a hint that you better think about another candidate as a bride. You don’t want to feel obligated to pay the waiter a double fee every time and wherever you might end up with this girl to compensate for your girlfriend’s bad manners!

2. She asked about the restaurant bill?

Of course, the man has to pay the bills, especially on the first date. It's not a question. And every normal guy will do the latter, but will not allow his girlfriend to get into her wallet. And now an unexpected turn - record in your brain, did she look into the restaurant “verdict”? A trifle, of course, but in subsequent relationships it can play an important role. No one, of course, expects that the girl, after inquiring about the amount, will take over the payment. But complete indifference to the score can also mean complete indifference to your boyfriend in principle. Do you need it in the future? Think about it!

3. Rule of conversation between two

Tonight you meet for the first time a pretty girl you like. Get ready for some lovely girlish chirping, think in advance about questions, the answers to which will give you an idea about her, her life, interests and plans. But be sure to pay attention to one nuance. If she willingly answers your questions all evening about herself, her beloved, but does not ask a SINGLE counter question about yourself, your life and your interests, know that most likely she wants to see in you a spectator of her successful career and a wordless admirer of her talents, but not a co-author of your common future life.

4. Rule for drinking alcohol

The only thing worse than being rude for a girl is being rude and drunk. On the first date, if you ordered alcohol, don’t be shy and take a closer look (unbeknownst to her, of course) how much she drinks. For many experienced guys, the guideline is whether she drank more or less than her new friend. If, from the very first minutes of your date, she knocks over a glass of tequila and squeals with happiness when the waiter brings you new strong drinks, if she fills her mouth with alcohol more often than she throws snacks in it, know that this is an alarm bell for you.

5. Her ability to say “thank you”

It's nice when a girl on the first date after dinner at a restaurant says this magic word. This is especially nice if dinner was not ideal for some reason. But gratitude for communication in a restaurant immediately after the interlocutors have left the table is, let’s say, a general rule of etiquette. And it’s a completely different matter if a girl finds the opportunity to call you the next day or send you an SMS with words about how pleasant last evening was and how grateful she is to you for it.

Experienced people say that if a man does not receive such recognition within 48 hours after the first date, then it is not a bad idea to think again whether he made the right choice. And under no circumstances should you try to be the first to ask her whether she liked your first date! You have your own manhood, don't you?

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 4 minutes


A huge number of girls dream of finding their “prince” and building a prosperous family life. However, everything does not always work out well, since the girl is not sure that the guy is right for her. There are certain ways to test compatibility with your partner. If at least half of the signs from our list can be seen in your relationship, then you can be sure that you are an ideal couple.

  • Synchronization of movements
    Try an experiment. Reach for a drink, straighten your hair, scratch your wrist. You thus provoke your partner to repeat your movements. If a person is very attractive to another person, then he will be completely or partially repeat his movements. If you notice that your boyfriend actually repeats some of your actions, then rest assured that the relationship can last a long time.
  • Relatives
    Acquaintances and friends say that You are very similar, and the parents are trying to find out if they also had a son? Then we can say for sure that you are suitable for each other. Nature itself seems to hint that you are an ideal couple. On a subconscious level, people choose as partners those in whom they see familiar traits, as this means that the offspring will be healthy.
  • We
    This pronoun is very important in the relationship between a man and a woman. If you communicate with family, acquaintances or friends, you use “we”, “we”, etc.., then this may indicate that you have a fairly strong relationship and such a union may end in marriage.
  • Voice change
    If you notice that your boyfriend's voice changes when he talks to you, then you can be sure that you suit each other. A person seems to adjust his voice to his partner. The guy tries to make his voice softer and higher, and all the rudeness disappears. It seems as if your partner even has a gentle voice. This indicates his sympathy for you.
  • Same speech
    Have you often met people who use the same figures of speech as you? If your boyfriend is one of these people, then you can be sure that your union will be sufficient long. It is also worth noting that if a person likes you, he soon begins to unconsciously repeat your words and phrases.
  • "Yawn with me"
    As practice shows, people in couples are very feel each other subtly. If you yawn and your boyfriend doesn't yawn after you, then there's a very good chance that there's nothing serious between you. If your partner yawned with you, then you can safely conclude that there is a close connection between you.
  • Same tastes
    And now we won’t talk about the love of cheese sandwiches or cocoa on a winter evening. It's about what you I like the same people, their character traits, their appearance. Very often you start talking about the same person who passed by. He interested you in the same way that you became interested in each other. This indicates your compatibility with the guy.
  • Guess by fingers
    Pay attention to your partner's hands. If he has short fingers, then you can know for sure that such a person tends to finish his business as quickly as possible, and is not very patient. If your partner long fingers, then you should know that he is more patient and is able to carry out work for a long time that has a large number of details.
  • Gait
    If you think that your man has lost interest in you and that he is not suitable for you, then invite him for a walk. If a person is comfortable with you and is really in love with you, then he will not be in a hurry. He will try to stretch out the moments of happiness with his loved one, and his gait will be quite slow. If a young man goes with a girl who is indifferent to him, then, most likely, he will constantly be in a hurry somewhere and a little ahead of his companion.
  • Last step
    If you look at your boyfriend, you will immediately understand whether he is right for you or not. Look at his face. You can tell a lot about a person by facial features. For example, the sharpness of facial features, acuity - always indicate about difficult character, stubbornness and even some malice.

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Do you like the girl? Do you think that there is no one like her in the whole wide world? But is this really so? Are you sure that this is the girl to whom you want to devote all your attention and give your love and tenderness? Can you say with certainty that you want to spend your whole life with her? This is a tough question, but by focusing on what matters most to you, you can find the right answer.


Look for a person with good qualities

    Pay attention to such quality as kindness. When you choose a girl, pay attention to whether she is kind. Believe me, someone who does not care about the feelings of others will not be able to maintain a healthy relationship for a long time.

    • Pay attention to whether the girl is kind to others. It is important that she not only be kind to you. She should also be kind to others, at all times, not just when her job requires it (if she is a service worker). Some situations force us to show courtesy and kindness, but pay attention to whether a girl shows these qualities when the situation does not call for it.
    • Moreover, it must be fair. Fairness is a very important quality in relationships. Is she offering to pay equally for something? Does she distribute responsibilities around the house correctly? Through this, you will be able to see if your well-being is important to this girl, as this is the key to a warm relationship.
  1. Does the girl work hard? Pay attention to girls who work and want to achieve success in life. If a girl works hard, she will be able to achieve a lot in life, and her life will turn out in the best possible way.

    • For example, if she wants to buy a wallet, she must sell one of her old items. She shouldn't expect you or her parents to buy it for her. Of course, holiday gifts don't count.
  2. Look for a girl with the right values ​​and priorities. This is very important for a good relationship. Her values ​​and priorities should not be the same as what is right in the eyes of others, but they should be the same as your value system and your priorities. However, there are exceptions. Your girlfriend must:

  3. Look for a girl who won't judge you and in whose company you will feel free. In her presence, you must remain yourself. You should feel free with her, cry when you want, and not be afraid to be stupid and do things that you wouldn't normally do in front of other people.

    • For example, if you tell her something personal (such as that you are depressed or that you want to be an astronaut), she should not laugh in response. She should try to help you, or at least not hinder you, even if she doesn't agree.

    Look for a good partner

    1. Pay attention to how you feel in her company. This is very important to consider. You should feel better when you are in the company of this girl. You should feel confident and happy. You must miss her when she is not with you. You shouldn't feel weak or stupid in her presence. You don't have to worry about saying or doing the wrong thing. You should feel natural in her presence.

      • Some people enjoy being in the company of someone who makes them feel bad and angry. This may be a good option for short-term relationships, but for longer ones it is not the best option. Constant troubles are not the best basis for a long-term relationship.
    2. Look for a girl who will be a good influence on you. When you are in a relationship, you should become a better person. If you build a relationship with someone and become worse, that's not the best option, is it? Think about dating a girl and whether you are becoming a better person. If so, then this is the right choice.

      • Does this girl motivate you to improve yourself and your life? Is it helping you achieve your goals? Does she do everything possible to make your life better? Does she want you to have a good future?
    3. Choose a girl who will invest in the relationship just like you. When two people are in a relationship, they must be willing to invest equally in the relationship. If she wants you to change, but doesn't want to improve herself, this is not a very good sign. But if she makes enough effort, this characterizes her on the good side.

      • For example, she can arrange dates for you from time to time; you do not have to do this all the time.
      • This doesn't mean she has to be very active in the relationship. If you are equally doing this together, it shows that you are building the relationship correctly. The most important thing is that your views and needs are the same.
    4. Notice how she expresses her gratitude. You don't want a person who takes everything for granted. Notice how she thanks you or expresses her appreciation when you do something nice for her. You should also notice the good things she does for you and be grateful for them.

      • Even if she does something small for you, it's good. Not everyone has the time or money to make big gestures. But even something as small as a favorite dish or a love note will show that she is thinking about you and wants to show you that she cares about you.
    5. Think about whether she is ready to take responsibility. For example, is she ready to take responsibility in financial and business matters. This will show that she is fair, hardworking and honest. If she is not ready for this, then it will not be so easy for you in such a relationship.

      • Of course, this does not mean that you should distribute your income evenly. For example, if you live in the same apartment, you don’t have to pay equally. Instead, each person can pay about 30% of their income. For example, if you earn 4,000 rubles per month, and she earns 1,600 rubles per month, your contribution should be 1,200 rubles, and hers should be about 500 rubles.
    6. Find someone who balances you out as a person. It is very important to have a lot in common with your partner. You need someone who is like you. However, this person should not be your repetition; you may have different views on some things.

      • For example, you may be organized but shy, while she is more free-spirited and outgoing. She can help you learn to be more social, and you can help her get her life in order.
    7. Look for a girl who will be honest when you have to sort things out. Unfortunately, arguments in relationships are normal. It may even be a sign of a healthy relationship. However, a girl should be honest when there is a fight between you. She should not insult or humiliate you. This is a serious sign of disrespect. She also shouldn't blackmail you if she wants to get something. Instead, look for a partner who is willing to negotiate until you reach a compromise.

      • For example, she shouldn't start a fight every time you come home late. This is unfair to you and bad for your relationship.

    Looking for a soul mate

    1. Look for a girl who will share your interests. Thanks to this, you will enjoy spending time together. Choose a person with whom you will enjoy communicating. Choosing a girl with similar interests is crucial. Considering this, you will not have problems in the future.

      • You will have common topics of conversation and interesting things to do together. Take up a new hobby together. For example, you can learn a foreign language together. You can find free language courses online or attend one of the language schools.
    2. Choose a girl who will share your values ​​and priorities. This girl should have the same values ​​as you. This is very important for a good relationship. This girl's values ​​should be similar to yours. This will prevent tension and conflicts that may arise in the relationship.

      • For example, if she is more conservative in her judgment and you are open-minded, you will have disagreements, which will cause you to respect each other less.
      • However, if you can find common ground while having different values, you can build a healthy relationship. For example, there are many examples of good marriages in which partners have different religious views. For example, the husband may be Jewish and the wife Christian, but they love God together, so this does not provoke conflict. Sometimes the fundamental belief is more important than the details.
    3. Look for a girl who has the same goals as you. You must have similar goals in life if you want to build a long-lasting relationship. Of course, your short-term goals may be different, but your big goals should be the same. Such goals will unite you on the path of life. If your paths diverge, the relationship will be very difficult to build. Moreover, it will simply be impossible.

      • For example, if she does not plan to get a higher education, and this is not so important for you either, your views coincide on this issue. However, if education and ambition are very important to you, but they are not so important to her, problems may arise in the relationship.
    4. Choose a girl who treats your friends well and has good friends herself. Your life is not just the two of you. The relationships you have with other people often play an important role in creating romantic relationships. You want to have a wife who knows how to communicate with other people and also respects them? Likewise, you should get along with her friends.

      • For example, if her friends are mean and try to get her to spend less time with you, you probably won't be able to have a healthy relationship.
      • Think about whether you need such problems. If this greatly affects your relationship and the girl does not want to work on herself, then this is not the best option. Of course, you should talk to her about it and see what her reaction is.
    5. Choose a girl with similar life experience. Of course, this is not a requirement for a happy relationship, but it will be an added bonus. People who grew up in similar environments or have done similar things in their lives tend to understand each other better. If your girlfriend's life is similar to yours, then it will be easier for you to build a good relationship.

      • For example, perhaps your girlfriend, like you, had difficult family relationships. In this case, the girl will be able to understand your feelings when you do not go to your parents for the holidays and will try to do everything possible to organize such a holiday at home for the two of you.
    • Learn to be yourself with everyone you know. Above all, in any social situations, you need to feel comfortable. By knowing yourself, you can best demonstrate confidence, a trait that almost all women find attractive. While this suggestion can hardly be considered advice, accept it as a fundamental part of not only these steps to find a girlfriend, but also to succeed in life.
    • Remember birthdays, anniversaries and all the things she loves most in life. Don't make a big deal out of you remembering all the dates and her favorite things, but surprise her every now and then to show that you know what she wants. Don't make these surprises a habit, otherwise you will seem clingy or intrusive.


    • Don't pretend to be someone you're not, just be yourself.
    • Once you get to know a woman, especially one who you may think of as "the one," you'll want to actually engage in real conversations, and that means listening. Avoid constantly talking about yourself. Ask questions that you would only ask if you learned new information from her. If you're not sure what question to ask, simply ask how she felt in a certain situation and why. She will appreciate that you understand her.
    • Women are used to men wanting to appear to be someone else in front of the women they like, so don't "act out" the role in front of a girl. Treat yourself the same way you treat everyone else. Tease her, flirt with her, but don't hold back. Most importantly, enjoy yourself and her company. Women will understand that you are sincere if you show your confidence; There's nothing sexier than a man who knows who he is and what he wants.
    • Try to avoid women who like to receive undue attention; they are often superficial and manipulative, and almost always lack self-confidence.
    • Compliments are good, but make sure they're not just about how sexy she is. Although many women like to be told that they are sexy, at certain times, if you constantly comment on her body, she will feel like a sex object rather than a girlfriend or future wife.
    • If you are young, do not rush into intimate relationships.
    • Never behave arrogantly with her, do not quarrel, otherwise she will think that you are “not confident in yourself.”
    • Depending on your age, this could be your future wife, so choose wisely.
    • Smiling and nodding your head is not the solution, unless you're having a serious conversation and it would be rude to interrupt her.

I often see that people approach the choice of a partner based on some general verbal constructions, very vague. They describe the existing stereotype of the current idea of ​​what a girl should be, for example, “beautiful, smart, kind, with a rich inner world” - everything is foggy and vague. Some details that are not related to communication and sexual contact are thought through, such as the length of nails, profession, etc.

If you are looking for a girl with whom you will be pleasant, who suits your psychotype, then all sorts of little things should be discarded. You subconsciously perceive any girl you communicate with as a sexual partner. If you enjoy communicating, if the girl is attractive to you, then she is most likely suitable for you - this is how they suggest it to you. If her appearance does not correspond to the ideal imposed by media propaganda, does not look like those girls with whom you watch porn and on this basis reject her, then you are engaged in self-deception.

Even if you find a girl who meets generally accepted standards of beauty, you will still not feel sexual satisfaction with her. You may be pleased with yourself and feel proud when you appear in front of your friends, but you will not receive personal physical pleasure. If you have never followed your instinct in your life, or built relationships with girls you really like, then most likely you have nothing to compare with. You have never experienced real sexual pleasure.

If you approach the search with an attitude closer to nature, then the partner should be identified by smell. If you like the smell of a girl's clean body, then this is the right partner. Research has found that the more you are attracted to a smell, the more different your DNA composition and set of genes are, which means the better offspring you will have. Nature has provided this for maximum population diversity. This is an instinctive approach and in sexual matters it is correct. In the US, there are even “pheromone parties” where people are given the opportunity to choose a partner based on their scent. There are different options for organizing such parties, but I won’t describe them in detail. If you are interested, you can easily find the necessary information on the Internet.

How to sniff a girl if you're not at a pheromone party? This is an interesting question. Nowadays, all girls pour perfume on themselves generously and drown out the natural smell, but you can still find a way. The easiest way to do this is in a club, at a disco, where everyone is hot and excited. There is no need to make any conscious efforts; your instincts will tell you who is your ideal sexual partner. But this is for those who like to party. If you get creative with this issue, you can easily find ways to hear a girl's natural scent in any environment.

You will like a lot of girls based on your smell, I'm sure. If you are looking for a one-time partner, then you can simply rely on your instincts. This is a very important, but not the only criterion if your plans go a little further. You also need to take into account how communication goes, how comfortable you are with this girl. It would be good to improve your own communication skills. Other articles have been written about this on this site.

7. She raises an eyebrow

This is an implicit sign of strong sympathy, so it should be taken into account in conjunction with others.

8. Position of her hands

If a girl crosses her arms over her chest, you can be sure that either she is cold or she is cold towards you.

9. Position of her palms

Another clue that the girl is interested is her open and upturned palms.

This position of the palms shows openness and readiness to develop relationships, while clenched fists are a bad sign.

10. She leans towards you

If she leans towards you when she doesn't really need to, take it as a sign. For example, she may lean in under the pretext that it is difficult for her to hear your words.

11. Showing off your body

Women know that men cannot resist women's charms, so a sure sign that a girl wants you is to show your loved one the open area of ​​her chest, legs, and shoulders.

12. Physical contact

Did she casually touch your hand or hit you on the knee while laughing? Women don't touch people they don't like.

A girl may not be into makeup, but if being around you thanks to makeup increases the level of her beauty, don’t forget to take note of this.

In addition, her outfit, which is, for example, a tight dress, is an additional argument to think about.

16. She initiates communication

If a girl does not wait for you to call her, but calls you first, it means that she is very interested in you and in the development of the relationship.

True, this happens very rarely, and much more often the girl initiates the development of communication implicitly.

For example, she may spontaneously give you 2 flyers to a nightclub, without really explaining anything, in the hope that you will invite her with you.

17. She invests in communication

The girl takes the initiative to do something for you, offers to help or treats you with something, for example, coffee.

18. She asks if you live alone

Why do you think she might ask you this? Right to make sure no one will disturb you when you are alone.

19. She talks about your possible girlfriend

This is a classic. When the interlocutor says something like “Your girlfriend should like this!”, the purpose of the words spoken, of course, is not related to concern for your passion, which, perhaps, does not exist at all.

It's just that your new friend is trying to determine your status to make sure that you are a guy who is not burdened with a relationship, and she is not wasting her time.

20. She makes it clear that she has no one

Has she told you more than once that she doesn't have a boyfriend? And why do you think? It’s clear that the girl wants you.

21. She initiates conversations on intimate topics

If a girl is not a journalist on the staff of Eros magazine, it is unlikely that she will raise intimate topics in communication with you.

Women won't have these conversations with men they don't see as romantic partners.

22. She teases you

If a girl gently teases you, it means the flirt switch is set to the “On” position.

23. She tickles you

A girl wants to touch you, but doesn't want it to be too obvious, so trying to tickle you should count as attraction.

24. She can't look at you without smiling.

A smile is one of the main indicators in trying to figure out a girl’s attitude towards you.

When a girl smiles at you, it is a good sign that she is feeling positive and enjoying your company.

If she flirts with you and smiles constantly, then most likely she wants you.

25. She kisses you

This does not mean that your friend will sleep with you 100%, but she is clearly preparing a springboard, so 99% is already yours.

As a result of the kiss, the girl will find out whether she wants more, so give her a really worthwhile kiss.

26. She notices details

It's all in the details. If a girl notices that you have a fashionable haircut, a toned torso, or a delicious smell of eau de toilette, this is a clear indicator that she is breathing unevenly in your direction.

27. She compliments you

How to understand that a girl wants you? Listen to what she says. Especially if a friend gives you gifts, tells you that she likes the way you look, or praises your intelligence, humor and your talents.

28. She's looking for a compliment

A girl might ask you: “What do you think about my hair?” or “How do you like my dress?” Satisfy your interlocutor's interest and tell her that she is beautiful.

29. She doesn't look at her phone.

Today, people rarely look away from their mobile gadgets. But if the interlocutor hides her phone and, having entered into a conversation with you, simply forgets about her mobile friend, completely focusing on you, know that there is not much time left before sin.

30. She asks questions

By asking questions, a girl shows that she is interested in you and wants to get to know you better.

31. She laughs at your jokes

If a girl constantly laughs at your jokes, she is definitely attracted to you.

Does this mean that your friend is ready to sleep with you? Most likely not, but you are definitely moving in the right direction.

32. She agrees to do everything you suggest.

Even your most boring proposals seem like a great idea to her. The girl wants to spend time with you, no matter what you do.

33. She shares her food with you

“Take it, try it.” Has this ever happened to you? That's it. No one will share their food with people they don't like.

34. She borrows your clothes

Have you started to notice that your sweater is increasingly hugging the girl’s shoulders, instead of keeping its owner warm?

It might just be cold outside, but most likely your friend wants to feel you closer to her.

35. She texts you at night

If a girl is texting you after midnight, she is thinking about you in a context that is definitely different from a purely friendly one.

Just don’t get ahead of the curve by trying to spice up your correspondence with piquant texts. Let her bring up the topic.

36. She always answers messages

Does a girl always respond to your messages without making you wait long? If so, then soon you will get to know her as closely as possible.

37. She really wants to meet

If a girl herself invites you to meet, especially if you accidentally bump into each other somewhere, she is clearly up to something. Or maybe the girl just wants you.

38. She herself offers to exchange contacts

In this case, the girl wants to get to know you better and, apparently, meet you again. A great sign of her strong interest.

It's great when a girl asks you to exchange phone numbers, because this doesn't happen often.

The girl’s desire to exchange contacts in order to quickly get rid of you is not taken into account.
